Battery icon - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a way to use metamorph or ninjamorph to change the battery icon in the notification bar. I've done it before but that was a while ago.
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spacecasespiff said:
Is there a way to use metamorph or ninjamorph to change the battery icon in the notification bar. I've done it before but that was a while ago.
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This is not the Q&A board.
A simple search of this board will get your answer.

creator2456 said:
This is not the Q&A board.
A simple search of this board will get your answer.
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for crying out loud its still the theme forum, leave him alone....lighten up on each other honestly, friggen search police

OK so I put it on the wrong forum oops. There are a lot of people with questions on this forum. I thought it would be better answered if it were on this forum since I'm asking about something that can only be done on a rooted phone. I did do some searching but did not find much not saying that there isn't anything just didn't find it.
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TopShelf10 said:
for crying out loud its still the theme forum, leave him alone....lighten up on each other honestly, friggen search police
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Thank you. I just thought that it had something to do with customizeing the phone.
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spacecasespiff said:
OK so I put it on the wrong forum oops. There are a lot of people with questions on this forum. I thought it would be better answered if it were on this forum since I'm asking about something that can only be done on a rooted phone.
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youre fine, dont let wannabe searchsearchsearch mods get to you, people do ask questions all the time in EVERY section, and your question is perfectly relevant to theming. Q&A forum is more of a safe secondary option for people who dont know where to post
you may be able to actually change the .png through ninja morph but you wont be able to apply it. Ninja morph is a good concept, but until there is the option to sign through it, realistically it creates more steps than it eliminates.
With that said you can alter a Metamorph theme (thats what i do), just go to your theme that you use in /sdcard/Android Themes, and find the image/s that you want to edit, then just reapply the theme.

I'm sorry to ask you this but I'm a big time noob when it comes to this stuff. So it it easier to go that way or just flash it?
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spacecasespiff said:
I'm sorry to ask you this but I'm a big time noob when it comes to this stuff. So it it easier to go that way or just flash it?
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depends. if something you like is already in flashable format, and its compatible with your firmware/ROM, that would obviously be the best way to go. But if you have decent image editing software (GIMP), its not all that hard to access your sdcard from your pc and just edit a few .png files within a theme and then reapply the theme. Sometimes it can be a hassle to figure exactly which image you are supposed to edit to get the result youre looking for.

I'm looking at the battery icons in a thread just a few down from this one. Those I think a flashable. I'm running on the stock rom.
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You can find about 7 different battery icons using the gst app. All you do its download the icon you want and put it on the root of your sd card. Then use rom manager to boot into clockwork mod recovery and select the apply zip from sd option. The battery icon will show up on there.just click it and that's it.pretty easy huh
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Can I still do that on my modified notification bar. I'm using the clear with the modified icons that I got from one of the threads on this forum.
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TopShelf10 said:
for crying out loud its still the theme forum, leave him alone....lighten up on each other honestly, friggen search police
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TopShelf10 said:
youre fine, dont let wannabe searchsearchsearch mods get to you, people do ask questions all the time in EVERY section, and your question is perfectly relevant to theming. Q&A forum is more of a safe secondary option for people who dont know where to post
you may be able to actually change the .png through ninja morph but you wont be able to apply it. Ninja morph is a good concept, but until there is the option to sign through it, realistically it creates more steps than it eliminates.
With that said you can alter a Metamorph theme (thats what i do), just go to your theme that you use in /sdcard/Android Themes, and find the image/s that you want to edit, then just reapply the theme.
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TopShelf, I think you're way out of line here. The theming forum is obviously not the best place to ask questions about theming. People like "creator" shouldn't have to be bothered to click on threads that they don't have the desire, nor time to answer. Instead, creator and other busy people need to only see threads that they enjoy reading, and all questions pertaining to theming should never be asked in the theme forum.
His valuable time cannot be spent answering questions to threads he clicked on and read, and only in the severe ignorance of the OP can he be bothered to reply, and of course, only reply with a full paragraph explaining the ignorance of the OP.
I'll thank you, Top Shelf, to remember the forum etiquette in the future. If you're going to utilize the theming forum, then please remember to berate and belittle anyone that also utilizes it for questions pertaining to theming.

Thread moved to Q&A.


Keyboard themes

Quick question for you guys can anyone point me in the right direction for themeing the ginger bread keyboard
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I don't know of any themes for the gignerbead keyboard but i ve also never looked.
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drock617 said:
Quick question for you guys can anyone point me in the right direction for themeing the ginger bread keyboard
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To do it yourself or are you wanting to download an apply themes for it?
I would enjoy doing it myself, I want to learn how....any guides out their I just found guides for whole phone theming not keyboards lol
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drock617 said:
I would enjoy doing it myself, I want to learn how....any guides out their I just found guides for whole phone theming not keyboards lol
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Well those guides are for apk theming. A keyboard is still an apk even though it may seem more simplistic. Trust me, they still apply
The basic idea is you're going to
1. open it up by unzipping or decompiling
2. edit the .pngs in the drawable-hdpi, drawable, or drawable-hdpi-v4 folders (there's other options too, but most everything you'll want will be in the drawable-hdpi)
3. close it back up by zipping or compiling.
Outside of that, you may need to edit xmls to change things like text color or background. This isn't always the case, it just depends on the apk.
Thanks makes sense now....will have to try it out when I get a chance gotta do sum reading up , thank you
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

How to change the lockscreen on a Thunderbolt?

OK been looking for awhile now and just cant find any real info for changing the background,and icons in the lockscreen especially for the newer GB roms.
I've got the sence lockscreen now and like the way it performs so all I'm wanting to do is change the wallpaper and icons.
Thunderbolt on das bamf gingeremix 2.0 beta 5
What a stupid name for a ROM
From the home screen. Menu,personalize, locksreen, turn to one, click settings, then click on one of the 4 icons to change.
Don't forget to click the thanks button.
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rafaelvelasquez2 said:
From the home screen. Menu,personalize, locksreen, turn to one, click settings, then click on one of the 4 icons to change.
Don't forget to click the thanks button.
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I think It's more the icons themself. Not necessarily the shortcuts. Id like to find out how to change the lockscreen wallpaper myself
Tbolt meatclaws-talkatap
This is the developers forum go ask in q/a jesus read the goddang rules
Do you paint your face like a clown? If we are just asking questions..?
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inkdaddy66 said:
I think It's more the icons themself. Not necessarily the shortcuts. Id like to find out how to change the lockscreen wallpaper myself
Tbolt meatclaws-talkatap
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If you have it set to display wallpaper on lock screen, just change your regular wallpaper and it will change your lock screen wallpaper as well.
Cool rom bro, could I see some screenshots and a changelog?
No I'm not asking about how to use my phone..I do know how to change it to the others that came on the phone...BTW ADW dont let me get to personalize anymore anyway.
sparta31...would you like some cheese with that?
anothen...yes especially when we gather...not much unlike kiss fans in the 70s
OK maybe I need to be a little more clear about my questions...
how about somebody telling me where the file for the lock screen is located and what I have to do to change the background and icons once I'm in the file.
I'm trying to make my wallpaper differnt from whats on the phone and would like all the icons to match
Don't be any more clear. Just put it in the right section. Q and A!
dark juggalo said:
anothen...yes especially when we gather...not much unlike kiss fans in the 70s
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Woah, slow down there son. No need to lump us old school Kiss Army in with the ICP juggalo tomfoolery. Very few FANS wore the makeup ... just the band.
By the way ... have you figured out magnets yet?
I may be way out of the loop but aren't the ICP tools referred to as juggaho's?
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I didn't write this thread for a debate on what juggalos do or don't do...I just want to know if the .apk for the lockscreen can be changed and if so how.
I didn't bust into your threads asking about your way of life,I would expect the same.
Just so you know, they're making fun of you because you didn't read the rules, and now you're just blatantly disrespecting those telling you that you're not following them by ignoring what they've told you to do. You're disrespecting everyone on this forum and demanding respect in return? You see the problem?
Thrown by Zeus himself
Got to agree ninja. I too am a Juggalo, love the pc btw, but you would friendly get a answer faster if you moved the thread to the general or Q&A section.
That being said... These self loving pricks in this forum can suck a bag of dicks. If you would just answer the question the thread would die. Or if you were just more polite about it I am sure he would have moved the post. But alas you decided to degrade and mock this guy because of the music he likes. You are all just so happy to bully someone because it is not you. Just stick to the forum and have your comments relate to android issues and leave the personal stuff out.
2 whoops and I am out like Casey Anthony.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Thread moved to q&a.

Android App UI

I've been coding for Android for awhile now, but just with a basic UI. I'm coding an app for a friend in which I simply retrieve his tweets, and Facebook statuses, and I wanted to have a sleek UI for it. I know that since every phone runs ICS, which means they won't get the Holo theme(<3). I wanted to know if anyone could lead me in the right direction, or even help me code the app. Are there templates that I can use, or what? lol. Thanks!
i can help you with the ui its a bit tricky at first but it gets to the poibt of second hand nature...
Im not at home if i was i would send over some samples
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Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums & Read the Forum Rules
Moving to Q&A need help with... what? (sorry, I don't understand you )
motodroidfreak said:
i can help you with the ui its a bit tricky at first but it gets to the poibt of second hand nature...
Im not at home if i was i would send over some samples
Sent from my VS910 4G using xda premium
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could you please post it here? i am also looking for some nice ui component.
thanks a lot!
My best advise would be not to follow what most app developers do. Use the built in framework for most of your layout needs. You program will run faster and you will get a better over all UI no matter what version they are using. To many people fill their apps with color coding and images that are not needed. You an jack right into the base framework files for most of what you will need

Google Search Bar

Maybe i'm missing something or there is some intricate way to search for this that I am not seeing. Is there a way to remove this crap google search bar and reclaim that space on the STOCK ICS Launcher??? Is there a mod for this? And how can I get the AT&T Carrier Signal back? I'm using Team Perfections RC3 ROM and I love it...I just want the ability to do what I want with my phone. Having a search bar on each of my screens is a hot mess! Who thought of this shiznick!!!??
Any ics launcher settings should have an option called "persistent search bar".
Also, you'll want to put future inquiries in the Q&A section. The users here thrive on flaming people who make posting mistakes.
Sent from my underwear using xda premium
Sleef said:
Any ics launcher settings should have an option called "persistent search bar".
Also, you'll want to put future inquiries in the Q&A section. The users here thrive on flaming people who make posting mistakes.
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Will do Sleef! I should have noted that I haven't been on here in a while so forgive me for posting in the wrong section...I do know that I will definitely get roasted and then some for that...thanks for sparing me. While i'm at it though...I do not see an option for persistent search bar on my ROM? Where can I find this?
babyface215 said:
Will do Sleef! I should have noted that I haven't been on here in a while so forgive me for posting in the wrong section...I do know that I will definitely get roasted and then some for that...thanks for sparing me. While i'm at it though...I do not see an option for persistent search bar on my ROM? Where can I find this?
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Depends what launcher u are using.
Maybe use that search bar before posting.
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Thanks mods for moving this.
flappjaxxx said:
Why is this thread here? What does this have to do with development at all?
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See what I mean?
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Apex and nova launcher give you the option to not make search bar persistent

App icon counter bubble notification

Anyone knows how to change the icon counter like how many messages you have or how many missed calles you have it default is yellow but i want to change it to something else im already rooted
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RollWii said:
Anyone knows how to change the icon counter like how many messages you have or how many missed calles you have it default is yellow but i want to change it to something else im already rooted
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I think there's no module or mod for that.
Decompile app and edit it.
There ate many tutorials how to edit apps and decompile/compile apk files.
Please read forum rules.
You are new here, OK, but read rules.
This is question and it don't belong here!
funky0308 said:
I think there's no module or mod for that.
Decompile app and edit it.
There ate many tutorials how to edit apps and decompile/compile apk files.
Please read forum rules.
You are new here, OK, but read rules.
This is question and it don't belong here!
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Sorry i tought it might be here because its kinda related to the themes
RollWii said:
Sorry i tought it might be here because its kinda related to the themes
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You have Q&A for request, answers and questions.
General for discussions and similar things
Android development for stock based ROMs
Original Android development for CM, AOSP and similar roms and original work.
And themes and apps section for releasing your work (themes, mods and apps)
funky0308 said:
You have Q&A for request, answers and questions.
General for discussions and similar things
Android development for stock based ROMs
Original Android development for CM, AOSP and similar roms and original work.
And themes and apps section for releasing your work (themes, mods and apps)
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again sorry. *Requesting to move the thread to Q&A section / General Section*

