Boot Animations:Tutorial & A Place To Post Your Own. UPDATED 04/10/2011 NEW ANIMATION
How To Create Your Own Boot Animations
Here is a flashable zip from sparksco that will install any bootanimation placed on the root of the sdcard
Download Here
Just place the bootanimation on the root of the sd, then flash this from recovery.
Created Boot Animations Are At The End Of This Post
There are five steps in creating a boot animation:
1. Creating the images;
2. Creating the desc.txt file;
3. Creating the file;
4. Pushing the boot animation to the phone;
5. (Optional) Adding a boot audio file.
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1. Creating The Images.
If you have even seen a flip book (flip the pages fast enough, and a succession of images appears to become animated), then you understand the basics of a boot animation. This is nothing more than a flip book for the digital age, and so all that is required is a collection of images, that when viewed very quickly in succession, appear to be animated (of course with most filming being done digitally these days, one could argue that this is all movies).
Creating these images will take days if you choose to create each one individually, so here is the trick to make this worth doing. Either create a flash animation, or find one you enjoy (you tube is a good place to look for flash animations, and if you do a quick google search you can see how to download youtube videos).
Once you have the flash animation you like, use video editing software to convert it into a series of JPEG or PNG images. I suggest using Avidemux ( ), which is a free, cross-platform, open-source video editor.
This will chop it up to many files. Since you do not want too large of a, I suggest the removal of intermittent files (such as every 5th file) to end up with 50-150 images.
Now on to the editing, for which I suggest using GIMP ( ), which is a free, open-source, cross-platform graphics editor (similar to photoshop). To ensure that the images appear as you would like when turned into an animation, you can resize each image to 480 x 800 (or place each image on a background of these dimensions). The nice thing about GIMP is that it works with terminal commands, so it is possible to resize the entire folder of images with one line of code in the terminal. It should be noted that this step is optional, as the desc.txt file will allow you to choose the proper rendering size. While in GIMP you can do any graphical edits you like to the images, but be sure to make these as small as possible to ensure a smooth running boot animation.
I will say no more about graphics editing, as there are plenty of online tutorials for this.
Be sure to save each image as a JPEG or PNG, and rename each in succession. Thus the first image will be named something like
, the second
and so on (look in any boot animation if this is unclear).
The last thing to note on these images, is that you can choose to have an initial animation run, then at some point have the image start looping. Consider for example the Cyanogen boot animation which comes at you, bounces, then starts with the spinning blue flames. If you desire to have it loop at some point in the animation, this will be taken care of with the desc.txt file, just keep this in mind while creating the images.
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2. Creating The desc.txt File
The purpose of the desc.txt file is to (i) define the dimensions for which the image should be rendered, define the speed at which images are changed, and define the looping (if any).
The desc.txt file for the stock shift boot animation looks like
480 800 15
p 1 1 android
The 480 800 refers to the image size, this is what you need for the shift.
The 15 refers to the frames per second. Depending on the images you used, this can vary widely for the best look. When I make these, I try many different values and see which looks best.
p refers to "pointer" leave this as is.
The first number after p refers to the number of times to play, thus in this case, it is played once. If you desire it to loop, set the value to 0.
The next number refers to the number of freezes on the last frame (in FPS). Thus, in this case, 1 FPS.
Finally, android refers to the folder in which the images files are contained, and tells the phone to execute an audio file.
Now, if you desire to only have part of the images loop, then you will need more than one folder. Suppose you have 120 images named image_001.png through image_120.png, and it is desired to have all of your images play through once, then restart at image_090.png and loop until boot is complete. You would make two folders, say part0 and part1. In folder part0 you would then place all 120 images and in folder part1 you would place image_90.png through image_120.png. In this case a desc.txt file could look like
480 800 25
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
Note that there is a blank line left after the last folder. Be sure to include this.
There are a multitude of combinations that will work on the desc.txt file, and it will usually take some trial and error before you have one that is right for your particular animation.
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3. Creating the
Though this seems like the simple part, it is where most of the issues occur. This is due to the fact that if the file is zipped with any level of compression, the phone will not be able to read it. IF THE ZIP IS NOT MADE WITH ZERO COMPRESSION, THIS WILL RESULT IN A BLANK SCREEN DURING BOOT
Create a folder named "bootanimation" on your desktop. In this folder place only the folders containing your images and the desc.txt file, AND NOTHING ELSE (in the previous example one would place the folders part0 and part1, along with desc.txt into the folder bootanimation).
If using windows, 7zip will do zero compression zipping. Since I do not use windows, I will leave this up to you to figure out. With Linux, open the terminal and enter
cd ~/Desktop/bootanimation
zip -0 bootanimation * */*
If all was done correctly, you will now have a working boot animation.
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4. Pushing The Boot Animation To Your Phone.
This can either be done using adb, or via the phone terminal.
ADB & Linux: Place the file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push ~/Desktop/ /system/customize/resource/
adb reboot
ADB & Windows: Place the file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push C:\Your_User_Name\Desktop\ /system/customize/resource/
adb reboot
Phone Terminal: Place on the root of your sdcard, then in the phone terminal enter
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p26 /system
cp /mnt/sdcard/ /system/customize/resource/
Then reboot the phone.
If your boot animation is not working, recheck all of the above steps.
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5. (OPTIONAL) Adding A Boot Audio File
Find a desired audio file in .mp3 format, and rename it to VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3.
To make it executable you will need to edit the desc.txt file to
480 800 25
p 1 0 android
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
The new line
p 1 0 android
tells the phone to play the audio file once, with no freeze. You can of course edit the number of times it should play (the first number after p), but should not mess with anything else.
Now you need only to push the file to your phone
This can either be done using adb, or via the phone terminal.
ADB & Linux: Place the VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push ~/Desktop/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 /system/customize/resource/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3
adb reboot
ADB & Windows: Place the VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push C:\Your_User_Name\Desktop\VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 /system/customize/resource/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3
adb reboot
Phone Terminal: Place VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 on the root of your sdcard, then in the phone terminal enter
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p26 /system
cp /mnt/sdcard/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 /system/customize/resource/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3
Then reboot the phone.
You now have a custom boot animation with a custom audio file.
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Enjoy, and be sure to post your creations.
My Bootanimations
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Hyper Surface Animation
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download Hyper Surface Animation
Shell Animation
Download Shell Animation
Download Shell Animation Audio File
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Rain Animation
Download Rain Animation
It is designed to move to the music in this file:
Download Rain Animation Audio File
Try them together, if the music is not to your liking (Clip from Beethoven's Bagatelle in A minor), just replace it with whatever you like.
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Animations by Nitro3a
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Animations by riggsandroid
Blue Bee
Orange/Red Bee
Green Bee
Pink Bee
Grey Bee
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Did this simple one.
Only looks grainy because of resizing. Looks fine full size.
DL zip here - rename to appropriate .zip name based on ROM you are on.
yeah great wu clover. thanks for the time
No problem, I used to love making these, but found it so tricky at first. With a few tips it is really easy.
Has anyone tried this?
Boot animation Simple.
cloverdale said:
Has anyone tried this?
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I made a simple boot ani the only problem I did was try to use the desc.txt to call a different sound file following the rules that Motorola uses for their phones. Needless to say it still plays the original boot sound from sprint. I put the custom mp3 file in /system/customize/resource and it still plays the default sprint sound when booting. I haven't figured out where the sound file is supposed to go yet, but I haven't looked very hard either.
Here is the simple boot ani I made. The Background is transparent not white. Also note that this update zip will only work with CWM 2.5.X
Here is smaller size boot ani.
7zip commands for Windows 7
These are the commands that I used to make a boot animation using 7zip on a windows platform.
7za a -mx0 part0
7za a -mx0 part1
7za a -mx0 desc.txt
a = add to zip
-mx0 = Zero compression = If you can't figure this out hmmm.....*Think happy thoughts*the zip file name (at the time the rom I was using you could put as many zip files on your sd card and it would randomly pick one as your boot animation)
part0 = First folder in the sequence
As I said earlier you might be able to zip it all in one command and I just did it the wrong way but I do it this way because I know it works. You might be able to switch up which image folder zips first I don't know I just did it on order because it seemed logical , but I am sure that all the image folders have to be added before you add the "desc.txt" file.
Nitro3a said:
These are the commands that I used to make a boot animation using 7zip on a windows platform.
7za a -mx0 part0
7za a -mx0 part1
7za a -mx0 desc.txt
a = add to zip
-mx0 = Zero compression = If you can't figure this out hmmm.....*Think happy thoughts*the zip file name (at the time the rom I was using you could put as many zip files on your sd card and it would randomly pick one as your boot animation)
part0 = First folder in the sequence
As I said earlier you might be able to zip it all in one command and I just did it the wrong way but I do it this way because I know it works. You might be able to switch up which image folder zips first I don't know I just did it on order because it seemed logical , but I am sure that all the image folders have to be added before you add the "desc.txt" file.
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Thank you. I have no idea how to things on windows these days. I always appreciate someone filling in the details.
I am going to start moving the posted animations to the OP. If anyone has an issue with this, please let me know.
I've made one successfull animation, using the factory desc file and just changing the file names to match the original.
I have now made a different version that I'm having issues with...
I'm editing the file like you said, but for some reason I get white screen flashes during the animation. One at the very start and another everytime the second part of the animation repeats itself.
Any ideas why this is happening?
currently my desc file looks like this
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
I also tried this one (and some with different FPS values)
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 1 part0
p 0 1 part1
BuddahWolf01 said:
I've made one successfull animation, using the factory desc file and just changing the file names to match the original.
I have now made a different version that I'm having issues with...
I'm editing the file like you said, but for some reason I get white screen flashes during the animation. One at the very start and another everytime the second part of the animation repeats itself.
Any ideas why this is happening?
currently my desc file looks like this
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
I also tried this one (and some with different FPS values)
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 1 part0
p 0 1 part1
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Search through all of the image files, and make sure the numbering is consecutive, and that there are no missing numbers (such as image0005.png, image0007.png).
No, there weren't any... but I did delete some trying to fix it and that did make it worse.
Any chance it could be something with how the pngs are saved? I didn't use photoshop this time like I did the first time. I used After Effects to save my movie as a png sequence.
EDIT: I figured out the flashes. There are hidden files in the folders that contain pictures. On windows7 they are "" or something. Pretty much the same as .thumb files that allow you to see thumbnail previews. These must be removed or they will show as white flashes in your animation.
BuddahWolf01 said:
No, there weren't any... but I did delete some trying to fix it and that did make it worse.
Any chance it could be something with how the pngs are saved? I didn't use photoshop this time like I did the first time. I used After Effects to save my movie as a png sequence.
EDIT: I figured out the flashes. There are hidden files in the folders that contain pictures. On windows7 they are "" or something. Pretty much the same as .thumb files that allow you to see thumbnail previews. These must be removed or they will show as white flashes in your animation.
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That makes a lot of sense. Damn windows
well I figured out it may not have been windows! I usually do everything on mac, but didn't have an easy way to zip without compression... so I used windows for that part and the ADB part because it is slightly simpler.
I tried a couple different ways and some terminal commands on mac that also ended up zipping the ds_store files, so I guess they are a file that is hidden when you zip stuff that way.
Anyways tonight I figured out that I can just run the command you listed in step (3) and it works just fine without putting the ds_store files in!
So now after editing my images and videos, I wont have to switch to windows to zip and push them anymore!!!
I used root explorer to replace the
Just backed up my original to my sdcard and then overwrited it with a custom one after.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be around much for awhile, so please do not get upset if you think I am ignoring questions. I am working on a huge project at work (I am a researcher at the NIH, working on a major project from the SSA), and have been putting in 60 hour work weeks. People with terminal illness are dependent upon my work, so it comes before my health, my hobbies, and definitely before a phone. When things settle down a bit, I will become more active again. Talk to you all soon.
Work has been too much, and I had to take a break and make myself a new boot animation. Check the OP for this update.
So I tested this out I was able to get a premade boot ani to work but when I make my own it dosent work I think its the zipping part because I took the orignal boot an unzipped and rezipped just to test and it still dosent work is there an app I can DL on my phone or something special I have to do on my windows 7 7-zip program... I made a family guy boot ani will try to load once I get it to work
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Try changing the zip compression level from Normal to Store after you've added your files to the archive. I think that's what he meant by a zero compression zip file. :S
EDIT: OP states:
The nice thing about GIMP is that it works with terminal commands, so it is possible to resize the entire folder of images with one line of code in the terminal.
What is the terminal command for windows? Where would I find that? Thanks in advance.
If you open the start menue search cmd it will open then in the 7-zip help section under contents cmd line ver then syntax it explains it but I can get it to work termanal tell me that its not a program or batch file
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
UPDATED: 12-19-2011
This is to be a community project on theme's. Anyone with any information on theming, please feel free to post. If you post a how to I will try to update OP with a link to the post. If you come across anything on theming while adventuring threw the internet please post in thread and again I will update the OP as I have time.
Post 6: A How-To Post by KTT16
What's Included in post:
1)How to Change Boot Logo and Boot Animation
2)How to Theme BlurPhone.apk
3)How to Theme Parts of the Notification Drop Down
4)How to Change Contacts Image in Contacts list
5)How to Change Notification Delete Button
6)How to Change Settings Images
7)How to Change Pop-Up Window Radio Button and Top Bar
8)How to Theme The WIFI-3G-Signal Icons
9)How to Get a Themed Swype
Post 26: BlurDialer.apk Theming Post by Medicstuder
Post 30: More info on Bootanimations Post by Admirlj21
Icon List by Falloutboy2000
Guide to learn to theme by theimpaler747
Link to XDA's Theme Area
If you use any of the links please hit the thanks button on the appropriate thread/post of the original author helped you out. If you use someone's work please ask for permission first. Don't forget the thanks button. Again if you have info to add please post a link and I will update OP when I have time and feel free to post anything that has to do with theming. Please don't forget to rank this thread if it help's you.
Special shout out to KTT16 and Admiralj21. It has been great working with you two and thank you for all your hard work and kind words. You two are great examples of what this community is all about.
MedicStuder said:
Hello Community,
Let me start by saying that I still a noob at theming but thought I would post a small tutorial on how I themed the BlurDialer.apk. Anyone else that has done theming please feel free to add input tips and tricks. Hopefully we ccan make this a great how to that might get stickied. Remember I am still learning also. this will be a simple how-to. I know there is a lot more to theming and I will update as I figure things out. So here we go.
Tools used: 7-zip and GIMP 2.6 (google for downloads)
1) Install 7-zip and GIMP 2.6.
2)Download the apk you want to theme.
3) Right click on the apk and navagate to 7-zip then extract. (I recommend desktop) Make sure you leave the orginal apk intact. VERY Important!!!
4)Open the extracted file. Leave META-INF alone. There should be a file named res. Open it.
5)Inside res you will find a few files. Inside a lot of the files are the png files.
6)Using GIMP make the changes to the pngs that you want to theme.
7)When done theming re-open the original apk file using 7-zip.
8)Now copy the new res file into the 7-zip window. This will update the current file in the archieve.
9)Install apk file and enjoy your new theme.
Let me say this sounds easier said then done. If you are porting over a theme it may take longer as file names are different from each device. The reason to keep the original apk intact is so you don't have to resign it when you are done. That makes things a lot easier. Feel free to ask any questions, justt remember I am still learning. Please google for answers as that is what I have done to learn what I have. Like I said above anyone currently theming please feel free to add any tips and tricks.
If you do use anyone else's work please ask for permission first and don't forget to give credit where credit is due. If this helps you at all please don't forget the thanks button.
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Anything helps I been to theme a rom for a couple days but can't get it to compile
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
edward.hidalgo said:
Anything helps I been to theme a rom for a couple days but can't get it to compile
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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Is a rom u made or one u downloaded?
If one u downloaded use 7zip to extract the framework and systemui apks. Then use 7zip again to extract the contents of each apks. Then when done theming copy files back into original apks then copy apks back into zip file. You shouldnt have to complie unless its your own ROM.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
If someone could please add in how to change the font color. That is one thing i cant figure out. Thanks.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
And how to change the font color of the font of the keyboard itself please.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I AM A NOOB: I don't pretend to know what I'm doing, because I don't. This post is for people like me that need visuals or step-by-step guides without all the jargon. The hope is that I'll be adding stuff so that we all become good at themeing, and can help each other out! If you have any questions or can improve on my methods, then please let me know, and post your method here too! Disclaimer: If you brick your phone, I am in no way responsible!
FOR BOOT LOGO (prior to bootanimation)
What you'll need:
Image Editor - I used Photoshop
Binary Editor (I used FHRED -- it's free)
Creating Your Logo
First: Open up your image editor, and make your boot image the dimensions must be 540x960. Important: you must flip the image vertically (so that it is upside down).
Second: Save your boot logo as a .BMP file, but it must be saved in 565 format. To do this in photoshop, save as the BMP file, then when the extra options come up push the advanced modes button, and select the R5 G6 B5 option.
Third: Open up the .BMP file with your binary editor (FHRED) and delete the first 70 Bits (pairs of numbers), and the last 2 bits (with FHRED, just highlight and hit delete)
Fourth: Copy the header from the linked logo-header file and paste it at the top of your bin. Your file should be 1036820 bits. Save as logo.bin.
Applying a Logo
Fifth: Unzip fastboot and move your newly created logo.bin to the same directory.
Sixth: put your phone in fastboot by booting the phone holding the volume down, and then once you see fastboot on the screen, press voume up. connect your phone and open command prompt and use the cd command to navigate to where your fastboot and logo.bin is and enter:
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot reboot
Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any bricked phones
Step 1: Create a series of images that will be your animation. Dimensions (540x960) and name each of them in sequential order. I used _00001.jpg as the numbering method. I ended up going up to _00010.jpg and then looped the animation.
Step 2: You'll need to edit the desc.txt so it'll play your animation as you want. When you open it, there are lines that describe everything. I just haven't figured out where to put the sounds...(I prefer that my phone load up silent anyway...) If you notice, in the text, you can call out specific folders (which you can rename to anything..I've kept it as sprint had). In the file it'll show you how to loop the animation (repeat count) I've chosen 0 for the animation part so it'll loop until the phone completely boots. You can keep playing around with timing and frames/ you can essentially make a movie out of it.
Step 3: Zip your folders containing your images and your desc.txt in one .zip file. DO NOT COMPRESS IT. When saving it choose STORE as the compression mode. Name this file and save to your SD-Card on your phone
Step 4: Using Root Explorer, go into System/Media. Click on Mount as R/W. Then rename the current to to save it if you want. Next, move the you created into that /media folder. You'll need to change the permissions by long pressing the file. rw-r-r
Click OK
Step 5: Reboot! Enjoy!
2 - HOW TO THEME BLURPHONE.APK (Since MedicStuder themed the Dialer 1st, I'll leave it to him to show you guys )
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
There are three main parts to the "In-Call" status (this is when you are making a phone call) which I've labeled with red numbers
1) Unknown/known caller image
2) In-call options section
3) In-call background
- The first thing you need to do is to copy the BlurPhone.apk to your desktop from your phone
- Make a copy of it for safekeeping if you mess up
- With the copy you want to edit, use 7zip to "open archive" and you'll see a folder called "res"
- Copy this res folder to the desktop and keep the 7 zip archive open
- You should have these folders side by side (one which you'll edit with - the desktop one, and one that you'll save the edited files over - the 7zip archive)
- Open both res folders and each should have many folders within. The important ones are "drawable" and "drawable-hdpi" and ignore the rest of them
- Open both "drawable" folders so they are side by side
- In the Desktop "drawable" folder, there is bg_in_call - Double click on it to open it in your Photo-editor..I used Photoshop. I created a new layer over this one, blacked it out using the bucket, and Merged the layers. I think when working with PNG files don't flatten them, or you'll probably get the stupid white background to show..I digress.
- subchrome - Search for this image. Open it. I noticed a transparent line above it, but didn't do anything about it the first time I did this and had to do this all over again...that transparent line will cause a visible separation between the background where it says "Connected" and the Duration of Call. So, when I fixed it, I essentially closed the gap by painting over it. Remember, layer on top and then merge down.
- incall_bkgnd - This is where the "options" part is, where you can end the call, go to the dialpad, etc. - Again, with this PNG file, do not flatten it. All I did was delete all the squares except for the end button and changed it's color...simple enough right?
- Now, select all images, or just the one's you've edited and drag them over the 7zip archive ones to overwrite them.
- Close the archive window.
- Open up "drawable-hdpi" folders in both the desktop and 7zip archive so they are side by side
- incall_bkgnd - Look familiar? Change that one again
- ic_pane_unknown_caller - Change this as you want! I took Alien-Theme's and made it blue to go with my battery/dialer
- ic_pane_contact_photo - I made it the same as the unknown caller image
- subchrome - same as before
- bg_in_call - same as before
- Now, as before, save it and copy them over to the 7zip archive in the same "drawable-hdpi" folder to overwrite them.
- Close the archive window
So, if you want the in-call status to update, follow these steps:
- Move the Phone.apk to the /system/app/ folder and overwrite the existing BlurPhone.apk
- YOU WILL FORCE CLOSE. Tap the force close a few times.
- Pull battery
- Power up
- Once the phone boots up, you will get a couple force closes, don't worry about it.
- Go to file manager (In this case I use Root Explorer) and go to /system/app/
- Find the BlurPhone.apk file and change the permissions to rw-r-r and then hit OK
- Reboot and enjoy!
Hi everyone, I'm learning bit by bit here. I've found ways to edit some parts of the notification drop down and will be updating this very soon.
There are a few main parts of the notification drop down that I started out with cuz I hate this navy blue crap that this phone has going on:
1 - Title bar
2 - Background
3 - I call it the handle, but yeah whatever that's called
Important - Make a nandroid backup first! I am not responsible if you mess up!!
Start by copying the framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apks to your computer
To change the Title Bar Color
- Extract SystemUI.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the SystemUI.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find title_bar_portrait.9.png
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor - Here, I've made it completely black (I think it might still be transparent, so I'm gonna change it a bit more)
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new SystemUI.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/app overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract framework-res.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the framework-res.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find status_bar_background.png
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor - Here, I've made it more transparent by changing the opacity to I think 70%
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new framework-res.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/framework overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it right????)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract SystemUI.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the SystemUI.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find status_bar_close_on.9.png
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor - Here, I've desaturated the color
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new SystemUI.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/app overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract framework-res.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the framework-res.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find ic_contact_picture.png - There are 3 of them
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new framework-res.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/framework overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract BlurContacts.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the BlurContacts.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find ic_contact_list_picture.png
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new BlurContacts.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/app overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract framework-res.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the framework-res.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find zz_moto_btn_control_remove
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor GIMP work well here..PS seems to screw with the image.
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new framework-res.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/framework overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract Settings.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the Settings.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find ic_settings_(the image you want to change) - There are like 15 of them if you want the entire list
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor..GIMP works well here.
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new Settings.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/app overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract framework-res.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the framework-res.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find btn_radio_on and radiobutton_on_background
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor GIMP work well here..PS seems to screw with the image.
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new framework-res.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/framework overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
- Extract framework-res.apk so you have a folder you can play with and edit.
- Open up the framework-res.apk (that you've copied to your desktop) in 7zip by "open archive"
- Open up Drawable-hdpi folders in both the archive and the desktop folder so you have them side by side
- Find popup_top_dark.9.png This is one of the .9.png's that you might need to edit with the draw9patch tool.
- Open it in Photoshop or another editor GIMP work well here..PS seems to screw with the image.
- Save and copy it over to the 7zip archive drawable-hdpi folder so it overwrites the archive
- Close the archive
- Upload the new framework-res.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/framework overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
8 - HOW TO THEME THE WIFI-3G-SIGNAL ICONS - Please see [THEME] - Blackout - WIP
- You'll need: SystemUI.apk, 7zip, Photoshop, Illustrator or another program. In this case, I used Illustrator to build the icon since it's clean, and then imported into Photoshop
- Copy the SYSTEMUI.APK to your computer (make a copy of that just in case)
- Extract the SYSTEMUI.APK to your computer
- Open up the SYSTEMUI.apk using 7zip "open archive"
- In in the extracted folder and the 7zip folder, open up to drawable HDPI side by side - you'll see a crapload of icons
- The icons that our Photons will call for (unless you've modified the xml) are the stat_sys_ wifi_signal, stat_sys_data_, and zz_moto_stats_sys_signal_6bar... icons. I didn't call out the 4G ones, since I'm unlocked and don't care for 4G cuz it apparently sucks in Beantown.
- Each icon is 38x38 pixels..keep that in mind as you build your icons. I laid out guides in Illustrator and photoshop that allowed me to snap the drawings to the grid/guides which helped a lot.
- The colors I used to match the no-signal and not-connected were hex: 232323 and 848484. For the 3G icon, i used: 666666 to make the arrows darker than the non-connected background.
- Once I built the icons in Illustrator, I dragged them over to Photoshop, and saved as .png
- After making all the icons, I dragged them over to the open 7zip archive window (remember this is the drawable-hdpi folder)
- Click yes and close the archive when you've transferred them over
- Upload the new systemui.apk to your sd card
- Move it to system/media
- Change the permission to rw-r-r
- Move to system/framework overwriting your old one (You saved a copy of it though, didn't you?)
- Reboot and enjoy!
9 - HOW TO GET A THEMED SWYPE - Please see [THEME] - Blackout - WIP
Thanks to:
- Clear data from any version of swype (I used Ti-Backup to do this)
- Uninstall any version of swype you currently have (swype.apk, swype installer, and (from system/lib)
- Reboot into recovery, wipe cache/dalvik cache
- Download any swype.apk from this dude's website
- Open it up in 7zip and remove the lib folder to your desktop
- Close the archive and rename it Swype.apk
- Open up the lib folder you saved to desktop and rename that file to:
- Save the newly renamed Swype.apk and to your sdcard
- Change the permissions to rw-r-r for each and move the Swype.apk to your system/app folder
- Move the file to the system/lib folder
- Reboot
- ENJOY!!!
I would have to guess the keyboard font would be part of the rom so it prolly would be the same as changing the color in a themes apk. Just my guess.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
MedicStuder said:
I would have to guess the keyboard font would be part of the rom so it prolly would be the same as changing the color in a themes apk. Just my guess.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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I think the font color is changed through an xml file in the systemui.apk or framework-res.apk...I can't be sure, but I remember reading about it somewhere..
KTT16 said:
I think the font color is changed through an xml file in the systemui.apk or framework-res.apk...I can't be sure, but I remember reading about it somewhere..
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I believe u r correct. My problem is i cant find a program or settings for a program that allows me to view the files so i can edit them.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
MedicStuder said:
I believe u r correct. My problem is i cant find a program or settings for a program that allows me to view the files so i can edit them.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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There is a program called FHRED. I've used it to make the boot splash screen. Since you're themeing, here's a thread I had in Android Forums that deals with how to make Boot Splash/Animations
Have you guys checked this? they have a four part guide..
bearw815 said:
Have you guys checked this? they have a four part guide..
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Yeah, I've bookmarked this tutorial, but for someone like me, I need something even simpler. I plan on editing my 1st post in this thread with really simple HOW-TOs for the noobs like myself. Ex: HOW TO CHANGE YOUR DIALER in 5 Easy steps with photos or something...Thanks for posting it though! The smarter people who know how to follow instructions will probably benefit most! LOL!
Updated Post #6 with [HOW TO] - Create Boot animations, Boot Logos, and How to Theme the Blurphone.apk - I know it's not much folks, but it's all I've got...
KTT16 said:
Updated Post #6 with [HOW TO] - Create Boot animations, Boot Logos, and How to Theme the Blurphone.apk - I know it's not much folks, but it's all I've got...
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Looks great man. Thanks alot.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Thanks got me excited about theme ing, so really, thank you...
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Updated Post #6 with Notification Menu! I still have a few more things that I want to change...Hope you all find it useful!
EDIT: Anyone know how to change the Notification Title (where it says "No Notification" or "ongoing") color? I'd like to make this black...Thanks!
Will post some new How-to's tonight!
- Contacts images - still having trouble with "in-dialer" contact image
- Dialer Delete arrow
- Notification Menu - Clear button
- Radio button
- Title bar image
- Changing the images in the settings menu (colorwise)
It's been a busy day!
Thank both of you for this. Ill release skinny 2 within a couple days hopefully. Id love to see some themes for it and thanks to your posts that might be possible
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Coming from you it means a lot. Im really still fresh at this themeing game as ive only been doing it for a few days. I hope people do use this resource and add to it...
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
I never really cared much for theming. But i do want people to have access to themes for my roms. So you guys are doing a great job.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Fixed/Updated a old bootscreen I used to use on my HTC Touch Pro 2 PocketPC (yes. from like 7 years ago.)
It's still at the same res as the original version because I don't have the original assets.
Just corrected some typos that annoyed me in the original and updated some text
to reflect newer tech. (CDMACOM to LTE, etc)
1. Use Rom Toolbox to install the bootanimation ( Run RT, Go to interface. scroll down to boot screens. find the zip on your device and hit install)
2. Mount System as RW. Rename file as or (forget which one it is), Copy to /system/media/, permissions should be chmod 755.
Logo doesn't look that great on the computer screen but looks pretty good enough on the phone itself.
(so long as you keep the res at default. 480x800)
You might want to tweak the FPS in desc.txt to your liking. I use between 9fps - 12fps so that by the time
its done. the phone's finished booting. (Preview gifv is at 30 fps or something)
Anyone know what is trim.txt on bootanimation?
can anyone explain how to use it and how to make it ?
Because I see the PA (Paranoid Android) rom bootanimation using trim.txt
You can download from here
in the folder there are also images that do not use a background
Is there anyone here who can explain in detail to me? Or can you make me a video how to use it until it bootanimation ?
The documentation is here:
I tried to get trim.txt to work but even when you specify background in desc.txt it doesn't seem to work, at least on my system.
Although I looked in bootanimation -> and it seems to support trim.txt
Edit: So I solved it. None of the files inside the may be compressed.
The PNG files obviously don't need it, but if the text files (like trim.txt) are compressed they will be ignored.
Usually desc.txt is so small that it will not be compressed, but while trim.txt is longer (and repetitive) it could be compressed.
Easy (-est) solution if your zipper is stuck? Rename trim.txt -> trim.jpg, compress as usual, then hexedit the zip in two places to turn jpg into txt.
The attached file is an example of trim'ed animation. It's designed for 1072x1448 so smaller screens will not see anytihng.
OTOH, this will work with any size display if you adjust the numbers in trim.txt
(It shows a countup in the lower right corner.)
All credit goes to @Extreme_Ninja2099 and this post. Thanks so much
This method seems to work best for changing bootanimations on the OP8/Pro.
How to add your own bootanimation:
Download [Magisk]
On computer, "Open Archive" of this zip with 7zip or similar program
Navigate to system>product>media in with this open
Pull bootanimation of your choice into this folder (must be named "")
Make sure it is similar ratio/description as original bootanimation in this folder!
Go back and make sure the archive is saved.
Now navigate to root of this zip and open module.prop in an txt editor (I use VSCodium but many will work like notepad++, etc)
Change information here to your own and
Save it somewhere on your computer before pulling it into the open archive to replace the one in it
Navigate back and make sure to archive saves and close
Now you have a flashable bootanimation module for OP8/Pro
The attached bootanimation is a Google/Pixel BootAnimation (black). Enjoy! ^o^
Again, big thanks to @Extreme_Ninja2099 . Hope they don't mind me making this guide lmk