[Q] Software to edit photo - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi,!!! sorry for my english..
i'm italian and i don't speek very well the english..
I find a software for my HTC HD2 for edit or travesty a photo..
anythings alike a facewarp for symbian...but i have a WM...
i hope that someone help me...
thanks to all...

see this thread:

thanks for a fast reply...
but there aren't software that i find...
i find a program for take a picture with frames, or take a cartoon...
Do you understand me??
a program alike facewarp for symbian...
thanks a lot..

don't know face warp or what it does, sorry.
did you look at what i posted?
paint now:
pocket picture:
they seem to be able to do more than add frames, but don't really know! other than that, good luck!

thanks however...
but they aren't that i find...
i hope that someone else help me...

are you looking for an app that will allow you to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?
i dont know of an app like this for the HD2. but will keep an eye out. cant see anyone developoing it though as its just a 'bit of fun' app as apposed to proper photo edit software.

thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you discover...link me...

aaaabbb said:
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you discover...link me...
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As I know, FaceWarp is a java application, made for the SE devices, but forunatelly it has been ported to other - java-supported - handsets.
As the HD2 supports the java, you can easily download the .jad or .jar file, and after you copied it to your device, you'll be able to use it without any installation process. I'm not sure that the software will work, but a worth a try I think.
I was looking for it, but unluckily I haven't found a version with 800x480 resolution, the biggest one I found is in 400*240, so you may not use it in fullscreen...

Thanks for the interest, but face warl don't work on htc hd2..
i find a program alike it...if exists ....


aaaabbb said:
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you discover...link me...
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give this a try, ive not used it but looks liek what ure after.

Not Found
The requested URL /downloadi.asp was not found on this server.
the download's link is incorrect...

it's impossible that not exsist....

aaaabbb said:
it's impossible that not exsist....
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There's one in marketplace called Imagewarper - no idea how good it is but it looks like it works on an hd2
Looks like it might be fun. there used to be an amazing program on the pc called powergoo which did this - great fun turning your friends faces in to caricatures.

try Resco Photo Manager Pro? it's worth it



how can i have a keypad like this?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v459/equis_pinoy/for sale/pc_capture7.jpg
hi ive installed this installation went fine but my keypads just the same do i have to change something.
nemesis1975 said:
hi ive installed this installation went fine but my keypads just the same do i have to change something.
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assumed you are talking 'bout the dialpad...Intellipad is a keyboard substitute...
hi sirs can you pls help me do this? do i just download to my computer then use the stand to put it in the xda2?
what can i use to use the bluetooth to send pics, clips, songs and not use the beam only (infra red)?
what can i use to have a landscape mode in viewing the clips? do i need to upgrade to wm2003se? how can i do that?
what can i use to have a somewhat new scheme on my xda? i really liked the one i saw that it is like a MAC type with icons in the center and all.
pls help im new at this techie stuff, thanks sirs!
btw why doesnt my xda have a zip something pls help sorry for the bother
keyboard sKin
Do you have keyboard sKin for WM2K5??
xda_girl said:
btw why doesnt my xda have a zip something pls help sorry for the bother
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@xda gir
this forum is pretty advanced and your questions are already answered, try searching the threads...
Since you're from the philippines, i suggest you visit
they can probably give you detailed answers to your queries.
xda_girl said:
hi sirs can you pls help me do this? do i just download to my computer then use the stand to put it in the xda2?
what can i use to use the bluetooth to send pics, clips, songs and not use the beam only (infra red)?
what can i use to have a landscape mode in viewing the clips? do i need to upgrade to wm2003se? how can i do that?
what can i use to have a somewhat new scheme on my xda? i really liked the one i saw that it is like a MAC type with icons in the center and all.
pls help im new at this techie stuff, thanks sirs!
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yes you can transfer files from your computer to your xda2 via its "stand"
you can use resco file explorer to send files via bluetooth.
you can use Windows Media 10 to play in landscape mode.
the "MAC type" scheme your refering to can be achieve through Wisbar Advance 2
thanks sir alphatrion for that walkthrough ill be searching to study more about it, thanks.
yes sir salaryman, that is also one of the reasons i came here (because of the advanced members knowledge and its courteousness enough to answer any given querry) im still adjusting to using the net and your forum, im also doing some searching, no need to rub it in. thank you for your time.

New Version MusicID Shazam 1.3.16 Tactile QVGA + VGA ( Fix Font)

hello everybody
I found a recent version VGA but I converted to QVGA, you certainly know this software, this version is unlike other tactile versions available to date
Admin edit: software removed after a complaint from the copyright owner, this software is not freeware or shareware and therefore considered warez, warez is not allowed on the forum.
Quentin Post:
I know, I know...I'm late to the party. Hopefully the quality of the release will make up for the tardiness. I'm still running a Kaiser (just couldn't convince myself the Diamond was actually better--and I'm still crossing my fingers that the Touch HD will get released with TMO 1700Mhz support).
Anyway, without further ado...this version of MusicID is based from the 1.3.16 source from 1800pocketpc.com which is of course released by AT&T. The changes are as follows:
Converted for QVGA (320x240) support. The conversion was done using image resources from the non-touch screen version so they look just fine. Furthermore all fonts have been converted as well. (I'd like to give credit to lepsyfou here, he did give everyone something to use at least even though the images looked poor and the fonts were large. Were it not for finding his original conversion that got me hooked on the app itself I probably never would have made my own conversion).
Removed UID information from query strings. For those that didn't check, the application for download on these forums (and other sites) actually makes all requests under the guise of someone's account (presumably whoever released the app). I won't post their account # here but suffice it to say that if they ever shut off the service everyone using that app would find it stops working. Hopefully that won't happen here.
Removed all AT&T specific features. This also means that all the buttons present after a successful identification have been removed. #1 they are completely useless for anyone not on the AT&T network; and #2 they were pretty much pointless (from my perspective) in the first place. As a side benefit see the next item.
Due to the removal of AT&T specific features I found it convenient to download a larger cover image photo for the album...maybe this will be enjoyed by others as well
Updated the help pages and removed redundant (or now unused) entries.
If you've never installed any version of MusicID before simply install the cab. If however you have installed a previous version pay close attention:
Remove any previously installed version of MusicID.
It is absolutely MANDATORY to remove the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MusicID folder and its contents. If you're an advanced user and are using any of the conn* entries you can leave those but remove all others. If that last statement doesn't make any sense to you then simply remove the entire MusicID key (and all entries contained therein) prior to installation.
I highly recommend removing your \Application Data\MusicID folder and contents. This is due to the fact that the application now expects 150x* size images. The only issue with old images should be a slight off-center display though so it is up to you
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Update add VGA version
Update Shortcut fix QVGA
Update fix problème font QVGA
thanks and crédit are Quentin QVGA Fix
lepsyfou said:
hello everybody
I found a recent version VGA but I converted to QVGA, you certainly know this software, this version is unlike other tactile versions available to date
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Thanks for this. Been looking for an update since moving to the Diamond. Whats involved in migrating to QVGA? Is it an easy process? There are some other apps which would benefit from rework...Skyfire for one!
thanks for your work on this lepsyfou!!
wouldnt install. says installation unsuccessful because it is not digitally signed with...............
I have édit cab fr and eng: signature exe it"s good now installation functionnel
yes I will convert a fun software VGA>> QVGA so that everyone can benefit
Great soft thank bro
kwill said:
thanks for your work on this lepsyfou!!
wouldnt install. says installation unsuccessful because it is not digitally signed with...............
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Look first post I have édit cab now it's signé
imfloflo: with pleasure my brother
thanks for fixing it so quick
ajout version VGA post 1
Is there anyway you could adjust the Text size? It still doesnt all completely fit on the screen.
Deff dont want to come odd as an ass. Just a thought to make the QVGA version even better.
Thank you
acardinale said:
Is there anyway you could adjust the Text size? It still doesnt all completely fit on the screen.
Deff dont want to come odd as an ass. Just a thought to make the QVGA version even better.
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+1 on this... expecially on the manage id's tab... help me out tab needs some work too..
thanks on this, finally a finger friendly version of this app... great work!
hello, for some reason i cant access this program unless i go into file explorer and program files. Its not in my map to button list or in my start menu. I appreciate you porting the new version to qvga. Help in this matter is much appriceated.
molesaied88 said:
hello, for some reason i cant access this program unless i go into file explorer and program files. Its not in my map to button list or in my start menu. I appreciate you porting the new version to qvga. Help in this matter is much appriceated.
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same here.... but i used Total Commander to copy the MusicID.exe file from the program folder to the Start Menu... and vola! it worked.... was able to place it in my program launcher using Manilla 2D....
i'm sure theres a much easier way.... but hey,.... it works..
hope this helps...
molesaied88 said:
hello, for some reason i cant access this program unless i go into file explorer and program files. Its not in my map to button list or in my start menu. I appreciate you porting the new version to qvga. Help in this matter is much appriceated.
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no problèm shortcut AM MusicID start menu/ program
very cool, I was using the old one with no touchscreen
Thank you.
the letters are cutoff a bit though also on the id screen
No biggie thanks again
Was reading about this last night on Pocketnow.com. tried to installed and got the unsuccessful message. Was in ATT store today looking at the new Samaung epix, just to see what it was about, would never give up my Tilt for it, but is nice and love the cursor, very responsive.
Now if you have a Tilt, not sure about other cells, or maybe if you have ATT device dial from you cell *43# and it should get it for you. Also might look in your start up might get put there.
I love this program. It actutally found a song from a Musical from 1951 while i have my Sirrus on Broadway. Unreal.
Hope this helps someone.
Thanks for the good work!
Lepysfou, Great work, thanks for the qvga version
beachboyde said:
Now if you have a Tilt, not sure about other cells, or maybe if you have ATT device dial from you cell *43# and it should get it for you.
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What do you get when you dial *43#? I have a tilt with att.
Thank you very much for this lepsyfou, worked a treat.
ps i love this tool.
showaco said:
Lepysfou, Great work, thanks for the qvga version
What do you get when you dial *43#? I have a tilt with att.
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I am really not all that sure... It said success, and the attempted connecting to media net/internet. then a lot of nothing happened...

How do I save a corrupted picture that still shows on wallpaper?

Hey guys I was editing my picture with a photo editior on the phone and when I saved it, it somewhat corrupted it which will not allow me to view it however the wallpaper,which I set it under, still shows the picture... is the picture stored in a cache ? is there a way how I can grab it from registry?
Hey guys which thread consists of alot of views on XDA? no one talks about touch pro and all these old phones... just views no comments... =(
Sorry, I usually wait for others to post about these things before I formulate an opinion, much less voice it.
I don't know for sure if this will help but can you open the picture on your computer? Basically, copy the corrupted picture to your microSD and use an adapter that works and attempt to open the picture up on your computer.
R^7Z said:
Sorry, I usually wait for others to post about these things before I formulate an opinion, much less voice it.
I don't know for sure if this will help but can you open the picture on your computer? Basically, copy the corrupted picture to your microSD and use an adapter that works and attempt to open the picture up on your computer.
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I have the corrupted picture , but when I try to open it says it can not open it and its 0kb...I want to know if its like a computer, where sometimes I delete the wallpaper picture but still using it and for me to actually get it I have to go to the windows folder and find it to copy it.. however there isn't much in the windows on the windows mobile.
But thank you R^7z, I never hear from anyone here... its the only forums that never speaks.. seriously!
I'm not sure about this but I think PPCGeeks may have a louder CDMA RAPH fan base. Either that or there seems to be more talking in the newer device forums??? I usually hang out in the RAPH/Android forums when I am on here but occasionally I do browse the newer posts.
Not 100% as to where the actual picture is stored if that is the case. I imagine if this was a stock picture, you could get it back with a hard reset. Additionally, I wonder if the photo editor saves it somewhere?
Well first off I'm glad to see that I had saved it to my computer so I do have back up, but I'll continue my search to where it does save it to... once again thanks r^72. Most forums are talking about newer phones, android espically lol but yeah I post it up on ppcgeeks asweel and got a few info but waiting for tomorrow for more.

Extreme True Multitasking On The Note (Heads up from N7000 forum)

Hi all,
I've already posted this in the N7000 forum and I guess most of you are new here so I don't want you guys to miss out on this really cool find.
Since the note has such a big screen why not push the boundaries and try out some try desktop-style multitasking
Check out the video to see what it's all about.
cool, but in short, is there an app for that? underdevelopment? how can i do that on mine?
whats the name of that game? chine runner? couldnt find in market, looks cool
Wow that is pretty awesome.
Is this an android OS or just a skin? Also where can I get more info on this?
SayWhat10 said:
cool, but in short, is there an app for that? underdevelopment? how can i do that on mine?
whats the name of that game? chine runner? couldnt find in market, looks cool
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Yep, they're just apps
and Stickit! video player:
Saelee said:
Wow that is pretty awesome.
Is this an android OS or just a skin? Also where can I get more info on this?
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Of course, it's android gingerbread. If you're referring to the 3D UI, I have a galaxy note tutorial on my channel here:
Hey I just want to say thanks for sharing this with us! It is very nice to have someone from the International Note forum share the true awesomeness of our devices! Much better than just "oh I forgot this is AT&T note, your device is crap"
coldfustion has the best vid's. tx for sharing it! i ASSume our snapdragon processor can do the same thing, maybe with a touch of lag, maybe not.
i was at a family dinner Friday and i can never think how to show off the phone as everyone is asking me about it. his vid's always give me new ideas
Halleluja! I've been asking for something like this for months. See my split screen/multiview thread in the N7000's theme/app forum. Now please add a couple features:
1. "Snap" like Windows 7 Ultimate has, but slightly different. Make it so that when you drag the app's title bar to a side, it snaps to fully fill the screen halfway on that side. Dragging to a corner makes the window snap to fully fill that 1/4 of the screen. If you have the screen filled with 2 windows (or 3 or 4), make it so you can drag the border between windows and they'll automatically resize at the same time to maintain the screen filled.
2. Have the notification bar pull down over all windows.
If you add these features and make it work, I'll buy a copy for $50.
P.S. Why in the world, if the Note's capable of running all of that at the same time, did Samsung feel the need for such aggressive RAM management that I can't currently switch from my browser window to email, one other app, then back to the browser without my entire browsing session being closed down!?
oh, didnt know this was a promotion for a bunch of PAID apps
thanks anyway
jpeg42 said:
Hey I just want to say thanks for sharing this with us! It is very nice to have someone from the International Note forum share the true awesomeness of our devices! Much better than just "oh I forgot this is AT&T note, your device is crap"
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Haha no worries, we're all about sharing here at xda!
maxh said:
Halleluja! I've been asking for something like this for months. See my split screen/multiview thread in the N7000's theme/app forum. Now please add a couple features:
1. "Snap" like Windows 7 Ultimate has, but slightly different. Make it so that when you drag the app's title bar to a side, it snaps to fully fill the screen halfway on that side. Dragging to a corner makes the window snap to fully fill that 1/4 of the screen. If you have the screen filled with 2 windows (or 3 or 4), make it so you can drag the border between windows and they'll automatically resize at the same time to maintain the screen filled.
2. Have the notification bar pull down over all windows.
If you add these features and make it work, I'll buy a copy for $50.
P.S. Why in the world, if the Note's capable of running all of that at the same time, did Samsung feel the need for such aggressive RAM management that I can't currently switch from my browser window to email, one other app, then back to the browser without my entire browsing session being closed down!?
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Lol I didn't make the programs, but I think I'm going to be a dev soon. I would rip up so many killer apps
SayWhat10 said:
oh, didnt know this was a promotion for a bunch of PAID apps
thanks anyway
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No worries, Sorry if it seemed like an ad :/ I just thought the idea was really cool!
James Harrison said:
No worries, Sorry if it seemed like an ad :/ I just thought the idea was really cool!
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some ppl just expect things for free most of us are appreciative Jim.
Just bought the browser version. For $1.50, why not?
Honestly I can't see myself using this on my note even though we have the biggest screen size of any phones. I can see this being useful for tablets or for showing off to my iphone buddies!
James Harrison said:
If you're referring to the 3D UI, I have a galaxy note tutorial on my channel here:
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Jim, apparently that will not work for us with the AT&T Gnote. so nobody should go buy those apps just yet
see here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=23328290#post23328290
Jim, could you work on seeing if we can get something like your 3D UI for our AT&T version
I just downloaded both, kept the broweser, returned the video player --- my keyboard doesnt work when the video player is up
James Harrison said:
No worries, Sorry if it seemed like an ad :/ I just thought the idea was really cool!
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I didn't think it read like an ad. Then I saw both were paid apps and read it again.
That said, for $1.49, I figured, why not?
Both work great on my I717. Stock ROM, not rooted, running ADW Launcher EX, and using hacker's keyboard. I was able to run two 1080p videos at the same time with the video program, and was able to run 3 you tube videos on the browser. No problems with keyboard. The only problem with lag is it seems as I run more and more videos the sound and video gets a bit out of sync.
Thanks for the link. I like the browser because I am often copy/clipping stuff, or re-keying stuff from the browser window to somewhere else and that makes it much easier. I don't know that I'll use the video thing much, but its neat to show off, as others have said.
Wow, thanks for the information, especially about the 3D UI. It led me to discover many cool apps that I didn't know about before. I really like the Windows-like Contact app and Alternative App Drawer apps especially. Thanks again!
---------- Post added at 06:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------
The video app will come in handy for my use case. I like to use the Google Navigation while driving but also want to hear my language training video at the same time. Before there was no way to run my video app while running the navi app at the same time. Now I do! Thanks.
That is a great app and it shows what the future will be for smart phones. Big screens that are used in a Landscape mode for most functions. The only need for portrait is to hold it up to your ear to make a call.
People are making a lot less calls.
SeanH said:
That is a great app and it shows what the future will be for smart phones. Big screens that are used in a Landscape mode for most functions. The only need for portrait is to hold it up to your ear to make a call.
People are making a lot less calls.
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This is true, you can expand your phone as far as you want. I mean if you used a bluetooth keyboard and hooked this up to a TV.. I might just try that
songyop said:
Wow, thanks for the information, especially about the 3D UI. It led me to discover many cool apps that I didn't know about before. I really like the Windows-like Contact app and Alternative App Drawer apps especially. Thanks again!
---------- Post added at 06:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------
The video app will come in handy for my use case. I like to use the Google Navigation while driving but also want to hear my language training video at the same time. Before there was no way to run my video app while running the navi app at the same time. Now I do! Thanks.
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No worries, I guess I still have some 3D UI spreading to do on other forums, it seems as if people have the mindset that the manufacturer UI is what your stuck with. eg, Once touch wiz, always touch wiz

[Q] n00b wanting to make a XMAS gift/app for my GF

So it's the holidays and I'm very very poor right now. I've trying to think of things to make for my lady, and one thing that came to mind was an app! lol, she's on her phone a lot and she knows i love messing with my phone so I thought it'd be a cool idea to make her a custom app, something simple, maybe with a splash screen that shows a pic of us, and then into a love note, followed by some pics of us.
So that's my idea, I've tried making this on one app maker, the crappy conduit one, but every time i installed the APK on my phone (nexus5) it never showed any of the stuff i made on their site.
So here's the thing, does anyone know of a good and easy app maker I could use that would allow me to basically design it, and have it make the code for me, and the APK? I have eclipse setup on my system so i may be able to any editing and whatnot...but, seeing as time is a factor (i only have a few days) id love to get it done in a matter of a day at least.
any info or tips would be greatly appreciated, im no coding genius but i can follow directions quite well lol. Thanks!
mykull said:
So it's the holidays and I'm very very poor right now. I've trying to think of things to make for my lady, and one thing that came to mind was an app! lol, she's on her phone a lot and she knows i love messing with my phone so I thought it'd be a cool idea to make her a custom app, something simple, maybe with a splash screen that shows a pic of us, and then into a love note, followed by some pics of us.
So that's my idea, I've tried making this on one app maker, the crappy conduit one, but every time i installed the APK on my phone (nexus5) it never showed any of the stuff i made on their site.
So here's the thing, does anyone know of a good and easy app maker I could use that would allow me to basically design it, and have it make the code for me, and the APK? I have eclipse setup on my system so i may be able to any editing and whatnot...but, seeing as time is a factor (i only have a few days) id love to get it done in a matter of a day at least.
any info or tips would be greatly appreciated, im no coding genius but i can follow directions quite well lol. Thanks!
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i can help you get in to the play store if your intrested i have a developer acct ... im just not that good at coding so i could not be too much help on that end .... if you had more time i could build it for you but im slow.. but if you want it in the playstore send me the apk and ill see what i can do
trevor.bman said:
i can help you get in to the play store if your intrested i have a developer acct ... im just not that good at coding so i could not be too much help on that end .... if you had more time i could build it for you but im slow.. but if you want it in the playstore send me the apk and ill see what i can do
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oh nah man, i dont need it on the play store. this is just a personal thing for her. I would send her the apk to install on her phone (i'll probably be right next to her to show her how) and then she would just open it, read the note and swype through some pics of us. I just think it'd be cool for her to have an entire custom app that's her and I, instead of just some slideshow online that anyone can do these days.
mykull said:
oh nah man, i dont need it on the play store. this is just a personal thing for her. I would send her the apk to install on her phone (i'll probably be right next to her to show her how) and then she would just open it, read the note and swype through some pics of us. I just think it'd be cool for her to have an entire custom app that's her and I, instead of just some slideshow online that anyone can do these days.
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well watch a few you tube tuts lol that will get u started i use android studio to build my apps
trevor.bman said:
well watch a few you tube tuts lol that will get u started i use android studio to build my apps
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hey if i were to send you this APK i got from this ****ty conduit app maker (the app barely works on my phone, just doesnt show things properly) would you be able to edit it to work maybe?
mykull said:
hey if i were to send you this APK i got from this ****ty conduit app maker (the app barely works on my phone, just doesnt show things properly) would you be able to edit it to work maybe?
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no i would need the java key for that apk file to edit it ..... it may be possible but im not experienced enough to know how to do that

