[Q] How can i troubleshoot a CPU maxing out on boot up - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Im running Energy CHT2.0 Dinik Rom plus a handful of other apps.
I tend to find that after running iGo8 or PortSip or Android, that the HD2 has real trouble with the boot sequence and seems to hang and max out at 100% cpu.
i use battclock to display cpu %, but its frustrating when you have to remove the battery 24 times waiting for the HD2 to boot properly once.
Other times it will runs for a week without a reset.
The Startup menu shows the following:
Spb wireless monitor service
Email on 3 (push email)
Any trouble shooting suggestions to narrow things down to find the cause?


Activesync push email delay

I'm experiencing a ~15 minute delay on push email from my company's exchange server. I first noticed this a week or 2 after flashing to DCD 3.2.6. Yesterday, I flashed to DCD 3.3.4 in hopes that this would help to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, I am still experiencing the delay. Is this a known issue, and is there some way to tweak / fix this?
Rom: DCD 3.3.4
Radio: 3.42.50
Carrier: VZW
Many Variables
Hi c3rb3rus,
I actually found that DCD's and No2Chem's ROMs improved the push e-mail on my xv6800. I remember the dark ages, when the original, non-GPS VZW stock ROM had all those problems with missed alarms and notifications.
Having said that, I still get sporadic delays, via two mechanisms:
1) The rlToday plugin (using s2w blackdrop) shows that an e-mail has arrived, yet my xv6800 does not generate a notification. This happens more frequently when I have Messaging running in the background (as opposed to 'completely closed' with Quickmenu)
2) Activesync just does not fully 'check' enough times, even with the sync schedule set to "as items arrive" with "sync on roaming" enabled. I am playing around with the following registry key to see if things improve:
In this key, you'll see settings like "InitialHeartBeat" and "Maxheartbeat." I am currently playing with these settings to see if my Activesync response time increases.
There is an MSDN article on the heartbeat settings. From what I understand, if the server has nothing new after eight minutes, the next "polling" time is delayed. It gets delayed more and more, when finally... Smack! An e-mail comes 15 minutes after it was originally set.
The link to the article is in the following thread (should be the first post):
I believe there are some nice XDA Threads that talk about this article, as well. I'll definitely search the archives when my schedule loosens up a bit.
I have only tested my new registry settings for a day -- I'll spam this thread like crazy if things significantly improve.
Sync Delay: Update!
I think there's an improvement. My registry settings follow below, and they drastically differ from the default values.
MinHeartBeat = 120
InitialHeartBeat = 180
MaxHeartBeat = 420
HeartBeatIncrement = 60
My results so far, over the past 48 hours:
- I got 31 e-mails, 26 arrived instantly with proper notifications, 2 were delayed by a few minutes.
- 2 e-mails arrived on time but did not generate a proper notification.
- 1 e-mail was screwed up -- I got a proper notification, but it arrived nearly 40 minutes after it was sent! I don't know what happened here.
Overall, 1 out of 31 nerfed e-mails isn't that bad... Much better than the occasional 10-20 minute delays I had in the past.
It looks like the new registry settings have improved my Exchange sync issues, but I'll have to keep testing over the next few weeks to ensure that this isn't a placebo effect.
I haven't tried DCD's 3.3.4 ROM yet (I was using NueROM-M up to now). I've flashed with DCD's latest to see if there are any differences in e-mail sync. More updates to follow later on.
Spoke too soon
I see...
I think the Power Management of features of DCD 3.3.4 are a bit different from those in NueROM-M, as I am now experiencing the same delays you're getting.
With 3.3.4, Activesync does not like to sync when the phone is sleeping. If I uncheck the "turn off very x minutes" box in the power options, and just turn the screen off with Quickmenu, the e-mail 'delays' go away. This is not a huge issue for me, since I use an extended battery.
I'm sure the differences are limited to a few different registry settings between both ROMs. Perhaps I'll fiddle with the "DisablePowerManagement" settings in the registry to see if it changes anything.
I should add that I have experienced this issue with all Titan ROMs, custom or stock. However, in my experience, it happens to a lesser degree with DCD's WM6.1 ROMs and Pre3, and yet even moreso with NueROM-M.
I like the speed of 3.3.4, so I'll probably stick with that and turn off the screen via Quickmenu. I'm guessing it's not the solution you had in mind , but I am convinced that these e-mail delays are directly related to power management.
Wow, thanks for the indepth replies! By turning the screen off with the Quickmenu, do you mean the power button?
I'm going to give the disabling 'turn off every x minutes' a try to see how that effects things.
Strangely, I never noticed this issue on the stock ROMs, but there is no way I'm going back to them. I'll let you know how it turns out.
just to chime in. I've only used stock DCD roms for my phone and now on scott's M2D stock rom. we run an exchange 2007 server and i get emails to my phone a few seconds faster than my outlook 2007 and i'm on the same switch as my servers.
I seriously think it's an issue with the server unless you're the only winmo 6.1 user with this problem?
I've thought of that, and even asked other people at my company with win mobile phones if they have any kinda of delay. They all seem to be fine. I used to get emails on my phone before I did in outlook, but after going to a custom ROM this is what happened.
Maybe it had something to do with the radio version? I'm running 3.42.50
Another update
Unfortunately, I had some touchscreen lagging and stability issues with 3.3.4 (strange... probably a bad flash on my part), and decided to switch back to nueROM-M.
I haven't gotten many e-mails recently, but since switching back to nueROM-M, the delay seems to have vanished once again . I agree, this is really weird. When I get slammed with e-mails after the weekend, I'll confirm if this is indeed the case.
One thing I did notice is that the "DisablePowerManagement" registry settings are all "1" in DCD 3.3.4, but they are all "0" in nueROM-M. However, the fact that Jas0nMack is not getting any delays leads me to believe that these registry setings are not the key.
By the way, When I meant Quickmenu, I meant this app, which replaces your start menu with a cascading menu:
There's an option in QuickMenu to turn off the screen without turning off the phone. If you use this (in combination with disabling the "turn off in x minutes" option in the power settings), and the e-mail delays go away, then we'll know that it's a power issue. This is how I diagnosed the delays I was getting on my xv6800, during my stock ROM days...

HTC HD2 battery suspend problems

Hi, I've searched extensively on this and other forums about this issue with no luck...
My problem is my HD2 (1.72.841.0 telstra ROM) has stopped suspending when unplugged from AC power. Changing the backlight settings from sound & display doesn't help. This modifies HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Power/Timeouts/BattSuspendTimeout to the corresponding number of seconds. However, the phone stays on. I would have thought I have a hardware problem where it thinks it is still on AC power, but other battery-specific tmings, like dimming screen, are working.
Setting BattUserIdle to some values works (it either has to be <=120 or <= BattSuspendTimeout, haven't worked out which). However, something is resetting this to 0 after a while and I don't know what or when.
This is killing my battery life & driving me nuts. Manual suspend is not a good solution because it stops music playback after current song. Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on?
I've done a little extra testing on this problem. By setting the AC power suspend settings to five minutes I've been able to confirm that the HD2 isn't going into suspend from AC power, either. BattUserIdle, and the backlight dimming settings, must use a different set of rules to decide when the device has been idle. So I'm suspecting there is a process/service running on my HD2 that is keeping it awake. The question would be what? The only things I can think of that have changed just before the problem started is I installed Schap's Setup VoIP (v0.3), and I set up a push email account through windows live. I can't uninstall Schap's Setup VOIP (uninstall fails); I'll give disabling the push email a try...
Well, after trialling disabling Windows Live push email it looks like this is the culprit. I take it BattUserIdle must be the time from last user interaction to standby, while BattSuspendTimeout must be affected both by user interaction and by certain system activity. Push email keeping it awake must surely be a bug. Has anyone else been using Windows Live or other push email? I'd like to hear other people's experiences on this.

[Q] HTC HD2 Battery troubles...

Hi there!
First of all great forum, and very good informations all over!!
Hopefully someone can help me with this.
Im having a htc hd2 with the following settings on WM:
Os version
5.2.23128 (23128.5.3.8)
Manila Version
ROM version
chuckyRom WWE
ROM date
Radio version
and i´m using andriod with
Nexus One
Andriod version
Buid Nummer
so... the problem is, my batterie only runs for 6-8 hours... i installed as "SetCpu" "advanced task killer" and "battery Indicator" and changed the setcpu settings just like sujar did on this side ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...=734886&page=6 )
I also turned of "auto rotation", all animations are off, and my display timout is 1min... BUT -> "battery indicator" says, that 89% of my power goes away with my display...
I really hope, somone can help me with this, cause its very ****ty to recharge my phone every 8 hours...
looking forward to some answers!!
thx everyone!
What SD card you using ? ..
With my 8gb class 6 card, the Current Widget shows 3mA (stand by)
same build other card (2gb class 4) Current Widget shows 69mA (stand by)
How often do you use your phone? Sometime, w e forget that the battery drains fast because we're constantly on wifi or 3g and playing games.
turn off gps, wifi, 3g if not needed. boot android when keylights are on.
i can use android up to 20 hours with normal use (some phonecalls, internet, searching marketplace, checking twitter, weather, mails and so on every hour...)
maybe try another radio, another wm-rom, android build... 'search' is your friend there are so many threads/posts about battery...
hmm today the battery was emtpy after 5 hours... having 3 calls ( 3-6 minutes) and beeing most of the time in stand by modus...
@ bytefax: i have a scandisc 2GB... i dont know wich level... -> does that mean -> the bigger the sd card, the less gets the battery use?!?!
@azzzz: at the moment i try to use it only if its really necessary... just to check out how long my battery lives...
@tranquillo: i´ve already checked several posts, but what i´m looking for now, is someone, who got the same phone as I do and let me try his SetCpu settings...
übrigens... ich tu mir auf deutsch etwas leichter... danke schonmal für die hilfe... wär super wenn ich mein htc länger als 5 stunden benutzen könnt.
Try to run CLRCAD and HARET whit the keypad lights on.
I had mattc 1.5b installed, in standby mode I was getting 5-9 mA drain (current widget numbers). I upgraded to mattc 1.7 it jumped to 20 mA drain in standby. did a clean install of 1.7, still 20+ mA drain. went back to mattc 1.5b and drain was 20+ mA in standby. switched to mdeejay sense build 20mA drain in standby, formatted card several times no change. turns out that android was only charging battery to 96%. once I charged the phone in windows mobile to 100% both mattc anb mdeejay roms get 7 mA drain in standby. each time I notice an increase in battery drain (standby) android does not charge battery completely (when android charges to 96% I get 20+ mA drain in standby, when android charges to 94% I get 70+ mA drain); I simply charge battery in windows and battery drain goes back to normal. 20+ hours with moderate usage, 40+ hours light usage.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Fully Charge while Device is Off before first boot, then upon first boot go to terminal and enter these (without the quotes) and press enter after every line.
"rm /data/system/batterystats.bin"
Ensure that Keypad Lights are on when Haret is launched and you will be healed.
@ amcjungle -> terminal?!?!
Terminal emulator is an app. You can download it from the Market. A terminal is a way to gain access to a system.
@amcjungle: ok... thx for that info. Terminal is probably an app for windows mobile?
the last thing i dont really get to 100% is, what you want me to do with the Keypad Lights... they should be on ?!?
If you could make a screenshot or explain it, this would be christmas like!!
best wishes and thx for the help!!
spreiza said:
@amcjungle: ok... thx for that info. Terminal is probably an app for windows mobile?
the last thing i dont really get to 100% is, what you want me to do with the Keypad Lights... they should be on ?!?
If you could make a screenshot or explain it, this would be christmas like!!
best wishes and thx for the help!!
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Terminal is an app for android. What you would want to do is charge your phone completely while off or in windows mobile. Probably better while turned off, although that part I cannot confirm. So with your battery charged to 100% just press the call button or something to activate the keylights. so that call, windows, back, and all other buttons are lit. While they are lit up start android. They will turn off, but we want them on when haret loads. Once into android open terminal emulator or download it from the market. Then type in su to gain super user access and then the other command to clear the battery charge memory.
At times my standby voltage will go to 120ma and up. When it happens I open the process button on the Weather and News widget and I close every process that is running. After that I hold down the power button until the option to Power Off shows up on the screen. Once I power off the phone I just restart Winmo and Android normally and my standby voltage goes back to 6ma.
If I let it run at >120ma standby voltage the battery will be drained within 5-6 hours every time.
chadhayson said:
At times my standby voltage will go to 120ma and up. When it happens I open the process button on the Weather and News widget and I close every process that is running. After that I hold down the power button until the option to Power Off shows up on the screen. Once I power off the phone I just restart Winmo and Android normally and my standby voltage goes back to 6ma.
If I let it run at >120ma standby voltage the battery will be drained within 5-6 hours every time.
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Dont use task killers unless you know what you are doing. They are mainly for apps that wont close (freeze) or apps that you yourself have opened. If you close system prosseses like weather, news, messaging, and so on you are only making things worse.
That's why you need to shutdown and restart phone after you close them. When you restart the phone the needed processes will be started too.
I've tried this with task killer and it does nothing, the only luck I've had has been with the process toggle on the Weather and News widget.
thx for giving me this detailed explanation!! i´ll try this and let you know how things are doing!!
Hi, I've tried exactly the method you said but when I type in the last line (ending batterystats.bin) it says its not found.
Have I done something wrong?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
QA5IS said:
Hi, I've tried exactly the method you said but when I type in the last line (ending batterystats.bin) it says its not found.
Have I done something wrong?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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are you putting in a space after rm?
if you did then you do not have this file
when exactly are the keypad lights supposed to turn off? Mine seem to stay on indefinitely.
Still having Probs
Hey there. I,m having some issues with my battery too.
My Build belongs to Bangster (v 1.5) (great work) on ChuckyDroidROM Lite with Radio running on Scandisk 8 gb class 2. Michi R11 AXI kernel.
I do not have several Sd cards to test consuption.
I read the Thereads about heavy battery drain for the last 4 days.
I tryed differend Radio Roms, i tryed different WM Roms (Flashing VBNROM AGAIN at the moment)
I tryed to fix the Keypad Lib, loaded my battery in win/off to 100 %, switched off all background services except 3g, do NOT have any taskillers or something (Android isnt meant to let tasks get killed by user i think)
I tryed to boot with Keypad lights on and use Set CPU as recommended with no overclocking.
i Use brightness lvl 25 %
BUT my battery drains at last with 60 ma (current widget) within 5-6 hours nearly to empty.
I dont know any further.
I rellay need my Phone with Sync to Google for more than that. Can't load my phone on German Autobahn (i'm slightly often there)
BUT i had a very good Battery life with mccmjohn's 2.5/VBN/2.14/Michi R11 in the end it was not stabel for me.
I dont have the time to try all the Builds with different Kernels in combination with all the WMRoms.
Can Pls someone help me????
PS: I dont want to annoy any of the devs, awesome work they did
i'm LeoDroid user since first Darksone build

[Q] Saving Android Battery Life in FLIGHT MODE

i installed different kinds of android (SD version) on my HTC HD2, lastly i decided to use the MccM HD V6 SD SENSE FROYO and im very happy with that.
but ive got a problem: when im using flight mode while sleeping (usually 6-8hours), the battery loses 40-45% charge.
here is the situation:
- when im turning the device off and on again before using flight mode (means boot to wm6.5 artemis and then launching android, activating sim card and then setting device to flight mode) it tages 3-5% of charge during the night.
- when i do NOT reset the device, just enter flight mode after using the phone the whole day (facebook, google maps, ...) then the battery loses 40-45% charge as said before.
so the problem might be an application, which - once it is startet - always tries to connect when im flight mode. i startet using zdbox with autokill on lock, later also autokill system programs - no sucess.
lately i tried batteriefu, but this only stopped my data traffic/connection right now.
i have no idea, what to do against that. a friend told me, its not necessary to use taskkillers at all in android - whats your opinion?
maybe the SD android is a problem? (when programs use the SD card during night, it drains the battery?)
thnx in advance
ps: sorry newbie, first thread in this board - when im doing wrong, just tell me - it was not on purpose.
Battery drain
wHY NOT JUST SWITCH THE PHONE OFF AT NIGHT????. Am I missing something??
Good luck
- galarm? (alarm use)
- and it takes time to go to wm6.5 and then launch android?
John, your shift key is stuck..
I can't help you directly, but SpareParts has a log feature that will tell you which applications cause the device to not enter sleep mode correctly (wake-lock), using that you should be able to locate the program causing the issue.
ok, spareparts was one of the things i uninstalled
spareparts or spareparts+?
Normal spareparts should be able to do it (at least the one that came with my CM7 does)
ok, installed it, checkt the logs, loading battery and testing this night
interesting, last 2 nights there was a batteryloss of only 3-4%.
no idea why...
I've heard of roms / kernels taking a couple days to settle before some of the kinks go away, so it might be something of that sort. Otherwise I would assume your phone should be saving power if it's not connecting to networks as frequently
VVarboss said:
I've heard of roms / kernels taking a couple days to settle before some of the kinks go away, so it might be something of that sort. Otherwise I would assume your phone should be saving power if it's not connecting to networks as frequently
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Y'know, I thought it was just me thinking this but I have noticed better performance once RevolutionROM has been in for 2 days or so.
I know there is politics for posting on a old thread but I saw this thread on Google while trying to see if this happened to anyone else.
I would like to report that right before bed I had 22%. My Samsung Skyrocket will eat right through 22% overnight if the cell radio is on. So without rebooting I turned on airplane mode (so I would have an alarm in the morning.) I woke up and my battery was at 28% I couldn't believe it. I will try to re-create this again. This was from 2am to 7am. In my battery details graph it even shows a little "hill" noting the increase.
I did hit the Task Killer button from my ES Task Manager widget right before airplane mode to make sure Facebook and Email were closed.
Any Input?
Have you tried betterbatterystats? I had high drain with new rom and seems to have been Audiout_2 which was started by the keyboard click. It was on by default in the ROM. Its off now and all is OK. Seems once it starts it must be continuously polling.
Sent from my HD2 using the power of Jelly Bean

[Q] Android with a month of battery life?

Hi all!
I'm working on a cool University project here in Russia.
We have to make a mobile device that works for about a month without any charging.
Device should only wake up every day at 23:55 and send POST request to server to tell that "I'm doing science and I'm still alive.".
We've started with an Android device, ZTE racer and installed Cyanogen firmware.
We've made an application that:
asks AlarmManager to wake up at 23:55 every day
at 23:55 it disables AIRPLANE_MODE for a minute, aquires a wake lock for a minute
then sends "I'm doing science and I'm still alive." to server
and enables AIRPLANE_MODE again to save battery.
Right now we are getting 5-10 days of battery life.
I suppose that we could extremely increase battery life by:
removing some applications from firmware including "phone" and others
shutting down some services right in kernel sources. (In fact, we just need gprs and nothing else. We don't need Wifi, eccelerometer, GPS, ...)
decreasing CPU speed from application
I have couple of questions:
Is it theoretically possible to have 1 month of bettery life for an Android device? (I know that Kindle have more than 2 months of battery, so why we can't?)
Does anybody have an Android-based book reader? How long could it live in sleep mode and wifi turned off?
If device has no 3rdparty application installed, and it's sleeping in AIRPLANE_MODE... Who could possibly eat battery at that time?!!
Could you please give any kind of advice for our problem?
Thank you very much in advance!
I'd say yes it's possible to get that much battery life... Some suggestions from the top of my head:
Undervolt and/or underclock the processor (like you said), but do this from the kernel, rather than an application.
uninstall any unecessary system apps/turning off services (like you said)
Assuming your script/application is checking the system time of the phone to know when to wake, try having it just run an internal timer instead... I don't know how much battery life that would take, but I imagine that checking against its own timer would save battery vs requesting the time from the phone itself.
Assuming you haven't already, Try having so the display NEVER TURNS ON without physical input (i.e. pressing a button on the phone). The screen is a massive battery drain.

