Vibrant randomly reboots...HELP!!!! - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can someone please help me. My Vibrant just randomly restarts or freezes mostly w/calls. I didn't have these issues until I received T-Mobile's OTA the other day. I came here and seen others complaining about the exact same thing. I then began to read the instructions, on how to get into Download mode and flash J16 through ODIN. I thought I was all good until my phone would start to reboot w/incoming and outgoing calls and randomly freeze on me. I thought it was an issue with that specific ROM so I flashed JC OC/UV ROM and yet the problem persist. Does anybody have an idea as to what the problem is? Oh, by the way I am ROOTED.
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.......I'm not sure what you're
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gridironbear said:
Can someone please help me. My Vibrant just randomly restarts or freezes mostly w/calls. I didn't have these issues until I received T-Mobile's OTA the other day. I came here and seen others complaining about the exact same thing. I then began to read the instructions, on how to get into Download mode and flash J16 through ODIN. I thought I was all good until my phone would start to reboot w/incoming and outgoing calls and randomly freeze on me. I thought it was an issue with that specific ROM so I flashed JC OC/UV ROM and yet the problem persist. Does anybody have an idea as to what the problem is? Oh, by the way I am ROOTED.
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Had similar issues, used rom manager to boot into recovery menu, fixed permissions from there, then cleared dalvik cache and that fixed my problem.

Sorry! Didn't work.
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Can anyone help me?
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Do you have any gameloft games or adobe reader?
My phone freezes like that whenever I've used a different kernel with Voodoo. But it sounds like you have the problem with or without a different kernel.
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My phone turn off automatically at least 2 times a day... can anyone tell me what might be causing this???
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ronnyzilker said:
My phone turn off automatically at least 2 times a day... can anyone tell me what might be causing this???
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Are you overclocked?
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Yes I am.... is that the problem... how can I remove the overclock thing....
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Chalup said:
Do you have any gameloft games or adobe reader?
My phone freezes like that whenever I've used a different kernel with Voodoo. But it sounds like you have the problem with or without a different kernel.
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Yes I have Asphalt, and Avatar. I also have Adobe Readerâ„¢. Is that what's causing it? If so; what about those apps and games cause my phone to randomly reboot and freeze?
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Chalup said:
Are you overclocked?
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I'm also overclocking. However this was happening before I started overclocking as well.
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Make sure your min setting in setcpu is 200 and set the Max to 1 ghz. Apparently some phones cannot handle OC'ing, mine being one of them. I personally prefer the stock kernel because I have only had problems with other kernels with or without Voodoo.
As for adobe reader, if you search you will find several posts regarding an issue whereby the app causes our phones to randomly reboot. Same with some gameloft games. I for a fact know hero of Sparta is no good in this regard.
Good luck
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Sims 3 Crashing?

Ok so I started playing the Sims 3 that came on the Vibrant.but for some reason after buying a new couch for my home in the game.when I try to nap or sit on the couch the game crashes back to my home screen! Tried selling and buying a new but it still crashes. Once or twice some AirRide error screen showed up and froze the game! I dont know what the hell the problem is. Could it be my root or lag fix v2 causing the problems? Please help! Thanks a million!
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Sims is broken. You can only get so far before it starts crashing. No solutions have been found that I know of.
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What are you serious? WTF any more info on this?
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So, it pops up a Airplay heap error. out of memory error.says only 245 out of 303 avalible for memory. Wtf is that? What does that mean?
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darkside79 said:
So, it pops up a Airplay heap error. out of memory error.says only 245 out of 303 avalible for memory. Wtf is that? What does that mean?
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Means it's broken.
From what I have heard it's an EA Games deal, not a vibrant issue. Rumor has it they are working on a fix, but I can't back that up.
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Where u hear that info at? I cant find anything about it on ea games
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this crash also happens to me when i play it for a long time.
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Yea sucks.though it might have something to do with the lag fix I have installed!
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darkside79 said:
So, it pops up a Airplay heap error. out of memory error.says only 245 out of 303 avalible for memory. Wtf is that? What does that mean?
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Air Play as in Apple's new "AirPlay" or part of the AirCrack Wifi cracking software AirPlay? lol.
darkside79 said:
Yea sucks.though it might have something to do with the lag fix I have installed!
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i don't think so. i played it with a stock vibrant in the past when i'm experiencing the problem.
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Thats error that is that came up!
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Phone getting hot

I don't know if anyone is having the same issue but my phone is getting hot for no reason or from minimal use. Does anyone know what the problem is? I suspect a hardware issue but I am not sure. Thanks!
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DHarr20 said:
I don't know if anyone is having the same issue but my phone is getting hot for no reason or from minimal use. Does anyone know what the problem is? I suspect a hardware issue but I am not sure. Thanks!
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Are you using a lot of data? That could be the cause....I shave expieeienced this, but goes away
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DHarr20 said:
I don't know if anyone is having the same issue but my phone is getting hot for no reason or from minimal use. Does anyone know what the problem is? I suspect a hardware issue but I am not sure. Thanks!
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Kernel panics? charged for too long?
Maybe this is the case with charging too long but this occurs when I'm not charging as well as charging. It has also happened on multiple roms including stock. I'm running bionix 1.3.1
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DHarr20 said:
Maybe this is the case with charging too long but this occurs when I'm not charging as well as charging. It has also happened on multiple roms including stock. I'm running bionix 1.3.1
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So i guess is data too ..because i was downloading trigger and the phone was using alot of data and i got hot...besides that its get hot when alot of use ..
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Yes lots of data use and over clocking both make the phone get hot. This is from the amount of current demand for these actions. I would suggest you get System Panel app from the market. You can monitor what's going on on your phone with this app and better figure out which action is the one causing the most demand.
Thanks guys for your help
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Dungeon Defenders Crashing/Locking up with Trigger 3.0.1 Rom Issues!

Ok so I have Trigger 3.0.1 Rom installed and for some reason the Dungeon Defenders Game keeps crashing or locking up. Didn't have that issue when I was using the Axura Rom. I am also using the Overstock 1.2 Kernel and my vibrant is over clocked to 1.2hz. Any one have a idea what's causing this issue? Only got it to work like once out of 15 times trying to play it. WTF!!! Any help would be great! Thanks a million!
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No replays huh?
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Try not to normal clock, in other words set the max on 1000 mhz using setCpu. Over-heating might be the reason for all this.
Yeah Axura wasn't using an overclocked kernel.
Were you using OverStock on Axura as well?
Didn't make a difference still locks up most of the time. Just did a clean install. wiped the memory cards too and still doing the same dam thing. Must be something else!
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darkside79 said:
Didn't make a difference still locks up most of the time. Just did a clean install. wiped the memory cards too and still doing the same dam thing. Must be something else!
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Try and delete the edt tweaks file out of /system/etc/init.d
birgertime said:
Try and delete the edt tweaks file out of /system/etc/init.d
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What does that tweak file do anyways? Thanks a million!
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Can't answer calls on GB radio

I've tried a couple of different gingerbread ROMs & am having an issue answering calls. When I get a call, there is no option to answer the call. The only option I have is end call.
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
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Prepare the sacrifice!
Mah BAMF Thunderbolt
wrong forum lol
that doesnt sound like a radio problem, that sounds like a rom/kernel or "didnt erase data before flashing so randomly weird things happen after" problem
I would think it's a ROM problem too but it's happened on three different ones. I have wiped multiple times before installing each ROM.
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I had this problem as well. I uninstalled the Mr number call blocker and that fixed the issue for me.
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cfairchi said:
I had this problem as well. I uninstalled the Mr number call blocker and that fixed the issue for me.
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Thanks! I'll give that a shot!

ROM with no phone

I'm looking at upgrading to a newer phone next month and I was wondering if there was a ROM out there that didn't have the phone portion set in. I want my phone to be like a iPod so my kids can play with it.
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take out the sim card
Yea I thought about that, I just don't want 911 called by accident, cause even without a Sim they could still call
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Find an old cm7 rom that should do it cause 911 doesn't work anyway
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manus ferrera said:
Find an old cm7 rom that should do it cause 911 doesn't work anyway
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delete the mms, dialer apk?
or hide the icons using an alternate launcher.
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I'm currently running miui and I have titanium backup, if I were to do this would it work or would it FC all the time?
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TJEclipse said:
I'm currently running miui and I have titanium backup, if I were to do this would it work or would it FC all the time?
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I think if you were to freeze phone specific things it couldn't harm anything, but I recommend you go to froyo then do it, for the sake of battery or you could just put it in airplane mode then hide the phone related apps I'm sure that would disable 911 too
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I have what you need, let me remove the phone short cut from the launcher and I can get you into a rom set up as nothing but a media player.
Should have around 50 megs footprint.
Let me know if interested.
Edit: I'll put it together and post it for everyone, tonight hopefully.
Here you go:

