question for developer. su fcs - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Each time I create a new rom I cannot get past this problem: superuser force closes when I update ANY app in the market. Tried all three versions of su. Any ideas?

I just left you a post over on the kitchen thread about thus issue. It sounds like you are not using the patched version. If you are choosing that option and its giving you fcs, try manually putting rmk version of superuser.apk into your system/apps
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App

dhemke17 said:
I just left you a post over on the kitchen thread about thus issue. It sounds like you are not using the patched version. If you are choosing that option and its giving you fcs, try manually putting rmk version of superuser.apk into your system/apps
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
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I tried all three the kitchen provides you with, but ill try adding su manually. I figured the kitchen added more than the apk so I didn't try that yet

If you want to post a link to your rom, I can take a look at it and see what I can do
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App

Here it is. I haven't touched it in a few days bc its plenty functional, this fC just annoys me

shelooga said:
Here it is. I haven't touched it in a few days bc its plenty functional, this fC just annoys me
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Im downloading now and will pull the superuser out of my rom and drop it in and rebuild and see what we get with that. If it works without force closes, I will sned you a copy of the superuser app...if it doesn't, I may mess around with pulling some files and dropping them in my .6 deodex/debloat rom and see if we can get this thing looks great though beyond the FC's...keep it up

dhemke17 said:
Im downloading now and will pull the superuser out of my rom and drop it in and rebuild and see what we get with that. If it works without force closes, I will sned you a copy of the superuser app...if it doesn't, I may mess around with pulling some files and dropping them in my .6 deodex/debloat rom and see if we can get this thing looks great though beyond the FC's...keep it up
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Thanks man I appreciate it. Its a hobby n a real fun one

shelooga said:
Thanks man I appreciate it. Its a hobby n a real fun one
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1) First thing I noticed right off the back is that you NEED to include a launcher with your rom or it will not load. I pushed rosie to it to be able to do anything. This doesn't have to be Rosie, but there needs to be one in there.
2) Flash the file in this post and your superuser will be good to go!
-Love the Framework mods...just make sure you toss in that and unzip and replace the superuser app and xbin/su file with the ones in the post on your future build. I will get with dsixda because something must have happened with his latest build that resulted in it not flashing the patched version. As soon as I flashed it, I had NO problem with it at all...
Hope this helps ya out and can't wait to see what future builds you have in store.


[APP] MIUI Camera on CM7

The attached camera app, MIUIcamera-signed.apk will let you see the MIUI Camera on CM7.
Installation is simple, just install end enjoy!
Thanks to csdj92 for figuring out that I had to use the signed version and thanks to kaos217 for posting the signed apk (attached) (originally posted here)
If you're like me and hate having multiple "default" camera apps, using an app such as Root Explorer or Astro File Manager you can go to system/app/ and rename Camera.apk to something else, or delete it all together
Okay, so before anyone on here insults me for asking this, I've tried searching it out and I've found that other people have been able to do this (specifically, on the Evo) but I haven't been able to get it going.
Since MIUI & CM7 are both AOSP build, shouldnt I be able to remove CM7's camera and replace it with MIUI's? I don't like CM7's camera implementation, but I LOVE MiUI's camera.
From what I gathered in this thread, I had to backup the stock camera app, delete it. Rename the MIUI Camera to camera.apk, place it in the system/app/ folder. Then I had to long press on the camera, set permissions to 644 (read) and reboot.
I reboot but I get an error saying Com.Miui.Camera has force closed. Any help?
Attached is the MIUI Camera APK
Try downloading the signed apk on the second page from the OG post. I tried with the one on your post got the error, then tried with the signed apk and it worked fine.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
csdj92 said:
Try downloading the signed apk on the second page from the OG post. I tried with the one on your post got the error, then tried with the signed apk and it worked fine.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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I tried the signed APK and it doesnt work either.
Scratch that, when I tried restoring with Root Manager it or pushing it via ADB, it didn't work, but when I installed it like a regular package, it worked just fine. Disabling the CM7 camera now
can teh man said:
I tried the signed APK and it doesnt work either.
Scratch that, when I tried restoring with Root Manager it or pushing it via ADB, it didn't work, but when I installed it like a regular package, it worked just fine. Disabling the CM7 camera now
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No problem glad I could help
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Thanks, this is great. Works with the shift-deck rom and has touch to focus enabled.
Awesome awesome awesome. I dig it. Probably my least favorite thing about CM7 was the fugly AOSP camera. Thank you!
^ Shift Faced
I think there is a newer version of MIUI camera available... I'm gonna try to sign the new version and release it.
Thanks man, been looking for a better camera since I left all sense behind.
fallnSaint said:
Thanks man, been looking for a better camera since I left all sense behind.
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I thought Sense's camera sucked...
I haven't been able to successfully sign the new 1.8.5 APK... can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?
Update your framework with the same version when signing
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can teh man said:
I thought Sense's camera sucked...
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Unlike the asop we are all so quick to boot?
Sent thru the "tubes" via my shifty speed brick.
fallnSaint said:
Unlike the asop we are all so quick to boot?
Sent thru the "tubes" via my shifty speed brick.
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I never said that AOSP's camera was good either. I like MIUI's camera.
What a real shame about the camera, and also the shocking battery life off 7.2!
i am going back to 2.3.6. I had a better time with that.

How long would it take to get Nexus Swype KB

The title says it all, don't want to waste anybodys time.
everyone knows by now swype got updated and nexus the lucky basterds got the badass black flat skin
Anyway for us to get our hands on it?
Not legally. That being said if someone wanted to release a skin only, that would work.
Yeah just the skin would be fine. I'm loving Swype again
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I so agree with you man loving it alot also.
Rooted 3D shooter in full affect
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
oh Hell yeah i would love that skin as well.
is it possible?
I want the skin too I have the newest release
im not sure on the specifics but if you just throw down a google search its been ported to several other phones quite easily.
i think it was mostly just grabbing the apk and then grabbing the necessary libs
bmtdan said:
im not sure on the specifics but if you just throw down a google search its been ported to several other phones quite easily.
i think it was mostly just grabbing the apk and then grabbing the necessary libs
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just want the skin ported lol
does anyone know someone to reach out to so we can get this started?
clearly a lot of people want this so its a good cause
Interested as well
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
so im guessing no takers in trying this out lol
Post the apk for it, or where to get
I have the zip file containing the apk and lib file, and I'll post a link.
Link removed as it may be considered warez
I do like swype a lot, but I'm sure when they have full skin support people here will make some nice looking ones.
In the mean time, SwiftKey X beta has been holding me off with their awesome black skin -
nhutpham said:
I have the zip file containing the apk and lib file, and I'll post a link.
I do like swype a lot, but I'm sure when they have full skin support people here will make some nice looking ones.
In the mean time, SwiftKey X beta has been holding me off with their awesome black skin -
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I'll post it tomorrow. Just to be sure, what version of Swype is this?
I no longer have it installed, so I don't have the version number.
I just know it's the one from the Nexus.
I also remember that reinstalling swype beta required deleting both files, clearing data just to be sure, and then rebooting before running the swype installer. Otherwise it would install but then you would get the swype force closes. Installing it properly fixed that though.
nhutpham said:
I have the zip file containing the apk and lib file, and I'll post a link.
I do like swype a lot, but I'm sure when they have full skin support people here will make some nice looking ones.
In the mean time, SwiftKey X beta has been holding me off with their awesome black skin -
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Is this Flashable or does it need to manually added?
This is not flashable. The two files have to be placed in the app and lib folders, with the proper permissions. Just to make sure I would recommend to clear data first. Reboot is also likely necessary.
I will say again, this does not fill the screen for qhd devices, but the keyboard still works, albeit too cumbersome to really use all the time.
nhutpham said:
This is not flashable. The two files have to be placed in the app and lib folders, with the proper permissions. Just to make sure I would recommend to clear data first. Reboot is also likely necessary.
I will say again, this does not fill the screen for qhd devices, but the keyboard still works, albeit too cumbersome to really use all the time.
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Ok is it the same as the Beta or does this have different Features?
The most recent beta has the same features.

[Q] How do I edit the Android Market to show all applications?

I'm using a couple ICS+sense roms that are giving me some issues with the Market. A bunch of apps aren't showing up including some that I paid for. It prob has something to do w/ me going from GB to ICS 4.0.1 aka CleanRom 2.1. Anyways, before I flashed these roms I was able to see all these apps in the Market that I can't now. Can someone explain how I can trick the Market into showing every app whether they're compatible with GB/ICS or not? If I have to pull my Market.apk and edit it, let me know how to do that or if there is a Market.apk out there that I can install over the current one I already have. If there's a way for me to keep that most updated market(3.4.4) that'd be great.
Thx for the help! -bal
Sent from my HTC Rezound using XDA Premium
bal1985 said:
I'm using a couple CIS+sense roms that are giving me some issues with the Market. A bunch of apps aren't showing up including some that I paid for. It prob has something to do w/ me going from GB to ICS 4.0.1 aka CleanRom 2.1. Anyways, before I flashed these roms I was able to see all these apps in the Market that I can't now. Can someone explain how I can trick the Market into showing every app whether they're compatible with GB/ICS or not? If I have to pull my Market.apk and edit it, let me know how to do that or if there is a Market.apk out there that I can install over the current one I already have. If there's a way for me to keep that most updated market(3.4.4) that'd be great.
Thx for the help! -bal
Sent from my HTC Rezound using XDA Premium
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I know, it sucks. Essentially I think you have to edit your build.prop. It'll be a pain to get it to work. If you can find someone that knows how to correctly edit the build.prop, I think you can get those apps. The best thing to do would be to contact the app developers and ask when they'll make their apps compatible with ICS.
I've never used it but it sounds like maybe the "Market Enabler" app might work. It's at keast worth checking out
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WasabiWa83 said:
I know, it sucks. Essentially I think you have to edit your build.prop. It'll be a pain to get it to work. If you can find someone that knows how to correctly edit the build.prop, I think you can get those apps. The best thing to do would be to contact the app developers and ask when they'll make their apps compatible with ICS.
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I swear I saw a market app that's currently in a Rezound rom here that shows all apps. I forget the rom though. With the build prob don't I just edit it to make it think my phone is on GB? Gotta be an easy way to do this.
Sent from my HTC Rezound using XDA Premium
1. Flash a 2.3 rom
2. Use root file explorer >>go to data/app folder and copy app to SD card
3.reinstall 4.0 rom and reinstall app
Editing build prop is more trouble and time than its worth.
Copy and reinstall is faster and the apps will still function...paid apps will require the install key probably...
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androph said:
1. Flash a 2.3 rom
2. Use root file explorer >>go to data/app folder and copy app to SD card
3.reinstall 4.0 rom and reinstall app
Editing build prop is more trouble and time than its worth.
Copy and reinstall is faster and the apps will still function...paid apps will require the install key probably...
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Why do I need to flash a Rom, can't I just download a Rom, open the zip with 7zip and extract the market.apk from system/app? I thought the market apk was in system/app?
Oh and could you name a Rom I could download to get the apk I need. Also, what is the name of the market.apk? How do I remove the market from the ICS Rom and install the GB market over it so I don't have two markets installed and in my launcher?
One last thing, what do you mean paid apps will require a licencse?
Sent from my HTC Rezound using XDA Premium
Nope, not market.apk. You'll want to look in /data/app for the specific apps that are missing. /data/app is the location of all your apks downloaded from the market.
The reason we don't need to simply copy the market.apk is because your market app is working just fine. Google's servers filter based on device and rom according to the build.prop file. Because there's no official ICS rezound it doesn't know what to show you yet. Once it gets closer to release google will add the profile for ICS and everything will show properly.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
kingpin003 said:
Nope, not market.apk. You'll want to look in /data/app for the specific apps that are missing. /data/app is the location of all your apks downloaded from the market.
The reason we don't need to simply copy the market.apk is because your market app is working just fine. Google's servers filter based on device and rom according to the build.prop file. Because there's no official ICS rezound it doesn't know what to show you yet. Once it gets closer to release google will add the profile for ICS and everything will show properly.
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gotcha, so until then there isnt a way to swap build.prop, replace the ics build.prop with GB build.prop from one of our GB roms.
bal1985 said:
gotcha, so until then there isnt a way to swap build.prop, replace the ics build.prop with GB build.prop from one of our GB roms.
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Sure there is. Extract build.prop from a ROM, and swap it out just like you said. I don't know if it's going to net you the desired result, but why not give it a shot.
MrSmith317 said:
Sure there is. Extract build.prop from a ROM, and swap it out just like you said. I don't know if it's going to net you the desired result, but why not give it a shot.
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dont think its that simple lol
If you go the flashing back to GB method I recommend grabbing AppMonster to back up all your apps. I've been using the pro version and it's pretty cool. Now I have access to all the apps I've downloaded in the past but don't have to install them until I need/want to. It also automatically backs up apps as soon as you've downloaded them. Super easy to restore too.
MrSmith317 said:
Sure there is. Extract build.prop from a ROM, and swap it out just like you said. I don't know if it's going to net you the desired result, but why not give it a shot.
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DO NOT DO THIS! The reason that some of the apps are not showing up in the market is because they have not been updated to say that they work with 4.0.1. If you swap build.props you could seriously harm your device, I STRONGLY advise against it.
I just went to the market website on my computer and looked under my apps, then just installed all the ones I wanted to from there. It was a little hassle, but really only took around 10 min for about 30-40 apps I wanted.
feralicious said:
If you go the flashing back to GB method I recommend grabbing AppMonster to back up all your apps. I've been using the pro version and it's pretty cool. .
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I agree 100%, that's how I do it too.
feralicious said:
If you go the flashing back to GB method I recommend grabbing AppMonster to back up all your apps. I've been using the pro version and it's pretty cool.
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in your opinion does it do any better/different than TB?
I've been looking into editing the build.prop file. I am hesitant to do so because all the other examples I've seen are from similar devices so very few lines are actually changing. I noticed the rezound has a crapload of lines, i'm not sure how many would be required to actually get an app showing.
Does anyone know what specific lines the Market app looks at to verify?
My problem is not that I'm trying to get an app on ICS but that I want Plants and Zombies. I understand it works on other GB's but not the rezound. Any more insight on the build.prop file would be awesome!
Back at it again. I'm a gameloft fan. Order and Chaos... I moved over to the Rez and was stymied for the longest until themusicmonkey set my feet onto the right path. viz a ve
Well, updated to CleanRom ICS edition v2.3 and tried my build.prop and my Rez wouldn't even boot... Booo!!!! So back to the drawing bored I went. Happy to say I now have a build.prop that is up and running. Issue here is not that I can't download games from the market. That's easy. Issue is, once downloaded, they won't download additional data. **shakes fist at gameloft**
So here it is, as always: I'm not responsible for any damages done to your phone by use of this file, etc..... Remember to nandroid backup!!!!
How to Use:
Open file browser of choice and go to /system/
Rename build.prop to something like build.prop.bak
Download the file and unrar it
Move the file to /system/
Rename to build.prop
When you need to switch back, just rename the modded build.prop to something like build.prop.mod and rename build.prop.bak to build.prop and reboot.
What it does - Makes your phone appear as the Desire HD.

Chrome Beta

Looks like the Chrome Beta is out on the market, says it works for ICS devices only. I installed it on my Xoom and extracted the apk in hopes of installing it on my Rezound anyway, but I get the parse error message. Anyway, market link and a DL for the apk are below, if someone cares to spend the time to get it working:
It's a free app, so I don't think I'm breaking any rules by posting the apk, but if I am, sorry bout it.
dbutters said:
Looks like the Chrome Beta is out on the market, says it works for ICS devices only. I installed it on my Xoom and extracted the apk in hopes of installing it on my Rezound anyway, but I get the parse error message. Anyway, market link and a DL for the apk are below, if someone cares to spend the time to get it working:
It's a free app, so I don't think I'm breaking any rules by posting the apk, but if I am, sorry bout it.
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Looks great, installing now.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Looks like you do because it's not available for every country. In my for example so thx for apk ;d
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Works fine on my ICS ROM. Try just dropping the APK in your /data/app. It looks a lot better and renders faster than dolphin and the stock browser.
I must be doing something wrong, when I tried to drop it in using ES File Explorer, it tells me that the copy failed.
MrSmith317 said:
Works fine on my ICS ROM. Try just dropping the APK in your /data/app. It looks a lot better and renders faster than dolphin and the stock browser.
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I'm running stock Gingerbread; just got my Rezound a week ago and haven't got around to trying out an ICS ROM. Dropping the APK into /data/app doesn't appear to work, but I didn't really expect it to work so easily
I don't have any idea if it's possible to hack this to work with GB, but that would be pretty sweet.
EmerikL said:
I must be doing something wrong, when I tried to drop it in using ES File Explorer, it tells me that the copy failed.
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Are you mounted r/w?
Works on my ICS rom. (CleanROM ICS)
Went in with ROM Toolbox, seems that ES doesn't have SU privileges for some reason. Will need to find out what that is about.
EmerikL said:
I must be doing something wrong, when I tried to drop it in using ES File Explorer, it tells me that the copy failed.
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If you're on Nils' ICS ROM you should just be able to install it.
Yep still on Nils ICS ROM, but its not letting me install it, has to do with security settings, its weird, he already said he took out the need to allow third party apps. I am going to play with it some more and see what I can figure out before I ask him.
EmerikL said:
Yep still on Nils ICS ROM, but its not letting me install it, has to do with security settings, its weird, he already said he took out the need to allow third party apps. I am going to play with it some more and see what I can figure out before I ask him.
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The checkbox is under settings -> security -> "unknown sources". I've heard some people say that the checkbox went missing on them.
It's not there. He took it out and defaulted it to on.
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EmerikL said:
It's not there. He took it out and defaulted it to on.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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Can you go in from the market / market website like I did and just let it push to the phone?
Nope nothing. Doesn't see it.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
It works great on De-Sensed 4.0 ICS wicked fast and I actually like it better than the stock ics browser.
MrSmith317 said:
Can you go in from the market / market website like I did and just let it push to the phone?
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Ok I got it pushed through but it FC on me every time I open it. It all FCs on the boot. I haven't done a wipe just layed the new version of Nils Rom down. maybe I need to do that to get it to work, but I don't know if I want to go through the hassle yet.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
wow i really like chrome mobile browser its so awesome... i just went to the market and downloaded and installed the beta no problems
I'm using JoelZ ICS base, and downloaded Chrome Beta right from the market. It installed fine, and everything worked.
This is what I am getting...
I am running Scot's clean Gingerbread Rom.
Downloaded it from phone & computer.
Market says not available for my device.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk

Privacy protection for your DX2!

What is it? Okay, well kenjesse put it best with this description : " Pdroid is an app that lets you modify permissions app by app with out breaking them. You also have the option of "spoofing" the permissions by sending randomly generate data rather than your phones actual sim, meid, phone #, etc.
As the app does not need to run constantly in the back ground it has virtually no impact on battery.
To check out the original thread:
On the next page of this thread I have posted the patch zip necessary to install the pdroid app on CM7 for DX2 only!!! I will make patch zips for other roms upon request but it can be done easily by following kenjesse's instructions below. After flashing the zip just download and install pdroid from the play store ......viola! Thanks for stopping by and happy flashing!
Looks like a pretty cool program. I've read other post that reference making changes like this, always wondered how. Wonder if this is one way, I'd assume there are other ways too.
Sent from my MB870 using XDA
Disregard this comment.
Sent from my MB870 using XDA
Ohschit said:
I've been trying to get this working on my phone for a while but apparently I'm too stupid.
Sent from my MB870 using XDA
This would help:
[APP] PDroid - The Better Privacy Protection [2012-03-13: Bugfixes in Patch 1.3]
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Just got done installing this and it seems to be working great. I'm running CM7 with no special tweaks other than Moon Shadows wifi fix, following instructions from op here:
this is what I did:
1. DL Pdroid Patcher zip to PC (Win7 in my case)
2. Extract Pdroid Patcher exe file and run
3. Browse to (cm7 ROM) and select.
4. Click "Patch" (program takes about 2 minutes to create required patch zip file as well as restore file if you choose to uninstall Pdroid later)
5. copy the 2 created zip files ( & to your external SD Card
7. Flash the PDroid zip file
8. I did not wipe anything as it is not stated to do so in the OP install instruction... I did flash cm7 reRecovery before I rebooted just to be safe.
9. Reboot your phone, go to market and install Pdroid.
I tested by removing several permissions for my Fox News app which doing thru cm7 causes the app to break, using PDroid the app still worked. Not sure how to test beyond that.
I did notice that the reboot stayed on the cm7 animation for a while before the phone came back up as if a dalvik wipe had been done.
Hope this helps and if you break it it's your fault not mine and remember...BACKUP
You are awesome! Thank you very much for giving this attention, I can't wait to follow the steps you've listed when I get home. Thanks again
Sent from my MB870 using XDA
Quick update... there is a setting in the app to display anytime an app request access to private data. With this turned on it shows access being denied to my Fox News app and the app runs fine. This really is an awesome app.
Ohschit said:
You are awesome! Thank you very much for giving this attention, I can't wait to follow the steps you've listed when I get home. Thanks again
Sent from my MB870 using XDA
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No worries... Let us know if you get it working.
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
kenjesse said:
No worries... Let us know if you get it working.
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
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Worked great! I had a feeling that this was going to be worth it. Your right, it is a cool app!
What is it?
whoa look at that....
king..kranium said:
What is it?
whoa look at that....
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He probably should update the op title. Pdroid is an app that lets you modify permissions app by app with out breaking them. You also have the option of "spoofing" the permissions by sending randomly generate data rather than your phones actual sim, meid, phone #, etc.
As the app dose not need to run constantly in the back ground it has virtually no impact on battery.
I highly recommend it, for what that is worth. Check it out at:
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
kenjesse said:
He probably should update the op title. Pdroid is an app that lets you modify permissions app by app with out breaking them. You also have the option of "spoofing" the permissions by sending randomly generate data rather than your phones actual sim, meid, phone #, etc.
As the app dose not need to run constantly in the back ground it has virtually no impact on battery.
I highly recommend it, for what that is worth. Check it out at:
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
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Beautifully put. Hey, I would update the op title but it's not letting me from the mobile app. I will later when I'm on my laptop.
Hey, how did you spoof the permissions? Don't see that option within the settings. I just see symbols without descriptions (gear, bar graph, check, ect...)?
Just to add, I don't know if it's just in my head or not but I feel like my phone is moving way faster After changing all the permissions that I did.
........and last, I'm going to post the patch zip file for cm7 dx2 when I get home so all anyone needs to do is flash it and download pdroid from the market (Google play (stupid name)....whatever). Okay all done.
Sent from my MB870 using XDA
Settings options are:
Check = allow
Graph = random spoof
Gear= set the spoof value
Slashed Circle= block
And then there is a check box in the top right corner to enable notifications for just that app.
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
Okay, here are the zips. Just flash the first of the 2 zips in CM7 recovery and then install the Pdroid app. The second zip is just to restore. I'm not responsible if you break your phone...blah blah blah.....THIS IS ONLY FOR CM7DX2 (but if anyone wants I will make zips for any rom on dx2, just ask.)!
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Thanks for the help Kenjesse!
So please help me clarify what setting should I set the apps to? Also do I need to do them one at a time or can I do it by batch?
Okay, what I have been doing is blocking ALL permissions for any given app and then trying to run it. I then look for any error messages and go back and enable only those specific permissions to allow the app to function properly. You'll get a system once you use it a bit. .....and unfortunately there is no batch function. It is a very cool app though once you play with it and definitely enable the function where you can see it blocking and granting permissions. It's pretty cool!
........and someone please tell me how to change the title of this post please
Sent using XDA app from my abandoned DX2 running CM7. In dragonzkiller we trust ;p
Ohschit said:
Okay, what I have been doing is blocking ALL permissions for any given app and then trying to run it. I then look for any error messages and go back and enable only those specific permissions to allow the app to function properly. You'll get a system once you use it a bit. .....and unfortunately there is no batch function. It is a very cool app though once you play with it and definitely enable the function where you can see it blocking and granting permissions. It's pretty cool!
........and someone please tell me how to change the title of this post please
Sent using XDA app from my abandoned DX2 running CM7. In dragonzkiller we trust ;p
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Thanks got it running I will slowly work through my apps and see what all I can dissable without having problems. I love the idea thanks guys!
so the second zip p restore is to get rid of it?
Xb0i said:
so the second zip p restore is to get rid of it?
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Flashing The update zip makes the required changes for the app Pdroid that you get from the market to run properly with the cm7 ROM. IT WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU ARE ON CM7. If you later uninstall Pdroid you flash the restore zip to remove the changes made by the update zip.
I believe it is done this way so the app can work without root permission and therefore doesn't have to run in the background....I could be wrong though and as with any mod you should go to the linked thread above and research it for yourself.
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
To edit, go to your 1st post tap anywhere and a popup will appear, select modify, Tap anywhere in the title area and edit.
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
kenjesse said:
To edit, go to your 1st post tap anywhere and a popup will appear, select modify, Tap anywhere in the title area and edit.
Sent via Tapatalk on my CM7'ed DX2
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Thank you.
Sent using XDA app from my abandoned DX2 running CM7. In dragonzkiller we trust ;p

