[Q] REQ: Remove date from pull down shade - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

Hello kinda new to the Android platform but so far I am getting the hang of making good framework-res.apks (only editing images thou).
What I would like to find out is if there a way to remove the date from the pull down shade? If so maybe someone on here can point me in the right direction or make a mod to do this?


[Q] Move the notification bar?

Wondering if you can move the notification bar from the top to the bottom of the screen. Also have it open up instead of down. I would guess that there is something in the framework-res.apk but I ave no idea where to look. Anyone who could help would be nice thanks.
If somebody would port CM7 to archos then we could do that because CM7 has that feature built in.
cant port CM without a new recovery
That's not true.
The recovery makes updating of CM7 or other systems easier, but it is in no way neccessary for CM to work.
honestly i dont care if i get CM or not i just want to be able to move the notification bar. i like CM but i dont need it.

[Q] framework-res.apk & dianxinos-res.apk

Hey there everyone, I am wanting to edit my framework to get a better looking notification bar. I have an android phone called SH7218U, I am rooted with all Gapps.
If you look this up phone on Google, you will see that the notification bar and icons are very similar to stock Android 2.2 ( I am running 2.2.1). The only difference is that the signal bar is located to the left of the bar as well as some icons getting set there as well. You can really see this here: http://www.itechnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Sharp-SH7218U-Clamshell-Android-Phone.jpg
When going into root explorer and checking out system/framework I am see the familiar framework-res.apk file, but I also see an apk file called dianxinos-res.apk. It seesm to be able to mess with framework and change the UI and other things, both of these files need to be edited. This is just a guess though since I have been able to find a post on a Chinese forum that gives a new notification bar (the only difference being the battery icon replaced with a numerical battery representation and the (when bar is pulled down) shortcut to the useless built-in task killer is gone. Inside of the package to this new framework I get both framework and dianxinos files so it seems I would have to replace both of the old files with the new ones.
As you can see in the above image there are virtual android buttons on the bottom of the screen as well, for when you want to use the phone normally. I do not think that the dianxinos-res.apk is linked to the virtual buttons as exploring system/media/pics contain.bmp images of the virtual buttons and I have confirmation by another SH7218U user that editing these images will directly effect how they are displayed.
I was just wondering anyone know how to edit the framework when there are two files corresponding to this. I don't know much about editing the framework but even so I am quick to learn but figured I would just ask around before I do anything. Worst comes to worst, like a bootloop for instance, I have a system.img for my phone so flashing that with fastboot will get my phone working again.
Anyway, Ive uploaded both files in case anyone would like to look at them. I am trying to go for a gingerbread-esque notification bar with blue instead of green possibly.
If anyone thinks this thread would get better hits elsewhere I would appreciate any input.

[Q] Trying to change contact shortcuts

Hey everyone. I'm trying to make contacts look the way they do in some 3.5 and, from what I hear, older Sense builds. As an example, when creating a shortcut to a contact and let's say, making it a 'quick contact', there is no icon covering their face (like in AOSP, CM7 or SoaB), which I prefer. I'm trying to see if there's a way to get that effect in other Sense Roms where the shortcut type covers a quarter of the icon. I've tried pulling the contact app out of the system folder, and deleting the quick contact icon, also the black button png, but still no dice. So I'm hoping someone with some knowledge can point me in the right direction here. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

[Q] Help me create a bottom status bar mod!

hello, so I've been searching and searching for a way to move the status bar down to the bottom so I can flick it up to open it. I've seen it before in cm7 roms and reloaded ics for older nightlies of cm9 roms. I'm wondering how they do it... it seems like it's some BIG secret, because no one seems to know anything about this type of mod or where to start to create it. It's built in to the cm7 roms, and Reloaded ICS doesn't work for newer cm9 roms.
So here's my request.
1. Someone point me in the right direction of where to find the right xml files and values to edit to recompile a rom with a bottom status bar!
2. Someone help me port Reloaded ICS to either newer ICS builds or maybe even JB!
3. Someone tell me some kind of good news about finding any way of moving the status bar down and reversing the pulldown so it slides up! cuz I'm really getting sick of searching for guidance on this issue...
I swear, it's the final and only thing I desire to change about my phone...
I love AOKP so if we could integrate this status bar trick/mod into an aokp build, that'd be the best rom ever!
again...why is this so hard? this search has gone on long enough, I'm really starting to get fed up with people creating roms just because the source is new... I'd like to see more customizations with current roms, like a bottom status bar option! why was this left in the dust in cm7? why not keep the mod going in cm9 or 10? bahhh!
I've started to decompile framework-res.apk and systemUI.apk but I don't understand what to change to make this happen, there are several places where in certain xmls it specifies the gravity or position of things that sound like they'd have to do with where the status bar is and how it acts, but I really don't know where to start...
Please help! It sucks knowing what I want, having the available technology to create it, but no guidance or any info to start with!
I have attached a couple pics that i made from screenshots i took while running Full throttle's and Licorice's Fuzion Rom
My background is my wonton symbol and the little android at the bottom is my app drawer, there are other icons/folders beside him but they're invisible, haha!
So if anyone could help me with creating a rom that looks like these pics, I'd be eternally grateful!!!

[SOLVED][Q] E430- problems customizing notification background and drag handle

hey all, im pretty new to android development and have been trying to create a custom rom for my LG E430, all is going well tho. however i have came to a stumbling block.
i am currently working on my LGSystemUI.apk by customizing the statusbar and notification area, but i cant seem to find how to make the notification background transparent? any help is appreciated and i have added a screenie below so you know what im on about
managed to get it, turned out i needed to edit xmls in both framework-res and lge-res to get it to work. :silly:

