www.chinavasion.com = bad quality & support product! = swindlers !! AVOID !! - Touch Diamond2, Pure Accessories

Hi all !
I've bought a week ago this bluetooth mini keyboard :
I've opened it, and it was looking to a be a great product. Pairing was okay, and stuff like that too. I tried to recharge it, and there was a contact problem. Here is a video explaining it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WONbgT1lP2U
I DIRECTLY go to the online center of the shop. During the direct online conversation, he asked me to plug it to an other computer, so I went to my mum's one. While plugging it, the USB receptor broke and came inside the keyboard itself. It just broked!
There were already a BAD contact, and it simply broked. It is maybe a default product problem or simply a bad quality for their products, but it is NOT my fault. It's a new product, I've got a HTC HD2, so I know how to plug a microUSB cable !!
Anyway, they did not wanted to reimburse me !! They said I had to pay EVERYTHING to get it repaired (+ sending it, it would cost me more than buying a NEW one !).
In more, they asked me to wait and said they were going to answer me by email. They simply did NOT wrote me a mail the day after ! And now, 4 days later, I still have no answer, that's why I decided to write this topic !
So please, everyone retweet, publish it everywhere, and make know Chinavision as a really bad compagny for their QUALITY and SUPPORT!!!!!
Thank you !
I just lost 30 €, thank you www.chinavision.com and imagine if I had buy a product that cost 100 € or more??
CONCLUSION : AVOID www.chinavision.com !!!
If interested, here is the both conversation with the online support :
Here is the first conversation I had with the online support :
Justin [Chinavasion]: Hi, how can I help you?
Sébastien *hide*: Hi !
Sébastien *hide*: I was talking with Mike
Sébastien *hide*: But I crashed
Sébastien *hide*: I explain you my problem or you redirect me to mike?
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you like me to help you?
Sébastien *hide*: Yes
Sébastien *hide*: That's the same for me
Sébastien *hide*: I bought a mini bluetooth keyboard
Sébastien *hide*: But there a contact problem when charging already
Justin [Chinavasion]: Ok.
Sébastien *hide*: It's a product problem. I opened the box today...
Justin [Chinavasion]: We regret the inconvenience caused to you.
Justin [Chinavasion]: May I please have your order number?
Sébastien *hide*: No problem...
Sébastien *hide*: 823400
Sébastien *hide*: Here is a video proving the problem : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WONbgT1lP2U
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am checking that for you now.
Sébastien *hide*: If I can make anything else to proove if to you...
Justin [Chinavasion]: I see.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you confirm that are you not able to recharge this item?
Sébastien *hide*: I can recharge it.
Sébastien *hide*: But there a "false contact"
Sébastien *hide*: So only in a certain position it's recharging
Justin [Chinavasion]: Ok.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Please do not worry about this issue, we have 12 month warranty and we will assist you in full.
Justin [Chinavasion]: In case there is a problem with your product, you can send back the item for a repair to us and we will repair and send it back for free.
Sébastien *hide*: I am from Belgium.
Sébastien *hide*: How much will it cost me again to send it to you :S ?
Justin [Chinavasion]: It would be better to use this item as it is because sending it back for the repair would cost you the one side shipping charges.
Sébastien *hide*: It will cost me the same price than buying a new one.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Is it possible for you to use this anyway.
Sébastien *hide*: I don't care... I bought a NEW keyboard, which must be 100 % fully working when I use it :S
Sébastien *hide*: And when I simply connect it, it's not charging
Sébastien *hide*: I must press my finger on to make it work.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you please try recharging it with some other usb charging cable if available?
Sébastien *hide*: Okay, wait.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Take your time.
Sébastien *hide*: I've got a HTC HD2, which is also a microUSB
Sébastien *hide*: it's making exactly the same thing
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that are you recharging it with your PC's usb port?
Sébastien *hide*: What do you mean?
Justin [Chinavasion]: I will be right with you.
Justin [Chinavasion]: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that how are you getting this item recharged?
Sébastien *hide*: Ha ok.
Sébastien *hide*: I tried with my computer
Sébastien *hide*: in USB
Sébastien *hide*: Why, isn't it correct?
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you please try recharging it on some other PC?
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am just trying to diagnose the fault.
Sébastien *hide*: Trying on my mum's one
Sébastien *hide*: Be right back.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Ok.
Sébastien *hide*: OH MY GOD :S
Justin [Chinavasion]: Yes please?
Sébastien *hide*: First I am sure it was a contact problem
Sébastien *hide*: Now, I pulled it and it's now completly broken
Sébastien *hide*: I mean, by pulling it, the microUSB receptor came INTO the keyboard
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that what is broken?
Sébastien *hide*: it's broke :s
Sébastien *hide*: Else it's a bad quality product, or it's default of fabrication for this one :S
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that is it the cable which is broken?
Sébastien *hide*: I promise you it just broked right now, and it wasn't before trying to plug it to my mum's computer
Sébastien *hide*: Not the cable
Sébastien *hide*: the microUSB receptor IN the keyboard
Justin [Chinavasion]: I see.
Sébastien *hide*: I am a big fan of technology, I am moderator on a french forum of +40 000 members, and when I found something cool, I publish it...
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am sorry that if product is damaged the warranty is void.
Justin [Chinavasion]: For further details on our warranty, please see this article:
Justin [Chinavasion]: http://support.chinavasion.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=3
Sébastien *hide*: I am also a active XDA user, a english forum of +2 500 000 users : http://forum.xda-developers.com/index.php
Sébastien *hide*: I was going to publish a cool article about you if the article was OKAY
Sébastien *hide*: So please, solve my problem !!
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am sorry that is not possible to get this item repair under warranty.
Sébastien *hide*: COME ON
Sébastien *hide*: It's a BAD quality
Sébastien *hide*: I'm not stupid
Sébastien *hide*: It's a DEFAULT FABRICATION problem
Sébastien *hide*: Not me getting mad
Sébastien *hide*: FFS
Justin [Chinavasion]: You can get this item repaired by paying the expense.
Sébastien *hide*: FOR SURE NOT
Sébastien *hide*: Because it's NOT me that I broke it
Sébastien *hide*: It's a BAD quality or a default fabrication
Sébastien *hide*: While plugging it (althought they were already false contact), it brokes! It's a product that should be NEW !
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you check the above link for the warranty and returns articles.
Sébastien *hide*: I've just BOUGHT it
Sébastien *hide*: I opened the box TODAY
Sébastien *hide*: are you joking of me?
Sébastien *hide*: Ask your supervisor or get bad publicity from me on a lot of FORUM !!
Justin [Chinavasion]: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Sébastien *hide*: ...
Sébastien *hide*: You must repair for FREE or send be a new one
Sébastien *hide*: It's a BRAND NEW product
Sébastien *hide*: And it was ALREADY having problem of charging.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Thank you for visiting. Please contact us at anytime.
Sébastien *hide*: While plugging it
Sébastien *hide*: it broke
Justin [Chinavasion]: Bye.
Chat InformationChat session has been terminated by the site operator.
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Here is a second one, I tried to contact a person working in the management of the website
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Joe [Chinavasion]'
Joe [Chinavasion]: Hi, how can I help you?
Sébastien *hide*: Hi.
Sébastien *hide*: I recieved my product today, and it has a DEFAULT fabrication
Joe [Chinavasion]: I am sorry to hear that you are facing inconvenience, may I know the problem in detail please?
Sébastien *hide*: It's a miniUSB keyboard
Sébastien *hide*: bluetooh mini keyboard*
Sébastien *hide*: And the microUSB receptor is moving so is damaged
Joe [Chinavasion]: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Joe [Chinavasion]: I see, we will repair it for you but you will be charged for this as this damage occurs by yourself.
Sébastien *hide*: I will not pay anything, because I recieved it TODAY, and there were ALREADY a problem while having it.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Can I have your order number please to check?
Sébastien *hide*: 823400
Joe [Chinavasion]: I am checking that for you now.
Joe [Chinavasion]: I am afraid, I can not give proper guidance for this, as I am not from the technical team, I need to pass this issue to my technical
department and we will contact you via email shortly regarding this issue. Can I have your email address please ?
Sébastien *hide*: no wait.
Sébastien *hide*: I already passed to a technical member
Sébastien *hide*: And he is said I had to pay
Sébastien *hide*: So I am writing to you
Sébastien *hide*: To show you what I am going to do
Joe [Chinavasion]: I see, then I am sorry as I can not do anything regarding this problem now.
Sébastien *hide*: Wait a second.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Ok
Sébastien *hide*: I am going to publish an article about the bad quality of your compagny
Sébastien *hide*: on all website I am going to
Sébastien *hide*: The 2 first one will be : http://forum.xda-developers.com/ & www.HTC-DEV.com
Sébastien *hide*: At first, I wanted to make a nice review of the product and you would have probably some other people buying the keyboard and winning monkey
Sébastien *hide*: money*
Sébastien *hide*: As you are STOLING me, I can't make anything EXCEPT that, and now making YOU lose money
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you for visiting. Please contact us at anytime.
Sébastien *hide*: I am really sad about this
Sébastien *hide*: You don't want to read the article first?
Sébastien *hide*: I've already wrote it
Sébastien *hide*: but not published
Joe [Chinavasion]: I can understand your situation Sebastien
Sébastien *hide*: I don't care
Sébastien *hide*: Have a look at it : http://freetexthost.com/hc1f1lves1
Sébastien *hide*: Let me publish it, and lose customer
Sébastien *hide*: Reimburse, I'll make a good review
Sébastien *hide*: and you will money because people will buy your product and I'll erase that article
Sébastien *hide*: You have the choice
Sébastien *hide*: If you close this conversation
Sébastien *hide*: I'll have my answer and publish it in so much place I can !!
Sébastien *hide*: Because you STOLE me 30 €
Sébastien *hide*: And I am a student
Joe [Chinavasion]: I can understand your concern, let me pass this to my management to sort out this issue and we will contact you via email with a positive
response soon. Can I have your email address please?
Sébastien *hide*: [email protected]
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you, please wait for the email from us.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Sébastien *hide*: So is there any chance that I get reimburse?
Sébastien *hide*: I wait before publishing the article?
Joe [Chinavasion]: Let me pass this to my management on High Priority and then we will let you know with a positive response as this is not in my hands.
Sébastien *hide*: Okay...
Sébastien *hide*: When will I have an answer?
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you for your patience Sebastien
Sébastien *hide*: Because I am really disapointed about this...
Joe [Chinavasion]: You will receive the answer in 24 hours.
Sébastien *hide*: It's really sad I have to warn you. I am not a stoler, I am not wanting to stole you money
Sébastien *hide*: But it's not normal that it is damaged !
Joe [Chinavasion]: Alright, please wait for the response from us.
Sébastien *hide*: I am updating the freetexthost article
Sébastien *hide*: I'll publish it only if needed then
Joe [Chinavasion]: Ok
Sébastien *hide*: Sad I had to do this
Sébastien *hide*: Really, I am not someone liking to make that !!
Joe [Chinavasion]: Ok
Sébastien *hide*: Btw, you can check to www.HTC-DEV.com I am Zepiii (french moderator - + 10 000 posts)
Sébastien *hide*: On XDA, I am an active "Senior member"
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you
Joe [Chinavasion]: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Sébastien *hide*: Reimbursing me
Sébastien *hide*: I'll wait 24h then
Sébastien *hide*: Bye
Joe [Chinavasion]: We will let you know via email.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you for visiting. Please contact us at anytime.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Bye
Sébastien *hide*: Bye & Thank you listenning me.
Joe [Chinavasion]: You are always welcome Sebastien
Sébastien *hide*: We will see if I'll buy a day again something from your compagny
Sébastien *hide*: I hope it...
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PS : I published it in several Accessories topic, because people learn it !

Wrong forum i think BUT .
have your creditcard company reverse the charge if you can . most can .
Zepiii said:
Hi all !
I've bought a week ago this bluetooth mini keyboard :
I've opened it, and it was looking to a be a great product. Pairing was okay, and stuff like that too. I tried to recharge it, and there was a contact problem. Here is a video explaining it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WONbgT1lP2U
I DIRECTLY go to the online center of the shop. During the direct online conversation, he asked me to plug it to an other computer, so I went to my mum's one. While plugging it, the USB receptor broke and came inside the keyboard itself. It just broked!
There were already a BAD contact, and it simply broked. It is maybe a default product problem or simply a bad quality for their products, but it is NOT my fault. It's a new product, I've got a HTC HD2, so I know how to plug a microUSB cable !!
Anyway, they did not wanted to reimburse me !! They said I had to pay EVERYTHING to get it repaired (+ sending it, it would cost me more than buying a NEW one !).
In more, they asked me to wait and said they were going to answer me by email. They simply did NOT wrote me a mail the day after ! And now, 4 days later, I still have no answer, that's why I decided to write this topic !
So please, everyone retweet, publish it everywhere, and make know Chinavision as a really bad compagny for their QUALITY and SUPPORT!!!!!
Thank you !
I just lost 30 €, thank you www.chinavision.com and imagine if I had buy a product that cost 100 € or more??
CONCLUSION : AVOID www.chinavision.com !!!
If interested, here is the both conversation with the online support :
Here is the first conversation I had with the online support :
Here is a second one, I tried to contact a person working in the management of the website
PS : I published it in several Accessories topic, because people learn it !
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Sorry you ended up with one of these Chinese made products in what I would consider POOR quality condition. Kinda sucks their "25 member Quality Control Team" would allow a default product through .
I don't mean this in a mean way at all, honestly. But, what did you really expect from a direct Chinese electronics knock-off company? I mean, their products, although pretty much coming from the same country the higher end items come from, they do use much cheaper parts. I'm not knocking you, just making a statement.
As with ANY chinese company that sells "nice" electronics, and/or knock-off electronics, you should ALWAYS read their quote un quote Return/Warranty policies. This particular store you bought from, everything pretty much reads that they want you to find someone else to pay for a default/bad item to be either repaired or replaced by that other company. Whether it be the shipper/manufacturer/ETC. They show "12month warranty" and vaguely nice other stuff in main areas of this site. But ifyou click on the FAQ's regarding return/replacement/refund situations. You'll find a different story.
Pretty much, yes this is very poor support/warranty/exchange/repair service for Americans/Europeans. BUT, for a Chinese company that specifically focuses on WholeSale, individual purchases are rarely taken serious in the manner you, or any american, would wish for. You will find it very very hard to find a Chinese WholeSale direct store that does not operate in this manner.
You will pretty much have to just chalk this up to a Learning Experience in regards to buying from these Chinese direct stores. And, know that you take a huge risk in buying from them.
This company DOES however do something I've not seen at many of these chinese stores, they will provide you with a RMA number [Return Merchandise Authorizaiton] for the original manufacturer. This is a good glimpse of hope for you in this matter. Go ahead and read up on the link below in regard to the RMA number. Then request it in the "proper" manner the faq outlines. If you get an RMA number, then you just get that number and write it on the box you're shipping to the manufacturer. I would write a letter as well, explaining the issues with it, and the RMA number on the letter as well. They will then ship you a new/refurbished item in working condition to replace it. If I was in your place, this is the better option I would take. I work with medical equipment, and a RMA number is held in higher regard than any other return, and you usually recieve a new functioning replacement. The reason is, that the RMA number this store will give you is for their WholeSale account, and manufacturers place any wholesaler's items above individuals.
ChinaVisioins Return Policy FAQ:
Also, when you go through the proper request for the RMA number, I would make sure you submit the logs you have posted in this forum, showing how it was broken when you got it, and more broken through very simple, non-normal wear and tear.

One more thought that may interest you. I found that exact keyboard on sale from a reputable shop in the UK that is selling it for 28 pounds. Dunno, if you liked the design/etc, but just want a good working one. This shop, my friend has bought from several times,and returned/refunded several items with. Have pretty good support/return policy.


I screwed up my xda I think -does anybody has a suggestion ?

the folllowing thing happened to me :
- at a certain point i couldn't charge my xda anymore, and so the battery went down. no light appeared when connecting to the charger. and i couldn t start the xda anymore off course.
- i read the articles about the fuse which could be hit; and because i couldn't reach the spare fuse for the external battery, i simply soldered a solder bridge in the place of the fuse, as someone mentioned in another topic. i put everything together, but still, totally dead : no lights.
- now i don't know if this xda is totally lost or if i can do something about it. it could also be the charger which is broken. it doesn't get warm when i put it in the 'wall'. how can i check this ?
- if anybody has hints about what to do next or just trow the thing away, you could make my day ! many thanks in advance.
You could try a usb sync charge cable, it maybe the battery has died completely also. Did you test the fuse before bridging the connection? Have you tried using the hard reset button, this is in the hole next to the headphone socket.
- i don't own such a cable, but maybe i can find it somewhere, as the qtek 1010 is not very widely spread in belgium, i could search over the internet instead of a shop.
- i did not test the fuse before removing it and soldering the bridge. which is probably quite stupid of me. the hard reset button didn't do anything and still doesn't.
- the battery could be dead also, but should'nt i see a light flashing when i insert my charger ? so my 'forecast' is that it could be a charger issue.
- maybe i could test it with someone elses charger here in belgium. i live in ghent, so if anyone is from near my place, i am willing tot travel to test your charger. i won't steal it, but then i can buy a new one over the internet. :wink:
if anybody has other testing methods for the charger, please let me know.
a simple question : should the charger get hot when plugged in ? because mine doesn't and i don't know if it ever did.
thanks for your answers ! and hoping to reanimate soon.
The charger would normally feel warm when plugged in.
err my charger's pretty cold actually...
Mine is too now that I checked but it gets warm while charging, my ipaq charger is warm when plugged in and not charging, any idea why this should be.
Can anybody help me with the following ?
i'm quite stuck in the thinking concerning the problem ...
is there anybody in europe who has a tech experience with the qtek 1010/xda and thinks he could arrange the problem i mentionned above ?
or is there anyone who knows such a person, because he had the same problem.
I want to let someone look at it, with, off course, a possible compensation in money. Is there anyone who could tell me how much this more or less could cost ? [because i am a student and use the phone mainly for testing purposes]
Thanks in advance !!! t.
Maybe a friend at college has a simple voltage tester you could use to test the charger output, the charger I have has a removable adaptor at the end of the lead, with this removed you are left with a simple barrel type connector which is very easy to test. If you cannot get a replacement charger and yours is faulty, send me a pm, and I will post one to you.
Anyone in europe who can repair my xda 1 ?
i'm still stuck with a broken xda, as described above. Is there anyone in europe who has spare parts of the xda and is willing to repair this item ?
It would be great if anyone could help me. Please let me know what arrangments can be made. I am living in Belgium, Ghent.
thanks in advance.
Testing powersupplie
I don't know if this could be helpfull, anyway: If you still think this is a charger-problem, then you could modify your cradle as described in the wiki. http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=WallabyCradleMod
And another thing as well. I noticed that the main charger is making a loud fuzzing sound when connected to power, so I guess that if your's silent and cold, it might be broken. (Which is not too problematic as it can be easily bought on eBay.)
What power-connectors do you use in Belgium? I have a spare-adapter that I'm not able to use as it does not fit in the Norwegian connectors...
Good luck with the phone!
Same Problem after plugging in my ipaq 3970 gps reciever
I got the Same Problem after plugging in my ipaq 3970 gps reciever, anyone got a clue where to go with this??
iPaq pinouts...
The pin-outs is not the same on the xda and the iPaq, so power in the wrong direction may have damaged the mainboard. And that would be differcult to repair I think!

www.chinavasion.com = bad quality & support product! = swindlers !! AVOID !!

Hi all,
I've bought a week ago this bluetooth mini keyboard :
I've opened it, and it was looking to a be a great product. Pairing was okay, and stuff like that too. I tried to recharge it, and there was a contact problem. Here is a video explaining it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WONbgT1lP2U
I DIRECTLY go to the online center of the shop. During the direct online conversation, he asked me to plug it to an other computer, so I went to my mum's one. While plugging it, the USB receptor broke and came inside the keyboard itself. It just broked!
There were already a BAD contact, and it simply broked. It is maybe a default product problem or simply a bad quality for their products, but it is NOT my fault. It's a new product, I've got a HTC HD2, so I know how to plug a microUSB cable !!
Anyway, they did not wanted to reimburse me !! They said I had to pay EVERYTHING to get it repaired (+ sending it, it would cost me more than buying a NEW one !).
In more, they asked me to wait and said they were going to answer me by email. They simply did NOT wrote me a mail the day after ! And now, 4 days later, I still have no answer, that's why I decided to write this topic !
So please, everyone retweet, publish it everywhere, and make know Chinavision as a really bad compagny for their QUALITY and SUPPORT!!!!!
Thank you !
I just lost 30 €, thank you www.chinavision.com and imagine if I had buy a product that cost 100 € or more??
CONCLUSION : AVOID www.chinavision.com !!!
If interested, here is the both conversation with the online support :
Here is the first conversation I had with the online support :
Justin [Chinavasion]: Hi, how can I help you?
Sébastien *hide*: Hi !
Sébastien *hide*: I was talking with Mike
Sébastien *hide*: But I crashed
Sébastien *hide*: I explain you my problem or you redirect me to mike?
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you like me to help you?
Sébastien *hide*: Yes
Sébastien *hide*: That's the same for me
Sébastien *hide*: I bought a mini bluetooth keyboard
Sébastien *hide*: But there a contact problem when charging already
Justin [Chinavasion]: Ok.
Sébastien *hide*: It's a product problem. I opened the box today...
Justin [Chinavasion]: We regret the inconvenience caused to you.
Justin [Chinavasion]: May I please have your order number?
Sébastien *hide*: No problem...
Sébastien *hide*: 823400
Sébastien *hide*: Here is a video proving the problem : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WONbgT1lP2U
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am checking that for you now.
Sébastien *hide*: If I can make anything else to proove if to you...
Justin [Chinavasion]: I see.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you confirm that are you not able to recharge this item?
Sébastien *hide*: I can recharge it.
Sébastien *hide*: But there a "false contact"
Sébastien *hide*: So only in a certain position it's recharging
Justin [Chinavasion]: Ok.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Please do not worry about this issue, we have 12 month warranty and we will assist you in full.
Justin [Chinavasion]: In case there is a problem with your product, you can send back the item for a repair to us and we will repair and send it back for free.
Sébastien *hide*: I am from Belgium.
Sébastien *hide*: How much will it cost me again to send it to you :S ?
Justin [Chinavasion]: It would be better to use this item as it is because sending it back for the repair would cost you the one side shipping charges.
Sébastien *hide*: It will cost me the same price than buying a new one.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Is it possible for you to use this anyway.
Sébastien *hide*: I don't care... I bought a NEW keyboard, which must be 100 % fully working when I use it :S
Sébastien *hide*: And when I simply connect it, it's not charging
Sébastien *hide*: I must press my finger on to make it work.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you please try recharging it with some other usb charging cable if available?
Sébastien *hide*: Okay, wait.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Take your time.
Sébastien *hide*: I've got a HTC HD2, which is also a microUSB
Sébastien *hide*: it's making exactly the same thing
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that are you recharging it with your PC's usb port?
Sébastien *hide*: What do you mean?
Justin [Chinavasion]: I will be right with you.
Justin [Chinavasion]: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that how are you getting this item recharged?
Sébastien *hide*: Ha ok.
Sébastien *hide*: I tried with my computer
Sébastien *hide*: in USB
Sébastien *hide*: Why, isn't it correct?
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you please try recharging it on some other PC?
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am just trying to diagnose the fault.
Sébastien *hide*: Trying on my mum's one
Sébastien *hide*: Be right back.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Ok.
Sébastien *hide*: OH MY GOD :S
Justin [Chinavasion]: Yes please?
Sébastien *hide*: First I am sure it was a contact problem
Sébastien *hide*: Now, I pulled it and it's now completly broken
Sébastien *hide*: I mean, by pulling it, the microUSB receptor came INTO the keyboard
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that what is broken?
Sébastien *hide*: it's broke :s
Sébastien *hide*: Else it's a bad quality product, or it's default of fabrication for this one :S
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you tell me that is it the cable which is broken?
Sébastien *hide*: I promise you it just broked right now, and it wasn't before trying to plug it to my mum's computer
Sébastien *hide*: Not the cable
Sébastien *hide*: the microUSB receptor IN the keyboard
Justin [Chinavasion]: I see.
Sébastien *hide*: I am a big fan of technology, I am moderator on a french forum of +40 000 members, and when I found something cool, I publish it...
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am sorry that if product is damaged the warranty is void.
Justin [Chinavasion]: For further details on our warranty, please see this article:
Justin [Chinavasion]: http://support.chinavasion.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=3
Sébastien *hide*: I am also a active XDA user, a english forum of +2 500 000 users : http://forum.xda-developers.com/index.php
Sébastien *hide*: I was going to publish a cool article about you if the article was OKAY
Sébastien *hide*: So please, solve my problem !!
Justin [Chinavasion]: I am sorry that is not possible to get this item repair under warranty.
Sébastien *hide*: COME ON
Sébastien *hide*: It's a BAD quality
Sébastien *hide*: I'm not stupid
Sébastien *hide*: It's a DEFAULT FABRICATION problem
Sébastien *hide*: Not me getting mad
Sébastien *hide*: FFS
Justin [Chinavasion]: You can get this item repaired by paying the expense.
Sébastien *hide*: FOR SURE NOT
Sébastien *hide*: Because it's NOT me that I broke it
Sébastien *hide*: It's a BAD quality or a default fabrication
Sébastien *hide*: While plugging it (althought they were already false contact), it brokes! It's a product that should be NEW !
Justin [Chinavasion]: Would you check the above link for the warranty and returns articles.
Sébastien *hide*: I've just BOUGHT it
Sébastien *hide*: I opened the box TODAY
Sébastien *hide*: are you joking of me?
Sébastien *hide*: Ask your supervisor or get bad publicity from me on a lot of FORUM !!
Justin [Chinavasion]: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Sébastien *hide*: ...
Sébastien *hide*: You must repair for FREE or send be a new one
Sébastien *hide*: It's a BRAND NEW product
Sébastien *hide*: And it was ALREADY having problem of charging.
Justin [Chinavasion]: Thank you for visiting. Please contact us at anytime.
Sébastien *hide*: While plugging it
Sébastien *hide*: it broke
Justin [Chinavasion]: Bye.
Chat InformationChat session has been terminated by the site operator.
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Here is a second one, I tried to contact a person working in the management of the website
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationAll operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Joe [Chinavasion]'
Joe [Chinavasion]: Hi, how can I help you?
Sébastien *hide*: Hi.
Sébastien *hide*: I recieved my product today, and it has a DEFAULT fabrication
Joe [Chinavasion]: I am sorry to hear that you are facing inconvenience, may I know the problem in detail please?
Sébastien *hide*: It's a miniUSB keyboard
Sébastien *hide*: bluetooh mini keyboard*
Sébastien *hide*: And the microUSB receptor is moving so is damaged
Joe [Chinavasion]: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Joe [Chinavasion]: I see, we will repair it for you but you will be charged for this as this damage occurs by yourself.
Sébastien *hide*: I will not pay anything, because I recieved it TODAY, and there were ALREADY a problem while having it.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Can I have your order number please to check?
Sébastien *hide*: 823400
Joe [Chinavasion]: I am checking that for you now.
Joe [Chinavasion]: I am afraid, I can not give proper guidance for this, as I am not from the technical team, I need to pass this issue to my technical
department and we will contact you via email shortly regarding this issue. Can I have your email address please ?
Sébastien *hide*: no wait.
Sébastien *hide*: I already passed to a technical member
Sébastien *hide*: And he is said I had to pay
Sébastien *hide*: So I am writing to you
Sébastien *hide*: To show you what I am going to do
Joe [Chinavasion]: I see, then I am sorry as I can not do anything regarding this problem now.
Sébastien *hide*: Wait a second.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Ok
Sébastien *hide*: I am going to publish an article about the bad quality of your compagny
Sébastien *hide*: on all website I am going to
Sébastien *hide*: The 2 first one will be : http://forum.xda-developers.com/ & www.HTC-DEV.com
Sébastien *hide*: At first, I wanted to make a nice review of the product and you would have probably some other people buying the keyboard and winning monkey
Sébastien *hide*: money*
Sébastien *hide*: As you are STOLING me, I can't make anything EXCEPT that, and now making YOU lose money
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you for visiting. Please contact us at anytime.
Sébastien *hide*: I am really sad about this
Sébastien *hide*: You don't want to read the article first?
Sébastien *hide*: I've already wrote it
Sébastien *hide*: but not published
Joe [Chinavasion]: I can understand your situation Sebastien
Sébastien *hide*: I don't care
Sébastien *hide*: Have a look at it : http://freetexthost.com/hc1f1lves1
Sébastien *hide*: Let me publish it, and lose customer
Sébastien *hide*: Reimburse, I'll make a good review
Sébastien *hide*: and you will money because people will buy your product and I'll erase that article
Sébastien *hide*: You have the choice
Sébastien *hide*: If you close this conversation
Sébastien *hide*: I'll have my answer and publish it in so much place I can !!
Sébastien *hide*: Because you STOLE me 30 €
Sébastien *hide*: And I am a student
Joe [Chinavasion]: I can understand your concern, let me pass this to my management to sort out this issue and we will contact you via email with a positive
response soon. Can I have your email address please?
Sébastien *hide*: [email protected]
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you, please wait for the email from us.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Sébastien *hide*: So is there any chance that I get reimburse?
Sébastien *hide*: I wait before publishing the article?
Joe [Chinavasion]: Let me pass this to my management on High Priority and then we will let you know with a positive response as this is not in my hands.
Sébastien *hide*: Okay...
Sébastien *hide*: When will I have an answer?
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you for your patience Sebastien
Sébastien *hide*: Because I am really disapointed about this...
Joe [Chinavasion]: You will receive the answer in 24 hours.
Sébastien *hide*: It's really sad I have to warn you. I am not a stoler, I am not wanting to stole you money
Sébastien *hide*: But it's not normal that it is damaged !
Joe [Chinavasion]: Alright, please wait for the response from us.
Sébastien *hide*: I am updating the freetexthost article
Sébastien *hide*: I'll publish it only if needed then
Joe [Chinavasion]: Ok
Sébastien *hide*: Sad I had to do this
Sébastien *hide*: Really, I am not someone liking to make that !!
Joe [Chinavasion]: Ok
Sébastien *hide*: Btw, you can check to www.HTC-DEV.com I am Zepiii (french moderator - + 10 000 posts)
Sébastien *hide*: On XDA, I am an active "Senior member"
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you
Joe [Chinavasion]: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Sébastien *hide*: Reimbursing me
Sébastien *hide*: I'll wait 24h then
Sébastien *hide*: Bye
Joe [Chinavasion]: We will let you know via email.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Thank you for visiting. Please contact us at anytime.
Joe [Chinavasion]: Bye
Sébastien *hide*: Bye & Thank you listenning me.
Joe [Chinavasion]: You are always welcome Sebastien
Sébastien *hide*: We will see if I'll buy a day again something from your compagny
Sébastien *hide*: I hope it...
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PS : I published it in several Accessories topic, because people learn it !
dude, there was no need to post this over here, please limit the discussion to hd2 .. thanks.
it is quite possible that people who have an HD will also buy a bluetooth keyboard, so there is a bit of a point
They ask 30 euro's for a mini camera version1 while the new version3 on ebay
costs 7 dollar including shipping lol!
notta gonna see mee there! thanks for the warning!
Well I bought a PMP player from Chinavision, but it didn't work after a week. So worried, I ordered again from Chinabuye, online store from china. I dont have complaints regarding the quality and reliablity of PMP player. So far working great! And i got from them at best rate with no MOQ limit with free ship cost. Am happy finally i got my PMP media player rocking !
Thanks for the thread, it will be useful to others.
I purchased at Chinavasion before and the product I received was damaged, and it was so frustrating. So I tried Chinabuye, because they offer free shipping and a 1 year warranty. I was so satisfied with the product, i received it in good condition and in good packaging.
OP, I have the same keyboard as you and it's OK. Probably you had a bad luck.
UPDATE: I got another bluetooth keyboard a few hours ago and it also works as it should.
test that !
i have not yet experienced chinavasion! but if you are facing this type of problem than you should try chinabuye site! that is online store from china! i am using that for long time! try that !
Thank you for letting us know.
Thank you for your sharing.
I am also in Shenzhen, China. This company is not famous in China, but very famous overseas. They actually just a networking company and then sell products online.
Next time, you find a professional supplier not a networking company.
Zepiii said:
Hi all,
I've bought a week ago this bluetooth mini keyboard :
I've opened it, and it was looking to a be a great product. Pairing was okay, and stuff like that too. I tried to recharge it, and there was a contact problem. Here is a video explaining it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WONbgT1lP2U
I DIRECTLY go to the online center of the shop. During the direct online conversation, he asked me to plug it to an other computer, so I went to my mum's one. While plugging it, the USB receptor broke and came inside the keyboard itself. It just broked!
There were already a BAD contact, and it simply broked. It is maybe a default product problem or simply a bad quality for their products, but it is NOT my fault. It's a new product, I've got a HTC HD2, so I know how to plug a microUSB cable !!
Anyway, they did not wanted to reimburse me !! They said I had to pay EVERYTHING to get it repaired (+ sending it, it would cost me more than buying a NEW one !).
In more, they asked me to wait and said they were going to answer me by email. They simply did NOT wrote me a mail the day after ! And now, 4 days later, I still have no answer, that's why I decided to write this topic !
So please, everyone retweet, publish it everywhere, and make know Chinavision as a really bad compagny for their QUALITY and SUPPORT!!!!!
Thank you !
I just lost 30 €, thank you www.chinavision.com and imagine if I had buy a product that cost 100 € or more??
CONCLUSION : AVOID www.chinavision.com !!!
If interested, here is the both conversation with the online support :
Here is the first conversation I had with the online support :
Here is a second one, I tried to contact a person working in the management of the website
PS : I published it in several Accessories topic, because people learn it !
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suntekstore didn't disapoint me, if you guys want to know.
Hi, i have buy from
and dont have any problems ! Paypal ...
Im waiting for mail with this for my blackstone :
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I have that case bro! I bought it on suntekstore
I have 2 case black from ebay ! i will buy from your site a white, is low cost men :good:
my 2 from ebay is full protect in front camera and sound front others are not ....
disaster2009 said:
I have 2 case black from ebay ! i will buy from your site a white, is low cost men :good:
my 2 from ebay is full protect in front camera and sound front others are not ....
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really? mine is full customized for the phone (there's a hole for thefront camera) and only 1.69€! go to suntekstore.com!
p.s.- there's even a hole for the blow mic!
For ppl that want buy some thinks to blackstone:
5X LCD Screen Protector Guard Film for HTC Touch HD T8282
Replacement 3.7V 2600mAh Battery Pack + Back Cover Case for HTC Touch HD - Black
HTC HD Replacement Touch Screen/Digitizer Module
Items never received. No refund
Invoice number: 2871052
I ordered a phone and some other things. (160$) Products never arrived.
I opened a ticket and after months of back and forth. I was told there's nothing we can do.
here is one of the replies:
Dear Marc,
"Our local post office had finished the investigation and the resuld is delivered. However, if you have not got it, their suggestion is as below:
1. This is a kind of post service and they can't provice the delivery signature.
2. Use this one 61299991206455380299 to contact FedEx to see which post office they delivered to?
3. Use this one 9261299991206455380299 to your local nearest USPS to see where they delivered the parce.
Thank you for your assistance."
Fedex shows delivered to post office... Post office shows waiting for package.
So I lost 160usd.
Never buy from them!

So my Prime is dead and can't send it to RMA... what should I do?

My TF Prime is completely dead, it wont even turn on the lights when connected to the charger. I live in Argentina, so my closest Asus Service Center is like 10,000 km away, so send it in for RMA is a no-go. Never again will buy a product that has no warranty in my country, I promise!
The thing died last saturday, when after having troubles to get the cable into the connector, I discovered that the plastic between the pins had broken and some of them where not in their place (already twisted). I got the batteries charged and when I disconnected the charger, there were some sparks. It worked a few more minutes and then it died. No screen, no vibrations, no light when connected to charger. DEAD.
I want to do something, it just kills me to see it dead on my desk. What should I do? I thought that perhaps I can open it, and with the help of a friend with electronic expertise get to know what failed and get it replaced, but it is really risky.
I willing to hear any advise you can give me.
you dont have to send it in yourself, at least not in holland.. just start the rma from the asus website and some transport organisation will pick it up for free (Dhl in my case)
Sounds like the broken connector shorted your battery. Chances are the battery is dead in addition to the borked connector. Let everyone reading this take this as a lesson, be carefull with the fragile dock connector on the bottom of tablet!
Asus RMA may cover it, since its known to be a bad design its not uncommon to see bad connectors. The battery may be thought to be just a bad battery, if i were you i wouldnt say anything about the sparks. Just tell em you were trying to connect the cable as you normally would and noticed it wasnt going in properly, upon further inspection you noticed the plastic bit broke. You might also say you were noticing you had to charge it more often than you thought you should (so they test the battery), let em sort it out from there.
Good luck!
Tempie007 said:
you dont have to send it in yourself, at least not in holland.. just start the rma from the asus website and some transport organisation will pick it up for free (Dhl in my case)
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Yes, but there is Asus service in Holland. May it be possible to send a tablet from another country's service center and then have Asus return it back?

Buying a new Charger

I bought my Omate in real life to someone who just got it from a gift. And I semi-broke the charger, I'm forced to use elastics for the time being to charge my Omate, because it isn't fitting anymore.
Do I have any solution in having a new charger for my Omate?
I bought a charger for the Simvalley AW414, unfortunately, the case isn't the same and my Truesmart doesn't match. How can I do?
Ok for those who wonder how I did, I found a link to buy it, and there were only one remaining !
Am so lucky, I guess :') !
I can use my Omate again, and safely !! Youhouuu ^^!

Dead antenna receptor [i9305]

Hello, I bought a motherboard on Aliexpress of a i9305 phone. The thing is it was supposed to be brand new, but Ias getting very bad data connection and the network cut off during calls etc.
So I decide to open my phone back and have a look, and when disconnecting the wifi antenna the socket got scratched off the board. I got refunded but it doesn't repair my phone. So i'm trying to figure it out. Here is a picture of what it looks like now
And here is a picture of what it should look like (it is a motherboard from a friend, to see how it should be in reality)
Where could I solder the antenna ? Is there any solution ? Thank yoou very much !!
(I'm sorry I can't ^post any picture as I have less than 10 posts on the site... Sincerely sorry any help appreciated !!!)

