Lost folder on root drive? - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Made a folder last night on the root drive and restarted and now its gone! It had a few things in it I'd like to recover that I moved from the SD to keep them safe but turns out its done the exact opposite. Anyone got any ideas on how or if I can recover it?
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I hate bumping threads but this is fairly important... bump...
One thing though : Since I moved it from my SD card to the internal drive (literally selected move, not copy/paste in Root Explorer) does that effectively copy and delete it off the SD? Ive tried file recovery programs on the SD and it literally finds everything else except the ones I need! Surely "move" is really "copy, paste, delete old one" ?


Recover images deleted from root drive?

Hey guys,
Gonna try explain this best I can. If I need to be corrected or any blanks filled in then please let me know
Basically, I had around 25 images that were taken a few weeks ago when my family visited from New Zealand on my SD. I thought to be safe, I'll move them to a folder on the root drive so popped onto root explorer, made the folder on root and copied the pictures over (well moved them actually).
Now, issue is I stupidly named the folder (in my wisdom god knows why I chose this) 'PICREC130910'. I do understand the name of the folder is fairly irrelevant but thought since I'm asking for a hand, best explain myself best I can.
Now, again in my wisdom, I was browsing about using root explorer and somehow managed to delete that folder (let's blame working 14 hour shifts for that wonderful mishap).
I tried a recovery using various deleted file recovery softwares on my SD using the computer, but to no avail. It finds the image names but when I recover them it only recovers a non readable file that every viewer I've tried can't see. this might be because I had just before deleting root folders, put about 6gb of music on the SD so probably overwritten the pictures.
Anyway, because the root is generally less written to than the SD I'm hoping they're still in a recoverable state so to put my question out there... is there a software that can do a similar recovery search but on the root drive? Would really appreciate any help cause I only get to see my family from nz about once every 5 years.
Thanks for reading guys,
What recovery software have you used?
One I have tried with great success is Recuva.
I used that and another one, can't remember the name just now but my issue is how do I search the root drive?
What I'm looking to do is somehow mount the root drive to allow a windows based piece of software search it or alternatively find another way to do so using a terminal to show all deleted files so I can find these pictures somewhere.
Hopefully (and I'm asuming..) the internal is a similar structure to the flash-based memory system in the SD card and therefore as long as it hasn't been overwritten, should be recoverable.
Would I be right in this assumption?
Nobody help here?
Sorry dude, but i am pretty certain there is no software available that would allow you to recover deleted files from a Mobile Phone internal memory. I can only suggest that you remove your SD card and connect that to you PC and see if you can recover any pics direct from the SD. You will have to use an SD Card reader as it will not work if you connect the phone to the pc.
I personally use Recover My Files. It always works for me.
Have a look with THIS, worth a shot.
First off can I offer my greatest thank you to all those that have replied so far. I'm avoiding installing or deleting a thing until I know what I can do with this.
Isn't mounting the phone to the computer (Ie mount SD card) the same as putting it into an SD card reader? Higher chance of it working with a reader?
As said, it can find the image names, just not the images (ie recovers a non readable file!)

how can i recover my lost.dir folder! ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I need these pictures bak. I have no idea how I lost alllll my files in my camera.
The folder had them all. Over 600 files (that's why I need them!!!!!)
But when I go to change the extension, it doesn't show the picture!!!
What can I do?
murdamo305 said:
I need these pictures bak. I have no idea how I lost alllll my files in my camera.
The folder had them all. Over 600 files (that's why I need them!!!!!)
But when I go to change the extension, it doesn't show the picture!!!
What can I do?
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Let's start with what exactly you did that resulted in you losing the pictures in the first place.
do you see a bunch of items in the lost.dir directory?
If so, then try opening some of the smaller ones with an image editing program. You never know... it might still open them. If that's the case then all you need to do is rename them with the proper extensions. Worth a try.
I lost over 600 image files myself for no apparent reason.
A google search quickly told me this was a "known android issue", but no effing idea why...
For me it want just camera images but ALL images on the sd card.
Sent from my SPH-D700
This is why flashing experimental/custom roms is often a process that will teach you to back up your stuff. Sometimes this lesson is learned the hard way....
You can try to mount the partition in Windows or MacOS and throw file recovery software at it, Recuva being one of the better free ones for Windows. Best of luck
lost.dir is a filesystem folder, (kinda like if you realy explore and ntfs drive, you'll find a SystemVolume folder, and a few other ones).
Your pictures aren't in the lost.dir folder. And you're probably one of the ones who had their internal SD wiped while using the dead horse kernel. Sorry to say, but there's no way to get them back.
masterotaku said:
This is why flashing experimental/custom roms is often a process that will teach you to back up your stuff. Sometimes this lesson is learned the hard way....
You can try to mount the partition in Windows or MacOS and throw file recovery software at it, Recuva being one of the better free ones for Windows. Best of luck
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That's why I remove my sd card everytome. I have no idea what happen.
Ima try that app
you can't remove your internal sd card
geoffcorey said:
you can't remove your internal sd card
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Exactly. So as another use has already suggested...BACKUP! Both Titanium and MyBackup are available freely from the Market. Android bug or not with a working backup handy you don't lose anything.
Here's your situation:
You = lost information, want it back.
Problem = the way sdcards store info + the filesystem = pretty much impossible to recover usable info from your sdcard (specially since it has been written to again, no matter what you think). Sorry to say, but you're SOL.
lost.dir is a filesystem maintenance folder, pretty much exclusively for OSX use. It's not a "trashcan" or anything like that. It's not user accessible.
Besides, that kernel doesn't have code in it that says "move everything to lost.dir". It's got a bug in it that essentially runs a remove recursively and forced on the /sdcard/ directory.
Do a "check disk". It worked for me when i corrupted my memory card.
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roadrash7 said:
Do a "check disk". It worked for me when i corrupted my memory card.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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What's that?
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Cleaned thread!
Please, don't profanity post.
geoffcorey said:
lost.dir is a filesystem folder, (kinda like if you realy explore and ntfs drive, you'll find a SystemVolume folder, and a few other ones).
Your pictures aren't in the lost.dir folder. And you're probably one of the ones who had their internal SD wiped while using the dead horse kernel. Sorry to say, but there's no way to get them back.
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can we delete it? there's nothing in it at all for me
you can delete it, but the android system will create it again.
I dont appreciate some of your assumptions
Just to automatically assume someone has their phone rooted and or flashed right off the rip is stupid. My fiancée just came to me telling me all her music on her SD Card was gone. Windows says the memory is still occupied however I found all the music files renamed to digit only filenames with no file extensions in the Lost.Dir. I renamed one to Test.Mp3 and opened it. Kabam it played a 3 and a half minute song. So to tell someone that welp your files are gone sorry nothing you can do this is what you get for doing something that they might not even have done in the first place. Her phone is stock no mods, no roms no tweaks. It is a rare occurance that happens in the Android OS. Not a direct result of what someone might have been doing.
hubsabubs said:
Just to automatically assume someone has their phone rooted and or flashed right off the rip is stupid. My fiancée just came to me telling me all her music on her SD Card was gone. Windows says the memory is still occupied however I found all the music files renamed to digit only filenames with no file extensions in the Lost.Dir. I renamed one to Test.Mp3 and opened it. Kabam it played a 3 and a half minute song. So to tell someone that welp your files are gone sorry nothing you can do this is what you get for doing something that they might not even have done in the first place. Her phone is stock no mods, no roms no tweaks. It is a rare occurance that happens in the Android OS. Not a direct result of what someone might have been doing.
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100% agree with you, i also suddenly lost my pictures from my ext sd card, i founded the lost.dir with the files i just rename with the JPG extension and the pictures come back to life.
For everyone that append the same, don't lost your hope, you DON'T loose your files rename with the correct extension and you'll recover the lost file.
After I used sdformatter to do a full overwrite of my internal sdcard my android tablet mounts it but no longer shows the internal sdcard please help

Accidentally deleted sdcard folder!

So I was cleaning up in Windows Explorer some junk and photos from my phone. I saw an empty folder and deleted it, it was the only folder so I then, without thinking, deleted it's parent folder sdcard. I caught myself right away actually reading the name of the folder and tried Control+Z for undo delete immediately but it's not a command that works while browsing on the DNA in Windows. I should of immediately unplugged my phone, but was trying to just undelete the folder.
So no I sit here trying to figure out if there's any hope at all for my Droid DNA and all the pictures that I hadn't saved onto my PC yet. I've tried running various recovery programs, I have the full version of Easus Data recovery, but no recovery software recognizes the phone as a drive.
I have twrp but no backups. I know as I use the phone the files are being overwritten, but is there any Droid DNA specific recovery program I can use to retrieve my pictures?
Also I have a bootable FatDog64 linux that I could use if there are recovery programs I could use in a Linux environment.
Anything is appreciated.
How about booting into the bootloader, then make the sdcard folder (it might be a symbolic link, please correct me if I'm wrong) using adb.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW
wakkadojo said:
How about booting into the bootloader, then make the sdcard folder (it might be a symbolic link, please correct me if I'm wrong) using adb.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW
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But that wouldn't repopulate the old contents of sdcard. I'm looking for something like a recycler folder where I can undelete the folder. Although I think I had too much to be able to do that. The crappiest part is I have a large range of tools for recovery, but the Droid DNA's internal SDcard doesn't act like a drive in any way.
I have Windows 8 and it reads my DNA as a portable device. Can you not use your recovery program(s) by right clicking on the "sdcard" (mine calls it "internal storage" and opening you recovery program that way and then try to recover your pictures?
Unfortunately there's no way to recovery the images if you deleted them. If it was a corrupted storage there might've been some hope but in this case I'm sorry there's not.
I believe there is a app that you can download and is supposed to work like you want to recover things that have been deleted but you must be rooted. I can't remember the name of the app though.
Edit: I found 2 the first one seems better and more towards what you want. Also not sure if it works since I've never used it but reviews seem to say it works.
Hexamob Recovery Pro:
Android Recycle Bin:
Sent from my 5 Senses of DNA
same problem here
i am facing the same problem with my vivo v7+ phone. I deleted a folder named "SDcard" on internal memory and just thereafter everything on my internal memory vanished away in a blink. Send me some solution. I am also unable to root my Vivo V7+
Did you find a solution to this? I also deleted the sdcard folder by mistake and lost
Did you find a solution to this? I came across a similar problem

Missing file folder on SD card?

I have no idea how this happened. SD card is fine, and all apps that were installed to SD card work, but this is odd.
I made a folder on my SD card and named it "Applications". It has been this way for a while. I put apps and apk files in this folder. This way, I can keep different versions of apps, and free up space.
For some reason, this folder is missing! Had a lot of things there. Any idea why it is gone (didn't run any" cleaners" or do anything different with phone.....) Any suggestions on finding it or getting it back?
Thanks in advance!
Something similar happened to me...
I keep my apps backed up with Es file explorer in sdcard1/backups/apps and after flashing the new rom I always install them from there but once some have disappeared from that folder,not all,just a few, all of which begin with the letters from H to O.
I don't have a clue why that happened...
Sent from my Razr XT910
sherri said:
I have no idea how this happened. SD card is fine, and all apps that were installed to SD card work, but this is odd.
I made a folder on my SD card and named it "Applications". It has been this way for a while. I put apps and apk files in this folder. This way, I can keep different versions of apps, and free up space.
For some reason, this folder is missing! Had a lot of things there. Any idea why it is gone (didn't run any" cleaners" or do anything different with phone.....) Any suggestions on finding it or getting it back?
Thanks in advance!
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Check the lost.dir directory on ur sdcard.
It might rename the apks to numbers like 4226 etc.
Sent from my XT912 using XDA Free mobile app
Thanks, but this was back in September. No idea what happened. I just reinstalled from TiBu, and recreated the folder.

[Q] Corrupt gibberish files make SDcard unavailable

Hi, I'm in desperate need of help, please.
I'm using SGS2. Several months ago my device suddenly started acting weird, thumbnails in gallery didn't load, apps didn't refresh (instagram, facebook etc.)... Rebooting would help but only for a certain amount of time, until it suddenly started to happen again. I realised the internal SD card simply becomes read-only randomly, but I didn't know why. I made peace with it since I'm not a big smartphone user.
Anyhow, today I went through my phone files and saw that several cache folders were oddly big, so I deleted a ****load of files, and then(!!) that one folder would not delete... So I clicked it and saw a bunch of gibberish files that do not want to get deleted.
I tried SD Maid app, but the thing is, once I browse to that specific corrupt folder the SD card goes crazy and becomes read-only, so basically at that moment I realised that folder is what's making the phone act like this.
Connecting it to PC and deleting doesn't work either. Renaming the files doesn't work. Copy/paste does work but is useless. Factory reset/installing new ROM/kernel/whatever doesn't work either. The files will still be there, I've tried.
Anything, please?
Format sdcard.
Out of phone in PC slot if available.
Sent from my HUAWEI Y536A1 using XDA Free mobile app
I'm sorry if I was unclear. I'm talking about the internal SD card... not an external one.
yellowjellow said:
I'm sorry if I was unclear. I'm talking about the internal SD card... not an external one.
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Oohhh. Eek...umm I have to Google that one.
Give me a few.
Sent from my HUAWEI Y536A1 using XDA Free mobile app
I tried to google it... I found too many entries that did not exactly give me precise directions to "format internal sdcard". If you have a link it'd be great.
Just to remind you, trying to delete that folder with all of its files through PC does not work. ES file explorer/SD Maid etc. don't work either. I've tried formatting /data /system and every single thing possible in recovery mode.
There is no escape from formatting the entire phone? Either way I'd love a link to directions or something helpful...

