Hi, I have been trying to get my sms message sent notification going which for some reason was always on before but with the latest hard reset its not.
I have installed a cab supposed to make it work...it didn't.
I have tweaked the correct settings in the registry to make it work....it didn't.
Anyone with any ideas?
I really like the phone to tell me it has sent the message as I live in a lousy signal area and messages can sit for hours on end unsent, annoying when the message is time critical.
Thank you.
I've been using Go Sms on my Tbolt, since the stock sms is a bit annoying. Sometimes when I don't have signal right when I hit send, I get a notification that WILL NOT go away without restarting the phone. It says something similar to 'currently unable to send your message. will attempt to send the message when the service is available' ..it's getting very very annoying. I know it's the app because one day I got fed up and uninstalled it, and the minute I hit uninstall.. it went away. I hate it because sometimes I can't see what's going on because the notification is at the bottom of the screen. I've emailed the developer for the app and no response. I've posted questions on HTC's Facebook page, I've asked the question in Yahoo answers, and I get nothing. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm getting so fed up with it that I just don't even text anyone anymore. I really really hope someone can help me with this.
not trying to be ignorant but why is that an issue? if it is telling you your text is not being sent, wouldn't you want to know that?
There is an option to disable outgoing message notifications. Have you tried unchecking that in the settings?
Not really a solution to your problem but I use handcent and its pretty decent.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Well, the problem is...the notification will never go away, even sometimes after the message sends. I've also went and looked in the application settings to see if there's anything causing it, and there's not. My boyfriend's Incredible doesn't do it and his settings are the same. I've tried Handcent and I don't like it. Oh well. I honestly don't know what it is. We finally complained enough to Verizon about our poor signal at home, so they're sending us a Network Extender and they took $50 off the price. We'll see if that helps.
This may be something really simple or not but when someone sends me a mms i get a beep telling me ive received a message but its still downloading so i get another beep once its downloaded and shown. Anyway of turning that first notification off? Im getting annoyed picking my phone up and then waiting, id rather it just downloaded and then gave me one notification.
Im using handcent but happens on stock too. Is it a feature? Cos i cant find a way of turning that first notification off.
My girlfriend has a HTC Radar and since the recent update she gets a notification for a text message however the message isn't present in the messaging hub?
Anyone else had this problem? Know a fix?
Also now it says update your clock whenever I try and install an app, even thought the time is right?
Ok so over the last day or so i have noticed my phone will have a number above the text message icon saying either one or two but on the lock screen it shows nothing . when i go into the app for texts i dont have anything new that hasnt been read. If i turn on and off the device it corrects the issue. anyone have this problem or know how to fix it ?
any info would be helpful