Twitter login problem - Optimus One, P500, V General

Ok i just bought a new Optimus one p500 today.
So I've just started checking it out.. but one thing i noticed was that the default android twitter app doesnt allow me to log into my account.
Even though the Username/password were right, it keeps showing "Invalid Username/password" message..
i tried from the native browser and that was able to log me in .. right now its just the android twitter app..
any1 else faced this problem?

ajphoenix said:
Ok i just bought a new Optimus one p500 today.
So I've just started checking it out.. but one thing i noticed was that the default android twitter app doesnt allow me to log into my account.
Even though the Username/password were right, it keeps showing "Invalid Username/password" message..
i tried from the native browser and that was able to log me in .. right now its just the android twitter app..
any1 else faced this problem?
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awkward ... :/

err.. so nothing i can do about this?

Did you try updating twitter app? I've got it once, and I just had to update it.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App

Update your twitter app using the market
It will work then.
EDIT: Got ninja'd on my first post... sigh...

ah.kk .. thanks..
lol. seems there's a lot of stuff for me to learn here..
Oh, and should i really root my phone.. Right now its got 2.2.1..
so should I root and install a custom ROM now itself, or use the phone for a week or more, and then decide?

ajphoenix said:
ah.kk .. thanks..
lol. seems there's a lot of stuff for me to learn here..
Oh, and should i really root my phone.. Right now its got 2.2.1..
so should I root and install a custom ROM now itself, or use the phone for a week or more, and then decide?
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Well, i rooted and installed a custom rom on my phone three days after purchasing it... But I had done my "homework" a few days before, learning a bit more about Android.
Take your time and do what you want, but I do believe you won't regret rooting your phone

stormpack said:
Update your twitter app using the market
It will work then.
EDIT: Got ninja'd on my first post... sigh...
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Hahaha we posted right at the same time lol.
Regarding root, I'd say exactly as you. Take a little time and read about custom recovery, root, roms, 2.2, gingerbread, froyo etc. See development section for such knowledge. Everything is there!
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App


[Q] Twitter App with weird usernames

I am new in this forum, i hope that someone would help me
Since i updated my Xperia X10a to the version 2.1.A.0.435 the twitter client is showing the usernames on two lines instead of one (attached is the screenshot)
As far as i had seen it only happens with the twitter official app
Has anyone experienced this problem?
Ledenriv said:
I am new in this forum, i hope that someone would help me
Since i updated my Xperia X10a to the version 2.1.A.0.435 the twitter client is showing the usernames on two lines instead of one (attached is the screenshot)
As far as i had seen it only happens with the twitter official app
Has anyone experienced this problem?
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Well, your case is quite mild actually. Some of us have our tweets cut off even. I'm not really that affected since we have Timescape =)
If you are really bothered about it, try installing Seesmic.
loneLEE said:
Well, your case is quite mild actually. Some of us have our tweets cut off even. I'm not really that affected since we have Timescape =)
If you are really bothered about it, try installing Seesmic.
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Yes i will use another one as a workaround, but i just tought it was strange, i google it and didn't find anything like it
Same issue with me. Bothers me too! Thank goodness there are custom roms out there.
If its too obnoxious, theres always tweetcaster
after i removed all my SE bloatware, I installed the tweetcaster and it works just fine, even has a handy little widget
I'm using TweetDeck and works like a charm
Same here, since the .435 update my Twitter app acts this way, splitting the usernames into 2 lines an cutting the tweet in half
Tried reinstall the app, clear the cache, and nothing worked so far.
Now I'm stucked with Tweetdeck, but I really want to use Twitter app.
There is no workaround for this issue?
Same issue here. Not only the names are in two lines, but part of the tweet is cuted in the end. Using TweetDeck for now.
Same here,!!! Already openned a threat a week ago but nobody answers... Kinda annoying... Any solution??
Sent from my 0.435 rooted JITed v2 X10a HD with multitouch using Tapatalk
[email protected] said:
Same here,!!! Already openned a threat a week ago but nobody answers... Kinda annoying... Any solution??
Sent from my 0.435 rooted JITed v2 X10a HD with multitouch using Tapatalk
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Try a new twitter client..
Same here, I'm unsing tweetdeck for now....
Well i think i will try another twitter client until the problem is fixed
Thanks for your answers
Ledenriv said:
Well i think i will try another twitter client until the problem is fixed
Thanks for your answers
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Plume is very good.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
The new version correct this bug, just update from Market.
Yes it seems that the new update fixes this problem
thanks all

New Android Market

A new version of the Android Market is out! Go ahead and download it from the links below:
Version 3.0.26
kennethpenn said:
A new version of the Android Market is out! Go ahead and download it from the links below:
Version 3.0.26
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I'll give it a try... Change log from old one??
From video it looks like windows phone
Thanks for the info Kenn! So if we don't want to wait for the worldwide release, is it okay to just use one of the downloads you provided? Will it just install over my current market, or will I run into some problems?
Keeping us Atrix users up to date and informed. kennethpenn is the man!
Thanks a lot, I'm going to download now
thebeardedchild said:
Thanks for the info Kenn! So if we don't want to wait for the worldwide release, is it okay to just use one of the downloads you provided? Will it just install over my current market, or will I run into some problems?
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Just installed on top of mine with no problems......thanks Ken!
sent from my unlocked MB860 via Tapatalk
Gvndeb60 said:
Just installed on top of mine with no problems......thanks Ken!
sent from my unlocked MB860 via Tapatalk
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Cool, thanks for the confirm!
Sent from my Motorola Atrix using the XDA App
Got it
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
thanks man. installed like any other app fine. kind of slow to browse, when i try to install apps, it just times out. hopefully its my signal here and ill try again later.
i like the ui alot!! android is finally getting some good looking ui going xD WP taught them something eh
edit: i got "Error retrieving information from the server."
when refreshed it went away but this seem wayway slower than the other (as in loading aps) and what not.
edit2: doesnt load screenshots, or all images of apps. lol damn xD
I like it! Thanks for the heads up.
NguyenHuu said:
thanks man. installed like any other app fine. kind of slow to browse, when i try to install apps, it just times out. hopefully its my signal here and ill try again later.
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its not your signal, it wont even download for me over verizon mifi. the download just sits there with "downloading..." nogo.
I got my Evernote download to finish after several tries, and even downloaded a couple games. I'm not sure, but someone who hasn't updated yet should test their market right now. Could there just be an overload due to a bunch of people rushing to try the new market?
MyronJ906 said:
I got my Evernote download to finish after several tries, and even downloaded a couple games. I'm not sure, but someone who hasn't updated yet should test their market right now. Could there just be an overload due to a bunch of people rushing to try the new market?
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how did you install it? i removed my original vending.apk and installed this one, but no vending.apk shows anymore. i keep getting a error, then when i re launch it it works but no screen shots, or downloads work.
edit: nvm, i replaced old Vending.apk, restarted then it works now. haha
got a FC and it doesnt work again hahaha. ill mess with this later xD seems to not like my phone. had to reinstall it. when updating apps dont update too many of them or it will stop working
Movies and books takes a long time to load. Fyi
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Any other links...can't download it at all
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
WOW! AWESOME DUDE!!! thanks soooo much!
Clicking on the link takes me to "File link is invalid" land... Any other links?
**Edit... The second link is invalid... First one is fine. Kind of looks like one link on my phone... my apologies.
Sent via Motorola Olympus
Found and downloaded this from the android app section on xda. Everything has been working great.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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Gvndeb60 said:
Just installed on top of mine with no problems......thanks Ken!
sent from my unlocked MB860 via Tapatalk
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Just some clarification - I couldn't use the Sideloading Wonder Machine to install this as it is already installed on my phone, so to get it to install, just push it to the phone or put it on the SD Card (internal or external), and use a file explorer to install it. It will ask if you want to install over the existing app, and obviously you want to.
Works like a charm! And by charm, I mean slow as crap right now, but that's cool, it's not even supposed to be out yet.... Thanks Kenn!

[Q] How come I cant access the xda HD netflix app page?

Hey, I have been with XDA for a few months and I have never encountered this before.
I was on this page HD Netflix App and i click one of the links to go download an app but it says i do not have permission. I have made at least 60 posts so its not like I am new.
Anyone have any idea why I can not access that page?
I really want that app lol
Netflix app is available in Android Market for EVO can download it there..
clockstopper123 said:
Netflix app is available in Android Market for EVO can download it there..
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i know that.
but this guy modded it and gave it HD...
That is really strange... I'm getting the same error and I didn't like five days ago. If you need the APK I have it but I don't know if there is a newer version for it.
I tried to check for it too just now.
it's back up. looks like the files have been removed and sprintusa's been called out.
madsquabbles said:
it's back up. looks like the files have been removed and sprintusa's been called out.
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yea i messaged him and they are accusing him of stuff...
I can email you mine if you want.

!!!!I got CM7 - I got CM7!!!!!

Thanks to the encouragement of a fellow XDA member (BearW815) I have finally decided to flash CM7 for the Photon. It was a adventure getting there. I already had my phone 1 click rooted - so all that remained was to unlock and install CWM. So I thought. Apparently the 1 click root and installing CWM do not jive together. So now I had to unroot and do the process all over again. The process has just been finished and chills shot down the spine to see CM7 on my photon. Not all sure what works and does not, but it is exciting to see it yet again!!! Oh how I missed you CM7!!!
Thanks to Cybik, Shabby, Mrinehart, QBKing, and BearW815 for all there help. You guys (or gals) rock and I am very appreciative. Now I have to create a quadratic class for my programming class and my phone is a huge distraction now!!!
Thanks again to you all!!!!
Glad you got working. Now go through the thread and find the few fixes you need (and I do mean a few). I only needed the mms and YouTube fix and it's running 100% now.
bearw815 said:
Glad you got working. Now go through the thread and find the few fixes you need (and I do mean a few). I only needed the mms and YouTube fix and it's running 100% now.
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will do, I saw that going into root explorer and adjusting the build prop to 0's. The one thing I am having a problem finding is how to sync account, and I am not able to find how to get Market installed - any suggestions??
Search xda for the newer market app and try flashing that. 3.3.12 i believe
You can install gapps to have the google apps like market installed.
bricky23 said:
You can install gapps to have the google apps like market installed.
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I had a brain fart - had to think back to the Hero and EVO days - there was always a seperate file for Market - thanks to you both - I have it installed - downloaded themes - I'm doing everything except my damn homework - Damn you CM7.
There's an mms fix? Does anybody have the link to that thread page?
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TexasRebel said:
There's an mms fix? Does anybody have the link to that thread page?
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Open Apns using voice search.. delete the three already there and do the rest according to this attachment.. Scroll to apn type and put mms reboot u should be good
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
TexasRebel said:
There's an mms fix? Does anybody have the link to that thread page?
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Right, I can recieve them but cannot send them out.
Could someone link me to the gapps so I can download straight to my phone please. These work comuputers block EVERYTHING
AJC9000 said:
Right, I can recieve them but cannot send them out.
Could someone link me to the gapps so I can download straight to my phone please. These work comuputers block EVERYTHING
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Gapps w/video talk
bearw815 said:
Gapps w/video talk
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whoops - I received a picture mail - assumed that meant I could send them as well - and we know what happens when we assume!!! So I read through the link for the MMS fix - downloaded Voice Search and said Open APNS and it directs me to a Wiki page. Am I doing something wrong??
it directed me to open a penis lol damn it
AJC9000 said:
it directed me to open a penis lol damn it
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Lol...not sure what was worse...the joke or that I had to read it out loud to get it....good one!!!
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lol I was serious but I figured it out. You have to use voice dialer not voice search lol I misread it
AJC9000 said:
it directed me to open a penis lol damn it
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Yes, voice dialer, please
bearw815 said:
Yes, voice dialer, please
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Is voice dialer something that is downloaded? ??. I downloaded a voice dialer pro but still did nothing...sorry if this is noob-ish but this is the last thing I need fixed...
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the12nv said:
Is voice dialer something that is downloaded? ??. I downloaded a voice dialer pro but still did nothing...sorry if this is noob-ish but this is the last thing I need fixed...
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should have came with the gapps I believe. I over looked it as I just used the search on my phone lol
i tryed flashing the cm7 from cybik but i think im stock in a boot loop .the cyanogen droid comes from the side the arrow goes round adn the screen blanks and repeats been doin that for 11 mins now how long did your first boot take?
J35US said:
i tryed flashing the cm7 from cybik but i think im stock in a boot loop .the cyanogen droid comes from the side the arrow goes round adn the screen blanks and repeats been doin that for 11 mins now how long did your first boot take?
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Make sure to do a full wipe first before install. Data reset.

Gmail has gone nucking futs

Ok, so, play store updated itself to 3.5.x and now gmail has went nuts.
Looks like it is constantly trying to open more instances of itself. Screen is going crazy and I cant select anything, I have to kill the app with back button.
Anyone know why? Or better yet anyone have an old version I can try?
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
for me, everytime i reboot, gmail will popup the notification. eventhou im not in wifi or data..but atleast, my gmail app is not having a lot prob like using latest update v02 cm9..if you notice, in google play store, gmail is not compatible whatever density you have..i think the problem comes with gmail in latest gapps in cm9 thread..
jimcantfixit said:
Ok, so, play store updated itself to 3.5.x and now gmail has went nuts.
Looks like it is constantly trying to open more instances of itself. Screen is going crazy and I cant select anything, I have to kill the app with back button.
Anyone know why? Or better yet anyone have an old version I can try?
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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Which play store update are you talking about? The one from about a week ago? If so, gmail is working just fine for me.
Sent From my Two Tin Cans & String Device on The Wookie Network
i think its not about google play store, because im using the same vending.apk in minicm7, gmail dont have any im using cm9, and flashed gapps-20120304, and gmail having those problems. if jimcantfixit flashed the same gapps, then surely we know that, gmail inside the gapps got problem..
PS: im not flamming or blame someone, just my curiousity, i hope no one mistaken it, if im wrong, pls correct me
Thanks guys but im on MiniCM7 2.1.8 with nAa kernel 11. This started happening when I noticed my update was coming through (just today).
Tried uninstall, reinstall. Tried clear cache/data in app. Nothing working. Looking for an old gmail apk on google.
Hopefully I will overcome this absolute madness. Its actually quite funny watching gmail go into overdrive, kinda what I expect people were thinking would happen with y2k bug.
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jimcantfixit said:
Thanks guys but im on MiniCM7 2.1.8 with nAa kernel 11. This started happening when I noticed my update was coming through (just today).
Tried uninstall, reinstall. Tried clear cache/data in app. Nothing working. Looking for an old gmail apk on google.
Hopefully I will overcome this absolute madness. Its actually quite funny watching gmail go into overdrive, kinda what I expect people were thinking would happen with y2k bug.
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I think that I might have solved your problem... Check to make sure that you didn't transpose the first letter of the first word in the code with the first letter in the second word of code :sly:
Sent From my Two Tin Cans & String Device on The Wookie Network
shaggyskunk said:
I think that I might have solved your problem... Check to make sure that you didn't transpose the first letter of the first word in the code with the first letter in the second word of code :sly:
Sent From my Two Tin Cans & String Device on The Wookie Network
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... Purposely yes. As not to be so offensive in a matter of manners.
Pretty disappointed about this gmail error. Maybe 6000+ unread messages sent it into overdrive?
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jimcantfixit said:
... Purposely yes. As not to be so offensive in a matter of manners.
Pretty disappointed about this gmail error. Maybe 6000+ unread messages sent it into overdrive?
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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You do realize that my "solution" was a joke.... Right
Sent From my Two Tin Cans & String Device on The Wookie Network
shaggyskunk said:
You do realize that my "solution" was a joke.... Right
Sent From my Two Tin Cans & String Device on The Wookie Network
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Of course
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Solved. My ICS theme (which has been great for a month) was making it mad. Reverted to system defaults.
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