Question - Batch Files & WinMo - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a question about WinMo / Batch files
I want to keep 'certain' images in one folder, along with 2 batch files
If hide.bat is executed it converts all the file extensions (.jpg) to .895 (or anything random)
If show.bat is executed it reverses the process.
Where as this entire process is working flawlessly on the PC the batch files do not execute on Winmo, what is the way around?
I feel this should be the easiest way to hide unwanted content when you leave your phone unattended around home or work OR worse, give it to your partner to play with
P.S. - if there is already a utility that does that please let me know!

have a read up on mortscript.

Methinks someone is trying to keep their Pr0n hidden ....
Mortscript is your way to go ....
but there are , I know I've seen them in action , just don't know what it is called, a program that keeps an encrypted file store on WM that can only be access with a pw.
I know a little off base from your question but .........

samsamuel said:
have a read up on mortscript.
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Thanks Sam I will read up on this.
watcher64 said:
Methinks someone is trying to keep their Pr0n hidden ....
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Ofcourse, what else???
Its pr0n for them..... for us its 'me' time

disregarding the nature of yours khmmm... "important documents of sensitive nature", I'd rather recommend more adult solution, i.e.
FreeOTFE: "free, open source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs"

p107r0 said:
disregarding the nature of yours khmmm... "important documents of sensitive nature", I'd rather recommend more adult solution, i.e.
FreeOTFE: "free, open source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs"
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+1 That was one I had seen but could not remember the name ....
But what I wonder who does the OP give his phone to that might see his "Sensitive" Documents, hell my HD2 rarely leaves my hand when it is on , except when I need a free one .......


[App] Flushing Memory

Hi all!
i'm italian so i'm sorry for my bad english in advance!
i want to share my little software that i called "Flushing Memory" that is a simple sms manager that store every message in the file "sms.txt" stored on the root of the smartphone.
so this software presents three little pages: one for sending sms, one for the list of the last 30 sms and one to view the full sms!
unzip and copy the content in program files and execute the exe! at this point will be a windows of evaluation because i used inthehands library but don't worry because that doesn't have time-limitations.
if you want, you can create shorcuts to autostart the application or a shortcut in program files menu.
i know that this can be a little difficult to someone,i will create a cab some day
i hope this can be appreciated.say to me in this case,
this is interesting program, nice job, imo, really nice thingy you made,
in opposite of these htc ****oozas presented on xdadev again and again..;
you are close to make replacement to messaging, imho.
suggestion: "delete message" menu option may be useful...
at this point will be a windows of evaluation
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evaluation is not important, as it is just free lib - problem is with that goddamn reminder at start..
What exactly does this app do? Sounds like it might be something I need, but I don't quite know what it does.
Neded program for most of PPC user .
Thanks Zylux
Nice app and very simple to use though I couldn't find the sms.txt file anywhere. Keep improving it.
My idea is it could be a kind of sms backup.
Thank u so much dude... I needed it...
hmm sems to work with only 20 sms

[Q] Folder password protection

I've created on my desktop a shortcut to a project folder on my SD card. Can anyone recommend an app that will let me set up a password for that folder?
I'm not looking to encrypt all the data in the folder, I just want password-restricted access to it. I can't find anything suitable in The Market.
If it's not encrypted, then its not protected.
Really, seriously, utterly, there is no way at all that you can "protect" a folder on an SD card other than encrypting the contents. Other apps, will always be able to access it, and, equally, anyone could take the card out and stick it in a PC card reader.
I appreciate that, and that's fine! I'm not looking for total protection from access, either through SD card reading or via apps. I'm just looking for password-restricted access when accessed through the desktop shortcut.
SmartLock will let you lock your photos/videos, as well as apps and such but I don't think it does folders. The best you could probably do would be to hide the folders using SmartLock or a similar app along those lines.
Yes, I have discovered SmartLock, thanks. But I have to say I'm not a fan at all of the whole mentality with mobile phones that data is split into storage of photos, videos, "music", etc, in separate locations and treated separately.
The folder in question contains mp3, pdf, jpg, xls and doc files.
Hiding the folder would be completely against what I'm trying to do, which is to have a clearly visible, easily accessible desktop shortcut. I guess basically I'm looking for the Android equivalent of a zip file with password.
AidanBell said:
I've created on my desktop a shortcut to a project folder on my SD card.
. . .
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When you write desktop, do you mean homescreen or as a network shortcut on your PC? If the latter you can use the desktop's OS to protect the link.
AidanBell said:
. . . I guess basically I'm looking for the Android equivalent of a zip file with password.
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Wouldn't the Android equivalent be a zip file with a password? ES File Explorer is free and supports password protected archives.
Sorry, terminology!
Yes, I mean the home screen on my Streak (or strictly speaking one of them!).
I already have and use ES File Explorer, that's how I created the Homescreen shortcut!
So if it turns out that what I'm looking for is already a feature of that program, then how's that for irony!
Glad you've found a solution that works for you, but... you do know that password protected zipfiles are encrypted,
jim-bo said:
Glad you've found a solution that works for you...
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Thank you, but regrettably I haven't.
When you zip a folder it of course creates a copy of that folder, zipped, which is not what I want at all. I'm amazed that what I do want doesn't seem to be readily available; in order to open a folder you have to enter a simple password, and then you're in the folder. Simple as that ...
AidanBell said:
Thank you, but regrettably I haven't.
When you zip a folder it of course creates a copy of that folder, zipped, which is not what I want at all. I'm amazed that what I do want doesn't seem to be readily available; in order to open a folder you have to enter a simple password, and then you're in the folder. Simple as that ...
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Well, part of the reason that nobody makes such an app / feature, is that it is pretty much the equivalent of selling a security system for your house that consists of a door that doesn't lock, with a sign on it saying "no unauthorized entry". It really offers no actual protection at all.
That being said, what you're trying to achieve sounds more like you want to protect an app / shortcut on your launcher screen, rather than protecting the folder itself
Take a look at something like (I searched for password any app, if you want to see other options). It may let you achieve what you're after.
Thanks for your thoughts. To use your analogy, yes; I do indeed want the sign that says "no unauthorized entry" but I don't want the door to be locked. Precisely!
Perhaps I should explain my situation more closely. I'm taking my Streak in to meetings with colleagues who will also make use of it. All I want is to prevent casual non-malicious access of the folder by other people. I neither need nor want encryption or strong security, I just want that tiny bit of difficulty, the little hint that says "you're not supposed to be doing this".
Thanks for your thoughts.
Using your own analogy; yes, that's exactly what I do want; the sign says, "no unauthorized entry", but the door remains unlocked!
Let me explain. I take my Streak in to meetings where it is also used by other people. What I want to prevent is non-malicious, accidental access by others. I want a gentle hint, not a 100% secure lock-out or data encryption, just a little kick that says "you're not supposed to be doing this".
Smart App Protector would be ideal if it would protect a folder. It's exactly what I want, but I need it for for folders, not apps.
You said that you wanted the prompt to come up when you hit an icon on your desktop - that would be app-protection, or shortcut protection, since it is the launch of the app / shortcut that causes the password prompt.
If you are saying that you are already in a file browser, and you want the prompt to pop up when you choose a certain folder to enter, then you are going to need to find a file browser that supports protecting or "hiding" folders, since it will have to be a direct function of the file browser app itself. I'm afraid that I don't know of any that offer anything like that feature.
To be absolutely clear, there are no features or functions in an SD card filesystem that will allow this sort of security flagging, and to do it at the OS level would involve some relatively low level dalvik / libc / kernel patching, which would require root, a custom ROM, and quite possibly end up being device specific, which explains why you can't find anything in the market.
I seem to manage to make a habit of this: There are literally tens of thousands of available apps that do everything under the sun. Yet the simple, not unique or unusual, function that I'm after isn't available! Oh well, many thanks for your kind help nevertheless.
AidanBell said:
I seem to manage to make a habit of this: There are literally tens of thousands of available apps that do everything under the sun. Yet the simple, not unique or unusual, function that I'm after isn't available! Oh well, many thanks for your kind help nevertheless.
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Unfortunately, this one isn't simple (you are asking for a low-level redesign of the security model), and while it may not be uniquem it is something that not many people would want - referring back to the previous metaphor, how many people would buy a front door with no lock, just a keep out sign, really? Especially once they learned that burglars can't always read...
But if I ever do come across anything that might help, I'll definitely let you know
AidanBell said:
Thank you, but regrettably I haven't.
When you zip a folder it of course creates a copy of that folder, zipped, which is not what I want at all. I'm amazed that what I do want doesn't seem to be readily available; in order to open a folder you have to enter a simple password, and then you're in the folder. Simple as that ...
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Can't you then delete the folder and use the zip. When you tap on the zip you can see the file names, but to open a file you need the PW. Not ideal since ES Fie Explorer doesn't support copying directly to a zip file, but it is as close as you can get, I think.
Edit: I don't usually put shortcuts to things I don't want others peeking at on the homescreen.

File Explorer for wp8

I know much of developers says.. why should i develop a great file explorer i can't root....
but im think some developer has great ideas too root it and im think wp8 is perfect with a great file explorer that can be
-- Look up files on sd card and devices
- extract and packed *.Zip files
- Send files per bluetooth
- Make a file share for lan!!! -> share it on local network
. supports a windows Local Network share in a lan to connect to computer and otherwise
- Mark up fileas and folder Copy /Past / cut
as how total commander or windows explorer look up
root can be able if one devolepr release a root and if it is not avable share the files that unroot aviable
note: a developer becomes a root certification too root the device as developer ...
Easy for you to say, impossible for us to do.
Step by Step ???
or is it technickal a problem to show files from basic files like music / fotos / documents /videos and sd data a tool that show it is this possible?
mcosmin222 said:
Easy for you to say, impossible for us to do.
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It is impossible. Don't think we didn't think about it. The system simply does not allow third parties to check on the file system.
Rooting seems impossible right now too.
some infos
Rooting seems impossible right now too.[/QUOTE]
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allesand said:
Rooting seems impossible right now too.
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We still don't have any solutions yet... Don't bank on rooting being possible yet. The article about the root certificate shows SOME promise, but doesn't make anything possible. Even though WinRT and WP8 run a similar kernel, there are some differences to the certificates. All we can do right now is wait.
snickler said:
We still don't have any solutions yet... Don't bank on rooting being possible yet. The article about the root certificate shows SOME promise, but doesn't make anything possible. Even though WinRT and WP8 run a similar kernel, there are some differences to the certificates. All we can do right now is wait.
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i said step by step xD what is this??
allesand said:
i said step by step xD what is this??
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this is an article about reading from the SD Card. Yes, that is possible but it means nothing to getting root access right now. You still canNOT read from outside of the Documents, Music, Pictures folders and the isolated storage of the local app you are trying to read. As long as you can't touch the System partition, you won't be able to do anything. So we are back at square one mate
snickler said:
this is an article about reading from the SD Card. Yes, that is possible but it means nothing to getting root access right now. You still canNOT read from outside of the Documents, Music, Pictures folders and the isolated storage of the local app you are trying to read. As long as you can't touch the System partition, you won't be able to do anything. So we are back at square one mate
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but a file Manager that reads documents photos and sdcard is missing as simmilar as a Version that has root accses
im missing usb thetering on phone
Microsoft decided that phone apps should not be able to read most common file formats. We can't even read a god forsaken XML file from SD cards.
mcosmin222 said:
Microsoft decided that phone apps should not be able to read most common file formats. We can't even read a god forsaken XML file from SD cards.
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we must hack it is bad without ..................
allesand said:
but a file Manager that reads documents photos and sdcard is missing as simmilar as a Version that has root accses
im missing usb thetering on phone
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You truly are NOT getting the point are you... lol.
We are stuck at waiting until someone with experience can potentially find the smallest fluke to exploit. As it's looking right now, Microsoft put the epic lock & chain on WP8.
I am pretty sure they will make it possible eventually, just the way they did in WinRT. The kernels are not yet fully unified yet.
mcosmin222 said:
I am pretty sure they will make it possible eventually, just the way they did in WinRT. The kernels are not yet fully unified yet.
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it is a Basic function of Windows that has make Windows big and then they stoped it very bad
They didn't just leave it out, they left it out for a reason. The file system is a huge security vulnerability. They probably made it a priority to get it working on RT first then WP.
mcosmin222 said:
They didn't just leave it out, they left it out for a reason. The file system is a huge security vulnerability. They probably made it a priority to get it working on RT first then WP.
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ihope you are rigth
isn't it NTFS?=== but the source Settings -> Mobilephone Memory can read it
The operating system is clearly not a mallware.
Yeah... security is about preventing unauthorized actions. If I'm explicitly authorizing an app to access my filesystem (hell, make it a popup message box confirmation, like for apps that use the GPS), it's because I want the app to access the goddamn filesystem.
WRT at least still has Explorer and CMD and Powershell and such... WP8 lockdown is not about "security" in the proper sense, it's about control. The average user doesn't know enough about security to make good decisions there, but Android's popularity has only increased as it has gotten easier to root the devices. Meanwhile, iPhones (which are also all about control, and it's not in the hands of the user) are in a relative decline (marketshare, not absolute numbers) and have lost nearly all their first-mover advantage in the "modern" smartphone wave. Microsoft never had that advantage (they squandered what they had with WinMo and were late to the current wave) and their control-freak-ism is directly hurting them (as a random example, VPN apps were possible on Android even before there was on official VPN API; you just needed root).
A lot of developers have expressed their need to use the file system. I am sure Microsoft will eventually allow it.

Folder in folder

Hi Guys,
I'm new to the Android world and I have a question for you all.
I tried to search and I do not think there are other posts about it, I would like to know if there is the possibility to put folders inside other folders.
Thanks in advance for any answers
No Way dud
So that's what happened to my
Master Document files...
Mat31 said:
Hi Guys,
I'm new to the Android world and I have a question for you all.
I tried to search and I do not think there are other posts about it, I would like to know if there is the possibility to put folders inside other folders.
Thanks in advance for any answers
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you can try to use package if you want to have "folders in folders" used by compiler (java language)
indestructible master said:
you can try to use package if you want to have "folders in folders" used by compiler (java language)
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There's no "trick" to it; it has native support.
You can transfer folders in folders etc from a Windows PC as is.
My whole music database is structured like this and seamlessly transfers back and forth between the 10+ and PC completely intact.
blackhawk said:
There's no "trick" to it; it has native support.
You can transfer folders in folders etc from a Windows PC as is.
My whole music database is structured like this and seamlessly transfers back and forth between the 10+ and PC completely intact.
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i know, i just provided answer he was looking for
indestructible master said:
i know, i just provided answer he was looking for
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I'm reminded of what Basil Rathbone would say to Nigel Bruce.
All little kids do is play to learn with Androids... works well. Pretty much what I do most of the time. Samsung variants have lots of features and hidden tricks.
Adroids are fun to play with... at any level.
Brother does not talk about the file manager
Otherwise, it is known that this matter is very easy
I guess he's talking about interface applications
I think he wants to create a new folder
And inside this folder he wants to create another folder
This cannot be done in the interface of the applications screen

Question What is the most effective file viewer/converter?

I'm trying to open and see a lot of files from my HP notebook running windows 10. There's files like "data" and "bin" and "dot". Some are "db" files. Hell there's even their type just says "file". What's the best app that can open and view these types of files on Android? Or do I need to get a app for that on the laptop?
Michael Romanov said:
I'm trying to open and see a lot of files from my HP notebook running windows 10. There's files like "data" and "bin" and "dot". Some are "db" files. Hell there's even their type just says "file". What's the best app that can open and view these types of files on Android? Or do I need to get a app for that on the laptop?
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Just Curious! Why on earth does anybody need to open system files manually?
Michael Romanov said:
What's the best app that can open and view these types of files on Android?
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Depends on what the contents of those files are. The file extensions don't provide much of an indication. "data" could refer to ANYTHING. "db" is probably a database file, maybe sqlite? Or maybe not. Who is to know?
Michael Romanov said:
I'm trying to open and see a lot of files from my HP notebook running windows 10. There's files like "data" and "bin" and "dot". Some are "db" files. Hell there's even their type just says "file". What's the best app that can open and view these types of files on Android? Or do I need to get a app for that on the laptop?
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.bin is a binary file. It and a .db (database) file cannot be read using a text editor. I will guess the same issue will occur trying to view a .data file. Even viewing them on a laptop is problematic as they aren't in a human-readable form. The only exception to the above would be if the files have had their file extensions changed from their originals.
Outside of that exception the only way I can think of to view information inside of these files is with a Windows hex editor like HxD, and even then what you see will be limited. Regardless, I wouldn't bother with Android for this task, even though I'm sure Android has hex editors. The laptop's screen makes such work easier than on Android.
aimsjahan said:
Just Curious! Why on earth does anybody need to open system files manually?
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Lol for the sake of plain curiosity. I'm new to a lot of this so I'm not sure what is and isn't possible or in this case practical.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
.bin is a binary file. It and a .db (database) file cannot be read using a text editor. I will guess the same issue will occur trying to view a .data file. Even viewing them on a laptop is problematic as they aren't in a human-readable form. The only exception to the above would be if the files have had their file extensions changed from their originals.
Outside of that exception the only way I can think of to view information inside of these files is with a Windows hex editor like HxD, and even then what you see will be limited. Regardless, I wouldn't bother with Android for this task, even though I'm sure Android has hex editors. The laptop's screen makes such work easier than on Android.
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So basically the juice ain't gonna justify the squeeze for this. Alright. Thank you for letting me know this is basically a waste of time. I'm new to all this and was just poking around in the laptop and kept running into **** I couldn't read is all.
Michael Romanov said:
So basically the juice ain't gonna justify the squeeze for this. Alright. Thank you for letting me know this is basically a waste of time. I'm new to all this and was just poking around in the laptop and kept running into **** I couldn't read is all.
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Don't poke too hard. If you don't know what you're doing you could alter or delete an important file and wreck your Windows install. If that happens you get to spend a few hours restoring your laptop.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Don't poke too hard. If you don't know what you're doing you could alter or delete an important file and wreck your Windows install. If that happens you get to spend a few hours restoring your laptop.
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I appreciate the warning but it's a little late for that. Soft bricked my pixel 6 "poking around" with stuff I didn't know. That's how I ended up here in the first place. Nah I learned my lesson after that whole clusterf*ck. Now before I actually mess with it I come ask people far more experienced and knowledgeable than me. Like you for example. Thank you for being patient and answering my noob questions.

