hello so i am new to rooting androids. i am trying to get the maximum battery life out of my phone. i was told that the combo of Adynalyne's Kernel verson a and Liquid Thundersense v1.45 rom make for good battery life. the thing is that i found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1024338 but it says under features that it is overclocked. were can i get a version of Adynalyne 2.0 that is undervolted and not overclocked. also when i also frond Liquid Thundersense v1.45 at but the link says rom&kernal.
and side not i think that the 10 post requirement to even post a replay on the "development-related forums" is just silly. im not starting a new thread i just want to post a reply.
IMO Das Bamf remix 1.6.3 with control freak 2.0 kernel does wonders for my phone's battery. I usually get 12-18hrs on my battery with BT on most of the time, occasional gps, moderate messaging, a couple of [email protected], a emails from 2 gmail accounts, 20-60 minutes of phone calls, also 4G with stock 1400 battery. Screen 20% with timeout 30 seconds. I run set cpu on smartass
Hey guys, just wanted to know which rom has the best battery life for the HTC Hero. Screw everything else! Actually speed could be a factor.. but I really just need a battery life that will last me forever. Thanks guys
Our phones are known to be exactly great on battery life, i am using elelinux-7.1.0-Hero-v2.6 rom, which is great on battery.. i can last about a day without using apps, just calls and texting... texting i can do unlimited, as it does not take a lot of battery, i have overclocked my phone to 691mhz and it varries betweem 576mhz on interactive and when the phone is off it varies between 352mhz and 576 mhz on smartass. user the HeroKernel elelinux has provided
Elelinux Speedmachine works very well for me. Great battery (well, 'great' for the hero). Speedmachine is also faster/smoother than GB.
If you want your battery to last...do you turn things off like sync, mobile data, wifi? Unless you really need to know if someone emails you or facebooks you i'd turn these off when you're putting the phone in your pocket. With speedmachine and GB's cyanogen mod settings you can put on the notification bar widget. i recommed using this with sync, mob data, wifi etc just for ease of switching them on/off.
mind, what works for one doesnt work for all. experiment.
It'd say VR13 or Cronos Gingerbread.
It's best to try a few for yourself since everyone has different user habits.
Scroll down to Manneman32's post about batterylife. Relevant stuff.
I finally quit over-thinking the sucky battery drain on the new Miui. Originally, I thought using the Bali Kernel would solve this (it did in the older versions) but on the new version 9.23 Miui, the Bali 2.21 would not flash.
Well, went back to my old way of thinking and doing, and just changed the voltage settings on the current kernel
The result was dramatic, went from 10 hours (100% to 5%) on my phone to 15 hrs (100% to 35%) This makes it good enough for me to work all day use my phone ( Phone, camera, text, video, etc) without having to do an interim recharge.
For those who need more on how to, here is a link along with the app you can use:
There is another link inside this posting that explains voltage settings you should read it will help you get the gist of UV settings
I set to 1.2 = -75mv, 1.0 = -50mv 800 = -50mv and 400 =-25mv
This worked well for me but you need to check to make sure it is stable.
Go to the Apps store and D/L "stability test" app. Very useful.
If you want a different app for voltage settings take a look at setVsel app it will also work well.
Either way, an easy fix with a very acceptable outcome.
Hope this helps some of you...
you may want to do some stability testing, because if you're not on Glitch ML or LL, -75uv on 1.2 tends to be unstable, at least in my experience. You have more leeway on the low end than the high. For instance, -50uv at 1ghz and above is typical for most users, but for 800 and below you can easily go to -100uv, or even -150uv or -200uv for 200mhz and 100mhz.
kaintfm said:
you may want to do some stability testing, because if you're not on Glitch ML or LL, -75uv on 1.2 tends to be unstable, at least in my experience. You have more leeway on the low end than the high. For instance, -50uv at 1ghz and above is typical for most users, but for 800 and below you can easily go to -100uv, or even -150uv or -200uv for 200mhz and 100mhz.
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Not Raining at all Like I said I used what worked for me, phones are all different and in my case my phone is a business tool so my approach has to more conservative and this works perfectly as configured for this phone.
I agree it does not resolve some of the bigger issues that Stockish Kernels possess, but under-volting did resolve the extreme battery drain I was experiencing.
I would prefer using Bali kernel by DrHonk but the new 9.23 Miui build had a few things added to it which will require a change of code and a re-syncing of the revised Bali kernel. DrHonk is aware and is working on this already. Until then, this fix will suffice until there is a update kernel release
BTW, thank you for the lower setting recommendations, I ll play around with that on the weekend.
Just updated the settings in my signature after a bit more testing with the Glitch Medium Leak (ML) Kernel. Was a little surprised that the settings were stable, but after 12hrs, they are rock solid, and battery life is noticeably better.
Did the same thing for my Samsung Fascinate (wifi only, as a poor-man's iPad) and while I couldn't get the settings above 1000mhz stable, the 1000mhz and under settings I used on my Vibrant were stable on the Fascinate as well.
Did you keep the other UV settings for example like 1.3 = -0mv or did you disable them (in SetCPU this is done by unchecking them)?
Just curious is most people who root/use custom ROMs overclock, and if so, what settings do you typically use in SetCPU?
I'm using a S2, rooted with latest Unnamed ROM and find myself contemplating if I should make any changes with SetCPU. Lots of options, and Unnamed has all the different governor options, etc. just really looking for some best practices that people who overclock often.
Would appreciate seeing what you consider to be stable overclock options that give a good boost without causing excessive heat/stability issues.
I'm coming at SetCPU with limited experience so I do appreciate any tips that might see rudimentary, or if there are better resources that teach about this I'd appreciate any links as would like to get a better technical understanding of all this. Thanks in advance.
I use No Frills CPU, and I just set it to 1.6 max/ondemand. Absolutely no heat issues or stability issues, so I just stuck with it. Battery life is good.
most maybe but only by a little bit. a good number of people underclock and undervolt their devices to try and get better battery life. to be honest, the newer phones dont need overclocking to handle the current apps and stuff. the older phones like the nexus one and older need overclocking tho. i leave my gs2 stock. what we really need is dual core support before OC becomes worth it on my phone. ymmv
I have never overclocked mine, phone runs smooth as butter at 1.2 so I don't see the need to go farther. Plus I like my battery lasting more than 24 hours...
I overclock my s2. im running unamed 1.3.0. I like run different speeds at different at different battery percents. 1.6 till 75% 1.4 till 50% 1.2 till 25% 1000 till 15% 800mhz till dead. i had some problems with 1.4 ghz but i tweeked the voltage and that did solved my problem. I'm at 50% battery with normal usage. display 1hr 25mn phone calls for 47min and android os for 56min. my phone doesn't get any hotter then it did before i overclocked. I just did it to say i did. It will prolly help a little unless you like emulators then it will help alot. i have to overclock my iconia a500 to 1.6 if i want to play n64 games.
I'm on UnNamed 1.3.1 with the latest entropy dd kernel and am very happy with the stock CPU speed
Sent from my Samsung GT-I9100
I don't have enough posts to ask this in the development thread.
I'm using ZenDroid-2.1.2 with the included Bali v1.8.8UV kernel.
This combo works great, but it will sometimes hang for 0.5-2 seconds before completing an action (opening an app, recognizing keyboard input).
This lag is really noticeable after coming CM7 with an OC kernel (I left because I need 911, GPS, and better battery life).
Any suggestions to get a snappier response? Should I try a different kernel?
Self-reply here.
I tried the Bali X 1.2 and and got sleep of death on stock settings. When I used set CPU at min 400 and max 1200 (both conservative) the battery went dead overnight from 78% and my alarm didn't go off.
Still looking.
I notice this too sometimes but it has never really bothered me. Some other kernels you can try are Stock KB5+Voodoo, DragonMODz, or Immortality.
DragonMODz is a good one, and while I've not used Immortality myself, I heard good things. Obviously none of these are really updated anymore but it's not really a big deal.
I see you've got Bali X as your kernel in your sig. What settings do you use?
Hey I am thinking about using the htcdev unlock on my 3D
What would yall say is the best kernel for performance and battery life?
also is there any scripts I could run or any tweaks I could do to get great battery life?
I know on my Evo 4g i ran the supercharger script and the vipermod script but im not sure if those would still work effectively on the 3D...
Any kernel with underclocking will do the trick. I am running Deck's Sense ROM and Ziggy kernel. It supports 1.8 ghz over clock. I use that and the phone is super smooth. Even with setCPU set to lag free, I get 12-18 moderate use. With setCPU on powersave (384mhz) there phone is just a bit laggy, buy I have gotten over 3.5 days of battery life with minimal usage.
nubie said:
Any kernel with underclocking will do the trick. I am running Deck's Sense ROM and Ziggy kernel. It supports 1.8 ghz over clock. I use that and the phone is super smooth. Even with setCPU set to lag free, I get 12-18 moderate use. With setCPU on powersave (384mhz) there phone is just a bit laggy, buy I have gotten over 3.5 days of battery life with minimal usage.
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That's impressive. I'm on Olympus and can go all day as long as I have good service or connected to wifi. Some people are getting pretty great numbers out of it, but I'm sure it depends on underclocking of course