[Q] Caller ID pictures? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have synched my contact list with Facebook, but when someone rings me their picture is really poor and pixelated. Is there a setting or something I need to change to display it properly? Does anyone else have this problem?

Probably this problem http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=4147
Working workaround: create contact with name and photo only on phone then connect to facebook/google contact. Works but you must delete image from google contact (i didn't found option to choose[\b] account photo source).
Really I'd like to know is there a real cure for this.

I had this problem to. You can't see the pics if you sync it with the Facebook app. Instead I sync my contact (only) with Samsung's Social Hub and then manually join any contacts which the phone can't find automatically. Then I see all the pics, and they also get updated.
NOTE: I can also see the contact pics in LP People widget

Or just install this.
I use it on my desire hd and the caller id pic is very clear.

Sorry I'm probably being thick but could you explain that workaround a bit more?
I have the same problem, the pictures are really pixelated, both when you get a call and when you have them as a buddy widget on one of your homescreens!

mwilson1987 said:
Sorry I'm probably being thick but could you explain that workaround a bit more?
I have the same problem, the pictures are really pixelated, both when you get a call and when you have them as a buddy widget on one of your homescreens!
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Yeah, sure
1. You can install the Facebook app, but don't sync the contacts.
2. Open Samsung's Social Hub. Click on the menu button and then "add account". Choose "Facebook" and add enter your username and password. Choose to sync your contacts (and also the calendar and events too if you want).
Now you should see your Facebook contacts in your phone book (if you don't you need to enable it in the phone book's options).
The phonebook might be able to join your normal contacts with the Facebook contact, but on mine in didn't match too many.
To join them manually, long press on a contact and choose "join contact" - now choose their Facebook profile and they should now be joined.
When that person call's you should also see their status update on your screen.
If the pics on the widget come up blurry then press the widget and it should automatically adjust the image.
Hope this helps...


Can my HD2 connect to facebook and pull a profile picture for caller ID?

Hi everyone
Glad I found this awesome community that helped me and my phone's relationship grow.
I'm asking this question because I don't want to have to take pics of all my friends, I can't even fill the "People" tab, with my fav. people up with pics cuz it just takes too much effort haha. Connecting to facebook and getting their pic on caller ID would be waay easier!
If your using sense as your interface then yes you can. You'll have to link the contact to their fb profile in the "Updates and Events" tab of the contact. Once done it will automatically use the profile pic as the contacts default pic.
As moontashir said, the Facebook link will do this for you, although the links are made based on names, I would presume. If your contact list and your Facebook friends list names don't quite match up, they won't get linked. In my case, about 75-80% of my contacts with Facebook accounts get linked properly. Not too bad.
I'm not sure why but that's not the case for me. I linked the facebook account and the contact successfully, and in the updates and events page I can even see his photos and albums, but there is no button to save the picture nor does it link the picture automatically!
Nevermind, I got it! I had to go to "Edit Contact", click on the picture, and select Facebook Profile. Thanks... Love this forum!
"I'm not sure why but that's not the case for me. I linked the facebook account and the contact successfully, and in the updates and events page I can even see his photos and albums, but there is no button to save the picture nor does it link the picture automatically!"
yup is ture, even I can see the picture ...but I still can't save into phone ... maybe got others way???
do we have to do this linking individually for each contact? can we not do it for the entire contact list?
thanks in advance
"Link to Facebook".
"Edit Contact, Click on the Picture, --Facebook Profile".
Do you have a quick guide to how I can do it with the "standard" SPB Shell theme?
Wehenever I click facebook when I choose a pic I just get sent to the FB login screen, and nothing happens.
Do a quick search of the forums (or google) for a freeware called "Booksync" which will sync ur contacts photo ID with their profile pic in Facebook! Any use??
namwollem said:
Do a quick search of the forums (or google) for a freeware called "Booksync" which will sync ur contacts photo ID with their profile pic in Facebook! Any use??
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Yes, I've used that one. Its ok, but for some reason it only starts up once. So whenever I want to use it I need to unninstall and then re-install.
But I cant seem to figure out why the phone wont sync by it self... Should work without problems even with the SPB Shell..

[Q] X10 2.1 contact photo is very blur

X10 2.1 the contact photo is very blur when call out or call in.
X10 1.6 it 's no problem about contact photo ,it's very clear.
Has one any inquired with SE to see if there is a certain resolution the pictures need to be? or even dimensions might make a difference.
have the same problem... its really blurry
the same problem here
Sent from my HTC Hero using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
This problem is caused when the contact pictures are synced with gmail. They upload in low quality. So when you download them they are going to be low quality
misfit41 said:
This problem is caused when the contact pictures are synced with gmail. They upload in low quality. So when you download them they are going to be low quality
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No way, i try without sync and taking a new contact picture and still blur...
misfit41 said:
This problem is caused when the contact pictures are synced with gmail. They upload in low quality. So when you download them they are going to be low quality
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contact pictures aren't synced, and when you just browse the contact people, picture is very clear,but when you call in or call out ,picture is very blur.
I have the same problem like ppp1974. It's very annoying, but I don't find any solution yet. Shame on SE
I have the same problem, taking a new contact picture and when I call picture is still blure
Sorry I'm new here, lurking for UK 2.1 update news, so haven't seen it myself, but... I believe the pixellated contact photos is an android enforced 96 x 96 pixel limitation. Certainly when syncing with google contacts, there are hoardes of people saying the limit should be lifted or a push from phone to google account, rather than google able to push the 96 pixel limitted one. Several threads / requests on google code website. It is dissapointing if SE have changed this, as indicated by posters here, it seems to work well on 1.6...
blade_75 said:
Sorry I'm new here, lurking for UK 2.1 update news, so haven't seen it myself, but... I believe the pixellated contact photos is an android enforced 96 x 96 pixel limitation. Certainly when syncing with google contacts, there are hoardes of people saying the limit should be lifted or a push from phone to google account, rather than google able to push the 96 pixel limitted one. Several threads / requests on google code website. It is dissapointing if SE have changed this, as indicated by posters here, it seems to work well on 1.6...
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contact photos work well on X10 1.6
Anyone solve this?
It seems that 2.1 is trying to stretch the contact pictures from the native resolution (from the contact list) which is making them blurry.
if so then sux, anyone tried sync them with timescape and then use facebook sync??
dunno it that can help us
Problem solved..
I found that when joining contacts from phone with facebook contacts it makes a blurry photo.
BUT when joining contacts with facebook I had two choices:
- 1.st was Contacts name, facebook icon and my email address.
- 2.nd was Contacts name, facebook icon and just Facebook or Timescape.
The second option makes crisp contact photos.
It works for me. If anything unclear send me a PM.
If you go to edit your contact and you see already two facebook accounts in there (one with email address and one just with Timescape under it) then just touch photo under Timescape facebook section and select Set as contact picture.
If you get the fullscreen caller id app and assign pictures from there it fixes it in the phonebook as well. Also i read that this is a general android issue and not only x10.
peterko64 said:
I found that when joining contacts from phone with facebook contacts it makes a blurry photo.
BUT when joining contacts with facebook I had two choices:
- 1.st was Contacts name, facebook icon and my email address.
- 2.nd was Contacts name, facebook icon and just Facebook or Timescape.
The second option makes crisp contact photos.
It works for me. If anything unclear send me a PM.
If you go to edit your contact and you see already two facebook accounts in there (one with email address and one just with Timescape under it) then just touch photo under Timescape facebook section and select Set as contact picture.
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Bitte this is only a solution if you habe a facebook account.
Same here. Only the default pic from Timescape/default contact app works well, everything else is blurry in call screen (I am not using FB).
EDIT: It is a generally issue because Google only uses pics in I think 96x96. The solutions from other devices is to make another contact with the same name as you already have, but make it as a contact only in your phone (not google contact). After that when you edit this "double" contact, you can assign photo to the contact in the phone and after that phone uses this foto, not that one on the google. The problem is that this solution doenst work on X10 (at leasts not on mine), it makes pics look better, but still it is blurry.
EDIT2: Just for testing purposes, make whole new contact on the phone, assign any photo you want (I have tried photos from 4mpix camera as well as from 12mpix camera - doesnt matter) and still when in call in/out screen, its blurry and here I think the problem is on the X10 part.
it is not genral problem from google it's from se stupidity they were working in 1.6 and i have htc hero with 2.1 and every thing is ok so se should repair this huge mistake with some fix
This method is little strange, but it's working..
Install from market - "Full Screen Caller ID" app, then open and assign any new photos to contacts. Then you must uninstall Caller ID, and that's all.
I think that this application overrides default pics 96x96...

[Q] Contacts Links To Facebook

Hi Guys,
I have Upgraded to Generic 2.1 and i am very impressed by 99% of the update.
I am trying to link some contacts to facebook, most of this is trial. However, contacts that are not saved under the same name as in facebook, are trickier?
It used to be a case of just clicking link contact, and choosing a facebook profile, but i can not find this option.
Can anyone help please?
Solved.. Thanks!
Im too having problems with this,
i dont really want my phonebook to be full of firstnames and surnames just so i can see facebook updates,
Press menu once inside the edit window of the contact u want to pair and press join and just choose the profile that fits better then choose the pic to show or just change it by clicking over it.... For me its workin great i dont c the big deal... Good luck
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
well, i've tried this metod and the problem basically remains.
- you long click on your friend name in the contact list and choose "join..." (friend listed here as for example "kleenex")
- you pick your friends facebook profile (he entered on facebook "Kris Leenox")
- the profiles are joined BUT are displayed in contact list as "Kris Leenox".
the name is there, the surname is there, the nickname is set, BUT you see Facebook's name on the list. And editing this joined contact gives under "facebook" - "you cannot edit facebook on this device" or something like that.
so, basically, it sucks.
I AM choosing my names on contact list, F..k Facebook, i wont surrender my freedom just like that
ahh thanks for your help, ive linked them all now,
but yeah i know what you mean about the names thing
I dont mind somepeople having full names, like there are about 7 adams in my phone so its usefull there, but i dont want my mom and my girlfriend to have their fullnames displayed too
damn you 2.1 update,
i love you but you dont half make things a ballache
I notice there is another problem, I have 2 same names of my contact which is as below :
1) Jason
2) Jason
[email protected]
So which is the correct one?
If we link to the correct facebook profile, when we click on their picture from the phonebook, should it appear the Facebook icon from the options?
Damn phonebook
Here I was, thinking that the "social phonebook" would work wonders.
Sort of, yes, but the naming thing is a real pain in the neck. Pleeeeeze, if only I could control which name is shown in the phonebook. So, actually, this doesn't merge contacts, rather it just mixes them into big contact cards, with possibly duplicate numbers. The worst is, apparently the new details, from facebook or twitter aren't synced back to the contact details e.g. in your gmail contacts.
Still stranger, the contacts on the phone don't even exist? I mean, the gmail contact cards reside "somewhere" and are not the same as those saved on the phone. That's not syncing, either.
What to do?
In the interim, I'd be happy with a 3rd party app that merges & syncs back & forth, but.... which one delivers? (The ones I've seen so far just mess up your contact cards, sometimes very badly).
Just to add to the confusion... I seem to have two Facebook phonebooks on my X10:
For some contacts, when I enter edit mode, there is first the section from my gmail account, then there's the section from Facebook Timescape, then there's the section from Facebook [my email]!
Anyone know why that is? Is facebook in timescape treated as a different profile from the built-in facebook app?
The two facebooks situation comes from a) timescape and b) the facebook app, which asks initially if you want to sync your fb contacts to the phone. These are shown as facebook ([email protected]) in the phonebook.
Defaulting to the fb name is super annoying. What's even more odd is that for some friends, it does default, for others, your gmail contact name is "the stronger one". What gives?
Does anyone has a solution for the problem with the names (forced Facebook names)? Or is it a bug, too?
Like most of the users here, I love the 2.1 update, and HATE the names-problem. Really really HATE IT.
So far, all I've been able to deduct is that the shown name is decided alphabetically. The name that's further down in the alphabet will be shown. So, if your contact name is aJhon, the facebook name is bJhon, twitter is zJhon, the shown name would be zJhon.
Hope someone finds a solution or SE releases a patch or something.

[Q] Facebook contact picture sync ?

High there, got my SGS2 yesterday, rooted and all is well. I had a HTC HD2 before, and I have to say with recent android builds it was quite cool, but no comparison to the speed and beauty of the Galaxy S2.
One thing totally trips me off though and that is Samsungs Social Hub. I.e. when checking for Software updates you need to create an account... no go. But I digress.
What I want is for the contacts app to basically work like the one in HTC Sense,
which pulls in Facebook info of your contacts to the address book.
It will update the contacts picture (most importantly) and also updates/displays recent status updates.
I have tried apps like SyncMyPics (seems to have problems properly identifying contacts and complains about write protection on them) and Facebook sync (which finds 0 friends to match, even though there are several named identical between FB and the Phone book).
Please dont suggest just making an account at Samsung. I will NOT have all my address book uploaded and snooped through. It has to be ON the Phone. (Not using Google to handle my contacts either, no use of GMail).
JOINING the contact sets does not really work well at all, you don't get to pick which picture is to be used etc etc.
I'd like a priority-based link between my phonebook entry and the corresponding facebook profile, where the facebook profile info takes priority of the two.
Any suggestions? It worked beautifully in HTC Sense Desire HD ROM on HD2.
Have you tried installing Facebooks own app? Not used any of the Samsung stuff and I appear to have my friends photo, phone numbers and email addresses added, plus birthdays are appearing in my local calendar.
Sure have. In Facebook for Android the Sync Contacts option is checked at "sync all contacts", so is it in the Systems Accounts & Sync settings etc. Still, it doesnt seem to work. Maybe I'll give it another "delete all contacts" run and check my sequence again.
When i synced my Facebook contacts with my Google contacts, profile pictures were added.... great! but they are shockingly pixelated! When someone phones me and the picture pops up it look embarrassing, anyone else had this issue?
SyncMyPix works ok here. You can still manually "join" not founded to correct ones.
Just redid all my contacts, re-synced with syncmypics, this time it found 72 matches, but it didn't update the contacts. Also, when linking manually in smp, it loads the existing pic for cropping.
No other positive results either...
As I said, not using Google for contacts either. Must be a problem with the Samsung Contacts app? All Contacts were imported from a Sense-exported vcf file and have <HTCData><Facebook>id:XXXXXXX etc etc in the NOTE field. Might that be a cause of the problem?
I deleted it on a contact but it didn't seem to make a difference.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
stBlueJay said:
When i synced my Facebook contacts with my Google contacts, profile pictures were added.... great! but they are shockingly pixelated! When someone phones me and the picture pops up it look embarrassing, anyone else had this issue?
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Yes, they don't look good! Also in my buddy widgets they are f*cking ugly. With my incredible s they were nice and normal, good looking. I would like to see it getting better too...
Ok... So I just found two things:
1. If I manually join contacts and the phonebook has a picture, that pic will be used over the Facebook one. Once that pic is deleted, the Facebook pic is used. (No hint as to whether or not it's a FB pic though, as the small blue F in HTC Sense)
2. When editing the contact and switching to the facebook tab on the contact, it says "Unable to edit SNS contact on the phone" - I guess this means that you can't edit your buddies FB pic on your phone, which makes perfect sense. Just wondering if "SNS" refers to a general social networking services or some particular Samsung service?
I must still say that HTC Sense did a better job integrating this type of info.
Ciddy said:
1. If I manually join contacts and the phonebook has a picture, that pic will be used over the Facebook one. Once that pic is deleted, the Facebook pic is used. (No hint as to whether or not it's a FB pic though, as the small blue F in HTC Sense)
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When you're looking at a contact card, you can choose which contact picture to use by pressing Menu > Mark as default.
The main difference from HTC is that the Samsung will only use the Facebook picture by default if there is not a picture already associated with the contact. You'll also find that the contact pictures taken from Facebook are sometimes stretched when you're in your contacts list to fit the available space (e.g. if the Facebook pic is rectangular rather than square).
Ciddy said:
2. When editing the contact and switching to the facebook tab on the contact, it says "Unable to edit SNS contact on the phone" - I guess this means that you can't edit your buddies FB pic on your phone, which makes perfect sense. Just wondering if "SNS" refers to a general social networking services or some particular Samsung service?
I must still say that HTC Sense did a better job integrating this type of info.
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SNS refers to the Samsung connectors for the various social networks the phone supports (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). Equivalent of the likes of "Facebook for HTC Sense" that get used by FriendStream on HTC phones.
Thanks a LOT.
I'd never have guessed the "mark default" meant "select defaults" number etc...
So I logged into the social hub app and was a bit surprised it seems all traffic goes through Samsung servers? I remember Sense not asking me to agree to service terms, although I honestly tl;dr!-ed on the SNS agreement. Anywhere I could read up on that on a desktop screen tomorrow?
Weird thing is with Facebook for Android and SNS both running now, FBfA is labeled an "unknown" info source (displaying pictures in correct aspect ratio), while FB/SNS is labeled with the blue F but distorts the pics as mentioned...
So, so far the only upside to SNS is three ability to also sync the FB calendars...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
cheers Wazzamatazz - this has been bugging me and I'm very grateful for your solution - thanks added!!

[Q] How to make Goggle contact picture the default?

Does some body knows how you can make goggle picture to become the default contact picture, even if sync of Facebook contacts is on?
I did it on the pc with gmail and the facebook pics dont take over.
Darknites said:
I did it on the pc with gmail and the facebook pics dont take over.
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Thanks mate sounds interesting as last result
But still would be better if some body knows the way to keep Goggle as default even if you have chosen the pictures via the phone gallery or via internet but on the phone (like I use application called Contact photo).
May be there is an application that you can choose which “source” will be the default one.
Any one?
Same problem here.
Very annoying.

