[Q] How can I change the mtu setting? - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I need to change it to 1400, but after endless searches I have no clue. Is there any way to change the mtu settings and what is the default mtu setting for the vibrant (is it 1500?).
I found this thread, but it deals with windows mobile phones.
I need to do this because many downloads time out and need to reconnect.

Not sure you I understand the need but here is a basic description:
If things are working correctly MTU is "discovered" when the session is initiated.
MTU can change anyplace in the path. There is so much equipment there is no way to know for sure.
The one place that MTU size has a large impact is when the do not fragment flag is set. Normally a device that cannot pass it will return a messages via ICMP that says fragmentation required but the flag is set and drop the packet. The client then resends it with a smaller MTU. When a firewall blocks this message (some people do not know ICMP is not always ping) you get very strange and hard to debug issues.
Packet fragmentation used to be a much larger issue. Depends what device is doing the reassembly of the packet. PCs now days have plenty of power and so do most routers and firewalls.
There is also the issue of extra overhead for the tcp header on the fragments but bandwidth is huge so that also makes little difference.
The only MTU settings that make a large performance difference is when you can run jumbo frames but this is limited to equipment that can support this.
I think the timeouts may be a result of tower traffic kick off and slow transfer rate, and changing the MTU probably won't make a difference unless you are trying to connect to a specific site.
Hope that helps...

when I tether my phone to my pc, I had trouble d/l files because they would time out and the tether connection would be dropped as a result
After changing the mtu for this connection on my pc from the default of 1500 down to a lower value, the files downloaded properly and there was no dropping of connection.
Now when I download directly from my phone (no tethering), the same thing happens where the downloads time out. I'm wondering if there is a similar process where I could change the mtu settings on my phone like I did on my pc so that it only accepts a certain size of packets plus header instead of the default which I think is 1500.


Tethering and hiding

OK this might be in the wrong place if so sorry, however might be of use and maybe can be used to dev some work arounds when tethering...
Intro seemingly ATT US have started to spot people who are tethering BUT not on a data plan that "alows" tehtering (we can argue the rights and wrongs of that but this isnt about that issue)
People where asking about how they could tell, I found the following on The Register
For all you wondering how they can tell:
All IP packets have something called a TTL associated with them. It stands for Time To Live. Every "hop" along the network from one router to the next reduces the TTL by one. When it reaches 0, the packet is dropped. This was introduced to keep routing problems from overloading the network. If for example, by some error a packet was going around in a circular path, the TTL would eventually reach 0 and prevent a packet storm.
The thing is, ALL routing devices do this. OSes use standard TTLs. For example, let's say both your iPhone and laptop use 127 for the TTL. AT&T will receive packets from your iPhone with a TTL of 127, but since the packets from your laptop pass through your iPhone first, they arrive at AT&T with a TTL of 126. They can detect a tethered device this way.
Apple uses a TTL of 64 for the iPhone, by the way. So change the TTL on your computer to "65" and there should be no problem. Here's how to do it:
1. Click Start - Search and type “regedit”. This launches the WIndows Registry.
2. In the registry, navigate to the following registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3. In the right pane, right-click and select New – DWORD (32-bit value) and set its name as “DefaultTTL” and set its value anything between “0? and “255?. The value sets the number of Hops or links the packet traverses before being discarded.
Kudos to Ryan Laster1. I don't have an iPhone to test this.
Ok for most that is straight forward and simple little process, however we would need to know what the TTL for the Hero (or all HTC's) is and then either alter it when using tehtering (alter the tethering APK) or write a script that when tathering alters the computers TLL too Hero+1
Ok so hope th above makes somesense and it can be used by some one
If not... carry on the good work
Note that there are more ways to detect stuff like hidden network segments, not just TTL - although TTL spoofing certainly doesn't hurt.
Although it's safer when done directly on the device *behind* the tethered phone, not on the phone itself.
Just a question about this way to hide tethering. I have a captivate that at&t does not know is a smartphone. If I tether will at&t know I have a smartphone. As there are many older phones that would tether (so to speak). As at&t does not have a non smartphone tethering plan. Can I just say I am tethering with a non smartphone?

Use ONLY Iperf to test Wifi !!!

Just a reminder to get it on top of the list again
It is becoming rather difficult to compare all the different statements about Wifi performance and the speed results determined with Speedtest.Net
Don't use the bars at the bottom of the screen.
These are just a graphical image representing that something is going on with Wifi. If the parameters in the firmware are changed you can get as much bars as you want.
Furthermore the bars don't say anything about the quality of the Wifi connection.
Don't use Speedtest.Net
Speedtest.Net doesn't measure Wifi speed but the speed of the connection you are having with a remote Speedtest.Net server on the internet. The speed it indicates is the speed of the weakest link in the routing. So congestion on the internet (not your Wifi) is represented in a slower speed.
When your family or housemates are streaming Youtube the speed it indicates is the speed for the remainder of the bandwith that is left over for you.
Use only Iperf!!! (it's free)
With Iperf you set up a server and a client in your home network . By executing Iperf with different parameters you can get a lot of different info about your Wifi like bandwith, lost packets, jitter, sent and recieved data, etcetera.
For the noob it seems complicated but it isn't. There is a good tutorial on http://openmaniak.com/iperf.php
Please do me, the community and yourself a favor.
Use Iperf.
That way we can get data we can compare.
And maybe someday it will get us somewhere
Thank you very much in advance
PS: Don't just do one test. Do multiple tests. This is something you can automate with Iperf. Set it to do 20 (or more) tests and get some coffee.
using -c<ip> -d I get the following in the same room of my 300mbps wireless n router:
Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 8.00 KByte (default)
[256] local port 49792 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[256] 0.0-10.0 sec 8.52 MBytes 7.13 Mbits/sec
[280] 0.0-10.1 sec 36.1 MBytes 30.1 Mbits/sec
[288] local port 5001 connected with port 58706
i'm going to assume that this is bad...
Edit: Another test doing -t 25 -i 1:
I get an average transfer of about 4.4 MBytes and Bandwidth of an average of about 38MBits/sec
dingdonggggg said:
Just a reminder to get it on top of the list again
It is becoming rather difficult to compare all the different statements about Wifi performance and the speed results determined with Speedtest.Net
Don't use the bars at the bottom of the screen.
These are just a graphical image representing that something is going on with Wifi. If the parameters in the firmware are changed you can get as much bars as you want.
Furthermore the bars don't say anything about the quality of the Wifi connection.
Don't use Speedtest.Net
Speedtest.Net doesn't measure Wifi speed but the speed of the connection you are having with a remote Speedtest.Net server on the internet. The speed it indicates is the speed of the weakest link in the routing. So congestion on the internet (not your Wifi) is represented in a slower speed.
When your family or housemates are streaming Youtube the speed it indicates is the speed for the remainder of the bandwith that is left over for you.
Use only Iperf!!! (it's free)
With Iperf you set up a server and a client in your home network . By executing Iperf with different parameters you can get a lot of different info about your Wifi like bandwith, lost packets, jitter, sent and recieved data, etcetera.
For the noob it seems complicated but it isn't. There is a good tutorial on http://openmaniak.com/iperf.php
Please do me, the community and yourself a favor.
Use Iperf.
That way we can get data we can compare.
And maybe someday it will get us somewhere
Thank you very much in advance
PS: Don't just do one test. Do multiple tests. This is something you can automate with Iperf. Set it to do 20 (or more) tests and get some coffee.
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Just a reminder to get the thread a liitle bit higher on the list again.
Lot's of people asking the same question

[Q] Photon 4g vs college bandwidth limit.

First and foremost I stay in a dorm and I recently discovered that after so much use my college will limit my bandwidth. When I connect to their wifi I start with speeds of 54 mbps which drops to 6 mbps. I have no 4G access on campus and I've tried several methods to circumvent this bandwidth limit.
I've changed my Mac address and android_id in hopes that when I register my device it'll appear as a new device that won't be limited. This has failed every time. Am I missing another parameter that I don't know about? After researching, should I change my internal ip?
Objective: To make my device appear as a completely different device in attempt to circumvent a bandwidth limit placed on my phone.
I have root access + busybox. I use hex editor to change my mac address and android id changer v1.5 to change my android_id.
Anyone have any idea of what I can do?

Different options to avoid 3 Mobile UK tethering block.

Hi everyone,
I am trying to get my head around on what can be done to bypass the tethering filter on 3UK.
Below are different scenarios I have come up with and would like any volunteers who could try out any of the following for me. Of course I will be doing these myself as and when time permits but its always helpful to have others view on it too.
Please and I say please, do not turn this thread into Right and Wrongs of tethering or Terms and conditions of 3 mobile contracts. Please keep your views to yourself regarding if its lawful or unlawful or ethical or unethical or whatever you seem to come up with. I would like this to be a productive thread, instead of random comments on tethering.
Option 1: Use SSH Tunnel * Should I use SSH tunnel on my phone and use my PC to connect to it to use internet. Is there a reverse option?
Option 2: Use OpenVPN Install OpenVPN on your pc, and connect your phone to your pc using default VPN function on your phone in my case GT-I9100 comes with VPN function. You could also try to reverse this method and install OpenVPN on your phone and use your PC to connect to it. *
Option 3: Use the above two together in combination As the heading says, use SSH tunnel to connect to your OpenVPN.
Option 4: Use a proxy on your pc and connect to your phone or reverse, install proxy app on your phone and point your pc web browser to that proxy address. You could use the SSH tunnel here to connect too.
So, tools at hand are vpn with any encryption available, ssh tunnel, proxy server.
Tools to ignore - TOR (onion), garlic based TOR like, changing User Agent on web browsers or paid VPN.
3 UK has two APN settings, three.co.uk for mobiles (NATd ip address) and 3internet (dongle users) has external IP address and I believe it’s an Open NAT or no NAT.
Please feel free to mix and match any options and also share your views on what is technically possible.
I hope to see something useful and learn a bit more. Even if we fail to achieve the desired results, it will still be enlightening to find the facts on how 3 detects tethering.
Code encode decode
Found on giff gaff forum useful info
Well, they have a few ways..TTL: In my opinion, the most likely telltale signal of tethering. For example, *iOS packets originate with a TTL of 64, so if they see anything else they know something is up. This is very easy to check, as the TTL is checked by each router as the packet is handled. (the address on the envelope - doesn't require opening the letter, to use an analog analogy)APN: Another possible sign of tethering is data being routed over the access point set up for the built-in tethering feature. But giffgaff does NOT have a separate APN for Tethering. Again, this is easy to check without deep packet inspection.User-agent: This is where carriers would need to get heavy-duty equipment and a willingness to be invasive to detect tethering. Your browser sends information about itself to remote web servers, and this information could be checked. I do not think giffgaff is doing this (to detect tethering at least,) as it is not proof of tethering since anyone can easily use another browser on your phone that reports a different User Agent.Web Sites Visited: Again, highly invasive, though it doesn't require DPI. If you're using the DNS servers of the carrier, they could look for requests for certain domain names like windowsupdate.com etc. This wouldn't be proof either, though.I would bet that they are using TTL. So tunneling the TCP/IP packets that way probably resets the TTL to the default of the WAN interface on the phone.
Code encode decode
Why do you have to make 2 threads for the same subject?
Well I wasn't sure at the time of writing first one if I had to go down the route of testing which the second one is for. So, the first one is literally to know if its happening to new contracts only and second is for testing different scenarios and finding how.
Hope this helps and if not then jog on.
Code encode decode
Invincible29 said:
Hope this helps and if not then jog on.
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Less of the attitude please and more of the reading of forum rules. Stick to one thread for the same thing.
Thread closed, use the other one (it was created first).

MTUchanger for Android

Hello, I stumbled upon this app but I can not find more information about it.
Was wondering if someone could check into it. Main goal for this is to get better performance out of the wifi, but im not sure if it's good or bad.
If anyone uses it please let me know
Here's the link to the app:
XxXInstaXxX said:
Hello, I stumbled upon this app but I can not find more information about it.
Was wondering if someone could check into it. Main goal for this is to get better performance out of the wifi, but im not sure if it's good or bad.
If anyone uses it please let me know
Here's the link to the app:
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Don't even think about doing so!
A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest size packet or frame, specified in octets (eight-bit bytes), that can be sent in a packet- or frame-based network for example Internet. The Internet's Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) uses the MTU to determine the maximum size of each packet in any transmission. Too large an MTU size may mean retransmissions if the packet encounters a router that can't handle that large a packet. Too small an MTU size means relatively more header overhead and more acknowledgements that have to be sent and handled. Most computer operating systems provide a default MTU value that is suitable for most users. In general, Internet users should follow the advice of their Internet service provider (ISP) about whether to change the default value and what to change it to.
If you do so your normal Wifi range might get tweaked leading serious issues such as frequent wifi disconnects, no connection, may result in loss of the Wifi Direct Feature.
Phone may be soft bricked and phone may reboot every time any wifi network is availble. I suggest don't use this app until you are a developer!
Wifi range or speed can't be increased by any app. It depends upon hardware. Wifi a/b/g/n is usually faster than Wifi b/g/n so prefer buying a new device rather than using this app. It is purposely for developers.
Please hit thanks if I helped
My device Xperia SP (C5302), Bootloader Unlocked, Stock ROM JB 4.3
***My Contributions***
http://forum.xda-developers.com/xperia-sp/themes-apps/mesmerzing-boot-animation-xperia-sp-t2831628 Mesmerizing and most beautiful boot animation for Xperia SP!
UP movie boot animation Xperia SP!

