[Q] Moderator Question: Separate HD2 Forum? - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'd like to throw this idea out to all the HD2 Mods...
With the increasing interest in the Telstra HTC HD2 for use in the US on AT&T, would it be possible to create a dedicated forum for those topics? I find it increasingly difficult to wade through all the irrelevant "noise" and chit-chat while trying to search for specific answers.
Not unlike most public forums, a thread is usually started with some simple questions. Then, a deluge of "I have the same problem" or "what about SMS in Timbuktoo?", or the ever annoying "me too" posts, all of which are irrelevant to the original question. I suppose that it just comes down to etiquette and consideration or maybe just lack of respect. But it would help if the forum was at least able to narrow down the specific issues to a specific phone and specific carrier.
Just a thought. The Moderators here do a pretty good job of keeping the focus, a Telstra/US/AT&T forum would greatly improve the searchability of this great resource you're providing.
Lastly, the "etiquette" issue may never go away, and it may just be the wishful thinking of a Curmudgeon as myself. It would just be real nice if some of the users did not post for the sake of seeing their names and do so ONLY if the post is germane to the discussion/question rather than just post hot air.
Thanks for your consideration.

yes. Its a good idea


A change we MUST make to the Raphael Forum!

I have been a member of XDA some time now. In the time that I have been a member I have used various forums from the Wizard thru the Raphael. I am seeing a transformation in the forum that I think we need to correct. When I first joined, the board was very different from the way it is today. The posts were more technical in nature, with people offering suggestions and posting not only the bugs they found with the ROM’s, but sometimes the fix as well. I feel that the Raphael forum has strayed far from that, to the point where people are just posting and waiting for the chefs to fix everything. I am not saying everyone does that, but it is the majority. There are two things I am concerned about. One, chefs are leaving from being burned out or simply not having the time to keep up with all the requests, Second, the quality of the ROMs. See, if we help the chefs by either resolving our own issues or helping them with bug resolution they will have more time for improvements and refinement. This will lead to the fastest most stable ROMs possible. I think the community needs to go back to the times when people were a little hesitant to just post anything, and actually do research and troubleshooting before bugging the chefs. Any and all comments would be appreciated, either agreeing or disagreeing with me.
Amen to that! could not agree with you more....
the problem is that flashing ROMs are too easy now, the tools are too useful, and these VERY powerful tools are now in the hands of kids too immature to research for themselves
I agree with you McMexican. Just had an issue in the Blackstone forum over this exact issue you mention here.
P1Tater said:
Here's the issue with XDA lately and it's not just this thread that it's happening. The problem is that everyone reports a bug but noone tries to assist in fixing it. Everyone expects the cook to be all-knowing and be able to fix himself. However, these people have lives as well. They have families and jobs and don't have 24 hours in a day to just sit here on the thread and wait for people to report bugs so they have something to do. So, everyone complains, cries and whines about their issues and never once says what apps they have installed, uninstalled, what regs they have changed or files they have added or deleted and then wonder why the chef doesn't have the issue and why he can't fix it. Then when the chef gets upset. Then, when they do get upset then the "Thank You's" come. Did it ever occur to anyone to thank the chef when the rom worked? No, when it works you don't post and when it doesn't work you post complaints. I wonder why the chef's get upset . Just think about it.
What should happen is if it works, thank the chef or contribute. Damn, even a Thank You goes a long way. If you are having issues, maybe just maybe, report the issue, what you have tried, whatt apps you have installed and what you have uninstalled. Ususally when a chef cooks a rom, they don't install apps to the rom because everything they use is cooked in. Believe it or not, some apps will absolutely kill a rom.
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This is what I posted in that thread but it seems as though it is worth mentioning here as this discusses the exact same issue we seem to be having all over XDA lately.
I agree with this partly although I'm not sure this is the right place to post it.
Its a free forum and in its nature you will nearly always get this type of thing.
Yes it does burn out alot of the chef's but they also have lives that take on different directions as time moves on and so they come and go.
The bug reporting with no solution must be really pissing our chefs off and it is not just for roms.. I'm seeing it with software enhancements too.
At its core this is still by far the best forum for our devices. I believe XDA has always developed the best ROMS & enhancements for our devices and often take them to places the original manufacturers would never have dreamed of.
I just don't know how something like this can be policed. Nearly all the guys post in their first post something about not asking dumb questions but yet they still get them.
The ones that really piss me off are something like "Just flashed and now blah won't work" with absolutely no details at all.
What I do is leave the 'dumb questions' to the other users of my ROM to answer.. I find the userbase to be generally savvy enough to answer its own questions
The ones that I feel the userbase will not be able to answer easily or in a timely fashion, I post an answer for
It's not that I wouldn't like to have the time to sit there and answer all the 'dumb questions', but my time is better spent doing other things.. and the users don't seem to mind helping each other generally, when it's within their knowledge..
Then again my ROM is a little more hands-on than others, so i've already eliminated a good amount of the 'newbies' by it not being quite so easy to flash
mcmexican said:
I have been a member of XDA some time now. In the time that I have been a member I have used various forums from the Wizard thru the Raphael. I am seeing a transformation in the forum that I think we need to correct. When I first joined, the board was very different from the way it is today. The posts were more technical in nature, with people offering suggestions and posting not only the bugs they found with the ROM’s, but sometimes the fix as well. I feel that the Raphael forum has strayed far from that, to the point where people are just posting and waiting for the chefs to fix everything. I am not saying everyone does that, but it is the majority. There are two things I am concerned about. One, chefs are leaving from being burned out or simply not having the time to keep up with all the requests, Second, the quality of the ROMs. See, if we help the chefs by either resolving our own issues or helping them with bug resolution they will have more time for improvements and refinement. This will lead to the fastest most stable ROMs possible. I think the community needs to go back to the times when people were a little hesitant to just post anything, and actually do research and troubleshooting before bugging the chefs. Any and all comments would be appreciated, either agreeing or disagreeing with me.
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P1Tater said:
I agree with you McMexican. Just had an issue in the Blackstone forum over this exact issue you mention here.
Originally Posted by P1Tater
Here's the issue with XDA lately and it's not just this thread that it's happening. The problem is that everyone reports a bug but noone tries to assist in fixing it. Everyone expects the cook to be all-knowing and be able to fix himself. However, these people have lives as well. They have families and jobs and don't have 24 hours in a day to just sit here on the thread and wait for people to report bugs so they have something to do. So, everyone complains, cries and whines about their issues and never once says what apps they have installed, uninstalled, what regs they have changed or files they have added or deleted and then wonder why the chef doesn't have the issue and why he can't fix it. Then when the chef gets upset. Then, when they do get upset then the "Thank You's" come. Did it ever occur to anyone to thank the chef when the rom worked? No, when it works you don't post and when it doesn't work you post complaints. I wonder why the chef's get upset . Just think about it.
What should happen is if it works, thank the chef or contribute. Damn, even a Thank You goes a long way. If you are having issues, maybe just maybe, report the issue, what you have tried, whatt apps you have installed and what you have uninstalled. Ususally when a chef cooks a rom, they don't install apps to the rom because everything they use is cooked in. Believe it or not, some apps will absolutely kill a rom.
This is what I posted in that thread but it seems as though it is worth mentioning here as this discusses the exact same issue we seem to be having all over XDA lately.
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I absolutely agree. Both of these posts describe the reality of the situation. Back in the wizard days for the most part only people pushing the edge of technology bought the windows mobile PDA phones. The same appled to the hermes for the most part. When I moved to the tilt the tides began to turn. Prices of this type of phone began to be more reasonable based upon the technology. More and more companies bagan pushing mail. The internet became more of a requirement than a novelty. Less and less tech savy users began to purchase. These buyers soon learned winmo had a ton of flaws and came to xda. Some spent the time to learn and have become valuable members of the forum. Many did not. They pop in and want us to be the fix all for thier issues. One prime example is GSleon3. How many tilts did he unbrick for people carelessly flashing tilts. When the Fuze arrived the problem only grew. Ive seen more new members in the last 3 months than my entire time on xda. A few of the new members have really taken the time to learn and contribute. MANY have not. I get at least 15 posts a day in my thread asking questions that are answered multiple times in the thread. I get at least 30 posts per day that could easily be answered in at least 1 thread on xda if not dozens.
Most of the chefs in this forum are pushing the limits with cutting edge builds. Da_G has more or less led the way. It amazes me how many users think everything should work perfectly. With all the easy kitchens and premade OEMs so many people think making a good stable rom is easy.
I commend Da_G on pushing the cooking aspect. Hopefully more will realize its not as easy as they think. Ive been at this for years and I learn something new every day.
Over the past month I have grown more and more discouraged. If rom users would spend that extra few minutes to find a fix I could do so much more.
I do however want to thank all of those that have searched, that have, helped,that have answered questions and have done so much to make mine and other chefs roms better
While I do agree with all of what has been stated, and myself to be considered a "NOOB", I really think it comes down to the individual user. I may have asked a question or two (or 30) that may have been answered already before, but I personally try to search and I do try to find the answers myself when I can. I do try and figure the answers myself, but I just don't have the expertise to do so quite often. But myself, I try to make up for my lack of capabilities by way of PayPal to our grear chefs. Others don't truly understand the amount of work that goes into the cooking of ROMS, I am BARELY tapping into that now. I have been visiting XDA for quite some time now and have seen it grow. Unfortunately the user base has grown very large, and it is hard to manage the forums. With there being so many places to find information in this website, it takes time just to locate the information you need. Sadly, I don't see much change unless you start locking down the members capabilities to post, which would defeat the whole purpose of a community forum. As far as it is for the ROM Chefs, a suggestion for you would to not publicly post your ROMs (except in the case of the kitchens, don't do that, I'm addicted!) right away. Maybe put a password on them upon download and have some filtering system or something and maybe only release the password selectively or something. And have a guideline for posters, like your post must contain this: and if the post doesn't have that, then don't even bother responding. Let's face it, we techies with out the tech knowledge are at the mercy of the chefs!
Site is free but maybe some type of short ban on posting for spammer and those who bug chef after three strikes or so by senior member. A chef doesnt cook for just one person he cooks to what you may like. If you dont like a chef rom try another or just go back to dead stock rom bug your carrier. But my idea might be to much work.
Radimus said:
and these VERY powerful tools are now in the hands of kids too immature to research for themselves
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Wow, really? Maybe you were a dumb kid, but I'd like to avoid this stereotype.
The users on threads need to stop asking dumb questions, though. I think a rating system should be implemented like on Engadget. That way every time someone makes a dumb post we can demote them and limit their post count per day
The reason why there is so many nOObs posting is that the Raphael has had such a tremendous success at the carrier level. Almost all of the US carriers have picked up the Touch Pro. So it is very reasonable to surmize that the majority of new users are new to windows mobile and completely blown away by the amazing amount of tweaks available for it.
Maybe the best idea is create special forums designed for Senior Members only to comment in. They would be locked to all others to comment on, but visible for all to see. Then create another set of forums for general discussion. I see absolutely no reason a development forum should be open to all anyway. I often think if I read one more "Downloading now!" post I will scream! So again, I would lock just the development and hacking forums to approved members, or at least make all posts be moderated first before they are posted. That will keep the development threads clean.
I would then load up the non development discussion forums and threads with adwords and advertising and give that money back to the real developers. LEt the nOObs pay for development indirectly through advertising.
sammypwns said:
Wow, really? Maybe you were a dumb kid, but I'd like to avoid this stereotype.
The users on threads need to stop asking dumb questions, though. I think a rating system should be implemented like on Engadget. That way every time someone makes a dumb post we can demote them and limit their post count per day
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Is this post really necessary?
I agree with McMex about the types of post but part of the problem is the organization of the information. Idea for you, Subdivide the forum so that the Cooked ROMs could have their own POST that was a sticky and only limited to the Chef for editing (containing information about updates and revisions etc,...). Then maybe create another post for ISSUES ONLY with the Cooked ROM. And then one more for the nonsense that burdens the Chef or other users like me who try and shift through the countless meaningless post by the "can you fix..." crew. This might help keep the organization of the VALUABLE information contained in this forum.
I use XDA to help me stay up on the latest stuff so I can impress the boss and his co-horts into believing that I am a technical wiz (ha!).
Anyway, this is a bit disorganized and polluted but if you take the time to search, read, search some more and read some more you can find a lot of great help here. But it does need some organizing. Maybe if some people would use discretion in posting it might help cut down on the smog, if you know what I mean.
DSmithZ28, I think that we are on the same idea.
Many people here started out as noobs, used what they read, and then became developers. I'm trying to do just that. It would not be helpful to limit what I can see as I would not be able to learn the development process as easily. This wave just has to be ridden out and the community will pick up some more help along the way.
Just thought of this from systematic approach and put it in numbers (guessed at the numbers):
Forum pre-influx:
60% Experienced Members
30% Moderate
9% Noobs
1% Don't know where they are
Forum post-influx
45% Experienced Members
24% Moderate
30% Noobs
1% Still celebrating Obama's election
-What this means is that there aren't enough mid level people ATM to handle all of the tedious questions that the developers shouldn't have to answer. As more noob's gain knowledge, there should be a shift in the paradigm, this will even itself out and lead to another great period for XDA!
One thought, what if there were some type of Pledge or Credo thread that would echo the sentiments of this thread. Make it so the new member cannot post until they've responded "Read and Understood" to that thread.
Whatever happens, I pledge to help people find their answers, as it helps me learn along the way.
I know this probably sounds retarded, but back in the Kasier days, there was a couple of users (Scotchua, McMexican, Mfrazzz, taiser999, crispyj, HDStreetglide, JimmyMcGee, Daveshaw, & rzanolgy just to name a few) who floated around all of the rom threads and answered questions along with giving links and subtle prodding of the search function. Maybe if there were more users who did this, things wouldn't be the way they are today. But it will take more than just a couple of users. It will take the work of everyone. Also, we need more users helping edit the wiki's. These are just a couple of suggestions.
Never a truer word spoken, guys
Definitely agree that the culture's changed around here over the past few years.
I dallied a little with cooking a year ago. I was lucky - I had several people helping me by providing solutions to the problems I had (I'm looking at you McMex there, among others!). Back on the Kaiser, every chef helped each other and there was a hardcore group of users who knew what they were talking about and offered solutions. On the Raphael, we've got an excellent group of chefs co-operating, and there are a few of the hardcore, helpful users but I think they're getting lost in the huge amount of other users who seem to think this is an HTC support forum - they've spent money on their phones and think we owe them!
Have the users changed here, or is it just we've got so many more (unconstructive) users in here that they're being too diluted to see?
My time in the kitchen taught me I was out of my depth, and eternal respect for those people who deserve to be in there!
Maybe a read/search count of couple hundred before you can post in the dev forum? Just a thought. Seems like an easiest solution to implement for now.
@ overjjrk
Lol at the 1% celebrating Obama's election
And back on topic, I vote for a Question and Answers section for every device!
Agreed "at least 100%" to post one.
I started - as everybody did - as a NOOB and somehow I learned fairly good (*cough cough*) how to deal with these devices. I do also try to pick up threads now and then surfing the forum and trying to help (enough praise) but it trips me off BIG TIME that it seems meanwhile that NOOB's barely use the search, have no idea how google is spelled and give up after the first try or EVEN WORSE bump their own threads if the don't receive a quick answer. Good that I can keep my temper but sometimes I'd really like to answer "@@#$%%^&"....
I do like what pages like "blownfuze" or "fuzemobilty" provide for NOOBs because with that information stickies would take at least the first three pages of a subject.
Not sure if it can/will work out but fine tuning the Wiki (without breaking it) may help a bit since we all live from the contributions of each other.
An approach could be a Readme 1st section where either only mods or users willing to take this task, can contribute (guess mods will be overwhelmed since they too have a daytime job) and no replies are allowed.
One of the biggest issues and posts I do see recently is "setup the device to a certain provider". I'm not a cab or software guy but could one of these great people here perhaps come up with an idea to have a CAB which will simply set up the connection setting the that particular provider? There aren't more than 2 dozen major ones world wide so that could bring freedom to the chefs to deal with provider specific settings and keep concentrated on fine tuning a ROM still being open for the whole world.... just one of the ideas.
Let's see how this thread evolves.
how about i just start banning people that don't live in new york?
i think this is a good way to go about things.

All problems(ADMIN AND XDA RELATED) faced by users concerning xda to be reported here

Hello fellow members.
As a mod to this Forum, i have opened this thread to address issues faced by the users related to this sub-forum. No problems related to the device will be entertained in this thread.
all users are requested to put forward their issues in this thread and i shall look into it and do the best to put away with ne such issues.
Currently I am going through each and every post of the android development sub-sub-forum..
i think i have to delete many posts and clean up a lot of the threads.
i'll do that as soon as i m over with going through the forum..
cvchetan said:
Currently I am going through each and every post of the android development sub-sub-forum..
i think i have to delete many posts and clean up a lot of the threads.
i'll do that as soon as i m over with going through the forum..
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Hi cvchetan,
to my opinion this is a not needed Sisyphean task.
You'd have to clean thousands of useless posts and flame wars.
The main Problem is, that there are lots of users that start threads again and again without using the forums search.
And: Some People cross post in wrong threads so that the threads go off topic very soon.
Also flaming and swearing against some people is a main problem.
(That's why most X10-Root-Devs gone private).
I'd say: from now, keeping the eyes open and moderate here and there, as you began recently, would be enough to keep this Kindergarten under control...
McKebapp said:
Hi cvchetan,
to my opinion this is a not needed Sisyphean task.
You'd have to clean thousands of useless posts and flame wars.
The main Problem is, that there are lots of users that start threads again and again without using the forums search.
And: Some People cross post in wrong threads so that the threads go off topic very soon.
Also flaming and swearing against some people is a main problem.
(That's why most X10-Root-Devs gone private).
I'd say: from now, keeping the eyes open and moderate here and there, as you began recently, would be enough to keep this Kindergarten under control...
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wel that is indeed a good idea...
but then we need to remove unwanted posts and threads so tht the threads become useful to any new members or visitors as they do not have to read through all unwanted data..
cvchetan said:
wel that is indeed a good idea...
but then we need to remove unwanted posts and threads so tht the threads become useful to any new members or visitors as they do not have to read through all unwanted data..
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What about just making the most useful one sticky, clean the waste out of them and close them?
So this ones would be the reference.
Within first post could a link to a discussion thread.
This behavior works very well over at gsmfreeboard.com .
My Idea: put all good guides into an own sub category "Guides".
These Guides should be closed. If there are any increments, these Posts / Threads could be opened for a short period of time.
They can be edited by the thread starter / poster anyways.
Then there should be a second sub category "Discussion on Guides", where common users can ask everything, regarding the posts.
I have a suggestion for a new sub-forum. Something along the lines of "X10 Café" where the discussions could be informal for more general ramblings about the X10. I hesitate to call it off-topic since the topic would be the X10. Think of it like a free-for-all with general decency rules, no flaming, no personal attacks but an otherwise open place where we can air grievances or just toss around ideas.
That way general can be more about news, events and so on while the speculation and what have you goes on in the Café. It would make keeping up with the forum a lot easier since it should be a place that you don't really "have" to read.
well i like both the ideas..
lemme consult with my fellow mods for futher actions..
Maybe you can stick a link to the Wiki X10 Page and edit this Wiki page to add links to useful posts in the forum ?
imo this forums needs some temp/permanent banning, plain and simple. I read threads here every day since I have the x10, and I have to agree with many people here, some users just don't understand patience, don't understand how to use the search options and then they have to cry out loud for something they want now but they cannot provide any help so they keep posting useless replies in every 'used to be' useful threads.
The 'Café' kind of forum is a nice idea too, to me it sounds a lot like the general discussion forum but still, the mods should do anything to keep the good discussions going.
Going back to the dark lurking around, WAITING for the good stuff without acting like a 12yo, and I'll give some money for the hard work, whatever i can give, until then keep up the good work guys
I started reading on XDA since 2 weeks when I bought my first droid phone (the X10 obviously ). This is my first post though because for every question I had i was able to find the answer in the forums.
The real PITA was when I started reading the rooting and custom rom dev threads where seriously 80% of the posters are either off topic, flaming or simply asking questions that already have been asked AND answered earlier.
As previous poster said I wouldn't mind that mods would apply temp bans to flamers and off topic poster or even perm bans when people continue to do so.
I did read in another x10 subforum that there was a X10 mod appointed (dunno if there are more than one), but unfortunately haven't seen much of that person specifically on those rooting and rom dev threads where they would have been most wanted.
It is nice to see that you are now taking the time to get something constructive going on. Regarding current topics it probably will be too much effort cleaning those up so it might be better to simply close those topics, start new ones and apply some stricter modding on those (including the temp/perm bans).
I sure would love to see the x10 devs coming back to these forums to discuss there progress on the X10 rooting for example, but they won't unless something is really done against these unnecesarry flaming/off topic/unnecesarry questions posts.
PS as soon as I have something in my paypal account again I will donate something towards this forum for the good work you guys are doing
we are too many, so dont blame anybody... things are like they're
FRiKiNFRoG said:
imo this forums needs some temp/permanent banning, plain and simple. I read threads here every day since I have the x10, and I have to agree with many people here, some users just don't understand patience, don't understand how to use the search options and then they have to cry out loud for something they want now but they cannot provide any help so they keep posting useless replies in every 'used to be' useful threads.
The 'Café' kind of forum is a nice idea too, to me it sounds a lot like the general discussion forum but still, the mods should do anything to keep the good discussions going.
Going back to the dark lurking around, WAITING for the good stuff without acting like a 12yo, and I'll give some money for the hard work, whatever i can give, until then keep up the good work guys
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+1 here also i feel that you are talking about me
guys.. what i see here is that you people are posting suggestions rather than problems.
regarding feelings abt hoss_n2, this is what i analysed.
Hoss_n2 seems to be clean at heart and intentions but the wording he uses are kinda direct and might make sumone feel he is demanding. but guys as long as intentions are not wrong no need to attack him..
more over by pointing out that hoss_n2 is doing this, this and bla bla you people too are flaming and remember these forum rules apply to you aswell..
so please keep your calm and help people rather than critisize them.
on the rooting forum i will be deleting all the posts not related to rooting..
cvchetan said:
guys.. what i see here is that you people are posting suggestions rather than problems.
regarding feelings abt hoss_n2, this is what i analysed.
Hoss_n2 seems to be clean at heart and intentions but the wording he uses are kinda direct and might make sumone feel he is demanding. but guys as long as intentions are not wrong no need to attack him..
more over by pointing out that hoss_n2 is doing this, this and bla bla you people too are flaming and remember these forum rules apply to you aswell..
so please keep your calm and help people rather than critisize them.
on the rooting forum i will be deleting all the posts not related to rooting..
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thanks allot you are the only one here that understands me right . may be i cannot say what i really mean with writing as english is not my main language , but they don't give me any chance . sorry for going out of topic but i wanted to illustrate my point . good luck cleaning
I'm not pointing at anyone in particular as I only read threads and rarely look at who posted. My point wasn't to accuse anyone. But warning to off topics and complainers should be sent, failing to change their behavior should lead to more action.
Yes these are more suggestions than issues we have, but I think most of the people know what are the issues. The main one being 'talking in a thread about anything'. Most of the useful threads have a self-explanatory title, reading the original post usually tells a user where he wants to go with the thread he created.
I know some might 'sound' harsh or rude but personally I don't really mind that as long as it does not become a flaming war/troll feeding discussion. But keeping a discussion on the right direction is probably the most important thing in such a huge forum. Then the search tool comes handy when the discussion is going one way.
Warning/temp/perm banning. Sending public message to people saying 'please stop' is not going to work. A temp ban with a nice message included stating what he did wrong should be effective in most cases. Failing to comply after 'x' warnings/temp ban, bye bye we do not need you (They can still read threads, they'll just stop posting what devs don't need).
I'm not pissed or angry at anyone, I'm just one of those people who thinks that moderation is important. The easier/cleaner it is for everyone, the faster we'll get the good news/progress. This site is one big community, let's make it look good/the best there is.
well.. right now m cleaning up threads and rest assured that all off topic posts, flames wars will be stopped from now on..
lets get ourselves together and make this forum productive..
Maybe issue warning on some fanatic on this forum, some people are extremely rude for no reason, acting like their keyboard and mouse give them God like power.
Realize lots of people have limited knowledge and are trying to get some information. When you see the reaction of some user…bashing on them saying search first idiot there a post about it .Maybe you should realize some of them just don’t know what they have to search. Why not just point them in the proper direction and help them , it would make this forum way more attractive.
Cnrl said:
Maybe issue warning on some fanatic on this forum, some people are extremely rude for no reason, acting like their keyboard and mouse give them God like power.
Realize lots of people have limited knowledge and are trying to get some information. When you see the reaction of some user…bashing on them saying search first idiot there a post about it .Maybe you should realize some of them just don’t know what they have to search. Why not just point them in the proper direction and help them , it would make this forum way more attractive.
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you are right i see this usless replies not only here but on all forums ,why don't he just tell the answer ,new members don't think about search they are still new when i was juinor member i faced allot of these replies . if any body don't want to help just don't reply
Pointing the right direction if you can yes, not answering like an a**hole to a newcomer yes. But there is nothing wrong about telling them politely to search, we might know there is a thread on a subject, but pointing them to the right direction is also searching for them in some/most cases. All forums work pretty much the same, joining one means learning how to use it/navigate it.
Search is the biggest tool there is on the internet. This is how you find what you want, this is how you find answers. Internet is full of it. The faster you start, the more stuff you'll get out of it.
BTW: Answering like a a**hole to a newcomer is also worthy of warnings and ban. It's part of the issue too.
I'm all about common sense.
You can generally class users in 3 categories. The devs, the supporters, and the noobs. The devs are resourceful enough to not care, because they'll always find a way to get things done. The supporters have kinda a clue about what's going on, and are always trying to enforce rules to keep the noobs in order. The noobs almost always assume a hierarchy of power, try to suck up, seek attention, and post ridiculous amounts of crap to get out of trouble/sound smart/kiss ass.
So understanding this dynamics, devs really don't care about flaming and junk, they just want to get product out. Supporters need to learn to refrain, not feed the troll and stop thinking they are better than noobs. Noobs usually just chat amongst themselves if left alone, and are mostly harmless.
The only thing that need to happen here is a set of clear guidelines for noobs to read about when to post, where to post, and when not to post. Also, clean up the place from its state now so people don't get the idea that it's okay to post crap. Maybe a reminder (after submission of a post) for users with low post count to remind them useless junk are indeed useless and bin-worthy.

[Q] Where are they pulled from

I was wondering if someone knew off the top of their head where text under icons on the notification pull down come from. Are they hard code or pulled from a sys var. I want to delete them. If they are code in a file what is the file name?
I have looked in a few files and I have either missed it or have not looked in the right file yet. My eyes are going cross from reading hex code.
It's within the twframework-res.apk. I have forgotten which xml though.
Questions of this nature should be asked in Q&A section.
good day.
chopper the dog said:
It's within the twframework-res.apk. I have forgotten which xml though.
Questions of this nature should be asked in Q&A section.
good day.
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Thanks. I'll go through there again.
I was going to put it in the Q&A but its not a general question. Since it is about dev. I went ahead and put it here. Sometime its hard to decide where to post a question.
Thanks again
"Currently people are asking quite a few questions in the development section. Starting today (3/3/2011) any new question threads made in the development sections WILL be moved to the Q&A section without a redirect thread. DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN THE DEV FORUM."
BrwnSuperman said:
"Currently people are asking quite a few questions in the development section. Starting today (3/3/2011) any new question threads made in the development sections WILL be moved to the Q&A section without a redirect thread. DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN THE DEV FORUM."
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And you needed to do this why? Make yourself feel like a mod? Some people need to grow up here. jeez
MSHancock said:
And you needed to do this why? Make yourself feel like a mod? Some people need to grow up here. jeez
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He needed to do it because you obviously still believed that this question belonged in the development forum. It doesn't, as pointed out without any flaming and in a totally innocuous way. As far as I can tell the only one who needs to grow up here is you.
You made a mistake, instead of defending that mistake in the face of irrefutable proof that you are wrong, just admit it and move on. You only make yourself seem more ignorant when you get upset that people are doing their best to keep posts where they belong. Your question was a good one, just please post it in the correct board next time so we can keep the development board open for development topics.
Nothing against you man, just really getting tired of people getting so pissed off when someone tells them they are in the wrong section.
I agree, my post was in the wrong section. I thanked chopper for pointing out where I should have put it. I went back and went over ashasaur's new posting rules and saw the section he posted way before BrwnSuperman posted it.
With that said
You get pissed when someone tells a OP they are in the wrong section
I get pissed when I see people standing in line to play mod and ***** at someone
How about we agree to disagree. Everyone has a different opinion and we are all here for the same reason.
MSHancock said:
I agree, my post was in the wrong section. I thanked chopper for pointing out where I should have put it. I went back and went over ashasaur's new posting rules and saw the section he posted way before BrwnSuperman posted it.
With that said
You get pissed when someone tells a OP they are in the wrong section
I get pissed when I see people standing in line to play mod and ***** at someone
How about we agree to disagree. Everyone has a different opinion and we are all here for the same reason.
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"I was going to put it in the Q&A but its not a general question. Since it is about dev. I went ahead and put it here. Sometime its hard to decide where to post a question."
You seemed a bit confused so I thought I would just point it out in the rules, I didn't add anything personal in.
MSHancock said:
You get pissed when someone tells a OP they are in the wrong section
I get pissed when I see people standing in line to play mod and ***** at someone
How about we agree to disagree.
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How about we agree to not let forum posts actually make us angry.
Real life is the only thing that requires an emotional response, not internet land.
Relax guys. Nobody has even insulted someone else's mother yet.
BrwnSuperman said:
"I was going to put it in the Q&A but its not a general question. Since it is about dev. I went ahead and put it here. Sometime its hard to decide where to post a question."
You seemed a bit confused so I thought I would just point it out in the rules, I didn't add anything personal in.
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Agreed. You didn't and I did by snapping at ya. For that I will say sorry.
I should have went over the new rules again since it had been awhile since my last post.
Just do what I, and many others here have done.. stop posting on XDA. It seems no matter where you post nowadays, it's the wrong section.
A development section where you can't talk about development, only announce your releases, which you must know how to do on your own, since you can't ask questions. But no app or theme releases, those go somewhere else where you can't talk about themes or apps. General, where you can't ask questions, only state factual things about anything not having to do with development, or apps, or themes, or other phones, or anything having to do with issues with your phone, especially your battery life, or a development release not working correctly, or anything somewhat resembling a request for an expert opinion, such as a release date.
In short, the rules here could easily be shortened to:
Don't post anywhere about anything. Welcome to XDA.
Caution: This post may be moved shortly, as it contains a welcome to a fellow XDA member, which may require it's placement in the XDA member chat section, or general, seeing as there are no questions, or Q&A, seeing as it answers a question, or maybe the main Android section, seeing as it has to do with the XDA forums. Either way, it
'll be in the wrong forum and I'll yet again get a long line of people hopping on the "wrong forum, asshat!" bandwagon.
Here is a tip from me to the entirety of internet users:
If you ever feel angry about someone who has "wronged" you on an internet forum, immediately call someone who doesn't use the internet as much as you (parents, significant other, non-techie best friend).
Now attempt to explain the situation to that person.
Or maybe just imagine doing this in your mind, because that's all it usually takes to realize how incredibly dumb you will then feel for getting angry about anything that happens on the internet.
Grandma: "...he told you your thread was in the wrong forum... and that makes you angry..."
You: "Ya... ok so it's a bigger deal than it sounds like. My reputation is at stake here."
Grandma: "What is a forum? Get their mothers' phone numbers and I'll have a stern talk with them."
GizmoDroid said:
Here is a tip from me to the entirety of internet users:
If you ever feel angry about someone who has "wronged" you on an internet forum, immediately call someone who doesn't use the internet as much as you (parents, significant other, non-techie best friend).
Now attempt to explain the situation to that person.
Grandma: "...he told you your thread was in the wrong forum... and that makes you angry..."
You: "Ya... ok so it's a bigger deal than it sounds like. My reputation is at stake here."
Grandma: "What is a forum? Get their mothers' phone numbers and I'll have a stern talk with them."
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Or in a logical, realistic way:
You: "I spent hours upon hours learning, testing, fixing, coding and sharing something, for zero income, just to have someone nix it all out in a heartbeat for some bull**** reason."
Grandma: "I would be upset, too"
If you think real people are not on the other end of your posts, you are the reason people get angry.
MSHancock said:
Agreed. You didn't and I did by snapping at ya. For that I will say sorry.
I should have went over the new rules again since it had been awhile since my last post.
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I retract my sorry!
I went through some of your post and you do seem to have a "WANNA BE MOD" problem. Your constantly telling people where things should go.
Domush said:
If you think real people are not on the other end of your posts, you are the reason people get angry.
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The only time anyone gets upset by what I say is when they read a tone into what I'm writing that wasn't my intention. I am encouraging the reader to being less sensitive when reading posts.
If you look in other threads, you will see that I encourage the writers of posts to be concise and straight-forward but patient with requests for help or when reporting problems, instead of demanding someone else to solve their problem. Instead of getting angry about it, I let them know about how inefficient their method of approaching the issue is, and try to encourage them to make posts that help the flow of information, instead of hinder it.
Personally, I'm offended more by the fact that negativity slows down development, then that someone said something that hurts my feelings. Positive, well written posts = Better, faster development.
Let's face it, there are a lot of people in this world who, when put behind the anonymous barrier of a computer screen, lose their minds and do nothing but slow everyone down. Those people suck, but you have to find a way to deal with them.
Most other times, its just a normal person who writes something in an ambiguous way, and another person is overly sensitive when reading. Unfortunately, in android land, it seems like we attract a higher percentage of the uncouth, immature crowd who run their mouth without stopping to think about how the other person might feel. Often times, these people are also the overly sensitive ones (but not always).
So while your point is true, it really didn't apply to what I was saying. I hope this post clears that up, and also encourages a healthy attitude towards communication between developers and users.
Our forums are just full of whiney bossy people. I suggest when someone tries to correct your "error"... dont respond (unless the error is device related of course) bc when the op gets defensive in any way the other posters feel they need to defend themselves. End result.... threads like this. It is quite obviously through any persons daily routine, some people we encounter cant/dont/wont follow instruction.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Not only was the question in the wrong section (and still is...), it will now get closed by a mod once one of them gets off their ass.
And one more person who needs to add thei 2 cents. This thread should have been trashed a log time ago.
clap clap clap clap (awesome content people). ataranine (good trolling).
But anywho, @OP you might find it easier to grab a twframework-res.apk that has been edited the way you want and change images if need be. Because if you find the edit that needs to be done you will still need to contend with the position and size of the other elements of the quickpanel. i.e. Once text is gone the background image for the buttons will still be drawn to the same size as if text were there and if you do edit the way that image is drawn then the padding of all other elements will need to be edited. So the lazy way will prevail on this one. Kang it.
good day.

[Q] CyanogenMod

Will the 10.1 get full Cyanogenmod support?
yes, there are kang version of cm9 in this forum so you can test drive ice cream sandwich
WebbyHRT said:
Will the 10.1 get full Cyanogenmod support?
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WebbyHRT said:
Will the 10.1 get full Cyanogenmod support?
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Go ask the cyanogenmod forums. I'm sure they'll be happy to give you an ETA.
Ignore that ^
Yes. Likely the Tab will get the first CM9 stable release.
Lol. I might be a bit of a noob when it comes to the development side of things, but I know better than to ask for an ETA.
Looking forward to the stable build of CM9.
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
@slack04: Why do you always have to post stuff like what you've written above? I can understand that threads/posts that ask for easily obtainable information or simply troll around (not saying this thread is trolling, but a simple search would provide the necessary information) get on your nerves, but do posts like that really help anything? Instead of witty and sarcastic remarks, you could try leading by example. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've read a lot of posts by you which were written in a similar manner and I can't see how it helps anyone ...
@OP: As others have already answered, our device will get full CM9 support, it has been said a few times that the official alpha isn't out yet due to some non-technical problems (so I'm guessing they're legal ones). And, as it was also said before, you can try out the daily kangs in the development section to get a feel of where CM9 is right now.
nightmarebadger said:
@slack04: Why do you always have to post stuff like what you've written above? I can understand that threads/posts that ask for easily obtainable information or simply troll around (not saying this thread is trolling, but a simple search would provide the necessary information) get on your nerves, but do posts like that really help anything? Instead of witty and sarcastic remarks, you could try leading by example. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've read a lot of posts by you which were written in a similar manner and I can't see how it helps anyone ....
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Well, I'll try to answer, but I'm probably wasting my breath (ok, my carpal tunnels).
This forum is essentially unmoderated. Stay with me, it will make sense in a moment. The mod occasionally rolls through and deletes a post or two and hands out a warning, but other than that he's left this forum to the dogs, which means that useless threads never get deleted or merged and trolls rarely get bumped. (OK, he moves questions to the Q+A forum, which is good--but thoroughly insufficient). As a result, it's impossible for anyone to browse to find any useful information because it gets buried under new threads asking the same 10 questions over and over (6 of which are truly useful questions that all new users need to know; the next 3 could be answered by reading the sticky in the dev thread, and the last 1 is a thinly disguised complaint about "lagginess"). Search is also ineffective for the same reason: there's thousands of useless threads with equally useless titles (this one is a good example...) that ask or say the same thing. As an archive of information for users of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 (which is what a good forum should end up being), this place is useless. So, while I might agree with you in a well-maintained forum where useless threads were regularly purged, here everything gets lost--useless threads with useless titles prevail. Which brings me to my point:
I thought I was leading by example. Follow along with me: we can stop the useless thread train by 1) not providing answers to easily searched questions) and 2) gently reminding users (many of whom are repeat offenders) that search engines are useful tools of the twenty-first century. If all the users did this (and the moderator became an active participant in the community), new (or lazy) users would eventually learn to search before creating new threads and title their threads in such a way as to make them useful to others. If users (and moderators) treated the forums as a reference archive, this place would blossom into a library of useful threads, new and old. Users would add to existing threads rather than creating new ones, and repetitive or troll threads would be deleted or merged. Forward-thinking users would update OPs with suggestions from the thread that worked, saving those of us that actually do use the search function the pain of slogging through deceptively-titled threads. Useful, positive threads would stay at the top instead of getting buried under mounds of comparisons to ipad threads; browsing the forum would be helpful and fun again. Unicorns would dance with leprechauns and Santa Claus would bring world peace. 12-year-old forum users would learn the difference between "your" and "you're" and would type out all four to six characters instead of using the idiot identifier: "ur." Crazy, I know.
Yikes! Um, what was I talking about again? Oh, yeah:
slack04 said:
Well, I'll try to answer, but I'm probably wasting my breath (ok, my carpal tunnels).
This forum is essentially unmoderated. Stay with me, it will make sense in a moment. The mod occasionally rolls through and deletes a post or two and hands out a warning, but other than that he's left this forum to the dogs, which means that useless threads never get deleted or merged and trolls rarely get bumped. (OK, he moves questions to the Q+A forum, which is good--but thoroughly insufficient). As a result, it's impossible for anyone to browse to find any useful information because it gets buried under new threads asking the same 10 questions over and over (6 of which are truly useful questions that all new users need to know; the next 3 could be answered by reading the sticky in the dev thread, and the last 1 is a thinly disguised complaint about "lagginess"). Search is also ineffective for the same reason: there's thousands of useless threads with equally useless titles (this one is a good example...) that ask or say the same thing. As an archive of information for users of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 (which is what a good forum should end up being), this place is useless. So, while I might agree with you in a well-maintained forum where useless threads were regularly purged, here everything gets lost--useless threads with useless titles prevail. Which brings me to my point:
I thought I was leading by example. Follow along with me: we can stop the useless thread train by 1) not providing answers to easily searched questions) and 2) gently reminding users (many of whom are repeat offenders) that search engines are useful tools of the twenty-first century. If all the users did this (and the moderator became an active participant in the community), new (or lazy) users would eventually learn to search before creating new threads and title their threads in such a way as to make them useful to others. If users (and moderators) treated the forums as a reference archive, this place would blossom into a library of useful threads, new and old. Users would add to existing threads rather than creating new ones, and repetitive or troll threads would be deleted or merged. Forward-thinking users would update OPs with suggestions from the thread that worked, saving those of us that actually do use the search function the pain of slogging through deceptively-titled threads. Useful, positive threads would stay at the top instead of getting buried under mounds of comparisons to ipad threads; browsing the forum would be helpful and fun again. Unicorns would dance with leprechauns and Santa Claus would bring world peace. 12-year-old forum users would learn the difference between "your" and "you're" and would type out all four to six characters instead of using the idiot identifier: "ur." Crazy, I know.
Yikes! Um, what was I talking about again? Oh, yeah:
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Alrighty, a good and logical (in it's own way) explanation - I can respect that. I also wish for some heavier moderation on the forums (even though we hijacked this one too, which isn't exactly nice and doesn't really support good ... erm ... forumship), and I agree with most of what you've stated above. Well, I'm probably more "forgiving" about syntax and semantic mistakes, since I know it can often be hard for us non-native speakers to speak and write perfect English (especially if we come from a non Germanic languages), and many people try their best but still get some words wrong. And the way I see it, how they write is their choice - some people want to dress nice, some people want to smell nice and some people want to make sure they speak and write nice. If it really gets on my nerves so much, I can just skip over those parts, it's not my position to judge that. I try to write correctly and make sure my thoughts actually come across and aren't lost (for the lack of better term) in translation (be it translation from my language to the one I'm writing in or simply translation of thoughts into words) but I know I sometimes fail miserably .
And who knows, maybe your post will even "wake up" the moderators to make a stronger appearance and it will change the forums for the better. I don't believe unicorns would ever dance with leprechauns though
This section of XDA has some of the strictest mods in my opinion. You are not a mod, do not act like one. Sometimes better to just not post.
nightmarebadger said:
Alrighty, a good and logical (in it's own way) explanation - I can respect that. I also wish for some heavier moderation on the forums (even though we hijacked this one too, which isn't exactly nice and doesn't really support good ... erm ... forumship), and I agree with most of what you've stated above. Well, I'm probably more "forgiving" about syntax and semantic mistakes, since I know it can often be hard for us non-native speakers to speak and write perfect English (especially if we come from a non Germanic languages), and many people try their best but still get some words wrong. And the way I see it, how they write is their choice - some people want to dress nice, some people want to smell nice and some people want to make sure they speak and write nice. If it really gets on my nerves so much, I can just skip over those parts, it's not my position to judge that. I try to write correctly and make sure my thoughts actually come across and aren't lost (for the lack of better term) in translation (be it translation from my language to the one I'm writing in or simply translation of thoughts into words) but I know I sometimes fail miserably .
And who knows, maybe your post will even "wake up" the moderators to make a stronger appearance and it will change the forums for the better. I don't believe unicorns would ever dance with leprechauns though
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I'm glad we could find a middle ground. Just to be clear, though: I never mentioned -- nor even alluded to -- non-english speakers as a cause of problems. In fact I'm pretty sure the blame lies far more on english speakers and their (parents') weak education ethic.... But that's for some other forum (that I wouldn't be caught dead on).
RootzFan said:
This section of XDA has some of the strictest mods in my opinion. You are not a mod, do not act like one. Sometimes better to just not post.
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[Q] Galaxy Tab 16gb wifi & 3g

on this site i notice everything suck as rooting instructions have (wifi only) after it...
mine is 3g also so is there a difference when rooting for the 3g to the wifi only?
and why isnt there anything here about the wifi and 3g model?
everyone has just recreated the wheel with more threads and instructions about rooting than i have had hot dinners.... is that just in case we dont understand the first one then you might with someone else....
tomjutla said:
on this site i notice everything suck as rooting instructions have (wifi only) after it...
mine is 3g also so is there a difference when rooting for the 3g to the wifi only?
and why isnt there anything here about the wifi and 3g model?
everyone has just recreated the wheel with more threads and instructions about rooting than i have had hot dinners.... is that just in case we dont understand the first one then you might with someone else....
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This is your first post on this forum, and you start a new thread to complain? Did you consider asking anyone a question, or maybe just reading first? Rooting guides are useful, even if duplicative. Complaint threads by brand new users are not. If we only had some moderators around here, this thread would be deleted soon....
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions &
Read the Forum Rules Ref Posting
Moving to Q&A
I just don't get it. Why not just delete this thread if you're going to go to the trouble of moving it? The OP was a 1-time poster and probably won't be back. Is there some rule against deleting threads? I know you have no such problem deleting posts that are critical of moderation....
slack04 said:
I just don't get it. Why not just delete this thread if you're going to go to the trouble of moving it? The OP was a 1-time poster and probably won't be back. Is there some rule against deleting threads? I know you have no such problem deleting posts that are critical of moderation....
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So you're asking for yours to be deleted for being critical of the moderation? JK
But yeah I've noticed you've had some issues with your posts being moderated before.
BTW You're probably right about the OP not coming back too.
While not wanting to start a small scale virtual war of words, he DID ask several questions, and frankly, I actually agree 100% with the OP. That is to say, there should be a dedicated sticky to rooting both the wifi and 3g/4g versions (with all other instances deleted). This would certainly help prevent a lot of the 100's of needless responsed to "I bricked my xx" etc that I've noticed on numerous forms.
To jump on someone because they make a suggestion, simply because they are new, smacks of elitist behaviour. Telling them to wade through 100's of irrelevant and, here's the important part, misleading posts is just plain mean. One thing I'd love to seem mandated/enforced is the inclusion of the exact model one is referring to when posting (especially when it comes to modifying OEM internals). This woud really go a long way in clarifying what is clearly confusing nomenclature (providing instructions to accomplish XX on a Galaxy tab or 10.1 etc provides little to no useful info - what was Samsung thinking when they names these?) There can be some serious hand-wringing moments when one is tinking with a $700 piece of hardware, especially if one accidently uses the wrong procedure on the wrong tab - the forums are full of pleas for assistance AFTER the fact because this lack of clarification. Tolerance and wisdom are what's called for here, not thumbing one's nose.
Canadian 10.1 4G - GT-7500D
ThomasClancy said:
While not wanting to start a small scale virtual war of words, he DID ask several questions, and frankly, I actually agree 100% with the OP. That is to say, there should be a dedicated sticky to rooting both the wifi and 3g/4g versions (with all other instances deleted). This would certainly help prevent a lot of the 100's of needless responsed to "I bricked my xx" etc that I've noticed on numerous forms.
To jump on someone because they make a suggestion, simply because they are new, smacks of elitist behaviour. Telling them to wade through 100's of irrelevant and, here's the important part, misleading posts is just plain mean. One thing I'd love to seem mandated/enforced is the inclusion of the exact model one is referring to when posting (especially when it comes to modifying OEM internals). This woud really go a long way in clarifying what is clearly confusing nomenclature (providing instructions to accomplish XX on a Galaxy tab or 10.1 etc provides little to no useful info - what was Samsung thinking when they names these?) There can be some serious hand-wringing moments when one is tinking with a $700 piece of hardware, especially if one accidently uses the wrong procedure on the wrong tab - the forums are full of pleas for assistance AFTER the fact because this lack of clarification. Tolerance and wisdom are what's called for here, not thumbing one's nose.
Canadian 10.1 4G - GT-7500D
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If you're supporting the the Op... Why didn't you answer all the specific questions?
While I dont mind the op posting in the right place even though new and every one was new once, wading through hundreds if not thousands of posts, has helped me learn so much I wouldn't want to have done it any other way. I'm even glad I semi bricked mine a few times.
I agree naming threads could be improved.
There are also threads that tell you what exactly what hardware you have which should be read BEFORE doing anything in threads with a warning at the beginning of most if not all them. There are posts specific to your device IF you know what your device actually is before you [email protected] with it. I learned this the hard way myself. So if you know what your device is and are in the correct forum and thread you wouldn't have all the needless responses to "I bricked my xx". I think everyone should read to find out if they should be in the 10.1 or 10.1v forums or the threads are relevant to the device they have.
Mandating inclusion of exact models your post is for is moot because it's almost always there, at least in the OP. One must know what model they have before following the guide, thread, or post. This is what should be mandatory.
I agree fully with the tolerance issue. It just gets very hard to be tolerant with someone having problems because they followed a guide or post NOT knowing what device they owned before messing with it. If you know what your device is you don't need to read irrelevant posts. This would keep responses from becoming elitist and mean for many people.
Anyway, I don't or didn't intend to be mean or come off as an elitist towards the op.
But that being said the way the forum is already setup, if you are a noob, as I myself still am, you have to read a$$loads of threads before [email protected] with your device. If you don't do it before you will be doing it after you [email protected] up you device because you didn't take the time beforehand.
The only solution currently is to read and get your facts down first. Then proceed. Unless someone is going to spend thousands of hours renaming and cleaning up threads and then spend the rest of their life constantly modding the forum for free as mods already try to do for free.
The preceding post is just my opinion and rambling no offence or ill will is intended or should be taken.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using one stinky finger.
Re: Why didn't I answer OP's Q's
Simple... I am in the same boat. I have the 4G, and have read hundreds of posts (if not more). I am unable to locate with 100% ceertainty the info I am seeking. It seems most all threads are contaminated with bits from WiFi, 4G, HSPA+ etc so it's a crap shoot. I believe you just commented on another thread where-by someone did follow a document for "4G" with rotten results due to the fact that 4G really isn't 4G on some networks (HSPA+) - this drives home my point entirely. It is necessary for complete disclosure (model types, carrier etc) when contributing to such a thread. As for stating the OP should know exactly what hardware they have, true, but they can only go by what's on the box Knowing what I have, and coming here trusting "experts" doesn't preclude the "experts" from providing an answer that doesn't match the OPs hardware. The problem isn't with the OP, the issue in that case is which folks giving "THE" answer (in good faith of course) which happens to be incorrect. Either way, having 100% accurate stickies, in my opinion, should be a priority. Allowing misinformation (however well intentioned) to remain on a resource/reference board is somewhat irresponsible.
I think you're blaming the posters wrongly. The blame falls with on the manufacturers and the people modding devices just by name not by actual device. IMHO
Yes, I replied to a post about the misleading naming of devices, but ultimately responsibility of knowing what device your modding falls upon the modder. Not the posters or even the manufacturers.
Should the manufacturers change their practice? Not really. They don't want you to mod it in the first place, but yes they are wrong for false advertising basically.
Posters can only assume you have what you say you have as far as specific devices. So they are just responding to the best of their ability not being able to know anything except what you tell them. They can't read minds and can't be expected to keep up with all the devices that may not really be what the manufacturers call them.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using one stinky finger.

