[Q] Can Chefs manipulate HD2 radio frequencies? - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

The T9193 version of the HD2 has the radio bands 850/2100 in it for HSDPA 3G speeds, but just the 850 band is needed to support AT&T's 3G service in the US.
Would it be possible to create a new radio ROM that disables/turns-off the 2100 band for U.S. users, since this band is useless anyway, and it may help extend the battery life of our HD2 by not having to power the 2100 section of the radio, especially if it makes any transmit attempts by the phone on the 2100 band (transmitting uses a lot more power then receiving).
Any chance of this?

JohnCody said:
The T9193 version of the HD2 has the radio bands 850/2100 in it for HSDPA 3G speeds, but just the 850 band is needed to support AT&T's 3G service in the US.
Would it be possible to create a new radio ROM that disables/turns-off the 2100 band for U.S. users, since this band is useless anyway, and it may help extend the battery life of our HD2 by not having to power the 2100 section of the radio, especially if it makes any transmit attempts by the phone on the 2100 band (transmitting uses a lot more power then receiving).
Any chance of this?
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T-mobile is also using HSPDA/3G @ 850 also and nowhere else? I hope so because pretty much half or better of the users of these forums are T-Mobile and *not* AT&T subscribers. Jus sayin.

JohnCody said:
The T9193 version of the HD2 has the radio bands 850/2100 in it for HSDPA 3G speeds, but just the 850 band is needed to support AT&T's 3G service in the US.
Would it be possible to create a new radio ROM that disables/turns-off the 2100 band for U.S. users, since this band is useless anyway, and it may help extend the battery life of our HD2 by not having to power the 2100 section of the radio, especially if it makes any transmit attempts by the phone on the 2100 band (transmitting uses a lot more power then receiving).
Any chance of this?
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ROM cooks do not have such fine grain control over radio bands.... Sorry.

I don't believe the T9193's radio has the 2100 Mhz band, otherwize I'd be able to use it in my area to get 3G coverage. (We only have Edge on the 850 Mhz band here)
Hopefully someone who knows for sure can answer this.

JohnCody said:
The T9193 version of the HD2 has the radio bands 850/2100 in it for HSDPA 3G speeds, but just the 850 band is needed to support AT&T's 3G service in the US.
Would it be possible to create a new radio ROM that disables/turns-off the 2100 band for U.S. users, since this band is useless anyway, and it may help extend the battery life of our HD2 by not having to power the 2100 section of the radio, especially if it makes any transmit attempts by the phone on the 2100 band (transmitting uses a lot more power then receiving).
Any chance of this?
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Hi mate,
you already tried this?
In Dialer > Menu (right soft-buttom) > Baseband > Band Frequency
Start > Settings > Personal Settings > Phone
But 850 Mhz is just for GSM not WCDMA... it's right?

2udCrRAZdK said:
I don't believe the T9193's radio has the 2100 Mhz band, otherwize I'd be able to use it in my area to get 3G coverage. (We only have Edge on the 850 Mhz band here)
Hopefully someone who knows for sure can answer this.
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I'm pretty sure the T9193 has the 2100 band, but 2100 is useless in the US because AT&T uses 850/1900 for 3G. The T9193 is an Australian phone made for Telstar (their cell phone company). The 3G bands used over there are 850/2100. So, because AT&T also uses the 850 band, thats why we are able to use this phone with AT&T's 3G here over in the US.
However, the 2100 band of the phone is useless in the US because is was intended to be used for 3G in australia.
The good news is that AT&T is phasing out the 1900 band for 3G and switching everything over to 850, so the HD2 will just get more and more 3G coverage as time goes on and then even the 1900 band won't be used anymore so it would be irrelevant if the HD2 has a 1900 band or a 2100 band because both would be useless.

NRGZ28 said:
ROM cooks do not have such fine grain control over radio bands.... Sorry.
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Gotcha - thanks for the info.

2udCrRAZdK said:
I don't believe the T9193's radio has the 2100 Mhz band, otherwize I'd be able to use it in my area to get 3G coverage. (We only have Edge on the 850 Mhz band here)
Hopefully someone who knows for sure can answer this.
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Well, you neglected to say where "here" is
The best available combination for world-wide 3G access is 850/2100 Mhz. This is because:
1) 850Mhz is used in Canada, US, S Americas, Aus, S Africa for 3G broadcasting in regional areas (and in some city areas)
2) 2100Mhz is used in Asia, EU, Aus cities for 3G broadcasting
This is due to the actual physics of velocity = frequency x wavelength
Some telcos use 1900Mhz in the cities, but also broadcast in 850Mhz
Other telcos use 900Mhz in the regional areas, but also broadcast in 2100Mhz in the cities
ATT in the US uses 850mhz in the regionals and 1900Mhz in the cities. This ensures that "their" PDA's cannot use other SIM's - I have no idea why the dumbed-down US market meekly accepts that
The perfect combo is tri-frequency hardware, such as PDA manufacturers used to provide but do not any more (no excuses, it's just straight cost-cutting and sleight-of-hand marketing BS to suit the greedy telcos)
The HD2 released in Aus through Telstra is hardware-filtered for 2100/850 Mhz, the best available combo for world-wide use (not perfect, of course)
The HD2 released in EU/Asia is 2100/900 Mhz. This will access 3G in most cities world-wide (note that China uses 2100/850) but has limited coverage in regional areas - yes, I know there many 900 Mhz deployments but these are very limited geographically
The HD2 released in the US is 1900/850 Mhz. This is very limited for world-wide cities and excludes 3G coverage for those countries that use 2100/900 Mhz
None of this has any relation to GSM coverage, so please do not confuse them

Is the hardware actually different?
I live in NZ and unfortunately bought a T-Mobile unit which is set up for 1700/2100mHz which means that when in the cities I get full broadband, but in the regions I only get dial up speeds through GSM.
My question is does anyone know if the hardware could actually use the 900mhz broadband - or is it a pipe dream on my part that hopefully someone will release a ROM to access some previously hidden hardware?
I do recall with my Touch that there was a GPS built into the hardware that no-one was aware of for a year or two!

mikey555 said:
I live in NZ and unfortunately bought a T-Mobile unit which is set up for 1700/2100mHz which means that when in the cities I get full broadband, but in the regions I only get dial up speeds through GSM.
My question is does anyone know if the hardware could actually use the 900mhz broadband - or is it a pipe dream on my part that hopefully someone will release a ROM to access some previously hidden hardware?
I do recall with my Touch that there was a GPS built into the hardware that no-one was aware of for a year or two!
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The hardware is definitely different...

JohnCody said:
The T9193 is an Australian phone made for Telstar (their cell phone company).
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The Phone company in Australia is Telstra (just in case you are goggling it and wonder why you cant find it)

t9193 vodafone
i can use 900/2100 bands on t9193
i use Vodafone australia on Telstra hd2 with quick 3g data everywhere
what are the hardware differences?????

am i alone?
is there anyone else in this community that has
T9193 + Vodafone AUS + Custom ROM/Radio
Everyone keeps pasting crap about incompatibility but it seems to be fine


850 mhz GSM XDA/XDA II Availability

I would like to thank the Moderators and all the members for making this site and forum so fun and informative.
Doing a little research I was able to unlock my T-Mobile XDA and use a Cingular SIM.
Cingular is slated to turn on their 850mhz GSM in a matter of weeks if not days. I know that my T-Mobile uses 1900 mhz, so even with the Cingular SIM in place it is "piggy backing" on the T-Mobile towers. Even after the Cingular GSM network is online I will still be using T-Mobiles towers/network because of the 1900 mhz band constraints of my phone.
My question is this: is there currently or will there be (XDA II) an XDA that can use the 850mhz GSM band?
I noticed I knew little about this, so I figured this would be the case the case for most users outside of the Americas. I Googled around a little, the results are below.
Management summary: no, the XDA II will not support the 800-850 band. There will be a few quad-band phones, and some dual 800/1900.
http://www.phonescoop.com/glossary/term.php?gid=115 said:
GSM 850
(GSM 800)
GSM 850 is simply GSM technology operating in the Cellular (800 MHz / 850 MHz) frequency band. Both the technology and frequency band have been around for a long time, but only in 2002 were they combined.
In the U.S. prior to 2002, GSM technology only operated in the PCS (1900 MHz) frequency band.
GSM 850 addresses the needs of carriers with Cellular licenses switching from other technologies to GSM.
Before the existence of GSM 850, the Cellular band was commonly referred to as the "800 MHz" band. "850 MHz" implies a different frequency band, but this is not the case. "800 MHz" and "850 MHz" refer to the exact same frequency band. 850 is technically a more accurate description of the frequency range, but 800 is the original, and more common term.
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http://www.cellular-news.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=708 said:
By installing GSM at 800Mhz, all we're doing is reusing the same frequencies used for AMPS/TDMA and adding GSM to them. The US has always had 800Mhz for wireless services. Nothing strange about that since there have been wireless services in that band since the beginnings of cellular. The use of GSM at 800Mhz is nothing surprising and only a natural move for carriers who are licensed to use this band. There's no law saying that GSM should be confined to 1900Mhz in the US. Europe and the rest of the world have gone Dual Band on GSM (900/1800) a long time ago. Why can't the US do the same? Besides, it is not only Cingular and AT&T, the largest TDMA/GSM US operators, who are adopting GSM 800. There are many other carriers throughout the rest of the Americas, including Canada, who use the same US frequencies and are deploying GSM 800. GSM 800 will be just as necessary and as popular as TDMA/CDMA/Analog at 800Mhz. The market for GSM 800 is just as big as the TDMA 800 market since almost all TDMA operators are moving to GSM.
Dual band GSM 800/1900 phones will be the most common GSM phones in the US soon because single band 1900Mhz GSM phones will be good for T-Mobile only which is a 1900-only carrier in the US. Just think that Cingular and AT&T amass about 40 million users as opposed to T-Mobile's 10 Million. Also, quad-band GSM phones will be more common slowly but eventually. Nothing crazy about having 4 bands since the world has had 4 wireless bands for a long time, it's only that GSM had only made it to 3 of the 4 bands and now finally made it to the 4th. For starters, look at the Motorola V600 and the NEC 515 which are the first quad-band to my knowledge.
In the future, look for more bands as the wireless industry expands into 2100Mhz and 700Mhz. Finally, the US will see other types of tri-band GSM phones, such as those that will work on 800/1900 for the US and EITHER 900 OR 1800 for other regions.
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sunray said:
I would like to thank the Moderators and all the members for making this site and forum so fun and informative.
Doing a little research I was able to unlock my T-Mobile XDA and use a Cingular SIM.
Cingular is slated to turn on their 850mhz GSM in a matter of weeks if not days. I know that my T-Mobile uses 1900 mhz, so even with the Cingular SIM in place it is "piggy backing" on the T-Mobile towers. Even after the Cingular GSM network is online I will still be using T-Mobiles towers/network because of the 1900 mhz band constraints of my phone.
My question is this: is there currently or will there be (XDA II) an XDA that can use the 850mhz GSM band?
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This link http://www.mobilemag.com/content/100/344/C2017/ may be the answer to your query and will may so happy :lol:
:lol: :lol:
LOL That PDA Phone on that link is refering to CDMA technology, NOT GSM.
Look at the fine print dude.
chocodough said:
LOL That PDA Phone on that link is refering to CDMA technology, NOT GSM.
Look at the fine print dude.
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Sorry I missed read the article but overall I'm only trying to help

[Q] SGSII/i9100 on TMo USA with better than EDGE?

Looking for any insight to using the SGS2 on TMo and getting anything better than EDGE speeds.
As I understand it (via wikipedia) TMo has these bands:
[TMobile USA] owns licenses to operate a 1900 MHz GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) PCS (Personal Communications Service) digital cellular network and a 1700 MHz/2100 MHz UMTS AWS (Advanced Wireless Services) digital cellular network that cover areas of the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It provides coverage in areas in which it does not own radio frequency spectrum licenses via roaming agreements with other operators of compatible networks.​
And then from Samsung's website:
HSPA+ 21Mbps/ HSUPA 5.76Mbps
EDGE/ GPRS Class 12
Quad band GSM 850/900/1800/1900
Quad band UMTS 850/900/1900/2100​
So, what gives? Seems like the 2100 UMTS service should match up between the two. Is this an issue because TMo is somehow blocking the use of the unbranded phone on their system? If so, and on a much more advanced level, I'd think there'd be a way to make TMo think I'm using the PoS smartphone they gave me to use on their system... or am I smokin' that crackberry?
Needs both 1700 and 2100 if I remember correctly.
gmstrollo said:
Looking for any insight to using the SGS2 on TMo and getting anything better than EDGE speeds.
As I understand it (via wikipedia) TMo has these bands:
[TMobile USA] owns licenses to operate a 1900 MHz GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) PCS (Personal Communications Service) digital cellular network and a 1700 MHz/2100 MHz UMTS AWS (Advanced Wireless Services) digital cellular network that cover areas of the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It provides coverage in areas in which it does not own radio frequency spectrum licenses via roaming agreements with other operators of compatible networks.​
And then from Samsung's website:
HSPA+ 21Mbps/ HSUPA 5.76Mbps
EDGE/ GPRS Class 12
Quad band GSM 850/900/1800/1900
Quad band UMTS 850/900/1900/2100​
So, what gives? Seems like the 2100 UMTS service should match up between the two. Is this an issue because TMo is somehow blocking the use of the unbranded phone on their system? If so, and on a much more advanced level, I'd think there'd be a way to make TMo think I'm using the PoS smartphone they gave me to use on their system... or am I smokin' that crackberry?
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One is up and the other is down so you need both 1700 and 2100 to use T-Mobile's data network. No version of the SGS2 any where in the world supports T-Mobile's AWS bands. T-Mobile's getting a dual-core version of the Infuse in September that supports their bands.
BarryH_GEG said:
One is up and the other is down so you need both 1700 and 2100 to use T-Mobile's data network. No version of the SGS2 any where in the world supports T-Mobile's AWS bands. T-Mobile's getting a dual-core version of the Infuse in September that supports their bands.
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pachi72 said:
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What's the chance of one of those "Hercules"...SGS2 by another name apparently...having an antenna board that will drop into another SGS2?
I see a lot of brilliant software hacks and tweaks around here. Don't see a lot in the hardware realm, tho (like a new antenna board, for instance.) Is this not the place for that or is that at a completely unrealistic level of development?
gmstrollo said:
What's the chance of one of those "Hercules"...SGS2 by another name apparently...having an antenna board that will drop into another SGS2?
I see a lot of brilliant software hacks and tweaks around here. Don't see a lot in the hardware realm, tho (like a new antenna board, for instance.) Is this not the place for that or is that at a completely unrealistic level of development?
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You'll need an antenna engineer with a test chamber to tune the antenna. A lot of factors play into more than just fitting into it. You might have to play with different patterns depending on how much different the overall phone mechanics and materials are from Hercules to the SGS2.

3G tri-band or quad-band

Title pretty much says it all. What's the real story on the the 3g frequencies? Nokia's site indicates it's quadband 3G, but yet many of the stores seem to indicate that it's tri-band for 3G. I would like to get one for use on ATT, but I definitely need 850MHz 3G since that is the predominant frequency in my area.
Anybody? What's the real answer on this?
bugsy said:
Anybody? What's the real answer on this?
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From http://www.nokia.co.uk/gb-en/products/phone/lumia800/specifications/
GSM 850
GSM 900
GSM 1800
GSM 1900
WCDMA Band V (850)
WCDMA Band I (2100)
WCDMA Band II (1900)
WCDMA Band VIII (900)
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From http://www.nokia.de/de-de/produkte/smartphones-und-handys/lumia800/technische-daten/
GSM 850-Netze
GSM 900-Netze
GSM 1800-Netze
GSM 1900-Netze
UMTS-Netze (WCDMA 900)
UMTS-Netze (WCDMA 1900)
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From http://www.nokia.com/fi-fi/tuotteet/puhelimet/lumia800/tuoteseloste/
GSM 850
GSM 900
GSM 1800
GSM 1900
WCDMA Band V (850)
WCDMA Band I (2100)
WCDMA Band II (1900)
WCDMA Band VIII (900)
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From http://www.nokia.se/hitta-produkter/produkter/nokia-lumia-800/specifications
GSM/EGSM 850/900/1800/1900;
WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100 I/II/V
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There must be an error on the German page
From Nokia Developer page:
Frequency Bands
GSM 1800
GSM 1900
GSM 850
GSM 900
WCDMA Band I (2100)
WCDMA Band II (1900)
WCDMA Band VIII (900)
This only adds to the confusion (No WCDMA 850)?
Thanks for the responses everyone. I think they just add to the confusion on what the real answer is, or Nokia is producing multiple models with different frequencies which I've seen referenced elsewhere.
I might just hold off for the 900 or wait until CES in January where they are supposed to make their big splash for the U.S. market. The render of the Lumia 900 that hit wmpoweruser today certainly looks nice if it's true. I wouldn't mind a slightly larger screen if it doesn't make the device too large. Some of the current phones border on mini-tablet size!
I know of two types of Lumia 800's and you can differentiate them via their FCC identification.
The European edition, FCC ID: LJPRM-801:
GSM/EGSM : 850/900/1800/1900
WCDMA : 900/1900/2100
The North American edition, FCC ID: ...RM-819:
GSM/EGSM : 850/900/1800/1900
WCDMA : 850/1900/2100
I really wish Nokia would fix the data on their web pages. I ran into this a few years ago with another phone I purchased from them where it was advertised as having U.S. bands when in fact it did not. Thanks for the info everyone.
Agree 100%. When i bought my phone, the lumia was advertised as:
WCDMA: 850/900/1900/2100
Many sellers have since correctly identified which bands the phone supports, but some still falsely advertise both 850 and 900 bands being on the phone.
When my Lumia 800 arrived and I could only get Edge/G service, I did some research and I was slightly disappointed. Luckily I work and live in a Wi-Fi zone, so that is my primary data connnection.
weetigo said:
Agree 100%. When i bought my phone, the lumia was advertised as:
WCDMA: 850/900/1900/2100
Many sellers have since correctly identified which bands the phone supports, but some still falsely advertise both 850 and 900 bands being on the phone.
When my Lumia 800 arrived and I could only get Edge/G service, I did some research and I was slightly disappointed. Luckily I work and live in a Wi-Fi zone, so that is my primary data connnection.
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You too, huh? I was curious about Rogers. I find that 2G isn't the end of the world.. Only shortcoming are media rich sites, otherwise they still load up quickly for me.
The only thing I really would have missed on 3G is mapping and navigation, but the non-data GPS and preloaded map feature has completely eliminated that concern.
Rogers here in the 'Peg. I'm in love with it even though the primary service around my home is Edge/G. However, since I wrote that piece above, I grabbed the "Nokia Network Setup" application from the marketplace and now I can get 3G around my workplace.
Here is my situation at the moment. I'm currently in the US using At&t's network through straight talk. I purchased the Nokia Lumia 800 the UK version which is LJPRM-801. It clearly states that it supports WCDMA 900/1900/2100. Which I suppose are really meant for the UK or Europe. When I purchased the phone from the seller he clearly stated it was lock and he got it from Orange UK. Which I assume is locked as well. Surprisingly when I received the phone I inserted the Sim and it registered perfectly fine. I get voice AND data. I figured it may possibly be using the 1900 band for data. My main thoughts about this UK version is it may possibly have the 850 band included but not listed on the box for regulation concerns. How would I go about and truly testing it out if it does support 850 band?
You can't really, short of going to an area you know uses soley 850Mhz 3G, and not 1900 as well.
I dont see the reasoning behind manufacturing two different phones, My thoughts are they could have just disabled the band with a simple firmware. Has Anyone truly tested this? Any though on getting a different firmware version of the Lumia 800 on this UK version seeing if it would enable the 850 band.
Me too I purchased one from Clove.co.uk. On the box it stated 900/1900/2100 for 3G but I have 3G. Maybe I have a 1900Mhz station near my work. I will do more tests tonight.
Does an app exist to know the current band of 3G connection?
I've called Nokia while in Germany and they said that they only produced quad band Nokia lumia 800's
falconeight said:
I've called Nokia while in Germany and they said that they only produced quad band Nokia Lumia 800's
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When you say quad band are you referring to 2g or 3g? because we know it's quadband 2g, but whether it's quadband 3g is the question.
So I have used it on 3 different locations here in Montreal on Rogers and I always got 3G. I don't know the band used by Rogers. I found several references but not definitive answer. I have the Lumia 800 Model 801.
totalfixation said:
When you say quad band are you referring to 2g or 3g? because we know it's quadband 2g, but whether it's quadband 3g is the question.
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Both 2g and 3G
So you have the lumia 800 which has quad band 3g? If possible could you please post a picture of the lumia 800 box listing the quad 3G bands?
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
kirdroid said:
So you have the lumia 800 which has quad band 3g? If possible could you please post a picture of the lumia 800 box listing the quad 3G bands?
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I'm in Germany right now and don't have the box. I don't remember if it had the cell bands on the box. I know I got hspa on AT&T and I was happy.

[Q] hey guys looking for a straight answer

Ok guys I have an atrix 4g running on t-mobile. My question is why cant I get 4g/3g on this phone ? T-mobile runs on the 2100 band and the phone does support that band so why no 4g or 3g? common sense would tell me that if t-mo runs 4g on 2100 and the phone is capable of running on 2100 that it would work. have searched for a total of about 4 hours or so over the past couple days and cant find a straight answer only thing i can find is that att doesnt run on 2100 band yet the phone does. thanks in advance to anybody that can answer and taking the time to read.
are you getting H+ or H? (This is "3.5g") The Atrix 4g is not a true 4g phone.
Because the 2100 spectrum that you're using the phone on now is part of the quad-band gsm which is edge/2g. The difference lies in the bands used for 3g/4g, in which case AT&T only uses 850/1900 and tmobile only uses 1700/2100.
There is also a bunch of things that include HSPA, AWS, WCDMA, and so on and so on but I don't know enough about that to comment.
EDIT: Also, the only phones I know that can be used on both AT&T and Tmobile 3g/4g are "penta-band" phones like some European Nokia phones and the unlocked Galaxy Nexus that needs to be imported as well.
shattar01 said:
Ok guys I have an atrix 4g running on t-mobile. My question is why cant I get 4g/3g on this phone ? T-mobile runs on the 2100 band and the phone does support that band so why no 4g or 3g? common sense would tell me that if t-mo runs 4g on 2100 and the phone is capable of running on 2100 that it would work. have searched for a total of about 4 hours or so over the past couple days and cant find a straight answer only thing i can find is that att doesnt run on 2100 band yet the phone does. thanks in advance to anybody that can answer and taking the time to read.
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Yes, WCDMA and AWS(1700), as far as I know, are both from UMTS and the differences in regards to 3G between AT&T and Tmobile lie in the spectrum use (850&1900 vs 1700&2100). And both AT&T and Tmobile use HSPA(+) based off their respected UMTS frequencies.
I just don't understand the "leap" in GSM technology that breaks the quad-band compatibility, that's all.
matthew5025 said:
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Also I've read 850 is att's main spectrum for large areas and 900 for T-Mobile. All higher spectrums are for smaller, rural areas.
If your looking for 3g maybe find a town or, buy a dual band amplifier? That's IF they have 2100 MHz band working where you are located.
Lower bands ie 850/900 are the download streams. 1700/1900/2100 are upload streams. If I'm not mistaken
Also a T-Mobile vibrant supports att, it also has our main band, 850mhz. Again which is the main large areas, like T-Mobile 900mhz. 1700-2100mhz for att/T-Mobile range is only as good as the towns that still has that band currently operating for hspa/3g data. I've seen alot of T-Mobile phones that have 850/1900/2100, and work on att. If they were 1600/1900/2100 did not for me.
You need that lower frequencies to ensure it to work. Then....
Also for regional based frequencies...
That link will let you know what that all really means.
I think you are mixing up gsm and umts.
GSM = 2G/Edge
Have a look here. You will see they label "3G" as "UMTS" which is HSPA/WCDMA. A little more down you can see they label their data as "HSDPA", which is download, and "HSUPA" which is upload. Further delineating the speeds they label either one as UMTS for down and Edge as up, which to me tells me they use gsm for the upload and only use UMTS for download. Either way, there is not a T-mobile phone available that can be unlocked and used on AT&T's 3G, just 2G and vice versa. As I have previously mentioned, you will need a penta-band phone for that.
Ciloteille said:
Also I've read 850 is att's main spectrum for large areas and 900 for T-Mobile. All higher spectrums are for smaller, rural areas.
If your looking for 3g maybe find a town or, buy a dual band amplifier? That's IF they have 2100 MHz band working where you are located.
Lower bands ie 850/900 are the download streams. 1700/1900/2100 are upload streams. If I'm not mistaken
Also a T-Mobile vibrant supports att, it also has our main band, 850mhz. Again which is the main large areas, like T-Mobile 900mhz. 1700-2100mhz for att/T-Mobile range is only as good as the towns that still has that band currently operating for hspa/3g data. I've seen alot of T-Mobile phones that have 850/1900/2100, and work on att. If they were 1600/1900/2100 did not for me.
You need that lower frequencies to ensure it to work. Then....
Also for regional based frequencies...
That link will let you know what that all really means.
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And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time but it's misinformation to tell anyone that a T-mobile phone can work on AT&T 3G.
And I'll say it again, I'm not an expert so if anyone can better explain then I'm all ears (eyes).
live4nyy said:
I think you are mixing up gsm and umts.
GSM = 2G/Edge
Have a look here. You will see they label "3G" as "UMTS" which is HSPA/WCDMA. A little more down you can see they label their data as "HSDPA", which is download, and "HSUPA" which is upload. Further delineating the speeds they label either one as UMTS for down and Edge as up, which to me tells me they use gsm for the upload and only use UMTS for download. Either way, there is not a T-mobile phone available that can be unlocked and used on AT&T's 3G, just 2G and vice versa. As I have previously mentioned, you will need a penta-band phone for that.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time but it's misinformation to tell anyone that a T-mobile phone can work on AT&T 3G.
And I'll say it again, I'm not an expert so if anyone can better explain then I'm all ears (eyes).
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I am just merely stating that I have a motorola defy on ATT, and it worked great for a long time with great speeds before I got a motorola atrix and infuse.
Im not saying that every tmobile phone will have working talk/text, or data for that matter. I have just posted an idea, or atleast what to look for when you are cruising for phones not labeled for your carrier.
I was getting my motorola defy with the att "grand fathered internet" for 10 dollars a month and it was about 160-420KB/s down, and 80-190KB/s up. but some phones are capable of this, others arent. I have a general idea, and have played with several different carrier cellphones and used them with att and att's 3g data.
Rogers HTC Dream (x2 of them)
Telus Milestone
Tmobile Defy
Rogers Atrix
ATT Atrix (x2 of them)
ATT Infuse
Rogers and Telus actually use the same 3G bands as AT&T so as long as those are unlocked they will work. And I'm not saying an unlocked T-mobile can't work on AT&T, because they can (they both use quad-band gsm) but you can not use an unlocked T-mobile phone an AT&T 3G. That's all I'm saying.
Now, they did make an European version of the Defy that uses the 850 3G band but not the T-mobile "branded" one.
I'm going to stick to my guns on this one because I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea about interchanging AT&T and T-mobile phones and expecting 3G service. I'm fairly certain about this and unless someone can prove otherwise that's how I will think.
Ciloteille said:
I am just merely stating that I have a motorola defy on ATT, and it worked great for a long time with great speeds before I got a motorola atrix and infuse.
Im not saying that every tmobile phone will have working talk/text, or data for that matter. I have just posted an idea, or atleast what to look for when you are cruising for phones not labeled for your carrier.
I was getting my motorola defy with the att "grand fathered internet" for 10 dollars a month and it was about 160-420KB/s down, and 80-190KB/s up. but some phones are capable of this, others arent. I have a general idea, and have played with several different carrier cellphones and used them with att and att's 3g data.
Rogers HTC Dream (x2 of them)
Telus Milestone
Tmobile Defy
Rogers Atrix
ATT Atrix (x2 of them)
ATT Infuse
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---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------
Upon further research, I have found this article, where under certain circumstances, you can use an unlocked AT&T iPhone with T-mobile 3G:
Now, this shows that an AT&T phone can maybe use T-mobile 3G but not the other way around. Again, I'm always up for learning something new but I need references/proof.
Well I do get att 3g on the defy and vibrant. I am currently getting about 300ish KB/s on them and 600+KB/s on my attic, I'm just going with the facts. Those facts are that certain T-Mobile phones will work with Att, provided they have 850mhz band. That allows you in most towns (near me) to get 3g
300KB/s is Edge speed, which is only 2G.
That's why you get faster speeds on the Atrix because it actually uses 3G.
Again, both AT&T and T-mobile use quad-band GSM. Which is why you can unlock a T-mobile phone and use it on AT&T, and vice versa, but it is only 2G/Edge and NOT 3G.
Furthermore, here are the wiki pages for AT&T and T-mobile which both inlcude frequency charts outlining the technology (2G or 3G) each one uses:
Here are the charts:
Frequency Protocol Class
Frequencies used on the AT&T Network
700 MHz LTE 4G
Frequency Band Protocol
1700 MHz UMTS (W-CDMA)/HSPA/HSPA+ 4G (formerly 3G[34])
I check for facts and references, I'm only saying what I find in research.
Again, when unlocked, a T-mobile phone can use AT&T 2G/Edge, not 3G
Ciloteille said:
Well I do get att 3g on the defy and vibrant. I am currently getting about 300ish KB/s on them and 600+KB/s on my attic, I'm just going with the facts. Those facts are that certain T-Mobile phones will work with Att, provided they have 850mhz band. That allows you in most towns (near me) to get 3g
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Chinese phones and US phone companies

Quick question, im looking into buying a cheap chinese phone because 1, im not picky about being top of the line, and 2, because its inexpensive. But ive been looking into and around the internet for supporting information stating if these chinese phones work on Tmobil, AT&T, Net 10 or Striaght talk. Here is the general break down fo these phones
Operation System: Android 4.0
·4.3 inch Capacitive Multi-touch screen, QHD (540*960)
·CPU:MTK6575 CPU 1GHZ Dual core
·Quadband: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz 3G WCDMA 900/2100MHz
Id like to know if this type phone would work with the above companies with both talk/txt/mms but also with 3g full US coverage. Thanks in advance
Compare the GSM and 3G bands with a well known model at USA
But I cant get a straight answer out of anybody...
I know that the talking/txting/mms will work on the GSM bands provided but its the 3g that im thinking about
I see different things all over the place; some phones are 800/2100, 850/2100, 900/2100, and 1700/2100. The 2100 is prob the only consistent band, but i dont know if, say, 900 correlates to western US and 2100 correlates to eastern half. OR the 900 and 2100 cover ALL of US and you need just one of them. Besides that, several phones on I think tmobile such as the HD7, here's a link to what I mean,
The top says 1700/2100 but the description states 900/2100 for 3g?!?
Heres a link to one of the phones I was talking about that I was looking into
Any thoughts on if this phone covers AT&T or Tmobile? Id appreciate any help, thanks guys
For AT&T, the band is 850/1900 MHz for both GSM and WCDMA 3G. For T-Mobile 850/1900 MHz GSM and 1700 MHz for WCDMA 3G. If your phone is WCDMA 900/2100, 3G will not work for both AT&T and T-mobile. You must have at least one band that matches with your network. For best 3G coverage, both bands must be supported by the phone.
Have a look at this phone with WCDMA 2100MHz (800/850/1900 optional) here: www.chinaphonereview.com/samhave-aone-shanghe-a1
Also look at these phones that have 850/2100 WCDMA bands: www.chinaphonereview.com/zopo-zp100 and www.chinaphonereview.com/zopo-zp200.
Cool, thanks for the link man, I like the ShangHe Aone 3G Android 4.0 you recommended. Do you know of any others? Im just looking for android 4.0 and a nice (not super nice) 4.3'' screen. I was also looking into an Ezio H7 but its android 2.3 and im not sure of the screen quality. Any thoughts? thanks in advance.
I also found these phones with 850/2100 MHz WCDMA bands: Star Xperia S LT26 and THL V9.
The THL V9 has a 4.3 inch screen with qHD resolution (960 x 540 pixels) and Android 2.3 but I think it has already an Android 4.0 update. You might want to check it out.
I was looking into those as well as IHTC 310x or something like that, but the 3g bands are 850/2100 but i need 850/1900. Any other phone references you know of?
Thanks y'all
Hell, ill take a phone with 1700/2100 bands too... if they exist... which i doubt in china.
Most Chinese phones I know are 850/2100 or 900/2100. The ShangHe Aone may be the only dual SIM phone with optional 850/900/1900 bands.
The Meizu MX has a WCDMA/HSDPA band of 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz. This phone is high-end, with dual core 1.4 GHz CPU. It also has a quad core version named Meizu MX Quad-Core. Both are very affordable for their specs.
Anyone make any progress in getting this figured out? I've been looking into buying a chinese phone to use on t mobile and it looks like most of them operate WCDMA for 3G speeds, which won't work on t-mobile. Does anyone actually have one now that they're using?
Seany D said:
Anyone make any progress in getting this figured out? I've been looking into buying a chinese phone to use on t mobile and it looks like most of them operate WCDMA for 3G speeds, which won't work on t-mobile. Does anyone actually have one now that they're using?
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you need one with both 1700 and 2100 in order to get 3g hspa unless your in a coverage area where tmo already supports 1900. in some areas where im at people i know with crapple iphones get 3g where tmo has refarmed thier netwok they are working on getting this frequency to more areas so its wait and see
Seany D said:
Anyone make any progress in getting this figured out? I've been looking into buying a chinese phone to use on t mobile and it looks like most of them operate WCDMA for 3G speeds, which won't work on t-mobile. Does anyone actually have one now that they're using?
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Simple answer....NO
I too was looking to buy a chinese phone with hope that I would be able to get 3G on Tmobile. Tmobile's 3G unfortunately runs on the 1700 MHz band. If you don't see that band in the phones description you will only get 2G aka EDGE network on TMobile.
So this phone wouldn't work with Tmobile?
for N7100
GSM 900/1800 MHZ /GSM850/1900MHZ
WCDMA 2100MHZ /900 MHZ
MTK 6577 1.2GHz Cortex A9 Dual Core
I don't know for America, and I am not a techie myself, but from what I understand, you have to look at the frequencies the phone proposes.
In Belgium, 3G works on 900 / 2100 MHz, if the phone doesn't support this, you will fall back to 2G.
for the example above
Tmobile's 3G unfortunately runs on the 1700 MHz band
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GSM 900/1800 MHZ /GSM850/1900MHZ
WCDMA 2100MHZ /900 MHZ
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-> looks like you will be falling back to 2G :/
It will work
airnique23 said:
Simple answer....NO
I too was looking to buy a chinese phone with hope that I would be able to get 3G on Tmobile. Tmobile's 3G unfortunately runs on the 1700 MHz band. If you don't see that band in the phones description you will only get 2G aka EDGE network on TMobile.
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In addition to 1700 MHz, T-Mobile also supports 2100 MHz so 3G will work where you get 2100 coverage in USA.
Source: .worldtimezone.com/gsm.html
iamrico00 said:
Quick question, im looking into buying a cheap chinese phone because 1, im not picky about being top of the line, and 2, because its inexpensive. But ive been looking into and around the internet for supporting information stating if these chinese phones work on Tmobil, AT&T, Net 10 or Striaght talk. Here is the general break down fo these phones
Operation System: Android 4.0
·4.3 inch Capacitive Multi-touch screen, QHD (540*960)
·CPU:MTK6575 CPU 1GHZ Dual core
·Quadband: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz 3G WCDMA 900/2100MHz
Id like to know if this type phone would work with the above companies with both talk/txt/mms but also with 3g full US coverage. Thanks in advance
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also remember when buying chinese phone, their government doesn't allow google or ggogle play store to be installed stock so you will have to root it and manually install this also
Techminator said:
In addition to 1700 MHz, T-Mobile also supports 2100 MHz so 3G will work where you get 2100 coverage in USA.
Source: .worldtimezone.com/gsm.html
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This is not entirely correct. Part of T-Mobile's HSPA network operates on the hybrid AWS 1700/2100 Mhz frequency where one part is uplink and one downlink, which is not the same as operating solely on 2100 Mhz frequency like many of the Chinese phones work with and many other countries use. They are not compatible.
However, that being said, their HSPA network also works on the 1900 Mhz frequency in most major metro areas of the US now as well as many other parts and many of the world phones do support that.

