[Q] Multitouch on xperia X10 mini pro???? - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

is there any way
searched a little but found only 4 x10 mini
yes the one that DOSEN'T have an qwerty keyboard


[Q] Xperia X10 Keyboard on a X10 mini?

Is it possible to use the keyboard that are on the X10 on a X10 mini?
mmmh i really don't know but my advice would be buy and install smart keyboard pro on the market.
I find the original keyboard on the mini really crappy and smart keyboard was the really first thing i installed so as to have a full keyboard, fully configurable.

[REQ] need Xperia mini keyboard

can anyone port international keyboard from xperia mini?
or qwerty keyboard of x10 mini.

[Q] Neo ROM on Xperia Pro

Hello Guys,
As long the Xperia Neo and the Xpera Pro have almost the same hardware (excluding keyboard) I was wondering if it was possible to install a Neo's rom on the Pro.
I really like the keyboard!
I think it is possible but not now some developer must make new rom. There is one problem pro has got hw keyboard neo has got sw keyboard. But i think somebody can do it.

Can anyone port this keyboard to X10 Mini?

Can anyone port this keyboard to X10 Mini?

xperia mini pro ics original home

Hello i am sharing xperia mini pro Home.
Thanx if you like.

