BackUp TG01 - TG01 General

Hi, I just would like to ask how you guys doing your BackUps of ypur TG01. I can see lots of as is traing different cooked rooms and i cnow how to restore my ow personal data like phone book, sms, email or so but how i can restore installed applications, software and all staff i had on my phone installed before i change the Room but with home screen or UI from the new Room.
I du not believe all of you is installing all applications aver again and again after you change the room with different UI like SPB or HTC Sence.

Good question! I've always had the same curiosity, because as I have a lot of apps installed on my device and I need it for my private and professional life, I had never tested any ROM, not for the PIM dates (easy to recover from Pimbackup or the useful Microsoft MyPhone) but to avoid installing all the apps again!
Recently and to avoid this problem, I've bought a cheap screen scratched TG01 , just for testing roms!
But coming back to your question, I'm interested in the answer as well!

MarvX said:
Hi, I just would like to ask how you guys doing your BackUps of ypur TG01. I can see lots of as is traing different cooked rooms and i cnow how to restore my ow personal data like phone book, sms, email or so but how i can restore installed applications, software and all staff i had on my phone installed before i change the Room but with home screen or UI from the new Room.
I du not believe all of you is installing all applications aver again and again after you change the room with different UI like SPB or HTC Sence.
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Pere said:
Good question! I've always had the same curiosity, because as I have a lot of apps installed on my device and I need it for my private and professional life, I had never tested any ROM, not for the PIM dates (easy to recover from Pimbackup or the useful Microsoft MyPhone) but to avoid installing all the apps again!
Recently and to avoid this problem, I've bought a cheap screen scratched TG01 , just for testing roms!
But coming back to your question, I'm interested in the answer as well!
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I will say the answer is VERY simple!!!
You just need a bit of help from cooks! It's tricky job but works mostly!
This is an app that can be cooked within the ROM. Before you flash a new ROM, all you need to do is check if the ROM has XDA_UC or not. If your new ROM has XDA_UC, then simply create a folder in your SD card as "XDA_UC", without the inverted commas. In this folder add ALL your cabs. Once flash finishes, XDA_UC will autoinstall all cabs for you while you sit back, relax and enjoy your tea!
Now, I know you will want to be greedy like I do - 'What about my apps from marketplace?' - no luck there friends! But in market place you can choose to 'install all apps' once you log in - so it's not that time consuming either!
In my future ROMs you will definitely see XDA_UC. Also I am right now working on cooking XDA_UC in DruROM1, DruROM2, DruROM3: So look out for an edit soon

drupad2drupad said:
........ In this folder add ALL your cabs. Once flash finishes, XDA_UC will autoinstall all cabs for you while you sit back, relax and enjoy your tea!........
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Not bad, thanks for the trick, nevertheless, most of the apps need a register operation, and I'm afraid that this must be always "hand made"....

drupad2drupad said:
I will say the answer is VERY simple!!!
You just need a bit of help from cooks! It's tricky job but works mostly!
This is an app that can be cooked within the ROM. Before you flash a new ROM, all you need to do is check if the ROM has XDA_UC or not. If your new ROM has XDA_UC, then simply create a folder in your SD card as "XDA_UC", without the inverted commas. In this folder add ALL your cabs. Once flash finishes, XDA_UC will autoinstall all cabs for you while you sit back, relax and enjoy your tea!
Now, I know you will want to be greedy like I do - 'What about my apps from marketplace?' - no luck there friends! But in market place you can choose to 'install all apps' once you log in - so it's not that time consuming either!
In my future ROMs you will definitely see XDA_UC. Also I am right now working on cooking XDA_UC in DruROM1, DruROM2, DruROM3: So look out for an edit soon
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woo! nice one drupad
thanks for letting us know about this app. it sounds so much better than having to individualy install!

Pere said:
Not bad, thanks for the trick, nevertheless, most of the apps need a register operation, and I'm afraid that this must be always "hand made"....
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olyloh6696 said:
woo! nice one drupad
thanks for letting us know about this app. it sounds so much better than having to individualy install!
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Guys, I have updated all 4 druROMs with AUTOCAB install now. You can add all your registry tweaks, your PIM back up files and your cabs that you wish to install (both those that need you to press something while installinga and those that dont!) in a single folder on your storage card and once you flashing my rom you can install all of it just by 3 clicks! (yes literally 3 - not counting scrolls)

drupad2drupad said:
Guys, I have updated all 4 druROMs with AUTOCAB install now. You can add all your registry tweaks, your PIM back up files and your cabs that you wish to install (both those that need you to press something while installinga and those that dont!) in a single folder on your storage card and once you flashing my rom you can install all of it just by 3 clicks! (yes literally 3 - not counting scrolls)
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THats great! Will try it out soon on my next rom flash£


How Do I Install ROM's Without the Bloat?

Good afternoon, everyone. I am sure this have been covered before.
I own a Cingular 8525 and I am using the latest official release. I understand a new ROM will be released shortly and I'd like to know how to install the ROM without all the bloat that Cingular builds into it.
However, I need the custom settings, such as the settings for GPRS (I utilize Push) and other Cingular settings (such as TXT settings and voicemail) that are needed.
From what I gather you can soft reset before the custom installation, but that's where I need to know what to do to get the settings in place. I imagine from what I've read that this is easy but I can't find how others have done it.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I'd like to be able to print any help for future reference.
Thank you in advance.
Most of the 'BLOAT' is built into the ROM itself anyway, so you would need to 'bake' the ROM in order to get rid of it which would be a bigger P.I.T.A than it is worth. If you are wishing to go for a 'clean' ROM with minimal crap in it then you could always try one of the latest WM6 ROMs, black (for example) has a cingular flavour which you can use (it has all the standard cingular stuff in it, except it is WM6). Id recommend giving that a shot if you wanna try it.
To upgrade to black 2.5 you can use my guide and when you come to the part where you download the ROM select the one for cingular users.
Thank you for the link, however, I do not want to use unofficial releases.
I don't necessarily agree with everything you've said. Granted, I am sure you have more experience when it comes to this.
I did a hard reset on my phone a few months ago and then a soft reset before the custom installation started. Much of the bloat was absent but I couldn't figure out those custom settings that I did need.
Maybe I am mistaken...?
what custom settings do you need? thats where im a little confuzzuled.. the data settings? the MMS settings? if thats it they can all be installed with ne effort byy using the Cingular Settings cab thats floating around. other than the data and MMS which can also be entered manualy if you know them by heart or write them down before upgrading the rom. come to think of all can be installed by cabs just.
madmatt079 said:
Thank you for the link, however, I do not want to use unofficial releases.
I don't necessarily agree with everything you've said. Granted, I am sure you have more experience when it comes to this.
I did a hard reset on my phone a few months ago and then a soft reset before the custom installation started. Much of the bloat was absent but I couldn't figure out those custom settings that I did need.
Maybe I am mistaken...?
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All you do with a hard reset is remove apps or whatever else you installed in the device. You can't remove this "bloat", or in other words, what the phone had when you first turned it on. It's in the ROM, and what the post above already told you, you can only get a basic ROM without the added crap if you upgrade to WM6. Are you looking for a WM5 that someone bothered to take the time to remove stuff from? That's, um, as they said at Bastogne, nuts!
Guys, I'm not looking to incite an arguement, but I know this is not the case.
For instance, when I did a hard reset then a soft reset before the customization began I didn't have a bunch of applications, such as: ClearVue PDF, Download Agent, Voice Speed Dial, SIM Manager, Zip, and a few others.
Now, that is only if I recall correctly, but I am fairly certain that at least a few of those were in fact missing. I also didn't have the Cingular theme.
As I previously said, I have not and do not want to use an unofficially released ROM.
I have a colleague that has the MDA (T-Mobile) and he told me about this process. However, he could only provide me with information related to the MDA.
austinsync: Could you please point me in the direction of the settings CAB or the settings for MMS/data/etc. for the 8525?
Thanks everyone for reading and attempting to help/or helping. Thanks.
The best way to find out what "bloat" you have is to unlock your extended rom and check what cab files are included in it. Anything else on your phone is either part of the ROM or installed by you later.
There's one method of unlocking/unhiding here or if you know the ROM version the extended ROM contents may already be listed here
You can also modify your extended ROM (but I can't find the tutorial at the moment) , and there are also many links to cab files for the Cingular settings.
The only problem with researching for this info is that it'll open your eyes to the many possibilities the Hermes has and you may get hooked on WM6 and upgrading
madmatt079 said:
Guys, I'm not looking to incite an arguement, but I know this is not the case.
For instance, when I did a hard reset then a soft reset before the customization began I didn't have a bunch of applications, such as: ClearVue PDF, Download Agent, Voice Speed Dial, SIM Manager, Zip, and a few others.
Now, that is only if I recall correctly, but I am fairly certain that at least a few of those were in fact missing. I also didn't have the Cingular theme.
As I previously said, I have not and do not want to use an unofficially released ROM.
I have a colleague that has the MDA (T-Mobile) and he told me about this process. However, he could only provide me with information related to the MDA.
austinsync: Could you please point me in the direction of the settings CAB or the settings for MMS/data/etc. for the 8525?
Thanks everyone for reading and attempting to help/or helping. Thanks.
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I just upgraded to the latest officially released ROM from HTC and AT&T (
And now there is even more bloat, such as AT&T Music and an animated startup.
We know, that is why many of us here use ROMs from the kitchen. That is where the bloat is removed. From PDA to high-end PC when it comes from the factory it will have bloatware installed.
madmatt079 said:
I just upgraded to the latest officially released ROM from HTC and AT&T (http://www.america /software-downloads.html ).
And now there is even more bloat, such as AT&T Music and an animated startup.
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I suggest you try reading more.
Btw, you don't have to manually enter yout txt and voicemail settings..just go to "phone" "services" and "get settings" and that may not even be required, and its really simple to enter your data settings manually...but that would require reading also.
madmatt079 said:
I just upgraded to the latest officially released ROM from HTC and AT&T (
And now there is even more bloat, such as AT&T Music and an animated startup.
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Gee, ya think? That's why we keep repeating ourselves by telling you to update to one of the cooked ROMS here, since they're as basic as they come and you can add whatever CABs, or as you say "bloat", to your own personal liking. *sigh*
It sounds like a little confusion is happening. I see where the guy (girl?) is coming from. when you run the .exe file from HTC's website, it installs a basic image. When the device reboots, a "Batch file" runs that goes through a bunch of pre-loaded cabs installing a lot of extra apps (bloat). What madmatt079 did in the past was, right before the device says "customizing your phone" he/she hit the soft reset. This interupted the "batch file" prohibiting the cabs from being installed. Though the cabs were sitting in the wings waiting, they were never executed resulting in less "icons" on the screens. But, this also keeps some of the cingular specific settings from taking hold.
I understand his un-willingness to install a baked ROM. Doing it his soft-reset way gives him a warm fuzzy when it comes to keeping the phone stock, but not really stock you know. I think the correct answer here is the search feature. Either that, or let the ROM go all the way through, wirte your setting down on paper, then redo the ROM and stop it mid stream. The stuff will be there, just not fully installed.
Good luck with it.
madmatt079 said:
I just upgraded to the latest officially released ROM from HTC and AT&T (
And now there is even more bloat, such as AT&T Music and an animated startup.
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As it has been stated...the bloat is in the ROM...not the extended rom that runs after a hard resest.
here are the contents of the extended ROM:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\C_GetTeleNav.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MT_PC_Hermes_PTT_REG_070129.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_PIE_Default.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\ShortString_Keypad_XML.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\SMS_Setting_07Jun06.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\ppcquickstart_QVGA.PPC_Draft_11-17.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\ST_Audio216Patch_20070409.CAB
None of these include the "music bloat" or start up screen.
One of the biggest advanatages of "Cooked Roms" is the stripping of the bloat. This is why cooked roms run faster and appear to be much more stable.
gr8hifi said:
It sounds like a little confusion is happening. I see where the guy (girl?) is coming from. when you run the .exe file from HTC's website, it installs a basic image. When the device reboots, a "Batch file" runs that goes through a bunch of pre-loaded cabs installing a lot of extra apps (bloat). What madmatt079 did in the past was, right before the device says "customizing your phone" he/she hit the soft reset. This interupted the "batch file" prohibiting the cabs from being installed. Though the cabs were sitting in the wings waiting, they were never executed resulting in less "icons" on the screens. But, this also keeps some of the cingular specific settings from taking hold.
I understand his un-willingness to install a baked ROM. Doing it his soft-reset way gives him a warm fuzzy when it comes to keeping the phone stock, but not really stock you know. I think the correct answer here is the search feature. Either that, or let the ROM go all the way through, wirte your setting down on paper, then redo the ROM and stop it mid stream. The stuff will be there, just not fully installed.
Good luck with it.
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Yeah, I figured that, and he's super lucky he didn't brick the phone. I had that happen to me doing what he did. Thankfully it was under warrenty and a new one was shipped a few days later.
I'm not going to comment on any one post in particular. However, there is no need to tell me to “try reading more”. This site is here for a purpose. Forgive me for not being an expert. That is exactly why I am here, so I can learn from the best.
As for those of you who have attempted to help me and offer me a starting point, thank you.
I now see what you are talking about regarding the soft resets and that the bloat is in fact included in the ROM (rofin44: I test upgrades against a second 8525 that is not on contract, but I need a stable build and that's why I usually go with official releases).
So instead of asking for more information on how to, I’d like to know which ROM you recommend for the Cingular 8525; preferably a basic ROM with no additional software but easy to install the settings needed from the Extended ROM. If that makes sense?
Thank you again.
Kaiser Rom
madmatt079 said:
Good afternoon, everyone. I am sure this have been covered before.
I own a Cingular 8525 and I am using the latest official release. I understand a new ROM will be released shortly and I'd like to know how to install the ROM without all the bloat that Cingular builds into it.
However, I need the custom settings, such as the settings for GPRS (I utilize Push) and other Cingular settings (such as TXT settings and voicemail) that are needed.
From what I gather you can soft reset before the custom installation, but that's where I need to know what to do to get the settings in place. I imagine from what I've read that this is easy but I can't find how others have done it.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I'd like to be able to print any help for future reference.
Thank you in advance.
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Please. You can send me this Rom, because I am with Kaiser locked in the screen three-colored and necessary of Rom Original that is same yours. Thank you very much.
[email protected]
I honestly can not understand why you don't want to go to 'unofficial' release. The unofficial releases of 6.1 these days are just way better than the official ones. If you really want a semi official one you might want to try vp3g's ROM, however I am more than happy with CRC's.
My hermes only has 64 mb of RAM and 128 of ROM, I need the least amount of stuff in it yet I want stable so I can use it for my bizo. I have no need to have live search, as I don't live in the US, so I have a win win situation there.
Carriers make a good OS bad!
I would say CRC's v11.2 (v12.4 is faster, but there's glitches)
If you want a faster phone at the cost of some ram, I would say put the pagepoll up to 8megs, ill stick the program for doing it onto the post.

Upgrading my phone for the 1st time.

I have Verizon Wireless service. I want to upgrade my phone for the first time. I've been reading alot and the Wiki but it doesn't go into great detal about how to do it. I want to make sure I have got everything down correctly first.
- First, get my phones ESN, MSID, Security, EPST, and M. IP settings by using ##778, etc.
- Second, I unlock the phone and install BootLoader 2.40 per Wiki instructions.
- Third, I install Titan_Radio_ROM_3.42.30 by coping TITAIMG.nbh to my SD mini card and running bootloader by pressing the 3 keys.
- Fourth, I install dcd_titan_kitchen_3.2.2 by running it and compiling it and coping the created RUU_signed.nbh after renaming it to TITAIMG.nbh and copying it to the SD card and running bootloader by using the 3 keys.
I pretty much checked everything before I compiled it, except items that did the same thing or that was double like the different versions of the camera. Is that OK, or will it eat up all my memory, or will I have other problems? I didn't know what alot of the stuff was, so I thought it would just be best to install everything. Also, the wiki talks about choosing the right carrier and not more then one carrier, but that option wasn't there. I assume that's what the VZ cab is now here for?
- Fifth, copy dcd Verizon Carrier to the SD card and run that.
Then I do a soft reset and everything should be working? Is that right? Did I miss anything?
I also don't understand the A-key problem and how to avoid it.
I'm also confused about not booting after you upgrade the ROM and after the screen calibration the carrier customisations will run and alter my EPST settings to the operators settings and my phone will be configured to the wrong service. What's that about?
Will it allow me to run the verizon cab file from the SD card after I install the ROM without having to soft boot the phone?
Also, can I use PIM backup and restore to backup to my SD card and then restore after the ROM upgrade? Will that be a problem?
Thanks for your help and time.
Long post, so here is mine:
Your four steps are pretty close, other than mentioning the formatting of the sd card which you probably already know how to do via cmd, you have it right.
If you are not checking extra boxes in the kitchen, you can just use the ROM he posts underneath. If you want standard games, x-button, different versions of the phone or camera, etc or if you want to install your own OEMs then the kitchen is for you. Sounds like you are just planning on hitting everything, which I would suggest against (you don't want or need two phone versions, two cameras, etc). Leave the items where they are unless you know why you are changing them, dont click everything. Do some research on each item by googling xda here.
With regard to carrier cabs, run your carrier cab afterward to get functionality. Yes you can run from SD. I have never needed to do an A-Key reset, but others had to after upgrading radio. Just call verizon and tell them you are not able to authenticate your phone and they will reset your phone for you. Don't worry about what it is or why it happens.
Letting customizations run is for when you run the sprint update, which it doesn't sound like you are doing. If you are running the updates over sd card, you can let the customizations run, but since you dont have UC (research here) there is nothing to run so no worries; it will try to run your UC and see there is nothing there and just reboot, kewl. Don't use backups (Sprite or SPB or otherwise, best to use activesync and UC (see above).
Yes, the simple stuff I left out like formatting the card, etc. I understand that.
I guess I need to use the Kitchen because their are some items in there that I want, and some items that I don't know what they are, and I'll look into it like you said instead of just checking everything just incase it's something I might want or need in the future. Like I said I didn't click on everything, stuff that do the same thing, or different versions of the same thing I didn't click on. So, I think I just clicked on everything but Enterprise + IPSECVPN, Camera 4.05.30525.00, HTC CommManager - Titan 8 Button, and HTC Titan PhoneCanvas (Dailer).
It sounds like I won't need Enterprise + IPSECVPN, because it sounds like it's for some kind of Enterprise network with VPN, and I don't have something like that. I would like to know the difference between the version 4 & 5 of the Camera. I assume version 5 is better. I assume that the Touch 10 is better then the Titan 8 button, but would like to know the differences, also the differences in the Dialers. I assumed the Vogue was preffered since it was the default one that was checked. I haven't checked out the link you left for me yet, so I'll do that to see if I can see the differences.
Do I do a soft reset after I install the Radio and before I install the ROM and after I install the ROM and before I install the Carrier Cab file?
I'm having problems doing backups now. I don't have activesync because I have Vista and it doesn't use activesync. I was able to do backups with Outook and Windows, but they won't work anymore. I was using the USB data cable and they were working fine, but then I got a Bluetooth Dongle and installed that and it messed everything up. I tried one that was compatible with XP and downloaded different drivers and I couldn't get it to work. So, I purchased one that was compatible with Vista and it would sync but not backup my contacts and appointments with Outlook like it would with the data cable. I tried using the USB cable and it won't work anymore either. I can't even get it to make a connection anymore, and it will show an error on the phone. That's why I got the PIM backup and restore software to backup to and from the SD card. I haven't used it yet. I was going to try and use it, and then do a Hard Reset and then restore my data to my phone and try to get it to backup to my Outlook like it used to with the USB Cable. If I can get that to work I was going to try and do the Titan ROM update. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks for all the help!! Take care!
serfboreds said:
Long post, so here is mine:
Your four steps are pretty close, other than mentioning the formatting of the sd card which you probably already know how to do via cmd, you have it right.
If you are not checking extra boxes in the kitchen, you can just use the ROM he posts underneath. If you want standard games, x-button, different versions of the phone or camera, etc or if you want to install your own OEMs then the kitchen is for you. Sounds like you are just planning on hitting everything, which I would suggest against (you don't want or need two phone versions, two cameras, etc). Leave the items where they are unless you know why you are changing them, dont click everything. Do some research on each item by googling xda here.
With regard to carrier cabs, run your carrier cab afterward to get functionality. Yes you can run from SD. I have never needed to do an A-Key reset, but others had to after upgrading radio. Just call verizon and tell them you are not able to authenticate your phone and they will reset your phone for you. Don't worry about what it is or why it happens.
Letting customizations run is for when you run the sprint update, which it doesn't sound like you are doing. If you are running the updates over sd card, you can let the customizations run, but since you dont have UC (research here) there is nothing to run so no worries; it will try to run your UC and see there is nothing there and just reboot, kewl. Don't use backups (Sprite or SPB or otherwise, best to use activesync and UC (see above).
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Is there a size limit to the ROM file RUU_signed.nbh? There should be. Let me know. Thanks.. Steve
Since this is your first ROM upgrade I think you should avoid the kitchen for now and just use DCD's compiled rom. (this is just my opinion) It will really simplify things for you.
As for PIM backup I would think it would work fine for contacts, but I think you will run into issues if you wan to restore SMS backups because of going from WM6 to 6.1 and the threading SMS that is used for 6.1.
I also saw this I haven't used it yet, but its free online solution for backing up your PPC.
As far as your question for soft-resets go, When you run the update the phone should reset on its own. I don't know why your active sync isn't working, but I would try and get it to work before running these updates to ensure proper connectivity of your device before running these updates.
Thats what you would need to get it to connect.
cleanser said:
Since this is your first ROM upgrade I think you should avoid the kitchen for now and just use DCD's compiled rom. (this is just my opinion) It will really simplify things for you.
As for PIM backup I would think it would work fine for contacts, but I think you will run into issues if you wan to restore SMS backups because of going from WM6 to 6.1 and the threading SMS that is used for 6.1.
I also saw this I haven't used it yet, but its free online solution for backing up your PPC.
As far as your question for soft-resets go, When you run the update the phone should reset on its own. I don't know why your active sync isn't working, but I would try and get it to work before running these updates to ensure proper connectivity of your device before running these updates.
Thats what you would need to get it to connect.
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I've used PIM Backup since Jan of this year, and have had no issues restoring any SMS from a WM6 to WM6.1. It goes through and threads it all the 1st time you open up messaging, so if you have a large amount of messages, it will take a while to thread it all the 1st time you open it up....
For my first time I did not use the kitchen. I found it pretty easy to do. Just make sure you load the radio b4 the rom.
I just wanted to thank everybody for all there feedback and help, it was very helpful. The 3 main reasons I need to do the ROM update is to take advantage of the new features of WM6.1 and I need to be able to install Java and get my TomTom GPS software working. That's the 3 main reasons right now.
My phone is so messed up right now it's always locking up and having alot of problems from maybe all the apps I installed and tested and stuff. I need to reset it like 3 or 4 times a day. I think that's why I can't sync it with my computer anymore. I'm going to just back it up to the SD card and do a hard reset and get it working again and syncing with my computer and then do the ROM upgrade, etc. I will take your advice and do the stock ROM at first to figure out how to do the upgrade. I will then have to use the Kitchen to enable the GPS and the Java, right? When I do the Kitchen ROM later will I just need to upgrade the ROM, and not worry about any of the other procedures?
Also, when I do use the kitchen to create the ROM what is the size limitation on the ROM file?
Do you also have an option on which Dailer and Camera software?
Thanks again and wish me luck! LOL
Well, I downloaded the DCD compiled rom and it's filename is dcd_titan_3.2.2.exe and I ran it and it doesn't look like you can install it via the SD card. It looks like you have to do it via a PC Sync. Can you do a PC Sync after installing the Radio? Well, let me know. I think I'm ready to get started now. Thanks..
OK, well I got my phone to sync with my PC, but it sometimes has connection and disconnection problems, but I was able to get it to sync everything with my PC once.
I ran EPST and got my ESN and MSID, but I'm not sure what security information I should copy and I can't find the MSN number. There is alot of M.IP information. Do I copy everything in the M.IP Settings and M.IP Default Profile? Is there anything else I'm missing? Thanks.
May I suggest you take a digital Picture and scroll down and take a second one. This eliminates any questions on Handwriting and then blow them up on your PC if you have bad vision.
I found this software and it's even better, it not only allows you to do screenshots, but you can totally control your phone and enter data, etc. from your PC, and it's free!!
MY MOBILER v1.23 (06/15/2008) - FREEWARE
View your mobile screen on your desktop.
Control your mobile by using desktop keyboard and mouse.
Copy/Cut/Paste text between mobile and desktop.
Capture mobile screen.
Drag and drop files to your mobile.
Support ActiveSync / IP Connection
Support Mobile Explorer (File Browse)
I found this screen capture software and used it and works great. It only took a few minutes to capture all 13 screens, etc.
SPB ScreenShot Capture Tool

Flashing through USB

Ok, I have been reading and think I must have missed something. I see how to flash the DCD Kitchen and the bootloader via USB. However all the radio rom flashing for 3.42.50.rar say SD Card. Can someone point me in the right direction. Is there a place within the Kitchen to place this to flash via USB????
necromis said:
Ok, I have been reading and think I must have missed something. I see how to flash the DCD Kitchen and the bootloader via USB. However all the radio rom flashing for 3.42.50.rar say SD Card. Can someone point me in the right direction. Is there a place within the Kitchen to place this to flash via USB????
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If you currently have a working ROM and can get into activesync without issue, then yes, you can flash via USB. Download the NBH file. Copy the file to the directory in the Kitchen labeled ROM. Delete any other nbh files in that directory. Then get your connection working, and run RomUpdateUtility.
Edit: The safest method above all would be MicroSD card. This keeps you from having the possibility of a disconnect in the middle of a flash and bricking your phone.
Thanks Nitro. I have seen lots of your post and you have always been very helpful. I have been follow the threads throughout the upgrading area for a while, and even have unlocked an old 8595 for my step son, though it lost camera for some reason. I just want to be sure that my first attempt at flashing my phone goes well. I think I might just pick up an SDcard on my way home from Radio Shack.
If I am understanding correctly the steps would be as follows. There is one area, based on what you have said, that seems a bit gray to me.
1)unlock using nueSPL-2.47.exe.
2)Install radio using 3.42.50
3) Run DCDs kitchen and OEMizer, not necessarily in that order, to install the OS Rom.
However, if I am understanding you correctly I could skip step two if I place the 3.42.50 in the rom folder of DCDs kitchen. Is this correct?
necromis said:
Thanks Nitro. I have seen lots of your post and you have always been very helpful. I have been follow the threads throughout the upgrading area for a while, and even have unlocked an old 8595 for my step son, though it lost camera for some reason. I just want to be sure that my first attempt at flashing my phone goes well. I think I might just pick up an SDcard on my way home from Radio Shack.
If I am understanding correctly the steps would be as follows. There is one area, based on what you have said, that seems a bit gray to me.
1)unlock using nueSPL-2.47.exe.
2)Install radio using 3.42.50
3) Run DCDs kitchen and OEMizer, not necessarily in that order, to install the OS Rom.
However, if I am understanding you correctly I could skip step two if I place the 3.42.50 in the rom folder of DCDs kitchen. Is this correct?
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No. I was under the understanding that you already had a working Phone with a Custom Rom/Radio. In order to boot correctly into WM6.1, you have to have compatible radio / rom installed. If you are going to buy a MicroSD card ( must be 2gb or less NON SDHC), then I would suggest doing as you stated above, in that order. If you are to upgrade the radio later, it's possible to follow my first instructions once you are using the custom rom/radio.
Thanks Nitro. Gonna be stopping by Radio Shack on the way home. Flashing tonight and then dumping a bunch of Cabs back on. Doing the Cab route over the OEMizer so I can play with the apps and remove those I don't like. Wish me luck. last question. if I have a screen shot of all the EPST screens is there any thing else you can think of that I might need a head of time to be safe? (alltel carrier)
necromis said:
Thanks Nitro. Gonna be stopping by Radio Shack on the way home. Flashing tonight and then dumping a bunch of Cabs back on. Doing the Cab route over the OEMizer so I can play with the apps and remove those I don't like. Wish me luck. last question. if I have a screen shot of all the EPST screens is there any thing else you can think of that I might need a head of time to be safe? (alltel carrier)
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Should be safe. I would look into downloading QPST. You can then connect to the phone, Load the settings from the phone, save them to a file, and then after flashing, resave that file to your phone.
BTW, there is a User Customization route. That way after the Rom loads for the first time, it installs all the cabs you have on the card for you. Read HERE
ok. DLing QPST. I was looking at UC and the other installer. However, I think I will wait to see how this flash goes, and if all goes well and I start flashing more I will add that later. Still have to figure out what apps/games...etc I will keep on the phone after this.
necromis said:
ok. DLing QPST. I was looking at UC and the other installer. However, I think I will wait to see how this flash goes, and if all goes well and I start flashing more I will add that later. Still have to figure out what apps/games...etc I will keep on the phone after this.
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Cool. Make sure you download the driver. QPST alone won't work. LOL
Thanks I noticed that after it started Downloading on some of the other posts when I searched for it. I guess by tonight/tomorrow I am going to either be very happy or very upset. LOL
Don't bother flashign with USB at all for anything.
Get nueSPL 2.47, and flash the RADIO and ROM's via SD card. It's so much faster, easier, and safer.
well we have sucess. Though when my phone resynced w/activesync it game me my wife's contacts. LOL
Nitro if I restore the data saved from QPST will that give me my contacts back?
necromis said:
well we have sucess. Though when my phone resynced w/activesync it game me my wife's contacts. LOL
Nitro if I restore the data saved from QPST will that give me my contacts back?
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No. QPST is just for the phones functional settings. Or at least from what I know. The contacts can be synced with activesync and Outlook or equivelant. You could also use a backup software such as SPB backup.
dang. Guess I will have to do it the hard way. The phone settings seem to be ok. Though there are two things that are missing. The display on the *Today* screen doesn't show battery, backlight and comm manager like it used to. Also picture/video mail is missing from text messaging. Isn't there a bug with that, that requires me to install a fix?
necromis said:
dang. Guess I will have to do it the hard way. The phone settings seem to be ok. Though there are two things that are missing. The display on the *Today* screen doesn't show battery, backlight and comm manager like it used to. Also picture/video mail is missing from text messaging. Isn't there a bug with that, that requires me to install a fix?
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Nope. The battery is a registry edit. That's removed because some people like that. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell
Dword : ShowTitleBarBattery = 1
The picture mail. You have to install Arcsoft MMS. That's also removed. GC just uploaded the latest and greatest HERE
Edit: Wait.... I now remember what you are refering to. That's HTC Home I believe. Something like that. There should be a cab somewhere if you really really want it.
Well if it is HTC Home I believe I have that already on my Home PC and should be able to install it tonight.
GC's Arcsoft isn't for Alltel.....yet. Is there another that I can use until his latest and greatest is finished for Alltel?
necromis said:
Well if it is HTC Home I believe I have that already on my Home PC and should be able to install it tonight.
GC's Arcsoft isn't for Alltel.....yet. Is there another that I can use until his latest and greatest is finished for Alltel?
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I believe there is one over at PPCGeeks. Unfortunately, I have verizon.
Here it is Lenny Arcsoft for Alltell
Nitro Thanks. It is greatly appreciated. Now just have to wait till tonight to install.
No Problem
nitro66215 said:
Here it is Lenny Arcsoft for Alltell
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This program works great for me tho still waiting to see what GC comes out with for alltel

Vodafone Touch Pro

I'm trying to get my head round all these new apps/roms/kitchens/cabs/ovens kettles and toasters etc, and I've spent hours trawling through threads and it's as clear as mud. I've looked at the wiki also.
Please tell me in lamens with pictures or a video what I need to do to for my specific Vod. TP:
1) improve performance of my Voda. Touch Pro &
2) install the Black HTC theme.
tbh I'm cautious of screwing my tp up so would appreciate the simplest route to achieve 1 & 2 above.
- Great forum but for people like me it's spaghetti linked nightmare. - One link answers the question but that inevitably leads to more questions.....well for me anyway
Rdt. 09/03/08
I hear you... I am not all together that much of a techie...
Once this is installed you will be able to run the SPL ie "RaphaelHardSPL" - make sure your battery is fully charged and that you follow the instructions... when this is done I recommend you install the very excellent ROM by QSQA "PROven_ROM_WWE_20757_1.03_CVSD". He does have a newer version but I have not tested it as yet and subsequently not in a position to recommend it.
Hope this helps,
[email protected] said:
I hear you... I am not all together that much of a techie...
Once this is installed you will be able to run the SPL ie "RaphaelHardSPL" - make sure your battery is fully charged and that you follow the instructions... when this is done I recommend you install the very excellent ROM by QSQA "PROven_ROM_WWE_20757_1.03_CVSD". He does have a newer version but I have not tested it as yet and subsequently not in a position to recommend it.
Hope this helps,
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Thanks, does this remove my contacts list/camera pics etc?
A few times now my Tpro has froze and displays a white/grey fuzzyness is this a known issue? My unit is 3 days old and is running all standard...
@gjc10212 - Yes it will... unless you don't care, always make sure you backup/sync any contacts, files, photos, etc before flashing a new ROM onto your phone.
NOTE: Just flashing the HardSPL will *NOT* delete everything on your phone BUT if you flash a new ROM, the process will completely wipe everything on your phone. You will need to re-configure any email sync'ing, re-sync your contacts, files, music, photos, re-install any of your programs... everything.
I suggest you read this thread as it has very good information about flashing, etc:
I don't know about the "freezing and/or white/grey fuzzyness" as I have never had that problem.
gjc10212 said:
Thanks, does this remove my contacts list/camera pics etc?
A few times now my Tpro has froze and displays a white/grey fuzzyness is this a known issue? My unit is 3 days old and is running all standard...
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As GTRoberts says, you will have to re-setup your device - but so what! you will effectivly have a brand new device - a much better one that the standard VF.
Again like GT I have not had any issues with the white/grey fuzzyness.

[Q] How could I backup my entire rom or the installed apps?

Well since WM 6.5 is closed, I would say I should worry if I ever had to hard reset. So trying to secure myself now. Now I know how to back up the prefs and so, also have my other cabs that auto install. Its just those apps from Windows Market that I need a way to back up. Anyone have some insight into this and that could guide me to the right spot? Thanks. =)
backup entire rom with spb.
you should find all the apps on some of the forums if you google.
I never used the market as google found me the cabs & I kept the best builds of all my important apps.
Make a list if you need some & see if we can help ...
15-20$ app? Really? Is that the only real way?
you could use the cab extracted from asian rom

