Several issues (sorta noob) - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can anyone help me get to the bottom of theese issues....
Cant make phone calls. When I press the contacts picture it takes the phone about 2 mins before it starts to dial (if it works at all).
When typing texts it is very slow to respond often space bar will not work.
Sometimes when people phone me the loudspeaker is on and cannot be turned off.
Blank screen when waking up from standby.
General system hang up on home screen.
I am using G10 Dusk Ultimate 2 CHT HD2 v5.10 rom. But this happened with stock o2 rom also. I have hard reset sveral times but issue keeps occuring. This is the second HD2 I have had this same issue on.
I am quite new to Winmo although I fix computers for a living so I am thinking this is not a software problem and maybe its down to firmware? I am using radio version
If anyone can point me in the right direction or help me get to the bottom of theese problems I would be most grateful

I did once make some minor registry edits from the ""Leo's tips and tweaks" thread. Does flashing a new ROM or a hard reset erase these entries or will they still be present?

hazza666 said:
I did once make some minor registry edits from the ""Leo's tips and tweaks" thread. Does flashing a new ROM or a hard reset erase these entries or will they still be present?
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a hard reset will reset everything to how it was when it was first turned on

all issues were sorted by changing to radio


Home cooked extended rom files for Windows 2003 SE

Running w2k3se 2.06 wwe for a day now. Looks quite stable. As this is intrim build (in between dcs and CHS version) there are bound to be bugs.
Most have noted camera failing the landscape. I think it would be better if we can list the bugs so that we can try to solve them.
I found many of the bugs cropped if we used older external rom files with w2kse .
Good that many of us are coming out with home cooked extended rom files. The big problem is to find which of these files are better and which are not.
Let me give you example give a better performance than And rember the cleartype of 1.60 to 1.72 and so on.
The other problem with cooked extrom is that 70-80% file are same in many of them with very few new files. I am on dialup and it takes quite a bit of time to down load 6MB file just to get a customised cab. Also the server will have that much of load.
So my sugestion is we need a repository of file which are included in extrom. Why not seperate the cab files and just publish their customised config.txt in the post.
I think we need to create a thread of only those files. Suggestion are welcome.
OK! Lets starrt the ball rolling.
Noted the followings for v2.06 ROM posted by mystery man:-
1) Sometimes the bluetooth icon on the Today screen would mysteriously disappear. Worst case is when the Today Settings don't even have the Bluetooth Profile although the blue light is blinking.
2) The camera menu got stuck in landscape mode after repeated switching from portrait-to-landscape and vice versa. Soft reset could not resolve the problem. However, after some time of use the problem automatically resolves itself.
"The phone is not ready. Wait 15 seconds then try again"
This is when accessing the phone icon in the settings menu, or when trying to send an sms message.
Re: RE
FOSA said:
OK! Lets starrt the ball rolling.
Noted the followings for v2.06 ROM posted by mystery man:-
1) Sometimes the bluetooth icon on the Today screen would mysteriously disappear. Worst case is when the Today Settings don't even have the Bluetooth Profile although the blue light is blinking.
2) The camera menu got stuck in landscape mode after repeated switching from portrait-to-landscape and vice versa. Soft reset could not resolve the problem. However, after some time of use the problem automatically resolves itself.
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same here the Today Screen BT will play games with em :twisted:
few more bugs on 2.06
1. After playing around with landscpae and portrait several times, phone would loose last two rows of buttons both in landscape as well as potrait mode. Soft reset corrected it.
2. MMS composer is not started if you choose from programs, but this can be bypassed by going to the outlook and start coposing.
If you notice startup folder of w2k3se several of the w2k3 startup programs are missing. Is that why SE is faster and I noticed my battery now lasts longer than W2K3 ;-)
Jez said:
"The phone is not ready. Wait 15 seconds then try again"
This is when accessing the phone icon in the settings menu, or when trying to send an sms message.
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This is something I've always seen if trying to access any of the phone's advanced functionality right after a reset, even with my old XDA.
This is akin to trying to access phone numbers on ye olde ubiquious nokia phone SIM card right after turning on.

Mogul Freeze/Lockup

I've been trying various versions of dcd's mods hoping to remedy a problem with my mogul. It seems that my unit locks-up/freezes when all of the following are true:
1. Bluetooth is on
2. Phone is locked
3. Goes into sleep mode
When i try to awake phone; none of the buttons work; simply black screen and needs a soft reset. This does not happen all the time, just enough to be annoying.
Any thoughts? Is this a radio 1.47 problem??
Thanks guys.
bump. i have the same problem with DCD 1.6.8 Rom. i thought it was codyppc battery/performance hack so I uninstalled that(still happened), then i thought it was s2u2 so i uninstalled that( still happened today).... so any ideas?
can we verify whether this happens on dcd_titan_1.6.10 rom with NO software, tweaks, etc etc installed? it does not happen for me (i have been using BT lately) but that doesnt mean it wont happen for you guys.
Are you by anychance using S2U2 with the Power Off setting?
I was having this problem, and since I've set S2U2 not to Power off the phone, I have not had this problem. Being going well over 24 hours now.
Mine also freezes/locks up from time to time. I'll make the changes in S2U and see what happens.
Sorry for the newb question, but what is S2U?
got it; slide to unlock.
Is this app worthwhile?
I'm running 2.17 ROM and I get this error, although I'm NOT running S2U2
I have got the same problem. I just flashed to custel 1.1 6mb pagepool (awesome rom for alltel users) had no time to install anything extra paired bt locked phone about 10 mins later tried to make call and it was froze. i did however find out if you constantly use the bt it dont freeze (I finaylly installed ms voice command and if i constantly ask for date or time it stays unfroze.).
edit: I just upgraded to radio v2.13 ( ftp://xda:[email protected]/Titan/Radio_Roms/titan_2.13_CDMA.rar ) totally cured bt reception problem on both ends but once again same problem phone freezes. helppppp!!!!!!

dissapearing text messages

ive seen this discussed somewhere else, maybe it was ppcgeeks, but the problem is, i lose text messages when i soft reset.
i dont have much information about it, but if i soft reset soonafter a soft reset, or even an hour or so after a string of text messages, they will sometimes just not be there any more.
anyone have any idea why this is happening, or more importantly how to fix it?
i would really like some info on this. i cant offer any help other than verifying that it happens to me too. i think it has happened with both sms and mms too actually. i dont like it though
The only way I've been able to save my SMS when I reset is by holding the button to power the phone off rather than using the stylus to reset. Every time I use the reset button I lose info. Power the phone down, then turn it back on. Should help.
Sounds alot like a cache issue.... Sometimes things get put into mem cache and will be saved later when enough has been stored.... I do not know how to adjust it tho.... I'd say that between the 3 of you, there is a common program that you have installed that may be changing the way your messages are stored.... just a theory on my part, cuz I don't have that issue....
Perhaps 1 of you can flash the ROM from the 3.2.0 post and install nothing but your carrier and then send a bunch of SMS messages. Then do a soft reset to see if they stay....!
are you running a cooked rom?
i recall having this on pre 6.1 roms, though you will always risk data loss if you suddenly soft reset your device with the reset button instead of powering it down properly
i have used the same apps on my phone for a while and only started noticing this messaging issue recently. the more i think about it i think it might have started once i started using 6.1 roms. before that i was just on alltels updated stock rom and this didnt happen. but on both no2chems 5069k and now dcd's 3.2 it happens.
so..maybe its a 6.1 issue? maybe a 6.1 cache issue? all of these 6.1 roms we are using are going to have bugs so this is what im guessing.
just read the post directly above mine...... so maybe im wrong.
anyone else offer any suggestions?
This is definitely a cache issue I discovered some time ago, I think even with 6.0. If you use the reset button or pull the battery within an hour or less of doing text messaging you have to shut down Outlook/SMS first so that it will write the cache to the database.
I'm on Verizon.. This has happened to me even with the stock ROM. Not only do new text messages disappear, but if you delete all your text messages.. then reset.. they are all back.
It does appear to be a cache issue. It takes some time before changes are permanent I guess.
This happened to me on Stock with original Arcsoft, Also on DCD ROM 3.1.2, 3.1.6, 3.2.0.. with various Arcsoft versions 5.xx.
I have found no way to change this.. but I haven't checked all the reg keys for a setting that might do this. If I discover one, I'll post back.

WM6 & WM6.1 Sound Problem.

I have strange problem with ALL of WM 6 & WM 6.1 that i tested here. (+10)
My Device is i-mate Jamin G4.
the problem with Sound. the sound suddenly stop and dissapeare. after reading from and search i found only 1 solution for that, I should go to Settings>Sound&Notification>Notifications and play a ringtone to get the sound back. In the case sound disappear whole system sound gone and even when somebody calls or SMS there is no sound. the above solution works in 95% of roms and if it dosent bring back the sound soft reset is needed and everything ok then.
another hint is that when press green call button and keypad appears if i press buttons for around 1 minutes whole sound system went and i should use the solution . i said that because i though it might help.
this problem with wm6 & 6.1 just forced me to use official wm5 which doesn't have this problem. this problem is not only mine as i have found on forums many have this problem.
Thanks for your attention!
xborfi said:
I have strange problem with ALL of WM 6 & WM 6.1 that i tested here. (+10)
My Device is i-mate Jamin G4.
the problem with Sound. the sound suddenly stop and dissapeare. after reading from and search i found only 1 solution for that, I should go to Settings>Sound&Notification>Notifications and play a ringtone to get the sound back. In the case sound disappear whole system sound gone and even when somebody calls or SMS there is no sound. the above solution works in 95% of roms and if it dosent bring back the sound soft reset is needed and everything ok then.
another hint is that when press green call button and keypad appears if i press buttons for around 1 minutes whole sound system went and i should use the solution . i said that because i though it might help.
this problem with wm6 & 6.1 just forced me to use official wm5 which doesn't have this problem. this problem is not only mine as i have found on forums many have this problem.
Thanks for your attention!
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My personal advise......
please give it a try to Korand's 3.1 rom, just try for luck. (if you never do)
dioxda2 said:
My personal advise......
please give it a try to Korand's 3.1 rom, just try for luck. (if you never do)
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thanks for your attention. I am now downloading it and let you know the results. thanks
Kornad 3.1 faild
I installed it and did a test on it. although the rom is VERY fast but problem remains !
I just pressed green call button then keypad appeared and i pressed some numbers and sadly saw that the system sound disappeared! any idea? I went to notification and played a ring tone and sound came back
any solution pal?
thanks in advanced
xborfi said:
I installed it and did a test on it. although the rom is VERY fast but problem remains !
I just pressed green call button then keypad appeared and i pressed some numbers and sadly saw that the system sound disappeared! any idea? I went to notification and played a ring tone and sound came back
any solution pal?
thanks in advanced
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I am currently using this 3.1, keypad tones working fine (do you mean this? ).... ( Mine is a G3)
1. Is your speaker works fine? ( like playing music...)
2. did you try a hard reset?
3. optional flash with the lazy tool,
yes, I did all steps except 3. Ill upgrade with that and inform you the results.
BTW please press around 50+ time on keypad to here keypad tones. they suddenly stop! my device is G4. I know that G3 sre better than G4 in wm6&6.1
I've had a similar issue recently: Korand's WWE3.1 (WM6.1), been running faultlessly for 3 months or so, on a Prophet G4.
Without having changed any configuration, or any new programs, I lost "most" sounds. No ringtones, though I could hear the other person on a call, via either of the 2 loudspeakers. I tried to play an mp3, and I got an error message from Pocket Tunes/WMP (could not play...) - and no alarm calls
I went to Notifications, but could not play any files. I got sound back by doing a soft reset and/or running pocketmax's wake up tweaks (run clock/calendar cleanups - I doubt these had anything to do with it...)
And then normal service was resumed, phew. I missed one more alarm call, and since then, all has been OK.
paul c said:
I've had a similar issue recently: Korand's WWE3.1 (WM6.1), been running faultlessly for 3 months or so, on a Prophet G4.
Without having changed any configuration, or any new programs, I lost "most" sounds. No ringtones, though I could hear the other person on a call, via either of the 2 loudspeakers. I tried to play an mp3, and I got an error message from Pocket Tunes/WMP (could not play...) - and no alarm calls
I went to Notifications, but could not play any files. I got sound back by doing a soft reset and/or running pocketmax's wake up tweaks (run clock/calendar cleanups - I doubt these had anything to do with it...)
And then normal service was resumed, phew. I missed one more alarm call, and since then, all has been OK.
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Thanks for sharing...
i'm having the same problems sometimes. it happens mainly after changing the volume via the up/down switch from off to vibrate or back to certain volume.
the solution is the same as in the first post is mentioned. go to sounds & notifications and there to incoming textmessage. play the ringtone. sometimes a second time doing that is necessary.
but as im testing many roms as well, it happens very often on wm6.1, not so often in wm6.
before i forget to mention, i own a G4 Xda Neo.
//edit: another problem i had once was after using Shadow Vista "My Edition"(wm6.1) from with the ring volume-tweak. during call i rised the volume a little bit and then suddenly my speaker stopped working. even a softreset hadnt solved that problem, then i switched often the volume and after MANY attemps i managed somehow to get it working again. i was kinda shocked
PS: somebody has also the problem when recieving messages and press a key to early that the orange flashled doesn't went off?
well, it looks as if there is not clear solution for this issue. well i think i should go back to WM4 and forget about all other wm6 speed and goodies.
xborfi said:
well, it looks as if there is not clear solution for this issue. well i think i should go back to WM4 and forget about all other wm6 speed and goodies.
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Try a different WM6.1 ROM!
i tried lots of stuff to solve this luck at all, after flushing the stupid Thai rom, i lost the sound....still trying
well, I tried almost 90% of roms here. all wm 6.1 are having this bug . I found PDAviet a bit better than other, the sound bug happens less in this rom how ever it is still there.
oh! i found this here!
it looks as if this problem is with all roms, I think there must be a way to fix it on this biggest forum. still searching and reading an trying roms!!
hey guys,
since I moved to wm6 I was getting this bug, specialy with the sms notification.
but there was one rom which I did'nt have this problem if I kept the default rigntones. it was "Prophet_S4V.19701.01_F".
i'm flashing Prophet_S4V.19213.01_C, hoping it is that good too. altough I had the micro based on the s4v.19213 and and it was driving me crazy with this bug, I couldn't make it ring...
looking forward to help.
well i only found a temporarily solution for this problem. i disabled the keypad tones and the problem occurs each 1-2 days once but the problem is that it is still big chance of missing important Calls and SMS I hope developers found a solution for this BIG wm6 & 6.1 issue.
xborfi said:
well i only found a temporarily solution for this problem. i disabled the keypad tones and the problem occurs each 1-2 days once but the problem is that it is still big chance of missing important Calls and SMS I hope developers found a solution for this BIG wm6 & 6.1 issue.
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not 100% of prophet does the same way~~~
1. did you really manually hardreset the prophet every new rom flash?
2. any software installed will affect the performance of it?
3. will it happens same when newly rom flash?
dioxda2 said:
not 100% of prophet does the same way~~~
1. did you really manually hardreset the prophet every new rom flash?
2. any software installed will affect the performance of it?
3. will it happens same when newly rom flash?
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yes, i do hard reset by pressing comm + cam + soft > send button . each rom i try i first open key pad and press 30+ on it and i sadly see sound dissapear! it looks as if prophet is not compatible with wm6!
I am now back to the wm5 and eagerly waiting to see a solution or patch from the great developers here!
well. no fix yet pals?
i had some problem too and what I had to do is...
When ever I hold the pda, I will press the volume up button even in lock mode and if there's no any sound, that mean the sound already disappeared, I had to soft reset... I had this problem at least once in 2 days....
Hope there'll be a fix for this issue sooner...

HTC HD2 with malfunctioning lockscreen

Anyone know how to solve this problem?? The phone won't go into standby mode. it just stays at the lock screen
Video on my problem
Anyone can help please??
no one can help me??
Looks like you are using the CHT lock screen, know issue, buggy, a search would have found it ....
watcher64 said:
Looks like you are using the CHT lock screen, know issue, buggy, a search would have found it ....
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I made a hard reset, the problem still exist...
shadowblade1990 said:
I made a hard reset, the problem still exist...
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Well that lock screen in the video is not the stock lock screen, what mod are you using on it ....
Whatever mod you are using, could be the problem ....
shadowblade1990 said:
I made a hard reset, the problem still exist...
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Are you using CHT lockscreen? Just use the standard one and it should be alright.
nicedude_abad said:
Are you using CHT lockscreen? Just use the standard one and it should be alright.
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Ditto ...
Not sure how many times this needs to be said ...
But going to join you in saying it again ...
Like i said, i done a hard reset and the problem still exist, which means that the problem does not lies on CHT.
btw i am not using CHT, this video that i posted is just for reference of my problem. (which the phone does not go into standby mode and need activesync in order for it to enter standby mode) the lockscreen that i am using is the orginal HD2 lockscreen.
Same Problem
I'm having the exact same problem with my hd2. I've tried the following things to resolve it:
- Soft reset
- Hard reset
- Task 29 reset
- Formatting my sd card
- Using Artemis and Chuckyrom, both same problems
I'm going to try a stock rom now and look if that works.
Are there more people having this problem? any solutions? Tx!
EDIT: I've installed the stock rom and replaced HSPL with SPL. I'm still having the same problem. I'm going to send it to the manufacturer. Good Luck!
Would you be so kind to come back with the result ? This is a very confusing problem. There are lots of people suffering from this already !
i two have had this problem and have just found out how to sort it out. basically i tried everything new radio, rom, getting rid of CHT
and in the end all it was is the usb connection!!!!
all you have to do when unplugging your usb cable is make it come out on a angle left to right. there are obviously some very delicate contacts that get knocked out of kilter making the phone think its still on mains power when its not hence never turning off
you can confirm this error by unplugging your phone going into backlight settings and seeing if you can adjust you light setting on battery power if when you adjust your light setting nothing happens you got the same prob as me

