[APP][REQUEST] SyncToy for PDA - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Hi Community,
I am searching for a tool like SyncToy 2.1 from Microsoft to sync data such as files, folders between my LG GM750 Smartphone and network folders.
MobSync is not what I want because of the data transfer via ActiveSync and the problem with large files.
My environment at home is a WiFi Router which is connected to the internet via UMTS. Attached to the router are 2 hard drives with 500 GB and 1500 GB. On the hard drives are the folders (SMB shares) I want to sync with folders on my smartphone's sd card.
The phone is connected via WiFi to the router and I have access to the shares on the hard drives using Total Commander.
I searched for weeks now to find such an application without success until now. Maybe I have overseen... otherwise there might be a programmer here who can take care of my wish!
Thanks in advance!

there is a dropbox client for windows phone , may be you can use that

the0ne said:
there is a dropbox client for windows phone , may be you can use that
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no, this app uses some internet service. This is not what I want.
My goal is an app like SyncToy in which I can create folder pairs to be syncronized. There is no need to involve the internet. It's just an intranet thing taking place in my private local area network...
Any further suggestions? All apps I found are using ActiveSync... but the sync should work over Wireless LAN.
Best regards,

unfortunately I am not aware of such an app.

I am afraid that you're right...
in the past few hours I have intensified my search dramatically... but all promising apps are using ActiveSync or WMDC. I even thought of Mortscript but how can I compare folders and determine changes AND generate lists of files to be copied...?
However, for the moment I have given up. If there is a programmer around here... please help!
Thanks in advance & best regards,

thats all it does is sync this to that from here to there.

I doubt goodsync works on windows mobile...

spagel said:
I doubt goodsync works on windows mobile...
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It says right on the front page that it syncs with Windows Mobile.

thesecondsfade said:
It says right on the front page that it syncs with Windows Mobile.
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hmmm...yes and no...
There is no Windows Mobile client, but I would have to run it from my netbook or any other computer. And then it utilizes ActiveSync resp. WMDC...
Unfortunately, that is a no-go. I need an app on my Windows Mobile phone which syncs folder pairs over WiFi. No internet, no ActiveSync, no WMDC... just my private LAN...
I didn't discover such an app yet...
Best regards,


[Q] Access my Windows 7 network

This is probably a n00b question (which is appropriate since I'm a n00b . . .) but I have a home server running Win7. All my movies and photos and music are on it. I have no problems using USB to transfer media to my Streak (and to my awesome, dirt cheap Chinese tablet), but it would be great to be able to just connect to my network shares and copy the files over the WiFi. Is there an Android app that can do this? Paid apps OK.
If you just want to copy the files you can use ES File Explorer, SwiFTP, AndFTP, or you can turn your phone into a Samba server and mount your SD Card as a network share and use windows explorer to copy to your phone.
ES Explorer worked great getting to FTP server. Getting to a LAN computer required me to enter the LAN IP address as a "server" and also woked fine.
crotalus9 said:
This is probably a n00b question (which is appropriate since I'm a n00b . . .) but I have a home server running Win7. All my movies and photos and music are on it. I have no problems using USB to transfer media to my Streak (and to my awesome, dirt cheap Chinese tablet), but it would be great to be able to just connect to my network shares and copy the files over the WiFi. Is there an Android app that can do this? Paid apps OK.
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I use astro with the smb plugin works on widows or Samba shares
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

[Q] Can I assign a drive letter to Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1?

Does anybody know of a way to assign a drive letter to a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1? I would like to sync a wide variety of files between it and my Windows XP PC via USB cable using third party synchronization software (2BrightSparks SyncBackSE)? The MTP supports manual drag-and-drop, but I need to enable a more sophisticated and automated syncing mechanism than that, and it has to work for all file types.
I tried FTP-based methods via WiFi (via SwiFTP), and found that it worked poorly because the file modification dates were not maintained over FTP.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DroidMilitia said:
Does anybody know of a way to assign a drive letter to a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1? I would like to sync a wide variety of files between it and my Windows XP PC via USB cable using third party synchronization software (2BrightSparks SyncBackSE)? The MTP supports manual drag-and-drop, but I need to enable a more sophisticated and automated syncing mechanism than that, and it has to work for all file types.
I tried FTP-based methods via WiFi (via SwiFTP), and found that it worked poorly because the file modification dates were not maintained over FTP.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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windows automatically assigns the drive letter...
but i guess you could go to run:
disk managment on the panel
right click drive
mikeyrave said:
windows automatically assigns the drive letter...
but i guess you could go to run:
disk managment on the panel
right click drive
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I don't get (nor can figure out) how to map a drive under Windows 7 (64-bit). It does map the device for access but as "GT-P7510" then "Tablet" then dirs under Windows Explorer. It's not shown in Device Management either. Perhaps it's a Win7 or 64-bit driver issue/limitation?
mikeyrave said:
windows automatically assigns the drive letter...
but i guess you could go to run:
disk managment on the panel
right click drive
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Thank you for your response.
I attached an image showing how different devices show up under "My Computer" on my PC. Windows automatically assigns drive letters to USB mass storage devices. This works wonderfully for a USB hard drive (E: ) or my Motorola Droid X (G: and I: ), which is running Android 2.2.1. Unfortunately, my Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Running Android 3.1) is listed as a "Portable Media Player" under "My Computer" in Windows Explorer. It apparently can only be accessed by Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), which is different from assigning the device a drive letter. This is a huge disadvantage.
I ran Computer Management to try to change the drive letter of the Galaxy Tab 10.1, and do not have the option. I attached an image showing that also. Note that I can change the USB hard drive and Droid X drives which is what I want to do for the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
cleblanc92 said:
Perhaps it's a Win7 or 64-bit driver issue/limitation?
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I have the same problem in Windows XP and Win7 32-bit. I think the issue revolves around Samsung's decision to require MTP to communicate with the tablet from a PC, and some tricks will be necessary to get around it. What we need is a way to trick Windows XP / 7 into thinking the Portable Media Device is a drive.
Please try the below
ansonantonym said:
i read somewhere that if you disable USB debugging in the device, it will be shown as a mass storage device.
Not sure though. Please try it out
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That's the only time the MTP mode will kick in (when debug is off)....but no, no driveletter access just a device.
Details on just what MTP is and why we don't easily get a Driveletter.
cleblanc92 said:
That's the only time the MTP mode will kick in (when debug is off)....but no, no driveletter access just a device.
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Sorry. i edited my above post . Please try that method and post here if it works
ansonantonym said:
Sorry. i edited my above post . Please try that method and post here if it works
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Funny I just started that install..
ansonantonym said:
Sorry. i edited my above post . Please try that method and post here if it works
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Tried and failed. The method described on the addictivetips website does not actually make the Galaxy Tab 10.1 show up as a USB Mass Storage Device, as the page claims. It just enables the Personal Media Player, i.e., MTP mode, which is where we were when we started this thread.
DroidMilitia said:
Tried and failed. The method described on the addictivetips website does not actually make the Galaxy Tab 10.1 show up as a USB Mass Storage Device, as the page claims. It just enables the Personal Media Player, i.e., MTP mode, which is where we were when we started this thread.
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2nd that result here.
DroidMilitia said:
Tried and failed. The method described on the addictivetips website does not actually make the Galaxy Tab 10.1 show up as a USB Mass Storage Device, as the page claims. It just enables the Personal Media Player, i.e., MTP mode, which is where we were when we started this thread.
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You need to have latest version of kies installed also. you don't need to use kies but is just active in the background and displayed on screen of tab.
Read this thread for more details:
This thread is about the fact that the [OP] was trying to find a way to map a driveletter. MTP IS WORKING for us, but we both were hunting for a way/app/tool/cmd/hack to get better windows-drive access -IF- there was a way to obtain it.
We don't need to keep trying drivers and steps that provide the same MTP access we started with. I think this fact got lost so I am restating here.
Seems like a Windows vs Linux limitation so unless there is new info on that aspect I guess we are done here.
cleblanc92 said:
This thread is about the fact that the [OP] was trying to find a way to map a driveletter. MTP IS WORKING for us, but we both were hunting for a way/app/tool/cmd/hack to get better windows-drive access -IF- there was a way to obtain it.
We don't need to keep trying drivers and steps that provide the same MTP access we started with. I think this fact got lost so I am restating here.
Seems like a Windows vs Linux limitation so unless there is new info on that aspect I guess we are done here.
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Well put!
To clear this up for future readers of this thread or potential Galaxy Tab 10.1 buyers I would like to add that the fact that one can "see" the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the "My Computer" file menu does not mean that it is accessible as a drive. That means that generalized, high-quality, business-grade synchronization software such as SyncBackSE (i.e., non-Kies) that operates on all files rather than just pictures, books, videos, and podcasts, does not work.
Practically, this means that if you bought the tablet because you wanted a tool for easily accessing and reviewing .ppt, .doc, .pdf, .html, .xls, etc., files and you want to easily and quickly sync them with your desktop PC over USB with a single click, you've got a problem. I can sync my Droid X with my PC using SyncBackSE with a single click because Windows sees it as a drive. That makes me happy, as my desktop PC is then effectively in my pocket. Apparently I cannot do that with my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, which bums me out.
Maybe I should return my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, get an iPad 2, jailbreak it, and try using iPhone Explorer. Maybe that would solve the problem, but that is another thread in another forum.
I know its not a solution but using Dropbox to sync documents could remove the need to do this. If you want to look at .ppt, .doc etc files then this could allow syncing without wires.
Just an idea
DroidMilitia said:
Well put!
To clear this up for future readers of this thread or potential Galaxy Tab 10.1 buyers I would like to add that the fact that one can "see" the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the "My Computer" file menu does not mean that it is accessible as a drive. That means that generalized, high-quality, business-grade synchronization software such as SyncBackSE (i.e., non-Kies) that operates on all files rather than just pictures, books, videos, and podcasts, does not work.
Practically, this means that if you bought the tablet because you wanted a tool for easily accessing and reviewing .ppt, .doc, .pdf, .html, .xls, etc., files and you want to easily and quickly sync them with your desktop PC over USB with a single click, you've got a problem. I can sync my Droid X with my PC using SyncBackSE with a single click because Windows sees it as a drive. That makes me happy, as my desktop PC is then effectively in my pocket. Apparently I cannot do that with my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, which bums me out.
Maybe I should return my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, get an iPad 2, jailbreak it, and try using iPhone Explorer. Maybe that would solve the problem, but that is another thread in another forum.
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I think it's just an ease-of-use complaint. I can connect my Android phone to my PC, it gets a driveletter, and I can use ANY Windows program to push or pull content as I please. I can not do that with my tab because of this limitation. Alas, (sigh) an real SD-Card would have addressed this.
GT10.1x2 for the win perhaps??
therealpure said:
I know its not a solution but using Dropbox to sync documents could remove the need to do this. If you want to look at .ppt, .doc etc files then this could allow syncing without wires.
Just an idea
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Thank you for the suggestion and the acknowledgement that you understand the problem. It's a decent idea, and there are similar options such as SugarSync that I have also tried. Syncing via FTP would work fine if the files maintained their modification dates, and I haven't found an FTP server app that handles that.
DropBox costs $9.99 per month for between 2 and 50 GB worth of files, and I bought the 32-GB Galaxy Tab 10.1 since I have 20 GB of files that I want to put on it. The principle of payin' for syncin' bothers me. I don't want to pay a monthly fee so that I can sync my files between my PC and my tablet. To me that's like paying a monthly fee for the ability to move my paper books from one wooden shelf to another in my office. I own both shelves and I own the books. Wouldn't I have to be a sucker to pay for the ability to transfer them between shelves? I understand that real books are not electrical signals and cannot be transported over the air or through wires, I'm talking about moving, not syncing, I don't own the wires or the WiFi terminals, etc. I get it. It's just an attempt at a real-world analogy.
Iam using the samba server app to copy files to my tab
Edit: this one, you need to be rooted
claudekenni said:
Iam using the samba server app to copy files to my tab
Edit: this one, you need to be rooted
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I don't think it will help with my (rare) case as I work from home and VPN into the corp office. I can't use WIFI for this type of sharing and the VPN adapter is the only network possible on the device at that time. Just another limitation that is a factor is a solution
I imaging this could work well otherwise. Thanks for the suggestion as I am sure others may benefit.

How can I get my ACE to access my NAS device?

I have just bought a Samsung Ace connected to the British 'Virgin Media' network.
At home I have a small network of two computers (Windows 7 Home premium) and an Iomega NAS device. One computer and the NAS device are wired to the router while one computer is wireless (Laptop).
I can also connect to my NAS via friends computers over the internet. Nothing exciting there as both Windows and Iomega make it quite idiot proof for me to achieve this.
My question is, can I connect my Samsung Ace to my network and share files with my Window's 7 computers and my NAS device?
You can try to use some app for samba sharing, like this one https://market.android.com/details?id=lysesoft.andsmb and connect to your local NAS.
I used to have a NAS server based on FreeNAS and this app worked for me.
Also, try an FTP client if you prefer. I'm hoping to get my QNAP turbo NAS soon!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
Try totalcommander for android.
From http://ghisler.com its a free app but not on the market atm.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
FMAranda said:
You can try to use some app for samba sharing, like this one and connect to your local NAS.
I used to have a NAS server based on FreeNAS and this app worked for me.
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Sorry to be a nusence, but I'm a bit of a thickie. I've used Samba before when connecting a Linux operating system to my Windows computer with some success because everything was done for me.
I would like to mention that my version of Galaxy Ace comes with an app called AllShare which gives me limited access to shared folders on both my NAS box and my other two computers. I do not input any information yet I can gain limited access to my data.
At the moment when I install and run Ambsmb I am presented with a lot of questions and I do not know where to find the information. To an experienced network administrator these questions are a no brainer but to me, I'm confused.
What makes it all the more harder is that my NAS runs its own version of Linux, which I have never so far been able to connect with when using a Linux distro such as Mint or Ubuntu.
The questions that I am asked are:
Host name
user name
WINS srv
Bdcast address
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
What makes it all the more harder is that my NAS runs its own version of Linux, which I have never so far been able to connect with when using a Linux distro such as Mint or Ubuntu.
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I'm using ubuntu, you need to know the NAS IP address (or router IP) then use it to connect to server (you must choose the windows shares option) ubuntu then asks for username and password automatically, and its about the same with AndSMB, fill in the IP address, username and password, that's all.
Dont forget smb kernel module on your ace. Afaik stock rom kernel doesnt contain smb module.
diditdr said:
Dont forget smb kernel module on your ace. Afaik stock rom kernel doesnt contain smb module.
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smb or windows shares are working fine here on my ACE with stock 2.3.6 rom.

anything like wifi file sharing from webos

wifi file sharing on webos is just one slick program for transfering files to and from the touchpad. no web address no nothing just hit network on win 7 and copy and paste to your hearts delight.
on android there is nothing similar unless I missed it. they all want you to point to ip:8080 or similar. but wifi file sharing is almost the same as using the usb cable but without the wire.
I emailed the author of wifi file sharing to see if he does apps for the android side but no reponse.
so is anything close on the android side?
jack901 said:
wifi file sharing on webos is just one slick program for transfering files to and from the touchpad. no web address no nothing just hit network on win 7 and copy and paste to your hearts delight.
on android there is nothing similar unless I missed it. they all want you to point to ip:8080 or similar. but wifi file sharing is almost the same as using the usb cable but without the wire.
I emailed the author of wifi file sharing to see if he does apps for the android side but no reponse.
so is anything close on the android side?
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Give wifi transfer a look see. There's both a paid and free version. It works fine for me.
You can thank me later
the both of these are http'ip address and too cumbersome. wifi file sharing on the webos side is just click network on windows and drag and drop. way faster and better. tho the first one looks like the webos one it is not as no need for ip address.
On android ive been using smb server. Just sets up straightforward samba shared that show up in a network drive on windows.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
Es File Explorer can do this to network shares, ie NAS boxes and windows PCs.
Airdroid is the best App for you.
thanks for the replies. guess it just does not exist on the android side. too bad as it is a slick program.
jack901 said:
thanks for the replies. guess it just does not exist on the android side. too bad as it is a slick program.
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You can "pair" your TP with another box on your LAN in webOS but so what?
Using Wifi File Transfer in Android, all you need to do is assign a static IP to the TP and then, from any other device on your LAN, you can create a "bookmark" or "shortcut" with that TP's IP. From then on, all you need do is click the "bookmark" or "shortcut" and you are connected. If you don't find that satisfactory then I'll assume that you are nitpicking 'cause you don't like Android.

[Q] DLNA sever help

Hi All,
Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this question and/or it's already been asked.
I have an old phone (Nexus 1). I want to use it as a DLNA server so that I can store music and videos on this device and then view/play this content on other devices (For this example, the Archos 101 G9 512MB).
To setup the DLNA server on the Nexus 1 I installed the 'Servers Ultimate' app and setup a simple DLNA server. I have a SD card connected to the Nexus 1 which has a couple of videos on it. I start the DLNA server on the Nexus 1 and it runs without any problems.
On the Archos 101 G9 I open the stock 'Files' app, select 'Network', select 'Media server (UPnP)', refresh the list but no server are found.
I've tried searching for solutions on Google but have yet to find anything useful.
The plan is, once setup to run within my personal network, I will setup port forwarding on my router so that I can access this content when outside of my internal network (E.g. through 3G). Not so sure if this is possible as DLNA looks more like an automatic internal system rather than having options to specify the address of my DLNA server.
Any advice would be great.
Good evening.
These cases are always complex, as there are multiple variables.
Let's start with the easiest ones: are the devices connected to the same access point? If not, are they in the same lan? If they are, you can test and ran fing to see if the archos is able to "see" the nexus 1. Please post here after testing with fing.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
julle131 said:
Good evening.
These cases are always complex, as there are multiple variables.
Let's start with the easiest ones: are the devices connected to the same access point? If not, are they in the same lan? If they are, you can test and ran fing to see if the archos is able to "see" the nexus 1. Please post here after testing with fing.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Thanks for the quick response.
Both devices are connected to the same access point. My home network is just a single Wifi router. From the Archos I can see the Nexus 1 in Fing.
Also, Just installed the 'BubbleUPnP UPnP/DLNA' app on my Galaxy SIII to see if that can connect to the DLNA server hosted on the Nexus 1. In the 'setup network wizard' when I enter my server address as the following is returned: The remote server could be joined but returned HTTP error code 404 (Not Found). Obviously this is indicating that there is something wrong with the configuration at the Nexus end rather than the SII or Archos. Any ideas?
Having doubts about Bubble app now...possibly this app only works when bubble is installed at both ends (On the player and on the server?) If you know that this is the case, do you know an alternative which will let me test a connection to the DLNA server from the SIII?
Finally, not sure if it works this way but if I go to the address ( in a browser on my laptop I get the following message: FORBIDDEN: No directory listing.
(Sorry - keep editing as trying to provide as much info as possible)
e9508686 said:
Thanks for the quick response.
Both devices are connected to the same access point. My home network is just a single Wifi router. From the Archos I can see the Nexus 1 in Fing.
Also, Just installed the 'BubbleUPnP UPnP/DLNA' app on my Galaxy SIII to see if that can connect to the DLNA server hosted on the Nexus 1. In the 'setup network wizard' when I enter my server address as the following is returned: The remote server could be joined but returned HTTP error code 404 (Not Found). Obviously this is indicating that there is something wrong with the configuration at the Nexus end rather than the SII or Archos. Any ideas?
Having doubts about Bubble app now...possibly this app only works when bubble is installed at both ends (On the player and on the server?) If you know that this is the case, do you know an alternative which will let me test a connection to the DLNA server from the SIII?
Finally, not sure if it works this way but if I go to the address ( in a browser on my laptop I get the following message: FORBIDDEN: No directory listing.
(Sorry - keep editing as trying to provide as much info as possible)
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That's a nice amount of info. Okay, no we have ruled out the chance of network not working between these devices.
Have you added media files to the DLNA server? Also that 404 error sounds like there are no files. You said you are using Servers Ultimate, so maybe you could try if CIFS/SMB works? I don't think 8086 is the default port for DLNA, which would explain why Archos does not find it. It looks in the default ports.
julle131 said:
That's a nice amount of info. Okay, no we have ruled out the chance of network not working between these devices.
Have you added media files to the DLNA server? Also that 404 error sounds like there are no files. You said you are using Servers Ultimate, so maybe you could try if CIFS/SMB works? I don't think 8086 is the default port for DLNA, which would explain why Archos does not find it. It looks in the default ports.
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I've managed to see files (and play them) if I host the DLNA server on my SIII (Not using the 'Servers Ultimate' app). I ended up using 'Pixel DMS Media Server'. Seemed a bit flakey but need to do more testing. Not so sure about ports but that might make sense as Pixel Media Server uses UDP Port 1900 (Hard coded).
Annoying, if I installed exactly the same app on my Nexus, the device doesn't show on the Archos. I think I'm going to copy some more files to the SD card which currently resides in the Nexus and see what difference that makes.
I think as far as discussing this on the Archos forum goes, this is closed as the files are appearing on the Archos. Thanks for your help.
have you tried using something other than stock file app on archos?

