[Q] External Exchange mail app? - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Hi all.
I am looking for a solution with Exchange.
What do I need: to have XPOutlook emails synchronized in WMInbox(offline messages via ActiveSync) AND access to Exchange server simultaneously(new/online/not synchronized yet with XPOutlook messages). There is a problem,when I synchronize Exchange and XPOutlook,all messaes are moved from Exchange to XPOutlook,so when I setup Exchange access in PDA,I see just new unread emails,if I synchronize XPOutlook via ActiveSync with PDA,I see each other messages. I do need both of them in my PDA.
As I found,I could have either Outlook or Exchange folder in WMInbox,but not these both together. So I got an idea,to synchronize WMInbox with XPOutlook and for Exchange access to use an external app.for WM. So the question is,if there exist something like this,or how to have both accounts in WMInbox?

How is your Outlook connected to Exchange? Messages should be present on both locations, not either.

Outlook downloads all new emails from exchange,emails are collected in PC side pst and afterwards they are deleted from exchange.

Is that what you want (or what the admin forced on you)? Are you using a POP3 connection? If you are using an Exchange connection (MAPI), then your local mail store is in sync with the Exchange online store.
What's the Exchange version and what's your Outlook version?

Outlook is v2007,others I don't know,but I think,the company is mostly up to date. Problem is,that I cannot do anything with Exchange. Well,no POP3 nor IMAP protocol is used.


[Q] Sync Outlook with Mozart WM7

Does anyone know if it is possible to synchronise The new Mozart 7 with Outlook for contacts and calender ?
That is the way I have got my contacts etc onto my Mozart ignoring the sim card route although it was via work Outlook by Exchange
The only way I managed to do this was to setup a hotmail account and copy all of my contacts within outlook. Provided you have the outlook connector installed you can add the new hotmail account to your mozart and the next time you sync it will transfer over all your contacts and appointments.
unfortunately i have the 64-bit microsoft office, outlook doesn't work with wmdc or seemingly anything else, never has worked and microsoft seems in no hurry to fix this, oh well, luckily most fo my contacts were in my windows live ID so it all got synced
I've got it syncing via exchange. Have to say for all it's failures (it is going back sadly) at least it syncs outlook flawlessly but then it is a Microsoft product..
Have sync'd two exchange accounts, contacts, calendars... and it's smart enough to not double up on duplicate contacts.
There is no ActiveSync possible in WP7. You have to sync via some sort of online service (Hotmail, Gmail, Exchange, etc).
FYI, even Microsoft recomend against using Office 64bit unless you are working with mega huge spreadsheet type data (4GB+ files).
how to sync notes and tasks from outlook 2007 to WM7?
does anyone know how to do a GAL lookup after you setup the device with an exchange account?
Synchronization with Outlook
It's possible to calendar, contact...
1) You must add a microsoft plugin in Outlook 2010 (Outlook.Connector)
2) Create a new account (ex : [email protected])
(This account should be the same as WM7 phone account)
3) The news informations of calendar or contacts are send in account @live.fr
when you click on SEND/RECEIVE
4) You start "Hotmail App." on the mobile (with your account) and you synchronize.
5) The news "Outlook Informations" are now in your mobile phone
Best regards

[Q] Problems with Sync (Outlook IMAP)

My situation:
I used outlook account (google) on my HD2.
Then I chose ActiveSync to sync my Contacts, Calender and Mail.
ActiveSync makes a "exchange" (Google has sort of) and the sync with my PC worked.
--> I could sync my mails, contacts and calender with google.
I dont used outlook for this (get the normal web access of google mail.
What I want
I want to sync my Contacts, Mails and Calendar with Outlook on my PC
I tried it at home (Win7, Office2010 32bit, WMDC) and it worked so far that I can sync calendar as well as Contacts (that was the easy part)
What I want and is not working yet:
Sync Emails (get an error message that the sync is not complete in WMDC)
My Outlook (PC):
I have 3 IMAP Accounts (google and 2 others)
No Outlook "configured" on HD2 at the moment (as I end the exchange sync with google, my account on hd2 was deleted)
Is it possible to sync my IMAP Accounts with the HD2 (It would be okay, if only one account is working)
My standard pst (PC) contains no emails because I only have IMAP and no POP and for IMAP Outlook does not use the standard inbox.
Hm... Shouldn't be a unknown problem should it be? Anyone got this working?
You should just set up the accounts on the phone and separately on the PC.
I can't really comment on WMDC, but with ActiveSync between the phone and the computer I wouldn't let it sync anything you are syncing via IMAP. Any changes you make on the PC will be updated to the net and the next time the phone syncs it will update from the net (and visa versa).
I have an Exchange account on my phone and the same on my work PC. When they are plugged together, the only thing that is synced is favourites.

[Q] ms exchange "sync" works? - email/contacts/calender?

I'm about to take the plunge, and I'm 90% decided on the SGS2 (eligible for ATT upgrade);
Coming from an ATT Tilt 2, with winmo OS, and Active Sync software, which had excellent functionality for syncing and interacting with MS Exchange server (for my work).
I need to be able to edit my outlook calendar(exchange server) and send meeting invitations from the device, I need to access all of my outlook (exchange server) contacts, emails, tasks (ideally One-note if possible) and have everything sync continuously as new emails and exchange server transactions take place.
Has anyone specifically used the ATT version of the SGS2 successfully in this capacity? if so what SW was required? how satisfied are you with the compatibility and functionality?
(I need this for work, and I'm talking wireless syncing to ms exchange WAN server address, (on an unlimited data account))
To give you an idea of the level of compatiblity I'm talking about, here is an example. When you send an email from outlook on your laptop os (xp or win7) you can have a default signature. And the same can be done from my tilt2.
Another example, when I make a new appointment on the calender on the tilt2, not only does it sync to the exchange server (as reflected on my PC with outlook open), but I can utilize the same options for setting up the meeting invitation on the tilt2 with winmo os, (matching the PC with outlook-options). I.E. for an appointment or event I can set privacy status, or out-of-office status for the calendar item, or go in and edit the status later and sync with exchange server.
Thanks in advance for any information, and insight.
I am using it with Exchange Server 2003 and it works fine for contacts, calendar and emails. The only issue that I am having is opening our voice mail messages (.wav attachments) from a Cisco Unity server.
This is my first Android phone so I am clueless about that. You can follow my other thread about this .wav issue here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1290232
I am using my SGS II with our company exchange server. Yes, it does push sync. If fact, I usually get my emails on my phone about 30 seconds faster than my desktop.
Yes, I can access the global address list on the exchange server from my phone.
Yes, I can send meeting requests and the calendar syncs as expected.
A new feature that I didn't have the my captivate (SGS I) is that i can now also sync my exchange Tasks.
And yes, contacts also sync to my phone from the exchange server.

[Q] Outlook Email to Android

I am new to Android and coming from a Blackberry. How can I sync the emails in outlook with my new phone? I don't have an exchange server and I would prefer to do it with the mail app that came with the phone. I would like the emails to delete from outlook when I delete them on the phone and show as read when I read them on the phone and vice versa. I would prefer not to have the emails and information sent into the "cloud" also if that is possible, but if it is the only way so be it.
I know that I can have the two different email addresses sent to my phone through the included mail app by setting them up separately, but would the emails show as read, deleted, etc in outlook if I did that?
If it makes a difference I have two email addresses that feed into outlook. One of them is pop and one is imap. The phone is an HTC Amaze.
Could I just convert my pop email to imap and set up the two email addresses separately on my phone? Wouldn't that make it so when I delete email from outlook or the phone, it will be deleted on the other?
The problem with this is my isp does not offer imap so I will have to use google email to sync with it and make it imap.
If I do this I will have to add the gmail account to outlook and my phone, but wouldn't I have to delete the pop account from outlook and the phone in order to avoid duplicate emails showing up? I think this might happen because right now if I check the pop account without using outlook the emails show up that were received after I last opened outlook. The issue with deleting the pop account from outlook and phone is I still want to be able to send emails from that address.

[Q] Microsoft Exchange vs POP3 vs IMAP

i am using htc SXL and wondering which one of the above is the best (quick) one to receive emails? (push email).
You can google the differences between POP3 and IMAP.
Basically POP3 will delete messages from the server once they are downloaded to your device where as IMAP will keep them on the server but mark them read. Only if you delete them youself will they be removed from the server. So if you also read your email on another computer/device and want to see all your messages new and old, IMAP is the better choice.
Exchange works similar to IMAP as far as mail goes but also allows you to sync calendars as well. I use a calendar for work in Outlook via an Exchange server and it syncs nicely with the Android calendar app.

