Goodbye Mini Goodbye Mini Pro - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

all friends and dev out here,
I just wanna say that i im leaving the Mini and mini Pro scene
I gave away my two pro's, my mini and my x8 to my friends
This post is just to inform all of you and say goodbye to all the friends i made here and all the good devs like Chumby_666 Wiilweer NobodyAtall and ofc MikevHL he isn't here anymore but he started all the custom roms **** for our devices (if i forgot you... i still love you )
i have bought myself a nice Milestone 2 wich will arrive here soon i hope, i just didn't wanna say goodbye to mikevHL (he have also an Milestone 2)
till then i will work on my Nexus S or my brand new Xperia Play i bought today on the Release date here in the Netherlands i really love the phone
and my friends really love my old mini mini pro and x8 ofc
who don't love a free device?
I will be hanging around here sometimes i think
maby i will update froyo rom or gigllebread rom?
i don't have a device anymore but if i do you guys need to test
i dont say i will update!
i just say maby i will
hate me love me i don't care
This is official
This is final
im sorry for all the people who loved my releases
but yeah life sucks right!?
**** YEAH!
Owain van Brakel
Okee really guys look from wich device i posted this...
A personal friend of my who is on the forums here also
bought me a brand new mini pro
i really dont know how to thank her...
It was hard to leave mini and mini pro behind...
And now with this gift i can't say goodbye to you guys
And i can't say to her thanks but i will not work on it anymore
So sorry for this topic sorry i did say goodbye to you guys...
The phone have a azerty keypad weird enough i don't know where she get it we use qwerty here but still i love her
But i am not leaving thanks to ''zoï'' (real name not her forum name)
Zoi ****ing hell je bent een topwijf dankjewel schat
Zoi ****ing hell you're a killerchick thanks honey!
Little not i will be working on my Milestone 2 also so there will be less updates sorry!
Dont blame me atleast there will be updates again!
Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia x10 Mini Pro using XDA Premium App

bye Owain!

@Owain---best wishes!Have fun with your Milestone 2.

sathkartha said:
@Owain---best wishes!Have fun with your Milestone 2.
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thank you very much

You will be missed...
Sent from my X10mini running xCyanogenMini v5 using XDA Premium App

Hence Camera and BT in xCyanogenMini - Gigglebread will not work?

-Ila- said:
Hence Camera and BT in xCyanogenMini - Gigglebread will not work?
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like i said maby i will update ****
but don't count on it

owain94 said:
like i said maby i will update ****
but don't count on it
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I'll wait ..

Good bye owain fun with xperia play =D

This is a sad day for all mini / mini pro owners ! I hope you have fun ^^ we will miss you.. I was thinking of buying a new phone anyway. What is a Milestone 2?

Can you give me moneys for a new phone?
no? stop seling you Mini, and work for a new rom!
I hate it, when someone stops an unready work.

Damn, I was checking this thread every day, looking for new, more stable releases and today I get this... This is sad sad **** ;/

What about multitouch?
Is over devs work on it?

Really sad to read
we'll miss u!!!
have fun with ur milestone 2 and thanks for ur great work

Iskander.g said:
What about multitouch?
Is over devs work on it?
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MT is ****ed now!! hope some new dev will do it!! counting on NobodyatAll!

christi1992 said:
Can you give me moneys for a new phone?
no? stop seling you Mini, and work for a new rom!
I hate it, when someone stops an unready work.
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are you gonna hate me coz i leave?
you now i dont give a **** about that
and i didn't sell my devices i gave them for free to friends
my roms are unready?
jup thats right but i have a new device now so
everyone who don't hate me
i ****ing love you all

Well, better be glad that it happened than sorry it ended.
Thanks for your time Owain, your benevolence and effort has been incredible. Good luck with your new devices!

Im gonna miss you and your ''inventions''!! ur a god with that phone and pc of yours!
Too bad you stop working with it!!
GL on future works though!

Oh No!!! And now???
owain94 said:
all friends and dev out here,
I just wanna say that i im leaving the Mini and mini Pro scene
I gave away my two pro's, my mini and my x8 to my friends
This post is just to inform all of you and say goodbye to all the friends i made here and all the good devs like Wiilweer NobodyAtall and ofc MikevHL he isn't here anymore but he started all the custom roms **** for our devices (if i forgot you... i still love you )
i have bought myself a nice Milestone 2 wich will arrive here soon i hope, i just didn't wanna say goodbye to mikevHL (he have also an Milestone 2)
till then i will work on my Nexus S or my brand new Xperia Play i bought today on the Release date here in the Netherlands i really love the phone
and my friends really love my old mini mini pro and x8 ofc
who don't love a free device?
I will be hanging around here sometimes i think
maby i will update froyo rom or gigllebread rom?
i don't have a device anymore but if i do you guys need to test
i dont say i will update!
i just say maby i will
hate me love me i don't care
This is official
This is final
im sorry for all the people who loved my releases
but yeah life sucks right!?
**** YEAH!
Owain van Brakel
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ohh my ghost..
i will killed my phone..
but, have fun with you're new gadget..
i'll be missing u owain...
i ****ing love you owain.. wkwkwk


free x10 family petition!

Hi! I wrote a petition but can't post the link 'cause i'm new member
sorry for attachment
please signed all! opensource it's our right!
I'll try to twit your petition
Thank you
is the link
also SE is evil
i want multitouch and 2.2 but most of all i want freedom!!!!
Good luck with this... :/ Knowing SE they will definitely not take notice and carry on, so don't waste your time guys..
(I still cant believe they're not going to give the Mini/Pro MT... )
axy_david said:
is the link
also SE is evil
i want multitouch and 2.2 but most of all i want freedom!!!!
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Tnx for the link!
alreay tweeted the petition.
there's no harm in trying.
donetus said:
alreay tweeted the petition.
there's no harm in trying.
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Tnx for your support!!
So, its a new breakfast for other developers! 2.2 and multitouch came to us very soon, but not for free I think...
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
follow my petition!
I give thumb up for idea, keep my foot fingers crossed that SE will unlock it (or continue updating it), but, in reality i know... what we all know..
But, again, thumbs up!!
zavpasha said:
So, its a new breakfast for other developers! 2.2 and multitouch came to us very soon, but not for free I think...
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
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Its not "multitouch", its " pinch-to-zoom" since, as much as i read SE blog, multitouch will not be fully supported by our Device. Also, as SE blog stated, its not gonna be anything fancy/pro, so we cant expect games like on iPhone (damn..beside zooming in Browser and pictures i see no other use for it). And SE also clearly stated that there will be no more updates of Android platform for x8 and x10 series, just firmware updates. So, we are stuck on 2.1 until someone crack bootloader or SE decide to give us open access to boot (hardly gonna happen).
O.K.. so I signed the petition.. but why do we want a custom "Room"?
kiwiBratwurst said:
O.K.. so I signed the petition.. but why do we want a custom "Room"?
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my English is not so advanced
in a few words we don't want to stay back with updates and lose compatibility with some app or lose new features that this OS gives us... x10 family can give a lot more than what SE give us
DOH!! I made a mistake in the petition
iFede said:
DOH!! I made a mistake in the petition
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Don't take it too bad, I can guarantee your English is a lot better than my Italian!
I'm the 220th
tnx at all guy!

Last day here!

Hey guys this is a very sad day for me!
This is officialy the last day im going to be in the mini and mini pro forums
Im moving the us again and im selling my phone to have some money when i leave
Some of you may know me but the majority dont
So all i gotta say is thanks to everyone that helped me
Thanks D4 for your great roms and slade thanks you too for everything!
If anyone wants to keep in touch with i going to be spending most of my time in the htc desire z section
Im getting one next week
So thanks everyone!
Sent from my mini pro using CyaNoComb 1.3
i dont know u but we on the same ship right,so gud luck bro..
You have no reason to excuse yourself as the Desire Z is several gazillion times better than the Mini and Pro
Good luck man ;-)

Goodbye guys :)

Well, im sad about this, but Im getting a new phone (yes, need to sell old one), so All my dev @ Xperia X10 mini pro, and other xperias, it's over. I hope my little aports had been useful for you guys. Thanks to donators, and people who helped me,specially owain94, slade87, aZuZu, doixanh, thank you guys.
Ill upload all my sources, cuz maybe useful for somebody.
Good luck here, and thanks!
Goodbye, Dark! We will miss you
Bye, D4! Hope you bring as much joy to others as you did to me!
Thanx for all your time and work \m/ D4 \m/. Have a good one!
Thankz for All! Good Luck with you new device!
Thank you for all your work on the mini pro, especially the clockworkMod recovery project, which made my transition to a custom ROM a breeze.
We will miss you... Looking forward to the sources... Thanks a lot from every X10 MP user here that you helped so much
Miss you D4, we will never forget a dev who changed the old phone to a new phone. Thinking it would be impossible to use any custom rom, you made it possible.
Regards from
So long and thanks for all the fish. What phone you getting?
this came unexpected! I wish you good luck and thank you for your work!
thank u d4 for ur contribution!
goodbye D4! we'll miss a quality developer!!!
Just out of curiosity.. which phone you moving to??
I've been following all your efforts, and i'm really thankful for all the things you made possible for our phone!
Good luck and again, thanks a lot!
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Thanks for all your hard work. I've really enjoyed it! Tell us what phonee you're getting, so that we can get the same one ;-)
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Thank you for your work. Many of us have parts of your contributions inside our phone.
See you soon D4.
rosshalz said:
goodbye D4! we'll miss a quality developer!!!
Just out of curiosity.. which phone you moving to??
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Thanks, well I still don't know, will wait to have complete my money. For now alredy sold mini pro, and have some money saved.
Probably will be O2x or SGSII, or maybe a Tablet.
First of all enjoy with your new phone and when you get it crack it
Thanks for all your help i really appreciate it and thanks for your wonderfull work that you made for x10 mini pro and other xperia series
been missing you
SgsII is amazing ive got one recently as an upgrade but im still using the arc I won in a competition though, but the s2 is utterly brilliant
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
you will be missed
D4 thx for all it stuff and the positive vibe around here.can't believe you sold the MP I believe its the coolest phone ever.good luck and have fun with your new device
Sent from my U20i using XDA App

where are our colleague developers Paul and Slade!

guys does anyone knows where Slade is?? it's been since he released gintonic 2.5.1 not shown and not updating his work!
and by the way Paul said in his post he wont develop because his phone is burnt by a Chinese charger what can we do for our friend Paul as a reward for his work?? do you believe that we should do our best to provide him with a new x10 mini pro??
please let us try to get our best developers back to our community!
You know the number of posts and visitors in our section is really down. I'm convinced everyone's bought a new phone. I'm starting to think that'll happen every time we get an Android phone and come on here.
Have to say I do want that new Mini, very cheap in my country.
but there are people who is still using this mini's hope they still provide support for our mini's!
Paul's minipro got burnt and he's not continuing work. We probably feel more sad about it, than he does. :/
I too am very sorry. Since I do not where to call
Paul, if your phone don't get fixed, you will buy another model or you will help us and keep this device updated to at least 6 months?
You can try port ICS to us, they made it work (or are making, I don't know) on Nexus One. I am no dev, but it should be easier knowing this.
If not, thanks for all your hard work with us here.
Sorry for english
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
I will not try to port the ICS
You know, there is a way.
Firstly, in other phone threads on here, it's quite normal to contribute a little donation to a dev. When many people do this, it's a nice thanks. Sometimes they do this to buy the dev a new phone. Also, this could be done to encourage a dev to make ICS for us. Some of us who have donated to devs, receive beta roms long before general release. If this is the last option, we could make a small donation (amounting to a nice amount after many people do it) then we get ICS...
just a few ideas....
But, paul, just one thing, do you think you will buy another x10 mini pro, or other device? Like Xperia ray or Xperia mini pro?
Ps.: slade isn't even online on Windows Live Messenger, so I think he is on vacation or something like that...
phoneyericsson said:
we could make a small donation (amounting to a nice amount after many people do it) then we get ICS...
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You know, that it's just a dream? You can't donate and "pew pew laser magic" we have ICS. It doesn't work, because of our hardware. We already have problems with some apps on Gingerbread because of our CPU, how do you imagine ICS on our phones?
If you really can't live without ICS, buy a new Mini(pro) (not X10 mini (pro)) and wait for the ICS update by Sony Ericsson (they promised something like this, but I'm not sure).
E4est said:
You know, that it's just a dream? You can't donate and "pew pew laser magic" we have ICS. It doesn't work, because of our hardware. We already have problems with some apps on Gingerbread because of our CPU, how do you imagine ICS on our phones?
If you really can't live without ICS, buy a new Mini(pro) (not X10 mini (pro)) and wait for the ICS update by Sony Ericsson (they promised something like this, but I'm not sure).
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You have 7 posts, what do you know about what people do here? Everything I've written HAS happened on XDA already. And I know the specs well.
I didn't understand the rest of your English.
phoneyericsson said:
You have 7 posts, what do you know about what people do here? Everything I've written HAS happened on XDA already. And I know the specs well.
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We will most likely not get the ics on the x10 so how do you think you guys will get it? Dude wake up this is use some common sense ...
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
I really would like to donate, but I am 14 years old and I live in Brazil, it's so complicated to create a Pay Pal account and everything else.
Hope you buy another X10 Mini Pro. I am here for 7 months, but I really like what you do for us, Paul...
Sorry for english
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
I can not receive money with PayPal. And anyway, I want myself Ray or Arc, Xperia Mini Pro.
PS: Where did the fact slade87. I'm worried!
phoneyericsson said:
You have 7 posts, what do you know about what people do here? Everything I've written HAS happened on XDA already. And I know the specs well.
I didn't understand the rest of your English.
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I have 7 thanks and 20 posts. (now 21)
I won't explain, what I've written before, I think it's quite clear.
Btw. I was reading this forum half a year (EDIT)before I wrote my first post(/EDIT) and I am knowing more about this, than people who write 300 times "wifi doesn't work".
In Java I would write it similar to this:
amount of posts != amount of knowledge
Arc, I think I'll buy one next year, maybe in April, or a Xperia Pro. Anyway, independent of with (?) device you buy, I say good luck to you, hopè you make lots of good ROMs
Sorry for english
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
shahkam said:
We will most likely not get the ics on the x10 so how do you think you guys will get it? Dude wake up this is use some common sense ...
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
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Would you have said a year ago we'd be using Gingerbread? Dude wake up use common sense.
phoneyericsson said:
Would you have said a year ago we'd be using Gingerbread? Dude wake up use common sense.
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Are you serious?
There's still a difference between Gingerbread and ICS...and there is still a difference between X10 and X10 mini(pro).
X10 has a 1GHz CPU and about 300MB RAM.
X10 mini and mini pro have 600MHz and 128MB RAM.
Even if they could run ICS on our small phones, it will possibly lag like hell or be very blurred.
I remember Owain trying to run Honeycomb on our phone and failing because of the screen resolution. You know, that our phone's screen only has 320x240 pixels?
A year ago nobody thought about Gingerbread on our phones, because there even wasn't a way to flash Froyo. There generally haven't been ROMs that weren't based on the stock one.
Nobody but Sony Ericsson had a doubt that Gingerbread could work on our phones.
E4est said:
I remember Owain trying to run Honeycomb on our phone and failing because of the screen resolution. You know, that our phone's screen only has 320x240 pixels?
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Because honeycomb was specificly made for tablets. ICS on the other hand supports multiple resolutions (phone&tablet). So i doubt that will be a big issue.
paul-xxx said:
PS: Where did the fact slade87. I'm worried!
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He's probably jusy busy doing other things at the moment. There is always the slightly stalker-ish method of looking at his profile page:
Last logged in 17th of November - 2 days ago, not exactly disappeared!

Goodbye X10 Mini Pro Community

Goodbye Community of Mimmi
i thank you all, for everything you supported us with from Roms to apps going to tutorials and rooting methods.
I'm going to buy a new phone and move to another section probably the Xperia Mini Pro section or the Neo V.
this is the last hour for my Mimmi with me.
thank you all,
special thanks to:
and every developer and friend inside this community.
Bye mate! Good luck with your new cell ! Hope you find good people as you found here in Neo V or Xperia Mini Pro forums, because on all forums I had been, no one was better than this one
Cheers and Good Luck
XxLordxX - LordAIOTool developer
And hey, if you spot something over there that you think would go well on our little device, you know where to find us!
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
good bye mate
buy Xperia Mini Pro
i alse have Xperia Mini Pro
awesome phone !
I bought Xperia mini pro! It's amazingly fast!
The only thing is that i'm not used to its hardware keyboard
Sent from my SK17i using XDA App
That hardware kb is much much better in typing i think, i tried it in a shop and was astonished. well, sad to see you go but i know you won't go anywhere other than xda. so that is good for now.
PS: How much did you pay for your new mini pro? did you swap your phone to your friend?
you cant go forward if you dont know where you started. good luck with the new phone.
minachvim said:
Goodbye Community of Mimmi
i thank you all, for everything you supported us with from Roms to apps going to tutorials and rooting methods.
I'm going to buy a new phone and move to another section probably the Xperia Mini Pro section or the Neo V.
this is the last hour for my Mimmi with me.
thank you all,
special thanks to:
and every developer and friend inside this community.
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GoodBye. And wait im soon begin work with Xperia Mini Pro
paul-xxx said:
GoodBye. And wait im soon begin work with Xperia Mini Pro
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ohhh nooooooooooo without you we are lost in the middle of the forest.
I hope you continue working on x10mini if your phone is still alive
But in 2015 when I change the x10mini (that is new) i know what new phone i have to buy

