This is a little technically and if you're a end-user you just should get a ROM that support Old A2SD nativly.
This is ext3 ONLY.
Since 28th May 2010 I'm lokking for Old A2SD on N1 with FroYo.
Well, turns out I cooked a ROM since and so as mcp2009 told me, I used Darktremor's A2SD:
Big thanks to mcp2009, Darktremor, Cyanogen and Britoso!
What it does
It moves some contents from your phone to your sdcard in a way the system will not even notice. That is why this method is working so well.
- apps
- dalvik-cache
- almost what you want
You will need 2 scripts and the bash mini-binary (all provided) and to modif. the ramdisk in boot.img:
- bash // bash 4.1 from CM5
- 10a2sd // mounts the ext3 partition on boot
- a2sd // script that enable/disable old a2sd method
Step 1. Modif the init.rc in ramdisk (the hardest )
* Unpack the boot.img
You should know how to do that. If not, search XDA.
* Open init.rc and add this text right before "class_start default":
start a2sd
on property:cm.filesystem.ready=1
So it makes:
start a2sd
on property:cm.filesystem.ready=1
class_start default
* At the very bottom of the file, put:
service a2sd /system/bin/logwrapper /system/etc/init.d/10a2sd
* Repack boot.img
What you have done here is making the system execute 10a2sd at boot (which mounts ext3 partition if present) and wait for that script to set the filesystem ready ("on property:cm.filesystem.ready=1" stops the boot).
Step 2. Include bash binary + 10a2sd and a2sd scripts into your ROM
- /system/xbin/bash
- /system/etc/init.d/10a2sd
- /system/xbin/a2sd
Step 3. Use
Since the ext3 partition is auto-mouted, all you need is:
# a2sd on
to activate
# a2sd off
to deactivate
Some more explaination
* /system/etc/init.d/10a2sd
- /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 is the ext partition on the sdcard
- I always use my quit() function to avoid living the script without setting the filesystem ready, which could make the boot freeze (because waiting for something that will never happend... while (42) { } is bad )
- mountpoint of the ext partition in /system/sd/
* /system/xbin/a2sd
- "on" option creates the /system/ds folder if doesn't exists and chmod it
- moves everything within /data/app/* to sdcard
- deletes /data/app folder
- creates a symlink /data/app that points to /system/sd/app
the exact reverse appends to the "off" option
Hope this will make things easier for people who want to learn how to cook and also easier for cookers
Thanks for the guide lol. I was just looking for one today
This is a merged thread, from the two previous posts I created, both questions I awnserd myself. here is the awnser you really want multiple partitions for your phone
First you must run gparted from command promp on your computer, so connect your phone to your computer and run in the terminal:
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
remove any partitions
now create new partitions these partitions should be as so, for sense or 2.1, or gingerbread roms fat32 ext2 swap file is the order, for froyo I believe it is swap ext2 fat32, but I have not tried a froyo rom yet.
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 14500MB
mkpartfs primary ext2 14500MB 15500MB
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 15500MB 15900MB
now push file from below to your phone, and flash
now reboot
now open terminal emulator and type:
ls /dev/block/
this should print something like this:
the mmcblk0p'# are the sdcard partitions
to mount the fat32 partition type:
mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/sdcard/
now use one of SwapScriptv2.1.1 thanks to cyanogen
type in terminal:
Follow the prompts and you should see your new swap partition in use, by typing:
in your terminal now if you woud like to have the swap started at boot time type
and follow the prompts after this you should have a new 3 partitioned sdcard fat32 ext2 and swap and using and mounted on fat32 on sdcard and swap running
using the ext2 will be for either cach2cach appsor maybe linux, I have not decied yet
Flash from Recovery
Compatible with 2 and 3 partition layouts (ext(fat+ext+swap) and no ext(fat+swap))
This script adds commands to terminal:
swapscriptv2 - you will be asked what partition layout you are using as well as swappiness, optional vm settings prompted
bootswapv2 - you will be asked what partition layout you are using as well as swappiness, and an init script will be placed for swap at boot time, optional boot time vm settings prompted
swap-off turns off active swap partition (error for parition not in use is normal)
bootswap-off removes bootswap init file.
vmtweaks allows changing settings for vfs_cache_pressure and page-cluster, some people have reported success in reducing these values.
vmtweaks-boot allows changing settings for vfs_cache_pressure and page-cluster and applying them at boot.
Let me know if there are any problems with the new script.
the following commands in the terminal
SwapScript: (v1)
Flash from Recovery
fat32+ext+swap or swap on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
fat32+swap no ext or swap on /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
This script adds several commands to terminal:
swaponXX (20,30,40,50,60) - will result in swap being turned on with a swappiness of XX
bootswapXX (20,30,40,50,60) - will enable swap at boot time with a swappiness of XX (no needed)
swap-off - Turns running swap off.
bootswap-off - removes init swap script from boot. (see above notes for removal if you used the newer script)
For anyone interested in testing different swap sizes and swappiness or those with no partition other than the standard fat, I threw together a swapfile script allowing for several common configurations. Similar to my swapscript after flashing from recovery a number of new commands will become available in terminal:
First create a swap file on your sdcard or sd-ext partition:
swapfileXX (size 12,24,36,64,96,128 on sdcard fat partition)
extswapXX (size 12,24,36,64,96,128 on sdcard ext partition)
Then set swappiness:
swpXX (XX is swappiness in increments of 10 up to 90)
errors in script are normal, script references both fat and ext locations, will fix this next update
swapfile-off (stop swap file in use)
errors in script are normal, script references both fat and ext locations, will fix this next update
clearswapfile (stops swap file and removes all swap files created)
errors in script are normal, script references both fat and ext locations, will fix this next update
bootswapfileXX (XX is swappiness in increments of 10 up to 90)
bootswapfil-off - removes bootswap
How to tell if swap is currently in use:
in terminal emulator or adb shell type 'free' with no 's and press enter
if there is a number in the space that says swap you have swap enabled
Hi !
I have an application (CamScanner) with large amount of data (~8Gb). This app doesn't support transfering data do external SD card, so I checked mount -o bind command to bind directory with data stored on external SD to directory in /sdcard and it's working correctly. Question is where I can put this command so that system will run it at boot time after external sd card is ready. There is no /etc/init.d directory on my SGS2 (stock XXKI4). I prefer not to install any applications to perform such a simple task...
Thanks for help, regards !
slig said:
I prefer not to install any applications to perform such a simple task...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think you have no choice, as stock kernels do not have init.d support. You'd need to go down the route of either using an app to run a script on boot, install a kernel with init.d support, or stick with your current method of manually running a script when you need to use the app.
Also, you could try asking the developers kindly to allow saving to external_sd. There's an Email Developer link on the Android market, and a Contact Us link on their website
Thanks for response. I found script named init.rc located in "/", it has several mount commands inside, wonder if it can be used...
Also discovered that app Tasked has ability to run shell scripts with root privileges (at boot or at application start). I suppose I have to put this shell script in /system because in /sdcard owner permissions cannot be set so that file cannot be modified (vfat does not support that) and a security hole would be created...
I think that I'll also ask developer for this feature as You suggest.
slig said:
Thanks for response. I found script named init.rc located in "/", it has several mount commands inside, wonder if it can be used...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Everything in "/" is initramfs, a volatile ramdisk changes to which would be lost
on reboot. Only exception are directories in which actual partitions are mounted,
like /system and /data (you can check which directories with "mount" command).
Have you tried just using symbolic link?
This may be the best solution, try something like:
mkdir /sdcard/AppFolder
ln -s /sdcard/AppFolder /data/data/
Just in case you don't know, you can execute those command using
Terminal Emulator. You were considering modifications to /, so I guess you already have root.
Yes, I have rooted my SGS2 via ZergRush.
I didn't know that / is volatile initramfs, thanks for that information.
As for symbolic link - unfortunately on my stock ROM both /sdcard and /sdcard/external_sd filesystems are vfat and don't support symbolic linking. Only working way I discovered is bind mount.
In my case, I have the following:
mount -o bind /sdcard/external_sd/CamScanner /sdcard/CamScanner
And application runs OK, all data is accessible and doesn't consume internal flash memory.
I'll take a look how hard would be to write some small application to do just this task - define some pairs of source and target directories and mount - bind them at start.
I've somehow missed the fact that you're need redirection from /sdcard
to /sdcard/external_sd, I was thinking about symlink on /data...
Anyways, there another nice trick you can do - if you can devote your SD card
to this one application, then just edit /system/etc/vold.fstab to make SD card
mount in /sdcard/CamScanner instead of /sdcard/external_sd.
I have a xperia u, which has not external SD card slot..
Data partition is MUCH bigger than what I need (I'm using 500mb of 2gb) and I want to move obb files to data partition to free some space in SD partition..
Is that possible?
You might try to move the file to the data partition and then create a symlink where the file was originally.
From a shell with root access:
# ln -s /your/data/partition/filename.obb /original/place/filename.obb
I'm doing the same moving apk and dalvik-cache but I have the problem that after reboot files are still there but the app is disabled.
You can check it here:
I would suggest to try it on an app that it's not important for the system and I don't assume any responsability
partition where you create symlink must be ext2/3/4
I think I understand how this works.. Lets say symlinks are some kind of 'windows direct access' for files that can be recognized by the system.. Am I right?
How can I figure out what format are my partitions?
I want to move /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/ to /data/data/
Assuming that partitions are in the correct format, I'll have to move files with a root file browser, then connect phone with debug on and type this:
-adb shell
-ln -s /data/data/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
Is that ok?
Yest that's the use, I don't know about "windows direct access" because I'm linux user
To check how is your partition formatted there are different ways from console but I just tried this app and it works:
If both partitions are ext2/3/4 remember also to set the same user, group and permissions, you can do that copying the file from shell.
The whole sequence should look like this:
$ adb shell
$ su
# cp -a /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/ /data/data/
# rm /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
# ln -s /data/data/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
cp - a to copy preserving permissions and rm to remove the file.
/data is ext4.. /mnt/sdcard is vfat D=
No symlink then
I never used it but you can still mount bind folders (not files) in fat, something similar to symlink:
$ adb shell
$ su
# mkdir /data/data/
# cp -a /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/* /data/data/[B]obb/[/B]
# rm -r /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/*
# mount -o bind /data/data/[B]obb/[/B] /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
if it works you need to find a way to excute that on boot maybe with a init script.
And if there is not crucial data you could even bind all the obb folder together like:
# mount -o bind /data/data/[B]obb/[/B] /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
You can also check this thread:
Double check everything because I never tried it
Is it possible to add init.d support to my current rom and execute a sh file from it to initialize bind on boot?
No idea sorry
You can try asking in your phone section:
I found how to add init.d support!
Not sure if it works for any device/rom/kernel, but it worked for my Xperia U with GingerBeanSS v3.5 (Sony GB based)..
If anyone is interested, go to this link:
Now I suppose I can create a "" with the script you mentioned before in any place of /system, and make a "bindobb" file in /system/etc/init.d/ to execute that script..
So theoretically binding folders should work on every boot!
I used windows my entire life.. I'm not completely sure about linux scripts..
Sorry about making so much questions!
I really appreciate your help!
No problem I'm glad if I can help.
Init script is usually named starting with two numbers like: 00script, 20script, 99script that should give the order scripts are excuted.
For the script itself you need to follow the sample you donwloaded so it will be something like this:
busybox mount -o bind /data/data/obb/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
This is to mount all obb folder or, if you want to mount only some, you can write them all in the script or keep a list of packages in another file and make the script read that.
Remember to make a backup and you might try first with only one package
Ok, I've understood everything (thanks google! ) and done it..
mount -o bind[...] isn't executed by init script.. Maybe a syntax error as it is my first time doing it..
The same command (without 'busybox' at first, of course) seems to work via ADB, because in SolidExplorer when I go to obb folder BEFORE running the script it is empy, but after running it all packages' folders and files appear!
Now problem is that when running a game that need obb data, it closes by itselfs (no FC nor 'missing data' warning)..
Same problem with a 3rd party TTS engine that needs obb data too..
The first problem could be that when you try to execute the command partitions are not mounted yet. Check 00 script used to test if init is enabled to mount them.
Another solution could be to use a sleep command to make the script wait some seconds but the first one should do the trick.
For the second problem check permissions. You copied files as root so you need to be sure the apps can access those files as well, in fat system there is no use of users, group and permissions but moving to ext you need to check that.
To be sure you can set obb folder and all files an directories inside as 777 (rwx for all)
Let me know if it's working
Sent from my ZP980 using Tapatalk
NeriL said:
I want to move /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/ to /data/data/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you can easy create a directory bind using luckypatcher with the folder with obb and the folder where you would like to put it
remember to reboot or rescan your sd else it wont work
i use it to play asphalt and fifa
MrCrayon said:
The first problem could be that when you try to execute the command partitions are not mounted yet. Check 00 script used to test if init is enabled to mount them.
Another solution could be to use a sleep command to make the script wait some seconds but the first one should do the trick.
For the second problem check permissions. You copied files as root so you need to be sure the apps can access those files as well, in fat system there is no use of users, group and permissions but moving to ext you need to check that.
To be sure you can set obb folder and all files an directories inside as 777 (rwx for all)
Let me know if it's working
Sent from my ZP980 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I deleted my custom init script and wrote following command at the last line of '00test' script:
busybox mount -o bind /data/obb/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
Mount then worked fine
(By the way, my custom script was named '99bindobb', so it was supposedly executed after everything else)
Also checked permissions: /data/obb/ and folders inside it were rwxrwxrwx, but files inside were rw-------!
Changed permission of files to rwxrwxrwx..
Now everything works flawlessly at each boot!
Thank you so much! =D =D
You saved about 500Mb of my 4Gb!
And also I learned a lot about linux scripts, busybox and file system permissions!
You are welcome
For the 99 script that only define the order between the user init scripts so it still depends when they are called during boot.
Enjoy the power of Linux
Sent from my ZP980 using Tapatalk
Hi MrCrayon..! I'm here again
I changed rom and did the same as before to use /data insted of /mnt/sdcard for apps files..
This is exactly what I did:
I copied the script I used to sd (my edited 00test), changed rom (switched from Sony based GB rom to Sony Stock ICS rom), added init.d support (/data/Test.log indicates that it works), copied script to /system/etc/init.d/, changed script permissions to 777, created folders /data/AndroidData/ and /data/obb/ with 777 permissions and moved files from sd folders to custom folders in /data..
Finally updated busybox just in case
Script doesn't work, but executing 'mount -o bind' commands from ADB does! How can I fix that?
This is my init script:
#Init.d Test
if [ -e /data/Test.log ]; then
rm /data/Test.log
echo Ryuinferno @ XDA 2013 > /data/Test.log
echo Init.d is working !!! >> /data/Test.log
busybox mount -o bind /data/obb/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/
busybox mount -o bind /data/AndroidData/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/
busybox set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, /data/AndroidData, /data/obb)
Alright so I have achieved Dual Boot :victory:
It's a simple hack or probably an elegant one.
We can probably achieve multiboot but that is not important.
There are some other things which will be ironed out but thats for later.
Thread Rules :
No Thank you or How Do I do it or nooby questions.
This thread is exclusively for Developers, Enthusiasts and/or Professionals.
Knowledge of Linux and Terminal is MANDATORY.
Dual Partitioned SD card. Second partition preferably
Linux Installed on your computer.
Rubbish posts will be removed .
Save some pride by not being a n00b.
Currently I have planned two types in my mind.
Type 1: Dual Booting ROMs with Same Boot Images - Completed
This hack works across ROMs which use same kernel with same ramdisk... ICS ROMs series , LXP ROMs who use the LXP kernels.. If there is even slight difference in the ramdisk (esp. the init.rc) ,you wont be able to boot ROMs.
Type 2: Dual Booting ROMs with Same kernels but different Ramdisks- Therotically completed.
Post 1: Intro
Post 2: Prepare SD Card and Images
Post 3: Prepare Ramdisk and ROM Installations
Post 4: Installation and switching ROMs
Post 5:Ramdisk Mod
Post 6 : Multiple Mounts/ MultiBoot
Post 7: FAQ
Problems :
Partitioning SD card is annoying and not fruitful
Second SD card partition might be used as second SD card on First ROM.
Use loop Images.
Dump Images and formatting.
Make dump images
dd if=/dev/zero of=system.kdpr bs=4096 count=100000
Will you give you 400 MB image
dd if=/dev/zero of=data.kdpr bs=4096 count=200000
Will you give you 800 MB image.
Mount Images (as root)
losetup /dev/loop0 system.kdpr
losetup /dev/loop1 data.kdpr
Format images(as root)
sudo mkfs.ext4 -T ext4 -b 4096 -m 0 -J size=4 -O ^huge_file,^has_journal,^resize_inode,^ext_attr /dev/loop0
sudo mkfs.ext4 -T ext4 -b 4096 -m 0 -J size=4 -O ^huge_file,^has_journal,^resize_inode,^ext_attr /dev/loop1
tune2fs -c 100 -i 100d -m 0 /dev/loop0
tune2fs -c 100 -i 100d -m 0 /dev/loop1
You have two ext4 formatted images system.kdpr and data.kdpr ready.
Copy those images to sd-ext folder.You can mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 on a folder and directly push these images via adb push
OR copy images to SD card and copy to second partition.
Either way the system.kdpr and data.kdpr should be in root of the second SD card partition.
Assuming you have mounted second sd card partition on /data/sd-ext.
Run this command
touch flag_kdpr
The Images are now ready and loaded :victory:
Now is the time to hack the boot image.
Unpack Boot image and navigate to ramdisk folder
Navigate to the lines in init.rc where partitions are mounted .
Comment off or remove the lines mounting system and data
For stock ICS it is in init.semc.rc
#mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
#mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system rw remount
#mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid node
add a line
exec /sbin/
now create a bash script named as follows
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /res/sdext
flag_boot=`cat /res/sdext/flag_kdpr`
if [ ${flag_boot} -eq 1 ]
mount /res/sdext/system.kdpr /system
mount -o remount,rw /res/sdext/system.kdpr /system
mount /res/sdext/data.kdpr /data
mount /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
mount -o rw,remount /system
mount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /data
make a folder named /res/sdext or choose mount point of your choice
We will be controlling the mount point and boot via the file flag_kdpr.
Using this flag we can also achieve MultiBoot
Repack the boot image.
Installing Secondary ROM
Open the zip and extract the updater script .
Remove the lines for mounting/formatting system and data.
Repack the zip
Mount sd-ext
Run these commands in terminal
mount /sd-ext/system.kdpr /system
mount /sd-ext/data.kdpr /data
Install the zip ROM.
ROM will be installed in the dump images.
Booting to secondary ROM:
In the recovery or first ROM run this command
echo 1 > /sd-ext/flag_kdpr
echo 1 > /res/sdext/flag_kdpr
and reboot
Booting to primary ROM:
In the recovery or first ROM run this command
echo 0 > /sd-ext/flag_kdpr
echo 0 > /res/sdext/flag_kdpr
and reboot
Stage 2 : Ramdisk Mod .
This is actually theoretical, but it should work anyway. @nobodyAtall 's recovery for locked bootloader works in a similar fashion.
This is for LXP+ kernels or kernels who use to load the ramdisk archives.
Steps .
Preparation :
SD Card
Add a folder named ramdisk in root of second SD card
mkdir ramdisk
Add ramdisks in this folder
Add a flag for ramdisk
touch flag_ramdisk
Make a script mount
#!/sbin/busybox sh
flag_ramdisk=`cat /sdext/flag_ramdisk`
if [ ${flag_ramdisk} -eq 1 ]
busybox cpio -i < /sdext/ramdisk/abc_ramdisk.cpio
elif [ ${flag_ramdisk} -eq 2 ]
busybox cpio -i < /sdext/ramdisk/pqr_ramdisk.cpio
busybox cpio -i < /sbin/ramdisky.cpio
Ramdisk of Primary kernel
create directory
mkdir -m 755 -p /sdext
Mount second SD card partition before loading the ramdisk
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sdext
Comment or delete the line loading kernel.
Replace/add with
busybox sh /sdext/
Unmount Second sd card
Ramdisk will "theoretically" load.
Handling Multiple Ramdisks and Multiple Mounts.
Multiple Ramdisk mod is useful when.
You have to test a new ramdisk
You have to run alternative ROM on a same kernel(e.g MIUI)
Load custom recovery for alternative mount points (CM12 ,Secondary ROM)
Dual/Multi ROM is useful for
Alpha/Beta testing
For the lulz
Both of these mods are independent of each other.
You can use Primary Ramdisk with Ramdisk mod and Secondary Ramdisks with mount mods
Multi Boot is similarly implemented. Except you need lot of space in second partition ,each around 1-1.5 GB per system-data combo.
Some "friendlier" ways to dual Boot.
Method 1
Noob Friendly Instructions for Dual Boot.
I have done most of the heavy lifting
You need to flash the kernels above first.
Currently only Radium is supported for primary ROM.
But you can install ANY ICS ROM as secondary.
Requirements :
Basic Notepad Skills.
Dual Partition SD card Exceeding 1.2GB atleast.
Battery % atleast above 70%
Download all zips in this folder.
Definition : 400MB system + 400 MB data : 400 MB system + 600 MB data : 400 MB system +800 MB data : To Mount The secondary system/data before installing ROMs : Boot to Primary ROM :Boot to Secondary ROM
Setup Dual Boot:
Go to recovery
Go to mounts & storage
Format sd-ext
Flash any ONE of the Dual_Boot_Install_Zips
Patience part comes here. Depending on how your SD card is ,it takes 5-10 minutes to copy.
ROM Preparation
Extract the updater script of your ROM zip in your desktop.
Open it in notepad++
Delete the lines mounting and formatting system and userdata like these
format("MTD", "system");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Copy back the updater script in the ROM folder
Copy ROM to SD card
ROM installation:
Run The ROM installer
Before Installing Zips below ,Make sure sd-ext is NOT mounted in mounts and storage.
Booting to primary ROM
Run the in recovery OR
mount sd-ext and run
echo 0 > /sd-ext/flag_kdpr
in adb shell
Booting to secondary ROM
Run the in recovery.
mount sd-ext and run
echo 1 > /sd-ext/flag_kdpr
in adb shell
Those huge blank images can be fit in such a small zip file. There is no data so it can be compressed to the Max.
Method 2
Even more easier Dual ROM installation. This type of stuff can only be achieved on the Zero Layout
Noob Friendly Instructions for Dual Boot.
Requirements :
Dual Partition SD card Exceeding 1.2GB atleast.
Battery % atleast above 70%
Download all zips in this folder.
Definition : 400MB system + 400 MB data : 400 MB system + 600 MB data : 400 MB system +800 MB data : To Mount The secondary system/data before installing ROMs : Boot to Primary ROM :Boot to Secondary ROM :cloning Primary ROM to Secondary ROM
Setup Dual Boot:
Go to recovery
Go to mounts & storage
Format sd-ext
Flash any ONE of the Dual_Boot_Install_Zips
Patience part comes here. Depending on how your SD card is ,it takes 5-10 minutes to copy.
Install Secondary ROM as you install any ROM
Finish installation
Don't reboot.
Mount sd-ext in mounts and storage
[optional]Watch Anime
After installation finished
Install Primary ROM.
Finish Installation
Clone Zip basically clones your running ROM as secondary ROM. This stuff beats nandroid backup !!
Booting to primary ROM
Run the in recovery OR
mount sd-ext and run
echo 0 > /sd-ext/flag_kdpr
in adb shell
Booting to secondary ROM
Run the in recovery.
mount sd-ext and run
echo 1 > /sd-ext/flag_kdpr
in adb shell
Those huge blank images can be fit in such a small zip file. There is no data so it can be compressed to the Max.
Lagfix after a while.
After 5-7 boots , Secondary ROM starts lagging.
fsck is needed to be performed from the reccovery to fix lag.
Commands :
e2fsck /res/sdext/data.kdpr
e2fsck /res/sdext/system.kdpr
Or just add it to mount scripts before mounting.
@karandpr,is there any possibility to dualboot some roms with different kernel layout or version (like multiboot on newer phone)?
ryanrinaldhi said:
@karandpr,is there any possibility to dualboot some roms with different kernel layout or version (like multiboot on newer phone)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nope. On fly layout change is impossible.
Even when you change layout ,you need a fastboot erase ,or the consequences can be weird.
Version change is possible.
anonymous had a kernel which can boot ICS , CM9 ,CM 10 & MIUI JB.
Multiboot off his hybrid kernel is very possible.
I am exploring the possibility of Kitkat and lollipop since both are versions 3.4 . Not sure if it can happen but worth a risk.
Hi guys. Does any of you know how to push su.d directory into su folder? I mean I need script in su/su.d to get root call sms manager working. Every time I try it disappears after reboot.
Rooted rom 34.3.A.0.217 with TWRP.
It's late though, but for the guidance of other noobs like me. /su/su.d/ can't be flashed in recovery because this isn't available. For system-less roots, binaries/libraries required to start supersu daemon and to manage root permissions, don't reside in /system/bin but in /data/su.img while (at least) two files reside in boot.img i.e. boot.img/ramdisk/init.supersu.rc and boot.img/ramdisk/sbin/.*daemonsu*.sh. When ROM boots, init.supersu.rc mounts /data/su.img on /su directory and calls /sbin/*daemonsu*.sh for initial setup which starts /su/bin/daemonsu and other se-linux related stuff and then executes any scripts found in /su/su.d/ and /system/su.d.
You can find this:
mido:/ # mount | grep loop
/dev/block/loop0 on /su type ext4 (rw,seclabel,noatime,data=ordered)
So, the init.d scripts placed in /su/su.d actually reside in /data/su.img which isn't mounted in recovery mode and anything flashed to /su/su.d goes to volatile rootfs which is gone on reboot. Either mount su.img in recovery, or place this script while ROM is running or instead flash to /system/su.d which is permanent filesystem unlike rootfs (which lives in RAM). And finally don't forget to set permissions to 0700 as advised here. Another thing, mostly init.d scripts don't work with .sh extension. Avoid this too.