[THEME] Zune - 1% Battery - CWM - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

This is an updated version of iamthebigcheeze's Zune Theme with many customizations done by ME.
It can be used as a base for other themes.
It has been tested on 4.1.83 deodexed only.
v1.0 includes:
-1% Battery (Thanks to shoux )
-Semi-Transparent Pull Down Shade
-Reboot in Power Menu
-Boot Animation
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=84C5EUPJ

Nottach said:
This is an updated version of iamthebigcheeze's Zune Theme with many customizations done by ME.
It can be used as a base for other themes.
It has been tested on 4.1.83 deodexed only.
v1.0 includes:
-1% Battery (Thanks to shoux )
-Semi-Transparent Pull Down Shade
-Reboot in Power Menu
-Boot Animation
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=84C5EUPJ
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! Will try it out.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App


[ROM][14/09/11] SkyRom v9.0 |XXKH3|Kitchen-App|JKay 9.1|Call-Rec|AOSP-Lock|OTA-Update

***** New Version, Updates und Fixes in 2. Post *****
Welcome to the New Version of
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
in cooperation with:
Preview Pic´s of SkyRom
For an easier Way to Check for Updates and Download the ROM,
I recommend to use this great Update Manager | THX to MihailPro
Download - Update Manager​
Flash @ your own risk.
Credits goes to:
Lg_X_Moderrer @ Android-Hilfe & XDA
Everything was themed by him with his beautiful Evolution-Theme,
Bootanimation and Sound Modding.
Thank you very much aggain @ Lg_X_Moderrer!
Thanks to Chainfire @ XDA for CWM Root Kernel KG1
Thanks to Potatoman @ XDA for the Hacked Cam.
This ROM makes no Wipe!
Just dalvik cache!​
Installation: | from Version 7.0
This ROM is only for flashing with CWM Recovery:
Download SkyRom vX.X.zip
Put the SkyRom vX.X.zip to the Maindirectory of your internal SD
Start the App: CWM
Choose: Flash update
Choose: SkyRom_vX.X.zip
Confirm with OK and flash.
ROM Download:
Download - SkyRom v9.0
As attachement, you find the SkyRom Logo for your Signature.
Read my Signature!​
***** Updates *****
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v9.0[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v9.0 | 14.09.2011[/B]
[*][B][U]SkyKitchen App added: | THX @ Lg_X_Moderrer & LeoMar[/U][/B]
[B][COLOR="Red"](Complete renewed Kitchen with Preview Pics! Yaayh)[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR="Blue"][B]With the New "SkyKitchen" App You can:[/B][/COLOR]
[*][B]Dialer Themes[/B]
[*][B]Market Themes[/B]
[*][B]Widgets & Apps [/B]
[*][B]Bootanimationen [/B]
[*][B]SkyRom Update with Kitchen[/B]
Choose your prefered flash file from SkyKitchen and flash it automat.!
[COLOR="Red"]After flashing the SkyRom v9.0, please uninstall the [U]old [/U]SkyRom Kitchen!.[/COLOR]
[*][B][U]New Theme Settings App: | THX @ Lg_X_Moderrer & Jkay[/U][/B]
[*][B]Thats the New Things in "Theme Setting App":
[*][B]Flash light toggle on any Slider u want[/B]
[*][B]Lockscreen Timeout changed from 5 sec to 15 sec.[/B]
[*][B]U can center the Clock in Lockscreen[/B]
[*][B]Notification-Sound "Battery empty" Turn Off[/B]
[*][B]Notification-Sound "Battery full" Turn Off[/B]
[*][B]Shutdown- and Reboot-Warning Turn Off[/B]
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v8.0[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v8.0 | 02.09.2011[/B]
[*][B]Ninphetamine Kernel 2.1.3[/B]
[*][B]Drop-Down Bar Icons fixed[/B]
[*][B]New nicer Overscroll Glow :-)[/B]
[*][B][U]SkyRom Kitchen-App Added: | THX @ Lg_X_Moderrer[/U][/B]
[COLOR="Blue"][B]With the new "SkyRom" Appyou can:[/B][/COLOR]
[*][B]SkyRom Fixes & Updates[/B]
[*][B]SkyROM Themes[/B]
(With Red Theme no Wipe possible!
for Wipe, first flash the Blue Theme back!)
[*][B]Dialer Themes[/B]
[*][B]TW Launcher Themes[/B]
[*][B]Market Themes[/B]
[*][B]Widgets & Apps [/B]
[*][B]Bootanimation [/B]
[*][B]SkyRom Version Updates[/B]
Direct Download & flash with the App
[*][B]Cjoose what you want:[/B]
left Soft Key
Download & Install
[*][B](Pay attention to keep the Display ON, during the Download!)[/B]
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v7.0[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v7.0 | 27.08.2011[/B]
[*][B]Firmware XXKH3[/B]
[*][B]Modem XXKH3[/B]
[*][B]Multi CSC XXKH3[/B]
[*][B]Ninphetamine Kernel v2.1.2[/B] | THX Hacre
[*][B]Wipe Factory Reset, Wipe Cache & Wipe Dalvik Cache | Final Fix[/B]
Wipe without probs possible | finaly :-)
[*][B]ROM flash File is now just 1 Flash ZIP:[/B]
Flash from any FW possible!
[*][B]Drop-Down-Bar modded:[/B]
[*][B]Now with 9 Icons in Drop Down Bar[/B]
[*][B]New "Theme Settings" App: THX an Lg_X_Moderrer[/B]
[*][B]Samsung Voice Translator added[/B]
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v6.0[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v6.0 | 21.08.2011[/B]
[*][B]New "Theme Settings" App, THX to JKay & Lg_X_Moderrer[/B]
[*]AOSP Slider Fixed
[*]New AOSP Slider Icons
Sliders are customisable
(Choose the App you want, On the Slider you want)
[*]Change the Slider Icon by pressing and holding,
the Slider in the "Theme Settings" App.
[*]All Lockscreen Settings can be reseted by pressing the left Menu Button
in "Theme Settings" App.
[*]Clock in Lockscreen can be turned off
[*]Lockscreen can be sett completley transparent in "Theme Setting" app
You need to Reboot your Phone after changing.
[*][B]Drop-Down-Taskbar MOD:[/B]
You have to Scroll from left to right,
[B]The Icons are:[/B]
W-Lan, Bluetooth, GPS, Sound, Rotation, Data, Airplane Mode
[*][B]Browser Mod, Switch from Android to Desktop-View[/B]
Soft-Button Menu - Option - Preferences- MOD Android/Desktop
[*][B]TWlauncher with many many new Tweaks[/B]
(Menu-Soft-Button and Preferences)
(After changing you have to press
"left-Soft Button-Save and Restart")
[*][B]Blue Clock in Taskbar back[/B]
[*][B]Voice-over-IP (3G & W-Lan) added[/B]
[*][B]GingerBread Tastatur remooved[/B]
[*][B]Wipe Factory Reset - Semi-Fixed[/B]
(You can make a Wipe Factory Reset in Recovery Menu
by choosing "Wipe Factory Reset" and than [B]without reboot[/B],
flash the SkyRom aggain Part1 and than Part2.
[*][B]Taskmanager - Memory & RAM Icon Fixed[/B]
[*][B]Gtalk Video Fixed[/B]
[*][B]Battery Charging Animation Fixed[/B]
[*][B]In Contacts-Phonebook, Phone Icon Fixed[/B]
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v5.0
[B]Changelog SkyRom v5.0 [/B]
[*][B]Updater-Script changed[/B]
Now you should be able to flash from any FW!?
[*][B]TWframework Icons Fixed[/B]
[*][B]Browser Fixed[/B] YAYHH
[*][B]Phone.apk Icons Fixed[/B] | THX an Crash83 @Handy-faq
[*][B]TouchWiz Launcher Modded[/B]
New Flying Effect when you scroll the Apps from site to site
Dock has been changed to center the icons
[*][B]Theme Settings App, With this App you can change this:[/B] | THX an JKay & Lg_X_Moderrer @XDA
[U][B]Power Menu customizable: 1 - 16 Function[/B][/U]
Vibration, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Auto-rotate,
Background data, Auto sync, Auto-Brightness,
GPS Satellites, Mobile AP, Reboot, Recovery and download
Airplane Mode, Power Off, Data Network Mode, Silent Mode
[U][B]Glass Lockscreen:[/B][/U]
Thats the Stock Lockscreen without any features
[U][B]Deluxe Lockscreen:[/B][/U]
(No Slider, just drag the Lockscreen-Wallpaper)
drag to the right: Unlock
drag to the left: Camera
drag upwards: Music
drag downwards: Radio
[U][B]AOSP Lockscreen:[/B][/U]
6 Slider, see Icons
Unlock, Camera, Music, Radio, Phone, SMS
[*][B]Clock in Lockscreen changed[/B]
[*][B]USB Connected Icon changed[/B]
[*][B]Wallpaper added[/B] THX an Buddler & Phil4live @Handy-faq
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v4.0[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v4.0 | 04.08.11[/B]
[*]Based on XXKG6
[*]Modem XXKG6
[*]Kernel Ninphetamine 2.0.5 + BLN Support | THX @ hacre @ XDA
(Added "BLNfree" App for BLN Control.)
(With the Free BLN App you can use BLN just for missed SMS)
(With the Pro Version you get BLN Support for missed calls and other Tweaks)
[*]Clock in Statusbar is back in White
[*]New Bootanimation | THX @ TheOne @Handy-faq
(Because of the New Bootanimation you will have after flashing,
by first Bootup, a Blackscreen for 2-3 Min. No Panik - That´s Normal!)
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v3.0[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v3.0 | 28.07.11[/B]
[*]Based on XXKG3
[*]Modem XXKG3
[*]Kernel Ninphetamine 2.0.2 | THX @ hacre @ XDA
(Undervolt / Overclock with SetCPU to 1,6 GHz poss.)
[*]Added SkyRom Bootanimation + Sound
[*]Power Menu (Quick menu) without Header-Text
(no scrolling needed anymore)
[*]Blue Clock / Date and Font in Menu & Tasbar
[*]SMS, [B]no [/B]convertion to MMS after 4 SMS
[*]SMS, Background fixed
[*]Camera Hack (take pictures by pressing VOL + / - (THX to Lary @XDA)
(Ability to take pictures with a short touch on the volume buttons)
(Hold Button pressed = Focus)
(Ability to zoom - Pinch-to-Zoom)
(The Hardware Button dont work for Video recording)
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v2.2[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v2.2 | 18.07.11[/B]
[*]Add Voice Call Recording | THX @Criskelo
Records are saved to: /sdcard/Sounds
[*]6 Icons in Drop Down Bar - Added Data Icon
[*]Phone.apk - removed sexy butt
[*]Ad Free Host (no Adds) updated
[*]USB Connection Sound changed
[*]Copy-Paste Icons fixed
[*]HD Fancy Widget fixed
[*]Youtube with Download-Function Aded | THX @Criskelo
The Name of the Downloaded File is: [B].mp4[/B] and it´s saved to [B]/sdcard/download[/B]
because of the [B].[/B] (dot), the File is [B]hidden[/B]
With RootExplorer or similar [B]you have to rename it[/B] for example to [B]Video.mp4[/B] in order to watch the video
[B]After renaming[/B] the downloaded file, you can [B]watch the video and download a new one[/B].
[SIZE="5"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]SkyRom v2.1[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Changelog SkyRom v2.1 | 14.07.11[/B]
[*]Bootloop fixed
[*]Added Flying Window Animation
[*]Added Home Switcher
[*]Added very New Android Market
[*]fixed TW Calender
[*]fixed MMS.apk for better SMS reading
[*]In next Update i will fix the Icons
Copy-Paste-Cut etc.
This ROM makes no Wipe!
Installation: | from Version 7.0
This ROM is only for flashing with CWM Recovery:
Download SkyRom vX.X.zip
Put the SkyRom vX.X.zip to the Maindirectory of your internal SD
Start the App: CWM
Choose: Flash update
Choose: SkyRom_vX.X.zip
Confirm with OK and flash.
Installation | for Version 2.0-6.0:
This ROM is only for flashing with CWM Recovery:
Download Paket_SkyRom vX.X.zip
Unzip the Paket.zip and you will have:
Part_1_SkyRom_vX.X.zip & Part_2_SkyRom_vX.X.zip
Push the 2 .zip´s to your Main directory of your SD
Start the App: CWM
Choose: Flash update
First flash the Part_1_SkyRom_vX.X.zip
Choose: Part_1_SkyRom_vX.X.zip
Confirm and flash.
After first Boot after flashing:
Start the App: CWM
Choose: Flash update
NOW flash the Part_2_SkyRom_vX.X.zip
Confirm with OK and flash.
If you got Problems on booting | Just Version 2.0-6.0:
1. Flash Litening Rom v1.5 with Odin
2. Flash the SkyRom vX.X Part1 and then Part2
3. Done!
Download - SkyRom v8.0
Download - SkyRom v7.0
Download - SkyRom v6.0
Download - SkyRom v5.0 | Skipped because of little Bugs
Download - SkyRom v4.0
Download - SkyRom v3.0
Download - SkyRom v2.2
Download - SkyRom v2.1
Themes for SkyRom
The New Themes with New Colours for SkyRom are Out Now!
[THEME] SkyRom | Now in Red
[THEME] SkyRom | Now in Green
[THEME] SkyRom | Now in Cyan
[THEME] SkyRom | in Blue aggain
Theme / Colors
Sorry but I don't like the theme / colors but that is my opinion.
I like it... one of the few roms that doesn't look like to much like stock, very nice themed. Will try out when available.
HTC-Pro said:
Sorry but I don't like the theme / colors but that is my opinion.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
...complete opposite for me, I love black and blue together and have been looking round for a rom/theme combo since I got my SGS2 last week. I have been on TK-Rom (possibly with a theme over it, can't remember now Ive been back and forth that much!). I tried the new KG1 Lite-ning as I like the blue and wanted the new 2.3.4 but I felt there was something missing. I have literally just restored my backed up rom and was about to stop looking for my perfectly themed rom...but I think I may of just found it........
- Which CWM is recommended if any?
- Does the KG1 modem comes with?
Looks nice but blue has been done to death. Make a red ROM.
It's not my flavor but excellent job. This must have taken forever to put together.
Don't like colors, but good job !
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
cd993 said:
- Which CWM is recommended if any?
- Does the KG1 modem comes with?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It doesn´t matter from which CWM Version u come from.
Because this ROM will install automat. the newest CF-Root Kernel based on KG1.
And Yes Modem is KG1.
Everything is KG1.
BMWpokerAce said:
It doesn´t matter from which CWM Version u come from.
Because this ROM will install automat. the newest CF-Root Kernel based on KG1.
And Yes Modem is KG1.
Everything is KG1.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Excellent many thanks for your reply!
Ive heard good things about KG1 and so very excited to try it out and have the eye candy of this rom too!
Only an hour so to wait now
1 Hour 15 Minutes, if the Internet connection dont interrupt like 2 times this evening.
Thats very anoying because it takes about 2 Hours to upload this.
So stay tuned.......
Love the colours, big blue fan here
BMWpokerAce said:
1 Hour 15 Minutes, if the Internet connection dont interrupt like 2 times this evening.
Thats very anoying because it takes about 2 Hours to upload this.
So stay tuned.......
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thats a shame its messing around like that, fingers crossed for no more interruptions! Its 12:30am here and I've a well earned day off tomorrow so an android night for me
So have you done your own optimizations/tweaks or is this the stock KG1 themed?
cd993 said:
So have you done your own optimizations/tweaks or is this the stock KG1 themed?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please read first post for Infos about:
BMWpokerAce said:
Please read first post for Infos about:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Eagerly awaiting the link
Out NOW!
The SkyRom v2.0 is now available in 1st Post.
Sorry for the slow Internet connection and interruption.
Happy Flashing.......
PS: Could the dpi be changed back to 200 or would that mess with the theme/icons?
hmmm after doing a full wipe in cwm, flashing and then leaving the rom to load , it doesnt get passed the loading screen even after 10mins?
UPDATE: I started a fresh, installed v1.0 first, then used rom manager as stated in the instructions to flash v2.0 and it worked perfectly. So lesson learnt, follow the instructions exactly!
Looking good....
Downloaded .......
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
I like it and will try it for a while
EDIT. Any way 2 get swedish in Swype?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

[THEME][FROYO] SGS2 Theme & stuff [UPDATE - 4/2/2013]

Hello geeks, its me again
I thought about making some theme for you who like Touchwiz/SGS2.
This is my first theme port for G3 - SGS2 Theme!
- Galaxy 3 (NO S3!)
- Custom recovery
- ROM with extended power menu
- Recommended - 9lockscreenMOD for full S2 experience
- Gingerbread-like/TW4-like SGS2 Theme!
- S2-themed apps (some of them)
- 9-lockscreen compatible (if your ROM have support for this)
- Specially tweaked twframework-res.apk carrier header to look like TouchWiz 4 (see screenshots)
=> Screenshots
WARINING! First, do you have a Galaxy S3? If so, leave this Galaxy 3 Thread. You've just figured out why.
Second, did you make a nandroid backup? There's no restore method other than backup.
Known bugs that won't be probably fixed:
- Sliders are from Gingerbread, not from TouchWiz4/SGS2 - I tested it with SGS2's too, but they looked weird with some apps and lockscreens. I won't change it to SGS2
- Some apps are not themed! Fix that! - There are several reasons for that: 1st thing, users moved to android 2.3+. 2nd thing, Those apps have bugs when themed, or just dont look good. 3rd, They will require some framework hacking to look like SGS2.
- This theme is ugly when applied to Kisad's ROM/doesn't work well! - Sad96 and Jason-EX did a GREAT job in pushing FROYO limits further by adding some awesome tweaks to the framework, which is with this theme uncompatible, and because of some .jar files themed it's not possible to retain compatibility with other ROMs then. And, it won't look much TouchWizzy if I would add some Kisadworx ROM tweaks to this theme. Kisadworx ROM looks still better with its default JB theme IMO.
WARNING! You will have to flash theese files below yourself. And because theese are DEODEXED APK files, if you are on any ODEXED rom, delete .odex files for the APK you are flashing. No update.zip. If you don't know how to flash it yourself, then Google is your friend.
I choosed this way because update.zips were giving "No space left on device" error on some ROMs. So make sure you have enough space in /system before flashing anything.
List of themed apps:
- Mms.apk [icon only]
- TouchWizCalendar.apk [icon only]
- ClockPackage.apk [icon only]
- Dlna.apk
- Email.apk
- TouchWiz30Launcher.apk
- UnifiedInbox.apk
- Contacts.apk
- DialerTabActivity.apk
- Phone.apk
- Camera.apk
- FMRadio.apk
- Gallery3D.apk
- JobManager.apk
- Memo.apk
- MusicPlayer.apk
- MyFiles.apk
- SoundPlayer.apk
- Stk.apk
- Browser.apk
- AxT9IME.apk
- TouchWizCalculator.apk
- TwWallpaperChooser.apk
- VideoPlayer.apk
- VoiceRecorder.apk
v2.3.3 [4/2/2013]
- SecDownloadProvider.apk - Fixed stock browser download notification colors (black > white) - Thanks shwetanklal!
- Added stock G3 fonts to be flashed with theme, because some ROMs may have different fonts so it could look ugly with this theme
v2.3.2 [3/2/2013]
- Removed S2 fonts, they did look really bold
v2.3.1 [2/1/2013]
- Removed S2 audio files - were taking too much space - Thanks to Arjav23 for reporting!
v2.3 [2/1/2013]
- S2-like "clear" notification pulldown button! Finally!
v2.2 [29/12/2012]
- Fixed jog_tab_bar wrong icons
- Fixed permissions in update-script - some stuff didn't appear after flashing 2.0 version
- I don't know exactly what I've changed/fixed...
v2.0 [17/12/2012]
- Apps now uploaded seperately
- Fixed bad popup_top, popup_center and popup_bottom.9.png color
- Themed NoSim and bluetooth call notification icon
- Fixed dividers in list views for 1lockscreen framework-res.apk
- Power menu with no header (no "Phone options" title) - you don't have to scroll now
- Some cleanups to twframework-res.apk
- Themed "Clear" notifications button and btn_toggle XML (looks more like S2 now)
- Themed twframework-res.apk to show S2-like Music, FMRadio, VoiceRecorder, Phone in-built notification background and icons
- Themed some buttons in twframework-res.apk
- Fixed wrong menu background color (black -> gray)
- Added zip for 1 lockscreen ROMs (should work on Purumod, Kisadworx etc.)
v1.4.1 [9/12/2012]
- Smoother spinners!
v1.4 [15/11/2012]
- APPS package removed due to really bad compatibility with all custom roms out there
- Added default S2 fonts
v1.3.3 [7/11/2012]
- Fixed bad color in tab screen locks (Android, 4Tab Unlock options)
- Fixed roaming icon not visible - THANKS TO rai_tushar FOR REPORTING!
v1.3.2 [21/10/2012]
- Themed power widget (Settings.apk)
- Fixed 9lockscreen options didn't appear under Settings - Display
- Fixed Bluetooth transfer notification bad color
v1.3 [20/10/2012]
- Cleaned update-script in .zip
- Fixed DownloadProvider.apk - bad color shown in notification pulldown when downloading an item (eg. in Play Store)
v1.2 [16/10/2012]
- Themed Settings.apk - 9lockscreenmod select option remains - for those who like other locks than S2
- S2 bootanimation included (S2 bootup sound included too)
v1.0 [9/10/2012]
- first release
PS: Consider donation if you like my work. Thanks
- dhirend_6d for THEMING GUIDE
- sad96 for helping me a lot HERE. Thanks!
- shwetanklal for helping me with theming and fixing the bad stock browser download notification text color
- SAMSUNG FOR (sometimes laggy) TW and the powerful S2 phone
screenshots are nice
will u give a try to xperia like theme for froyo
For the xperia theme, looks nice, but I dont plan to port anything now... I want now focus on cm10 layout fixes and then this theme, because I like S2 theme I will start new thibgs after theese are done.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
Can you add screenshots from dialer ?
BTW. This is what we waiting for ! I really like Tw/Sgs2 look.... please try to make the best froyo theme ever, good luck !
Fikul said:
Can you add screenshots from dialer ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As mentioned in OP, some stuff isnt themed yet, including dialer, so, sorry but I will theme more apps as I will work on this...
But as soon as more stuff gets themed, I will add screens for it. I only need some time
Thank you for motivation
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
twinky444 said:
Hello geeks, its me again
I thought about making some theme for you who like Touchwiz/SGS2.
This is my first theme port for G3 - SGS2 Theme!
Note: this theme's zip includes 9-lockscreenmod framework so if you don't have it installed, it will install it for you. DEODEXED ROM ONLY!
Note 2: this is 9-lockscreenmod compatible, because of the S2 lockscreen. You can choose different lockscreens in settings-display, but there could be some issues. S2 LOCKSCREEN RECOMMENDED!
=> Screenshots
=> Download flashable ZIP
- Gingerbread-like/TW4-like SGS2 Theme!
- Default SGS2 ringtones
- S2 lockscreen (9lockscreenmod compatible)
- S2 TwWallpaperChooser
- TW-like Settings.apk with 9lockscreenmod support
- Specially tweaked twframework-res.apk carrier header to look like TouchWiz 4 (see screenshots)
Issues/Features to come
- MAJOR ISSUE - I want to make Settings.apk to default select S2 lockscreen but I cannot decompile it. Any ideas? -> CLICK HERE
- Well, you won't get full TW4 launcher, but I'm working on some layouts of the G3's stock one.
- Not all apps yet done/themed, working on that also.
- I will make extended power menu with no header later
- When downloading an app from Play Store, font in notification is black. Any ideas how to change this?
- Maybe others...
- Halco for http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1430178
- dhirend_6d for http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1422116
- sicopat for http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1169443
- kyrillos13 for his 9-lockscreenmod framework-res.apk as a base for this
PS: Consider donation if you like my work. Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will this work on kisadworx 2.2.1
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
Arjav23 said:
Will this work on kisadworx 2.2.1
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It should work... But XXJPS, XXJPU recommended. Do nandroid backup just in case...
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
twinky444 said:
It should work... But XXJPS, XXJPU recommended. Do nandroid backup just in case...
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
but will it auto convert the 1 lockscreen kiadsworx to 9 lockscreen ?
Arjav23 said:
but will it auto convert the 1 lockscreen kiadsworx to 9 lockscreen ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, 9lockmod framework included. Also, the rom you want to fash it on must be deodexed.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
I already tried 9lsm in Kisad 2.2, but i got some bootloops. Surely cause of JPI base.
Btw, nice theme
Halco said:
I already tried 9lsm in Kisad 2.2, but i got some bootloops. Surely cause of JPI base.
Btw, nice theme
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for reporting, OP updated with this info.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
twinky444 said:
Thanks for reporting, OP updated with this info.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
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Click to collapse
Maybe you can take a look at this and make it compatible, i just try without searching whats going wrong, i'm lazzy and i bought an S3 yesterday
Halco said:
Maybe you can take a look at this and make it compatible, i just try without searching whats going wrong, i'm lazzy and i bought an S3 yesterday
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Click to collapse
Ok, I think logcat will help enough so I could do something with it...
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
Will this work on M12 Special Edition Rom
sudersanmurthy said:
Will this work on M12 Special Edition Rom
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Read first post.
There are requirements for this to work.
Anyway it will. M12 ROM is deodexed, has 9lockscreenmod and is based on JPU. It will work.
V1.2 out! Check OP!
Thanks to pranjal18 for letting me include his ported S2 bootanimation!
twinky444 said:
V1.2 out! Check OP!
Thanks to pranjal18 for letting me include his ported S2 bootanimation!
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Click to collapse
Hi can you post screenshots of contacts and dialer pls
After flashing my dialer looks half old theme and half touchwizz theme and in settings display FC
sudersanmurthy said:
Hi can you post screenshots of contacts and dialer pls
After flashing my dialer looks half old theme and half touchwizz theme and in settings display FC
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Click to collapse
Dialer is not yet done, and you get half-themed dialer because of framework-res and twframework-res themed.. I have to put themed apps list in OP... Also no FC in Settings/Display for me...
Do you have any idea of making a custom theme , like your work

[MOD][ROM][#2_XXMC8][JB][AOSP]BlueHead v2 and AOSP Italian Job v1.0 [09/06/13]

My first ModPack for Ace 2 JB Deodexed (MB2,MB4 and MC8)
AOSP Italian Job in Post #2
Features :
Modified TouchWiz :
- Rotation
- Blue themed
- No wallpaper scroll
AOSP Framework
- CRT-off
- New MC8 Services.jar patched for Supercharger v6
- 4-Way Reboot
Other Apps:
AOSP Clock new
AOSP Calculator new
AOSP Keyboard new
AOSP Lockscreen
AOSP Ripple Effect
AOSP Job Manager
AOSP Messages (Blue themed)
AOSP Music player
AOSP Camera icon
AOSP Browser
AOSP Contacts
AOSP Download provider
AOSP File manager
AOSP Phone
AOSP Settings
AOSP SystemUi modified
Blue themed Calendar
Blue themed Gmail updated
Blue themed Google play updated
Blue themed YouTube
PopUp Browser updated
Note II gallery
V1.2 (Patch)
- AOSP LockScreen
- More AOSP look like Settings
- Updated Google Play
V1.1 (Patch)
- Better UI and toggles
Modified TouchWiz :
- Rotation
- Blue themed
- No wallpaper scroll
Modified SystemUI:
- Center Clock
- 75% Transparent
- Blue toggles
AOSP Framework
- CRT-off
- Services.jar patched for supercharger v6
- 4-Way Reboot
Other Apps:
AOSP Clock
AOSP Job Manager
AOSP Messages (Blue themed)
AOSP Music player
AOSP Camera icon
AOSP Browser
AOSP Contacts
AOSP Download provider
AOSP File manager
AOSP Phone
AOSP Settings
Blue themed Calendar
Blue themed Gmail
Blue themed Google play
Blue themed YouTube
Note II gallery
Keyboard (4.2)
Make sure you have V1 installed and flash with mounting preload :
Patch V1.1.0 (Better UI with 50% transparent status bar)
Patch V1.1.1 (Better UI with 75% transparent status bar)
Patch V1.1.2 (Better UI without transparent status bar)
Patch V1.1.3 (Better UI with 100% transparent status bar)
Patch V1.1.4 (Better UI right clock without transparent status bar)
Patch V1.2.0 (AOSP LockScreen, New Settings, Google Play Updated)
Patches are also working on AOSP Italian Job 1.0
Old Versions
How to install:
1. Download BlueHead_ModV2.zip
2. Transfer it to sdcard
3. Turn off phone and boot in recovery (vol up + home + power).
4. Flash temporary cwm
5. Go to mounts and storage and mount system and preload
7. Go to "instal zip from sdcard"->"choose zip from sdcard"
8. Navigate to BlueHead_ModV2 and flash
9. Reboot and enjoy
- First reboot can last more than 5 minutes so be patient
- If you got duplicated clock, messages or calendar delete:
/preload/symlink/system/app/ClockPackage.apk and /system/app/ClockPackage.apk for Clock
/preload/symlink/system/app/SecMms.apk and /system/app/SecMms.apk for Messages
/preload/symlink/system/app/SecCalendar.apk and /system/app/SecCalendar.apk for Calendar
or in attachment
Special thanks :
- mkel91 who help me to edit updater-script and for PopUp Browser
- Kryten2k35 and Vertumus for blue themed apps and help with launcher
- Ichiyamato for AOSP apps
- kyrillos13 for 4-way reboot, Crt-Off and Camera
- Dr01nE and asdfzz for AOSP framework and Settings
- forgottnxd for AOSP Contacts
- ayman16 and achyut for Note II gallery
- Artha_CR for new SystemUI
Guess my favourite colour
Write what you like or not in this version, or what you want in next version of mod.
I am waiting new firmware and i will build rom so stay tuned!
I am not responsible for bricked devices, flash on your own! ​
[ROM][XXMC8] AOSP Italian Job 1.0
Big thanks to mkel91 which made best rom for our device
Only for XXMC8​-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can use BlueHead Patches !
Features :
- All features from Original Italian Job v1.0
- Additional bloatwares deleted
- Supercharger V6 script included (fixes bad ram management)
- New Build.prop tweaks
- Faster than previous
Modified TouchWiz :
- Rotation
- Blue themed
- No wallpaper scroll
Modified SystemUI:
- Center Clock
- 50% Transparent
- Blue toggles
AOSP Framework
- CRT-off
- Services.jar patched for supercharger v6
- 4-Way Reboot
Other Apps:
AOSP Clock
AOSP Job Manager
AOSP Messages (Blue themed)
AOSP Music player
AOSP Camera icon
AOSP Browser
AOSP Contacts
AOSP Download provider
AOSP File manager
AOSP Phone
AOSP Settings
Blue themed Calendar
Blue themed Gmail
Blue themed Google play
Blue themed YouTube
Note II gallery
Keyboard (4.2)
Use BlueHead Patch v1.2.0 for AOSP LockScreen!
How to install:
It is highly recommended to do reflash MC8 and wipe data before installing!
1. Download AOSP_ItalianJob1.0.zip
2. Transfer it to sdcard
3. Turn off phone and boot in recovery (vol up + home + power).
4. Flash temporary cwm
5. Go to mounts and storage and mount system, preload, sdcard and data
7. Go to "instal zip from sdcard"->"choose zip from sdcard"
8. Navigate to AOSP_ItalianJob1.0.zip and flash
9. Reboot and enjoy
- First reboot can last more than 5 minutes so be patient
SuperCharger V6 :
1. Run script manager (included in rom)
2. Navigate to V6_SuperCharger on your sdcard ( included )
3. Run it as root
4. Follow instructions from script
5. Run "SuperClean & ReStart!"
5. Enjoy in better RAM management !
- Services.jar file is already patched you just need to set supercharger
You can also see full tutorial HERE
simplified tutorial HERE !
Removed apps
Those are apps removed from Original Italian Job 1.0
You can find other apps HERE !
Post your screenshoots, i am not on MC8
Special thanks :
- mkel91 for AWESOME base ROM !
- Zeppelinrox for his SuperChager V6
- asdfzz and Dr01nE for AOSP framework and Settings
- Kryten2k35 and Vertumus for blue themed apps and help with launcher
- Ichiyamato for AOSP apps
- kyrillos13 for 4-way reboot, Crt-Off and Camera
- forgottnxd for AOSP Contacts
- ayman16 and achyut for Note II gallery
- Artha_CR for SystemUI
I am not responsible for bricked devices, flash on your own!
Thanks! i try now.
hi there thanks for the mod but every time i try to install it i get a boot loop on reboot
kerriannec31 said:
hi there thanks for the mod but every time i try to install it i get a boot loop on reboot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
did you waited 6-7 minutes ?
Finally Downloading.
I think you should add note about backup, it will be helpful, when something goes wrong.
Everything worked, except SystemUI. I think its because i flashed "BatteryMod v1.6 for KYRLLIOSv7B.zip" earlier, maybe i have to delete something to get it work!?
sgace2 said:
Everything worked, except SystemUI. I think its because i flashed "BatteryMod v1.6 for KYRLLIOSv7B.zip" earlier, maybe i have to delete something to get it work!?
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Click to collapse
delete that batterymod, this is different systemui
mkel91 said:
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Click to collapse
I posted mine others ? any news
Looks nice. But why don't you add a 1% battery icon?
Sent from my GT-I8160 using xda premium
after deleting /system/app/OGBatteryMod.apk and /system/app/systemui.apk + reboot everything works for me!
I don't know why, but it not working for me. Flashed the zip and it nothing change
wait, 4way reboot working, i think im gonna delete system.ui...
now i dont have status bar, anyone know what happened?
xbaker said:
I don't know why, but it not working for me. Flashed the zip and it nothing change
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Click to collapse
did you mounted preload ?
xXmyselfXx said:
Looks nice. But why don't you add a 1% battery icon?
Sent from my GT-I8160 using xda premium
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Click to collapse
i will consider it for v2
yep, i nount preload. After delete system.ui status bar gone, and wallpaper is black. crt off works, 4way reboot works, nothing more.
xbaker said:
yep, i nount preload. After delete system.ui status bar gone, and wallpaper is black. crt off works, 4way reboot works, nothing more.
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Click to collapse
why did you delete systemui ?
can you try to flash again and post your sccreenshoots
nice JOB.. =)
xbaker said:
yep, i nount preload. After delete system.ui status bar gone, and wallpaper is black. crt off works, 4way reboot works, nothing more.
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Click to collapse
which rom do you use?
i made a restore, now i will charge ace 2 for a few minutes and try again.
mkel91 i use you' the italian job.
Now I'm using italian job with transparent system pulldown and og battery mod (one package), is it working when i just flash it? Or i have to delete the ogbatterymod.apk? If i have to delete that apk, when i haveto delete it? Before or after flash? Thanks
Sent from my GT-I8160 using xda app-developers app

[ MOD][ICS] Orangy ICS v1.0 [RAY][28/5/2013]

I have colored some stuffs for all 2011 HDPI Xperia Phones.
Main Features :
+ Orange Colored Framework (Xperia Z Styled Framework)
- Some New Icons Which Is Made By Me
- Jelly Bean Animation With Some New Animation (Lockscreen Exit Animation)
- Extended Power Menu (Reboot, Recovery, Screenshot)
- Some Layout Are Changed
- 22dpi On Screen Button
+ Orange Colored Setting (NXT Styled Setting)
- Some New Icons Which Is Made By Me
+ Orange Colored SystemUI (Serajr SystemUi v9.0)
- Some New Icons Which Is Made By Me
- Added Analog Clock In Notification Header.
- 1st Status Bar Style Changed (Signal,Battery - Notification - Clock).
- 2nd Status Bar Style Changed (Signal - Clock With Second And AM/PM - OICS).
- Botom Tab Buttons Behaviour Changed (Just Tap On Buttons And See).
- Can't Remember Other Modification Now.
Changelog :
v1.0 :
+ Initial Release
+ Orangy ICS v1.0 by BDFreak.zip
How To Install :
+ Stock Rom
+ Download the Orangy ICS v1.0 by BDFreak.zip file
+ Place it to your phone sdcard
+ Reboot into recovery
+ install this zip
If you having any problem after installation than Wipe Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache and install the zip again
Thanks to
PS: I can't post screenshots now because I am in a hurry. I will later for sure. In this mod I have edited many PNG's and created many new PNG's myself. I also edited some xml files and added some new xml files for my modification. If you use these on your mod then please don't forget to give me credit.
If anyone can post some screenshot's then it will be helpful for others...
Reserved 2
pls post screenshots..
MDPI pls.... thz
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium

♧█▓▒░[ROM][4.1.2-LSW] WizzedKAT 3.3 OUT NOW !! ...Full S5 Taste + awesomeness ░▒▓█♧

♧█▓▒░[ROM][4.1.2-LSW] WizzedKAT 3.3 OUT NOW !! ...Full S5 Taste + awesomeness ░▒▓█♧
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WizzedKAT Rom !! ..
its based on WanamLite LSW ,it has all the previous note 3\SIV series
feutures with extras and its super stable and very smooth
and the reason behind going back to lsw is that is a lot more
stable for me for real ..also the rom is a lot lighter than my previous releases
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Kernel : Philz Stock + Recovery (V2.6 ONLY)
Modem : I9100XXLS8
Old Change-log(s)
- Note3-like Accuweather widget >>removed widget shadow,fixed rain effect bug - new layout
- s4 clock widgets ported
- ADaway included
- Kitkat Leaked ROM Status-bar icons with gradient
and fixed the lock-screen so it would also appear there too
- Partially Fixed Yamaha Chip noise on loud volumes using headphones (MusicFX,AudioEffectService mods)
- Latest Viper4Android app for amazing audio tuning
- Hovering Controls app for note3-like gestures
- Note 2 popup browser
- Mostly used "Removed apps"from NeatROM Aroma restored (Samsung apps,Samsung widgets..etc)
- Samsung Keyboard With Numbers row
- leaked kitkat styled fm radio app
- new inverted Google play store
- Flash Player Now Fully supported
- Music player is totally reworked (album arts,action bars)
- SamsungSans Font
- Note Pro Stock apps icons (~9)
- leaked-style stock launcher
- Note 2 gallery
- S-Note app instead of The Memo app
- S4 White multiwindow mod
- full s4 stock lock-screen(clock,wallpaper,flare effect)(no life companion)
- Galaxy Grand 2 wallpaper chooser (default home\lock screen are changed)
- s-health,s-planner widget included
- task manger shortcut
- Note 3-like Lidroid toggles
- Samsung s3 boot-animation with s4 sound
- note 3 ringtones,ui sounds,alarms ..etc
- Media Storage Fix
- new EXCLUSIVE WizzedKAT theme !! (framework,systemui elements reworking)
+New Tab Textures similar to that of The leaked rom
- rolle YouTube app icon with the official HQ one
- ported note 3 calculator
- phone & contacts
+removed ascending ringtone
+note 3 style dialer
+new elegant colors for contacts without pictures
- fixed some conflicting scripts and missing libs
- galaxy s3 video player port styled by me ..Now You can use it with dorimanx kernel
-Galaxy S5 full UI
+ S5 framework
+ S5 dialer**
+ S5 ui textures (tabs,action bars)**
+ in-app S5 sub-icons
+ S5 apps icons (there are some unique ones)**
-fixed some bugs in the dialer and contacts
-imported S4 toggles and styled them to S5 look
+S5 notification drawer thanks to "the-bomber"
-fixed lock-screen issues caused by the framework
-Samsung keyboard numbers row added to all languages**
-Galaxy S5-like touchwiz launcher**
-Galaxy S5-like calculator**
-Galaxy S5-like unique weather widget **
-Galaxy S5 3 wallpapers included in the wallpaper chooser**
-Galaxy S5 like setup wizard**
-more build.prop mods
-fixed all the previous system flaws (Google tts, video player crash...etc)
-flashing script fixed for custom recoveries as dorimanx (not sure)
(you can flash from any recovery u like BUT USE Gs2Wipe script first ! )
-updates S5 UI
-updated superuser
-new s5 updated notification drawer
-s5 themed "s4 settings app"
-s5 boot-animation with sound
-s5 lock-screen unlock effect "disable ripple to use"
-updated kernel to dorimanx V8.43+ Latest
-whole new s5 unique weather widget
-torch app added
-s4 lockscreen app added
-wallpaper chooser wallpapers changed COMPLETELY
-s5 S-Voice added
-s5 calculator added
-s5 launcher (its typical now )
-new system icons (fm radio,calendar,voice recorder,video player..etc)
-settings app now has several translations (theoretically it should have now)
-ota now no longer gonna bother you with new versions
-removed Sadvance (completely useless now)
-ink effect setting fixed
-Camera Modded app included
-a wholly updated notification drawer (icons are different from the bomber's one and also fixed some bugs)
-s5 calculator is working now
-status-bar gradient is now much darker
-settings app polish translation added
-some ui improvements (settings tabs,progress bars,notification drawer switches & header icons are exact now )
-updated inverted play store
-fixed camera quality issue
-script removes all tts files (download tts from play store to get svoice working)
-some settings ui improvements
-framework lock-screen issues fixed (not all)
-progress bars fixed
V2.6 Changelog
-updated the advanced lock-screen app (now can WHOLLY replace the stock lock-screen..pin,pattern,s5 effects)
-updated some ui elements in the framework,ui,some internal app resources
-status-bar gradient adjusting (now its dark blue as the background of apps)
-changing notification drawer icons (recolored the icons)
-back to philz kernel for super stability
-s4 settings now has the blue background ,some ui improvements
-fixed RTL language shaping
-fixed s-voice
-removed Googe TTS all together .. please download it from google play
-Fixed small camera texture glitches
-Fixed the locker app FC
-updated some framework elements
v2.7 OTA
-new battery semi transparent thanks to @vokal1992
-added kitkat easter egg (settings>about)
-added some missing libs including google tts and samsung tts
-attempt to get quick pin style in lock-screen [1/2]
-now you can adjust the status-bar as you like it with potato status-bar mod
(mod the statusbar from the app added in drawer)
v2.8 OTA
-fixed all the framework pin input bugs (hopefully)
-quick pin style from 4.2.2/4.3/4.4.x ported
-switches page now is 100% like s5 and fixed the small side incomplete texture issue
(thanks to @the-bomber again and again and again )
-popup buttons are more like s5 now .. the remaining bit is making the text on buttons white
(i removed the white buttons as they are hideous )
-reverted the battery icon indicators
-launcher counter ported from s5 directly
-updated some framework stuff
-notification drawer is now typically like galaxy s5
-new s5 keyboard
-fixed arabic fonts look
-updated framework.jar code attempting to fix the pin layout issue
-added more missing libs​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-fixed the pin lockscreen input issue
-updated framework
-reverted arabic fonts look
-settings app is updated with lots of translations (including danish )
-pop-up dialog black text buttons are now white ​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-s5 toggles little bar in the toggles like the s5
-updated framework
-s5 recent app drawer ported .. with the correct color
-fixed the big bars s5 port
-updated touchwiz launcher counter indicator and made the 3-dot smaller
-s4 settings updated the look of it for more s5-ish
-s5 lockscreen is updated and now it works as it should
-blurred lockscreen mod added (enabled by default,toggleable via build.prop)
-reverted arabic fonts look
-settings app is updated with lots of translations (including danish)
-pop-up dialog black text buttons are now white
quick fix :
========​-updated some missing textures in the framework and launcher ​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-updated dorimanx kernel to v8.34-official
-update settings app
-fixed s-voice
-added s5 assestive light widget
-added s5 app monitor widget
-added xposed framework
-updated s5 recent panel
-added s5 radio app
-added s5 voice recorder
-google tts fixes
-added galaxy s5 camera
-fixed s5 music player buttons
-updated s5 launcher
-added s5 icons to my files app
-removed blurred lockscreen mod (aroma possible)
-removed galaxy locker app (aroma possible)
-updated s5 launcher
-play store + services updated
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
updated to v3.3 ..
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Click to collapse
Video Review (V3.1):
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If u liked my rom please press the thanks button on topic or any of my posts
Coming From Stock : Please Use GS2ROMWipe
1: Flash philz kernel HERE
2: reboot recovery
3: wipe data/factory reset
4: Clean to install new rom
5: install zip from sd/internal sd card
6: Choose rom.zip
7: Flash
8: Reboot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
WizzedKAT 2.0 - Don't use OTA
WizzedKAT 2.1 - file1.info
WizzedKAT 2.1 - dev-host
WizzedKAT 2.5 - OTA Mega.co.z mirror
WizzedKAT 2.6 hotfix Only
WizzedKAT 2.6 + HOTFIX
WizzedKAT 2.8 OTA (use with 2.6+hotfix only)
WizzedKAT 2.9
WizzedKAT 3.0 (apply on v2.9 only )
WizzedKAT 3.1
v3.1 dual boot version
Quick Update NEW UI (v3.1 only)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
CWM Patches and Mods
Stock Green Battery Mod(fixed)**
Note 3 icons **
Modded Phone app with lots of Features
Note : if u are having media scanner error see here
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Paul Blake
X-Andev ​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
XDA;DevDB Information
WizzedKAT Rom , a Custom Rom for the Samsung Galaxy S II
-Troubadour666 (uploader)
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.3
Stable Release Date: 2014-06-20
Created 2014-01-30
Last Updated 2014-06-20
tips & notes​
- never use any object(s) from my rom in your own rom publicly without my permition ... I wont hesitate to report you
it took me hours of real hard solid work to provide a great rom for the community
- please don't use neatrom mods on this rom ,, althought they might be compatible but mostly you will lose most elements of the rom
so be aware of that and make a backup of mods u will flash..cause most of the time the mods u flash can cause issues
according to users reports
- samsungsans font isnt applied at the first boot ,please select it from settings>display>font>samsungsans
- "imo" dont change the ril because u may suffer a battery drain ..replace the modem as u like no problem with that
-to disable ota notifications go to OTA Updater>Settings>Uncheck Show Notifications
-if you want a full transparent status bar in v2.7+ use potato gradient app and do this
-settings app not translated to your language ?!! simple ... use this guide
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Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
umair42 said:
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
there was a bit of delay in posting the thread ..everything is fine now .... and there is a download link !!! :silly: :laugh:
rrgrrg said:
there was a bit of delay in posting the thread ..everything is fine now .... and there is a download link !!! :silly: :laugh:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Looking good.Will try it.Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thnxxxx alot
Downloading ...
Finally the best ROM is here lol..good work bud..and i noticed that your from مصر because am from jordan and i have to ask is it Gapps included?
Rom not booting :/
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
umair42 said:
Rom not booting :/
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please describe more ..this time i tested it and uploaded it !!
Beem Waitnig For Sth like This Thnx :good: ...
P.s Battery Life (Screen On time ?)
Great work.
Simply the "ROM" for GS2.
Unique to have all features can be supported by this phone.
This rom put the phone to maximum.
ArsildoAs said:
Beem Waitnig For Sth like This Thnx :good: ...
P.s Battery Life (Screen On time ?)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
2 hours in case of 24+ hours of idle
up to 5 hours in case of less than 24 hours idle
Definitely downloading
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
rrgrrg said:
Please describe more ..this time i tested it and uploaded it !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Rom keeps booting into recovery again and again.I reflashed but nothing happened.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
umair42 said:
Rom keeps booting into recovery again and again.I reflashed but nothing happened.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
u say its not booting and now its going to recovery .. make a full wipe before installing the rom please
rrgrrg said:
u say its not booting and now its going to recovery .. make a full wipe before installing the rom please
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I made full wipe and then flashed rom.It always goes to recovery automatically whenever i reboot.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
video player has stopped
umair42 said:
I made full wipe and then flashed rom.It always goes to recovery automatically whenever i reboot.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
bad download maybe? try re-downloading the rom hope it helps

