a series of really stupid question - Gen8, Gen9, Gen10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

alright I'll admit I know practically nothing about android. I'm not even that savvy at linux, as a result I'm a bit flummoxed by this forum. What precisely is the SDE, is it the developers rom? and does the SDE run of the SD card always?
I also read that some of the sd cards run faster than the internal is that referring to the 8 gigs of storage or the rom? How far are we away from custom roms that run from the internal storage? and now for the mother of all dumb questions, why does development and root access seem to lag the nook color so much?
I fully admit I know nothing, this is my first official android device and I'm just beginning my journey of understanding. I really like my A70 I think it is a really capable device and I am looking forward to pushing it to it's practical limits just trying to gauge what those are right now.

It is the Special Developer Edition firmware that is used by developers. No, it does not run off of the SD card always, but you CAN make it to do that. To do this, you would use $auron's method to run off of the SD card using ext4 partitions of it. By getting a class 6, 8, or 10 card you can make it faster than the internal. Heck, even using an older class 2 card it runs faster.
How far we are away from custom ROMs??? That I can't answer for you.
I would say the reason that we lag behind the nook is the sheer number of nook devices that are out as opposed the gen8 ones.

yeah I know that shear volume makes development difficult, I was just wondering if their were particular technical difficulties, such as a unique hardware or something making things harder.


Any chance of a 64GB microsd card working on the Fascinate?

Yes, I'm aware that the Fascinate only "officially" supports up to 32GB cards, but is it possible that that was only stated because 64GB cards weren't available yet? If not, would a software update be able to make this work or a smart dev here on XDA? I really hate being limited to 32GB cards. When this comes out, I would love to use it but I'd hate to pay for something that doesn't work.
Given that I can't find any other microSDXC cards out there, and the one you linked to is showing that it's a Class 10 card, I'm going to say that it's not a legit product, even though it is a real company. Will it be supported, only time will tell, but I'd wait until microSDXC cards are readily available.
It's legit. A quick Google search would've told you that.
Class 10 MicroSDXC is definitely legit. There are a few cards out there.
Without being an expert on the phone's internals, I'd give it a qualified "no". Reason being that SDXC as a standard was in its infancy when the phone was released, and still a dream when the phone was initially designed (It takes about 6-9 months from prototype to release for these devices). To include the spec for SDXC in the Winter of 09-10 would have been foolhardy at best.
I would say hold off. Like imnuts said it may be a legit product. But being so new on the market why waste the money. As well I would wait until more major companies are making them so you know you have the reliability behind it, like Sandisk.
there is another post in the mytouch 3g forums talking about this as well.
jselden said:
I would say hold off. Like imnuts said it may be a legit product. But being so new on the market why waste the money. As well I would wait until more major companies are making them so you know you have the reliability behind it, like Sandisk.
there is another post in the mytouch 3g forums talking about this as well.
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It's not about reliability. It's the fact that the Fascinate most likely doesn't have the capability to read XC cards. They use a larger address table, and unless the device accounts for it, that can't be read by the phone.
If you plan to flash an EC09 ROM, like TSM's upcoming ROM, four 16GB cards beats one 64GB, even though they'd cost more (we still don't know why EC09 borks some sd cards, and according to TSM, their next ROM will also carry that risk, since it's based on EC09).
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
Resurecting this thread
any news on this? my Zune is about to kick the bucket and i'd like to use my old GSI as my dedicated PMP to save battery on my GNex. but coming from an 80GB Zune, 32GB isn't going to cut it. 64GB would obviously be less but i could work with it. what I don't want to do is buy one and have it not work. so i was wondering if anyone has tried this already or could try it if they happen to have both lying around or maybe suggest a ROM or something that could enable support, etc, etc. i know it's probably a long shot but thanks in advance for any help.
whoever said if your gonna flash an ec09 rom get a better sdcard...listen to him. Save yourself some trouble and get a class 10 card if your into flashing especially if you like to flash new stuff alot.
I'm currently using a Sandisk 64GB Class 10 (UHS-1) card without issues in my Fascinate. Running AOKP Jelly Bean Milestone 1. No idea if it works on stock.
The only thing that you need to do to get it to accept the card is to format it to FAT32. exFAT will not work. In windows you will have to use a third-party partition program since windows won't allow you to format the card with FAT32.
I've filled the card to 45GB with no problems so far. If I run into any issues later I'll make sure to come back and let you all know.

Near Perfection

Wow, what a week, with the rooting and all. Now for me Honeycomb 3.2.1 is pretty damn good, so at the moment not really fussed about custom roms. My only problem with the Sony now is that i need more memory to satisfy my gaming needs. With games now coming in at roughly 1gb my poor little internal memory has run dry. What i would love now is to be able to utilize the SD slot so that game data may be able to be placed there instead of the internal memory.
Do you think this will be possible now we have root or am i asking to much?
Why did Sony go down the road of this silly file swapping thing between internal and sd slot?
I know its early days with rooting and all but i really could do with my 32gb sd card getting some action.
Am i the only one who would love to see this happening?
There's a thread in the development section about getting it to work
Oh, my bad
Loved the android 3.0 honeycomb user interface.....very nice...really...
Maybe you a brave enough to test one of this ideas:
lol, since ive only had this little baby for under a week I better not. The wife would KILL me.
come on, you are young, you are tough and you need the space for your games ;-)
Have the courage ... you are the master in your house

[Q] New 8gb nook Half the ram? is that worth it?

greetings, i am a noob *sorry newb*! so go ahead and scream at me if you wish (that video had me rotfl), i bet you can't say anything to me that i haven't heard allready from people in Everquest, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends.
A friend introduced me to Xda when I was consitering buying a nook and he explained the concept of rooting.
Anyway, my question revolves around the half the ram on the new nook tablet. Assuming that there is no problems with rooting it, how much will half the ram effect the system?
I thought seeing the $50 price slash was a godsend, 8gig of storage i can live without, besides, its upgradeable if i really need it, but half the ram? whats the point of sticking on a faster processer if your gonna gut the ram?
can anyone give me an opinon as to if this is worth the price slash? or is $50 worth the extra ram?
its not half the RAM... its half the Storage. Which unless you are going to do some advanced partitioning you probably won't get much use out of anyway.
You pretty much have to get an external micro-SD card for these anyway as B&N only makes 1GB of the internal storage easily available.
Short answer... yeah its pretty much worth it. You can find 32gb cards online For $35 so you won't be missing much.
Sent from my Atrix 4G running CM9.
I cannot say whether or not it is worth it, because I have no experience with any other Android tablets besides the Nook, but I can confirm according to its website that is does have half the ram as well as half the storage. 8 GB storage and 512k ram.
Beldan4 said:
greetings, i am a noob *sorry newb*! so go ahead and scream at me if you wish (that video had me rotfl), i bet you can't say anything to me that i haven't heard allready from people in Everquest, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends.
A friend introduced me to Xda when I was consitering buying a nook and he explained the concept of rooting.
Anyway, my question revolves around the half the ram on the new nook tablet. Assuming that there is no problems with rooting it, how much will half the ram effect the system?
I thought seeing the $50 price slash was a godsend, 8gig of storage i can live without, besides, its upgradeable if i really need it, but half the ram? whats the point of sticking on a faster processer if your gonna gut the ram?
can anyone give me an opinon as to if this is worth the price slash? or is $50 worth the extra ram?
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You may have noticed in the video that this forum is stricter than others. It's mainly to keep things from getting repeated and to save people time, though, and it works nicely that way. Developing is hard work. BTW, no one's head is gonna explode about this, but questions like this are probably best off in the Q&A section.
So, to answer your question, the RAM is halved, the storage is more readily accessible but also halved... is it worth the $50 dollars you save? Sure! It has the same specs and price of the Kindle fire, but with SD storage as well, and the Fire works just fine with 512 mb of RAM.
beatphreek said:
its not half the RAM... its half the Storage. Which unless you are going to do some advanced partitioning you probably won't get much use out of anyway.
You pretty much have to get an external micro-SD card for these anyway as B&N only makes 1GB of the internal storage easily available.
Short answer... yeah its pretty much worth it. You can find 32gb cards online For $35 so you won't be missing much.
Sent from my Atrix 4G running CM9.
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No the RAM is indeed halved. All of the mainstream tech sites are reporting this, it's not a rumor.
As for partitioning, Nook Tabs are veeery picky about partition schemes,nso that's kinda dangerous. But the current alpha of CM7 gets you better access to the storage, and future releases are planned to allow full access.
my appolgies. tis a problem i usualy have figuring out which forum to post in, this seemed like the likely canidate since there were allready so many posts about the nook tablet 8gb. I will try to keep in mind that this is for tech questions only.
Thank-you very much for the feedback.
For $50 twice the ram and more storage (at least when you put CM7 on it). it seems easily worth it.
My opinion - definitely not worth it.
I got CM7 running on it, and I can see just how important it is.
You won't be running BN's ROM forever, and when you switch to CM7 (with CM9 coming soon, it seems), you really gonna wish you had that RAM, trust me.
I bought a NT last week on Ebay from B&N for $199. Not sure if they are still on sale, but you might check.
If it was a 1GB RAM / 8 GB storage deal, I'd have said the Kindle Fire had some real competition.
As it is, I'd definitely go for the 16 GB version. Not because of the extra storage, but those extra 512 MB in RAM are going to make a difference down the road. What was B&N thinking? Their real advantage over the Fire (RAM) is now gone!
Personally I'd shell out the extra few bucks for the RAM as well. If it were just the storage being reduced, I'd go with it, but the RAM is too important, imo.
fjhuerta said:
If it was a 1GB RAM / 8 GB storage deal, I'd have said the Kindle Fire had some real competition.
As it is, I'd definitely go for the 16 GB version. Not because of the extra storage, but those extra 512 MB in RAM are going to make a difference down the road. What was B&N thinking? Their real advantage over the Fire (RAM) is now gone!
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They're thinking that many consumers don't seem to know or care about the RAM (or other advantages of the Nook hardware), they just look at the price tag and $199 for the Fire beats $249. I hope it helps, though they've got a mountain to climb to overcome the Amazon ecosystem and Appstore.
With half the RAM and half the storage, NT loses most of it's advantages over Kindle Fire. The only advantage left is the microsd slot.
If I had to pick between 8GB NT and Kindle Fire, I'd take the fire because it offers more 'out of the box' content.
I totally stand corrected. I only saw the storage was being halved... yeah if the RAM is indeed halved then $50 is not a good enough discount for both of those hits.
If only I'd known this 2 days ago when I bought an 8GB version while being in the USA... Figured the 8GB less flash wasn't a big deal if you're using an SD card anyway, and not knowing about the RAM I "saved" some bucks. Now I'm back in Belgium with an 8GB Nook, with half the RAM too, and at the moment unable to run CM... Great
Anyway, I hope someone can get it to root and/or run CM soon!
Moved To Q&A​
Please post all questions in the Q&A section​
rootability (at least currently) also looks questionable
I certainly don't know the NT well, but I just helped my father in law get a 8GB tablet configured for its basic functionality. I'd like to be able to set it up to run non-BN sanctioned android apps, and from what I have found there is currently no known way to put go launcher or something similar in place that will allow it to be used for general android apps. This is a huge drawback, IMO. Hopefully in a reasonable time there will be some workarounds, but from the searches I have done, this is not currently doable. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.
My father-in-law didn't want to put up the extra 50 bucks and I didn't realize at the time that there was much difference other than the extra storage. I had just assumed that with a 32GB SD card that it would be more than enough memory, but it seems there are other issues since it uses the new 1.4.2 OS too. It looks like B&N is deadset to make sure users can't use it for anything other than their apps. I'm thinking that he should just return the 8GB NT and go for the 16GB version instead.
They have figured out how to boot off an SD card for the 8G, now they are moving that over to the rooting SD versions and the recovery versions.
It will take a little bit of time but I think we will see a lot of progress in this next week.
drt4nrg said:
I certainly don't know the NT well, but I just helped my father in law get a 8GB tablet configured for its basic functionality. I'd like to be able to set it up to run non-BN sanctioned android apps, and from what I have found there is currently no known way to put go launcher or something similar in place that will allow it to be used for general android apps. This is a huge drawback, IMO. Hopefully in a reasonable time there will be some workarounds, but from the searches I have done, this is not currently doable. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.
My father-in-law didn't want to put up the extra 50 bucks and I didn't realize at the time that there was much difference other than the extra storage. I had just assumed that with a 32GB SD card that it would be more than enough memory, but it seems there are other issues since it uses the new 1.4.2 OS too. It looks like B&N is deadset to make sure users can't use it for anything other than their apps. I'm thinking that he should just return the 8GB NT and go for the 16GB version instead.
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Lychii said:
With half the RAM and half the storage, NT loses most of it's advantages over Kindle Fire. The only advantage left is the microsd slot.
If I had to pick between 8GB NT and Kindle Fire, I'd take the fire because it offers more 'out of the box' content.
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I actually agree very much with this. The Kindle Fire's also ahead in terms of custom ROMs since it's not locked up. I chose the Nook Tablet (16 GB version) because I could buy it from my school bookstore and also use it with textbooks from my school.
If you have to choose between 8GB Nook Tab and 16GB Nook Tab, go with the 16 GB one. But if you're choosing between an 8GB Nook Tab and a Kindle Fire, I'd go with the Fire.
RAM use vs storage??
beatphreek said:
I totally stand corrected. I only saw the storage was being halved... yeah if the RAM is indeed halved then $50 is not a good enough discount for both of those hits.
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What is the issue with ram vs storage? Sorry for such a newb question (I am a brand new B), but I don't know what the ram is dedicated for. Is it for OS only?
drt4nrg said:
What is the issue with ram vs storage? Sorry for such a newb question (I am a brand new B), but I don't know what the ram is dedicated for. Is it for OS only?
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Okay, this is a common misconception about computer storage vs. memory. They're not really the same thing, although the words used to describe them are very similar.
RAM/Memory = How much your computer can keep loaded up temporarily. Think of it as how much someone could be thinking about at once - RAM is important for a computer or device to be able to multi-task.
Storage/Disk space = How much information a computer can recall. Think of it as how much someone could remember.
Now, storage allows you to have more files on your device, but RAM allows your device to be more powerful and run more applications at once.

Nexus 7 with Jelly Bean for $200 -- Time to Craigslist my Nook Color Tablet?

Wow... the specs on the Nexus 7 Tablet by Google (built by ASUS) are incredible. It comes with Jelly Bean (Android 4.1, successor to ICS). 1280x800 display. Quad-core CPU. I don't mean to be an ungrateful dic<, but the pace of development for the Nook Color Tablet just hasn't been as fast as I've enjoyed for all of the other Android devices I've owned (Motorola Droid-X; Samsung Droid Charge; Motorola Razr MAXX). The Nexus 7 is going to sell for $200.00. I think I'm going to see if Craigslist can turn my Nook into a hundred bux and I'll move to up to a device that is ready for primetime now.
No SD card slot = I don't give a **** about it.
Seriously, move on to another device if you want, no need to bring it in here.
SoonerLater said:
Wow... the specs on the Nexus 7 Tablet by Google (built by ASUS) are incredible. It comes with Jelly Bean (Android 4.1, successor to ICS). 1280x800 display. Quad-core CPU. I don't mean to be an ungrateful dic<, but the pace of development for the Nook Color Tablet just hasn't been as fast...
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Sadly, or happily, sounds like the Nexus 7 is the answer to a lot of Devs who wanted ICS on an awesome piece of cheap hardware. I know I'm thinking about diving in for one to play with.
No SD slot, though, that's a bummer.
I want to buy it so badly and sell my Nook.
But jesus christ the top/bottom bezels are atrocious. Not to mention it likely does not have an sdcard slot.
Jelly Bean updates are cool though.
---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------
SoonerLater said:
but the pace of development for the Nook Color Tablet just hasn't been as fast as I've enjoyed for all of the other Android devices I've owned (Motorola Droid-X; Samsung Droid Charge; Motorola Razr MAXX).
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The device for this forum does not have color in its name. The Nook Color had tons of development for over a year and continues to have it. The Droid Charge had minimal development as it was not a very popular phone and the maxx....well its a locked motorola phone, yippee.
With that said, the minimal development you see here is the fault of B&N IMO. If they had released the 8GB model on launch, perhaps it would have been the Nook Tablet that was destroying the 7" market, and not the Kindle Fire. More owners generally means more development.
$50 means a lot more than better specs to the average consumer when you're talking about a cheap, 7" media consumption device.
Actually, it ships with Jelly Bean, not ICS.
Cubanluke88 said:
The device for this forum does not have color in its name.
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Eek! I posted in the wrong forum? Or maybe I'm too stupid to know the name of a device that I paid $249 for? Sheesh. Embarassed. :crying:
aarrgus said:
No SD card slot = I don't give a **** about it.
Seriously, move on to another device if you want, no need to bring it in here.
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Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. Sorry. I wasn't trying to start a flameout over something as trivial as a tablet.
I used to feel the same way as you about the SD card slot. I never would have considered a tablet without one. However, I have never used the SD slot in my existing 16gb Nook Tablet. I (my kids, actually) only use it to play games and to stream video off of the family video library. I agree that having an SD card slot would be preferable. Case in point, my Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet has a micro SD slot, a full-size SD slot and a USB host port. I use the full-size SD slot all the time to display pics that I've just shot on my SLR. Having more and different ports is always a good thing, but lack of a slot won't be a dealbreaker for us given the way that my kids will use the device.
I would also expect that this would be much easier (if not stock) to have a functioning USB host, allowing you to mount USB drives which could almost make up for the lack of SD. Also I don't need to even go into the hardware. I do feel like the Nook is probably more solidly built. If I would have been buying a 7" tablet soon I would have definitely held off to see how this nexus tablet turns out. If for some reason development on the 3.0 kernel is at a stop I would probably do the same, but for now the Nook is working fine.
Keithn said:
I would also expect that this would be much easier (if not stock) to have a functioning USB host, allowing you to mount USB drives which could almost make up for the lack of SD. Also I don't need to even go into the hardware. I do feel like the Nook is probably more solidly built. If I would have been buying a 7" tablet soon I would have definitely held off to see how this nexus tablet turns out. If for some reason development on the 3.0 kernel is at a stop I would probably do the same, but for now the Nook is working fine.
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Is there a ROM for the Nook Tablet that is not in beta that you like? I bought my daughter this Nook. It supplants the two iPads and four iPod Touches that she and my other kids share. I haven't done much with the Nook other than to root it, install an alternate launcher, install Google Play, etc. It's ok for the kids to play games on and OK for streaming video the family NAS video library. But it still seems kind of kludgy. As near as I can tell, there's a CM9 Alpha being worked on and a CM7, which I think is a Beta. If there's any other ROM out there for the Nook, I'm not aware of it. For every phone I've owned, there's always been about dozen different ROMs available. Is there a ROM that you like? I'll probably buy the Nexus 7 regardless (because I'm ridiculous techslut), but I'll keep the Nook if I can improve it.
aarrgus said:
No SD card slot = I don't give a **** about it.
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What he said.
SD slot is the dealbreaker, no matter how fast or thin or fancy the tablet is. I want the ability to add as much or as little content as I desire and not need to be near my computer to do it. Looks like a great device but without an SD card slot- it's no Nook killer.
jimmysuggs said:
What he said.
SD slot is the dealbreaker, no matter how fast or thin or fancy the tablet is. I want the ability to add as much or as little content as I desire and not need to be near my computer to do it. Looks like a great device but without an SD card slot- it's no Nook killer.
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Do you not ever install content by WIFI? I use WIFI File Explorer all the time to move files back and forth from my Android devices. It's unclear to me how using an SD card to move data in/out of and Android device would be a better alternative to WIFI? I mean, even if you're not near your computer as you say, how are you going to get data (that is destined for the Nook) onto the SD card to begin with if you don't a computer nearby? And if it's data to be taken off the Nook, how does putting it on an SD card help until you're "near your computer." Confused. Not trying to be a smartass. Just confused.
SoonerLater said:
Is there a ROM for the Nook Tablet that is not in beta that you like? I bought my daughter this Nook. It supplants the two iPads and four iPod Touches that she and my other kids share. I haven't done much with the Nook other than to root it, install an alternate launcher, install Google Play, etc. It's ok for the kids to play games on and OK for streaming video the family NAS video library. But it still seems kind of kludgy. As near as I can tell, there's a CM9 Alpha being worked on and a CM7, which I think is a Beta. If there's any other ROM out there for the Nook, I'm not aware of it. For every phone I've owned, there's always been about dozen different ROMs available. Is there a ROM that you like? I'll probably buy the Nexus 7 regardless (because I'm ridiculous techslut), but I'll keep the Nook if I can improve it.
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I'm primarily on CM7, I'm not too set on whether it's deemed alpha, beta, or whatever. As long as every thing I use it for works I can always modify certain things to make it how I want with, themes, launchers, build.prop tweaks etc. I've tested the 3.0 kernel CM9 and as soon as it's more stable I'll be on that.
If you have never owned a Nexus device you wouldn't understand. I will never buy another non nexus phone, and after today (just put in my preorder) I will never buy another non nexus tablet. I with all the cloud services out there I have no use for expandable memory. The day jelly bean is released there will be several users pleading developers to port it to their devices. With a Nexus device you won't have that problem.
jimmysuggs said:
What he said.
SD slot is the dealbreaker, no matter how fast or thin or fancy the tablet is. I want the ability to add as much or as little content as I desire and not need to be near my computer to do it. Looks like a great device but without an SD card slot- it's no Nook killer.
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am i the first to mention there are two 'nexus 7's, a kindle ( nook too ) buster at $199 and then there is the improved model for fifty dollars more that has extra stuff. Hmm, what do you get for fifty bucks ?
An extra 8GB internal storage.
Cubanluke88 said:
An extra 8GB internal storage.
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Wow, that is an expensive bit of memory.
Found a list :
Back-lit IPS display
Scratch-resistant Corning glass
1.2MP front-facing camera
WEIGHT 340 grams
8 or 16 GB internal storage
4325 mAh (Up to 8 hours of active use)
Quad-core Tegra 3 processor
12 Core GeForce GPU
198.5 x 120 x 10.45mm
WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
Micro USB
NFC (Android Beam)
Black or White color
and no micro SD memory slot... No buttons... How is XDA going to crack it ?
I was waiting for a Nexus 7 announcement , because I like 7-inchers and because I'm sick and tired of CM7 phone UI layout( even with all tweaks it's still too phone-ish).
And what I see? Nexus 7 runs Jelly Bean with pure phone layout, though device is constantly called "tablet", WTF?
I'm there with ya! See ya nook! it's already listed on eBay! For a moment the SD card slot was in question, but with all the cloud storage and unlimited 4g data and tethering on my phone, I wont need the extra storage.
It's been a fun 6 months, but really I'm done with the hassle.
But I want to thank all the DEVs, for their hard work, and all you that i sent donations to. Keep working hard making this stuff better for everyone!!!
dalkor said:
I was waiting for a Nexus 7 announcement , because I like 7-inchers and because I'm sick and tired of CM7 phone UI layout( even with all tweaks it's still too phone-ish).
And what I see? Nexus 7 runs Jelly Bean with pure phone layout, though device is constantly called "tablet", WTF?
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I think that there's still a lot of confusion -- at least in my head -- about Jelly Bean and the Nexus 7. On one hand, I did read that the N-7 had a very phone-ish layout, but on the other hand, I read that JB is intended to be a tablet-only release. So I'm confused.
SoonerLater said:
Do you not ever install content by WIFI?
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Well wifi works great- if you're near your computer.
If not, wifi, she no work so good. For example if I'm taking a flight, or I dunno, leaving my house even slightly, I can't exactly sync anything up with the computer and transfer data via wifi.
But with SD cards, which are tiny and cheap as hell these days, I can just dump a bunch of content on there, stick the cards in my pocket and swap them in and out of the nook as I see fit. You fill one card up with movies, fill another one up with music, etc. Without the SD card slot, what you have on your tablet is all you're GONNA have on your tablet until you're back at your computer. With SD cards you have far more options. Yeah you have to be at your computer to fill the SD cards, but that's a lot quicker and easier than constantly adding trying to remove and add content via wifi.
Also, SD cards allow you to odd more onboard storage in general. I've got a lovely 32 gig card that I use with my Nook tablet, which holds so much that I rarely have to use other SD cards (though I like having that option). The Kindle and this new Nexus tablet top out at 16, which is pretty small these day. Dump a few movies and apps on there and boom- yer done. Now if they wanna sell a 100 gig version, then maaaaaaaaaaaaybe that'd work, but in the meantime the space they offer is just too limited. And this "cloud" stuff doesn't really help, because downloading big files takes a long time and who knows if yer even gonna be near a wifi source when you need something.
Bottom line: an SD card slot just adds more options. You may not ever need it- but it's sure nice to have it.

if u need help with anything let me know

for anyone who wants help making a rom or needs help installing or anything join my hangouts join here im happy to help
OK...you offered...I am thinking about purchasing the Huawei Ascend XT. In the specs (phonescoop) I noticed 16Gb internal storage with 8.4 "open" usage. That's 7Gb of factory installed bloatware? #1. Other than the Nougat O.S. could most of the bloatware be SAFELY removed #2. In asking that...is most of the bloatware Google and google support services?
Keep Pushin'
let me know what u want removed on it and i can see if its safe to remove did u buy the phone or gonna buy it my swift n fast rom b170 runs the best something on b180 has bad battery drain so if u get it u can use my rom and if u want it customized or me to make u one customized let me know
also its att bloat some huawei bloat i been working on a new one to try replace huawei apps like clock etc with different ones its still in the works but for now b170 swift n fast is best rom
Huawei Bloatware
madvane20 said:
also its att bloat some huawei bloat i been working on a new one to try replace huawei apps like clock etc with different ones its still in the works but for now b170 swift n fast is best rom
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I haven't bought the phone...yet. I'm in need of a new phone and it's just one of 3 o r 4 I'm considering. Doesn't almost 3 Gb's of bloatware seem like and awful lot? It does to me. One other item of question: I noticed and it very much caught my attention, in the specs it states: FM Radio-YES. Is this an FM receiver (local FM radio) or just Internet Stream FM?
Stay Sharp:
i dont use the fm turner app i remove it from my roms or least my phone my roms have pretty much all the bloat removed that i could find im still working on new one will be a bit the phone is nice just when we finally get a working dev tree etc we will have custom roms the phone has same hardware as honor 5x i do believe the rr port i did where wifi was broke the phone runs fast so im trying to fix the wifi for it for temp if i can if not im still working on my new rom
It's a FM receiver which requires wired headphones to be connected as the wire functions as an antenna too.
69Rixter said:
I haven't bought the phone...yet. I'm in need of a new phone and it's just one of 3 o r 4 I'm considering. Doesn't almost 3 Gb's of bloatware seem like and awful lot? It does to me. One other item of question: I noticed and it very much caught my attention, in the specs it states: FM Radio-YES. Is this an FM receiver (local FM radio) or just Internet Stream FM?
Stay Sharp:
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Hey Madvane20.
I'm using stock ROM on B170. My phone only has 8.55GB of internal storage available. From the advertised 16GB. I only have 0.44GB left. I really don't have much on my phone. But as a result of low storage I can't have all the apps and games on my phone that I want.
.how can I expand the internal storage to be more like the 16GB as advertised. What's the highest amount you have available on your phone? Do you have more than 8.55GB on your ROM? If you do how much and link to ROM plz.
Because as you know we can't install aps on the SD card. Or do you do that?
Uninstall apps you don't need that take up internal storage, use the storage manager to clear apps caches, move data including music, pictures and videos to micro SD, set apps to store their data in micro SD where possible. Can't do anything else that I am aware of. I usually have 1GB free internal storage after doing this and have to do it regularly.
WifiGhost said:
Hey Madvane20.
I'm using stock ROM on B170. My phone only has 8.55GB of internal storage available. From the advertised 16GB. I only have 0.44GB left. I really don't have much on my phone. But as a result of low storage I can't have all the apps and games on my phone that I want.
.how can I expand the internal storage to be more like the 16GB as advertised. What's the highest amount you have available on your phone? Do you have more than 8.55GB on your ROM? If you do how much and link to ROM plz.
Because as you know we can't install aps on the SD card. Or do you do that?
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im still sick havent got around to much have u tried this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.buak.Link2SD&hl=en
WifiGhost said:
Hey Madvane20.
I'm using stock ROM on B170. My phone only has 8.55GB of internal storage available. From the advertised 16GB. I only have 0.44GB left. I really don't have much on my phone. But as a result of low storage I can't have all the apps and games on my phone that I want.
.how can I expand the internal storage to be more like the 16GB as advertised. What's the highest amount you have available on your phone? Do you have more than 8.55GB on your ROM? If you do how much and link to ROM plz.
Because as you know we can't install aps on the SD card. Or do you do that?
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RE: Madvane 20
First, you need to know that no matter what, there was never 16Gb of memory. They (all electronic storage) "say"-advertise 16gb (or 8 or 2 or 64...etc) but in actuality there is only the nearest binary unit number closest to 16Gb. 16 Gb is actually 16.384 Gb or 16384 Mb.. Got you confused? OK, all storage is designated in "bytes" (one unit of storage) and bytes use the binary system when computing their size/storage capacity. Therefore an "advertised" 16Gb is only actually just slightly more than 15.9 Gb. If your not sure what I'm saying, use a conversion chart for Mb to Gb (or vice-versa) and remember that your dealing in the "binary" code. Then , on top of that, manufacturers set aside a certain number of "sectors" to account for bad/defective sectors that may occur when manufactured. Thus, it would not be unusual for 16Gb to actually only be about 14.7 Gb (or so) of actual usable storage space. Example...I have a "16" Gb pendrive that has 14.5 Gb of "actual" storage capacity on it. If the doesn't make sense to you, look up "How electronic storage works" (google-bing...etc..) Next, look up just how much "space" the O.S. on you phone occupies. Then, after deducting that number from the "actual" storage capacity, you'll be able to determine just how much "bloatware" you may have on the phone and you can -CAREFULLY- start eliminating some of those apps. This will open more "storage space" for personal use, (Mb's) on the phone. One last thing...you can put apps on an SD card. Now, that said, SOME SD cards are not "compatible" with certain phones and that may prevent you from being able apply the apps to the SD card. Some PHONES do not recognize the SD card as "internal" storage and thus, you have to re-format and change the SD card designation to "Internal". And a lot of "bottom-line" phones just don't have the hardware or firmware capabilities to handle this. Now, have I got you thoroughly confused? don't despair...you can easily look up all I've said and read and understand it at your pleasure.
Keep Pushin'
69Rixter said:
RE: Madvane 20
First, you need to know that no matter what, there was never 16Gb of memory. They (all electronic storage) "say"-advertise 16gb (or 8 or 2 or 64...etc) but in actuality there is only the nearest binary unit number closest to 16Gb. 16 Gb is actually 16.384 Gb or 16384 Mb.. Got you confused? OK, all storage is designated in "bytes" (one unit of storage) and bytes use the binary system when computing their size/storage capacity. Therefore an "advertised" 16Gb is only actually just slightly more than 15.9 Gb. If your not sure what I'm saying, use a conversion chart for Mb to Gb (or vice-versa) and remember that your dealing in the "binary" code. Then , on top of that, manufacturers set aside a certain number of "sectors" to account for bad/defective sectors that may occur when manufactured. Thus, it would not be unusual for 16Gb to actually only be about 14.7 Gb (or so) of actual usable storage space. Example...I have a "16" Gb pendrive that has 14.5 Gb of "actual" storage capacity on it. If the doesn't make sense to you, look up "How electronic storage works" (google-bing...etc..) Next, look up just how much "space" the O.S. on you phone occupies. Then, after deducting that number from the "actual" storage capacity, you'll be able to determine just how much "bloatware" you may have on the phone and you can -CAREFULLY- start eliminating some of those apps. This will open more "storage space" for personal use, (Mb's) on the phone. One last thing...you can put apps on an SD card. Now, that said, SOME SD cards are not "compatible" with certain phones and that may prevent you from being able apply the apps to the SD card. Some PHONES do not recognize the SD card as "internal" storage and thus, you have to re-format and change the SD card designation to "Internal". And a lot of "bottom-line" phones just don't have the hardware or firmware capabilities to handle this. Now, have I got you thoroughly confused? don't despair...you can easily look up all I've said and read and understand it at your pleasure.
Keep Pushin'
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No you don't have me confused at all. Thank you for the response Madame. Sorry for the late reply. Well I think today is the day I will finally root and flash a new ROM. As im tired of EMUI and no adoptable storage.
Can you link me to the ROM you reccomend? I want adoptable storage. Not that much bloatware. Full functionality, including camera, wifi, netflix, wireless display etc. Also I want a little more available RAM if possible. I want adoptable storage. Please reccomend a ROM.
One more thing. I've seen that the Samsung Micro SD cards above 32 GB are working for this phone . But I may pick up a 32GB or 64GB Sandisk micro SD card. Will the Sandisk be just as compatible as the Samsung? I plan to simply get an Class 10 of 95mb read speed and 10mb write speed. Like the Sandisk ultra or the Samsung evo cards. Thank you fam.
---------- Post added at 12:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------
69Rixter said:
RE: Madvane 20
First, you need to know that no matter what, there was never 16Gb of memory. They (all electronic storage) "say"-advertise 16gb (or 8 or 2 or 64...etc) but in actuality there is only the nearest binary unit number closest to 16Gb. 16 Gb is actually 16.384 Gb or 16384 Mb.. Got you confused? OK, all storage is designated in "bytes" (one unit of storage) and bytes use the binary system when computing their size/storage capacity. Therefore an "advertised" 16Gb is only actually just slightly more than 15.9 Gb. If your not sure what I'm saying, use a conversion chart for Mb to Gb (or vice-versa) and remember that your dealing in the "binary" code. Then , on top of that, manufacturers set aside a certain number of "sectors" to account for bad/defective sectors that may occur when manufactured. Thus, it would not be unusual for 16Gb to actually only be about 14.7 Gb (or so) of actual usable storage space. Example...I have a "16" Gb pendrive that has 14.5 Gb of "actual" storage capacity on it. If the doesn't make sense to you, look up "How electronic storage works" (google-bing...etc..) Next, look up just how much "space" the O.S. on you phone occupies. Then, after deducting that number from the "actual" storage capacity, you'll be able to determine just how much "bloatware" you may have on the phone and you can -CAREFULLY- start eliminating some of those apps. This will open more "storage space" for personal use, (Mb's) on the phone. One last thing...you can put apps on an SD card. Now, that said, SOME SD cards are not "compatible" with certain phones and that may prevent you from being able apply the apps to the SD card. Some PHONES do not recognize the SD card as "internal" storage and thus, you have to re-format and change the SD card designation to "Internal". And a lot of "bottom-line" phones just don't have the hardware or firmware capabilities to handle this. Now, have I got you thoroughly confused? don't despair...you can easily look up all I've said and read and understand it at your pleasure.
Keep Pushin'
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Sorry i called you Madvane, Rick new here
What's up. I'm new to these parts of the forums. I have downgraded from s8+'s and now I'm on the H1611. I have your b180 room installed on my device and for the life of me cannot get Xposed to install without dealing with the constant boot loop. I know it takes something like 20 min. I've read somewhere but an hour is ridiculous. I have tried flashing through TWRP and I've tried through Magisk and no luck. Any idea to get Xposed installed?
Your b180 room
Rooted with Magisk
Another thing is it normal to have ram at like 300-400mb free? This phone feels super sluggish and I think MIUI is far too heavy for this phone. I agree with the folks in here that want lineageos. I'll search for a branch or source tree to see if I can get something going at least. If not I'll join the club with trying to build a tree. This phone has "0" snappiness whatsoever. A friend's LG Leon lte feels way faster than this BEHEMOTH of a phone
You might want to post in the H1611 Xposed thread
several of us have Magisk Xposed installed and working.
Well, I actually have it installed now and haven't posted here since this part of the forums are a complete ghost town. I was gonna share my current build for this device but seeing from the lack of anything here I'm not gonna even waste time releasing it to the general public. And thanks for your response but it would've been easier with just providing some information rather than making me go through pages of nonsense. But the response is what matters. I will be returning back to a real device shortly because this phone is not as snappy as everyone says and nor is it as good as everyone says for it's dollar. I bought this phone and a brand new Samsung j3 and kept this phone because I hate Samsung but now I really wish I had kept it. So good day/evening. I am out....
divineBliss said:
You might want to post in the H1611 Xposed thread
several of us have Magisk Xposed installed and working.
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Well what information exactly were you looking for? Installing Xposed is not a one liner and can get a bit complicated with all the different versions.
You could have written up what Xposed version you installed and how you did it to help the next person - that's how forums work.
epikroms said:
Well, I actually have it installed now and haven't posted here since this part of the forums are a complete ghost town. I was gonna share my current build for this device but seeing from the lack of anything here I'm not gonna even waste time releasing it to the general public. And thanks for your response but it would've been easier with just providing some information rather than making me go through pages of nonsense. But the response is what matters. I will be returning back to a real device shortly because this phone is not as snappy as everyone says and nor is it as good as everyone says for it's dollar. I bought this phone and a brand new Samsung j3 and kept this phone because I hate Samsung but now I really wish I had kept it. So good day/evening. I am out....
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Exactly so, why was your reply opposite of what you are telling me? And it's quite obvious that there is only the magisk way of installing it. I'm not trying to argue with you man. I asked that question a day or 2 ago and I noticed that no one really was even cruising around in the forums so I said to myself what the heck, might as well keep trying things on my own. Also, noticed developement has come to a complete stop a while ago. I honestly thought this place was deserted. It's all good though, like your thread says, to ask you anything, so I could get pointed in a different direction haha. All good though,case closed bro later.
It's not my thread - madvane20s thread. Yep, slow around here cause the main party is over since the devices are low volume/low-mid range and been out for a while. Enjoy your J3.

