hmm, unable to download from market - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all, ive got the rooted stock ish 2.1 on my Generic Hero on T-Mo and have been unable to actually download apps from market either via mobile network or my wifi.
Internet browsing seems fine, as does browsing the market.
Not sure what to do!

try to edit "hosts" at /system/etc/
to the file.
This works for me . (AND ..... FCUK THE GFW OF CHINA )

I forgot to say i was trying out a few ROMS and must have wiped something i wasnt supposed to. Silly n00b that i am!


Aku3-Rom (WWE) and Planet3 (Austrian 3 Hutchinson)

Before I flashed the new Test-Rom (Aku3.3 - i had the original MDA-VarioII-Rom from TMOB Germany) I was able to log in to Planet3/3-Homezone with the trick, that I changed Registry-values to say the 3-server, that I´m with a NokiaN70-phone and not the HTC-Hermes.
With flashing the new rom the Registry-Changes take no effect...
Has anyone an Idea?
Changes to be made:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
same roblem here.
The problem is: The User Agent of the Pocket Internet Explorer isn't sent with the URL-Request.
Is a bug of the PIE.
Has anybody a solution?
Sorry, which bit of Planet3 can't you access using the default settings? I'm able to do pretty much everything with the default settings, I'm currently running XDA Live 0.20.1 on 3 Australia in Melbourne.
KevinBaker said:
Sorry, which bit of Planet3 can't you access using the default settings? I'm able to do pretty much everything with the default settings, I'm currently running XDA Live 0.20.1 on 3 Australia in Melbourne.
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But he´s not from AUSTRALIA, ---> AUSTRIA...
I have the same problem...
3 Hutchinson Austria doesn´t support WM5/6... cause they don´t have HTC-mobiles to sell... so you only can connect with this trick to let them believe you´re on an supported phone....
tosstasny said:
But he´s not from AUSTRALIA, ---> AUSTRIA...
I have the same problem...
3 Hutchinson Austria doesn´t support WM5/6... cause they don´t have HTC-mobiles to sell... so you only can connect with this trick to let them believe you´re on an supported phone....
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Err.... well its late and I'm very tired . Sorry
Has no one an idea, how to set up die PIE?
tosstasny said:
Has no one an idea, how to set up die PIE?
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I have the same problem with 3 Hong Kong. I downloaded the technical preview of Netfront 3.4 and there U can set the user agent as :
Nokia6680/1.0 (Symbian OS/8.0 ;Nokia; Series60/2.06)/Netfront3.3
Everything works now except Streaming Media and video download. I tried using Dopod838pro/mozillia/4.01 before..but I have problem access text news. However, I could get the link of streaming video and copy the link to stream player myself to play the video. Since I don't watch video much, I just use the user agent that works with text news best. I am sure you can find a better user agent setting. I just use the first one that works for me.
Thänx alot...
Busstop said:
I have the same problem with 3 Hong Kong. I downloaded the technical preview of Netfront 3.4 and there U can set the user agent as :
Nokia6680/1.0 (Symbian OS/8.0 ;Nokia; Series60/2.06)/Netfront3.3
Everything works now except Streaming Media and video download. I tried using Dopod838pro/mozillia/4.01 before..but I have problem access text news. However, I could get the link of streaming video and copy the link to stream player myself to play the video. Since I don't watch video much, I just use the user agent that works with text news best. I am sure you can find a better user agent setting. I just use the first one that works for me.
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Works perfect, but I can´t get the videos running....
Maybe somebody who uses the XDA Live ROM can zip the hidden system-files (4 files) which are starting with IE in Windows-directory. Then I can move them to my ROM with a proggy, and the Bug is away!
You will need the from Up/Download-Area after registering at
First you need to get the 3-Page running on your TyTN, then
(Who already has HTC Stream Media installed can start at Point 3)
1. copy the files from to /Windows on HTC TyTN
2. copy the StreamingVideo.lnk to /Windows/Start Menu/Programs
3. install to Device-Memory on HTC TyTN (XDA Trion,....)
4. Soft reset
5. open Streamingplayer in Programs and as Connection set the 3-Internetconnection
6. 3Planet MobileTV Link works.
PAPPL said:
Maybe somebody who uses the XDA Live ROM can zip the hidden system-files (4 files) which are starting with IE in Windows-directory. Then I can move them to my ROM with a proggy, and the Bug is away!
You will need the from Up/Download-Area after registering at
First you need to get the 3-Page running on your TyTN, then
(Who already has HTC Stream Media installed can start at Point 3)
1. copy the files from to /Windows on HTC TyTN
2. copy the StreamingVideo.lnk to /Windows/Start Menu/Programs
3. install to Device-Memory on HTC TyTN (XDA Trion,....)
4. Soft reset
5. open Streamingplayer in Programs and as Connection set the 3-Internetconnection
6. 3Planet MobileTV Link works.
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The only thing is, that the won´t install.
Did you try the cab from the zip file?
On my XDA Trion it installs normally and then it works
.CAB install
PAPPL said:
Did you try the cab from the zip file?
On my XDA Trion it installs normally and then it works
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On my VarioII I get an error when installing (permission...), I´m on XDA-Live 0.20... before (Aku 2, Aku 3.3) the installation worked....
EDIT: VERSION4 of UA Pocket Internet Explorer
Now the User Agent change works again with WM5 AKU3.3+ and WM6.
More details see:
PAPPL said:
Now the User Agent change works again with WM5 AKU3.3+ and WM6.
Unzip the Package and copy the files to your Windows-Directory on Hermes.
On Overwrite-promt tap yes.
Then change for 3-Austria the User Agent in Registry to:
[HKLM\Software\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
(Default)= SonyEricssonW850i/R1EL Browser/Netfront/3.3 Profile/MIDP-2.0
The old User Agent String doesn't work for some reason. (?)
MMS still working.
Tested on english ROM, german ROM should be sopported too.
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Works great, thänx a lot. Great work. While posting in 2 diffrent forums *gg* such a perfect solution.
Look: I edited post #13
hello my friend
I had the same probleme like you!!!!!
But now, not anymore, hehehe. I red with great interests your posts in the other forum and than here.
You help me a lot, thank you very much. I think [/B]you and a lot of these guys here, are very professional.
Without your help, I am sure, I sit with my hermes and I will not be lucky - because a lot of my problems does not be solved.
once more, thank you, morf
sorry, for my bad english
Does it also work on the trinity ?
When i copy the files in the windows-directory on my htc the internet-explorer doesn't start any more and the htc hangs.
Only a reset helps.
See posting #13: Flexible User Agent PIE V2 released
If you installed the first Release, simply select the overwritten files in Windows-directory and delete them, the original ones from static ROM will be replaced automaticly. Then install the two files from new zip, and smile.
For more info see post #13
I unzip the file and copy the resulting files to storage card in phone and then inside the phone through "File Explorer" copy that two files to folder under Windows, I got the following error message.
Pls advise if the method to copy file is incorrect or is there any method to solve this problem. Thanks.
Cannot copy "browser" : Access is denied.
I can browse all the contents & see all streaming after changing the registry and overwriting both the browser dll and webview dll files under phone windows directory( from the zip file)
But it created another problem.... I cannot open any sms message or write any sms after the change .
I used the spb backup (ghost) and I have no problem at sms again, then I only overwritten the browser dll only to the phone windows directory ( did not overwrite the webview dll) , it now works for both sms and IE browsing !!!b

Retrieving stock apks (mainly TrackID)

Greetings. Been haunting this place for awhile, happy to finally have root.
After the phone is rooted the last step is something that sweeps up a bunch of SE's stock apps that most people don't want. What about us who actually liked a few of them, though?
I would have liked to keep the app called "TrackID," and am wondering if there's any way to get it back? I can't really find like a repository for the base APKs (I might want the Mixi plugin for Timescape back in the future, as well).
Can someone rip these out somehow for individual installing?
Here it is:
Just install the apk.
Its works for me.
Nice threat, nice anwser.
It works fine with me too.
Preventing the rooting process from removing apps
Hello, You could just enter the step4 folder and open the file in notepad or similar.
Remove the line saying rm *packagename here*. Then your app will only be copied to your SD, but it will also remain on the phone.
track id request
i couldnt download the package, the link no longer works :-(
Could someone uóad it again to another server? Because its a common problem and will br of much help thanks
ok... but now...
I have the app already installed, but now evertime it tries to connect it says "authentication error".... help?
I gave up and rooted the phone again, i went from steps 1 to 3 with no problems, using track id everytime to make sure it worked, and it did, I even used the cleanup script and it was there working very well...
So, I used steps 4 and 5 (for the X10a) But now it wont work... it says "authentication error".... what gives?
Sorry for my english, I´m from mexico...
Everything on my phone is working fine...
For TrackID I can only say that it was probably a rights issue.
Use chmod or Root Explorer to set the rights(644).
For step 4 and 5 i cant help,i have only a 3 step X10i ,sorry.
But dont give up, i think u find the help here on XDA.

Bought a Mini Pro (and this is my rant/question)

So, went out and picked up a Mini Pro for the misses.
Well, off the bat I went crazy cause I couldn't find "Market" and well...after searching online, guess this damn region doesn't support the Market. How wonderful is that, so downloaded stuff online through slideme. Which really still sucks.
Then when I downloaded things to my laptop and wanted to bluetooth them over, I couldn't. Then when I wanted to send ringtones from my phone to the mini pro, I couldn't. So I searched, and wouldn't you know it. I gotta download a program, so I downloaded bluetooth explorer and then it prompted me that I gotta root this SOB to be able to send files through bluetooth? Did I just buy an iPhone or what?!
So I plugged in the phone through USB. And we copied over the APK. and I downloaded a file explorer, so I could get to the damn APK (really no file explorer included, or clearly apparent?). And when we launched the file (MSN), we found we couldn't send files, images, or anything other than text. Are you kidding me?
With all these limitations, how is Android so popular?
Are there any possible solutions without having to root this bastard? (aside from MSN). I just bought this thing and don't wanna void warranty so damn early so I could make it something PRACTICAL like every other phone.
I'm guessing you're used to nokia's and the like. I must say i've found bluetooth file transfer a little hit and miss on android, but you need an app called bluetooth file transfer but it's on the market i'm afraid. Where are you then? You can get the market app from these forums and an enabler for regions not supported so you may need to do some digging.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
Not used to Nokia's. Used to WinMo and running Android Froyo on my Topaz.
Could not find the market standalone app for the life of me. And the phone is from Saudi Arabia, and I can't justify rooting it just yet.
Hi! I feel your pain. Android Marketplace is not supported in my part of the world too. I am looking for alternate ways to get apps into my phone.
You mentioned that you had to download a separate File Manager to get to the .apk files. Can you tell me which app you are using?
Also how did you manage to install the File Manager in the first place if you could not get to the .apk files?
Do you copy the .apk files to your MicroSD card? Do you any other advice to make installation easier if we download the Apps to our computer then then try to install them to our phone?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Cheers and good luck with your new phone.
Appbrain App Market and Apktor are viable alternatives for getting apps on your phone, the latter you'll need to find public repositories for. Sorry can't post links cause of restrictions on a new account, but google knows all.
drussthelegend said:
You mentioned that you had to download a separate File Manager to get to the .apk files. Can you tell me which app you are using?
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Hey, found
which let me download with the barcode, and then I installed the sites app manager directly on there. There are a ton of file managers, I downloaded two, I forget which. But the two most popular ones. Both worked, but only one handled ZIP files. I don't have the phone beside me, so can't recall...
I found the Market standalone apk, but it crashed everytime I clicked on "Download" so I gave up on it.
I'm gonna try those suggestions posted up and see if they have a few new nice apps on there.
I had the exact same issue as others above. My solution was to use the debranded UK Firmware, root the phone and then use the Bluetooth File Manager.
bmazloum: My phone also came from the UAE side and didn't have the Market. I used Omnius to flash the firmware. A friend of mine on the otherhand paid the local Sony Service Centre to flash and debrand the ROM. Maybe this might help
Guys you don't have to move the apk file over to the phone in order to install it btw... get Adb from the Android SDK and then place the apk file in the same folder as adb.
And then from command prompt, navigate to the folder with adb and your apk and type "adb install example.apk".
Make sure you have USB Debugging (Applications -> Development) enabled and that's it.
Works nicely on a Mini. Not sure about the Pro to be honest.

[Q] Working Ad-Hoc for Gingerbread 2.3.4 - is it possible that nobody can solve it?!

Dear friends,
I have searched tens of forums and googled requested for a days,
but I didn't have chance that find any answer
And it seems that nobody speak so much about that problem here,
people are in race for newer and newer firmwares,
is it possible that nobody can't find the way to solve that problem and succeed to modify wpa_supplicant to work on new Gingerbread 2.3.4?
I can't belive that I have 500€ phone witout possibility to use ad-hoc WiFi at my home
Download this file -
Disable the wifi...Copy-paste the file in system/bin using root explorer... reboot the phone...done, your phone running KG1 can connect to ad-hoc networks
oops.. i just tried on KG1. Didn't connect to an adhoc network setup with WEP.
I even set the properties of the file like:-
owner: Root Group: shell along with proper file permissions.
Still no working.
Huh, god knows, maybe it depends of type of installed ROM.
Galaxy S2, Lightning ROM 2.2, rooted, exchanged downloaded wpa-supplicant with original without changing any owner properties using Root Explorer and Mount R/W and R/O option,
and - it works, after reboot, sure.
I heard that gingerbread 2.3.x does not support ad-hoc wifi but froyo 2.2.x supports it!!!!
There is a file in the sticky thread. wtf it works fine. Im using it on M250S - 2.3.4
delete the file first ,than paste the new file back ,reboot
guys, is there any conclusion from this thread? i'm getting desperate too
chemychemy said:
guys, is there any conclusion from this thread? i'm getting desperate too
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This is the conslusion-
Use this file-
Working on stock KG3, Litening(all versions),Villain(all versions), others i didn't test...
I tested using Bzeek wifi hotspot creator on windows Vista, if you can't connect to WEP, try Bzeek, its open network but password is needed to use it
I have the LG Optimus 3D and I wanted to use my old WinMo phone as an ad-hoc server. I searched a lot and finally found the solution:
First of all you need a rooted device.
Go to Market and install "ZT-180 Adhoc Switcher". Run this program everytime you want to connect to ad-hoc.
The device acting as server needs to have its SSID to "AndroidTether" and require no password.
Don't forget to revert back to "infrastructure" mode after ending your session otherwise you won't be able to connect to normal hotspots.
There is no guarantee that this will work on all devices. Just try and see...

Connection refused on several websites??

Hey all,
I am struggling with my oneplus.
some websites give me connection refused when i try to surf (tried 3 browsers) I made sure the sites are online and someone with the same provider can view them. I have no idea where can i find the cause.
any help would be appreciated :/
adz1234 said:
Hey all,
I am struggling with my oneplus.
some websites give me connection refused when i try to surf (tried 3 browsers) I made sure the sites are online and someone with the same provider can view them. I have no idea where can i find the cause.
any help would be appreciated :/
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Can you access the same sites via wifi? Have you installed any kind of ad blocker programs or modified the hosts file?
I have addfree installed by a friend at work (old workplace...) I could not find the hhosts file on my service though (it is rooted) is there a way to reset it?
adz1234 said:
I have addfree installed by a friend at work (old workplace...) I could not find the hhosts file on my service though (it is rooted) is there a way to reset it?
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There should be an option in the ad free app to restore the hosts files. If not, then use a root explorer and browse to /system/etc and delete the hosts file and reboot. Should be back up after that.

