[Q] Few Questions about the Galaxy S II... - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey there, I'm pretty new here. (first post ) And I got a few questions about the Galaxy S II.
So I'm thinking about getting one, or actually I am deciding between this or the iPhone 4.
Well I know the Galaxy S II beats the iPhone 4 in nearly every point, except for resolution of the display, but i think its good enough.
I currently am an iPhone user, and I do love all Apple Stuff, call me fanboy.. BUT! I think I'm not dumb
I dont want to be blind and go out and just buy an iPhone, because I know there are better phones out there. Well the iPhone 4 came last year and all this stuff is developing pretty fast, but nevertheless I do like the iPhone. So my decision will be made after I got to know, what I didn't get about the Galaxy S II.
1. When the phone is locked, and you press the Home Button, does this really, completely unlock the phone, without the need to do an unlock, like sliding the picture away, or doing some gestures? I saw this in a review, and thought, this is not good
2. Some users here in the forums were posting things like, their phones getting hot, or that its lagging while browsing through the homescreens sometimes.. and i was like: ?! how can such a beast of phone even think about lagging?!^^^'
So have you had problems using it, like overheating or lagging?
3. I really do like the iPhone's taskswitcher. And I think that the one coming with touchwiz is the only one (as far as i know) that does something similar..
So can you access the taskswitcher in EVERY app by longpressing the home button?
4. I actually do like, that every app must be confirmed by apple before entering the app store. so there are no apps that crash or stuff like that.. i know that most android fans love that android is an open platform. but when i'm reading reviews of apps in the marketplace, most stuff i read is: bad, forces restart, crashes... stuff like that.. most of all the facebook app, this would be something i really need, but i don't want it to be buggy and crashing all the time..
I can't belief, that Android is getting so famous when the apps are as bad as they are said to be in the market...
So are the apps you are using reliable? Or do they crash and stuff..?
I don't want to be offensive or what, but i won't get this on contract. I'll have to pay something like 600€ for it and i dont want to do this if i'm not 100% sure.
Sorry for so much text

DeadKid_Relive said:
Hey there, I'm pretty new here. (first post ) And I got a few questions about the Galaxy S II.
1. When the phone is locked, and you press the Home Button, does this really, completely unlock the phone, without the need to do an unlock, like sliding the picture away, or doing some gestures? I saw this in a review, and thought, this is not good
Not until its customised in the future its swipe to unlock screen .
2. Some users here in the forums were posting things like, their phones getting hot, or that its lagging while browsing through the homescreens sometimes.. and i was like: ?! how can such a beast of phone even think about lagging?!^^^'
No lag at all
4. I actually do like, that every app must be confirmed by apple before entering the app store. so there are no apps that crash or stuff like that.. i know that most android fans love that android is an open platform. but when i'm reading reviews of apps in the marketplace, most stuff i read is: bad, forces restart, crashes... stuff like that.. most of all the facebook app, this would be something i really need, but i don't want it to be buggy and crashing all the time..
I can't belief, that Android is getting so famous when the apps are as bad as they are said to be in the market...
So are the apps you are using reliable? Or do they crash and stuff..?
95% reliable and most are updated frequently and MANY ARE FREE
Really its a move from a closed but carefully controlled environment where you do what Apple wants you to do and Flash is bad for you .
To a more open environment where you are far more free and not as tightly controlled .
Plus of Apple is that for many it is tightly locked down a child can use IPhone as its all simple .Thats actually a plus point as well as a negative point .
For me its a simple choice IPhone top class phone but compared to SGS1 dont mind the SGS 2 it is vastly overpriced . I want music in my format not Steve's etc . Apps got all the apps i want and none that i know of from Apple i am missing .So a simple choice but somebody else may well be willing to pay the premium .
Some IPhone user do find it hard to adapt to a different method of working .
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Well thanks for the fast answer!
I think i get what you meant with: "Plus of Apple is that for many it is tightly locked down a child can use IPhone as its all simple .Thats actually a plus point as well as a negative point ."
And thats one of the points, that may keep me from buying an iPhone. Because if i get the new iphone theres nothing really new. well its faster and got a better cam but its still the os im using already, which is not bad at all, but its nothing new and its sooooooo easy^^^' nearly boring
Don't want to call me dev, but besides writing apps, i like to get most out of a device, psp, ds, iphone... on iphone there are posiblities but i think android got better ones.
still gotta make up my mind a little, maybe wait what iOS 5 will look like, seriously apple has to catch up a little . SGS 2 launches May 27nd here and iOS 5 Event is on June 6th. Think i'll be able to wait a few days, but probably they wont get to where android is right now.
Good to hear, that theres no lag and apps are not that bad. Actually all the answers are good
thanks alot!


TouchWiz...Why do you like it?

I've yet to find a reason to use this over Launcher Pro...lack of customization, sloppy UI, among other things. What do you like about TW and why?
Sdobron said:
I've yet to find a reason to use this over Launcher Pro...lack of customization, sloppy UI, among other things. What do you like about TW and why?
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I liked its simplicity (fat, basic icons on the bottom). I also discover liking having the drawer button on the far right.
I use ZEAM currently, with a 4 application setup and app drawer on the far right. The reason why I switched was because I couldn't set up TouchWiz to have my choice of the default home screen.
Cosmetics for me. I like the looks of it over the other Launchers, that all look too plain in comparison.
Plus, the music player app is the best.
Then again, I'm one of those people that always liked the looks of Windows XP, so my opinion probably doesn't mean much... ;-)
Likely for the reason that the whole world likes Super Mario Bros.
: non-offensive
: visually neutral/appealing to gaze upon
: Dummy/Idiot proof
: simple language such as "edit" "move" "delete" with no need to further pull out the Google Lexicon
: Light/transparent/translucent glass-like feel and look
: Color scheme Frost/Gray/w/shades of green is visually soothing
most of all: the glass/homogenous/smooth/surface mates very well with theme and motif of the phone. For lack of a better word, straight out of the box, T-Wiz seems like it "fits" the phone with the background/launcher/dock and subtle animations/transitions of the stock implementation.
Keep in mind that the first impression one should get before, during, and after one sees, picks up, touches, plays with, utilizes, then subsequently puts down the phone should be an entire experience that is streamlined to appeal to the general consumer and phone user either Android or non-android mobile phone buyer. Also, parallel to the aforementioned is that unlike the XDA group (present company included), the everyday shopper may not want to or know how to mod the Vibrant. As such, Samsung's target audience has been baited and hooked into the whole appeal and presentation of the Vibrant in Stock Tmobile T-Wiz form. Furthermore, without having exposure to alternative roms/themes/mods like we have here, they find the T-Wiz implementation very attractive and pleasing, as did I when I first saw the Vibrant.
So, as much as you may disagree, I can promise that the T-Wiz implementation was one of the first things that drew your attention toward it only to be negated and trampled upon once you found XDA.
I still appreciate T-Wiz as a whole package. As I use individual components of T-Wiz however, I find it cumbersome, laggy, and ultimately unsatisfying. Yet without knowing better (i.e. visiting XDA), one would no be in a position to make comparisons/distinctions between what "can be" rather than "what is." In fact, the general user of Vibrant outside the XDA community only has the T-Wiz to use, so for all we can gather, they are happy campers with it.
So, pertaining to bashing T-Wiz, I can understand, given the array of options that we have here at XDA. But perhaps we are too quickly jaded and woe-begone by the constant changing landscape executed with deliberate speed by our resident developers and developer teams such that we may want to slow down and realize,
1. how many times we've actually *FLASHED* our poor phones.
2. how many times the incessant urge of fickleness pervades the daily passing of time resulting in some *mod* to the phone or some *change* to the settings/ programs/ theme/ or otherwise.
3. how many times we have *Soft Bricked our phones
4. how many times we sign onto XDA for the sake of posterity, despite the fact that we may have an entire desk or naval battle ship's worth of paperwork to get through.
5. how many times we unilaterally and upon our own volition pique our own curiosity to *find what other *accessories (cases, car mounts, desk docks, screen protectors etc. . ) are available NOW (albeit only 10 minutes later than the last time we checked)
8. so on and so forth.
. . . . taking #1-8 into account and expand upon that, the idea that the rest of America who doesn't know or care about XDA are likely very happy with their Vibrants in its T-Mobile/ Out-of-the-box /factory / stock/ bland / watching-paint-dry/ watching-grass-grow/ non-offensive/ drab form and appearance.
Maybe, just maybe, worth thinking about.
I realize, the above is a long-winded answer to your unpalatable and pointless initial post. But hopefully, I did answer it.
After flashing/using many launchers, I just got sick of reconfiguring my setup after each flash. From day one, I was using custom "home" launchers, and just got tired trying to remember all my settings. Once I started using tw it isn't that bad.
Sent from my Vibrant using a chihuahua
^ You do realize all of these you can BACKUP your settings and it saves them on your internal memory.... wipe/flash a new rom and you can be back EXACTLY as you were in seconds.
s15274n said:
^ You do realize all of these you can BACKUP your settings and it saves them on your internal memory.... wipe/flash a new rom and you can be back EXACTLY as you were in seconds.
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I like wiping everything...back then I didn't care enough to use tb. Even now, I prefer a clean slate.
Sent from my Vibrant using a chihuahua
Ahh... It was the whole
I just got sick of reconfiguring my setup after each flash
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that got me... I Understand wanting a clean slate.
I don't like TW at all, it looks tacky, and iPhonish.
As far as backing up the settings, Launcher Pro (well at least the paid version) has an option to backup and restore your settings without the need of TB, but IMHO TB in itself is absolutely a must for any Android user, even if you do not want to customize/flash ROM'ss on your phone.

[Q] Resizing photos in Gmail app !?!?

Ok, I came from iPhone 4 and now when I want to send a photo in my Gmail app it does not resize them, sends them in 8 mpix !!! Are they so stupid that they cannot copy that feature from iOS or I am stupid and dont know how ? Basically, when I add photo on iPhone it asks me if I want small, medium, large or original and on every mode it says how big it would be, like "Small (96 KB)". Now I have sent one photo and it has sent 2,5 Mb which is insane.
Any help for this ?
It is not a feature of the Gmail app. If you want to resize, you'd have to do it first using a different application.
Tnx, and then people call iPhone dummy phone, yea right, so much normal things are missing on Android. Today I also realized that I cant go oflline in Facebook chat on my phone, maybe I can but as soon as I get in the Facebook app again then I am again online for good, I really think that iOS app developers are waaaay smarter and more polished than Android app developers, and also have better taste because EVERY app looks nicer when it is for iOS, is it so hard to take some nice looking font and colors so the app looks nice. Obviously it is. Only thing that is better is Handcent app.
Sounds like you bought the wrong phone.
oinkylicious said:
Sounds like you bought the wrong phone.
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I think so too by the sound of it, but wait - imagine not being able to change your homescreen or even worse the battery,etc,etc the list goes on!!!
I come from white iPhone 4 to white SGS II ) I am realistic, there are basic things that iPhone is missing but surely there are basic things that Android is missing, at least in 2.3.3 version, I hope ICS will be better. But that aside, the look of iOS apps are not comparable to Android. Can someone explain me if the same developers are making lets say Skype, why they cant make them IDENTICAL !? If they cannot make it identical inside, why do they change the look, colors and font and Android ALWAYS looks worse, I dont get it, it looks like only iPhone users are classy people and Android users are second class, like stupid old Symbian which became offense to intelligence how old it looked and costed like something on top.
And that Facebook app on Android cannot be in the same sentence with iOS app, the look, the functionality, the speed.
Well if that is so then you should return to an iphone. No one should really stick with something they don't like.
$1 gets you a reply
So here is forbidden to talk about Android flaws !? I thought that iPhone users are blind sheeps and now it seems that Android has some blind folowers ! If something is bad than you should be a man/woman and openly say it, not hide it and think that you have the best phone in the world., jeez. Ive told that both of those OS have flaws and that is opinion of every normal man, only idiot can tell that there is a phone that is pefect.
damirbusic said:
So here is forbidden to talk about Android flaws !? I thought that iPhone users are blind sheeps and now it seems that Android has some blind folowers ! If something is bad than you should be a man/woman and openly say it, not hide it and think that you have the best phone in the world.
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You have a very aggressive writing style. No-one has said you can't talk about a "flaw" (it's not by the way, it's a feature request), we just can't change it.
If you want it changed, voice your opinion to Google. Venting with flame bait here isn't going to get you a new feature added.
No, we're not forbidden to talk about Android flaws. And nobody here claims their phone is perfect.
It just seems that Android pisses you off enough that the SGS2 shouldn't be the phone for you to use on a daily basis.
I hear the resale value for the iPhone4 is still pretty good. Probably best to sell it and then get the iPhone 4S.
Sorry if it sounded aggressive but when I tell that something is stupid on my phone most of the answers are go back on iPhone, I didnt tell that iPhone is better overall but I know what I miss from it and I dont like it because I cant have that now, there iz no Cydia which could make those tweaks.
I have waited for iPhone 5 and when I saw this s**t called 4S I immediately went for SGS II even tough Ive had BAD experience with SGS I, this one is not comparable with the first model.

Should I...?

Should I switch my 5s to and s5? I mean the iPhone is great and all. The apps, UI, everything seems reliable and quick. Especially the apps, its more functional than android. I understand because its easier creating apps for iPhone. Developers don't have to worry about tons of sizes, version of OS... So i get it. But android feels more fun and you can do many things that iPhone alone cant. iPhone feels like jail, and it just doesn't entertain me. So should i switch?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
geeshiet said:
Should I switch my 5s to and s5? I mean the iPhone is great and all. The apps, UI, everything seems reliable and quick. Especially the apps, its more functional than android. I understand because its easier creating apps for iPhone. Developers don't have to worry about tons of sizes, version of OS... So i get it. But android feels more fun and you can do many things that iPhone alone cant. iPhone feels like jail, and it just doesn't entertain me. So should i switch?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I've heard of people having issues with s5, so maybe you should hold on for some time until samsung fixes all the issues ..
geeshiet said:
Should I switch my 5s to and s5? I mean the iPhone is great and all. The apps, UI, everything seems reliable and quick. Especially the apps, its more functional than android. I understand because its easier creating apps for iPhone. Developers don't have to worry about tons of sizes, version of OS... So i get it. But android feels more fun and you can do many things that iPhone alone cant. iPhone feels like jail, and it just doesn't entertain me. So should i switch?
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Well naturally we all here believe android is the way to go...but whether s5 is the right phone to switch over to is another story. S5 is a great phone but I suggest you wait a couple months..there are a some additional android phones in the pipeline for the very near future (s5 prime, m8 prime, G3, note 4) along with iphone 6 coming out ...so I suggest you wait a little bit for those to compare.
Been flashing since 2008. The Samsung S5 is the first device that I just might never even bother rooting. The battery life is unreal. The new touchwiz is fresh and cleaner looking. Th3 phone itself (at least for me) is snappy as hell. The camera is absolutely gorgeous. Also sending video, 1080p movies and photos to my Samsung tv is priceless.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I would. I don't agree with your iOS apps are better than android apps statement though. They used to be, but now there really isn't a difference. Yeah, some apps look terrible because the dev is too lazy to follow android standards, but the most popular apps are all the same now.
Anyway, my s5 has no issues at all. It's fast, the fingerprint sensor works over 90% of the time with one hand, and no signal issues.
I've tried both and I find Android to be much less intrusive. It doesn't want to be my friend, doesn't want my personal info, and so on. Otherwise I agree with Mr. Brown above. Mine doesn't need any tweaking at all.
rogerperk said:
I've tried both and I find Android to be much less intrusive. It doesn't want to be my friend, doesn't want my personal info, and so on. Otherwise I agree with Mr. Brown above. Mine doesn't need any tweaking at all.
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Uh...Google not wanting personal info? I think the world would end before that. :silly:
aooga said:
Uh...Google not wanting personal info? I think the world would end before that. :silly:
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When I was doing Apple I had to put in an email, bank card, sexual preference, yadda yadda way more times than I was comfortable with. Seems like everything costs and everything required personal information. With Android I use my gmail account (minimum data) and can get into Pandora, Youtube, and a bunch of other service and products for no charge and no repeated follow up.
rogerperk said:
When I was doing Apple I had to put in an email, bank card, sexual preference, yadda yadda way more times than I was comfortable with. Seems like everything costs and everything required personal information. With Android I use my gmail account (minimum data) and can get into Pandora, Youtube, and a bunch of other service and products for no charge and no repeated follow up.
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Well yeah, but if you turn on location services, all hope of "personal" data is lost in android. Same in iOS.
aooga said:
Well yeah, but if you turn on location services, all hope of "personal" data is lost in android. Same in iOS.
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True and that does't bother me as much as getting asked for it repeatedly. There IS not personal data on the net or in electronics, I just don't want to be bothered.
There is a thread in the stickies to talk about upgrading. Please use that.

Cheap Android Tablet for children

Hi Guys
apologies if this has already been answered i did search and found a few pots but they didn't give me all the information i was hoping for or match my criteria exactly.
Ok so i have a 3 year old son,
his hand to eye coordination is coming along and ever since he's been able to unlock his mothers ipad we cant get him off it.
i have no problem with him using the technology at such a young age in moderation and im sure it can be quite educational with the right apps etc.
however using his mothers ipad is not ideal, its totally open he could accidentally press anything from in app purchases or anything that is available on the internet which is a scary thing.
we came to the conclusion that he needs his own tablet, that we can load with selected app's and he can play etc.
i looked at the tablets designed specifically for kids like the vtech's leapfrogs etc but im not exactly sure they will be the best way forward because they wont really grow with him yes they are probably great for a certain age range but as he gets older it will loose its usefulness.
i need something that's going to be pretty much a disposable price (£30/£60) lets be frank this is probably going to be destroyed on several occasions.
so i want want an android tablet the bigger size the better. I need it to be able to root the device as i want to take advantage fully of titanium back and restore direct to a replacement device if needed.
needs to be able to run sort of childrens apps available i know the can be a broad spectrum but lets just say the average ones (processor / memory consumption wise)
i have seen lots of different softwares to lock the os down, so only use certain apps etc but any other suggestions would be great. or anyone who has made something similar.
cheers guys
There's a dedicated thread for such questions here,
I'll close this thread.
Good luck!

Google on the fall

What do you think? Since MM Doze never really officially worked, Nougat's "enhanced" Doze barely works.
I'm wondering what happend to Google? They release half working internal official releases. Has the Developers been there too long? Too tired to care make something great? Or is Google just hiring Developers that want to get their foot in the door with no experience?
Just something to think about as I'm seeing a fall in android which is very disappointing, I mean after 5 previews and an offical release you really cannot fix the Android System bug thats using same % as screen? Pretty embarrassing on Google if you ask me.
Been android quite awhile it was doing great but they just cant get it together anymore?
MM Doze never worked? It works exactly as they intended it to; when the phone is not moving.
digitalbot said:
What do you think? Since MM Doze never really officially worked, Nougat's "enhanced" Doze barely works.
I'm wondering what happend to Google? They release half working internal official releases. Has the Developers been there too long? Too tired to care make something great? Or is Google just hiring Developers that want to get their foot in the door with no experience?
Just something to think about as I'm seeing a fall in android which is very disappointing, I mean after 5 previews and an offical release you really cannot fix the Android System bug thats using same % as screen? Pretty embarrassing on Google if you ask me.
Been android quite awhile it was doing great but they just cant get it together anymore?
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Go back to Apple you Apple scum!
On a serious note though, I disagree with pretty much everything you said.
Doze is working completely fine, and so is everything else.
There is no such "fall" in Android. As far as I know, pretty much everything is rising.
Heisenberg said:
MM Doze never worked? It works exactly as they intended it to; when the phone is not moving.
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I think we need an sub forum for such kind of discussion e.g Google discussion or Android discussion.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 using XDA-Developers mobile app
neeraj.lambaa said:
I think we need an sub forum for such kind of discussion e.g Google discussion or Android discussion.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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There is already a general Android discussion section.
This thread reminds me of a galaxy Black Hole!
Google's not perfect but they allow indie developers freedom. Steve Jobs wanted the ipad to be an extension of the user but then he had specific ideas for how that user should behave. Apple says we know whats best for you, while Google says "go ahead and get that tatoo. We might think its a poor decision but its your body!"
Ill stop rambling here. I like freedom and SOMETIMES that means things wont always go smooth.
Back to the topic--never had issues with doze either.
digitalbot said:
What do you think? Since MM Doze never really officially worked, Nougat's "enhanced" Doze barely works.
I'm wondering what happend to Google? They release half working internal official releases. Has the Developers been there too long? Too tired to care make something great? Or is Google just hiring Developers that want to get their foot in the door with no experience?
Just something to think about as I'm seeing a fall in android which is very disappointing, I mean after 5 previews and an offical release you really cannot fix the Android System bug thats using same % as screen? Pretty embarrassing on Google if you ask me.
Been android quite awhile it was doing great but they just cant get it together anymore?
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google sucks they treat their user base as a bunch of alpha testers
they never fix anything , they are a bunch of cheap money grubbers who will not spend money to hire people from the first world none of their developers can even be toilet trained how do you expect them to be able to be trained to develop software?
of course the low level 3rd world developers are not even nearly as bad at the higher ups who are supposed to be managing and designing
nothing they do makes any sense they are all a bunch of severely autistic retarded sperglords with zero real world social skills or experience
besides them leaving critical things broken for months to years like FRP and google maps navigation
they just are very poor at design in general and lack any common sense
everything they do is @SS backwards AF
most basic common sense features are not even included , whenever they do do something right they decide to make change for the sake of change and break it again
gdroid666 said:
google sucks they treat their user base as a bunch of alpha testers
they never fix anything , they are a bunch of cheap money grubbers who will not spend money to hire people from the first world none of their developers can even be toilet trained how do you expect them to be able to be trained to develop software?
of course the low level 3rd world developers are not even nearly as bad at the higher ups who are supposed to be managing and designing
nothing they do makes any sense they are all a bunch of severely autistic retarded sperglords with zero real world social skills or experience
besides them leaving critical things broken for months to years like FRP and google maps navigation
they just are very poor at design in general and lack any common sense
everything they do is @SS backwards AF
most basic common sense features are not even included , whenever they do do something right they decide to make change for the sake of change and break it again
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Question: What are you doing with an Android phone? Looks like the "almighty" iPhone will fill your needs just dandy.
akarol said:
Question: What are you doing with an Android phone? Looks like the "almighty" iPhone will fill your needs just dandy.
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so just because i am not a android fanboy i must be an IOS fanboy
uh no, i give criticism where it is due, and there is plenty due for both
IOS is more polished and they do not put out releases in an alpha state though
and both of these companies are getting suckier and suckier by the minute
removing features instead of adding more and screwing over consumers and their user bases
and the fan boys on both sides just beg for more abuse , oh yes remove my SD slot , my removable battery , my IR blaster, my headphone jack ,my front facing stereo speakers, a ton of useful software features,
just take my money you can do no wrong
i like IOS but i hate having to use itunes it really is the "software equivalent of cancer" tim cook spoke about
IOS sucks too, memory is full, ok i'll just delete some videos and free up space . NOPE, backup and restore with itunes , it will work if you are lucky
android is awful too
broken security a 2yo could get past ,not fixed in almost a year now
broken google maps navigation not fixed in years
backwards user account system with more broken security
lacking even the most basic common sense convince features
many default settings set to where they will cause annoyance and problems for users
i can honestly say i hate them both ,and there is really no excuse for either one of them both of these comapnies have more money than god yet continue to produce garbage and be cheap F***s when it comes to R&D
they both love to employ bottom of the barrel 3rd world labor to pinch every penny but google is worse in that respect
choosing between IOS and android is like being asked to chose between cancer and aids
gdroid666 said:
choosing between IOS and android is like being asked to chose between cancer and aids
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I like your spirit!
gdroid666 said:
so just because i am not a android fanboy i must be an IOS fanboy
uh not i give criticism where it is due, and there is plenty due for both
IOS is more polished and they do not put out releases in an alpha state though
and both of these companies are getting suckier and suckier by the minute
removing features instead of adding more and screwing over consumers and their user bases
and the fan boys on both sides just beg for more abuse , oh yes remove my SD slot , my removable battery , my IR blaster, my headphone jack ,my front facing stereo speakers, a ton of useful software features,
just take my money you can do no wrong
i like IOS but i hate having to use itunes it really ins the "software equivalent of cancer" tim cook spoke about
IOS sucks too, memory is full, ok i'll just delete some videos and free up space . NOPE, backup and restore with itunes , it will work if you are lucky
android is awful too
broken security a 2yo could get past ,not fixed in almost a year now
broken google maps navigation not fixed in years
backwards user account system with more broken security
lacking even the most basic common sense convince features
many default settings set to where they will cause annoyance and problems for users
i can honestly say i hate them both ,and there is really no excuse for either one of them both of these comapnies have more money than god yet continue to produce garbage and be cheap Fuks when it comes to R&D
they both love to employ bottom of the barrel 3rd world labor to pinch every penny but google is worse in that respect
choosing between IOS and android is like being asked to chose between cancer and aids
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Please edit your post and remove the comment about Cancer and Aids. That line was completely uncalled for and extremely inappropriate. Also please edit out the cuss words you have in your post that you masked from the editor. It's against XDA policy as we have kids that come on here. If you want to cuss, please use the * symbol on your keyboard.
While I understand your strong feelings towards Google, may I ask why such strong feelings? Were you passed up on being hired by them? It's just that it's not every day you get to see someone post such strong words against a company that they merely purchased or didn't purchase products from. Seems like there's some personal stuff going on there.
gdroid666 said:
so just because i am not a android fanboy i must be an IOS fanboy
uh not i give criticism where it is due, and there is plenty due for both
IOS is more polished and they do not put out releases in an alpha state though
and both of these companies are getting suckier and suckier by the minute
removing features instead of adding more and screwing over consumers and their user bases
and the fan boys on both sides just beg for more abuse , oh yes remove my SD slot , my removable battery , my IR blaster, my headphone jack ,my front facing stereo speakers, a ton of useful software features,
just take my money you can do no wrong
i like IOS but i hate having to use itunes it really ins the "software equivalent of cancer" tim cook spoke about
IOS sucks too, memory is full, ok i'll just delete some videos and free up space . NOPE, backup and restore with itunes , it will work if you are lucky
android is awful too
broken security a 2yo could get past ,not fixed in almost a year now
broken google maps navigation not fixed in years
backwards user account system with more broken security
lacking even the most basic common sense convince features
many default settings set to where they will cause annoyance and problems for users
i can honestly say i hate them both ,and there is really no excuse for either one of them both of these comapnies have more money than god yet continue to produce garbage and be cheap Fuks when it comes to R&D
they both love to employ bottom of the barrel 3rd world labor to pinch every penny but google is worse in that respect
choosing between IOS and android is like being asked to chose between cancer and aids
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Well off you go to Windows Phone (or Tizen eventualy) as you seem to hate the rest ha ha
gdroid666 said:
so just because i am not a android fanboy i must be an IOS fanboy
uh not i give criticism where it is due, and there is plenty due for both
IOS is more polished and they do not put out releases in an alpha state though
and both of these companies are getting suckier and suckier by the minute
removing features instead of adding more and screwing over consumers and their user bases
and the fan boys on both sides just beg for more abuse , oh yes remove my SD slot , my removable battery , my IR blaster, my headphone jack ,my front facing stereo speakers, a ton of useful software features,
just take my money you can do no wrong
i like IOS but i hate having to use itunes it really ins the "software equivalent of cancer" tim cook spoke about
IOS sucks too, memory is full, ok i'll just delete some videos and free up space . NOPE, backup and restore with itunes , it will work if you are lucky
android is awful too
broken security a 2yo could get past ,not fixed in almost a year now
broken google maps navigation not fixed in years
backwards user account system with more broken security
lacking even the most basic common sense convince features
many default settings set to where they will cause annoyance and problems for users
i can honestly say i hate them both ,and there is really no excuse for either one of them both of these comapnies have more money than god yet continue to produce garbage and be cheap Fuks when it comes to R&D
they both love to employ bottom of the barrel 3rd world labor to pinch every penny but google is worse in that respect
choosing between IOS and android is like being asked to chose between cancer and aids
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You seem to have a good understanding of how these things should work.
So when can we expect to see gdroid666 OS on our smartphones?
gee2012 said:
Well off you go to Windows Phone (or Tizen eventualy) as you seem to hate the rest ha ha
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yes that is a funny joke ,not as big of a joke as windows phones though
gdroid666 said:
yes that is a funny joke ,not as big of a joke as windows phones though
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Don`t worry, you`re still the biggest joke in this thread
gee2012 said:
Don`t worry, you`re still the biggest joke in this thread
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gdroid666 said:
google sucks they treat their user base as a bunch of alpha testers
they never fix anything , they are a bunch of cheap money grubbers who will not spend money to hire people from the first world none of their developers can even be toilet trained how do you expect them to be able to be trained to develop software?
of course the low level 3rd world developers are not even nearly as bad at the higher ups who are supposed to be managing and designing
nothing they do makes any sense they are all a bunch of severely autistic retarded sperglords with zero real world social skills or experience
besides them leaving critical things broken for months to years like FRP and google maps navigation
they just are very poor at design in general and lack any common sense
everything they do is @SS backwards AF
most basic common sense features are not even included , whenever they do do something right they decide to make change for the sake of change and break it again
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Nothing like completely biased, unsubstantiated, blanket claims. You can easily like or dislike anything about Google or Android, but to just say they know nothing about design demonstrates your absolute ignorance on digital design or how it is accomplished.
stm8 said:
You seem to have a good understanding of how these things should work.
So when can we expect to see gdroid666 OS on our smartphones?
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probably never
people who can code have no common sense and people with common sense can't code
or it is just bad upper level management
i can give specific examples of glaringly obvious bad design mistakes ,but of course they will never be fixed
googles multi user account system implemented in lolipop is just awful
here is why
there is no way to hand off ownership account status to another user ,you have to wipe and factory restore the device, i found this out when setting up a tablet for a parent with my account and having to start over
but why? this makes no sense what so ever , all they had to do is just make an option to transfer ownership account status to another user account on the device, log in under primary owner account go to settings, select pass ownership status to another user select user, there done would that have been so hard?
also multi user relies on lock screen passwords instead of just prompting for the google user account password to switch between users on the device, forcing everyone using the device to use a lock screen password and to enter it every time the device goes to sleep, this is very annoying especially when using a tablet which the multi user account was ostensibly designed to be used for since typically you do not share a phone, it just makes no sense at all
also smart lock trusted devices is another mess
i figured i would just use my mi band to unlock the tablet then,but even when you set up a trusted device to use smartlock it just disables itself after "inactivity" so after few hour you have to reset it again ,no option to keep it the way you set it, turned on
it's just common sense things like this that get really annoying
also no inversion of volume rocker buttons when in landscape mode
little common sense things like this
a company with unlimited funds and unlimited resourced should not be making ridiculously obvious design mistakes like these
nor should they be leaving such major things broken for years like google maps navigation and FRP security
---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------
ultyrunner said:
Nothing like completely biased, unsubstantiated, blanket claims. You can easily like or dislike anything about Google or Android, but to just say they know nothing about design demonstrates your absolute ignorance on digital design or how it is accomplished.
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how am i biased when i just said IOS is just as bad, i said the whole industry is headed in a bad direction
samsung, HTC, apple, all of them are making bad decisions
Doze is outstanding in Nougat. I got 5+ hours of SoT over a 38 hour period so yes, obviously, Nougat is total crap and Doze doesn't do anything...
...I do find it amazing that I can get endurance like that with no, as in zero, attempt to optimize battery drain (WiFi on, GPS on high, adaptive display on, BT on, bone stock, no root, etc.) while others are reporting problems. Regardless, all I can go by is that my 6P is not only just the best phone I ever had (last one was Note 5 that go worse with MM), it got even better with Nougat!
---------- Post added at 02:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
gdroid666 said:
probably never
people who can code have no common sense and people with common sense can't code
or it is just bad upper level management
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Wow. Generalize much?

