So I have been collection stats for a week and a half and I figured I'd post what I have found so far. I don't have MIUI and Joker's ICS roms listed below but before I officially started keeping track I was getting around 8-10% an hour (slightly higher than stock, the MIUI I used was the .23 version).
Phone information:
I am running on sprint, no 4g access, but solid 3g access where ever I go. I have 2-3 bars at my house and at work we have internal sprint antennas in our buildings so I get all bars (60 - 62 dbms), that is why there is a @work colum to show how much I am at work 1 = all day, 0 = at home, 0.5 worked half a day. I do not hook my phone up to charge until the very end of the day. I don't use my phone a ton during the day (as you can see with my screen on column) but I do use it enough, total call time a day varies from 2 hrs to 3 min. I don't have it included below but I can share that as well. I make sure the battery is at 100% when I install a rom and when I do I make sure to do a clean install (wipe cache, system, data) and use Titanium backup to restore certain apps, so battery stats are cleared out each time. I also set the max cpu speed to 1 ghz, and set one profile in SetCPU to have the cpu min/max when the screen is off at 216 mhz. The bluetooth, wifi, and gps are usually off. I currently have gps on on the last 2 days of stats.
[B]Date OS Bright% Email Screen On @Work Battery Battery % Percent drop/hr
Sync Time Used[/B]
3/21 Stock 0% Push 1 hr 44 min 0.5 14.42 95% 6.59
3/22 Stock 0% Push 1 hr 32 min 1.0 15.55 85% 5.47
3/23 Stock 0% Push 1 hr 24 min 1.0 15.43 80% 5.18
3/24 Stock 0% Push 57 min 0.0 9.75 50% 5.13
3/25 AOKP 0% Push 1 hr 6 min 0.0 10.70 87% 8.13
3/26 Rocko 3 0% Push 1 hr 31 min 1.0 14.80 82% 5.54
3/27 AOKP 0% 30min 33 min 1.0 7.32 46% 6.29
3/28 Turl9 0% Push 40 min 0.5 8.00 83% 10.38
3/30 AOKP Auto 30min 41 min 0.0 4.50 41% 9.11
3/30 AOKP 0% Push 45 min 1.0 8.05 85% 10.56
3/31 Stock Auto Push 1 hr 45 min 0.0 14.67 95% 6.48
4/1 Oleg ICS 0% Push 1 hr 0.0 7.93 48% 6.05
4/2 Oleg ICS 0% Push 23 min 1.0 6.65 24% 3.61
I actually collect more information that I am showing (bluetooth, gps, wifi toggles, top user app (currently is tiny tower and hovers around 4-11%), the percentage of battery usage for all the system components like phone idle, display, voice calls, cell standby, android os, android system, time without signal, time spent in the 1 ghz state, time spent in deep sleep, etc)
What's interesting is the latest ICS build from olegfusion ( blows away every ICS rom I have tested so far. I am going to run oleg's build for a couple days more just to make sure I get the same percent drop an hour or at least get a better feeling on what it should be around. The difference I have seen on this latest ICS rom is the Android system on other ICS roms run 20-47% battery usage where as this latest ICS rom uses only 3% which is typical on stock usage.
I plan on going back to MIUI and also test the latest Joker ICS rom (He has said there should be a newer build out coming in the next day or two).
Please do not take these numbers as guarantees that this will work for you, because each one of us uses our phones completely different, we are in different cell coverage areas, and I would imagine each one of us could create their own separate stats but there should be some common trends that could help show the better battery usages. I have attached the excel spreadsheet I use to track this if other would like to use it as a template for their own collections
And one last thing, I am not sure if this belongs in the Dev section or the general section so please move it to the general if I placed it incorrectly. I am not sure if developers would see any benefit from these stats or not.
Any updates from MIUI or Jokers CM9?
epark1281 said:
Any updates from MIUI or Jokers CM9?
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I moved my document to google documents so anyone is free to look at it whenever. I usually updated it once per day. I have Joker's roms from 0.4.5,, and the latest 0.5. I am thinking to try MIUI this weekend and stat it for a week or so
There are some toggles that I abbreviated to make the column smaller. Here is the legend:
E Email Sync
B Bluetooth
Nice work
Sent from my Kick Ass MIUI MoPho : beer:
I have found that when I have a bad run (for a day) I just reboot the phone and the next day is back to normal. I figure there is an app that causes issues, maybe not letting the cpu go into deep sleep as much. But for the most part I have been getting a lot better battery life in any CM9 ROM since the first of April. I imagine MIUI to be the same or a little better since they have tried to get better battery optimizations.
I liked MIUI but TinyTower didn't work on it so sadly I wasn't able to stay on it longer than a week at a time. I am pretty maxed out on floors so I am trying to quit it Maybe MIUI will help with that. But other than that MIUI worked great so I look forward in trying out the latest.
Hello everyone,
I've been using Htc Evo 3d for one week. So far only the battery life makes me upset. For generally, i am happy to have this phone. I don't play so much with this phone however at the end of the day it dies so easily. For example today i took this phone from charger at 12 am and now 12 pm the battery is dead now. 12 h with moderate usage. 10 minutes phone call, 10 minutes web searching, all the time whatsapp, no taking photos, no game playing. And i discover some strange thing. At some level of my battery it is consumed much rapidly and some point it stops. Especially, the last 10 percentage the consumption is very low. In order to drain the battery i play games. To sum up, is it a calibration problem ? Is it a system bug ? (I use wifi all the time, 3g is mostly shut down, gps never open, brightness manual and when i am indoor it is almost zero). Mostly display consumes the huge amount of the energy of the battery. In order to improve my battery what can i do by physically. For example can i recalibrate my battery ? Because the consumption level is so different at some certain percentage. For example my battery never fills up to %100 always starts from %99 even the green light turns on it is always % 99. The voltage when the device is plugged always getting higher and at the end of the charging process it reaches 4.340 V. I guess it is very high degree.
What should i do ?
You probably have an application causing a wakelock. Get Better Battery Stats from here: and use it to check
I actually don't know much about android phones. I use stock rom and the software never modified. I tell you about my battery usage.
My battery status is %18 and the usage:
Display: %46 = 1h52m
Voice call: %25 = 32m
Google maps: %8= 4h25m
Cell standby: %6= 12h10m
Phone idle: %4= 11h18m
Wifi: %1 = 3h11m
Did you face same problem ? Actually i don't know it is normal or there is something wrong about my phone. If you think there is an unusual usage, i will bring the phone to the tecnical service or if you think this is normal Htc Evo 3d battery usage, i am thinking to sell it someone else.
salihk. said:
I actually don't know much about android phones. I use stock rom and the software never modified. I tell you about my battery usage.
My battery status is %18 and the usage:
Display: %46 = 1h52m
Voice call: %25 = 32m
Google maps: %8= 4h25m
Cell standby: %6= 12h10m
Phone idle: %4= 11h18m
Wifi: %1 = 3h11m
Did you face same problem ? Actually i don't know it is normal or there is something wrong about my phone. If you think there is an unusual usage, i will bring the phone to the tecnical service or if you think this is normal Htc Evo 3d battery usage, i am thinking to sell it someone else.
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You are complainging that you are getting almost 2 hours of display on time? That is pretty decent definetly if you still have 18%.
tgruendler said:
You are complainging that you are getting almost 2 hours of display on time? That is pretty decent definetly if you still have 18%.
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Are you thinking 2 hours is enough. I don't agree with you. I am using whatsapp all day even if i don't use i look up some websites checking emails and i fill 2 hours at the end of the day. Could you provide your usage ?
salihk. said:
Are you thinking 2 hours is enough. I don't agree with you. I am using whatsapp all day even if i don't use i look up some websites checking emails and i fill 2 hours at the end of the day. Could you provide your usage ?
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Well...lets see...from I can see on your usage:
Display: %46 = 1h52m (decent)
Voice call: %25 = 32m (normal even though you said 10 minutes)
Google maps: %8= 4h25m (there is something wrong here)
Cell standby: %6= 12h10m (what about your time without signal?)
Phone idle: %4= 11h18m (normal)
Wifi: %1 = 3h11m (so out of 11 hours, you were on wifi for only 3?)
There is an ongoing thread about the new Stratos firmware and whether its OK to update.
Can I ask if anyone who has updated has found that Continuous heart rate monitoring is now broken - symptoms are that resting heart rate is reported as '--', there are gaps in the data, and when you look at the back of the watch the heart rate LEDs only work in brief burst of about 10 seconds, the go off for a minute or two (completely different to continuous previous behaviour)
Hopefully the images from the Amazfit app show the issue better than I can say in writing..
Heart rate images from 10th December ( and 13th December (after update to are in the attachements below this post.
Hmm, as I explained you in another thread. I'm pretty sure that continuous HRM is not really continuous. Just checked again and the LED on my Stratos is off right now even continuous hrm is on.
However, your graphs clearly show that in the latest release, continuous HRM is even less continuous. Definitely has unusual gaps.
With the oldest FW, mine looks like the first one you've posted.
Sent from my XT1635-02 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------
Just double checked. After zooming, my continuous HRM looks like second one you've posted! Also has gaps. However, watch and the app are showing resting, min, max, average HR. For resting takes some time to show up, at least a day. And you did factory reset...
Sent from my XT1635-02 using Tapatalk
1. Known bug: currently Pace/Stratos do not record reading bellow a minimum value (I think it's 47bpm), Huami is already aware of this;
2. Obviously, continuous doesn't mean it measures heartbeat every second, first it needs about 15s to get just one reading, and then keeping the sensor on all the time would kill battery. IRIIC it reads every 1 or 2 minutes;
3. No resting rate: first check that your profile is correctly filled, then you must use the watch at night, while sleeping. If both are OK then you need to factory reset: first try with restoring old data (it usually doesn't fix anything), then without restoring old data after pairing again.
lfom said:
2. Obviously, continuous doesn't mean it measures heartbeat every second, first it needs about 15s to get just one reading, and then keeping the sensor on all the time would kill battery. IRIIC it reads every 1 or 2 minutes;
3. No resting rate: first check that your profile is correctly filled, then you must use the watch at night, while sleeping. If both are OK then you need to factory reset: first try with restoring old data (it usually doesn't fix anything), then without restoring old data after pairing again.
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You are incorrect about a 47 BPM bug, I see min 43 BPM on December 14th, Min 43 BPM on December 15th, and Min 42 BPM today as I write this post. I saw readings below 47 before with Maybe this broke in / 1 which I did not use?
Secondly, continuous HR with meant LEDs flashing on all the time. Almost every video I have seen on Youtube with Stratos reviews show LEDs on back always flashing.
This is how things always worked since September with and it did not kill battery, only 2% overnight, or 5% during the day if no GPS or Bluetooth battery. It was always VERY accurate too, resting always match my Wahoo Tickr within 1 or 2 beats as you can see from Wahoo Tickr screenshot vs December 10th screenshot in 1st post with
See this Youtube video - everytime he turns over the watch, LEDs are always flashing and I can see from this setting he used Continuous HR to on.
In my view always on LED the correct behavior and exactly as Fitbit Surge or Garmin Fenix 5 Plus which also have 24/7 LEDs in continuous mode. As a general point, Fitbit Surge and Garmin Fenix offer 5 to 7 day battery with proper continuous HR and Stratos with also did this fine.
I've spent the last 3 days resetting / rebooting / repairing and this simply is not a fix - sorry! is broken, at least on my watch and cannot be fixed my end. See HR track from yesterday (15th December)
As a very experienced user of this device with over 660 miles logged, I know how it worked since September 2018 with and how it doesn't work now - this isn't something I am doing wrong.....
cumbrianrunner said:
As a very experienced user of this device with over 660 miles logged, I know how it worked since September 2018 with and how it doesn't work now - this isn't something I am doing wrong.....
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Sorry, but there is not much to be "very experienced" about. Regardless how many miles you have logged so far. With that logic I'm about double experienced than you
Anyway, I agree that they're messing up with FW, fixing one bug, making two more. Instead of wasting your energy here on xda forum to prove us something, turn to Amazfit instead. Open the ticket and prove to them. It's good for all of us. Actually, all of us should open the ticket for every bug, every problem we find.
Sent from my XT1635-02 using Tapatalk
Zeljko1234 said:
Sorry, but there is not much to be "very experienced" about. Regardless how many miles you have logged so far. With that logic I'm about double experienced than you
Anyway, I agree that they're messing up with FW, fixing one bug, making two more. Instead of wasting your energy here on xda forum to prove us something, turn to Amazfit instead. Open the ticket and prove to them. It's good for all of us. Actually, all of us should open the ticket for every bug, every problem we find.
View attachment 4666883
Sent from my XT1635-02 using Tapatalk
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The reason I put my usage is that it's a bit frustrating people saying reboot or repair - this is really like a IT support cliche telling you to turn it on and off again! I know how this works and its just wasting time with a firmware defect.
I have reported all the bugs I have found in Stratos since September, including uploading log reports from the phone directly from WIFI, filling reports with Amazfit and have had no response ever from them. Just an auto-reply - never any human follow up.
cumbrianrunner said:
I have reported all the bugs I have found in Stratos since September, including uploading log reports from the phone directly from WIFI, filling reports with Amazfit and have had no response ever from them. Just an auto-reply - never any human follow up.
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That's odd. I have couple of threads with them (more than 10 ). Sometimes they are not very responsive but in couple of days, they usually answer. Of course, first couple of answers are generic but if you are persistent you may get trough even to the dev team.
You are using link below, right?
Zeljko1234 said:
That's odd. I have couple of threads with them (more than 10 ). Sometimes they are not very responsive but in couple of days, they usually answer. Of course, first couple of answers are generic but if you are persistent you may get trough even to the dev team.
You are using link below, right?
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Hi, yes that is link - this is what I get back - always this, nothing more...
Dear cumbrianrunner
Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated response confirming the receipt of your request, and it is being reviewed by our support team.
Please note, Amazfit Support is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PT. All support inquiries submitted outside of normal operating hours will require additional time for a response.
I think that link may be for people in the USA only - I am in England, and one of the questions they ask is about sales channels. I suspect non-US reponses to sales channel questions get filed in the bin too be honest
Well, try with US channel then
For me continues heart rate is working on The lights should flash every minute for around 10s. It is measuring in one minute intervals except during activities. On Apple or Suunto continues means 10 minutes. On Garmin each second. What I recognized is that my resting HR is now relatively higher than before. But now it is winter and I am doing much less cardio training than in summer. So it could be true. Resting HR still recognizes resting days, hard workouts, illness or drinking alcohol correctly.
Zeljko1234 said:
Well, try with US channel then
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I may do that
Well I have another bug - I am about to go out for a run, my usual stretching exercises puts my HR at about 60-65 BPM. Stratos with is going nuts with continuous readings - spiking at 105 BPM, drop back to 78 BPM is next read cycle, then back to 96 BPM on other cycle.
Wahoo Tickr and Fitbit Surge have me around 60-65 BPM which is correct.
I could report this, but I suspect this would go into the 'too hard to fix' bin...! But will try pretending I am in the USA today
I can't say much about the stratos continuous heartbeat, but my Pace (FW regularly shows a rate of 180 - 200 when I easily can make a conversation....
cumbrianrunner said:
You are incorrect about a 47 BPM bug, I see min 43 BPM on December 14th, Min 43 BPM on December 15th, and Min 42 BPM today as I write this post. I saw readings below 47 before with Maybe this broke in / 1 which I did not use?
Secondly, continuous HR with meant LEDs flashing on all the time. Almost every video I have seen on Youtube with Stratos reviews show LEDs on back always flashing.
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So maybe fixed the low HR minimum (I am not sure because I do not use this feature normally, but I know it existed for I have just enabled continuous HR for the last few hours, and I am sure the green leds aren't on always. I also got the graph showing the resting rate.
guys, throw all that stuff at me, i'll try to prioritize it again.
[email protected]
cumbrianrunner said:
Can I ask if anyone who has updated has found that Continuous heart rate monitoring is now broken - symptoms are that resting heart rate is reported as '--', there are gaps in the data, and when you look at the back of the watch the heart rate LEDs only work in brief burst of about 10 seconds, the go off for a minute or two (completely different to continuous previous behaviour).
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The same crap has been going on with the Pace for the past year. I was in touch with support for months and got a constant reply that it'll be fixed on the next ROM. This reply was repeated for months, until the warranty ran out, with me supplying the developers with data, screenshots and uploads directly from the watch. I chucked mine and put it down to buying cheap ****, and useless support. A friend who still has patience tells me that they still haven't fixed the HR issue.
Have fun with support, I hope you have better luck with the Stratos.