Apps not in "extras" - Nook Color Themes and Apps

I am new to the nook (rooted/froyo Epic) so forgive my ignorance, but why are my DL apps not showing up under "extras" from my Nook home screen? Is there something special I should be doing or is this only for Froyo?
I can navigate to the Downloads through the market.

You've got to restart for them to show in extras, using a different launcher an opening apps though its app menu works without restarting.
sent from a Nook Color using xda-app

camwinnn said:
You've got to restart for them to show in extras, using a different launcher an opening apps though its app menu works without restarting.
sent from a Nook Color using xda-app
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Thank you!


[Q] remove my all apps menu :(

I have replace my all apps menu now i cannot find my all apps menu wth i should do even i cannot find any widget for all apps menu
yousufshah said:
I have replace my all apps menu now i cannot find my all apps menu wth i should do even i cannot find any widget for all apps menu
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What ROM are you running at the moment or SE firmware?
That can determine if you can get the app drawer back or not?
And, how did you delete it?
Andriod 2.2.1
andriod 2.2.1 cyanogenmod 6.1.1
Or simply reflash or backup apsa on astro and restore.
Sent from my Xperia Arc using XDA Premium App
What launcher are you using bro?
Can you try long press on the dock menu? I think you see there open all apps drawer or something.
zywin999 said:
What launcher are you using bro?
Can you try long press on the dock menu? I think you see there open all apps drawer or something.
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using andriod 2.2.1 cyanogenmod 6.1.1 and in 2.2.1 i can replace or put apps in dock so i do a mistake and replace my aap with all apps menu
I've done this plenty of times, im using adw Launcher so this could be different for other launchers
Long press on your home screen, Launcher actions, then select open/close App Drawer.
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ant_sperry said:
I've done this plenty of times, im using adw Launcher so this could be different for other launchers
Long press on your home screen, Launcher actions, then select open/close App Drawer.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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i have seen in adw launcher but cannot find open/close appdrawer i have too much games and other data so cannot change my andriod
Easiest way would be to install a different launcher.
I believe you can also add a shortcut of the app drawer.

Lost apps on reboot

I've been unexpectedly losing some of my apps on reboots.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
What ROM? Are you using the SD flip flop? Which Launcher? This sort of thing has seemed to happen to me before, because almost all of my apps are on the sd card. The launcher/app drawer app loads before the stuff on the sd card, and it looks like apps are gone, but still show under menu->applications. Restart your launcher, see if that helps
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Running eclipse v.06, with ADW launcher. And unless the SD flip is built into the ROM, I haven't flashed that modification
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huskerstylee said:
Running eclipse v.06, with ADW launcher. And unless the SD flip is built into the ROM, I haven't flashed that modification
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It is. I have an app or two disappear every now and then, but it's just GO Launcher being finicky. It's still there, I just need to restart the launcher and it shows up.
stick1300 said:
It is. I have an app or two disappear every now and then, but it's just GO Launcher being finicky. It's still there, I just need to restart the launcher and it shows up.
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Same here. Restart Go and they're back. No biggie
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App

{APP} MIUI App Drawer DL

For everyone who loves MIUI but is not happy about no App Drawer. Here Ya Go! Install this Alternative App Drawer! Bingo, now you have an app drawer
Download here->!&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13195122208741
Thanks to xuso
sorry posted in wrong place lol.......
Hmm, I thought more people would like this. I've been using this for months on Miui with my sony xperia x10.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
good find.. ty
I am using this. Works great. Probably a 3 star app. What i did was i put all the apps in one folder so they didnt go across all my screens, then i put this app's short cut on my dock bar. Works great. Its just very none aesthetically pleasing. Could use some more customization, maybe some sorting or something like that.
jason.hamilton said:
I am using this. Works great. Probably a 3 star app. What i did was i put all the apps in one folder so they didnt go across all my screens, then i put this app's short cut on my dock bar. Works great. Its just very none aesthetically pleasing. Could use some more customization, maybe some sorting or something like that.
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You can customize it if you use the left click button at least somewhat.
This app works great. Perfect for MIUI
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA Premium App
I tried MIUI last night, I also installed this, but what I just ended up doing was removing this and put everything i didnt want on my homescreens in one folder and put that folder as the middle dock icon, and it basically works just like an app drawer, u can change the sorting to numerous options including by usage, which i thought was really cool.. the folder also has a neat open and close animation when u click it (when it is in the dock anyway). I always end up going back to some stock derived rom though, I just feel like I am losing features going to cyanogen or MIUI
ironmanapa said:
This app works great. Perfect for MIUI
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA Premium App
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If you hide apps in the MIUI settings and then use the altdrawer as an app drawer were you able to put shortcuts to the home screens? I'm not able to....
tdamocles said:
If you hide apps in the MIUI settings and then use the altdrawer as an app drawer were you able to put shortcuts to the home screens? I'm not able to....
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You go to the folder and drag that app to desktop to get shorcut
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
more like losing bloat / gaining functionality lol

Folders with ADW (free version)

Is this possible? I can't seem to figure it out. The long press menu doesn't work at all on the NT. I can't find another way to add them.
I only got folders to work on go launcher because it can create them in the apps window, allowing you to create shortcuts to them on the launcher screens.
Sent from my BNTV250 using Tapatalk
Drag to apps on top of each other and this will make a folder for you
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ianc125 said:
Drag to apps on top of each other and this will make a folder for you
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
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This is accurate, on home screen.
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HMG10 said:
This is accurate, on home screen.
Sent from my BNTV250 using Tapatalk
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I drag them on top of each other, then release, and they just bounce apart...
fr3dw0rth said:
I drag them on top of each other, then release, and they just bounce apart...
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Hold App A on top of App B for a little while longer and a transparent box should appear. That is your folder.
conundrum768 said:
Hold App A on top of App B for a little while longer and a transparent box should appear. That is your folder.
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Are you sure that works on the free version? I know it works on ADW EX. I used the free version until a few months ago, and I don't believe it has had updates in forever.
I am using adw ex version not sure if it works in free.
fr3dw0rth said:
Is this possible? I can't seem to figure it out. The long press menu doesn't work at all on the NT. I can't find another way to add them.
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I have the exact same problem with the free version. Dropping apps on top of each other does not work and trying to create one by long pressing an open space on the home screen just makes that window disappear. I figured it was something with my root and re-rooted the NT, but it unfortunately didn't change anything.
Not much help from me other than saying you are not alone fr3dw0rth.
I downloaded the newest version of ADW ex from mobilism and I am able to create folders. I think it runs a lot better than go launcher

Making CM7 look sweet

Hey guys, I'm just posting some links from the nook color forum. The first will give you honeycomb buttons, and the other helps you setup your screen. These forums were helpfull when setting up my tablet, and if they help you, thank the develper in the forum!
For honeycomb buttons
for screen setup!
I use both for my nook tablet, and love it!
actorman46 said:
Hey guys, I'm just posting some links from the nook color forum. The first will give you honeycomb buttons, and the other helps you setup your screen. These forums were helpfull when setting up my tablet, and if they help you, thank the develper in the forum!
For honeycomb buttons
for screen setup!
I use both for my nook tablet, and love it!
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How do you install and use this theme? I installed it, but it does not show in my app drawer. What am I doing wrong?
Look in your app drawer..Then look for Theme Chooser and select. That should do it for you.
You can find it in Theme choser. It's greyed out. It will say its the wrong size, do it anyways.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
actorman46 said:
You can find it in Theme choser. It's greyed out. It will say its the wrong size, do it anyways.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
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I did, and it worked, but I still have the "bar" at the bottom of my screen. How can I get rid of that bar so that it really looks like ICS?
moukazwina said:
I did, and it worked, but I still have the "bar" at the bottom of my screen. How can I get rid of that bar so that it really looks like ICS?
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That's an issue that goes above themeing. If anyone knows different let me know but as far as I've read this is about as close as you can get.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
actorman46 said:
That's an issue that goes above themeing. If anyone knows different let me know but as far as I've read this is about as close as you can get.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
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By "bar", I mean the bar that's in portrait mode. The one you have in phones and not tablets. The bar that has the phone icon on it.
moukazwina said:
By "bar", I mean the bar that's in portrait mode. The one you have in phones and not tablets. The bar that has the phone icon on it.
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Post a pic of what you're talking about.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Ate you talking about the dock? I don't know if you can turn that off in ADW, but I use ADW EX and you can turn it off with that. Other launchers may allow turning it off as well, but I can't name any.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I think he's talking about the bar that the buttons themselves are in. That you're stuck with as far as I know. We can get our tablets close to looking like CM9, but CM7 still has limits.
But some more fun things...
I'm using SPB shell 3d with a live wallpaper and I'm still getting good use out of the battery.
Normally SPB as cool as it looks is a resource hog, but I still have lots of free ram with the tablet.
I am including a screenshot showing what I am talking about.
It is the bar that has the app drawer and the phone icon
moukazwina said:
I am including a screenshot showing what I am talking about.
It is the bar that has the app drawer and the phone icon
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Look for an option in your launcher settings to hide the dock. I know ADW EX has that option. Not sure what you're using there.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using Tapatalk
In adw XL go to settings then themes and select no theme for dock bar.
To change the apps in the bar hold down on them, drag them out and add what you want.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
For the dock bar go to Settings -> Adw launcher -> UI settings -> main dock style. Just select "none"
Yeah, that dock is kinda out of place on a tablet. Just so you can still access your app drawer, just long click on the screen, select launcher action, and pick open/close app drawer. I put one on every screen so that the app drawer is always accessible.
thx,ICS theme is pretty cooooolllllllll
I had to switch back to ADW, and now I got rid of the dock completely.
I have a couple of requests still: How do I add the apps drawer as the guy had on the top right of his NT?
Another thing I would love to do: make the soft home button actually display the apps, as of now, it only pulls the home screen.
moukazwina said:
I had to switch back to ADW, and now I got rid of the dock completely.
I have a couple of requests still: How do I add the apps drawer as the guy had on the top right of his NT?
Another thing I would love to do: make the soft home button actually display the apps, as of now, it only pulls the home screen.
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Long press on the home screen and select launcher actions. You can control what the home button does though ADW settings.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using Tapatalk
I just rooted, so I haven't had a chance to play with this new launcher. Totally different look, extremely customizable...
Here's an XDA thread about it:
same problem with me
mrVuHoa said:
same problem with me
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What's the issue?
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