First - Let me start by saying I did a search of black notification bar and didn't really find anything specific to the vibrant. Actually I did find when using the search but still confused. Initially I was just uing the auto fill pop up for information.
Second - Instead of posting in Q&A, I figured it would be better posted here since it's a theme/app. Moderator please move if appropriate. Thanks.
Third - This is strictly for Stock JL5 deodexed.
With that out of the way...
The black/sort of transparent bar is driving me crazy. I'd like for the notification bar to be just straight black. Initially, I was running NeroV3.0 and liked how the notification bar was completely black. But, I just wasn't digging the gingerbread theme. So, I borrowed some of Sombonix's pngs and just copied them to my framework. That was a completely disaster. Man, am I glad I made backups.
Can any of you themer gurus help me out?
what's the name of the png file that is the notification bar? I am on my way home as we speak so I can help as much as I can from there.
I thought this is all I would have to replace but was I sorely mistaken.
I am by no means a themer, but I have modified my notification bar, basically all I did was find the notification bar I wanted and used adb push to copy over the framework-res.apk from the desired source to system\framework whilst in cwm.
What all PNGs should I be modifying? There's so many in there that has to do with status bar that I'm getting lost. Also, although I'm running launcherpro, do I need to modify both the framework and twframework?
Yes there's three folder u should be looking at. One is ib the framework-res.apk. the other two are In the twframework.apk. there's 2 seperate folders u need to look into.. I believe one is hdpi, the other might be hdpi-4.. u must change all status bar png. Although I could be wrong because different roms place their png in diffrent folders.. and have a different set up...
Thanks for the tip. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of stare and compare tonight.
Yeay! I did it. Thanks for everyones help with your suggestions. Here is what I ended up doing.
1. Copied my framework and twframework from my phone on to my PC.
2. As a test, took this status bar from here: (Thanks junkdruggler and Master).
3. Did a search of *status*.
4. Copied *status* to the appropriate places on my framework and twframework.
5. Created a zip.
6. Flashed zip via CWM.
I think one problem is I tried just copying the framework and twframework over and the OS doesn't like me doing that while it's running.
Already tired of the big white bar at the top. Anyone working on a nice black one?
i hope so too, love the gingerbread look from my nexus.
I worked on one all of yesterday evening/night (broke my ankle), and eventually got it to push without issue. After work this evening I'll be uploading it for Dev's or very knowledgeable users who know how to backup and adb recover to use.
Edit: The bar is a black/ grey gradient to still see the text. I haven't yet messed with xml's to try and change the text colors.
Here's Revision 1...AKA Tacky Edition
Please see this thread for my Gingerbread theme:
thanks, can you post a screenshot of how it looks with the black/grey bar with the current icons?
since this is pretty much first steps of theming, maybe we can pull the icons off of gingerbread framework, those are all "optimized" for black status bar hehe.
Current screenshot is attached.
I will say that I've yet to push the new notification text colors (new services.jar), but will be testing that shortly with gingerbread icons.
I just got my hands on hdpi gingerbread icons, so I'll be testing during the day, and I'll upload it tonight (PST).
I'm planning on making a new topic and a shell script to run on the phone (or .bat on a pc) to make installation easier, and I've been messing with transparencies a bit as well, so expect a few different uploads.
Isn't the cutting edge fun?!
How different would it be to push the file to the phone SDcard using USB mass storage and then use root explorer from the phone to move the file to the framework folder?
I tried this way and soft bricked! Don't know what I did wrong!
Any insight?
Are you deodexed? Something I forgot to put in the post above, which I believe is needed to push my deodexed framework file.
I recommend waiting until this evening(maybe sooner for my gingerbread notification bar and services.jar. Im also going to fix my instructions above to say deodexing required.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Nice! Once this has the white text im copying this over
The new theme now has a white clock, and some gingerbread thrown in:
any chance we can get the AT&T carrier logo removed as well? I love the black, but that weird gap would probably drive me neurotic after a bit.
I'm planning on removing it next, after adding notification transparency, and doing a bit more overall theming (thinking browser, etc).
Please note that I now have a topic open for this theme:
thanks synergye!
synergye said:
Are you deodexed? Something I forgot to put in the post above, which I believe is needed to push my deodexed framework file.
I recommend waiting until this evening(maybe sooner for my gingerbread notification bar and services.jar. Im also going to fix my instructions above to say deodexing required.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Yes I forgot to mention that I am running the ADEO Rom!
synergye said:
Current screenshot is attached.
I will say that I've yet to push the new notification text colors (new services.jar), but will be testing that shortly with gingerbread icons.
I just got my hands on hdpi gingerbread icons, so I'll be testing during the day, and I'll upload it tonight (PST).
I'm planning on making a new topic and a shell script to run on the phone (or .bat on a pc) to make installation easier, and I've been messing with transparencies a bit as well, so expect a few different uploads.
Isn't the cutting edge fun?!
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Which wallpaper is that in the image on the left? Can you upload?
Hi all, I have a question, whether it is possible to make glass the status bar for cm mod 6.1.3?
as here
2.1.1.A.0.6 for a solution
download background.9.png and throw it in the framework-res.apk\res\drawable-ldpi (replacing the original file) (framework-res.apk lies in the system\framework)
for the file thank you:
In case of stock SE framework, and his modifications it's possible, but pasting semitransparent statusbar gets things going weird... I'm using LauncherProPlus, and that kind of statusbar it's not properly displayed. Navigating between homescreens, or pulling down bar gets the image from first hscreen "stick" to statusbar. Screens attached below.
I don't know how it behaves on other launchers, care to test? Maybe it's just LPP thing.
I can post 'statusbar_background.9.png' if someone care to test it on other launchers. Just post here.
i made one for my mini
it's very easy
but i had one problem in market
the statubar terns to white and you can't see any thing in bar
Would someone please post/attach th .9.png
needs to be done for CM MOD 6.1.3
Have a Dell Streak 5?, Have an insaitable taste for sweet honeycomb and will stop at nothing until you get some?
Well, we'll just have to wait, but in the meantime, this may help with your cravings.
Here it is. Hope everyone likes it. Built and Tested on StreakDroid 1.9.1
I would encourage you to try it on any DeOdexed ROM 351 and later; but remember:
Nandroid Backup First! Serious::At least have a flashable .zip of current framework on sdcard(ie just in case!
Tested on low and high res. battery in status bar is HC and has 100 images and animations<fun>, but no numbers. I trust everyone will use UOT for their own personal battery preferences. Also incuded honeycomb font for Clocktopia/lockscreen.
As of v0.6.0, I have included a custom status bar clock that uses DroidSerif-Regular.ttf, use a 3rd party app to change to attached Clocktopia.ttf, for honeycomb effect! Anywhere serif is used, you may get clocktopia which isnt really readable on froyo, but I have checked and havent seen it used anywhere actually. I originally had monospace, but that screws up some files in root explorer text editors. If you dont want this mod, simply open the .zip as an archive and delete services.jar from framework folder, enjoy!
link to font changer free in market...
install font changer, creates a default directory on sdcard named .fontchanger/,copy clocktopia.ttf from next post to this directory in sdcard. when you open font changer it should scan and show you have clocktopia. I recommend unchecking quick restart in font changer settings. click on advanced, click on DroidSerif-Regular.ttf and choose to replace it with clocktopia.ttf. choose apply and reboot later, then reboot manually. (works better I think) that's it about it, when you change a font; it says it makes a back up and that you can long press on the changed font and choose to restore original. If it does not restore original font, choose to uninstall app from within font changer settings, and it will restore all original fonts.
Please let me know what you think, and I would like to see a screenie of portrait lockscreen.
Known issues: on low res/mdpi I have noticed in stock email I get large buttons for options at bottom of screen. Many images for mdpi I used hdpi where I could. These are the only 3 buttons I have seen so far, and they are actually seem much better big anyways. This Im sure can be fixed If theres enough interest. I put a lot of work and time into this.
Thats about it enjoy!
screenshots are at stock 160dpi, I use 210.
see post#97 and #99 for blue status bar clock MOD. (#97 is full theme, the other is clock Mod only.)
More Honeycomb themes for Streak: Phone&Contacts:
HC Desk Clock:
Not HC, but themed Settings.apk :
themed 3DGallery.apk :
Reserved for future, edits,updates; and more screenshots
v0.6.3 : minor changes: changed status bar clock to Slate blue/gray blends much nicer. Added honeybee to pull down, visible @ 160 &240 dpi. Changed "Phone options" to "tablet options" changed "your phone will shut down" to "your Streak will shut down". Oh and changed a few black status bar icons to show better, like bluetooth. I think thats it for now, been looking into other things but running into dead end with my limited .java / .smali code knowledge. screenies here:
v0.6.2: themed volume popup HUD, thought it was .xml, just a .9.png. that was easy. looks nice too
v0.6.1: volume and seek bars slimmed down and changed to green like real HC. From now on, unless I edit services.jar, the .zip in 1st post will have BLUEclock in status bar, the White Stock .zip is in post #99, if you want to revert, just flash that. More updates planned, stay tuned.
v0.6.0 Removed date from pull down and changed status bar clock font..please see first post for more info and instructions. See last two screenshots in this post for update. This is flashing services.jar, so give it 5 minutes to boot.
v0.5.9: Without carrier version only now. changed pulldown to all black so it crops right at all lcd densities. changed all mdpi lockscreen icons to standard mdpi 64px.
v0.5.8, dark blue sliders! had to edit .xml, I thought for sure they were a .9.png. Getting the hang of this. Next I think I will remove am/pm from status bar clock, might change the color too..
v0.5.7 All Black Status bar, nice new usb icon to go with that, and pull down all black with bee.
v0.5.6NoCarrier updated: removed carrier text from drop down menu. File size increased so had to host it.
v0.5.5: Both versions: mostly resized mdpi stuff including vibrate lock screen tab icon, change some menu press highlights, and changed search bar size in mdpi. NO Carrier on Lockscreen!!, still on pull down until I get it to build...Still cant find the damn large email buttons on stock email on hdpi, see know issues: not really a huge issue. Hope you all enjoy it!!
v0.5.3NoCarrier:**update: fixed no charging battery** added, no carrier in status bar. Will look into removing it elsewhere. <finally understand how to edit xml and update; not as easy as it would seem there are steps missing that I normally wouldn't think of.>
v0.5.3 changed data icons (eg. 3G, H Edge to match light blue honeycomb). [IF you ever get a system force close on startup, just pull battery and should boot normally. Maybe a good idea to clear cache after this]
v.0.5.1 changed a few icon, home icon from ginger to honeycomb, changed button to proper proportion, and changed volum bars colors to.a darker blue and removed ugly disabled button backgrounds
v0.4 White on Black Menus! Enormous thanks to TheManii for help with this. Really breaks ground to hopefully more themes/mods/etc. Thank You!
v3 uploaded.. trying glowing sound jog tabs, best I could do at the moment, should be better, but jog tab vibrate looks better with glow.
If .zip is unavailable, wait a few minutes or check back later should be updated, Thanks!
sure, no prob. (well, a little hassle, but a learning experience.) looks so much better than stock. gotta have it.
Nice work Chris!
While I probably won't be installing this theme (got things the way I like em now) it looks outstanding. The Google search is a work of art. I would love to install just that on my home screen.
Keep up the great work
a little searching you could have found them.
I found these a while back,
on xda I think..
only will work on deodexed ROM I believe. backup and delete originals, rename and place new themed ones in /system/app. Set permissions to same as all other /system/apps, and reboot and they will install.
Tip: the google search one can be tricky.before moving it into system make sure its not named same as stock. after moving, rename it. If the icon changes to a stock "g" logo for the application, it wont work, this one is strange.
Geez Chris...What can't you do?!!
GoogleSearchBox looks great and works well on my Simple Streak 1.2 odexed device. No problems installing it either.
Seriously...THANK YOU!!!
I had searched for them many months ago and came up empty. forgot about it until I saw your screenies.
Holy crap! You themed EVERYTHING! Very nice work, beautiful job. I love the extra splash of color you gave even the home menu (Add, Wallpaper, Search, Settings, etc).
Here is that portrait screen cap. Looks very nice.
did the honeycomb font not stick? it should have. you also use font changer to edit Clocktopia. and the sound slider I might have to downsize a bit you can see the transparent square jog tab
You know I flashed that straight over top of my BlueStreak5 theme and I guess it didn't give me the HC font on the clock. Everything else looked great, pop up window color, scroll bar color. I did notice the volume slider on the lock screen has a bit of square halo that was only really noticeable on the super dark HC wallpaper.
Awww... when I flashed back to BlueStreak5, it didn't keep your pop window theme, power menu, home menu, etc. I was hoping it would
new update coming shortly, updates jog tabs glow, less boxxy as well
How about the battery with a percentage.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
U could of made this ur honeycomb rom.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
not this one sorry, just use UOT.
chrisrotolo said:
not this one sorry, just use UOT.
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I know I will use uot with your framework to change the battery. Awesome love the blue honeycomb. The phone theme is the best I have seen.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
this is very nice..thanks chris.. might have to cook my own notification and battery status though..I like my old one..but the HC theme for the rest of the zip is awesome!
thanks, I'm learning.. if you dont like something let me know, post a screenie and I 'll see if I can tweak it.
chrisrotolo said:
thanks, I'm learning.. if you dont like something let me know, post a screenie and I 'll see if I can tweak it.
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oh I like everything about it bro..even the pull down notification..but I like to personalize mine ..with my name on the pull down notification and the green matrix animation (im a big matrix fan..hence the, kitchen is down..might do it later..
Do u think u can remove carrier in the notification bar?? I feel it takes up too much space
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
Anyone have a Dark themed Google Voice? That would go with FunkenEclipse?
Anyone know how to theme this and up for the challenge?
** UPDATE **
Here is a working DarkGrey/Green themed version of GoogleVoice ( if anyone wants it.
*Thanks to xkape*
** Just put on SD card, boot into recovery, install zip and reboot **
There is a screenshot in xkape's post #16
Okay, So I've been trying everything I can think of, have done alot of reading. Really could use some help here guys. If anyone can give me some pointers I would greatly appreciate it.
I DLed the Google Voice from the Market, put on my computer, unzipped it with 7zip.
Took the res folder (drawable-hdpi), and replaced all the .png files with updated green/black themed ones from that above post.
This is where I get lost. I try to rezip the package, tried it with every kind of compression.
Everytime I go to install it on my phone, it tells me.....
Parse error
There is a problem parsing the package.
Anyone got some pointers?
OK buddy, 1st off, I am assuming by dark voice, you mean black background with white text. If that assumption is true, theres a lot more work to be done than editing images.
However, if you are in fact just trying to change images and are familiar with 7zip, the process is pretty easy. Especially since you already edited your images.
Lets do it this way, since your progression will yield the right results...
grab your completely stock voice that you have.. open it (NOT UNZIP) it with 7zip... find your way to the proper folder(s) and move your edited images into.. yes, while still zipped. Once thats done, close 7zip. it will ask you about updating the archive.. say yes... you're done.
And if you are in fact looking for the black backgrounds with white text.. grab my BNB theme and pull the Voice out if it. Its inverted.
xkape said:
OK buddy, 1st off, I am assuming by dark voice, you mean black background with white text. If that assumption is true, theres a lot more work to be done than editing images.
However, if you are in fact just trying to change images and are familiar with 7zip, the process is pretty easy. Especially since you already edited your images.
Lets do it this way, since your progression will yield the right results...
grab your completely stock voice that you have.. open it (NOT UNZIP) it with 7zip... find your way to the proper folder(s) and move your edited images into.. yes, while still zipped. Once thats done, close 7zip. it will ask you about updating the archive.. say yes... you're done.
And if you are in fact looking for the black backgrounds with white text.. grab my BNB theme and pull the Voice out if it. Its inverted.
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Yeah, Dark themed Google Voice, like in the 1st post. The green one.
I havent thought about the TXT color... crap im not going to be able to read it after i update the PNGs......
One of your themes has a themed Google Voice? I might have to try that.....
Thanks for your help sir.
K, So I ended up pulling your Voice.apk from the BnB theme (which looks awesome btw... dunno how I missed that one)
I like it, but its just black and white. So I opened it with 7zip, go to res/drawable-hdpi and replace the file "widget_inbox_background.9.png"
That is the background for the widget.... only thing I care about..
I let it update the archive and save.
Copy the apk to my SD card and attempt to install it.
Everything looks great it appears to be installing then it gets to the end and says "Application not installed" done
I cannot get past this part..... am i doing something wrong?
bobhilton.... what color do you want it to be? Im willing to bet I can find the color you are looking for.
I mean the whole app, not just that background image. I can make that right in 5 minutes for you.
xkape said:
bobhilton.... what color do you want it to be? Im willing to bet I can find the color you are looking for.
I mean the whole app, not just that background image. I can make that right in 5 minutes for you.
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Really? wow that would rock. I'm just starting to learn this stuff. I've done so much reading and feel like i've came so far. but I'm finding out how much a pain in the arse these .9png files are....
The theme I'm looking for is the Dark greyish/ green one. Its in my first post of this thread. There is a screen shot here
I like those colors.... not a fan of the font but i dont really care. I've tried everything. I found that .9png background widget image but I cannot insert it into your BnB theme
I would love if you could insert it if its not a big deal, you make it sound easy. I'm going on about 4 days of reading and about 10 different programs..... I must be missing something.....
Thanks for you help man.....
wait, you just want the widget?
Like this?
xkape said:
wait, you just want the widget?
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Well..... All I use is the widget and the inbox....You click the widget it takes you to your inbox for your voicemail.......
The pic you posted was of FaceBook....
I basically like it the way you themed it but with darkgray/green like the theme in the first post.....
Ok I get you now. Send me that image.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
All the images and pngs are in this can I send them to u?
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
bobhilton.... I was looking back thru here and didnt see the widget image attached anywhere BUT.. I also noticed something... did you by change try sticking the apk in an template and installing it thru recovery?
xkape said:
bobhilton.... I was looking back thru here and didnt see the widget image attached anywhere BUT.. I also noticed something... did you by change try sticking the apk in an template and installing it thru recovery?
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Here is all of the PNGs with the dark theme.
Yes, I did try flashing them with an it went with no errors but did not work. But I dont really know if I did it right..... this is a huge learning process for me.... If you can get these to work.... please tell me how.... and it better not take you 5 mins lol
ok I am downloading it now.. let me see what I can do.
---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------
why in the hell did I post a facebook widget? wow.. just realized I did that. And you even told me I did.
Doesn't look all that fantastic with all the rest of my orange theme but.. speaking on the app, I believe this is what you wanted?
xkape said:
Doesn't look all that fantastic with all the rest of my orange theme but.. speaking on the app, I believe this is what you wanted?
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Awesome man! Geeez that was fast..... mind giving me a few quick pointers on how you did it?..... You must've used cheat codes or a game genie
Actually, I think you may have just been trying to install it I decompiled it thinking I was going to need to fix some 9pngs but the log said they were all ok. So I just stuck it in an and installed
I attached mine if you want to try it.
Wow, I don't get it....
It worked flawlessly.... looks perfect.... you rock man.....
So if you don't mind.... just help me understand this a little....
I went through your flashable zip ( and looked at everything.... It just pushed the apk (Voice.apk) to ssytem/app..... right?
K, so, the Voice.apk that is in your updatezip... system/app/voice.apk
how did you get this to work?
Is this your original inverted voice.apk? and then you just replaced the drawable-hdpi complete folder? or just the updated pngs? and thats it? Thats like the first thing i tried.... for like HOURS....
I just went through the apk.... looks like you just overwrote the pngs and 9pngs with the new gray/green ones.... man... you didnt have to mess with any xmls did you?
That just seems way to easy... I tried that like 10 times
Anyhow... thank you so much for your help man!
If the above is true, shouldn't I be able to do this same process with the new updated googlevoice from the market? and just update the pngs?
Don't know if I want to try it yet, but im really curious where I went wrong so it might be a good challenge...
I think I may of had a bad I will try yours next with themed facebook
Theres an new GVoice? I guess I need to get to it.
For this, All I did was take Voice out of the BNB theme and opened it with 7zip. (NOT UNZIP)... then I opened (again, not unzip) you hdpi folder. I highlighted all the images and moved them all at once into the BNB hdpi folder. I then closed 7zip and yes to updating the archive. I stuck Voice.apk into a template and put it on the SD Card. I rebooted into recovery and installed the zip.
Ive never tried just sticking something in the system folder and hiting install. Not sure that would work.
Maybe just putting the apk in there, making sure the permissions are correct and then just rebooting would seem more like the solid option to me. I mean, technically, if its in your system folder it is installed.