[Q] Rom Theme Question Energy - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey Guys/Gals
Im still getting into the whole fuss and fun of playing aorund with my ROM on my HD2 and recently upgraded to the newest version (Nov10->Feb11) and am not sure how to actually get some of the settings/display back to how it previously was (getting used to it and all )
I installed http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5044378&postcount=2 on my HD2 and noticed the image on the far left (Lock screen) is how i remember it but for the life of my i cant seem to get it back to how it looked...
I have the left right scoll option but just cant seem to find the setting to push/change to get it back to how it once was
I know its a basic question and option but i liked the options of having all the call/sms history with the swipe down then password layout.
I noticed that there have been Scene updates over the 2010/2011 change and im starting to think its been changed over with them... Does anyone know of an history section mabey with the last/pre scene release?
Currently i have installed

Did you try and/or check all the options of CHT?
For the lockscreen, you have several options which you´ll find in CHTE.
If you´re not familiar with the great CHT solution and its editor, please check out the introduction in the original thread. All this is cooked into the ROM you´re using.

I was having a play around with it but before i flashed i was able to use the pin number option and still have the slide down to unlock...
This image shows the diffrences which are between the image and my phone with the rom...
THe more i look at it the more i think i wont be able to bring the settings back i think
The editor has 3 options and the one whihc looks the closest if the HD mini but still does not allow for pincodes so i read...

the lockscreen you are showing is the android lockscreen that is part of the rom. it is not the CHT lockscreen (though CHT has an android option as well.)
fyi, energy rom has 2 lockscreens - windows and android (part of all roms, whether CHT is present or not).
to use this make sure CHT lockscreen is disabled. then go to settings > other > change lockscreen. it will prompt you that it will soft reset and give you a message about what screen it will change to. i believe, as this is not CHT, you can use a pin code without a problem.
also, for future, this type of question would be best in the Energy rom thread - really people there would help you quite quickly.

jsmccabe78 said:
to use this make sure CHT lockscreen is disabled. then go to settings > other > change lockscreen. it will prompt you that it will soft reset and give you a message about what screen it will change to. i believe, as this is not CHT, you can use a pin code without a problem.
also, for future, this type of question would be best in the Energy rom thread - really people there would help you quite quickly.
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CHT is disabled and there is no "Other" option in the settings panel
I dont think it allowed me to post in there when i first tried but it seems to let me now :S

go to settings on the manila slider (not via the start menu).
then go to Other (miscellaneous). you will see change lock screen.
this is standard on energy roms (i have the same rom as you.)
and i forgot about the new user rules and posting; apologies.

Options i have is
AGPS Settings
Car Kit Mode
Start Menu Layout Switch
Format SD CArd
Device Info
Wide Device
Get Carrier Time
SMS Threading
Keylock Settings {Only allows me to set passwords and nothing else}
Location Setting
Autodata COnfig
No lock screen settings

hmm. in the FAQ of the rom i see:
Q: How can I Revert back to Original WM LockScreen instead of the Android one?
A1: Start -> Settings -> Personal -> Switch Lockscreens.
does this work (it will switch between the 2)?

Fixed it !!! Needed 28244
Ok well i fixed it... (watched a youtube vid where they mentioned the bottom bottons showing onbly in 6.5.x not the std 6.5 and that lead me to the description stating the 6.5.x)
Seems the rom u have installed is 28244 were i had 21916...
Installed 28244 and it looks just like it did before lock screen and all eve the buttons on the bottom
So ill know now for future now which one to install
Its a shame its midnight now and i have to resetup my phone
All is well now..
Also i see our Lock Screen options now, using 28244

ya know, i saw that but thought his 6.5 roms had that option (never had used them though.) glad it is working.
and for next flash, look into xda_uc (i use xda_uc_net)...with CHTS...saves time and you are up and running in 20 minutes or so.


Change today items

Hi All,
I am not sure if I am too dump or if it really does not work also the saerch function in the forum did not give any threads for that.
I want to change the items on the today screen. But I get only a small choice of the actual installed programs.
So how can I put program icons or shortcuts on the screen (not on the pull down menu under start.)
I flashed the dopod WM6 HK english on it.
Thanks in advanced
cheers iso
Only thing i can think of is HTC Home Plugin, which has a laucher tab (9 spots). Try it out.

[ROM] - 06/12/2009 - LouzeBerry - 6.5/21812 - Original TF3D + Fuzeberry

'LouzeBerry' 6.5 ROM -- Version 061209 (changelog below)
This is my latest personal build. I'm posting it because I didn't notice any chefs putting together 6.5s with the standard TF3D, and I figured there might be people like me who are waiting until xboxmod gets done with converting the shipped version of TF3D2 to make the switch.
Getting to know this ROM:
* 6.5 Build 21812
* TF3D STANDARD with the FuzeBerry theme (turned off by default in favor of the new 6.5 Titanium interface; you can switch it in the Today settings).
* FuzeBerry for the 6.5 Titanium interface.
* Rhodium menu enhancement
* Tachi-style notifications (uninstallable)
* Opera 9.5 16277, Advanced Config, Google Maps, Titanium Customizer, Total Commander, Weathermaster (all uninstallable)
* HTC Album 2.5, with the social networking uploaders. I'm not crazy about the new behaviors 3.0, or about the fact that the uploaders aren't currently included in that version.
* Available with and without HTC on-screen keyboards.
* User Customization compatible.
(See further notes in next post)
061209B-KB - With HTC Keyboard
061209B-NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Updated to 21812. Scrolling is getting SNAPPY.
- Switched from HTC's Config Setup to WM6.5's
- Several updated packages, including a more WM6.5-friendly version of the HTC Task Manager
* Please re-download if you grabbed the original version. Corrected version is 061209B.
* If you have trouble starting YouTube: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3953769&postcount=124
Other recommended build:
052109KB - With HTC Keyboard
052109NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Returned to 21222 SYS. To put it eloquently, it's many much more betterer. Seems faster than the newer builds, and several people in the kitchen thread report minor bugs with 21231/2 they didn't see in 21222.
- Updated Google Maps. Street View!
- New Bluetooth driver. Da_G's description: It "has been modified to remove AVRCP being tied directly to WMP, that is it should function with whatever app you're using that supports AVRCP control now."
- New keyboard driver. The home key now calls the start menu (hitting the end key, as before, will get you to the home screen)
- Some new wallpapers. Hope you like indy chick rockers and/or bluegrass-informed acoustic alternative. Want an LB wallpaper that exactly matches the color of the current welcomehead (hey, I think it looks nice)? Download the "Blueback.zip" attached to this post (made it after the build).
(Previous changelogs in next post)
MobileMatt, Mr. Fuzeberry himself, is now mirroring the ROM at http://www.fuzeberry.com/ may not always be the latest build)
Many thanks to Da_G for the kitchen, NRGZ28, Captain_Throwback, At0mAng for his own kitchen and patience, MobileMatt for creating Fuzeberry and mirroring LB, davitru for more mirrors, and all the other usual peeps.
Supporters: deeznuts (really, that's his name, I swear), [email protected]
Important Notes:
* Standard dialer, but skinned to look much nicer than it does by default.
* HTC Volume is omitted, because it won't change in-call volume without the HTC Dialer. Instead includes an app that looks almost identical
* Keyboard configured for the Fuze. Use this if you've got a non-Fuze Touch Pro.
* Removed certain redundant TF3D tabs. If you want them back, disable TF3D and unzip this to your windows folder.
* Any trouble installing items or accessing 'net with with JBEd? Go into JBed's network settings and manually pick the network appropriate for your carrier. Only a concern under certain network setups for the phone.
* Not everyone loves the Tachi notifications; they don't always act like you'd think. You can uninstall them under "Remove Programs." That will get you the default WM-style notifications. If you want the HTC-style large-button notifications (like on the stock ROM), install this as well.
* Beginning with 050609, the BioTouch files that are the core of the TouchFlo finger-scrolling are omitted, as they interfere with WM6.5's own scrolling in some cases. The practical upshot is that finger scrolling should be improved in many applications, but it won't work at all in YouTube. But using this application, you can scroll through YouTube (and lots of other stuff) nice and quickly with the scroll wheel. If you really can't live with this, install this cab for the old behavior (YT scrolling may still be choppy).
* Don't like the FuzeBerry look? Dirty commie.
--- Install this cab (updated 051809 - redownload if you got it before then) to get back the original WM6.5 icons in Titanium and the Start Menu.
--- Install this cab to get back the original Start Menu icons, but to keep Titanium in the FuzeBerry Theme.
--- And this to put TF3D back to the default look.
Warning: By doing any of this, you sacrifice super-awesomeness.
* Want an HTC Dialer back? Try the Tachi dialer. Caveats: It doesn't work in landscape, and the edit contact function won't do anything without TF3D2. But it does let you uninstall SetVolume and get HTC's Volume Rocker back (you can install HTC Volume w/o an HTC Dialer, but you won't be able to change in-call volume).
Older downloads/changelogs (see first post for most current changelog):
052709KB - With HTC Keyboard
052709NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Upgraded to 21725. Da_G says this is almost certainly
- New build brings a faster, slightly nicer IE. Also brings updates to all the widgets, and the return of the weather widget. They're faster and slicker than before.
- Minor tweaks and cleanup. Updates the "Rock and Republic LB" theme with a slightly different wallpaper (now matches the color of the welcomehead)
- Also adding today to Post No. 2: "Partial DeFuzeBerrify" cab, to keep the FuzeBerry look on Titanium, but to get original WM6.5 icons on the Start Menu. If you want more visual consistency on the Start Menu, but want to keep the grooviness of FuzeBerry elsewhere, this is good compromise.
052109KB - With HTC Keyboard
052109NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Returned to 21222 SYS. To put it eloquently, it's many much more betterer. Seems faster than the newer builds, and several people in the kitchen thread report minor bugs with 21231/2 they didn't see in 21222.
- Updated Google Maps. Street View!
- New Bluetooth driver. Da_G's description: It "has been modified to remove AVRCP being tied directly to WMP, that is it should function with whatever app you're using that supports AVRCP control now."
- New keyboard driver. The home key now calls the start menu (hitting the end key, as before, will get you to the home screen)
- Some new wallpapers. Hope you like indy chick rockers and/or bluegrass-informed acoustic alternative. Want an LB wallpaper that exactly matches the color of the current welcomehead (hey, I think it looks nice)? Download the "Blueback.zip" attached to this post (made it after the build).
051809KB - With HTC Keyboard UPLOADING - mirror by davitru
051809NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier) - mirror by davitru
- FINALLY organized the Start Menu.
- Speed tweaks
- Changed Connection Setup settings so it won't notify you automatically on first normal boot (was like this until a few builds ago). Make sure you run it manually if you're not prompted for setup during initial customization (you might be, depending on if/how you did your sdconfig.txt)
- Updated the Defuzeberrify cab from the post below (link is the same; file has been replaced) to include the folder icons for the organized start menu).
- Note (discovered after cooking): MP3 Trimmer is installed, but the lnk is missing from the Start Menu. It's in the Windows folder, and you can copy it into the Start Menu from there.
051609KB - With HTC Keyboard - mirror by davitru
051609NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier) - mirror by davitru
- Moved to 21232
- All MS Widgets now included
- Note: This is (probably) the last build where I'm leaving the Start Menu a big, flat mess. My weekend project is finally getting it organized.
051409KB - With HTC Keyboard - Mirror by davitru
051409NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier) - Mirror by davitru
- Moved to brand-spankin' new build, 21231
- Added "MyPhone"
- NetCF3.5 is now installed during initial customization, instead of cooked in, for better compatibility with 21231
- Minor additions/enhancements that come with the new kitchen
050609KB - With HTC Keyboard. Mirror by davitru.
050609NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier). Mirror by davitru.
- Fixed Initial Customization error in 050509KB version
- "Comm Mgr" in the Titanium Home screen now properly opens the Comm Manager, instead of the clock.
- The Biotouch.exe/Biotouch.dll files have been removed. See important notes in the next post on the impact of this.
050509KB - With HTC Keyboard
050509NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Moved to 21222, brand new build. With it comes improvements to IE, and possibly more responsive scrolling.
- No more freezes starting an SMS (hotfix was available in last version)
- PTT Button brings up new-style Comm Manager by default on Fuze
- New Welcomehead & Purple LB Wallpaper
050109KB -- with HTC Keyboard
050109NOKB -- NO HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboards easier)
- Moved to 21215, and a new kitchen. Should be snappier, and memory management should be better.
- I've disabled the automatic network setup on first boot. This prevents some people from having to go through it twice if something in their personal UC triggers it. Go to Start --> Settings --> Connections and select Connection Wizard to get set up.
- New Welcomehead, new versions of the wallpapers.
- Added in Adobe Reader
- HOTFIX: If you have freezes typing in names for an SMS, install THIS (only affects the KB build)
Older versions based on 21500 here.
More screenies below
Sounds good! Ill be watching for updates.
Hey smith great roms, especially the latest one here its simply amazing. I have a few quirks that I have found. For a while now the last few of you roms have a bug where it shows the old style comm manager when using the PTT button. But the link in Start menu>settings>connections>comm manager is the right kind. I use the comm manager a lot do disable and enable 3g to save battery and not being able to get to it quickly is very bad.
Also could you add weather to the WM6.5 home menu like the mystic series rom.
Otherwise great rom.
Stalix said:
Hey smith great roms, especially the latest one here its simply amazing. I have a few quirks that I have found. For a while now the last few of you roms have a bug where it shows the old style comm manager when using the PTT button. But the link in Start menu>settings>connections>comm manager is the right kind. I use the comm manager a lot do disable and enable 3g to save battery and not being able to get to it quickly is very bad.
Also could you add weather to the WM6.5 home menu like the mystic series rom.
Otherwise great rom.
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I agree if when using settings, personal, buttons, and select comm manager that it lets us select the full comm manager that gives all the options. This would be a nice feature. For the weather thing just use chome editor bro, thats what i do to add panels/pages/etc. Thats not a biggie at all.
Stalix said:
Hey smith great roms, especially the latest one here its simply amazing. I have a few quirks that I have found. For a while now the last few of you roms have a bug where it shows the old style comm manager when using the PTT button. But the link in Start menu>settings>connections>comm manager is the right kind. I use the comm manager a lot do disable and enable 3g to save battery and not being able to get to it quickly is very bad.
Also could you add weather to the WM6.5 home menu like the mystic series rom.
Otherwise great rom.
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That Comm Manager issue has long been on my "Bugs me, but not a whole lot, and I've got other stuff to do" list for a while. But tonight I took a crack at it and came up with a fix:
Go into \Windows\Start Menu with Total Commander, and rename "Comm MAnager.lnk" to "Communications.lnk" -- or whatever name you might prefer. Then go into the Buttons control panel and select your newly renamed link. From now on, the button will go to the new manager.
"Comm Manager" will still be an option on the list, and you can switch to that if for any reason you ever decide you want the old-style manager (not that I can imagine you would).
It'll be set up that way by default in the next build. Edit: This is fixed in the current build.
If anyone's curious, the problem is that the button was actually pointing to a "comm manager" link in the Appbuttons folder, not the one in the start menu, and so long as both had the same name, only one would show up in the buttons control panel.
For the weather, I'm shying away from tools and plugins that are still under very active development. They get upgraded too quickly for me to feel it's very useful to include them in a ROM (although I certainly have done a ton of ROM updates over a short time, that should slow down now that virtually all kinks are worked out). I recommend setting up an SDConfig.txt file on your SD card to have anything like that installed by User Customization on the initial boot (that's how I have both Fav People and Titanium Weather getting installed on my own Fuze).
Hi Lou
after 041709B i flashed your new rom. Since now its excelent rom. I try it and give feedback. Is there any way to customize TF3D (add or remove Tabs) and change softkeys in it?
pirgas said:
Hi Lou
after 041709B i flashed your new rom. Since now its excelent rom. I try it and give feedback. Is there any way to customize TF3D (add or remove Tabs) and change softkeys in it?
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Schaps advanced config 3.3 that should be cooked into the rom bro. Go to settings, more settings, then see tf3d towards the bottom for tabs and at the top youll see something for the softkeys.
Thank's bro i run Advanceconfig but i didn't know about more settings.
I believe those softkey settings in Adv. Config are for the stock Today screen (what you get if both Titanium and TF3D are turned off, and you're using traditional Today plugins), not for the softkeys that appear in TF3D. But you can change the TF3D ones with these registry settings:
Wordsmith9091 said:
I believe those softkey settings in Adv. Config are for the stock Today screen (what you get if both Titanium and TF3D are turned off, and you're using traditional Today plugins), not for the softkeys that appear in TF3D. But you can change the TF3D ones with these registry settings:
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Non, adv config soft keys settings also works for tf3d, just not for chome. Though there is a simple way with chome with reg editor, go to hklm, software, microsoft, chome, then at the bottom is the reg for the left soft key. Now in that chome folder is also every panel that is active on chome and u can click any of those and change those left and right soft keys if you like. Only problem is i have no idea how to link them.
For example, the left soft key url is :MSCONTACTS. Now i have Icontacts installed to the phone, how do i find the Icontact's url to repleace the above? Id be golden if i could figure out how to find programs urls and how to link them in reg editor.
deeznuts said:
Non, adv config soft keys settings also works for tf3d, just not for chome. Though there is a simple way with chome with reg editor, go to hklm, software, microsoft, chome, then at the bottom is the reg for the left soft key. Now in that chome folder is also every panel that is active on chome and u can click any of those and change those left and right soft keys if you like. Only problem is i have no idea how to link them.
For example, the left soft key url is :MSCONTACTS. Now i have Icontacts installed to the phone, how do i find the Icontact's url to repleace the above? Id be golden if i could figure out how to find programs urls and how to link them in reg editor.
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I don't have icontact installed to check it, but looking at the cab, it should probably be:
\Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe
Just added this to the first post:
- HOTFIX: If you have freezes typing in names for an SMS, install THIS (only affects the KB build)
The issue was supposed to be resolved a few versions back, but I just discovered I goofed on the registry key. This solves a conflict that exists between WM6.5's own name-lookup and the HTC keyboard's name-lookup.
Problems with 5-1-09 rom
Hey there. It's the noob again.
I flashed your latests rom yesterday and have noticed the following issues.
Just want to make sure it's not something I'm doing wrong or if this is a "feature" of the rom.
1. When I want to close an app, I click on the X in the top right hand corner. On previous ROMS, that would close the app, but now it just minimizes it.
2. Have you found a way to link soft keys for CHOME yet? Advance Configuration manger changes the keys, but after you reboot, it reverts back to default (contacts).
3. When I click on the toolbar for a notification (Examples: sprite backup report, New email, etc) it takes me to the Notification screen, I tap the notification and: sprite asks to review the report, I tap yes and it just takes me back to the Home screen. On Emails, I tap the “New Mail” and nothing happens until I tap “close” or “Dismiss All”
Thanks - Markmi300
markmi300 said:
Hey there. It's the noob again.
I flashed your latests rom yesterday and have noticed the following issues.
Just want to make sure it's not something I'm doing wrong or if this is a "feature" of the rom.
1. When I want to close an app, I click on the X in the top right hand corner. On previous ROMS, that would close the app, but now it just minimizes it.
2. Have you found a way to link soft keys for CHOME yet? Advance Configuration manger changes the keys, but after you reboot, it reverts back to default (contacts).
3. When I click on the toolbar for a notification (Examples: sprite backup report, New email, etc) it takes me to the Notification screen, I tap the notification and: sprite asks to review the report, I tap yes and it just takes me back to the Home screen. On Emails, I tap the “New Mail” and nothing happens until I tap “close” or “Dismiss All”
Thanks - Markmi300
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1. This is a configuration choice (all my ROMs have been this way). You can change it by going to Start -- > Settings --> System -- Task Manager (note: there are two different control panel items called Task manager, you want the one with the gray icon). Select "button" and you can change this to the behavior you're used to.
2. I haven't been looking for a way to change this (I like the default just fine for this), but check out the threads in Development and Hacking for CHome/Titanium editors. There might be a way to do this under there; not sure.
3. That's the Tachi/Topaz-style notification screen. It's not perfect, in particular when not paired with TF3D2. Aware of the flaws, I made it uninstallable. It's listed as "HTC Tachi Notification Enhancement" under "Remove Programs." If you uninstall it and so a soft-reset, you'll be back to the standard WM-style notifications. I've flipped-flopped in the past on dropping it entirely.
Just cabbed this up, and will add it to the first post:
If you want the HTC-style large-button notifications (like on the stock ROM), after you uninstall the Tachi notifications, install this.
Wordsmith9091 said:
1. This is a configuration choice (all my ROMs have been this way). You can change it by going to Start -- > Settings --> System -- Task Manager (note: there are two different control panel items called Task manager, you want the one with the gray icon). Select "button" and you can change this to the behavior you're used to.
2. I haven't been looking for a way to change this (I like the default just fine for this), but check out the threads in Development and Hacking for CHome/Titanium editors. There might be a way to do this under there; not sure.
3. That's the Tachi/Topaz-style notification screen. It's not perfect, in particular when not paired with TF3D2. Aware of the flaws, I made it uninstallable. It's listed as "HTC Tachi Notification Enhancement" under "Remove Programs." If you uninstall it and so a soft-reset, you'll be back to the standard WM-style notifications. I've flipped-flopped in the past on dropping it entirely.
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Thanks Smith.
See - That's why I'm liking this Thread and your ROMS more everyday.
You actually HELP people. Where on other threads that I've posted, my questions usually just gather dust.
Thanks again.
markmi300 said:
Thanks Smith.
See - That's why I'm liking this Thread and your ROMS more everyday.
You actually HELP people. Where on other threads that I've posted, my questions usually just gather dust.
Thanks again.
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I help where I can. But in all fairness to the other chefs (many of whom I owe thanks for their help with packages, questions, etc), their threads are a lot busier so it's a lot easier to get lost in the noise. .
... new version uploading ...
Wordsmith9091 said:
... new version uploading ...
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Nice! Ill be sure to test it out for u tomorrow. Looks nice. Thats funny, "i swear thats his name". Ever see that movie "romeo must die" with jet li? Thats where i got deeeeznuts from, haha. When i joined here i have no idea why but that came to mind and i thought it would be funny. This place is the only forum thats my screen name. Then again the other forums have nothing to do with this kind of material.

WM 6.5.1 Start Menu Sorter - Updated to 1.1

Sure, when Microsoft added the ability to rearrange the order of items in your start menu, I was happy. I use a vertical list and I like it sorted. But I have a lot of installed apps so doing it by hand is a pain at best.
So I spent a day and wrote the WM 6.5.1 Start Menu Sorter. It does just what it says, sorts your start menu. Just install the CAB and run the program.
I've release a new version of the sorter. I've really only changed 2 things.
You can now choose to sort Directories first
Attempt at fixing localized OSes
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(Rated Mature for Language and Gore)
This post...
... intentionally left blank!
Thanks Joe, this will be very useful.
thanks JoeWilcox!
is it possible to have all the folder shortcuts on top instead of being at the bottom?
Thx, any experiences on HTC stock ROM WM 6.5 21869 (Topaz)?
Thank u JoeWilcox, this looks mighty handy !
I tried this on my Sprint Touch Pro 2 with Energy ROM 6.5 Leo and didn't do much. It definitely changed the order of icons in my Start Menu but they're not in alphabetical order. I ran it a couple times but it didn't change after the first time.
Working good for me, sorts in alphabetical order.
+ 1 for folders on top as i have to move them manually after sorting.
normal 6.5 might not be supported. I don't think they added reordering until 6.5.1.
Re-ordering works for 6.5 in that I can select an icon and move it up to the top, but that's it.
letsgoflyers81 said:
Re-ordering works for 6.5 in that I can select an icon and move it up to the top, but that's it.
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That's the way you do with shipped WM 6.5 without any tools.
May it sort by type first then by name? In result we will get all folders on the top, then files. folders and files will be still sorted by name but separately.
best regards
is there any update? it seems to only sort some of it or part of my start menu on build 21877
MaXyM said:
May it sort by type first then by name? In result we will get all folders on the top, then files. folders and files will be still sorted by name but separately.
best regards
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+ 1 .... that would make it perfect
Files and folders are already sorted seperately, I just weight files first.
is there any update? it seems to only sort some of it or part of my start menu on build 21877
Isn't that a build without the improved start menu. It might not work there, it might. I've never installed a build from that branch so I don't know. What sorted and what didnt?
It would be great to get the folders listed first, like on the PC.
Since your 'AwesomeStart.cab' also changes the look of the Settings location, do you think you could provide another cab that orgainizes it like this one does? TIA
How does it change the look of the settings tab. It shouldn't be affecting the icons at all.
When I choose settings within sense 2.5, it looks like normal (prior to when I ran your awesome cab). However, when I click the soft menu for all settings, it goes to a list view of the settings like it does for the start menu, except they aren't in aphabetical order.
Crash on my TD2.... IO exception...
Ok, looks like 'Start menu' is hard coded.... I have 'Menu Démarrer' on my French ROM

[UPDATE 06/07/2010][APP][SOURCE]Wallpaper Changer - WaPaC 1.4

Wallpaper Changer - WaPaC 1.4
Created by Rapid​
Now OpenSource (see the bottom of this post)​
Because I don't have time to develop this application further and the current state of the program is fine for my use, I share the WaPaC's source by the community now.
A few terms, what you need to consider, before you use the source and consider to develop it in the future:
The WaPaC name needs to stay as it is, or if not and you use the source code, you need to mention it!
You need to mention my name, as the original developer of this program and where are the sources came from
You need to mention mohitsapru's name, as the developer of the scheduler component
I need a PM (or email) about the releases where you used the source or the release of a new WaPaC version
The future versions needs to be Windows Mobile version and Resolution free a.k.a. needs to work on every WinMo versions (5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5, 6.5.X) and all resolutions!
I created a wallpaper changer application (WaPaC), to the scheduled wallpaper changing on WM's Today and on Sense. Tested on Samsung Omnia 2 with Sense 2.5 and everything is working fine.
The program is not a beta anymore, but still under development and may contains some bugs.
Changes in 1.4
No maximum files number anymore (maximum folders number is still 100)
A "Change NOW interface" added to select the needed UI to the change
Now the settings app shows the next time of the schedule
Random and continuously change setting added (you'll see randomizing popup window sometimes)
Intervals minimum set low to 1 minute with 1 minute steps
Besides the interval, now you can change the wallpapers at a specific time, like 8:00AM every day
The "back to the previous wallpaper" function is added and accessible with the "-prev" parameter and will change all choosen UI's wallpapers back to the previous one (not 100% if you use more than 1 directory for wallpapers storing).
The installer creates a "Change Now" and "Previous wallpaper" shortcut
Because I cannot create a setup.dll, the additional shortcuts is downloadable from the bottom of this post, but you need to edit the files, if you're not install the app to the device.
Several minor and major bugfixes
Changes in 1.3
The program is now compatible with CHT 1.8.X. You can change the wallpaper of the Home tab, All tab and CHT Lockscreen.
When you plug your phone to USB with Mass Storage settings, and the needed folder is not available to the WaPaC (or you deleted a selected folder), the app not crash.
Context menu added to the Selected Folders list to remove folders (if the folder is not available anymore, etc.)
The application is pops up a warning in the case you not select any UI, when you want to save the settings (not when you uncheck all).
Changes in 1.21
The folder changing bug fixed (when you tap on a folder and jumped to an other in the selected one)
Changes in 1.2
Redesigned interface
Separated setting for "Change on Windows start" (If you have an earlier version installed, then you need to uncheck and save, then recheck and save the "Start with Windows" option, because the shortcut contents is changed)
You can choose Minutes or Hours format at Interval settings
Interval changed to 5-1440 minutes or 1 to 24 hours
"Change NOW" button added
"Change only in idle state" option added (This means, if you're using the phone (the backlight is on) in the time when the scheduled change comes, the changing is delayed)
Maximum selectable folder number is 100
Changes in 1.1ß
- Folderselection is now free
- Maximum picture number changed to 10000/folder
- No need to refresh the list when you put new pictures in a selected folder
- Selected folders list stored and displayed after start and easy to modify.
- You can add a folder to the selected folders list by checking the checkbox near the folder's name. You can remove by the same method.
The program's not listing the directories with the following names:
- Windows
- Program Files
- Application data
- ConnMgr
- Documents and Settings
- Temp
Changes in 1.03ß (1.02 skipped, because some real trouble):
- S2U2 background change added (not tested)
- Settings saving corrected (HKCU\Software\WaPaC\)
- Interval steps changed to 5 mins
- Settings application supports all resolutions (tested on VGA, QVGA, WQVGA, WVGA, Square)
Changes in 1.01ß
- Start with Windows option problem fixed
- Clear Sense Background option added
- maximum 10000 pictures from multiple folders
- changeable interval from 10 to 720 minutes (12 hours)
- chooseable user interface to change background (Today and Sense)
- same wallpaper for the 2 UI or not
- start with Windows possibility
- not use memory at all, the changing starts with schedule and then quit
- separate settings application (only WVGA resolution supported yet)
- you can start/stop the scheduling in the settings app
Special thanx:
mohitsapru for his help
It is possible the program is working on other Sense, Manila or TouchFlo versions than Sense 2.5, if the wallpaper stored in the same place.
If you want to test it, download the cab and please give me some feedback and ideas, if you have any, to improve the app.
If you appriciate my work, don't forget to buy me a beer...https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=10789299
Big thanx to who's appriciated my work 'till now!
5€ Matthiew Marks
7€ donwhann
5€ Joao Costa
5€ Naga01
1.01ß added
Thanks, gonna try on VGA - WM 6.5.5 - Sense 2.5.2012 and report back!
ps. why don't you attach the program here, too?
Hi Rapid81
This looks a great little app.
I have just tested it and unfortunately I get an "IndexOutOfRangeException" error when I hit the Load folder's list button. It starts to look at my whole sd card and then bombs out with that error.
Maybe adding the option to choose the folder without indexing the whole card is the way to go.
I am running this on a Touch HD with Energy 16 May 23569 CHT ROM.
Hope this helps.
Look forward to testing the next release.
teorouge said:
Thanks, gonna try on VGA - WM 6.5.5 - Sense 2.5.2012 and report back!
ps. why don't you attach the program here, too?
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1.03 version uploaded. Now the settings app supports all resolutions.
ed_sambo said:
Hi Rapid81
This looks a great little app.
I have just tested it and unfortunately I get an "IndexOutOfRangeException" error when I hit the Load folder's list button. It starts to look at my whole sd card and then bombs out with that error.
Maybe adding the option to choose the folder without indexing the whole card is the way to go.
I am running this on a Touch HD with Energy 16 May 23569 CHT ROM.
Hope this helps.
Look forward to testing the next release.
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I need to look through the whole system, because no SelectFolderDialog in NETCF. Maybe more than 100 folders contains pictures. I rised this number to 1000 in 1.03.
Rapid81 said:
1.03 version uploaded. Now the settings app supports all resolutions.
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Wow! Couldn't even install it yet and you release an update!
Going with 1.03 then.
I've been waiting and hoping for a new wallpaper changer since antworks doesn't seem to change the today screen without locking up after a while. Glad to see yours has S2U2 changing and Sense as well.
I'm also getting the same error when it tries to load all the folders, and would agree that rather than try to index all the wallpaper, just allow the user to choose the folder. I have a 16Gig sd card, so it takes a lonnnng time to try to index that if I ever want to make a change.
Keep up the good work!
The biggest suggestion I have is a problem I have with other wallpaper changers. If the phone has been in standby when the wallpaper changed, when you power it on it takes 5-10 seconds to come on because it is loading the wallpaper. If there was some way to refresh the wallpaper beforehand so it would just power on instantly, that would be awesome.
S2U2's own wallpaper changing appears to not change while the phone is in standby. That's pretty cool too because it saves battery, plus fewer things running that might cause an error, say in the middle of the night, which = no alarm in the morning.
I tried to write my own wallpaper changing script with mortscript, but was never able to get it to be stable, so I appreciate what you're doing very much.
Gryphyn said:
I've been waiting and hoping for a new wallpaper changer since antworks doesn't seem to change the today screen without locking up after a while. Glad to see yours has S2U2 changing and Sense as well.
I'm also getting the same error when it tries to load all the folders, and would agree that rather than try to index all the wallpaper, just allow the user to choose the folder. I have a 16Gig sd card, so it takes a lonnnng time to try to index that if I ever want to make a change.
Keep up the good work!
The biggest suggestion I have is a problem I have with other wallpaper changers. If the phone has been in standby when the wallpaper changed, when you power it on it takes 5-10 seconds to come on because it is loading the wallpaper. If there was some way to refresh the wallpaper beforehand so it would just power on instantly, that would be awesome.
S2U2's own wallpaper changing appears to not change while the phone is in standby. That's pretty cool too because it saves battery, plus fewer things running that might cause an error, say in the middle of the night, which = no alarm in the morning.
I tried to write my own wallpaper changing script with mortscript, but was never able to get it to be stable, so I appreciate what you're doing very much.
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My problem is, there is no SelectFolderDialog in NETCF. That's why the application runs through the storage. If I'm creating a SelectFolderDialog instead of this method, you'll select only one folder and no subfolders o more separated folder. I'll try to came up with a workable idea, but I'm not making any promises.
This app change the wallpaper when the phone is in sleep mode. The phone does not came alive, just change the wallpaper in the backgound. You can't see anything about it, just the new wallpapers when you unclock your phone.
I guess I solved this "I want to select the directories on my own" and "why the apps runs through the whole system" problems.
Now you have a "file explorer"-like thing and a second list where is the app stores the selected directories. The directories stays checked and reloaded on settings app restarts.
Still testing, but if I'll not found problems, I'll upload it soon.
The solution is not 100% finger-friendly...
Something like this:
1.1ß uploaded
Been testing it this afternoon. The folder selection is very helpful, I can get it to run now.
It appears to change the wallpaper in all 3 places (S2U2, today, sense) just fine. I've noticed though that the spinning "busy" icon starts up and keeps going and going until I do something like click a tab. Then it pauses for a bit and makes the switch. When the phone has been in standby and I power it on, S2U2 will have the "busy" icon on its screen and will wait until I unlock into Sense to make the change.
I did have a couple instances of it freezing up, I thought this might be due to trying to change the Today background, since Antworks autowallpaperchanger would do something similar. It wouldn't freeze all the time, just some of the time, and I would have to not change the today wallpaper to fix that.
so far this is exactly what i was looking for. thank you very much for this!
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....(also trying to get a good 'screenshot' program so I can show you easier, but had probs with bsbtweaks install also-another day/thread for that!)
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
recap-ive got cookies home tab, cookies hdwall patch, HDWalls, sdkcertsnew.cab.
808Granato said:
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....(also trying to get a good 'screenshot' program so I can show you easier, but had probs with bsbtweaks install also-another day/thread for that!)
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
recap-ive got cookies home tab, cookies hdwall patch, HDWalls, sdkcertsnew.cab.
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If you checked the "Start with Windows", then you have a WaPaC.lnk in the \Windows\StartUp. That's all. And I recommend you to stop the scheduling before you remove the app.
Been testing without S2U2 just to have fewer things running.
When the phone is awake, if the scheduled change begins to run it won't finish until you force a screen refresh by hitting the windows button or something like that. It just sits and thinks forever with the spinning icon on the screen.
Are there any executable modifiers such as "-now" to open the program and force a screen change immediately? It would be great to be able to make a shortcut to switch the screen on command.
Gryphyn said:
Been testing without S2U2 just to have fewer things running.
When the phone is awake, if the scheduled change begins to run it won't finish until you force a screen refresh by hitting the windows button or something like that. It just sits and thinks forever with the spinning icon on the screen.
Are there any executable modifiers such as "-now" to open the program and force a screen change immediately? It would be great to be able to make a shortcut to switch the screen on command.
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If you checked the "Start with Windows", then you have a WaPaC.lnk in the \Windows\StartUp folder. You can use that to change immediately.
thank you-easily fixed
wow. welcome to computers 101. sorry for all the hub-bub. I will take it slower so I can better tell my 'issues'.
Will also keep checking back on this app-sounds great, Im just not the right person to be dealing with beta and giving anyone feedback yet.
Thanks for the link info.
Okay, so it doesn't seem to like switching the today wallpaper, which antworks didn't either. It tends to lock up from time to time if I ask it to change the today screen. Any idea why this is? Like I said, antworks changer behaves the same way. I can't figure it out.
I'm running WM 6.5 stock Sprint rom with Goodthings2life's tweaks. Sense 2.5. Touch Pro 2.
Gryphyn said:
Thanks for the link info.
Okay, so it doesn't seem to like switching the today wallpaper, which antworks didn't either. It tends to lock up from time to time if I ask it to change the today screen. Any idea why this is? Like I said, antworks changer behaves the same way. I can't figure it out.
I'm running WM 6.5 stock Sprint rom with Goodthings2life's tweaks. Sense 2.5. Touch Pro 2.
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What UI do you use? When I alphatested the app, and I not used any UI, the background not refreshed, just after a program open and close. I cannot figured out a way to refresh the empty today right now, but I'm looking for it. But when I used Sense or Windows Default, the Today, Start Menu and Lockscreen changed properly.
Rapid81 said:
What UI do you use? When I alphatested the app, and I not used any UI, the background not refreshed, just after a program open and close. I cannot figured out a way to refresh the empty today right now, but I'm looking for it. But when I used Sense or Windows Default, the Today, Start Menu and Lockscreen changed properly.
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Just using Sense UI 2.5. It is weird because it doesn't lock up the phone every single time, just some of the time. I don't have the weather animations going, don't have animated wallpaper. No start menu/lock screen modifications, all stock.
I'm not using S2U2 right now as I test this, but it would change just fine, Sense would change just fine, it is only the today/lockscreen that causes a problem. It seems to be something about the refresh, because the phone would lock up before the screen changed, but after rebooting the wallpaper would have changed. So, I know it isn't the copying of the files, that is being completed.
EDIT> Think I just figured out the problem, after reading this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=600892&page=4
It most likely is a file extension issue, which is why it works sometimes and doesn't work other times. It works until the random function hits a file that is the wrong extension and locks up. Although, that doesn't explain why the images are there once I reboot. Anyway, I'll test by splitting the file types.
EDIT 2> Well, hosed there. All my files are jpegs.

[Q][REQUEST] notification app?

Let me preface this by saying I have already searched multiple threads and spent 2+ hours on google to find an answer.
I am looking for a notification app like htc notification that will work with my lg incite (wqvga). I have tried the many ports of htc notification and they all either dont work at all or work but take over my entire taskbar so I cannot press the start button or press x to close a app.
Any suggestions?
Bump! Anybody?
What you want is an utility called ArkSwitch. Once you install it launch it, then goto Menu Options -> Activation field.
From here you can set the placement and the size of the field.
ArkSwitch is a task manager ; I am looking for a notification manager that is full screen and finger friendly. It does not have to launch on tapping the taskbar (but that would be nice) ; I just want a finger friendly way to veiw/dismiss my notifications.
Are you on WM 6.1? An upgrade to 6.5 alone might get you what you want. There are a few custom 6.1 & 6.5 ROMs & kitchens available, perhaps one of them has what you want cooked in. Theoretically, if you know what you're doing & have the right files, you could even cook your own ROM with the features you want. But if you've never cooked a ROM before, that's probably not the best path. Keep in mind, I don't have or know anything about the Incite.
Have you tried FingerSuite?
Alternately, maybe QuickMenu would work on top of the solutions you say take over your taskbar.
Finally, take a look at this thread, but I don't think it'll all work on WM 6.1. It's been a long time, but the "HTC Menu Enhancement Loader" linked in that thread may be enough on it's own. Also, this hack may give you more options for how long you can snooze reminders (but on top of a bunch of other hacks, it may not work, probably only for 6.5).
I don't have a computer running xp or 7- I'm stuck on vista so rom update is out of the question. None of those versions of htc notifications seem to work with 6.1 or wqvga. I guess the program I am looking for does not exist.
I am thinking I could use second today and ultimate launch together to sorta-kinda make a system that would work if I could find some nice looking notification plugins.
Any suggestions on this or other programs that might work would be appreciated!
Sorry, I don't know much about today plugins. iPhoneToday is popular, but I've never used it & don't know it's capabilities. Other than finding another pc to flash from, I guess google is your best option.

