Here is the HTC Sensation QHD Keyboard - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

sonmeone posted it for me in the Sensation forum. BUT how do I install it on the Atrix? Can it be done?

Bump for this

It will.not download
sent from my gingerblur 3.5 atrix

AndreaCristiano said:
It will.not download
sent from my gingerblur 3.5 atrix
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Downloads fine for me, isn't installing though.
Anyone figure this out?

Try placing it in /system/app and setting correct permissions then rebooting? Just an idea.

Won't work. Its still odexed. Need someone to deodex and port it.
Sent from my Atrix (4G?)

Won't work for me either but I think my friend has it in his drop box. I'll check

would like to see this as well!

Fixing to deodex and post the apk shortly.
UPDATE: Deodexed it. Will not install the easy way and dropping the apk in /system/app/ with the correct permissions also does not work but at least its deodexed rightttt
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

If you don't mind can you direct me to a good tutorial on deodexin?

thats because the package probably had dependencies on other htc frameworks... still needs to be ported...

Yea that's what I figured
sent from my gingerblur 3.5 atrix with clock delete & motokeyboard

fykick said:
If you don't mind can you direct me to a good tutorial on deodexin?
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Sure will. I've found the link below to be the easiest imo.
Going to download the sensation rom dump so I can get the lib file to go with the kb because I think that's really the only other dependent file
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

matthebe said:
thats because the package probably had dependencies on other htc frameworks... still needs to be ported...
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i'll post this in the Dev section and see what they can do

Very cool can't wait to see this work
sent from my gingerblur 3.5 atrix with clock delete & motokeyboard & secret theme mwuuuhhahaha


Rotating Roise (Homescreen landscape) for Virtuous Doubleshot

First off, Thanks to Google/Android, XDA Developers, Virtuous Doubleshot, other Android posts, which got me to this.
Virtuous Doubleshot released for Glacier & Vision, both support home screen landscape version. Rosie.apk is same for both the versions, but it is hardware keyboard driven, so it doesn't work on ur HTC Glacier/myTouch 4G.
Here is how U do it:
1. Take a backup of ur /system/app/Rosie.apk. Pull the Rosie.apk to ur host PC.
2. Using apktool, decompile** the Rosie.apk. (apktool d -f -t glacier Rosie.apk)
3. Open Rosie/AndroidManifest.xml & replace all "nosensor" to "sensor".
4. Using apktool, recompile the Rosie.apk. (apktool b Rosie Roise.apk)
5. After this, you need to sign the apk & zipalign it. Done, good to go...!!!
6. Mount ur /system read-write.
7. Push back the signed version of Rosie.apk to /system/app.
8. Reboot (probably not necessary. but it will be clean setup i thought).
**-> U might get some errors at step 2, to fix that,
1. pull & framework-res.apk from the device or ur Virtuous Doubleshot.
2. Add these resources to apktool base.
(apktool if glacier)
(apktool if framework-res.apk glacier)
3. Now continue with Step 3 & 4. It should work fine.
I was able to do this & it worked pretty well. Just remember, I tried this not to publish but to put it on my phone, so if you end up bricking(highly impossible i think), or losing data(again, i dint face this), I don't take any responsibility.
Moreover, you may not be able to do this on other ROM releases for myTouch 4G. This can only be done on the ROM ports which have landscape support, technically speaking, Rosie.apk must have landscape resources under Rosie/res/. Otherwise it will not work!
Hope its useful, Im posting this bcoz I googled a lot for myTouch 4G/Glacier HomeScreen rotation/landscape support etc & there wasn't even a single post yet.
*** one last thing, my original Rosie.apk was ~21MB, but the recompiled version is 3.2MB. I don't know why, please let me know if you know why. But the 3.2MB recompiled version seem to work fine!!!
** best, after reading, found tat u can rather use "user" instead of "sensor", this will b more user friendly. if u disable auto rotation in settings -> display, home screen will not rotate for "user", but for "sensor", its forced.. ur phone, ur call..
Tried the same procedure for Phone.apk/HTCContacts.apk/HTCDialer.apk, but not much of use. Dialer wont rotate landscape. Contacts also, only if u select a contact, it will rotate for tat contact. I wish Contacts/Dialer rotated landscape, especially if u r connected using headset, u dont need to rotate phone portrait to answer/make calls, right! Help me, if u figure out a way to make those apps landscape.
Would you be willing to post a working version? I'm willing to try it, I just don't have access to those tools.
Sent from my mytouch 4G using XDA Premium
Absolutely!! Try this upload. (pull your original Rosie.apk, to revert if u have to).
I changed to Virtuous Unity 2.35 yesterday.. Tough to make tat landscape.
phanirvcse said:
Absolutely!! Try this upload. (pull your original Rosie.apk, to revert if u have to).
I changed to Virtuous Unity 2.35 yesterday.. Tough to make tat landscape.
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Thanks. Will try this out.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
phanirvcse said:
Absolutely!! Try this upload. (pull your original Rosie.apk, to revert if u have to).
I changed to Virtuous Unity 2.35 yesterday.. Tough to make tat landscape.
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The uploded rosie.apk just fc's the device when device is rebooted.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
coupetastic-droid said:
The uploded rosie.apk just fc's the device when device is rebooted.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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Mmm...are you running the double shot ROM?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
I used your apk. It worked perfectly! Thanks.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
Yup. It is working beautifully on mine as well. Btw, I am running the eng bootloader.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
Hey. You should pass this info on to evil d. Maybe he can make it part of the ROM, either an updated ROM or just a patch.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
coupetastic-droid said:
The uploded rosie.apk just fc's the device when device is rebooted.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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Do you have the stock hboot or eng hboot? I have the engineering hboot.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
sorry. I quoted my response instead of editing it. This is me fixing it.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
bigwillyg said:
Hey. You should pass this info on to evil d. Maybe he can make it part of the ROM, either an updated ROM or just a patch.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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Thanks a lot. I'm new to xda & this is my first post, so no idea ow to pass this info to evil D. If U know ow to pass this info to Virtuous Doubleshot dev team, plz lemme know.
coupetastic-droid said:
The uploded rosie.apk just fc's the device when device is rebooted.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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Is it? Sorry!
Can u share ur stock Rosie.apk? Also, share ur, framework-res.apk, u can find them under /system/framework. Or try this, open ur stock Rosie.apk using winzip/winrar & check if u av "assets/land" or "asset/land" folder, if u don't, u probably cant use this mod.
phanirvcse said:
Thanks a lot. I'm new to xda & this is my first post, so no idea ow to pass this info to evil D. If U know ow to pass this info to Virtuous Doubleshot dev team, plz lemme know.
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I just posted a link to this thread in the virtuous Doubleshot thread telling them about it. You can try that and maybe offer up the same file you posted here.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
Sorry guys I thought it was for any rom. I'm not running doubleshot sorry.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
coupetastic-droid said:
Sorry guys I thought it was for any rom. I'm not running doubleshot sorry.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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Nyway U shud try Virtuous Doubleshot...
bigwillyg said:
I just posted a link to this thread in the virtuous Doubleshot thread telling them about it. You can try that and maybe offer up the same file you posted here.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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Thank U. Just did. Hope to c it included in d next release. lol. (Damn.. Y m i limited to only 5 "Thanks" hits per day.. )
phanirvcse said:
Nyway U shud try Virtuous Doubleshot...
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I did. Was running it for a week. Didn't like the mysense look that much and that it didn't have shortcuts in the lockscreen. So I stuck with vu.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
coupetastic-droid said:
I did. Was running it for a week. Didn't like the mysense look that much and that it didn't have shortcuts in the lockscreen. So I stuck with vu.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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Makes sense. But rest of the UI is just mind blowing. Nobody released a lockscreen UI to allow shortcuts??? VU is awesome too. Thanks to all these Great ppl bringing out new ROMs each day & porting them all to Glacier.

Flashable zips recommend

Can anyone whip up a sprint lovers icons zip please? I remember on the OG4G they had one and i used to keep it on my sd card at all times just for when i was on a sense rom lol. Is this doable for the 3D?
Joey_UFC said:
Can anyone whip up a sprint lovers icons zip please? I remember on the OG4G they had one and i used to keep it on my sd card at all times just for when i was on a sense rom lol. Is this doable for the 3D?
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Are you talking about these?
I'd say at least test to see if it works for you. If it doesn't well see what we can do. It may just need to be repackaged in the newest SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk.
Yea those are it but that thread is outdated. They only work on supra version 2.3.3 and viper rc1. He's on 2.1 now LOL
There a way were they can be flashable to any ROM and not just a rom in particular
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Joey_UFC said:
Yea those are it but that thread is outdated. They only work on supra version 2.3.3 and viper rc1. He's on 2.1 now LOL
There a way were they can be flashable to any ROM and not just a rom in particular
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Yes and no. There are a lot of mods out there that seem to be ROM specific. I can add the files to the framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk of a stock deodexed ROM and make a flashable out of that. It'll at least be something more up to date.
Joey_UFC said:
Yea those are it but that thread is outdated. They only work on supra version 2.3.3 and viper rc1. He's on 2.1 now LOL
There a way were they can be flashable to any ROM and not just a rom in particular
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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any ROM with tweaks needs specific fr-res.apk and sysUI.apk from that ROM, so no, universal cannot be done.
Damn that sucks, didn't know **** worked like that
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
triscuit1983 said:
Yes and no. There are a lot of mods out there that seem to be ROM specific. I can add the files to the framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk of a stock deodexed ROM and make a flashable out of that. It'll at least be something more up to date.
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You mind doing that to Viper rom R2.1
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Scratch that Olympus just for an update that will be my daily for a bit
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Joey_UFC said:
Scratch that Olympus just for an update that will be my daily for a bit
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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I can put something together this evening. I've already got the icons out, I just need to download the ROM and add the icons to the apks. I'm at work and data sucks. It takes like 2 hours to download a ROM. So I'll do it when I get home. Unless someone beats me to it.
After looking in the Olympus apks, do you want to match the theme and make stat bars and battery red? Or do you want to keep them green? I can make the standard green version into a flashable and a red version too if you like.
triscuit1983 said:
After looking in the Olympus apks, do you want to match the theme and make stat bars and battery red? Or do you want to keep them green? I can make the standard green version into a flashable and a red version too if you like.
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I think stock would be fine, I don't want you go through the trouble and then I end up not liking them or something lol
I appreciate it by the way.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Earlier you said something about roms with tweaks need them built differently or something right? Olympus ROM is the only ROM I know of that does not have tweaks so I hope that makes it easier for you in case you didn't know
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Here is Sprint Lover icons added to Olympus apks. I've tested it and it's working for me.
triscuit1983 said:
Here is Sprint Lover icons added to Olympus apks. I've tested it and it's working for me.
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Thanks man cant wait to try these out! You should message androidOsx and let him know so he will put them in his OP. If you want to of course. That rom can use some theming
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Btw I tried those on Wildshooter and it works there as well. Your the man dude thanks
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

[Req] Sense 4 HtcIME

Found a nodded version of it already... But it kept forceclosing. Guessing it wasn't tweaked correctly for 3.6. Can someone with the knowhow out there tweak the HTCIME from 4.0 to work with 3.6? I like the look of it a lot better,plus it adds the directional pad to boot which would make life a lot easier at times =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
AndroidAutobot said:
Found a nodded version of it already... But it kept forceclosing. Guessing it wasn't tweaked correctly for 3.6. Can someone with the knowhow out there tweak the HTCIME from 4.0 to work with 3.6? I like the look of it a lot better,plus it adds the directional pad to boot which would make life a lot easier at times =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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do you have a link? i can check it out for you.
also, try just getting the keyboard from a sense 4 rom from the one x
ziggy46 said:
do you have a link? i can check it out for you.
also, try just getting the keyboard from a sense 4 rom from the one x
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Since this is the only one I found in a very long search, I gave it a shot anyways, understandable that it didn't work since its probably tweaked for vanilla android -
Hmm... Short of installing a Rom and extracting the apk with astro, jot sure of the vest method to successfully extract. Simply digging through the one S's Rom and extracting the apk from the zip directly failed (I got "did not install" from package installer). If there's a better way to extract the apk error free that might be all it takes to get it working for us =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Now we're talkin.
I don't have the luxury of creating a back up at the moment because I'm waitin for my girl to be off of work and need to leave my phone on for the time being.
Can someone confirm whether this one works for us ICS Amazers or not? It's from the One S ROM -
I imagine this keyboard isn't this high in demand yet because not a lot have had the opportunity to see it, but its EAY better =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
AndroidAutobot said:
Now we're talkin.
I don't have the luxury of creating a back up at the moment because I'm waitin for my girl to be off of work and need to leave my phone on for the time being.
Can someone confirm whether this one works for us ICS Amazers or not? It's from the One S ROM -
I imagine this keyboard isn't this high in demand yet because not a lot have had the opportunity to see it, but its EAY better =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Testing right now.
AndroidAutobot said:
Now we're talkin.
I don't have the luxury of creating a back up at the moment because I'm waitin for my girl to be off of work and need to leave my phone on for the time being.
Can someone confirm whether this one works for us ICS Amazers or not? It's from the One S ROM -
I imagine this keyboard isn't this high in demand yet because not a lot have had the opportunity to see it, but its EAY better =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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It failed to install. By just clicking.
Yep, that's what I've been seeing. Can anyone get this IME to work with our ICS? It's worth the effort. Let me tell ya. If anyone is curious, all you gotta do is walk into a t mobile store and play around with a One S for a few mins =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
AndroidAutobot said:
Yep, that's what I've been seeing. Can anyone get this IME to work with our ICS? It's worth the effort. Let me tell ya. If anyone is curious, all you gotta do is walk into a t mobile store and play around with a One S for a few mins =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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You got that right.
Instead of trying to install it, push the apk to system/app. Make sure to set permission first before pushing.
Remember to back up your stock IME.
coupetastic-droid said:
Instead of trying to install it, push the apk to system/app. Make sure to set permission first before pushing.
Remember to back up your stock IME.
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Please don't do what the guy above me said...It wont will only be able to talk to your phone and loose keyboard funtion
For WORKING Sense 4 replica keyboard on ICS Sense 3.6.. have a look HERE..
garveygibbs said:
Please don't do what the guy above me said...It wont will only be able to talk to your phone and loose keyboard funtion
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Yeah, I'd already tried that. Doesn't work =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
jerrytan93 said:
For WORKING Sense 4 replica keyboard on ICS Sense 3.6.. have a look HERE..
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Sweet. Thank you =). The only thing (from the screenshots anyways) it seems to be missing are the arrows that allow you to move the cursor... But I presume that'd probably be pretty difficult to get to work on sense 3.6?
Also, thank you for using mediafire. Best upload server from my experience... It's never let me down and has no bs =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
coupetastic-droid said:
Instead of trying to install it, push the apk to system/app. Make sure to set permission first before pushing.
Remember to back up your stock IME.
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I did install via adb and also through recovery. And nada.
AndroidAutobot said:
Sweet. Thank you =). The only thing (from the screenshots anyways) it seems to be missing are the arrows that allow you to move the cursor... But I presume that'd probably be pretty difficult to get to work on sense 3.6?
Also, thank you for using mediafire. Best upload server from my experience... It's never let me down and has no bs =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Need some smali skills to hack the keyboard to unlock it's 'hidden' arrows.. but unfortunately I don't have such skills.. sorry for that..
Future plan: I will ask for other themers / modders help for changing the keyboard text color to white, so that it will match the Sense 4 theme.. grey kb with black text looks ugly for me..
Looks like the updater-script does not works with your device.. even zip flashed successfully but the apk does not actually installed.. I will make another updater-script later and repack the zip file
For now please extract the HTC_IME.apk from the zip, push it into system/app, set permission, reboot and enjoy
The keyboard with arrows suck major donkey Richards. I wouldn't recommend it unless you really want it.
Wait....I sent this with Tapatalk?
Double0EK said:
The keyboard with arrows suck major donkey Richards. I wouldn't recommend it unless you really want it.
Wait....I sent this with Tapatalk?
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Hmm. That's not the impression I got of it at all. It's the exact same keyboard (HTC ime) with arrows added to it (which makes it way easier to move the cursor). What specifically didn't you like about it?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

[MOD] - QuickSettings

i did not yet make my rom for this device... but i did do a quick change in the systemui code so u guys will have quicksettings.
this is used in scott's rom for the htc one x. on new2 future updates to sense 4 roms, hawknest sense 4 rom and will be used in the future in my releases as well... and im sure in many other roms also.
this is general for any sense 4 rom that is deodex and use of 720p screen res.
like new2 said... this is just the initial release... and we not done adding more to it.
look in the link below for the apk, its doedex for now ofcourse... and free for all to use and abuse. (credit would be nice... but we wont enforce it)
have fun guys... and like tt always says "sharing is caring"
Thank you!!!! I've missed them
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Real cool.. Thanks!!!!
Do we need root? Because install fails and I am not rooted
Sent from my EVO using XDA
fearbasel04 said:
Do we need root? Because install fails and I am not rooted
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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well... the idea is to push it to system/app and replace the current systemui.apk if u deodex...
if any of u guys are odex btw... just push to system/app/, del the systemui.odex and reboot... it should also work.
so no, u dont need to be rooted... but u do need root access to replace the files... so temp root kinda thing should be fine also.
Thanks Mik!
I was a loyal user of your Evo 4G Rom since the beginning and I can't WAIT for your 4G LTE Rom.
aamikam said:
i did not yet make my rom for this device... but i did do a quick change in the systemui code so u guys will have quicksettings.
this is used in scott's rom for the htc one x. on new2 future updates to sense 4 roms, hawknest sense 4 rom and will be used in the future in my releases as well... and im sure in many other roms also.
this is general for any sense 4 rom that is deodex and use of 720p screen res.
like new2 said... this is just the initial release... and we not done adding more to it.
look in the link below for the apk, its doedex for now ofcourse... and free for all to use and abuse. (credit would be nice... but we wont enforce it)
have fun guys... and like tt always says "sharing is caring"
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Loved running mikg on my evo! Looking forward to your work in here!
I did what it said rebooted and the screen. Shot does not work
Also recent apps
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Pushed to correct directory and now top status bar has disappeared and recent apps button does not work.
bernechad said:
Pushed to correct directory and now top status bar has disappeared and recent apps button does not work.
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same, are you odex or deodex?
alainater said:
same, are you odex or deodex?
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Replaced with original systemui.apk and systemui.odex, reboot and all back to normal.
Not sure if just because odex or if it's working properly with deodex.
bernechad said:
Replaced with original systemui.apk and systemui.odex, reboot and all back to normal.
Not sure if just because odex or if it's working properly with deodex.
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Ok same with me, I just flashed the deodexed rom and am gonna try again
alainater said:
Ok same with me, I just flashed the deodexed rom and am gonna try again
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Cool. If that works, I'll probably do the same....IF I can ever get it unlocked through htcdev so I can install a recovery and make a backup. lol it never ends.
aamikam said:
i did not yet make my rom for this device... but i did do a quick change in the systemui code so u guys will have quicksettings.
this is used in scott's rom for the htc one x. on new2 future updates to sense 4 roms, hawknest sense 4 rom and will be used in the future in my releases as well... and im sure in many other roms also.
this is general for any sense 4 rom that is deodex and use of 720p screen res.
like new2 said... this is just the initial release... and we not done adding more to it.
look in the link below for the apk, its doedex for now ofcourse... and free for all to use and abuse. (credit would be nice... but we wont enforce it)
have fun guys... and like tt always says "sharing is caring"
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So you will be making a rom?!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
bernechad said:
Cool. If that works, I'll probably do the same....IF I can ever get it unlocked through htcdev so I can install a recovery and make a backup. lol it never ends.
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For the HTC Dev unlock, just choose all other supported devices at the very end of the drop down menu. That worked for me. Flashed TWRP 2.1.6 through fastboot (because I'm old fashioned) and all is well for me. I've got viperboy's deodexed rom loaded up right now running smoothly.
bernechad said:
Cool. If that works, I'll probably do the same....IF I can ever get it unlocked through htcdev so I can install a recovery and make a backup. lol it never ends.
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Yeah htcdev is a ***** haha
Ok I put the file in and it partitally worked, status bar was there and I could see recent apps, yet there was no clock signal or anything else there. Once I rebooted no status bar again.
btbamzao said:
So you will be making a rom?!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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yes... my lte is on the way here...
Hey Mik, I'm having troubles getting my SystemUI to rebuild properly after I edit a couple lines in an xml to remove that awkward software menu key, would you have a chance to give a quick hand? I've got Fernando Sor's modded apktool set up already, my status bar just doesn't show up when I push the apk.
alainater said:
same, are you odex or deodex?
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Sent from my EVO using xda premium
aamikam said:
yes... my lte is on the way here...
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The best news.
Sent from my lair.

Flat Black Toolbar on Jelly Bean-SENSE

I dont know how to make a flashable zip but heres the system UI with the flat black tool bar in place.
Must be rooted-I did this on ODEX so im not sure if it really matters.
Just rename the original SystemUI.apk as SystemUI.apkbak
then copy the SystemUI.apk from this thread into the system/apps folder and fix permissions,then restart your phone.
I know this is minor and this is a dirty way to do this but like I said I dont know how to make a flashable zip.
Thanks. Hey try app2zip on the market. Free and makes flashable zips
Sent from my EVO
very cool thanks.
BrianBaker said:
I dont know how to make a flashable zip but heres the system UI with the flat black tool bar in place.
Must be rooted-I did this on ODEX so im not sure if it really matters.
Just rename the original SystemUI.apk as SystemUI.apkbak
then copy the SystemUI.apk from this thread into the system/apps folder and fix permissions,then restart your phone.
I know this is minor and this is a dirty way to do this but like I said I dont know how to make a flashable zip.
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This worked realky nice on chubbz jellybean sense rom... Would it be possible for you to modify the green battery to a blue one without percentage.. I think that would complete the feel of jellybean thanks for this mod btw!!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
This worked realky nice on chubbz jellybean sense rom... Would it be possible for you to modify the green battery to a blue one without percentage.. I think that would complete the feel of jellybean thanks for this mod btw!!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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I actually run my set up with a stock blue battery with out percents.... Upload your SystemUI.apk and ill throw it together for you... Example is in pic..
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
BrianBaker said:
I actually run my set up with a stock blue battery with out percents.... Upload your SystemUI.apk and ill throw it together for you... Example is in pic..
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Super awesome!! I am using the one u posted on the first post
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Super awesome!! I am using the one u posted on the first post
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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here you batteries no% thrown in with black bar.
I'd like a battery that looks like the one in the 1st pic of this post if anyone could help that would be great. I'm on stock Jb odexed for now
Matstarr said:
I'd like a battery that looks like the one in the 1st pic of this post if anyone could help that would be great. I'm on stock Jb odexed for now
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you want it done the same way i did the other one? Do you use the systemUI.apk from post 1 in this thread?
BrianBaker said:
you want it done the same way i did the other one? Do you use the systemUI.apk from post 1 in this thread?
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I have not done anything at all. I actually like the blue one you made as well. I like it the way it is in that pic but if removing the clock is a pain it wouldn't bother me
BrianBaker said:
I dont know how to make a flashable zip but heres the system UI with the flat black tool bar in place.
Must be rooted-I did this on ODEX so im not sure if it really matters.
Just rename the original SystemUI.apk as SystemUI.apkbak
then copy the SystemUI.apk from this thread into the system/apps folder and fix permissions,then restart your phone.
I know this is minor and this is a dirty way to do this but like I said I dont know how to make a flashable zip.
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Just replace the SystemUI.apk in the AOSP style zip with this one using 7zip and rename the zip
I love the flatblack and blue battery and was wondering if you could modify this systemUI.apk for me please... Its from flex 3.24 latest Rom
The status bar can be transparent you want I just like the blue stock battery with out percent
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I love the flatblack and blue battery and was wondering if you could modify this systemUI.apk for me please... Its from flex 3.24 latest Rom
The status bar can be transparent you want I just like the blue stock battery with out percent
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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i just put one together for you in Chubz thread..Do you still need this one?
BrianBaker said:
i just put one together for you in Chubz thread..Do you still need this one?
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Thanks I downloaded that one already it worked well was a little glichy for some reason .. it went from flat black back to clear and now it stayed clear ... I don't mind it being clear actually
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Can someone make this into a flashable? HTC has borked root access
Sent from my Third Generation Evo
I am stuck. I flashed your SystemUI.apk with the blue battery and wanted to revert to my original backup. Now, I don't have a taskbar at all. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: And, I cannot get a wallpaper to work.
Edit2: Even a dirty flash doesn't fix the issue.
ThrowingKs said:
I am stuck. I flashed your SystemUI.apk with the blue battery and wanted to revert to my original backup. Now, I don't have a taskbar at all. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: And, I cannot get a wallpaper to work.
Edit2: Even a dirty flash doesn't fix the issue.
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You weren't suppose to flash this. It was meant to be pushed to your system folder. I would suggest wipe everything and start over
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
BrianBaker said:
You weren't suppose to flash this. It was meant to be pushed to your system folder. I would suggest wipe everything and start over
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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I know I said flash, but I meant pushed. I adb pushed to /system/app/ and chmod to 644. It worked. Then, I reverted back and that is when stuff went crazy. I think you are right though that I will have to wipe and start over. No worries. Thanks.
ThrowingKs said:
I know I said flash, but I meant pushed. I adb pushed to /system/app/ and chmod to 644. It worked. Then, I reverted back and that is when stuff went crazy. I think you are right though that I will have to wipe and start over. No worries. Thanks.
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Sorry for the headache man.. This was also done on an Odex rom. Not sure if it matters or not.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
BrianBaker said:
Sorry for the headache man.. This was also done on an Odex rom. Not sure if it matters or not.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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I am on Odex too. I think your mod works. I probably messed with the Odex file's permissions or something when I reverted. :good: No need for anyone to be afraid, this works as intended. I just was working too fast and not double checking my steps.

