NFL app for verizon working on Vibrant! - Vibrant Themes and Apps

Via epic 4g forums:

Awesome thanks alot
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Wow I love you no homo
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

wow...just wow

Awesome, works great
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I really hate Verizon and their "exclusive" applications, what's the point in doing it when it can become .APKs.. thanks

fsiddique said:
Wow I love you no homo
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Haha +1
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Love it !!! +1

Awsome! Thanx for the upload.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

fsiddique said:
Wow I love you no homo
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"No homo" roughly translates to "extra homo" i.e. "I'm reluctant to admit it but I find myself drawn to partaking in extremely homosexual activities with you which would make actual homosexuals cringe in disgust. You down?"
Cool app bro.

Quick question, I know we don't have to pay since we have T-Mobile, but my friend wants this APK as well. He has the Droid X on Verizon. I'm guessing he has to pay or no? Is it completely cracked for all carriers?

plz help the noob how to install on my vibrant?
any1 plz

how can i install on my vibrant......plz help the noob

Working awesome on the Vibrant. Just go to the link posted in op and download the apk and install! Thanks again.

j56bp said:
plz help the noob how to install on my vibrant?
any1 plz
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1. download apk (pc or phone.. if its phone just press it after its finished downloading)
2. mount phone to computer
3. copy and paste apk onto your internal sd
4. use your file manager.. point it there and install

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Video does not appear to work.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Same here it install but video failed to connect I dont know if I have to wait till later
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Wow thanks op for this ... by far the best football app out .... video works flawless for me so far ... cant wait till sunday to give it the real test with multi game s...

Just installed on my Vibrant. Videos are working. Thanks for this.


Anyone here have the morph that Eugene uses...

in his new Hybrid ROM? Status bar icons, and super clear slider?
I have posted tutorials on how to build it yourself....
Here is a Simple MM of Vib4 to look like the Hybrid ROM...
Download Me
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junkdruggler said:
I have posted tutorials on how to build it yourself....
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Yeah, I know... I'm just not good at doing it, or should I say not comfortable with making my own morphs yet.
I can make it when I get home.. the first hybrid or 2nd? I haven't got the 2nd version yet...
For the stock rom?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
junkdruggler said:
I can make it when I get home.. the first hybrid or 2nd? I haven't got the 2nd version yet...
For the stock rom?
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That would be sweet if you can! I only downloaded the first one as well, and that's the one I love!
If you do get it done, please send me info on where I can send you a donation for your work.
What rom do you want it for? Stock? Or Eugene's vibrant series?
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junkdruggler said:
What rom do you want it for? Stock? Or Eugene's vibrant series?
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I want it for Eugene's Vib series. I'm running to Vib4, and I just can't seem to get away from it. It's been the best working ROM for me thus far.
Alright I can do that... I'm doing the family thing right now so give me a while, but I can have it done tonight..
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Cool man no problem with that, I'm in no rush for it. Enjoy the family thing!
here you go... I didnt flash the ROM to test but it should work fine...
New Link
junkdruggler said:
here you go... I didnt flash the ROM to test but it should work fine...
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I keep getting a Notice message:No servers are currently available with the data information. Ken't download as of yet.
Also when I do download it do I just flash the file like normal?
Yeah its just a reg MM file...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Still can't get the file to download.
Let me reup... And see if that helps...
Droobox link
url removed
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junkdruggler said:
Let me reup... And see if that helps...
Droobox link
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Been at it for a while. I sent you a PM.
It must be all the fans I have following my work.. Bogging down the downloads... Lol..
I emailed you if it don't work I'll redo it all...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
junkdruggler said:
It must be all the fans I have following my work.. Bogging down the downloads... Lol..
I emailed you if it don't work I'll redo it all...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't apply it to the phone?
Its a metamorph file... You know how to use metamorph?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
junkdruggler said:
Its a metamorph file... You know how to use metamorph?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Yup. When I click on the folder it shows "no files found."
Ill redo it in a few something got messed up...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[app] words with friends (updated 4.0) 8/7/11

Thanks to diinosaurr we have the new adfree 4.0 version of words. enjoy everyone
and if u are look for my s/n is thakidv
or if u want leave ur sn in a comment in a comment and u can play with others from here
1st! Worked perfectly, thank you.
Thanks! Worked perfect
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Ongoing games?
Do you know if I install this whether it would screw up all of my ongoing games?
cccheel said:
Do you know if I install this whether it would screw up all of my ongoing games?
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It does not delete all your games, they are stored online.
Just log in and you are good.
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I tried to install this and it keeps telling me application not installed. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
Bi-winning V3
GreggoryD502 said:
I tried to install this and it keeps telling me application not installed. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
Bi-winning V3
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If u have a version on ur phone already try uninstalling then installing this one. That should do it. If not push it threw root explorer
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Thanks. Ill try that.
Bi-winning V3
If I accept an update will it go back to having ads?
Bi-winning V3
GreggoryD502 said:
If I accept an update will it go back to having ads?
Bi-winning V3
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This is the most updated version when a new one comes out it might bring back ads but I'm sure another modded version will come out and if it does ill find iit and post
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Thanks. I really like not having those ads. Last few days I've been getting pics in my gallery from them.
Bi-winning V3
Yea I got tired of it when it started playing videos after every turn I took I was ready to stop playing lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Thank you!
Project-V 6/11/11
Works great thnx
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Works great! There is a new official trademark Scrabble game made by electronic arts that just came out in the market this week. It has the same ads. Any chances we can get rid of those ads also???
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Not as of yet but if I find anything on it I will post
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tvargas5248 said:
Not as of yet but if I find anything on it I will post
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Try a search im ad free
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soberarmy said:
Try a search im ad free
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U mean the app adfree? If that's what ur talking about it doesn't help take away the ads in-between turns. If that's not what u ment i don't think I know
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Look at first post there is a modded file that will take the ads away
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
AWESOME, now only if the dev made a paid version it'd help a lot of people use it without ads and generate revenue for dev.
Thank you very much for making a no ad version.

Windows Mango

Does anyone know if Mango will be ported to the E 3D??
I only ask cause my parents like mango and they own 3D's.
Just a thought. Thanks
From Ava modified V1
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culljosh said:
Does anyone know if Mango will be ported to the E 3D??
I only ask cause my parents like mango and they own 3D's.
Just a thought. Thanks
From Ava modified V1
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No, it would be considered warez.
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culljosh said:
Does anyone know if Mango will be ported to the E 3D??
I only ask cause my parents like mango and they own 3D's.
Just a thought. Thanks
From Ava modified V1
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That would be amazing if we could get the port. But the can get Launcher 7 for free from the market and it will add the homescreen of it. And you can get the contacts, phone and music player(Zplayer) from the market as well. Those are not free but Zplayer is worth it. There is a messaging app called metro Messaging last time i saw it was still in beta.
Launcher 7:
The rest will be found at WP7android project.
Thanks for the links.
I was wondering if their ever would be something. I appreciate the information. Thanks guys.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Not a prob. The port would be a little awkward.
Don't for get to hit thanks
How does one hit thanks on xda app by chance? New to it.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Good point. I usually never use the app but it can be done on the site LOL.
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culljosh said:
How does one hit thanks on xda app by chance? New to it.
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Long press on the post that you want to thank and select thanks.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

Mods pls close! Thanks

Awesome. Do you plan to keep this themed Pandora updated whenever the official Pandora is updated?
Sent from my SGH-T959 (Samsung Vibrant)
Yes / depends if:
I have time, how often Pandora updates, and if the update is worth it in terms of features and improvements.
Is this a hacked unlimited version??
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stuntastic206 said:
Is this a hacked unlimited version??
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I haven't tried it, but my guess would be, NO.
The original app dev that made that unlimited version discontinued it. I do have a copy of it though. It's installed ( i barely listen to Pandora) but idk where the folder it would be in is, im guessing not system/app but something like /data/
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stuntastic206 said:
Is this a hacked unlimited version??
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this even makes pancakes.
xriderx66 said:
I haven't tried it, but my guess would be, NO.
The original app dev that made that unlimited version discontinued it. I do have a copy of it though. It's installed ( i barely listen to Pandora) but idk where the folder it would be in is, im guessing not system/app but something like /data/
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try 1st then guess again.
Already hit thanks, but wanted to write it in person. App works flawlessly!
Thank you!
Help yeah man thank you for your work on this it looks and performs awesome
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Any update soon for the new pandora app?
Sent from my Vibrant

"My Story" apk if anyone wants it.

Here is the apk for the My Story app if anyone is interested. I am using it on FJ's mod5 and it works great. Just don't try to update when it asks or it will freeze. Cancel out and use this version. The dropbox link is.....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Ravens996 said:
Here is the apk for the My Story app if anyone is interested. I am using it on FJ's mod5 and it works great. Just don't try to update when it asks or it will freeze. Cancel out and use this version. The dropbox link is.....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Hi There Ravens996
Thanks for the share!!!!!
Can you provide any pictures of this .apk
Can you also provide more detail what this app is and do you need root access to access it thanks.....
animeware said:
Hi There Ravens996
Thanks for the share!!!!!
Can you provide any pictures of this .apk
Can you also provide more detail what this app is and do you need root access to access it thanks.....
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It's part of the ICS premium suite:
Since its an apk file I don't think you need root access......I am rooted running FJ's mod5 and it works great.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
netsyd said:
It's part of the ICS premium suite:
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You are correct sir.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
animeware said:
Hi There Ravens996
Thanks for the share!!!!!
Can you provide any pictures of this .apk
Can you also provide more detail what this app is and do you need root access to access it thanks.....
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Its like an app that an e card with bells and whistles literally
"Since God created man, and man created the Galaxy Note, the Galaxy Note are like a gift from God, Randal!"
Yea pretty much.....I haven't really used it much
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