App that detects speed traps - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Guys im looking for an app that detects stationary and mobile speed traps, is there something like that for my X1? and X10?
Ive got the speedophone app for my X1 that measures speed as u drive n shows HUD on windscreen as u drive, i need an app that detects speed traps in South Africa...anything like it available?

looks cool, hope it can be useful thanx.

yes it is very useful. And android have the same app.

I tried tfapster but it was too heavy draing resources & battery..
I found Waze to be far better, faster, lighter & has more funtional options.
So I made the switch & love it!! there an app to alert me when i am driving over the speed limit in a perticular zone? i know iphone has such app but for x1 and x10?


Good GPRS monitor?

I've been looking for a nifty gprs monitor application. SBP's is kind of cool, but it's got all that extra junk - the battery monitor and the brightness controls. Does anyone else make a nice one?
SBP is excellent. You can remove the "junk" in the Today Settings/Items/Options
There is a GPRS counter on the xda application disc. I have it installed, its great, can work out ur bill n stuff
can U post that piece of soft here ? :roll:
SBP GPRS Monitor is amazing, am using it since a long time.
The most interesting thing is that, whenever you make a hard reset, you won't lose your data, since it stores the data files in the my documents folder.
It also measures the battery level & the connection speed & block size.. has cool interface

Opinion: Best GPS Navigator?

Hey all,
I routinely use my Titan browser to look up the address of a business, then put that address in a GPS Navigator program to navigate to that address. I was wondering what you all think is the be all/end all program to complete this task. I've been using iGo 8 as it's got by far the best interface and maps, though you can't look up a business while in the program. I've also used Google Maps which does a great job of looking up the business address, but a crap job of navigating you to it. Finally, I've used Yahoo Go! a little bit, which is ok, but not the best. I welcome all your opinions...
Mapquest Navigator does a good job for me after using SprintNav for a long time for free....... Lots of feature and 50 bucks a year is alright.
i use tom tom 7 with maps usa & canada works great locks in 5 seconds in the basemant also names and addreses i am gettin from live search and save them in contacts list so its easy to navigate in tom tom
Not sure if its the best, but I've been very happy with iGuidance.
Once I got gpsGate and aGPS it has been flawless.
hbenz2008 said:
Mapquest Navigator does a good job for me after using SprintNav for a long time for free....... Lots of feature and 50 bucks a year is alright.
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Crud, apparently mapquest navigator does not support verizon?!?
fvultee said:
Crud, apparently mapquest navigator does not support verizon?!?
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My guess is they say that because Verizon locks down the gps so you can only use it with VZ Navigator, but if you're on this site, I'm sure you have enabled it on your XV6800, so I would still give it a try.
Microsoft Live Search.
It does a great job at searching and the routing isn't bad either. It only has a 'ding' as you approach a turn, no voice navigation.
I have TomTom and hate it. IMHO, Live Search is very good compared to TT.
I'm a Garmin XT user my self. I've loaded City guide and Topo maps on it so if I'm in the city or out in the woods I've got it covered. It uses the same maps and charts that have been produced for Garmins other devices. I haven't looked in to it yet but the Ocean navigational charts should be able to load on there also.
Due to my rural location data is not reliable. When hiking hundreds of miles from the nearest tower its not even an after thought. So i prefer to have all of the map data located on my 8gb HCSD. The entire Island of Newfoundland is ~20 mb for each map.
The Dir. on the device is 4.8 mb (for V5) the rest is on the card.
The City guide maps are the most detailed i have seen yet. Many of the smaller roads in my area were not on Tom Tom.
The down side is that it costs quite a bit. I have mapsource software from other devices so it wasn't that much for me. I have seen reference to a "re-pack" from other discussions, located on the torrent sites but that's at your own risk.
Live search and Google free apps....I prefer Livesearch......
Sprint Navigation is also great for a free app....
TT7 is my software of choice. i dont know about anyone else, but i kinda like variety in my GPS, so i pretty much have all of them and pick and choose based on what im feelin and whichever one i press first.
I've tried a number of programs:
iGO: Beautiful maps, great interface, good voice prompts, very accurate... but it's a HUGE memory hog. You can't do anything else when running it. I've even had my phone fail because of lack of memory. Not acceptable if I can't make and receive calls.
iGuidance: Very low memory usage. Accurate. Buttons are small, hard to use when in the car. Graphics are not great looking. I had some quirks with the display when switching between Landscape and Portrait modes.
TomTom: Graphics are better than iGuidance, not as good as iGo. Buttons are large and easy to use in the car. Accurate. Memory usage is low. I was able to plot and follow a 2.5 hour trip and play my music with Media Player without an hitch in TomTom or the music.
All things considered, I'd love to use iGo, but the huge amount of memory usage makes it a not go for the Titan's wimpy 64megs. TomTom uses a lot less memory and is only a small step down from iGo's graphics.
Garmin Mobile XT with the newest patch/ver
I am useing Garmin Mobile XT and am on ver 5.00.20wp and it works great and new features integrate onling functions very well. Graphics are best I have seen and it gives gas prices, locations, speed limits, cameras, and google looks up stuff thats not in your database of poi's.
madman34 said:
I am useing Garmin Mobile XT and am on ver 5.00.20wp and it works great and new features integrate onling functions very well. Graphics are best I have seen and it gives gas prices, locations, speed limits, cameras, and google looks up stuff thats not in your database of poi's.
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Another vote here... Garmin Mobile XT seems to integrate the best of the online services (gas prices, traffic, etc) with the ability to be used as a true standalone GPS (not reliant on a data connection). I travel a few places where I lose my data connection (no phone service at all) and Garmin doesn't even blink, with all the map info stored on the microSD card.
IGo 8
IGO 8 is by far the smoothest, sexiest and quickest recalculating map and trust me I have used them all.
Cons: You must disable everything running in the background before using. I have never had a problem with receiving calls. I leave my bluetooth headset hooked up while navigating so my device can remain in holster. Just do a soft reset before you run the program run oxios hibernate and if you have about 25 megs free initially I drove 2600 miles with it recaluculating and just sitting still while I went in no problems.
Garmin XT is my second choice because I find it easy to use and very dependable.
Live Search and Google Maps require internet connection and were useless in the smokey mountains, except to prime agps.
Garmin XT
I have Garmin XT and it's great. I also use Google maps from time to time, it's better if you want to check out an area you kind of know real fast and also it has the sat maps which can be nice sometimes. But for actual naviagation Garmin blows Google away. Memory is sometimes an issue but with the latest DCD 3.2.6 it's less and less of a prob.

wat's ur experience on x10 mini pro/mini ?

Hi all,
I am from India and while I was in Bangalore I picked this little android phone. I was in a dilemma which phone to pick, my budget was not too good for any 1gig - android phone so I had to pick this one (backflip from moto or wildfire from HTC was my other options -).
From the very first day that first thing I noticed that I am not that satisfied with the phone apart from the fact it's an android( which I needed badly) and (look of the phone -). I felt no one has used/ experienced / tested this phone before releasing. It's like a B-grade hindi movie, you like the title and then you like nothing.
Even they did not pay a little attention to make icons in a same pattern, games are horrible, I cannot access the market or any other app/widgets with manual configured apns (vodafone, india)--- its like worse dream of my life. I myself hate copy paste but I think people from sony (graphics as well as the developers) need to know this copy paste funda. I was very angry and posted all these in "Update on updates" as MINI PRO USER (may be now lost as around 2000 comments are there).
I don't how come they marketed this one with horrible calling feature, when I try to call or receive the call, the screen goes and needs unlock to find somewhere in the screen a tiny rectangle (if u use any other launcher, opps u even can't find it). Then messaging, in my life this is the first phone which takes ages to show the letter when u use the soft keyboard.
And how come they can make they make "CA gold rush" or something like that with a **** like icon? It's unbelievable, no tester with sony ? or HE is non sense.
Anyway I know I can easily download lots of apk's from here and there (as android market does not work) and make things better. But when is it desirable to purchase a Nike shoe and very first day then go to other painter to do some painting???
I really don't get enough time for doing stuff like changing icons or changing colors of the framework-res.apk. then also I had to spend 2 days to find icons like iphone (please iphone hater don't be angry, we all know the pattern of iphone icons are really good and almost every phone-maker tries to make something like that) or some good png icons and put then all the apk's that came with this and other apps that I needed. Now the phone looks like a phone. But I don't know when SONY will come up with a update that will make this a real phone (at least when I will be able to use the GPRS, Market etc and will be able to pick a incoming with minimum effort, those "SOFTWARE GUYS" made a slider with incoming phone that's like picking a needle huh.......b e a u tiful )
phone is nice and fast... works good. i got adw launcher and i rooted it so i could uninstall alot of pre-installed junk...
its fast, smooth im happy with it.
I know, my phone is also rooted and I changed all the icons through out, and using a launcher customized for me (I made a simple launcher for me) some time. I know we can do a lot of things in android that is one the reason I looked for android device, not WM phone. But my point was when someone is selling (marketing) some product, they should test it thoroughly. Why should the users take the pressure to find a decent launcher or call app??
I really like the phone but:
1- SE support SUCKS.
2- Upgrade to Android 2.1 delayed (Sucks)
3- No news about upgrade to android 2.2 (double sucks).
4- Turn on/off problems :
If the phone would work as it should, and the SE updates where in date, it should be one of the best phones for me.
My biggest disappointment, coming from WM, is the Android app market...
Yes: ,000's of android apps, but very few well-developed ones. My X1 is a bit like a Swiss Army Knife (without accelerometer, fast CPU etc etc), but the applications out there are plenty, and well designed. Also the WM apps are pretty expensive, comparatively but at least they exist.
The X10 Mini Pro itself, I'm OK with it. A lot of the minor flaws can be remedied by small apps like the SMS Handcent, adding a launcher, that sort of thing...
Biggest issue for me is the Android-wide problem of not being able to modify font size at system level. What were these guys thinking of?
Seems I have a bigger problem with Android, than with the X10 Mini Pro
I'm very pleased with my little "tamagochi" aka X10 mini
The point is i'm coming from a HTC Hero, and I loved it a lot, but the last time sometimes it got frozen i don't know why. I gave a X10 mini to my girlfriend and i got very impressed about the phone and finally I decided to get another one for me, so she and I have the same mobile.
First of all I have to say that the mobile is REALLY fast. Faster than my Hero on a 2.1 android version. Sony Ericsson has done a very good job about that even it running 1.6 android version. The kernel is very light, but for that reason some things doesn't work (i.e. tethering via root).
Good things: fast, very light, small, excellent camera (even better than other high models), excelent touch response
Bad things: BATTERY! (the worst), Android 1.6 and some stuff like launcher (aaaargh), the contact list, Timescape (I hate it) and the facebook links
For me the display isn't a bad thing cuz if not, it wasn't a small phone, and i like the small phones.
Some stuff inside is bad, but you can change perfectly. I mean the awful keyboard... that's very easy to fix with a keyboard from the market. I'm very happy with "Smart Keyboard pro". Nothing to say about the SE launcher... is totally a CRAP, you have to change it inmediately! "ADW Launcher" for 1.6 (on market) is really really good, once installed it, your phone is a true android mobile . Other stuff i didn't like was the SMS app from SE, so I changed it by "ChompSMS" and it works excellent on my X10 mini.
Other point is that some apps don't appear in the market because of the screen resolution. Anyway, I got most of them via Apktor (Aptoide), and they work perfect... I don't remember now what were them.
I want the update to 2.1 ASAP cuz I hope that SE improves the facebook links to the contacts (they said that in their blog) and also to install some apps that need android 2.0 or above, like Whatsapp and new google stuff.
So that's all, I'm very happy with it !!!
Just loving it !!!
It has got style and design features are so good that it is very easy to communicate with just one hand. It's a basic smart phone, great for the basic user. Internet, music, calls, text, chat, e-mail and apps to pay your bills.
The 5MP camera on the X10 mini performed admirably. It was quick to focus even in low light with very low shutterlag for a camera phone. The flash worked quite well for low light portrait shots. Images showed good colors and satisfactory details.
I just love this phone and really can't think a day without it.
Hope to read good reviews from respected community members about this phone......
Don Zone
My x10 mini is the best phone i've ever had. I have it since about 3 months now. It does everything I need and is very loveable. I have access to app market with no problem. I use the 3g connection as the much as the wifi, use the gps for driving (with google nav).
At first I thought the battery life was awful, but after uncharging completely and recharging fully 3 or 4 times, now I have 2 days of life. The only problems I have for now is not being able to copy text from sms, and cant find a descent azerty keyboard. I am please to know we will get 2.1 by the end of this month so I didn't take the time to fully customise the start screen with a launcher.
My old phones : htc 9100, touch diamond, htc snap.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
For the SMS try ChompSMS, it's much better than the native app from SE, you can copy texts and much more, also you can write in landscape, with the original app you can't.
For the keyboard, try smart keyboard pro, I like it a lot, it has a very good algoritm and it can learn words you usually use, etc.
Both of them are in Apktor (Aptoide) for free. I think they are a MUST.
darfito said:
For the SMS try ChompSMS, it's much better than the native app from SE, you can copy texts and much more, also you can write in landscape, with the original app you can't.
For the keyboard, try smart keyboard pro, I like it a lot, it has a very good algoritm and it can learn words you usually use, etc.
Both of them are in Apktor (Aptoide) for free. I think they are a MUST.
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smart keyboard pro Hmm is not free it's a paid app
Hey I'm also from India..I Just love my "little fella"..battery is a big problem though
Take a look to Apktor or Aptoide app on google, I can't say anything else... hehe
I'M also from India.
Now I'm having xperia mini pro.
My dad having xperia x10.
Before this I had HTC tattoo.
I sold HTC tattoo because there is no 2.1 rom with camera working.
Xperia have official update.
Very nice and small size phone.
Nice hardware for that cost.
Really happy with phone.
Waiting for update......
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
I have had the x10 mini for a week and generally I like it. Its compact and lightweight and has many features.
There is a few annoying things that I dont like.
- Low resolution which doesnt look good.
- Cant have homescreen in landscape mode like the pro (this is very annoying)
- When inputting messages in landscape mode it can be quite unresponsive on occasions.
- The back cover of the phone feels very cheap and creaky.
- Battery life needs to be improved.
- Screen is a smudge magnet and is plastic not glass?
X10 Mini is perfect small phone with lots of features
Background data question
I'm planning to buy the Mini Pro but I'm worried about battery life issue.. How does the background data and synchronisation system work on Android? If I want an e-mail and some other apps to be automatically synchronised e.g. once in an hour, does it require data connection to be switched on all the time? If I disable background data from the settings, are all the apps able to turn it on when needed (when it's time fo sync)? Just like it works on Symbian devices.. Only 3G connection will be used in my case, not WiFi..
And how about GPS, do I have to manually turn it on before I launch Google Maps? Or does the Maps turn the GPS on automatically when needed?

[List] Must have Apps for 8.9"

I thought I'd make this list of Apps that i find very usefull on my tab.
Most of them are optimized for tablet resolution. I'm looking forward to seeing your suggestions to add them to the list.
I will try to go off the beaten path a little, and not suggest the apps everyone knows about anyhow
ASUS Supernote (Free)
This is the notetaking app that comes with the transformer...and its friggin awesome! You can't get it in the market so you have to sideload it. So far i have found no notetaking app that works as well as this one does!
ComicRack (Free/5,99€)
So you like to read comics? This is in my eyes the best comicreader hands down!
It really shines if you use it in combination with the comicrack program for pc. You can sync your libraries, read status, and lots of other stuff. The paid version offers wifi sync but the free version works perfectly fine! The dev is very supportive and open to suggestions. If you like comics, check this out!
Feedly (Free)
Great RSS reader. Tight integration with GoogleReader. A joy to look at.
BubbleUPNP (Free/3,49€)
This is my UPNP player of choice. I have a homeserver running XBMC providing all my TVshows and Movies and bubbleUPNP does a great job without a lot of hassle streaming them to the tab. The free version works great aswell!
Mantano Reader (Free/3,99€)
After trying a lot of e-readers I finally settled with this one. It has a nice interface, simple controls and quite a bit of customizability. Plus it supports epud and pdf formats, incase you get your books from "somewhere else"
Facedroid (1,25€)
My facebook app of choice for the tablet. Still being actively developed with very nice devs. Any Bugs? Write them and it will probably be fixed tomorrow!
Total Commander (Free)
Maybe you know this from Windows. Its a very advanced and powerfull file manager and there is a beta version for android! Pretty awesome app, with two pane view which makes copying and moving stuff about pretty easy! Not in the market, must be sideloaded but can be downloaded directly at the developers site.
Will post some more when I get the time.
Hope you find something usefull here.
Might I add
Dolphin browser
Droid TV
Stumble Upon
Ted Air
Floating Image
Di radio, Jazz radio
I can haz tablet (sorry
PewPew2, Osmos, Where's my water, Reckless Racing HD, World of Goo, Reflexions
Redditmag, baconreader
Voodoo Screen tuning
Setcpu, voltage control
Fast reboot pro
Rom toolbox, spare parts +, antutu
I really enjoy Pulse New, its a nice way to bring a lot of news feeds together in one place
Its a free text messaging service, just because im too lazy to use my phone or my brother is using my phone. Textfree doesn't support tablets but this does and it syncs over devices and even gives a few free calling minutes.
Dirty Jokes
I really don't need to elaborate much more, its just funny
HD Widgets, Wizz Widgets
I like widgets, finding large tablet friendly ones isn't so easy
Zenonia is an RPG style game that has touch friendly controls, interesting story, and a little less grinding thing your final fantasy. There are 4 of them and none of they are related so you can grab the two free ones if you don't want to buy the two paid ones
Swiftkey X Tablet version
Sent from my GT-P7310 using XDA Premium HD app
If you have a Google Voice account, GrooveIP is pretty awesome. Turns your tablet into a mobile phone. Incoming and outgoing calls.
bdfull3r said:
Its a free text messaging service, just because im too lazy to use my phone or my brother is using my phone. Textfree doesn't support tablets but this does and it syncs over devices and even gives a few free calling minutes.
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But only any good if you have a 3g version of the tablet, not wi-fi only?
choccy31 said:
But only any good if you have a 3g version of the tablet, not wi-fi only?
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The app works perfectly fine on both my smartphone a rather weak LG Optimus V and my tablet the overpowered Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 wifi
i have the wifi only tablet and it works perfectly fine for me.
quick boot quick boot because i dont have to press the power button to turn off the tab or go to the boot load,recovery,ect,ect,ect....

Speeds- Watch Face and Speedometer for Android Wear

We just released „Speeds“ watch face and speedometer on Google Play.
“Speeds” watch face turns your Android Wear device into a sporty time machine.
Would love to hear what you think.
We could not post link. So please search for „speeds zuhanden“ on Google Play.
GREAT watch face, tested yesterday work like a charm.
nice watchface. my favorite.
Beautiful. Could you please make the same watch face without the GPS speed to use everyday?
and what if i dont use the GPS? it lacks the speed info. any other issues? battery still decreasing fast, or?
Very cool idea. Here is the link, to make it easier for others to find it:
The Watchface looks really great.
Maybe you can integrate a function to disable gps or do a "only clock" version ?
Would love it :good:
Does anyone find this app making the wear slower? And although the gps is not working at me (nexus 5 with android L) the battery drains faster. Anyone else with these issues?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
This watch face seems to play hell with my 360. It lags a lot if I'm powering it on or returning to the main watch screen from being in s program
bogdan_wrc said:
Does anyone find this app making the wear slower? And although the gps is not working at me (nexus 5 with android L) the battery drains faster. Anyone else with these issues?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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I installed the Speed watch face but do not run it all the time... (no pun intended)
The GPS needs to be on, it does not mater the device?
but I do not know if Nexus5 with Android L has any special issues, Since Android L is only in development maybe there are challenges?
I have no issue with the Note 3 and 4.4.2

