best rom that doesn't lag? - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

okay, so i am running kaos froyo v37 and finally i'm going to switch to a different rom tomorrow. any ideas on what rom runs the best or flush? kaos lags and or has it's issues and i know nothing is perfect but some guys say use sense FroShedYo or xtrSENSE4.6.5
hopefully i don't get too many responses for different roms and get most people saying the same thing....
what rom in your in your experience for the guys who have tried all the roms out there or most of them, which one runs the best and flawlessly with out lagging a lot or maybe never? ??

Tried a few ROMs and found that, for me anyhow, THE best one, hands down, has been FroShedYo. I was running FroShedYo v.10 and ABSOLUTELY loved it. Then I switched to FroShedYo RedGlas v.2 and don't plan on least until shed gets other ROMs up. But yeah, FroShedYo ROMs are, by far, my favorite.

if you arent using launcher pro that probably explains the lag

We use Kaos 39 and it doesnt lag at all for us. We use go launcher, have setcpu set up and some other tweaks but other than that nothing major. Froshedyo lags at least v8 did.
You could just try a few and see which one you like best thats what I had to do and thats how I got stuck on kaos froyo v39 and just so you know kaos and tazz are both going to be coming out with gingerbread well kaos already does but he is working on fixing the things that dont work on it aka the camera and from what I have heard that doesnt lag either just a thought.

in my experience ive used Koas rom and CelbFroyo, I have stuck with Koas since i liked having android look as stock as possible, and im not a fan of when people change the colors\themes too much. But let us not forget, I applaud the devs here regardless peoples taste, they do a fantastic job. Im begging my programming classes, and we will see if in the near future i can learn (doubt it)
getting back on topic now i want to try shed's

Kinda vague, but wth ....
... "Best ROM that doesn't lag?" ranks right up there with 'What is the best ROM for the Eris?' .... which, admittedly, back when I started to LEARN all things ANDROID and how to implement the mysterious 'ROOT' to my handset, I actually 'googled' that question -(you'll NEVER get a definitive answer !!) .... it wasn't too much later, after reading & researching & reading & searching ... ad naseum ... that I found out that, ultimately, it depends on Y.O.U aka the user !!!
YOU may experience "lag" with a certain ROM simply b/c of your particular customizations (apps, widgets, et al) and settings to that ROM .... also, a ROM that works for someone (and/or others), just may not offer the same experiennce to you. I saw you have DS36 Tweak Thread link > that is a BIG+, also learning from endless reading, searching, researching & FAQ's into things like CyMod 'performance' tweaks and what they 'may' offer you is a great way to go !
After I got over the temporary little 'rooting voids my warranty ?!?!' freak-out, I used this to get me started (KaosFroyo v34) ... it is a little dated, but was very helpful to me ~~>
Personally, I have NEVER been a ROM Flashing freak ... I research the handset's forum, notably the 'Development' for ROM's (obviously) .... and after reading through endless pages of threads, I would settle on 1 ROM .... KaosFroyo. Then, after I read/researched & LEARNED more & more .... I tried NonsenSikal.
I stayed w/ Nonsens until his final update - all the while, I'd still avidly research & follow the progress of other Eris ROM dev's & their updates/releases compared to what I had gotten to 'like' ....
ANYWAAAAYS, I finally flashed, only the 3rd, a new ROM .... Vanilla Tazz 20ish and I haven't looked back ever since !! Tazz would be the last to claim any kind of badass DEV status, but he knows what 'he' is doing and he does it VERRRY WELL !!! He is NOT Punk Kaos, most are not ... but my money is on Tazzs' ROM's -I run v28, even though I have v29- Tazz frequently updates, he doesn't release updates w/o a sensibly rigorous testing first !! ~~> not to mention how many projects he has his hands & mind on/into !! VanillaTazz, GingerTazz (VTazz v26), Blackened 2 & 3, resurrected Evil Eris 5^, FloyoTazz ... PLUS +++ all the while, Tazz is working on his own GB & CM7 ROM's as well !!!!]
There is NO second guessing for me because IT WORKS FOR -ME- .... I know Conap really knows his sh*t [CELB], Workshed does great work [FroShedYo] ... even SikYou's Nonsensikal ROM's are still greeeaat, just no more updates ... my fav's were 12.5, 13.2 & 15.2
MY WHOLE POINT BEING ... 'WE' can tell you what works for 'US' ... BUT you gotta find out what works for you !!
WHEW ! ..... Hope that helped a little ?!?!?!?! ...... Oh Yeeeaah, HUGE +1 ON LAUNCHERPRO (PLUS) !!!

I'm a happy camper
I am perfectly happy now, using the latest FroShedYo with Froyo cache2cache
I run way too many apps, and find this combination works well for me. I don't need to move any apps to SD for them to fit in, and the Eris is pretty snappy now.

The Droid Eris can only handle so much. I've found out even with using all the 2.2 ROMs that I've always kept my apps and widgets to a minimum.
-Less widgets I feel that the phone is more snappier
-Less background app updating won't hog too much memory thus the phone can run faster (i.e. weather updates, facebook etc..)
In any case, ROMs are all different in their own ways and each Droid Eris runs differently. I recommend KaosFroyo / CELB / Nonsensikal
For more tips on making your Droid Eris run even faster try one of these links

It's all in the tweaking.
Try a few different roms. Different kernels, keyboards, launchers.
Explore all menu options. OC and governor options.
If you install/uninstall alot of apps, keep your /cache and /data clean (I find old stuff in there all the time).
Read about build.prop tweaks.
Pay attention to your apps and what they're doing. If something is being a hog in the back ground, find an alternative application.
Delete your bloat. If you don't use it, and it's not a dependency for something else, remove it.
I also move apps that are 'essential' to me to the system partition.
I think I've tried just about all the froyo releases on here and they're all good. Issues always come down to me fubar'ing something.
CELB has always been my go to; FroSHEDyo a close second.
After months of denial, I switched from ADW to LP. ADW is still my favorite, but it lags whereas LP doesn't. Function over form.
Oh yeah, and always run fix permissions. It can iron out the wrinkles most of the time. Its in rom manager or recovery, or from terminal: su <enter> fix_permissions <enter>
"roll your own" froyo-eris v. √-1

FroShedYo, xtrROM, xtrSENSE.

Of course this is all subjective - it probably depends on which apps you run. I run CELB almost exclusively now. I've been rooted since May, and my primary ROMs since then have been:
- Ivan's Official 1.0
- Senseless
- Cyanogen ELB (2.1)
- xtrROM
- Kaos Froyo
- Nonsensikal
- Back to CELB
- xtrSENSE 4.6.5 for two solid weeks, to see if I could stay 2.1 stock
- Back to CELB for good
In my experience with all of these, the only ones with any sort of lag after the phone had been running for a while were the full Sense-based ROMs - Ivan's Official and xtrSENSE. I had a few issues with Cyanogen ELB - mostly the occasional random reboot - but really my favorites in this list, and then ones that I think would have minimal lag for the way that I use my phone, are CELB, Nonsensikal, xtrROM, and Kaos.
I was lucky never to have issues with the silent phone bug, and I don't have that phantom call drop issue that some people report with the CyanogenMod ROMs. If I did, I might simply stick with xtrROM. However, the extra battery life with better performance that I get from CELB is what keeps me running that ROM. How you use your phone may be different, but that's what works for me.
Also, what somebody else said is true - it's an Eris, it's definitely not a speedy phone.

i am running launcher pro
i think i might try FroShedYo next

I havent played with 2.1 roms much but for 2.2 (which I've tried most) nonsensikal and floyo tazz are much more consistant and snappier than other 2.2 roms. I dont know if its coincidence but they both happen to be CM 6.1 based opposed to 6.2 like the others.
And Koas Gingerbread is even better just doesn't work yet. I noticed right away angry birds plays much smoother/faster and download speeds are obviously superior too so I'm waiting/hoping the few things left to fix on that (mainly camera) before switching completely.

KF is the best period
What everyone is saying is true really just make sure you're cache/memory is cleaned pretty frequently.
I've been with KaosFroyo since v19 and I've tried every other rom, KaosFroyo has always been the most stable and had less issues. CELBFroyo is a close second and Conap's kernals are the best.
I currently run KaosFroyo V38 (because I've had some GPS issues with v39), then Conap's CFS Kernal V9, GOLauncher EX, CPU Boost by Conap, OC to 729 and my phone runs smoother than ever.
I also use Process Manager Pro as a task killer (the widget and amount of resources it uses I think make it the best).
Cache Cleaner NG is AMAZING too I constantly use it to clear my cache on my phone and SD card.
I every other day go into Settings>Applications>Manage Applications and go through all the apps and clear their cache's individually to clear up memory on my phone.
Also I see you have DS36's thread in your sig, using his guide to move apps from data/app to system/app and deleting unused apps is phenomenal it's made my phone run soooooo much better.
So honestly IMHO KaosFroyo is the most stable, and using the right launcher, phone cleaning tools, and just common sense can make your phone the best it can be.

nothing else to say. . .
Not much else to say, Nonsensikal was my first ROM and i used it for about a month, i switched a few times after that because it was starting to lag but i realize now that that was because of LauncherPro. I'm using KGB now which i absolutely love! its still pretty much in Beta but v9 should be out soon and things should be fixed. it's very stable and very sexy (kaos's stuff just tends to be sexy though i love that splash screen!!). KGB has consistently run more quickly and smoothly than when i did have sense, which i had for a long long time. i didn't root or flash my phone until January of 2011 and received my phone in September of 2009 so i've had a lot of time to hate sense :3

thanks for the tips guys. i'm going to try froshedyo right now i think


I've been loving nonsensikal since the first moment I tried it. Totally snappy. No more missed calls because the freaking lag is so bad. I've put it on 5+ other people's Erises and they all love it.
It's been almost 10 months on nonsensikal and I still haven't found anything better! I'm actually still on v5.4 because later versions killed my bluetooth tethering. I'll probably stick with it until there's a really stable Gingerbread build.

I am trying to get used to the slight lag that comes with GB. The best launcher HANDS DOWN is not Launcher Pro, but HE-Launcher. It is the fastest launcher you will find, and you can give the GB look to any rom. Plus it changes styles. (NinjaBlur Sense Espresso GB Froyo MotoBlur) If anyone hasn't tried this launcher, TRY IT!
As for the fastest rom, try a 2.1 rom if you can deal with the lack of features. I was sitting on TheCookieRom and it was nice and snappy. Lag free.

I would have to say GSB v1.2 is the fastest right now in my opinion after switching from KaosFroyo v39 to Tazz's cm7 version. GingerShedBread is the way I am sticking right now.


Please help me decide before I go crazy

I have been at this for weeks now. I rooted my droid eris and love that I did, but for the life of me I cannot decide on which rom to use and stick with. I have tried nonsensikal, kaos, tazz, and celb. I just want one where I will have great battery life. I was wondering if I can get some advice on which ones you all think are the best. I know kaos is the most popular or so it seems. I keep going back and forth on this as I type I am flashing nonsensikal 9.0 and probably will switch again later unless I get advice.
Thank you for any help.
I use KaosFroyo, but I've tried out several and like most of them. You really won't find a bad ROM here; it's more of a personal preference...the way it looks and feels to you.
Keep an eye on KaosLegendary as it progresses. If you like sense, that one's going to be badass.
Since all of the ROMS you mentioned are built from CyanogenMod source, they will likely all have similar battery life... I'm not sure anyone can tell you one ROM is better than another, but I can give you my opinion- I have had the best experience with CELB's flavor of Froyo.
+1 for Celeb.
Not that the others are bad, all of them are great. Celeb seems to run a bit smoother.
That said keep an eye on Kaos-Legendary I think it will be great once some of the kinks are worked out.
I am like you.
I started out with Kaoys
I think went to Tazz
I am now on Nonsenikal.
I moved from Kaoys after I saw somethings that Tazz was doing but I started not to like the red keyboard with some of those releases and I didn't get into flashing a new keyboard which took me back to Kaoys........but then i found Nonsensikal at 8.2 and then 8.8 and now 9 and I am stuck with them for now.
I have the latest Tazz and Latest Kaoys on my phone just in case. I also have the Flashback 15 V1 just in case I need to take back to verizon for some odd reason and that works too
As has been stated, it's hard to tell you which is the best for you. You've tried them, you are the one who needs to decide. I like Kaos ROM it's been stable, many updates, many users, which helps when you have a question. It also is the first one i tried back on version 17.
They are all good, for sure. You just have to try them all bro, you can always switch... right? lmao
But, I suggest Tazz or Celb only because I really like those guys personally
Make it easy on yourself. Use the rock solid 2.1 XTR (with or without sense) from Zach as your default rom. When you are bored and wanna play, rotate among the Froyo roms. If there was a benchmark for Eris roms, I think XTR wins the prize. The Froyo roms are progressing nicely, but none of them have achieved benchmark status. (yet)
So adopt the best and play with the rest
Irieone said:
Make it easy on yourself. Use the rock solid 2.1 XTR (with or without sense) from Zach as your default rom. When you are bored and wanna play, rotate among the Froyo roms. If there was a benchmark for Eris roms, I think XTR wins the prize. The Froyo roms are progressing nicely, but none of them have achieved benchmark status. (yet)
So adopt the best and play with the rest
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If you mean quadrant score, XTR actually gets lower because its a 2.1 rom. But those mean nothing on the Eris, so yes XTR is the best way to go. I recommend doing XTRSense because it comes with XTRom and you can always download LauncherPro or something, flash openGL. and there ya go, both roms in one
If you are looking for froyo sensless rom i would definitely go with shadowrom. if you want sense based 2.1 than XTRsense. As far as quadrant scores i had highest with shadowrom.
I'm still running evil eris 3.0 and probably will upgrade to evil eris 4.0. personally i like evil eris the most out of any of the roms. i have apps2sd and over clocked at 768mhz with out any issues. hasn't given me one problem yet and by far one rom that has zero problems. Every other rom i've tried has some sort of issue. with froyo rom's it's ether the speaker jack not working or some odd issue which sucks. i hate if something doesn't work right so that's why i'm still running evil eris 3.0.
Thank you for all the suggestions so far. I went back to tazz 12 the pink theme because I liked how it was more girly since I am a girl. However I should of mentioned I wanted to be able to make whichever rom I chose more personal and the only changes I could see that you can make on any of them so far is the color of the clock and battery percentage. If there is more I can customize please let me know.
Another question I had was there was one theme I fell in love with but I dont know how to put it put it on my eris since it was made for regular droid. Is there any advice about doing that?
Thank you for any help. Im still really new to this.
Evil Eris is a dead project as far as I know. There's a cyborg rom that's very stable since it's based of the latest ruu.
As for froyo I'm a fan of Kaos or Tazz ROMs. I also huge fan of the built in tether and apps2sd in froyo.
Sent from my Tazz Froyo using XDA App
I have tried NonSensikal, Tazz, and CELB. And to be honest, they are all very similar. I swore by NonSensikal when I started then tried out Tazz because of an issue I was having with my phone. Then I can't even remember why but I decided to try CELB 2.9 and it was great too. I've switch off of it for a couple days back to NonSensikal 8.8 but was having email issues and went back. To be honest I love the fact that I can switch ROMs as much as I want. I like to tinker and try new things. I've even flashed Kaos Legendary and it definitely going to be one I keep an eye on. All I'm saying is experiment if you want and enjoy. If not just flash one and stick with it. I've had no problems on CELB 3.0.
+1 xtrsense or xtrrom!
I know there's a theming app but I never used it si can't remember the name. I pretty much stick to the way a rom comes except for boot animation and keyboard.
Sent from my xtrROM Eris using XDA App
TaintedTenzo works the best for me
I have been on NonSensikal for a few updates now and it is pretty stable. I honestly can't tell you that it is any better than the others. Kaos, Conap, Tazz, and Listy are all awesome developers and most (or all) seem to openly share ideas and bug fixes. It's all about your personal preference.
As far as battery life goes, ever thought of just getting more batteries? I bought two extras with an external battery charger off of ebay for pretty cheap. I keep my setcpu profiles set higher than most to get the best performance and change the battery whenever it gets low. Now, if I was a girl, this would be even more convenient seeing as most of you carry purses with everything but the kitchen sink in them anyway.
As far as themes go, check the apps and theme section of XDA. Even if a theme was made for a particular Froyo rom, it SHOULD work on all of them. Make a nandroid and morph or flash away.
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App
I was on nonsensikal. I think im going to have to flash xtrrom /sense just to see how they compare. Thank you for all the help. I can use all that I can get =D
Big fan of xtrSense. I would try that first.
labnjab said:
I was on nonsensikal. I think im going to have to flash xtrrom /sense just to see how they compare. Thank you for all the help. I can use all that I can get =D
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glad u trying xtr...u will love it.
good luck
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App

How much can i hope to improve my wife's Eris?

So, long story short; about this time last year, she decided on the Eris, as she liked the design and feel. It seemed decent in the store, but within a month or so, it bogged down, and at this point, she now uses it for NOTHING more than just a basic cell phone.
With that said, we have been looking at other phones (Thunderbolt), but with money being tight, alternatives are more than welcomed. So, i got to thinking; i am no stranger to modding and rooting, but it is normally my stuff. I am totally in the dark when it comes to what has happened on the Eris's front, and thus my post here.
I know there are roms out there, even some decent GB ones. And i am fairly sure some kernels will allow some overclocking. But for me, in order to really justify wiping her phone, and making her redo all the customizations, i guess i really need to understand just how much (or little) the actual user experience is improved. With a good ROM and overclock, will the phone be noticeably quicker than the the phone as it is now? I know the Arm v6 CPU is quite dated, but is there any hope for this little phone?
Or, should we call it a wash, and be on the lookout for a good used, or a decent new one (though, we hate contracts.. ugg..)? All advice is welcomed!
The default ROM is horrifyingly bad. It's buggy, slow, drains the battery just sitting there... really, just the worst.
Any ROM here would be infinitely better. Battery life will improve, responsiveness goes way up, everything. You might want to stick to a Sense ROM like Nonsensikal for a proof of concept to her, but you can't really go wrong.
Do anything to get her off stock. I'm not kidding.
Sent from my Eris ADR6200 using XDA Premium App
Thanks for the advice. I am guessing Nonsensikal is at least Froyo (currently at work, so i don't have more than a few mintues to post... will do more research tonight).
Also, what are people able to get in terms of overclocking? And on the poor old Eris, is it even worth it?
You can generally get 710 safely. That's a pretty big boost from stock. Most ROMs come overclocked, not sure about Nonsensikal. People also seem to like xtrSense, but that's still 2.1.
But like I said, you can't really go wrong. Absolutely anything is better than stock.
Sent from my Eris ADR6200 using XDA Premium App
At this point, I think I'd not even bother with any of the Froyo ROMs and just go either xtrSENSE or xtrROM, or go to one of the Gingerbread ROMs. There is an issue with GPS with all of the Froyo ROMs that I know of (after about 20 to 30 minutes of use, the GPS starts getting spurious data; if you are using Navigation, you generally need to reset the GPS radio to get it back on track.) This issue is gone with GSB (and I believe with Ginger Tazz as well.)
xtrSENSE is a good first root ROM, as it is exactly stock with none of the lag issues that plague stock over time.
+1 xtrSENSE. It won't be culture shock for your wife, since it's stock-based, but has overclocking/underclocking/a choice of governors, more memory for apps, I think it has 50% Time Without Singal fix built in.
If she's not a power user hook her up with an xtrRom. But if she is a power user I would highly suggest GSB. Ever since GSB is the only GB rom that is officially supported by CyanogenMod. Our very own Workshed just so happens to be the Eris maintainer as well. Good luck!
My wife and I are due for an upgrade in Oct. Heard on Android Forums about Workshed's GSB ROM's. Installed it on mine and my wife's phones, she checked my phone out liked the ROM. She is a Shed fan now. Really gives your Eris a new lease on life. Highly recommend.
Nonsensikal V16.1 Final and Froshedyo V11 Final are stable & reliable, both on 2.2 - and recommended - with many apps via the Market. They are 1 up from the XtrSense and XtrRom.
GSG V2.8 just released is very promising once everything is fine tuned and finalized, turning this little Eris devil into a speeding demon.
To sum it, plenty of juicing up to make this an everyday workhorse with a new lease on life.
Thanks again for the all the advice guys. We are gonna start backing up her stuff, and then figure out which one to go with. The tech in me says the gingerbread roms, but i think she likes the sense widgets, so those may be the ones to start out with.....
Give OMGB 1.1.1 a try. I've been running it for about 5 days now with NO issues whatsoever. Extremely stable and fast.
Divine_Madcat said:
Thanks again for the all the advice guys. We are gonna start backing up her stuff, and then figure out which one to go with. The tech in me says the gingerbread roms, but i think she likes the sense widgets, so those may be the ones to start out with.....
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GSB + Launcher Pro Plus sense-like widgets
Sent from my ERIS using Tapatalk
+ for xtrsense
i always find myself going back to it no matter what rom i try next fastest and most stable one i found... i don't care much for gb as its slower than froyo just has more features
We have two Eris phones and installed GSB on both about a year ago, latest GSB 2.8 is very stable and fast.
I installed GSB on both mine and wifes Eris nearly a year ago. The latest GSB 2.8 is very fast and stable. My only complaint is web browsing is still slow to load pages. I have flashed several others and always go back to GSB. My wife was ready to trash her Eris before I rooted it and installed GSB. She gets highly excited when her phone doesn't work right.
My wife's Eris was getting extremely slow and the battery wasn't lasting a day. Loaded xtrSense and it's made a world of difference.
Loaded widgets and apps back the way she had it and except for some missing data in a few apps and different wallpapers, she couldn't tell any difference in the interface.
The Eris runs much smoother, responds a lot quicker, and battery life is outstanding. Going on 40 hours since last unplugged with moderate use and 57% still battery remaining.
My wife loves it.
Sent from my VS910 4G using XDA App
Running GSB overclocked 480-768 Mhz (bit more battery drain but smoothes things out) with V6Supercharge installed (option 6). Runs silky smooth and I'm very happy. Way better than stock!

GSB v 2.x or Ginger Tazz xx???

Can anyone here the boards give me some feedback of their experience with either ROM?
I would love to know because I wanna run GB on my lil ol eris and cant decide whether I want vanilla or a tweaked version.
Much thanks in advance, Jeff
GSB for me
Ever since I first put GSB on my phone (can't remember which version) I haven't moved to anything else. I really love it. I have also been wondering what the differences between GSB and Ginger Tazz are, if anyone has used both - which do you prefer?
I started right with GSB from 2.1. I haven't tried any other roms but in a day ive seen 3 updates. Its nice to have solid support.
Id be interested to see side by side metrics. Id love to see a ginger sense ROM
Sent from my Eris ADR6200 using XDA App
ive ran both. each are great roms. i settled on gintazz
i great great battery life and my phone is super fast and i havent had one issue
with it since using gintazz.
you should try both and choose for yourself you really cant go wrong
Is it hard to switch between ROMs or same process? Just data +dalvik and flash
Sent from my Eris ADR6200 using XDA App
Yup just date/dalvik wipe. Act. I font think I ever rid a dalvik wipe with a data wipe, wont hurt though. I switch between Roms a lot. I like to check everything out
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using Tapatalk
I've used both, but I've been with GSB for the most part and haven't tried a recent version of Ginger-Tazz so I can't really give a review; other people seem to love it just fine.
i switched from GSB to v20 ginger-tazz. i like the simple integration with not too many custom launcher add ones. (adw vs launcher pro)
Love ginger tazz its has great battery life, a great thread with awesome ppl and its fast.
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using Tapatalk
I first had gsb but I tryed Ginger tazz & I like it alot.haven't had any issues.its faster &just runs smoother.
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App
i use ginger it has some nice feq
I've ran both and have settled with Ginger Tazz. Its very fast and I like not haveing all the CM stuff. Its also small so you have lots of memory left over. Haha.
But ya. I run that with the stock launcher and overclocked at 710 (maybe 729) and it just goes. Battery life it pretty great to and with the v3 update its supposed to be better than before (some people had issues with battery on v2, i stayed on v1 and did well)
EDIT: I wrote this assuming you were asking about GSB and the AOSP Ginger Tazz. If not sorry. But thats your review for those two.
I JUST flashed the AOSP Gingertazz ROM this morning and so far I love it. So far it is noticeably faster than GSB - probably because some of the bloatware is removed. I'll give it a few days so I can add a bunch of my own bloat and see how it goes.
Though I've really loved all the ROMs I've used so far - can't say enough how appreciative I am for the work the devs have done and continue to do to improve this 'end-of-life' Eris! I don't really even think about my next phone anymore since rooting a few months ago.
ozzyager said:
I JUST flashed the AOSP Gingertazz ROM this morning and so far I love it. So far it is noticeably faster than GSB - probably because some of the bloatware is removed. I'll give it a few days so I can add a bunch of my own bloat and see how it goes.
Though I've really loved all the ROMs I've used so far - can't say enough how appreciative I am for the work the devs have done and continue to do to improve this 'end-of-life' Eris! I don't really even think about my next phone anymore since rooting a few months ago.
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I want ditto the sentiment. It has been refreshing to see life breathed into my phone after repeated attempts to make the stock version work. Thanks deb's for making my update in October a mute point.
Sent from my ERIS using XDA Premium App
I've been running GSB since version 2.0 I think. It's been running very well with very few issues, which I suspect wouldn't be happening if I would follow shed's instructions to wipe data before loading each new release. Today, I decided to give GingerTazz a shot. I tried out the current version 22. GingerTazz seems like a pretty solid ROM, but I missed a few of the bells and whistles of GSB and how snappy GSB is, even with all the stuff I've loaded on it. Both of these guys are top notch in my book, and I will pay attention to which phones they and Kaos use to determine which phone I get next. My recommendation, based on my experience and preferences =GSB.

fastest droid eris rom that's most reliable?

currently on workshed --> gingerbread 2.9
wondering if going to ....
workshed --> froyoshed
tazzpatriot --> gingertaz
zach.xtr --> xtrom
zach.xtr --> xtrsense
Conap --> celeb
is 2.1 based roms or 2.2 or 2.3 the best? that would be the most reliable and fastest rom out there? about to flash root and flash a rom on a friends eris. i just got a droid 2 global from my buddy so i've been playing around with that and the eris on the side and trying to figure out what's best for my friend that would be fast and reliable. help please!
the xtr roms are very fast and very reliable
you could install a few roms and do backsup of them and show your friend how
to restore backs ups or show how to flash roms
TheGratefulDead said:
the xtr roms are very fast and very reliable
you could install a few roms and do backsup of them and show your friend how
to restore backs ups or show how to flash roms
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the person is someone i work with and she is a girl. i'm looking to just flash it and forget about it honestly. she has like 10mb or less right now and isn't rooted and hates the phone cause it's slow. i know rooting the eris makes it like 5-10x faster since i played with my eris for months upon months but just trying to figure out what everyone else thinks is the fastest. at the end of the day if you move onto another phone that's the biggest fix but for now i'll just root her phone and hopefully she will be more satisfied.
yea id say one of the xtr roms would be good choice to flash and forget imo
I have xtrSENSE flashed on my girlfriend's Eris; she has seen every possible ROM on my Eris and still prefers the "simplicity and the Sense UI" of her ROM; as she calls it.
xtrSENSE is a stable, fast and reliable ROM; kind of like STOCK but with all the goodies... if you know what I mean.
I like to stick with any stock 2.2 ROM (iConap's CELB 4.4)
It has been stable for a long time and I get about a day and a half worth of battery (with 3G/GPS/Sync all on with moderate texting/few calls)
2.2 Froyo is better than 2.1 Eclair because..
-speed and performance optimizations
-USB thether and Wi-fi hotspot
Check the link for more info
Don't get me wrong, I see a lot of love from xTrSense ROM and it is a fast/stable ROM all around
Yes 2.3 Gingerbread is even better than 2.2 like better app and battery management & theme chooser BUT once CM7 Final is out and all ironed up I'll be moving onto that
Conap's CELB Froyo is amazingly stable and zippy as heck..
I have that running on my buddy's phone as well as my wife's.. absolutely a "flash and forget" ROM.
FroShedYo's Final is my preferred daily rom, up-to-date, run as is with options for further customization/OC tuning, etc. and very good on battery. Nonsensikal's ROM coming in 2nd. on 2.2 OS for me - keep a Nand backup on the SD card while running FSY's ROM so it's a fairly bullet-proof setup - not the fastest, slickest or necessary best on battery run, but very close in all categories.
+1 as others said about various GB 2.3 ROMs floating here on XDA, several are close to perfection with more fine tuning & minor bugs resolved, would be great - none of them, I feel, are the "flash & forget, leave it" status yet for the non-geek users. The ASOP, plain/almost Vanila type GB ones like OMGB and Condemned V5 CM7 running fairly smooth overall. In general, 2.3 OS loaded on the Eris sometimes has issues with GPS, camera & MMS, etc. - known "bugs" noted by some users and being worked on & some felt it's hardware-built specific .... even for the Kaos/Tazz/Workshed ROMs.
Aside from rooting the phone, which I assumed most of us on here took as a given, is to flash the C2C as it will free up extra memory/storage space by moving it to the SD card - so proper preparation pre-flash (format/wipe, etc.) I use 3 different SD (16, 8 & a 4 GB) cards so that I can play with several ROMs while keeping my "working" primary ROM on the master and easily switch back & restore .... Running widgets & other settings also affect how smoothly a ROM run, as is battery calibration & conditioning, as I'm sure you know.
The Eris Froyo ROMs, as far as I know, all have issues with long-term GPS use, like navigation, where the GPS radio goes screwy after about 20 minutes or so. This was fixed in all of the GB ROMs, as far as I can tell (I have used Runkeeper to log a 3 hour run with GSB and it was perfect.)
That said, if you want fast, set and forget, no bugs, no "weirdness" (i.e., long-press menu to get the keyboard in order to press 1 or 2 when you dial *228 in the Froyo and GB ROMs; hold VolUp while you press Send to wake the screen when you are in a speakerphone or BT call and the display times out in the Froyo and GB ROMs) - IMHO you want xtrSENSE. I think that the GB and Froyo ROMs are worth a try, but I would also install, set up and Nandroid backup an xtrSENSE build just in case. The only thing that xtrSENSE is missing is the cool Google Voice Actions that comes with the Froyo and above Google search app.
I have never used xtrsense or rom, I did use kaos froyo and loved it. I am now on gingertazz and dont plan on changing to anything else. Its fast, stable, and has awesome battery life. Right now I am at 100% after 4 hrs granted I havent used it much but I am impressed. I say just keep trying different ones you will find the one that fits your phone best.
I've been using TaintedTenzo2.1 for a few weeks and I really like it. Its very stable, and fast I haven't had any issues with it. I've tried Gingerbread roms and they were great but just not for me.
xtr roms
Conap's CELB Froyo
Cheatman1 said:
xtr roms
Conap's CELB Froyo
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flashed conap's it's quick but idk maybe i'm too used to my droid2 global. any other ideas for roms that are faster or smoother on the eris or will the eris always have lag since it's not a very powerful phone?
Cheatman1 said:
flashed conap's it's quick but idk maybe i'm too used to my droid2 global. any other ideas for roms that are faster or smoother on the eris or will the eris always have lag since it's not a very powerful phone?
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If you are comparing to a D2, yes, it will always have lag. Try some other ROMs if you wish, but, in the end, you are running a phone with hardware that first came out two years ago - April 2009 for the Magic; June 2009 for the Hero. The only difference was Sense and more megapixels on the camera when the Hero was released; the Eris added the proximity sensor. Otherwise, it's the same phone.
i'm a big fan of xtr.sense myself, i love the sense ui and otherwise zippy overall. i've tried alot of roms and for a flash and forget i would highly recommend it
I agree... Flash and forget... xtrSense
Zachs work is stellar and super stable.
I tried GSB 2.8 on my wife's Eris but after adding Launcher Pro Plus so I could get the calendar widget and beautiful widgets to get the weather/clock back, it seemed quite a bit more sluggish than Zach's xtrSENSE 5.01. I'd like to see GSB as fast or faster, but it wasn't the case for me...
I also had some bugs in GSB but I'm sure there are fewer now. I'm going to try again after it moves to RLS2 and see...
Anyone experience different results in terms of performance?
Im running a 2.3 rom called GingerBreadShed 2.3.4 (CyanogenMod 7 Nightly) and love it so far, the customization is amazing. Theres so many options, i flashed it a couple hours ago and haven't even gotten my apps back yet because I'm so caught up in the features... but of course, i have a problem i should let you know of... Im trying to find a solution and if anyone knows let me know. I cannot use any widgets i download, only launcher pro widgets and a few default widgets. A lot of HTC widgets are even absent. I'm trying my best to figure out a way to use them and ill let you know it i do.
AdamFerg said:
A lot of HTC widgets are even absent. I'm trying my best to figure out a way to use them and ill let you know it i do.
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HTC widgets will only work with a ROM running the Sense launcher.
Agreed either zach's xtrSENSE5.0.1 or xtrROM5.0.1
Both excellent, fast, stable, and solid.
Sent from my ADR6200 ERIS using XDA App

Coming from XTR Rom to a 2.2/2.3 rom?

Hi all,
I don't know if my eris is finicky or I just like XTR Rom/XTR Sense, but every 2.2 and up rom I've tried has been much slowed than any XTR rom I've used, BUT I want to use Google Music on my Eris (requiring 2.2 or higher).
So, if anyone can give me suggestions... I've been using GSB 3.4 with Launcher2 (after reading some threads), but it's much, much laggier, even with similar clock settings. I also used nonsensikal froyo awhile ago, but it loved lag and locking up.
tl,dr: looking for the fastest 2.2+ rom
It might just be your phone. I also experience everything you have just said. I try other ROM's and do the same settings and everything and I fell that anything over 2.1 is laggier and I get terrible battery life. I always switch back to Xtr Senses. I know its probably not what you want to hear. I also love some of the newer features but it looks like we are the minority on this issue.
sephriam said:
Hi all,
I don't know if my eris is finicky or I just like XTR Rom/XTR Sense, but every 2.2 and up rom I've tried has been much slowed than any XTR rom I've used, BUT I want to use Google Music on my Eris (requiring 2.2 or higher).
So, if anyone can give me suggestions... I've been using GSB 3.4 with Launcher2 (after reading some threads), but it's much, much laggier, even with similar clock settings. I also used nonsensikal froyo awhile ago, but it loved lag and locking up.
tl,dr: looking for the fastest 2.2+ rom
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It's hard to say - I find that almost every ROM I run feels about the same speed as any other. That said, Launcher2 is not a fast launcher - you will be much better off with LauncherPro, LauncherPro Plus, ADW, or ADW EX.
If you read through the GSB thread you will see some recommendations for performance which may help. By default the max clock runs at 604 MHz, while xtrROM by deafault runs at 710, so you can try bumping up the max clock (settings->cyanogenmod settings->performance -> CPU settings). Also read up on the supercharger scripts; I suggest number 14 (for the bulletproof launcher).
Others, hopefully, will chime in with other suggestions.
Oh, and now that I think of it - AmazonMP3 seems to run very well on the xtr roms, if I am not mistaken. Buy a single album on Amazon's MP3 store and you get 20 GB of music storage for free. They have that new Lady Gaga album (not song) for 99 cents today; even if her music makes you gag, you get that 20 MB of storage for the next year for 99 cents. Not a terrible deal. Perhaps that will take you through until you can upgrade the Eris to a better phone later on, which will run Froyo/GB far better for you?
Yeah, except I will be running Google Music (2.2 and up only), so heading back to the 2.1 based XTR roms is not going to work... and my upgrade is in another year (cripes!).
What about Zeam launcher? Anyone have any luck with that?
sephriam said:
Yeah, except I will be running Google Music (2.2 and up only), so heading back to the 2.1 based XTR roms is not going to work... and my upgrade is in another year (cripes!).
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Well, that's what I was getting at with Amazon. 20 GB of online storage and you can play music using the Amazon MP3 app from the online storage on the Eris. I know that Google music adds some not-very-good-yet pseudo-genius playlist feature, and 20,000 songs rather than 20 GB, but it's worth a try.
What about Zeam launcher? Anyone have any luck with that?
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I have heard good things about it. It has to be better than Launcher2, and it's free to try.
Assuming you've fully reformat your SD card, wipe system data/cache/dalvik and delete the .android_secure folder while in Recovery mode with USB enabled before (re)flashing GSB V3.4 - mine is using LP 8.6 (upgraded from 8.5) using default 604/480 setting (or 710 max) but not running SuperCharger V6 scripts - only ATK - and everything is fine for me, including GPS, wifi, Android music player, and MMS, etc.
For equally fast GB rom, check out MacRoms and CM's varied GB ROMs (plus Tazz's) - if you do need/use GPS as they don't work on my hardware/configuration at the moment. All of the developers are busy trying to get it "right" with the latest CM release/patches & workaround - just a matter of time before we get to a "Final Release".
On Workshed's GSB V3.4 - I'm getting around 20 hours moderate usage on a full charge, wifi on mostly and sometimes with BT on for driving, and minimal widgets running - not the greatest but reasonable & to be expected with a 1500 mAH hour HTC battery. You might want to try Shed's FroShedYo 2.3.x ROM (it's a Final Release) as I was on that for a while, stable & reliable & quite speedy.
Good luck !
2.2 is and always has been a resource pig.
2.3 has promise, but still has bugs to work out.
The zepplinrox script has given my friend's Eris a new life, but so far GSB is the best thing I've worked with.
Tazz is working on Sense for GB, if I remember correctly. Still WAY early in the stages for that to be stable for daily use though.
good luck finding what you're looking for. Unfortunately, the Eris is only a v6 processor and there's only so far it can go.
wattnxt said:
2.2 is and always has been a resource pig.
2.3 has promise, but still has bugs to work out.
The zepplinrox script has given my friend's Eris a new life, but so far GSB is the best thing I've worked with.
Tazz is working on Sense for GB, if I remember correctly. Still WAY early in the stages for that to be stable for daily use though.
good luck finding what you're looking for. Unfortunately, the Eris is only a v6 processor and there's only so far it can go.
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That's not correct.. a lot of people use it as a daily ya a few more kinks to work out but I wouldn't say u can't use it daily .. there are quick fixes for some things .. and no before someone says anything .no I'm not offended just wanted to let u know
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
wattnxt said:
2.2 is and always has been a resource pig.
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Everybody is different, I guess. This has not been my experience, at all. Just as for example, I always get better battery life, all else being equal, compared with the xtr ROMs.
As far as I know, the only major issue with the Froyo ROMs is a bug in GPS/Navigation, where using an app that pulls GPS data for a long time gets confused data coordinates; the Navigation part of Google Maps stops working, for example. You can reset GPS if you do not do this all that often.
wattnxt said:
2.3 has promise, but still has bugs to work out.
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It would be helpful to list the bugs, rather than just say that there are bugs. I am running the latest version of GSB and everything seems to be working just fine for me (though I just installed it yesterday and have not tried Navigation yet.) I suppose that there are minor ones, but right now the xtr ROMs are being plagued with a major calendar bug. It has nothing to do with the xtr build, as far as I can tell - it is happening to people running stock as well - but most likely with the changes that Google made to the calendar to fix the data leak on public WiFi networks. But, basically your phone stops displaying events in your primary calendar. And I tend to have occasional issues with xtrSENSE/xtrROM (and stock) not sounding alarm events when they should, or automatically snoozing them (so they go off 5 minutes later) until the event starts.
Thanks everyone, I ended up flashing CELBFroyo (after flashing GSB, GTazz, OMGB, XTRrom/XTRsense, nonsensikal, and a few others) and sticking with it.

