[Q] Foliomod 1.4 / sdcard - Folio 100 General

My sdcard is mounted at /mnt/sdcard/sdcard-disk0 and not at /sdcard2 ?
Can I change that?


[Q] Mount table editing?

As long as the bootloader is unlocked, can we edit the mount table now? to mount the sdcard as /sdcard and internal memory as /mmc(or something else?)

[Q] Make SDCARD2 Default

All -
I installed Globatron HC and am noticing that my SDCARD is mounted to /sdcard2.
The problem is that all downloads are doing to /mnt/sdcard/download (internal memory) and my gallery does not even look at /sdcard2.
Any clue how to make /sdcard2 my default and get applications to start scanning this?

[Q] Possible to mount root file system in windows?

Currently when you plug in the S3 it mounts the internal sd partition /sdcard is it possible to change it to mount / ?

[Q+A] Mounting ext3 SD card

On my Archos 101IT I formatted the (removable) SD card as ext3. This was required for TitaniumBackup. When UrukDroid is booted, it mounts the file system as:
/dev/block/vold/179:17 on /mnt/storage/sdcard type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,fmode=0 666,dmode=0777,errors=continue,data=ordered)
I do not want the fmode/dmode since these make it impossible to protect files on the storage (again, as required by TitaniumBackup).
Where can I change what to have this file system mounted with the right options on reboot?
Urukdroid has a special script, /system/bin/mount_sdcard.sh, that mounts the SD card upon boot. This script understands (V)FAT and EXT4. Anything else is left to the vold automounter. Archos modded vold so it could do a bit more than stock A 2.1 vold, e.g., mount EXT3 file systems.
I upgraded the file system on the SD card to EXT4, and now mount_sdcard.sh mounts the SD card upon boot with the correct mount options.
Thanks to $aur0n for helping me solve this.
Upgrading an EXT2 or EXT3 file system to EXT4 is easy, see https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext4 .

[Q] Internal / External Memory Swap on Sumvision x2

Good Evening,
I'm wondering if anyone can help with swapping my internal and external memory on my new Sumvision Android X2?
I've tried editing the vold.fstab file, but all I seem to do is tell Android that the External SD-Card is now the internal flash card.
I get the same problem with using the External 2 Internal App.
The only four lines in the vold.fstab file that aren't commented are:
loop_mount loop /mnt/VIRTUAL_CDROM
dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard0/external_sdcard auto /devices/platform/AMLOGIC_CARD/card_host/memorycard0 /devices/platform/aml_sd_mmc.0
dev_mount flash /storage/sdcard0 auto /devices/platform/mtd/mtd6/avnftlg /devices/virtual/mtd/mtd6/avnftlg
asec flash
And all I've tried (so far) is swap the words in bold.
Any ideas will be very much appriecated.

