[Q] New to Android - Android

Hi dudes!
I just bought my first Android phone - Huawei U8150 IDEOS. It has Froyo on it and it is "with Google" on the back, which by the reviews means that is with bold Android 2.2 and not with some apps from the manufacturer.
But, as this is my first phone on Google, I would like some recommendations for apps, security maybe, what to do with it, and of course some basics about the Android itself because I don't know nothing about it. Don't be angry at me for that, and I know that this is not the COOLEST phone (by coolest probably means most expensive ) but it is enough (given the money amount spent on it).
Am, also I live on the Balkan so probably some apps for US region may not work for me.
Any tip and info will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Am.....sorry if there is some other thread like this one out there, I searched and - no results, but again, I may be mistaken. So if there is something like this, please let me know and then close the thread. THANKS!

Closed as per OP's request.


Hey all, new here i have some questions

Hey all! I'm so glad i found this community it looks awesome! I'm new here and to the HTC hero G2 AND to the droid OS for that matter so i will have some pretty noobish questions , i will try to make it easy and list them in order so if you could please respond that way it would make it a lot easier on this noob as well
I am in the USA so i don't know if that will make a difference but i see a lot of other countries names in updates.
1. My device is the G2 obviously and its unlocked and i use my local carrier Cincinnati Bell and i'm pretty sure my phone is stock everything as far as firmware and what not. I still have 1.5 and i'm seeing people talk about 2.1, some say a message will automatically appear for the update but will it work since i'm not on T Mobile? if not how do i go about getting this?
2. What other types of software are there you recommend every G2 should have or that i can update to my phone to make it better, faster and just all around great, how would i go about doing this?
3. i've noticed when i go to albums for some reason there are 5 different albums just for my pictures which were all already on my sd card, and on my old phone were all just under the same album. The same for videos too there is 3 different ones for those too. Why are they all being seperated and how do i just make one entire album for all photos and one for videos? i've plugged the USB into my computer and opened my sd card and have seen the folders for all my music and photos so could when i add particular artists music on just create my own folder and put each artists music in their own folder? would it show up like that on my music player as being seperate? and could i do the same for pictures?
I realize i have quite a decent amount of questions and i apologize but i am new to the G2 and Droid in general as i've stated and i love the experience so far and i want to gain as much knowledge as possible so big thanks to anyone who helps me!
28 views and not one question has had an attempt of help guess this community isn't what i thought it was.
C-4Nati said:
28 views and not one question has had an attempt of help guess this community isn't what i thought it was.
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What exactly did you think it was? This is a developer community.. not a help desk.
I myself am not a developer.. I have a very small and limited amount of knowledge regards android.
I come here because I pick things up.. and occasionally when I have a problem I ask a question BUT only in the hope that the great and the good of this community feel like they have time to answer it.
Sure I wish I could be more welcoming to you.. I really do hope your problem gets solved.
Just dont expect it to get handed to you.. for example.. most of your questions can be answered in the hero wiki.. which is one quick search away from discovery.
Your initial question was polite and well formed.. however to follow it up with that statement just shows that you were being very disingenuous.
Again.. I hope someone takes the time to answer your several questions.
polakscot said:
What exactly did you think it was? This is a developer community.. not a help desk.
I myself am not a developer.. I have a very small and limited amount of knowledge regards android.
I come here because I pick things up.. and occasionally when I have a problem I ask a question BUT only in the hope that the great and the good of this community feel like they have time to answer it.
Sure I wish I could be more welcoming to you.. I really do hope your problem gets solved.
Just dont expect it to get handed to you.. for example.. most of your questions can be answered in the hero wiki.. which is one quick search away from discovery.
Your initial question was polite and well formed.. however to follow it up with that statement just shows that you were being very disingenuous.
Again.. I hope someone takes the time to answer your several questions.
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I've searched for forums for the Hero G2 and this is one of the only ones with activity i found. So i signed up, yes i know this is a development forum but if someone has the knowledge to develop for such a phone then it became common sense to me they would know answers to the questions i had. I did not mean to seem "disingenuous", its from the fact of taking a post like my last to get a response is why i did so. I wish someone from the first few views could of either 1. Helped me or 2. Said what you said and suggested somewhere or something else to help.
I don't mean to sound like an ass, just would really like help so it would be GREATLY appreciated if someone tried at least :-/
Ok i'll use my first post as an attempt to be useful, if only because i've read a whole lot from here and as yet written nowt
Now, first things first, being in the states do you have the G2 gsm hero, the one with the chin, or the US cdma sprint version? Makes a big difference if you want to do rooting.
Information searching for the hero doesn't have to come from active forums, many were hugely active when the phone first arrived and may not be so now, but much of the content is just as useful/relevant as it was then.
Oh, and i'm neither a dev, or a programmer or a techy phone expert, pc expert or any other expert come to that, just a hero owner that started much like you. Knowing nothing
Regarding the official 2.1 update, have no idea how it might arrive at your device, or mine as i'm not interested. Mine is rooted 1.5 with modaco 3.2 and it works just fine (and stable/reliable) for me, and does pretty much all i need it to do. The only exception being maybe bluetooth transfer.
When i got my hero it was the latest all singing, all dancing device that shamed most if not all other smartphones, eventually rooting it made it better, and unless i get to upgrade it every 6 months to me that's the way it'll stay.
I might go for a custom 2.1 rom at some point, be warned the official upgrade removes that possibility for the future, and even if you don't think you'll want to now, you may well change your mind once you've had the phone a while
How are the files stored on your sd card now? Separate folders are displayed separately. Contacts, downloads, camera shots etc I guess you could put them all in one folder but the album has an "all pictures" option anyway so why bother.
All my albums are stored in folders, with artwork, and just drag and drop into the music or mp3, can't recall what it's called right now, folder and display as whole albums in the player. If i want to create a folder just for one artists tracks then again it will display that "album" separately.
Works fine for me as i'm a whole album person rather than using playlists.
Any combination is possible, trial and error and personal preference time, but you wont break anything by trying.
Finally, have google work for you, or you tube, there's a heap of good stuff around, and more applications than my failing keyboard can mention hence rooting and apps2sd has unlimited my app count. No more worrying whether i can fit in that latest market find or what i have to delete first.
new batteries time before i launch this keyboard.....
Thank you! for someone trying to help... i'll soak all that in kind person, and i have the one with the chin

Android 5.0 on Google Nexus 5 - Newbie questions / support

Hello everyone,
At first, as a new member, let me congratulate you for this amazing forum and the community that is built around it. A lot of useful and interesting stuff can be found here, and I know that it takes a lot of hard work to boost and maintain a forum to this high-quality level, create a community and share knowledge, so thank you for that and keep up the good work.
To get to the point, I recently became the owner of a Google Nexus 5 and 3 days ago I upgraded the preinstalled Android 4.4 to Android 5.0. Before that, I used a Nokia N900 phone with Maemo 5 and ArchLinux (desktop Linux Distribution), and this Nexus became my introduction to the Android operating system for the first time.
So as a newbie to Android, I want to ask toy a few questions on how to make some things done.
While I had my Android rooted before, after the upgrade it probably needs rooting again, so I'd be grateful if someone points out a link to a tutorial that describes this process. I also need to install an anti-theft application, and from what I've seen, Cerberus just does what I want, but I need to install it in a way that even if someone restored the phone to its default settings or even format it, the application woud stay in place. From what I've read, it is possible, right? I don't know how, maybe it has something to do with the ROM, which brings me to my next question. Custom ROMs, what are they? How do they get installed and which one do you suggest for Nexus 5?
As for now, those are my questions. I know that I could use Google to find out more about those stuff, but I really want to learn how they work, not just how to accomplish them, and all my searches in Google result in different ways to achieve the same thing, a fact that confuses me instead of teaching me stuff. That's why I ask here.
So, if anyone could point out some links or explain to me how to do the things I want, I'd be very grateful.
Also, besides all those things, any suggestions you might have of any nature, I'd be glad to hear them and they'll be much appreciated!
Than you very much in advance. I appologize to the forum and its moderators if I posted this in a wrong category or broke any rule. I assure you that if I did, it was not intetional.
Best regards,
Should I post this over to the Google Nexus 5 forums?
Ok, after a lot of reading, I finally understood the whole concept of ROMs and Recovery.
For anyone having trouble with his first steps on those issues as well, the following links would be very useful:
Good luck!


Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this is the correct sub-forum to post this in, but I couldn't find where else to put it after reading the rules. If it is incorrect, could a moderator please move it? Thank you!
Anyways, I wanted to make a request for an iOS 8 ROM for the Nexus 5. A lot of people, and I mean A LOT have been looking for a ROM that looks exactly like iOS, but haven't found anything (I haven't either).
The Goophone company makes fake iPhones, but they are based on Android OS. The skin that they put over it makes it look really, really close to the real thing. I was thinking a developer could somehow make a ROM similar to that one? (or even better ). I know about launchers and such, but that doesn't give you the real experience.
If there already is a ROM like this, please point me to it.. But to whomever may full fill this request: the ROM you make will be extremely popular! I guarantee it!
Thank you!
Why not buy an iPhone instead?
Silotolis said:
If there already is a ROM like this, please point me to it.. But to whomever may full fill this request: the ROM you make will be extremely popular! I guarantee it!
Thank you!
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try MIUI its pretty the best way for something similar to iOS and its a great experiance of an special Android, like no other... else you will not be very lucky with your request
or search in the forum for MIUI..... aaaand it is already reeeeally popular
Do not be a wannabe. Buy an iphone.
1. If A LOT of people really want something like this, then there would have been something like this long ago.
2. Nothing gives you the real experience except the real thing.
3. Rule of thumb, if you are not developing anything, the thread should either be in General or Q&A.
via Tapatalk
Silotolis said:
Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this is the correct sub-forum to post this in, but I couldn't find where else to put it after reading the rules. If it is incorrect, could a moderator please move it? Thank you!
Anyways, I wanted to make a request for an iOS 8 ROM for the Nexus 5. A lot of people, and I mean A LOT have been looking for a ROM that looks exactly like iOS, but haven't found anything (I haven't either).
The Goophone company makes fake iPhones, but they are based on Android OS. The skin that they put over it makes it look really, really close to the real thing. I was thinking a developer could somehow make a ROM similar to that one? (or even better ). I know about launchers and such, but that doesn't give you the real experience.
If there already is a ROM like this, please point me to it.. But to whomever may full fill this request: the ROM you make will be extremely popular! I guarantee it!
Thank you!
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Please follow all XDA rules you agreed to before making a thread.
As for your request. There is MIUI a Chinese knock off OS of Crapples software (for now before Apple puts them out). IT is very popular with Chinese people and those that are Iphone converts. Not really popular here as most Hate IOS.
Thread closed

Upgrade a gt-i9082l, help

This is my fist post, I am sorry if I am asking something I should not. I am not a technological guy, so I need some help and patience.
My wife has an old gt-i9082, it is at android 4.2.2. I think it is 3 years old.
I would like to upgrade it to a better version because the cellphone system are already very slow and some app are not working anymore.
A friend told me it is possible, since the cellphone are not at warranty anymore, but I do not know how to do it. I just find this forum with google.
So, I am asking for a step by step guide to do it, if it is possible. If it already exist, please point me to the relevant thread.
Again, sorry for my lack of understand.
Thank you very much for your time.
Regis Castelo
regiscastelo said:
This is my fist post, I am sorry if I am asking something I should not. I am not a technological guy, so I need some help and patience.
My wife has an old gt-i9082, it is at android 4.2.2. I think it is 3 years old.
I would like to upgrade it to a better version because the cellphone system are already very slow and some app are not working anymore.
A friend told me it is possible, since the cellphone are not at warranty anymore, but I do not know how to do it. I just find this forum with google.
So, I am asking for a step by step guide to do it, if it is possible. If it already exist, please point me to the relevant thread.
Again, sorry for my lack of understand.
Thank you very much for your time.
Regis Castelo
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They don't have any newer official Samsung updates, but the developers here have been able to keep your device updated with custom versions of android that are based off of the Android Open Source Project and/or CyanogenMod sources. This means that if you update, you will get a vastly different user experience. You will have access to the Play Store and all the apps and what not, but the UI is completely different from the Settings, to the Dialer, Contacts app, email app, etc etc. Many people prefer this, but if you aren't tech savvy and new things confuse and/or frustrate you, then it can be an adventure. There might be small issues or work arounds that you might need to do depending on which custom option you choose and how you prefer or need to use your phone as well. I don't recommend jumping into the upgrade without reading other forum members advice or comments to see if there are issues that might affect the use of your phone. You can find more information in the forum for your phone here http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-grand-duos -If you use the dual sim function, pay special attention to the changes in that set up with the newer versions.
I am going to ask for direction over there.
Thank you so much.

How do I theme my new rooted device?

Hello, I was wondering why is there no newb section on this website? surely it would help all the new comers like myself who have no idea what they're doing.
I recently rooted my device for the purpose of changing some Personal Hotspot settings so I decided to look at the other benefits I could get from rooting and one of them is Themes. My question is why is it so hard to theme your device? I thought alot of these theming apps were one click proceedurs however it is not at all the case, speaking of complications when I rooted my device I accidently deleted touchwiz home and ended up stuck on Easy Mode for a whole day even after fully wiping/resetting until I figured out the problem. I still have standard mode showing as easy mode on my device but its actually got a launcher for now so it's all good.
Anyway It would of been good to have noob/newb section on this website so I could get to grips with everything there is to know or most things anyway. Right now I don't really know where to look on this website as there are too many threads that contain complicated titles with terms I never even heard of before so let alone reading the whole threads where I just hear myself reading on and on with no understanding what so ever.
Am going to stop my little rant here, if anyone can direct me on how to setup some easy themes it would be appreciated.
MatadorZXDA said:
Hello, I was wondering why is there no newb section on this website? surely it would help all the new comers like myself who have no idea what they're doing.
I recently rooted my device for the purpose of changing some Personal Hotspot settings so I decided to look at the other benefits I could get from rooting and one of them is Themes. My question is why is it so hard to theme your device? I thought alot of these theming apps were one click proceedurs however it is not at all the case, speaking of complications when I rooted my device I accidently deleted touchwiz home and ended up stuck on Easy Mode for a whole day even after fully wiping/resetting until I figured out the problem. I still have standard mode showing as easy mode on my device but its actually got a launcher for now so it's all good.
Anyway It would of been good to have noob/newb section on this website so I could get to grips with everything there is to know or most things anyway. Right now I don't really know where to look on this website as there are too many threads that contain complicated titles with terms I never even heard of before so let alone reading the whole threads where I just hear myself reading on and on with no understanding what so ever.
Am going to stop my little rant here, if anyone can direct me on how to setup some easy themes it would be appreciated.
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Greetings an welcome to xda. We did have a forum called xda assist where all newbies could basically ask any question, it became unsustainable due to the fact it became a free tech help line for every device.
Most phone's have their own dedicated Q&A thread where you can ask anything. If you can tell me the device you have I maybe able to help you or point you in the right direction at least

