I've seen a lot of mods for the 1% battery, but they all are equipped with some sort of theme or something extra alongside it. I'm asking for only the mod that changes the battery to the 1%.
Any help is really appreciated
This is as close as you're gonna get:
I made a services.jar that does this and posted it in another thread.
I have attached a stock 1.83 services.jar with the 1% battery coding. This DOES NOT display the percentages in the icon, but does make the percentages available to the system. I have tested this on my system and it seems to work.
adb.exe push services.jar /data/tmp/
adb.exe shell
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
cp /system/framework/services.jar /system/framework/services.jar.BAK
cp /data/tmp/services.jar /system/framework/
mount -o ro,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
s0dhi said:
I made a services.jar that does this and posted it in another thread.
I have attached a stock 1.83 services.jar with the 1% battery coding. This DOES NOT display the percentages in the icon, but does make the percentages available to the system. I have tested this on my system and it seems to work.
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so how do i actually go about doing this?
lunzi88 said:
so how do i actually go about doing this?
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I updated my post with install instructions using adb.
Thanks. I should now be able to use the online kitchen to customize the battery icon to show the detailed percentage increment.
FWIW Battery Monitor Widget is able to display 1% increments..
scoob8000 said:
FWIW Battery Monitor Widget is able to display 1% increments..
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Yes, but this will work with all widgets and apps now, since the system will be reporting 1% increments.
Usual disclaimers apply. Don't try this if you don't know what you are doing! I won't be responsible for any damage to your NC. This isn't worth taking risks if you're not an experienced user.
Thank you.
I've edited services.jar and android.policy.jar to:
- hide the (no) Signal icon from status bar
- hide Carrier info from lock screen
Both files need to be pushed to system/framework.
For devs interest, this is what is required:
Decompile .jars baksmali, compile with smali: "smali/baksmali". Google it.
To hide network icon on status bar:
In services.jar, find StatusBarPolicy.smali in /com/android/server/status/, change lines 611 to 615 from:
move-result-object v3
iput-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/server/status/StatusBarPolicy;->mPhoneIcon:Landroid/os/IBinder;
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move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual {p2, v3, v6}, Lcom/android/server/status/StatusBarService;->setIconVisibility(Landroid/os/IBinder;Z)V
iput-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/server/status/StatusBarPolicy;->mPhoneIcon:Landroid/os/IBinder;
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To hide carrier info on lock screen:
In android.policy.jar, find LockScreen.smali in /com/android/internal/policy/impl/, change line 200 from:
const/4 v2, -0x1
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const/4 v2, -0x0
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Have fun.
Great work!
where is the file?
Works for me!
[email protected]+950+thumbkeyboard+GBTheme=loving it
Files are available.
I downloaded smali/baksmali and did this procedure for nf 0.6.7. using the services.jar and android.policy.jar from nf 0.6.7 and everything went smoothly. When I push them back to the nook, it doesn't boot. When I use yours, the nook boots fine. Will using your files from a different build on nf 0.6.7 cause some problems down the road?
If these framework changes could be coupled with the status bar soft button mod
We could have the best of both worlds.
For those that need this to be as easy as possible:
Originally Posted by nookierookie
This worked for me -- with modified steps. I unzipped the files to my host pc, adb shell mounted system as r/w, shell'd into the device and renamed all 4 files that are going to be replaced in system/framework/ "whatever.jar.bak" ... and so on. Then I pushed the individual files from the OP's zipped archive and rebooted. First boot took a while for the OS to get going -- and I had to re-log-in to my google credentials (weird), but it seems to all be working really well at the moment.
1. unzip OP's .zip to the default adb dir on your computer (or anywhere else, just know that when you're pushing those files with adb, you'll have to use the whole path ie: /Users/nookierookie/Desktop/framework.res instead of just framework.res)
2. from the command line on your host computer:
$ adb shell
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system
# cd /system/framework/
# mv android.policy.jar android.policy.jar.bak
# mv services.jar services.jar.bak
$ adb push android.policy.jar /system/framework/android.policy.jar
$ adb push services.jar /system/framework/services.jar
$ adb reboot
Thanks. This worked. On my tablet I did lose screen rotation. Also, if you notice, the cellular network bars are there. Some people will probably not care for those since we have no radio obviously . The drop down status bar is small like the current, but does not have the gray background. You'll see if you install it. No FC issues noticed though. Almost there solution wise!
I went back to stock.
$ adb shell
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system
# cd /system/framework/
# mv android.policy.jar.bak android.policy.jar
# mv services.jar.bak services.jar
adb reboot
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Pretty much quoting from another status bar mod... The guts are what is important.
Worked for me. Thanks!
chhaggerty said:
If these framework changes could be coupled with the status bar soft button mod
We could have the best of both worlds.
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+1 on this idea!
Well files can be different from one build to another. And make sure the. Jar you push is signed. Just use the original and replace changed files with archive manager..
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
chhaggerty said:
If these framework changes could be coupled with the status bar soft button mod
We could have the best of both worlds.
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+1 for this!
samuelhalff said:
Well files can be different from one build to another. And make sure the. Jar you push is signed. Just use the original and replace changed files with archive manager..
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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Thanks, it was the signature.
I wonder how hard this would be to implement over to the cm7 release?
18.4009 said:
I wonder how hard this would be to implement over to the cm7 release?
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I allready asked refer to this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=11486335&postcount=59
mrty4short said:
I allready asked refer to this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=11486335&postcount=59
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Ah, thanks for the heads up.
chhaggerty said:
If these framework changes could be coupled with the status bar soft button mod
We could have the best of both worlds.
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Another +1 to this! Have the status bar soft button mod installed already, but I'd love to be able to do this modification for the carrier notice removal, as well.
See nightly #15.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Thanks, Samuel. Since this was for Nookie Froyo only, does this mean I should just copy android.policy.jar, framework.jar, services.jar, and framework-res.apk from the Nightly #15 package and put them in my system/framework directory (running Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 from an SD card)? Those were the original files in the mod that were changed to add soft buttons to the status bar.
Or do I just need to replace the android.policy.jar and services.jar files, and leave the other two alone?
(Or thirdly, were you suggesting I just run CM7 instead of Nookie Froyo if I want this feature? )
#15 has an updated code allowing Devs to compile cm without the icon.
These attached files will only work for froyo.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I gotcha. I'm definitely not a Dev, so I thought your reply meant that a solution was already done integrating both modifications mentioned (carrier removal and soft buttons in status bar) and to just to grab those files and use them. As you can guess, that didn't end up working when I gave it a try.
So as of right now, there is still no solution that's been put out there to use both the carrier removal and the status bar soft buttons for Nookie Froyo users, it seems.
I know rookie1 decided not to pursue the soft buttons modification any further, and doing just that one ended up putting me into a continuous bootloop anyway, so it looks like I'll have to be content with just the carrier removal for now and SoftKeys (which is pretty great already, so that's not a bad thing).
Thanks for all your work, Samuel!
Ok this is a pre-release of some roms i will put out ... this is a Theme Called Black Rubix it has been adjusted to show if you are truly on 3g or 4g , It has Green Clock and Icons, Red Icons indicate that it is disconnected, H+ (4g) is green, H(3g) is blue etc etc you will get the idea, enjoy !!
Basic Install is unzip the blackrubix.7z
1. rename services.zip to services.jar
2. Back Up your current services.jar and framework-res.apk
3. adb push both to phone
4. adb shell
5. su
6. mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
7. cp /(Dir to pushed files)/(files) /sytem/framework PUSH SERVICES.JAR FIRST AS FRAMEWORK-RES.APK WILL REBOOT YOUR PHONE
8. exit
10. enjoy
looks good, might have to deodex my phone...
Can you share the wallpaper?
plmiller0905 said:
Can you share the wallpaper?
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the wallpaper is set as default when you load the theme all my themes change wallpaper to match
Super slick theme. Thanks!
EDIT: Any chance you can integrate the power down menu options that DG had put into Adeo? When I hold power it now just reboots.
I have been using Thyrus' GingerThyparancy theme for quite awhile now. Unfortunately the 2.3.4 update is incompatible with the theme and Thyrus is no longer supporting this theme for the EVO3D. I'd like to take a shot at making this compatible with 2.3.4 but I am not sure what files need to be changed. Can someone with theming experience or knowledge of how to do this try and point me in the right direction? THanks in advance.
mlin said:
I have been using Thyrus' GingerThyparancy theme for quite awhile now. Unfortunately the 2.3.4 update is incompatible with the theme and Thyrus is no longer supporting this theme for the EVO3D. I'd like to take a shot at making this compatible with 2.3.4 but I am not sure what files need to be changed. Can someone with theming experience or knowledge of how to do this try and point me in the right direction? THanks in advance.
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the files most commonly changed are:
--core framework
--clock / lock ring
--lock screen
--libs (keyboard predictive text/spell check)
depending on the theme, you would do some of these, all of these, or all of these and then some more...
chad.goodman said:
the files most commonly changed are:
--core framework
--clock / lock ring
--lock screen
--libs (keyboard predictive text/spell check)
depending on the theme, you would do some of these, all of these, or all of these and then some more...
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Ok, thanks you. Within those files is it just a matter of renaming .pngs to match the image I want to replace or do I need to edit .xml files as well?
Icy Fusion ROM
Final: v2.3
~~The best ICS experience..on Gingerbread!~~ Fast and smooth! Crazy battery life!
klin1344 said:
Hi everyone,
I am sorry to say that I will be retiring this ROM. I will be receiving my HTC One S next week, and most of my development efforts will be focused over in those forums. I won't abandon the 4.0 completely, but this will be my last ROM for it, with no more future updates. I also feel that this ROM is pretty complete and definitely usable for a stable daily driver.
I want to thank the community who supported my development, and my ROMs have been a good learning experience for me. But too bad the galaxy players were never very popular with developers...
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my work here. Links will always be available.
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As you probably all know, I have ditched Klassic and letting hanthesolo continue it. I was going to make a SGS2-styled ROM, but instead I chose a total ICS-styled ROM instead due to the popularity of Android 4.0. I will be maintaining this ROM in two builds--one based on G1UEKI8 (USA) and another based on XXKPQ (INTL). Using an INTL ROM on a US player, and a US ROM on an INTL player caused too many issues (bluetooth, home button, toggles, etc), so I have decided to do it this way for better integration and the best possible experience. As of now it is not very different from Klassic (or Stratus), but as I make new releases it will have more and more features. Also it will be flashable with CWM. Enjoy
v1 (6/18/12)
- complete ICS theme (even better themed than Klassic, just look at the screenshots)
- swapped internal USB storage and external SD card (see 3rd post on how to revert)
- Holo Launcher installed
- ICS transitions + Roboto Fonts
- ICS clock widget
- deodexed
- zipaligned
- smooth scrolling mod (a.k.a. disabled scrolling cache in framework)
- smooth spinners mod
- CRT screen off animation
- 14 statusbar toggles
- "Device ID" hack ~now apps like XDA, Whatsapp, Tap Tap Revenge, and any app that needs a unique device id will run and not force close~ (XXKPQ uses Meticulus' hack, G1UEKI8 uses a slightly different method, but still same result)
- advanced powermenu with reboot, recovery, and download
- Supercharged with V6 Supercharger
- my own init.d scripts (you can look at the notes in the "55tweaks" file to see what I put in there)
- improved battery life
- I/O performance enhancements
- better performance
- TerraSilent as the default CPU governor
- plus more
- fixed performance and freezing issues from Klassic R5 (note: this ROM is completely made from scratch from stock, not based on Klassic or another ROM)
- fixed bluetooth issues from Klassic R5
- loads of build.prop tweaks
- debloated (I will attach the apps that I removed if you still want them)
- latest SU Binary
- BusyBox 1.20.1
- RFS filesystem ---> /system doesn't need to be on EXT4 because you are not constantly writing data on it
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v1.1 (6/19/12)
- more init.d scripts for unbeatable battery life and performance
- loopy smoothness script
- sysctl tweaks for speed
- added SuperSU
- fixed the busybox symlink problems in v1
- released the INTL build
- busybox 1.19.3
- updated theme (look at screenshots)
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v2.0 (6/21/12)
- disabled zCache by default --> to enable, go in 55tweaks and delete the '#' in front of "insmod /lib/modules/zcache.ko"
- implemented swipe to remove notifications
- added CRT screen ON animation
- improved touch responsiveness
- disabled start up sounds
- set an ICS wallpaper as default
- added 5 new ICS wallpapers in Wallpaper Gallery
- Galaxy Nexus bootanimation
- improved the implementation of the device id hack
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v2.1 (6/23/12)
- FIXED BLUETOOTH!! and still Supercharged
- more battery life tweaks
- more performance and responsiveness tweaks
- fixed powermenu "Reboot Download"
- added TouchWiz 4.0 modified by me
- GT-I9000 Settings.apk (more options)
- completely re-designed Settings.apk
- ICS themed + added HoloLauncher Settings (see screenshots)
- "IcyFusion ROM" selection in Settings is a shortcut to device status
- succesfully smali'ed out (removed) "Call Settings" from the Settings.apk
- updated Holo Launcher to v1.0.5
- updated SuperSU to v0.92
- now /system is on EXT4
- ODIN package until CWM /data issues are sorted out
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v2.2 (6/24/12)
- used stock Settings.apk, but still designed the same as v2.1
- fixed the setup wizard loop
- cleaned up init.d scripts
- added a lot more init.d speed tweaks
- added DSP Manager apk + libs
- added Zeam Launcher
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v2.3 (6/26/12)
- optimized EXT4 mounts in init.d scripts (fast i/o performance; I got 2300 in Quadrant with only stock 1Ghz)
- added transparent background theme --> see post 3 on how to change the background picture
- optimized auto brightness levels for battery life
- stock sd card and internal storage mounts
- improved ICS theme
- Youtube HD apk
- fixed DSP Manager, and now every feature works
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*Simply flash in CWM*
*v2.1 & up flash with ODIN*
wipe data if you are have issues
v1: http://d-h.st/wWE
v1.1: http://d-h.st/jyP
v2.0: http://d-h.st/jGF
v2.1: http://d-h.st/W0I
v2.2: http://d-h.st/WYB
v2.3: http://d-h.st/mPa
v1: none; look for v1.1
v1.1: http://d-h.st/ILv
v2.0: none
INTL users please try the US version and post here if there are issues
Sorry, I will have to drop support for INTL players because it is too difficult to keep flashing, modding, and testing both builds of the ROM. I understand that 2.3.5 caused a reboot issue on INTL players when the headphones are plugged in. If somebody could please post a logcat, and I will try and see what I can do to fix the issue. Thanks.
Special thanks to:
Dark_Balor for improving the kernel for our device
zeppelinrox for his V6 SuperCharger
Meticulus for his Device ID hack for 2.3.6
Vertumus for some parts of his ICS Domination Theme
dsixda for his kitchen
And many others I probably forgot to mention
Extras and add-ons
Extras and Add-ons
Here I will attach some miscellaneous add-ons for my ROM.
How to manually wipe and format data into EXT4
1. Boot into CWM recovery. Make sure you are using the latest TerraSilent kernel.
2. Type 'adb shell' in command prompt or Terminal.
3. Type the following code:
umount /data
umount /dbdata
umount /cache
mke2fs -f ext4 -b 4096 -O ^huge_file,^dir_nlink,^ext_attr,^resize_inode,^extra_isize -m 0 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
mke2fs -f ext4 -b 4096 -O ^huge_file,^dir_nlink,^ext_attr,^resize_inode,^extra_isize -m 0 /dev/block/stl10
mke2fs -f ext4 -b 4096 -O ^huge_file,^dir_nlink,^ext_attr,^resize_inode,^extra_isize -m 0 /dev/block/stl11
4. Reboot. Or you can follow below on how to disable EXT4 journaling (don't reboot), which GREATLY improves i/o performance. Note that every time you boot into recovery, /data get wiped into RFS again due to a CWM bug. I suggest that you do not boot into recovery again after rebooting unless you really need to.
To disable EXT4 journaling
1. Make sure you have flashed my ROM, as it includes some tools for this procedure.
2. Unmount the partitions if they aren't already:
umount /data
umount /cache
umount /dbdata
4. Follow:
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/block/stl10
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/block/stl11
5. You're done! Now you can reboot, and see the massive jump in Quadrant, especially if you're using ROM v2.3 and up.
How to change the background wallpaper theme
For v2.3, I've enabled the use of a custom wallpaper theme, which will show up in many apps. If you don't like the picture I used, you can replace it yourself with these very simple instructions.
1. Copy the /system/framework/framework-res.apk from your player.
2. Using an archiver, like winzip or 7zip, open the apk.
3. Find any 480x800 png image that you like, and name it screen_background_dark_transparent.png
4. Drag it into the res/drawable-hdpi/ folder of the apk. It will replace the original one in there.
5. Copy framework-res.apk back, and make sure to set permissions rw-r--r--. Reboot.
- Stock vold.fstab (for stock usb storage and sd card mounts): http://d-h.st/FKL
This is how to install
cd [B]*directory of the file*[/B]
adb remount
adb push vold.fstab /system/etc
Or simply just copy/paste with root explorer and reboot.
reserved again
It looks nice. I have 1 suggestion. It is possible to put the SGSII lockscreen into it? It would be perfect! (for me though I don't know for the others)
zaclimon said:
It looks nice. I have 1 suggestion. Is it possible to put the SGSII lockscreen into it. It would be perfect! (for me though I don't know for the others)
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I could try, and maybe upload a framework-res specifically for people who want an SGS2 lockscreen.
I am trying to get INTL support for this ROM, but unfortunately I noticed that with XXKPQ if I use dsixda's kitchen I get this error when trying to use busybox:
Any busybox applet will result in the same...
It doesn't happen on 2.3.5 G1UEKI8 though.. I have tried unrooting and rerooting, using the install busybox option with kitchen, reinstalling busybox, but nothing seems to work.
So..for now I will only be supporting US devices until someone can either help me get rid of this error or at least help me find another INTL ROM that I can base my work off of.
Nice! It seems we are branching off, you to theming and features, I to raw performance . Just from one dev to another, did you fix bluetooth by unullifying? Also, how did you get framework-res to successfuly recompile without FC's? I tried doing it, and it basically blew up my Gplayer. Maybe using a apk decompiler is not the way to go...Argh, I hate windows, I never have these issues in Ubuntu...
Finally, where did you find his deviceid hack? when I got to his thread he had nuked all of his work...sad that someone would try and rip off his hundreds of hours of work.
hanthesolo said:
Nice! It seems we are branching off, you to theming and features, I to raw performance . Just from one dev to another, did you fix bluetooth by unullifying? Also, how did you get framework-res to successfuly recompile without FC's? I tried doing it, and it basically blew up my Gplayer. Maybe using a apk decompiler is not the way to go...Argh, I hate windows, I never have these issues in Ubuntu...
Finally, where did you find his deviceid hack? when I got to his thread he had nuked all of his work...sad that someone would try and rip off his hundreds of hours of work.
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I use apkmanager to modify my apks if I'm on windows, but if I just happen to be using Linux and I'm too lazy to reboot I use apktool (which requires more work though). For the device id hack, it was a method in framework.jar. Copying and pasting that method from Meticulus's worked for 2.3.6, but would cause a bootloop on 2.3.5 US. So I looked at the logcat and used a modified version of this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=955847 for my deviceid hack.
I hate editing smali though...it's so difficult to understand.
klin1344 said:
I use apkmanager to modify my apks if I'm on windows, but if I just happen to be using Linux and I'm too lazy to reboot I use apktool (which requires more work though). For the device id hack, it was a method in framework.jar. Copying and pasting that method from Meticulus's worked for 2.3.6, but would cause a bootloop on 2.3.5 US. So I looked at the logcat and used a modified version of this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=955847 for my deviceid hack.
I hate editing smali though...it's so difficult to understand.
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Thanks! I used apk manager, but it still did not work without fc....maybe i will try a different tool (for some reason it will not recognize adb or aapt in ubuntu even though I can run the commands from the terminal.
It seems we have competing roms now...may the best dev win.
Sent from my Galaxy Player Running my Stratusrom.
hanthesolo said:
Thanks! I used apk manager, but it still did not work without fc....maybe i will try a different tool (for some reason it will not recognize adb or aapt in ubuntu even though I can run the commands from the terminal.
It seems we have competing roms now...may the best dev win.
Sent from my Galaxy Player Running my Stratusrom.
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Ummm...don't forget that your work is still based off of my work
Editing smali and the framework for new features (powermenu, toggles, etc) is the real ROM work...hehe
Besides, I'm not here to compete; I just want to share my work.
Point taken, I just wanted some friendly competition, it helps to make work go faster.
But, I would like to see you spend 3 hours fixing init.d scripts, and tweaking sysctl for best ram usage.
My point is, we are both skilled in completely different areas. I am better at some things, and You blow past me in others. It just comes down to the users preference.
klin1344 said:
I am trying to get INTL support for this ROM, but unfortunately I noticed that with XXKPQ if I use dsixda's kitchen I get this error when trying to use busybox:
Any busybox applet will result in the same...
It doesn't happen on 2.3.5 G1UEKI8 though.. I have tried unrooting and rerooting, using the install busybox option with kitchen, reinstalling busybox, but nothing seems to work.
So..for now I will only be supporting US devices until someone can either help me get rid of this error or at least help me find another INTL ROM that I can base my work off of.
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Ugh..I just found out that it is the same with G1UEKI8 as well.
I flashed my factoryfs.rfs version and busybox worked, so I will upload the factoryfs in an Odin package tomorrow. From now on the roms will have to be flashed through Odin until I can find a fix.
Sent using Tapatalk
klin1344 said:
I am trying to get INTL support for this ROM, but unfortunately I noticed that with XXKPQ if I use dsixda's kitchen I get this error when trying to use busybox:
Any busybox applet will result in the same...
It doesn't happen on 2.3.5 G1UEKI8 though.. I have tried unrooting and rerooting, using the install busybox option with kitchen, reinstalling busybox, but nothing seems to work.
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I have that same issue on my device (different rom). Busybox works fine; the issue is that somehow the symlinks got corrupted (hence the not found and weird characters). I fixed it (post-install) by deleting the broken files and recreating the symlinks in /system/xbin. You might want to check your updater-script or the 'install-busybox.sh' file the kitchen creates.
Sent from my 5.0 USA GenGin + ICS theme
Flash Tool for this ROM
Which flashing utility/method do you recommend for this ROM?
Mevordel said:
I have that same issue on my device (different rom). Busybox works fine; the issue is that somehow the symlinks got corrupted (hence the not found and weird characters). I fixed it (post-install) by deleting the broken files and recreating the symlinks in /system/xbin. You might want to check your updater-script or the 'install-busybox.sh' file the kitchen creates.
Sent from my 5.0 USA GenGin + ICS theme
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Thank you. So all I have to do is just recreate the symlinks in /system/xbin? I didn't think it would be that easy
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If we did all that ext4 foo foo should we go back to stock before flashing?
rozelle25 said:
If we did all that ext4 foo foo should we go back to stock before flashing?
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No need to. It will still work fine with ext4 partitions.
Sent using Tapatalk
What you need to do is make a list of all of the files in /system/xbin that are there after flashing but aren't in your working folder's system/xbin. Those are the (broken) symlinks created by the installbusybox.sh script at the root of your zip. You need to put a symlink command in your updater-script for each of those (referring to the lines already there), and then you can delete the installbusybox.sh script and the updater-script lines referring to it.
Sent from my 5.0 USA GenGin + ICS theme
Everytime I try to turn on Wifi it says error and bluetooth still doesnt work... besides that everything seems to be working fine is there a reason why my wifi wont start?
I've only owned Motorola smart phones. These originated from my days with the Motorola Droid Bionic, then the original Motorola Droid X and now the Motorola Nexus 6. Theoretically, this should drain your battery faster but I haven't noticed much of a drain. What I have noticed is performance increase. About approximately 20,000 jump in score using Antutu bench mark. I did notice some hang ups when I tried to change my battery mode to performance in settings>battery>battery saver and performance>device performance . This should stay and be set at "Performance profile: Balanced" .
*init.d support needed
Instructions -
1. Download zip file
2. Extract, mount /system, and move extracted scripts to /system/etc/init.d
3. Set permissions of scripts to 755 (chmod 755) in terminal emulator or using root-explorer or similar program
4. Reset phone and score!
Can you explain what it does? And what it changes? Thanks i want to try. Does it prevent the phone from throttling at low battery?
Your super script is certainly something wonderful, but honestly best would be to explain what it does. I doubt people will execute a script on their device without knowing what it exactly does. Maybe remove everything (rm -rf /*) ?
Thank you for details about this black box.
I looked through the scripts and they should be safe. Mostly they are just sysctl tweaks, cache and junk file deletions, and some fstab tweaks. You will need BusyBox to do a few of the tweaks too. Nothing extreme such as an rm -rf /*
Thanks. Just some scripts I had been using and wanted to share. If people want to know what each line of code does they are welcome to google or ask specifically. Enjoy.
flashable script??