[Q] Nook menu image question. - Nook Color Themes and Apps

So, I found the images for the center nook menu button in system/framework/framework-res.apk/res/drawable-mdpi.
The images are called stat_arrow_down.png and stat_arrow_up.png
I know that if I simply delete them or replace them, the menu will still pop up, right? I've dug around in some of the jars, etc, and I can't figure out where to go from there.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Sent from my Nook Color using XDA App


Library Icon

Does anyone know how to restore the Library Icon to the Apps Manager? It was there at one time, but now it's gone and I can't figure how to get a link to my Library back on my main screen. BTW, I'm using Go Launcher. I thought maybe I could hold down and select shortcut on the main screen, but when I try to create a shortcut, all I get is a blank screen that lets me do nothing.
Tel864 said:
Does anyone know how to restore the Library Icon to the Apps Manager? It was there at one time, but now it's gone and I can't figure how to get a link to my Library back on my main screen. BTW, I'm using Go Launcher. I thought maybe I could hold down and select shortcut on the main screen, but when I try to create a shortcut, all I get is a blank screen that lets me do nothing.
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You should add to Home Screen using Application instead of Shortcut. Alternatively, you can access the App drawer, and long press on the Library Icon, then drag to bottom of the screen, and then drag to whichever home screen you want to add the Icon to. If the Icon doesn't appear in the app drawer, you may have to reinstall the app. If that is the case, let me know and I can try to post up the Library APK.
It's not appearing in the app drawer and I'm sure it used to be there. I also checked to make sure it wasn't hidden. I went into the system/app folder and found the library.apk there and reinstalled it. It still doesn't appear in the app drawer. I guess it's no big deal, I can always hit the N and bring up the library there.
It's really not as big a deal as the default reader that goes back to the cover every time I go back to a book I'm reading.
I noticed the same thing with the disappearing icons after the update to 1.4.1. I'm currently un-rooted, but using Go Launcher. I sideload apps usding adb through my computer.
My family has three NT's. I noticed that after taking the 1.4.1 update that several of the icon pictures were changed from the BN default to some generic android icon. I can't remember all of them, but they were the ones you see when you press your N button. Like the Library, Web Browser, and Shop. One one of my tablets I just replaced the icon image with something better looking using Go Launcher's replace. On another tablet my daughter accidently deleted the Web icon. When I went to get it back, that's when I noticed the same thing as you. That those icons were no longer in the app drawer so that I could add them on the desktop. They were definitely there before the update. In fact, one of my tablets I've kept from taking the update and they are definitely there. I goofed around and searched all I could in ES File Explorer, but couldn't find where they went on the tablets with the update. I did find the APK files, like you, but didn't reinstall to see what would happen.
Like you said, not a big deal since you can still get there from the N button, but some of the icons I like on the desktop. We ended up deleting all of the icons on my daughters tablet that you find on the N button, but there is no way to get them back unlesss someone here can enlighten this noob.

[Q] Customize "n" menu?

Hey all,
Is it at all possible to customize what icons/apps show up in the menu when you press the "n" button? I'm rooted at 1.4.0.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using (((sonicboom)))
There was some talk about this in the apps section about a month ago, but no one ever figured it out as far as I recall.
Sent from my BNTV250 using Tapatalk
Torrential91 said:
[...] Is it at all possible to customize what icons/apps show up in the menu when you press the "n" button? I'm rooted at 1.4.0.
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Do you mean the bar of B&N shortcuts that appears, or what appears in the B&N apps list reached after you press the 'n' button?
If you want to customize the apps that appear in the B&N interface, download Nook Color App Manager from the Android Market. Once you've downloaded it, run it and add it to the B&N app list by long-pressing the icon. Once you've done that, you can selectively add and remove 3rd party apps from the B&N screens.
One downside that appears to be a limitation of the B&N software is that any apps you add will continue to appear in the Today bar at the bottom of the screen. You can either drag them to one of the 3 home screens to keep them all corralled together, or move them to the right of the Today bar more-or-less out of constant view.
I've done this on both NC devices running 1.4.1 and NT running 1.4.0. Assuming you can still access the Market, it should still work on NT 1.4.1.
If you want to customize the actual B&N bar of shortcuts, I'm not aware of any way of doing that.
bobstro said:
Do you mean the bar of B&N shortcuts that appears, or what appears in the B&N apps list reached after you press the 'n' button?
If you want to customize the apps that appear in the B&N interface, download Nook Color App Manager from the Android Market. Once you've downloaded it, run it and add it to the B&N app list by long-pressing the icon. Once you've done that, you can selectively add and remove 3rd party apps from the B&N screens.
One downside that appears to be a limitation of the B&N software is that any apps you add will continue to appear in the Today bar at the bottom of the screen. You can either drag them to one of the 3 home screens to keep them all corralled together, or move them to the right of the Today bar more-or-less out of constant view.
I've done this on both NC devices running 1.4.1 and NT running 1.4.0. Assuming you can still access the Market, it should still work on NT 1.4.1.
If you want to customize the actual B&N bar of shortcuts, I'm not aware of any way of doing that.
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I did that before I was rooted, but no, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean the actual menu that pops up when you press the "n" button (I.e. Home, Library, Shop, Search, etc.).
Sent from my Nook Tablet using (((sonicboom)))

need help with popup background color change

i got a problem that i need help with.
i wanna change the background and color text of 3 pop ups:-
1 - the popup background that appears when you press the left button on the home screen.
2 - the popup background that appears when you press the left botton while in the app draw.
3 - the popup that appears when you long press the power button.
now i think the files that i need to change are in framework-res.apk in a few of the .xmls that are in there.
but my problem is that i cant seem to find which ones to edit. thats if im even in the right ball park. can someone point me in the right direction please. thats if it can be done. im using a stock rom if that helps
Use metamorph on cm7
Or use uot kitchen or use
Theme in cm7
Or use 7-zip and photoshop
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
not on cm7. like stock rom and really like nims infinity rom. so basically trying to make a stock rom transparent like his. just tried uto and it only changed 2 of them. still having trouble with 1 thanks tho
fez1782 said:
i got a problem that i need help with.
i wanna change the background and color text of 3 pop ups:-
1 - the popup background that appears when you press the left button on the home screen.
2 - the popup background that appears when you press the left botton while in the app draw.
3 - the popup that appears when you long press the power button.
now i think the files that i need to change are in framework-res.apk in a few of the .xmls that are in there.
but my problem is that i cant seem to find which ones to edit. thats if im even in the right ball park. can someone point me in the right direction please. thats if it can be done. im using a stock rom if that helps
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Hi! I've an answer for you!!
The popup you're talking about is called OptionsMenu. In framework-res.apk, under drawable mdpi/hdpi, there are two PNGs, named menu_background.9.png and menu_background_fill_parent_width.9.png. The 1st one stands for the popups in setttings, and other apps. And the secon stands for launcherapp, etc. Change these PNGs with your's...................
Hope it helps........
fez1782 said:
i got a problem that i need help with.
i wanna change the background and color text of 3 pop ups:-
1 - the popup background that appears when you press the left button on the home screen.
2 - the popup background that appears when you press the left botton while in the app draw.
3 - the popup that appears when you long press the power button.
now i think the files that i need to change are in framework-res.apk in a few of the .xmls that are in there.
but my problem is that i cant seem to find which ones to edit. thats if im even in the right ball park. can someone point me in the right direction please. thats if it can be done. im using a stock rom if that helps
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Best, easy and speedy way is to use UOT kitchen
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

What the heck is NookViewer?

I rooted my NT and when I go to the apps list in my Go Launcher, I see an app with a little Android icon called NookViewer. If I open it, it doesn't seem to do anything except for blank the screen. The menu icons at the bottom of the screen drop away and the screen turns white. Then my NT just sits there until I click the Home button, after which I'm returned to the Go Launcher apps list.
Does anyone have any idea what this app is or what purpose it serves?
- Byron
No, but I'm glad you asked. After a couple of times of doing what you did, I just ignored it.
Nook Viewer
I wonder the same thing and have just been ignoring it as well!
I just hide it lol.
Hmm. Build.prop thinks I have a nexus. Yay crazy root stuff!
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
"Nook Viewer" allows your NT to become completely invisible when threatened. Ignore it.

[Q] Not sure where to ask this, why is xda no longer showing as a forum?

It used to be that XDA had pages of comments, but for a few weeks now I am viewing only one comment at a time with a scroll menu at the top.
Did I change a setting somehow? How can I go back to the original format?
At the very bottom of the page on the left you should see a drop down menu. I'm not sure this is the issue you're seeing but you can try just changing the style back.

