[Q] [Application HD2] sending email by checking for multiple recipients - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi !
I have a request,
Here I work a lot with my hd2 including emails,
I wonder if it would be possible to have the same function as the sms (based on ticking from the directory) to transfer or send an email to multiple recipients by simply ticking?? so that we do get them one by one
So is it possible to find this to send it or tranfer of emails?
can anyone give me a hand
sorry for the translation, that google translation

it is the same system as a rom 6.5 3
can anyone make a cab to fit a 6.5
thank you guys!


Looking for an app which grabs emails and sends as sms and vise versa

Hi All,
after a pile of googling, I'm still trying to find an application which will send an sms based on an email and vise versa, so when the phone receives an e-mail it sends an sms, and when it receives an sms it sends an email.
Not sure if such an app exists, but i figure this is the best place to ask the question.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
"Magicall" is an application which meets your requirements as u mentined
Not quite what I was looking for
Thanks for your reply. I've tried the software you mentioned above, but it doesn't provide the functionality I'm after.
Does anyone else know of any software which will take an email and sms it to a predefined number and also take an SMS and forward it to a predefined email address?
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Email Tab & Email Client's font…

Hi guys !
Something bothering me with the email tab & the mail client.
When I receive a mail which is in a language with special characters [vietnamese's fonts], the email tab displays it nicely and with all special characters, but in the email client, the characters are all gone [replace by a □], and the mail is "unreadable".
Is there someone who does know why the fonts are not the same ? Or if someone does know how to change that ?
I suppose this font is already in the phone, so I don't need to find it and install it on the phone, but I don't know how to make it usable.
Thanks for the reply.
Excuse my english, you know, I'm french. ^^'

[Q] How can I send SMS to email address?

Hi here
How can I send SMS to email address? I often send SMS and would like a copy to me email, can this be done?
Searched around here and elsewhere & can't find a solution.
I have a TMous HD2 running Energy ROM (latest May 14 2011 version)
Many thanks

HELP -- Howto Enable Text Messaging on Jetstream

I unlocked bootloader, installed Clockwork, can someone please give me some advice on an apk that i can now install to allow sms?
thanks in adavance
I suppose other members have tried installing native EVO-type mms app, right?
Wish we had a sexy SMS widget. =(
I have installed several SMS clients that work perfect:
1) Go SMS Pro
2) ChompSMS
Both works perfect sending & receiving SMS from my JetStream with an ORANGE sim card
Go to filestube and you can get the apk's there
where are you guys finding the apps? on the market all they have is skins and plugins for all the apps mentioned?
to be clear i want to send normal txt msgs not use one of the apps to send and recieve through your phone using BT or one of those online sms sending apps.
i got handcent working, but i am still interested in trying to integrate the droid sms messages app.
(btw i found it easier to just browse to the handcent website and d/l from there)
thanks for the tips guys!

[Q] Sms back-up

Hi guys,
I have a problem.
I urgently need a sms back-up program that exports a document to my pc with a full conversation between me and a person, chronologically. Like the threaded view. I don't want the sent items and recieved separated.
Any ideeas ?
P.S. win mo 6.5, htc hd2
A fan of your work
iMobile SMS backup has a small PC app that displays sms individually or via contacts, contacts shows in a thread type way with sent items.
Can pm a link if interested in trying it .

