OLD market app? - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have nero beta 3 and can i do anything to get the OLD market back? i actually liked the old one, it was faster and i dont really need a good look right now... specially for my market app...
anyway i can go back?

i just searched around and couldn't find the stock that would work...

Mmh i will search around bro, i also liked the old market better too!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

HRodMusic said:
Mmh i will search around bro, i also liked the old market better too!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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thanks man, god this is so stupid... it looks nice but is slow as HELL. and buggy

true that, i honestly hate it atm =/

cant you just take vending.apk from an older rom and move it to system/app


How do I get vending from another one?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Here you go:
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I was going to do that first but... once I installed a system apparently from there and it screwed up so yeah hah ill try it tomorrow

Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

xriderx66 said:
I have nero beta 3 and can i do anything to get the OLD market back? i actually liked the old one, it was faster and i dont really need a good look right now... specially for my market app...
anyway i can go back?
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go to SETTINGS/APPLICATIONS/make sure the filter is set to ALL and scroll down to MARKET... click it and hit UNINSTALL UPDATES . this method worked when i received the the SIMILAR tab update,but im not sure if itll completely remove the NEW revamped market.
HIT THANKS BUTTON PLZ =) no need to install an old vending.apk

brian_v3ntura said:
go to SETTINGS/APPLICATIONS/make sure the filter is set to ALL and scroll down to MARKET... click it and hit UNINSTALL UPDATES . this method worked when i received the the SIMILAR tab update,but im not sure if itll completely remove the NEW revamped market.
HIT THANKS BUTTON PLZ =) no need to install an old vending.apk
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Actually can't because to the Nero system it thinks the new market is the only market so I didn't update it. Do I can't uninstall updates.
Nero beta 3 + oclf

You can uninstall updates of "market" app, but itll update it self again automatically with next start. Hopeless.. I guess google devs never thought that android users will prefer old look of their app.

Which version is considered old?
So which version is considered old and how can you find out what version someone is currently running?
On the link(s) provided earlier, there are several apk files that are simply labeled Vending.apk, so which one should you choose?

s15274n said:
cant you just take vending.apk from an older rom and move it to system/app
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willsnews said:
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Ive tried this....nothing works, it still auto updates after while....also when try this, it seems to want to push my market to /data/app


2.1 Market

Does anyone have the stock market apk? I've been having issues downloading any apps and it seems that the solution is to use the Eclair Market. Thanks in advance
zeroxg4 said:
Does anyone have the stock market apk? I've been having issues downloading any apps and it seems that the solution is to use the Eclair Market. Thanks in advance
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I'll send it to you once I get back to a computer
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
In my experience, if you can just uninstall the update, do that. If you can't, pushing the old market usually doesn't fix it.
There is a thread on here that shows you some options to clear that should make it work.
mackeydesigns said:
In my experience, if you can just uninstall the update, do that. If you can't, pushing the old market usually doesn't fix it.
There is a thread on here that shows you some options to clear that should make it work.
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I tried literally all the suggested solutions of clearing. Pushing the old one is probably the only viable option left.
Didn't work for me. But goodluck
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

new android music app!!

check this out
this could be the new music app from google its look sick!
Good find Thank you for this.
julwo said:
check this out
this could be the new music app from google its look sick!
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nice! I'm def going to have to check this out, I just moved all my music over and completely ditched my iPod so I've been going through all the music players in the market trying to find one that I liked.
its pretty good I been messing with it for a bit. definitely a improvement I kinda dont like the auto color transitions tho lol
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Is anybody seeing their google account to add?
same no account to add
vwest87 said:
nice! I'm def going to have to check this out, I just moved all my music over and completely ditched my iPod so I've been going through all the music players in the market trying to find one that I liked.
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Try playerpro its awesome let me tell you. Well worth the worth the cost.
Sent from my HTC Glacier
This isn't anything new, it's been leaked/spotted months ago in the Nexus One area..
It looks like the music app that comes in the Xoom.
Sent from my Glacier running CM7
Why didnt you tell us about it then?
G1-evolve said:
This isn't anything new, it's been leaked/spotted months ago in the Nexus One area..
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If i'm using Astro, all I gotta do is copy the apk to the system folder & install then reboot??
Application fails to install.
Anyone else seeing that?
Update: Installed now. Works. Not sure why it was not installing when I downloaded using the XDA app.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
You do not need to put the apk in the system folder you can just install it from any folder just like you are install an app from the market, no reboot necessary.
Paso876 said:
If i'm using Astro, all I gotta do is copy the apk to the system folder & install then reboot??
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rjhay22 said:
You do not need to put the apk in the system folder you can just install it from any folder just like you are install an app from the market, no reboot necessary.
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K, thanks!
Sent from my RoyalGlacier powered XDA App.
Before I go ahead and install this, one more question. After I install and lets say i'm not liking, how do i switch back to stock??
Interesting music app. Very similar to the 3D gallery.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Paso876 said:
Before I go ahead and install this, one more question. After I install and lets say i'm not liking, how do i switch back to stock??
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I havent tried this app yet, but Im guessing you would just reset the defaults for the program. settings>applications>manage applications>search and tap on the app>scroll down and tap on clear defaults
Has anyone noticed the little equalizer next to the song stays on as the song is playing even when I stop the song I just wonder if this is eating up anyones battery.Also if I do decide to keep this one how can I go about deleting the old one I know it's something pulling the apk from astro but where do I find it at I'm really new to all this sorry.
It foes not overwrite the stock music app so just uninstall.
Paso876 said:
Before I go ahead and install this, one more question. After I install and lets say i'm not liking, how do i switch back to stock??
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rjhay22 said:
Why didnt you tell us about it then?
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Why should I have to? This is old I thought everyone knew, least I did.. hell I even posted it at one point in the Nexus section when I used Nexus Phone..

New Android Market

A new version of the Android Market is out! Go ahead and download it from the links below:
Version 3.0.26
kennethpenn said:
A new version of the Android Market is out! Go ahead and download it from the links below:
Version 3.0.26
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I'll give it a try... Change log from old one??
From video it looks like windows phone
Thanks for the info Kenn! So if we don't want to wait for the worldwide release, is it okay to just use one of the downloads you provided? Will it just install over my current market, or will I run into some problems?
Keeping us Atrix users up to date and informed. kennethpenn is the man!
Thanks a lot, I'm going to download now
thebeardedchild said:
Thanks for the info Kenn! So if we don't want to wait for the worldwide release, is it okay to just use one of the downloads you provided? Will it just install over my current market, or will I run into some problems?
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Just installed on top of mine with no problems......thanks Ken!
sent from my unlocked MB860 via Tapatalk
Gvndeb60 said:
Just installed on top of mine with no problems......thanks Ken!
sent from my unlocked MB860 via Tapatalk
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Cool, thanks for the confirm!
Sent from my Motorola Atrix using the XDA App
Got it
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
thanks man. installed like any other app fine. kind of slow to browse, when i try to install apps, it just times out. hopefully its my signal here and ill try again later.
i like the ui alot!! android is finally getting some good looking ui going xD WP taught them something eh
edit: i got "Error retrieving information from the server."
when refreshed it went away but this seem wayway slower than the other (as in loading aps) and what not.
edit2: doesnt load screenshots, or all images of apps. lol damn xD
I like it! Thanks for the heads up.
NguyenHuu said:
thanks man. installed like any other app fine. kind of slow to browse, when i try to install apps, it just times out. hopefully its my signal here and ill try again later.
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its not your signal, it wont even download for me over verizon mifi. the download just sits there with "downloading..." nogo.
I got my Evernote download to finish after several tries, and even downloaded a couple games. I'm not sure, but someone who hasn't updated yet should test their market right now. Could there just be an overload due to a bunch of people rushing to try the new market?
MyronJ906 said:
I got my Evernote download to finish after several tries, and even downloaded a couple games. I'm not sure, but someone who hasn't updated yet should test their market right now. Could there just be an overload due to a bunch of people rushing to try the new market?
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how did you install it? i removed my original vending.apk and installed this one, but no vending.apk shows anymore. i keep getting a error, then when i re launch it it works but no screen shots, or downloads work.
edit: nvm, i replaced old Vending.apk, restarted then it works now. haha
got a FC and it doesnt work again hahaha. ill mess with this later xD seems to not like my phone. had to reinstall it. when updating apps dont update too many of them or it will stop working
Movies and books takes a long time to load. Fyi
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Any other links...can't download it at all
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
WOW! AWESOME DUDE!!! thanks soooo much!
Clicking on the link takes me to "File link is invalid" land... Any other links?
**Edit... The second link is invalid... First one is fine. Kind of looks like one link on my phone... my apologies.
Sent via Motorola Olympus
Found and downloaded this from the android app section on xda. Everything has been working great.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Gvndeb60 said:
Just installed on top of mine with no problems......thanks Ken!
sent from my unlocked MB860 via Tapatalk
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Just some clarification - I couldn't use the Sideloading Wonder Machine to install this as it is already installed on my phone, so to get it to install, just push it to the phone or put it on the SD Card (internal or external), and use a file explorer to install it. It will ask if you want to install over the existing app, and obviously you want to.
Works like a charm! And by charm, I mean slow as crap right now, but that's cool, it's not even supposed to be out yet.... Thanks Kenn!

[Q] Is there a 'market enabler' for the new market?

Hi, so I have Market Enabler installed and for some reason it doesn't seem to work on the new market. Also, cf3d's 'open market' seem to have no effect either.
Is something broken? Anyone knows of a market enabler that works with the new market? Thank you!
We need a market enabler that works with 3.0.27
It will be made, its just a matter of time. Im very interested in this too, I had to rollback to the old market because of this.
neswii said:
We need a market enabler that works with 3.0.27
It will be made, its just a matter of time. Im very interested in this too, I had to rollback to the old market because of this.
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I'm very interested too!
I got it!
Download the attached file.
You will find Market 2.3.6 (april 2011) and follow the instructions file.
Now I return to this version of Market which is fully compatible with Market Enabler!
Tested in a Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000.
Yes we know it works with the old market. What we need is a market enabler for the 3.0.27 version of the market.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
neswii said:
Yes we know it works with the old market. What we need is a market enabler for the 3.0.27 version of the market.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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It doesn't exists yet.
That's the only solution at this moment.
The file u uploaded is a rar file and i cannot extract it.I am having this problem with all rar files the phone cannot identify them..Any ideas???
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bkilit said:
The file u uploaded is a rar file and i cannot extract it.I am having this problem with all rar files the phone cannot identify them..Any ideas???
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Here you have the two files that contains the .rar.
Any news on that app..? I want to install google+ and I cannot due to an unexpected error.
nickolasemp said:
Any news on that app..? I want to install google+ and I cannot due to an unexpected error.
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You should be able to get free apps. Only problems with market enabler is actually buying apps. So, roll back and reupdate or something.
Sent from my GT-I9000T using XDA Premium App
Market Access works fine for me with the new market.
Thanks man. I'll try it out.
Sent from my GT-I9000T using XDA Premium App
huzz said:
Market Access works fine for me with the new market.
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It ain't work either
I still cannot find the google maps..
The app seems to be working, it gives green mark and everything,
But when I search for the blocked apps such as google maps and most other google's inc, it doesn't find (which it was found-able when the old market)
any sollution?
I also tried the Flamingo's advice, but also no changing the search results.
mcjordan92 said:
It ain't work either
I still cannot find the google maps..
The app seems to be working, it gives green mark and everything,
But when I search for the blocked apps such as google maps and most other google's inc, it doesn't find (which it was found-able when the old market)
any sollution?
I also tried the Flamingo's advice, but also no changing the search results.
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Did you clear all data / cache? for Market? then emulate on boot a new provider and reboot. I am using it ever since the new market was released and it works.
huzz said:
Did you clear all data / cache? for Market? then emulate on boot a new provider and reboot. I am using it ever since the new market was released and it works.
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WOOhoo finally I fixed this market !!
Thank you so much!!
huzz said:
Did you clear all data / cache? for Market? then emulate on boot a new provider and reboot. I am using it ever since the new market was released and it works.
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Did the same on a Optimus 2x and it didn't work.
I had to uninstall the market update and MarketAccess works as advertised.
This thread should probably be in the general section rather than under SGS II.
I am also using the old market but instead of using an APK I simply uninstalled the update for market from 'manage applications' to go to the old market. Also had to uninstall the market updater system app using Titanium otherwise it updates automatically. Very irritating.
+1 for a solution for the new market since I have to do this every time I change ROMs (which is often). However, the new market is ugly as anything. The waste of screen real estate is appalling!
xeeshan said:
This thread should probably be in the general section rather than under SGS II.
I am also using the old market but instead of using an APK I simply uninstalled the update for market from 'manage applications' to go to the old market. Also had to uninstall the market updater system app using Titanium otherwise it updates automatically. Very irritating.
+1 for a solution for the new market since I have to do this every time I change ROMs (which is often). However, the new market is ugly as anything. The waste of screen real estate is appalling!
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I was looking for a way to stop those irritating auto-updates! Thanks.
neswii said:
I was looking for a way to stop those irritating auto-updates! Thanks.
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Just follow the directions in the attached txt file on this post:
Regards ...
I can't find Market Access on the market...
Maybe google removed it from the market...?

Old Android Market Installer

Hello all
Firstly This is not my app, I take no credit, all credits due to the developer of this app!
firstly most of us dont like the new android market, here is an apk installer that will allow you to get your old market back!
i have tested this on my X10 mini pro and it works
1. Install the apk using app installer
2. Run OldMarket_v1.1.6.apk
3. Open Old Market and you Have two option
4. Choose Old Market
5. It will prompt you to REBOOT so click on reboot
6. Once the phone has rebooted test it out
Thank u I'm gonna try for sure.....As i've got a big problem with my market....
kashem58 said:
Hello all
Firstly This is not my app, I take no credit, all credits due to the developer of this app!
firstly most of us dont like the new android market, here is an apk installer that will allow you to get your old market back!
i have tested this on my X10 mini pro and it works
1. Install the apk using app installer
2. Run OldMarket_v1.1.6.apk
3. Open Old Market and you Have two option
4. Choose Old Market
5. It will prompt you to REBOOT so click on reboot
6. Once the phone has rebooted test it out
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Once the old market is installed, and you run it does it autmatically update them to the new market again?
And also you should link to the original dev.
evilbarcode said:
Once the old market is installed, and you run it does it autmatically update them to the new market again?
And also you should link to the original dev.
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Try freezing "market updater" using titanium backup. Or delete it maybe??
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
andy_dunlop said:
Try freezing "market updater" using titanium backup. Or delete it maybe??
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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Ok ill have a look and see.
You can also stop the market updating itself by opening up terminal and typing:
su -
pm disable com.android.vending.updater
You will get a message to say its been disabled. I usually just use route explorer to move a copy of the old market (vending.apk) to system/apps and set permissions, run terminal with the above command and voila! Must say though, it will be nice to see how this installer works, especially if it cuts down on excess finger tapping..
I've never been able to use any of the new markets, its awful. Not sure if there's any weird issues with the internet around here but it was so hard to get anything installed. It could take 20 mins to install a single app, I could have configured my whole phone from scratch in that time!
Good work!
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
obsidian_eclipse said:
You can also stop the market updating itself by opening up terminal and typing:
su -
pm disable com.android.vending.updater
You will get a message to say its been disabled. I usually just use route explorer to move a copy of the old market (vending.apk) to system/apps and set permissions, run terminal with the above command and voila! Must say though, it will be nice to see how this installer works, especially if it cuts down on excess finger tapping..
I've never been able to use any of the new markets, its awful. Not sure if there's any weird issues with the internet around here but it was so hard to get anything installed. It could take 20 mins to install a single app, I could have configured my whole phone from scratch in that time!
Good work!
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
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Haha yeah i know what you mean, i had a few problems with some of the new versions as well, just like that but with mine it would never actually install. It would finish the download then say it was corrupt and could not install. Or something along those lines. But the newest one seems to work for me now. The only reason i want an old market is for the old theme of it.
Cheers for the info tho, ill have a look, havent installed this yet, just finished putting Flame.E 0.2 on my mimmi.
evilbarcode said:
Once the old market is installed, and you run it does it autmatically update them to the new market again?
And also you should link to the original dev.
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no it doesnt update back the new market, i been using it often since i installed it and still got my old market!
and also i found this app on the internet somewhere, dont know where its original source
kashem58 said:
no it doesnt update back the new market, i been using it often since i installed it and still got my old market!
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Ohk thats cool then, good to know.
kashem58 said:
and also i found this app on the internet somewhere, dont know where its original source
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Fair enough, didn't realise that.
The markets getting ready for ice cream sandwitch ,,i think there leaving the older phones out in some way coz mini pro
With new market is slow
But neo n new market is great
And xoom market is rocket fast
Thanks and yes best to.freeze market vending
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
kormatoes said:
The markets getting ready for ice cream sandwitch ,,i think there leaving the older phones out in some way coz mini pro
With new market is slow
But neo n new market is great
And xoom market is rocket fast
Thanks and yes best to.freeze market vending
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
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But isn't ICS supposed to support all android devices, no matter what size shape or colour lol (correct me if im wrong about this). If that is true then it must be something else that is cause it to be slow? i mean that to me makes sense i dont know about anyone else.
evilbarcode said:
But isn't ICS supposed to support all android devices, no matter what size shape or colour lol (correct me if im wrong about this). If that is true then it must be something else that is cause it to be slow? i mean that to me makes sense i dont know about anyone else.
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My wife's phone recently updated to the new market, she has a htc wildfire and she says the new market if awful on that too. She had the phone waiting 10 mins to update an application!
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
Not all fones because mini pro never got past 2.1 so. Think how all phones and the new market is verry fast on new phones so was proberly mobile data problem
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
kormatoes said:
Not all fones because mini pro never got past 2.1 so. Think how all phones and the new market is verry fast on new phones so was proberly mobile data problem
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
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Hmm i guess that makes sense, well all we can do now is wait and see what happens with ICS then.
Can't be long now I have a neo and XOOM also so wonders witch one will get it first '''race on lol suppose to be this month or next
Sent from my MZ604 using xda premium
I guess it is not much supported on Mini Pro. i was trying a lot of times to update and it doesnt come to the update page. loading for eternity.
i gotta change back.
Im confused coz making a video about it it was like lightning lol I post link soon
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
This works fine, thank you for sharing, i just deleted marketupdater with titanium backup
kormatoes said:
Im confused coz making a video about it it was like lightning lol I post link soon
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
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very nice, looks cool having both sizes, one extreme to the other. On a side note, whats the xoom like lol? I was looking at them on gsmarena, they look cool.
Very cool indeed brown there're epic
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium

