[Q] Froyo vs Gingerbread: Network Location Differences on AT&T? - HTC Aria Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Weird stuff going on with my local cell towers and the network location provider on my Aria.
For the longest time, I'd been using the Aria Liberated R012 ROM. I never had any problems with using the network location provider in various apps (HTC Date/Weather Clock, Google Maps, Yelp, etc.) until just about two weeks ago.
I noticed that on the road from home to work, I wasn't getting ANY location fix. But when I'd take a trip out to a different location for shopping, suddenly I'd get the location updates again. GPS works fine, but I don't want to keep it on all the time for simple location data.
I thought perhaps AT&T's recent slews of OTA updates might have something to do with it. So I decided I'd do something I was planning on doing for a while now anyway: load a newer ROM which might incorporate any patches that AT&T had made.
I opted for Cyanogen 7. Installed it last night. Found it ran a little sluggish on my Aria (even after overclocking), but noted that my network location provider was working again.
I ultimately decided that I couldn't deal with the sluggishness. So this morning, I installed Cyanogen 6, AND THEN I tried out the new Aria Liberated 2.2.2 ROM. What I noticed in BOTH of these Froyo builds, was that my network location provider was once again NOT working.
I know part of this puzzle involves the configuration of AT&T's local cell towers. But what about the rest of it: why would Cyanogen 7 (Gingerbread) work, while Cyanogen 6 and Liberated 2.2.2 (Froyo) fail?
And in the case of the two Cyanogen mods, might the difference have something to do with what version of the Google Apps addon I install? When I get a free minute today, I might do some further testing on this last theory. Scratch that theory. I had previously tried installing Cyanogen 6 with a version of Google Apps from 2010. But even with a Google Apps APK from May 1st, 2011, the network location provider ain't providin'.
Corporate Dog

Corporate Dog said:
Weird stuff going on with my local cell towers and the network location provider on my Aria.
For the longest time, I'd been using the Aria Liberated R012 ROM. I never had any problems with using the network location provider in various apps (HTC Date/Weather Clock, Google Maps, Yelp, etc.) until just about two weeks ago.
I noticed that on the road from home to work, I wasn't getting ANY location fix. But when I'd take a trip out to a different location for shopping, suddenly I'd get the location updates again. GPS works fine, but I don't want to keep it on all the time for simple location data.
I thought perhaps AT&T's recent slews of OTA updates might have something to do with it. So I decided I'd do something I was planning on doing for a while now anyway: load a newer ROM which might incorporate any patches that AT&T had made.
I opted for Cyanogen 7. Installed it last night. Found it ran a little sluggish on my Aria (even after overclocking), but noted that my network location provider was working again.
I ultimately decided that I couldn't deal with the sluggishness. So this morning, I installed Cyanogen 6, AND THEN I tried out the new Aria Liberated 2.2.2 ROM. What I noticed in BOTH of these Froyo builds, was that my network location provider was once again NOT working.
I know part of this puzzle involves the configuration of AT&T's local cell towers. But what about the rest of it: why would Cyanogen 7 (Gingerbread) work, while Cyanogen 6 and Liberated 2.2.2 (Froyo) fail?
And in the case of the two Cyanogen mods, might the difference have something to do with what version of the Google Apps addon I install? When I get a free minute today, I might do some further testing on this last theory. Scratch that theory. I had previously tried installing Cyanogen 6 with a version of Google Apps from 2010. But even with a Google Apps APK from May 1st, 2011, the network location provider ain't providin'.
Corporate Dog
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While I can't help with the actual problem, cm7 has a lot of eye candy turned on by default that can be turned off. It needs a little love but you can definitely get rid of that sluggishness and it will run very smooth and snappy.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.

CallMeAria said:
While I can't help with the actual problem, cm7 has a lot of eye candy turned on by default that can be turned off. It needs a little love but you can definitely get rid of that sluggishness and it will run very smooth and snappy.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
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Thanks! I'll probably take a second look at that cm7 thread when I get a chance, and might even try to reinstall it.
For what it's worth, the Aria Liberated 2.2.2 thread clued me in to the fact that AT&T also pushed a radio update when they pushed the OS update. It's possible they made some tweaks to my local cell towers that don't play nice with the old radio configuration. Guess I'll try to install that radio update next.
EDIT: And that's strike two.
Corporate Dog

Corporate Dog said:
Thanks! I'll probably take a second look at that cm7 thread when I get a chance, and might even try to reinstall it.
For what it's worth, the Aria Liberated 2.2.2 thread clued me in to the fact that AT&T also pushed a radio update when they pushed the OS update. It's possible they made some tweaks to my local cell towers that don't play nice with the old radio configuration. Guess I'll try to install that radio update next.
EDIT: And that's strike two.
Corporate Dog
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Your radio only needs to be installed once. It doesn't get cleared or overwritten when you wipe/install new ROMs through Clockworkmod. You can check the version either from the HBOOT screen or from Phone settings when booted up.
It's HIGHLY recommended that you not change the radio version more than absolutely necessary as it is a very risky installation that can permanently brick your phone if it goes wrong. I'm not saying to be scared of installing it once, but just don't install it every time you install a ROM.
As for CM7 -- I find that the default launcher (ADW) lags like crazy. I always immediately switch to LauncherPro and get a much smoother experience. You should probably give that a try.

CallMeAria said:
While I can't help with the actual problem, cm7 has a lot of eye candy turned on by default that can be turned off. It needs a little love but you can definitely get rid of that sluggishness and it will run very smooth and snappy.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
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What default options are turned on?

brswattt said:
What default options are turned on?
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Surface dithering, over scroll effects, and window animations are a few I can remember off the top of my head. Turn those off and drop vm heap down to 24 (or 16 if your apps allow it) and set home to persistent and you get a nice little boost. Then there's the fact that adw is set up for looks, not performance, out of the box. Scroll and opening speeds are set rather slow.
I'm not sure about adw, but launcherpro also has advanced settings to tweak for performance gains.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.

Heh. Turns out I was wrong about cm7. I must've had GPS turned on at the time, because my latest test run with it isn't producing a network location fix.
Time to go 10 rounds with AT&T tech support. Should be real fun trying to explain to the level 1 script reader that there's a problem with their local cell tower.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App

A new development:
When I go into Settings and check 'Use Only 2G Networks', network-based positioning works again.
Seems to be some sort of problem with WCDMA versus GSM. I've managed to dig up some other threads (in this forum and others) where folks with other types of phones (N1, HTC Inspire) have reported similar issues.
I blamed AT&T in my last post, but I've also seen a suggestion that the problem might have something to do with a setting in the Google Services Framework that points to an incorrect URL for the LAC/CID to Lat/Long translation service. I may play with that when I get a chance.
That also doesn't really explain why my original Eclair mod stopped working, or why more people don't seem to have this problem.
More information as it becomes available...
Corporate Dog

Regarding radio, i have the latest radio that was posted. It seems to have improved my reception fairly well.

Meh. The Google Services Framework fix that I found...
... didn't do anything for me. YMMV.
At this point, I suspect that I have to chalk this up to cell tower configuration.
Corporate Dog
EDIT: Just got off the phone with AT&T Customer Support. I called them a few days ago, and the Level 1 support drone forewarded me to the "TeleNav" service center (despite all of my protestations). TeleNav support proceeded to tell me that they don't do support for phones (Gosh. You don't say...) Today's Level 1 drone was a bit better, and forwarded me to someone who actually seemed to be in a position to help.
He didn't have an answer for me, but he WAS willing to help me escalate this to an engineering ticket. He told me to go pick up a new sim card at my local AT&T store, and see if a new sim/device provisioning would take care of the issue. In the meantime, he's sending me a second Aria through the Warranty Exchange process, so I can try to recreate the issue on a different phone.
If I strike out on both counts, he'll escalate it. Otherwise, I'll have a solution of SOME kind sitting in the palm of my hand.

Is setting home for persistent only for adw launcher ?
CallMeAria said:
Surface dithering, over scroll effects, and window animations are a few I can remember off the top of my head. Turn those off and drop vm heap down to 24 (or 16 if your apps allow it) and set home to persistent and you get a nice little boost. Then there's the fact that adw is set up for looks, not performance, out of the box. Scroll and opening speeds are set rather slow.
I'm not sure about adw, but launcherpro also has advanced settings to tweak for performance gains.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
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The new sim card didn't do anything for me.
But suddenly, completely out of the blue, at some point yesterday afternoon...? The network location provider decided that it wanted to begin working for my area again. I hadn't done a THING to the configuration on my phone all day, and when I stepped outside my office, it just worked.
I think I'll still call AT&T back, and ask them what the hell they changed with their cell tower configuration. I doubt I'll get anywhere with it, but it would be useful to know, since this seems to be a random thing that occurs from time-to-time on different carriers (the link I provided earlier described the same issue, but on Rogers Communication's network).
Corporate Dog
UPDATE: I called AT&T today, and unfortunately, they couldn't tell me whether anything changed on their towers. It'd be nice to know what they were tinkering with, so I could just cut to the chase with tech support if it happens again, but for now, I guess I'll just be happy that it's working again.


[Q] GPS signal lost on multiple roms

So I've done a lot of searching and haven't really found anything definitive. I've found that with some roms I'll lose GPS signal after a certain amount of time (say 10-30 minutes) and have to turn GPS off and back on or reboot the phone. I saw something about flashing a different radio may make a difference. Kinda just wanted to see other peoples thoughts on the issue or if maybe there is something else I can do before I go flashing a different radio.
Currently running CELB 4.1 and baseband and I have the issue.. I've had it with most of Tazz's roms as well. KaosFroyo is the only one Ive used that I've never seen the issue with, but I'm really diggin CELB right now and this is the ONLY issue I've got with it.
Have you tried GPS status in the market? I know it will help you lock in a signal, so it would make sense that it would also help keep your GPS locked in.
Bayhill Jacket said:
Have you tried GPS status in the market? I know it will help you lock in a signal, so it would make sense that it would also help keep your GPS locked in.
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I have now.. I did the reset and download options in the program. Too bad this isn't something I can quickly test. I'll report back with the results. Thanks!
I have noticed this as well. Last time it happened to me it was 4:30 in the morning, and the "GPS lost" message came up about 180 seconds before I had to make two freeway changes in an area I'd never been before. (CELB 3.9 and same radio as your case). Fortunately for me I had reviewed the route, so I more or less knew what to do.
If I recall correctly, it has always happened after the Nav app had been running for a fair bit of time - at least 30 minutes or more.
However, I don't know if it is something about the root ROMs or not - I started using rooted ROMs back in March or so, so I really don't have a tremendous operating baseline on stock 2.1 ROMs to compare it to. Maybe it is a problem there, too!
If I recall correctly, the last time it happened, I just pulled up GPS Status and asked it reload the aGPS state (without exiting the Nav app), and the Nav app seemed to gracefully recover.
Annoying? Yeah. I don't know what can be done about it, though - like the "undead calls" problem, it happens so infrequently that it is hard to know whether or not a ROM change actually fixes the problem.
I had the same problem with every 2.2 rom I used GPS with. I decided to go back to 2.1 because I have been needing GPS alot more often lately but I havent tested it out since I made the switch. I'll try it out today and report the results tonight.
This same thing seemed to happen on the 2.1, CyanogenMod 5 based ELB by Conap as well. If it is happening with all of the 2.2 ROMs, I wonder if it's just a CyanogenMod issue?
See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6812308#post6812308 (this was not the only person reporting it, if you search that thread.)
I really don't think it's ALL 2.2 CM roms though. I've gone on 7 hour car trips with Kaos Froyo without a single drop.. to and from. I've seen another theory somewhere around here about it being certain hardware revisions that act this way with certain software builds. At lease we've got a thread dedicated to this issue now.. maybe we can get something figured out.
Still don't know if the GPS status program helps.. I left navigation turned on for a bit sitting in my house and it stayed connected for the half an hour I left it, just don't think that's gonna be an accurate test with not moving around and all. If it doesn't work I will try a different radio.. I saw somewhere one guy had good luck with a specific older version radio. If that's what it comes down to I'll try.
I have been having issues with the GPS working on both of my phones while using 2.2 roms. I switched to 2.1 a few days ago and I used the GPS on my way to work this morning and didnt have any issues. I also had to flash Senseable a couple of months ago while on a road trip because I was tired of loosing the GPS signal every half hour. It may be a CM thing.
Im having the same issues as well. Haven't found a fix yet..
I've had this issue, after I flashed KaosFroyo(v36), and XTR(4 i think). I recently unrooted using Flashback21 v1 and flashed with the radio included. I have gone back to xtr 5 now and have had no lost gps in over a week. Don't have a clue as to why. hope it helps someone.
deadbot1 said:
I've had this issue, after I flashed KaosFroyo(v36), and XTR(4 i think). I recently unrooted using Flashback21 v1 and flashed with the radio included. I have gone back to xtr 5 now and have had no lost gps in over a week. Don't have a clue as to why. hope it helps someone.
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give us another update. is the gps problem still fixed for you? Thanks!
I have flashed the radio directly with the verizon zip file that is around and I still get inconsistent results But it always drops a signal eventually in about a 1/2 hour
Jrocker23 said:
I have flashed the radio directly with the verizon zip file that is around and I still get inconsistent results But it always drops a signal eventually in about a 1/2 hour
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I've seen it on several ROM's as well. From what i've messed with, it doesn't seem to be dependent on the autokiller memory preset, radio firmware, or amount of overclocking i'm doing. It doesn't seem to be dependent on how many programs are running either. I usually have nav and pandora running while i'm in the car, and sooner or later, the gps poops out.
I feel like it seems to happen less, now that i'm back to using the on-demand governor. but that could just be in my head.
I've had to go back to a 2.1 rom because of it. Its very annoying when the goa signal gets lost right before the exit ramp.
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
Im thinking of going back to a 2.1 rom as well...
I have also seen the same results on any 2.2 or higher rom. I have since returned to XTRRom 5.0 and have not had a single problem with GPS on any of my jogging runs. I definitely think it is a CM thing. At least on my phone.
Using kaosfroyo v39 and I flashed that sprint phone radio on my eris and haven't had any gps issues. In fact, just the opposite. Mine would lock up before the v39 and the radio flash
I flashed that radio as well and today not one issue at all. Will test more tomorrow
I'm using the sprint radio and still seeing it drop out.
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haganme said:
I'm using the sprint radio and still seeing it drop out.
Sent from my GSBv1.1 using XDA App
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Today I even flashed back to the July 2010 version ( the gps dropped out almost every 5 minutes while i was driving around. that's the worst i've seen. So i flashed back to the sprint radio again. I haven't seen very good navigation performance on the v1.1 gingershedbread overall, actually. my position on the gps nav doesn't update very often, although it seemed like the voice instructions were still pretty well timed as usual.

[Q] Seriously this GPS is now pissing me off..

Okay, I have done the following things:
1. I have soldered the connection inside the phone. (Yes very nicely I might add as I solder a lot at work.)
2. I have the Sub-Zero build 75 kernel.
3. I am using Slim ICS Rom from the android development forum.
Why in the hell does the GPS lock on instantly sometimes, and other times I have to restart the phone 20 times before it will even thinking about locking on again?
What is wrong with this phone's GPS? What else can I do to get this GPS to work all the time. The programs that "clear the GPS data" or the phone code that does it, does not work. There is no message and no sign that it cleared anything. The "secret code" program just crashes of course, when I try to use the GPS clear data.
Is there anything else I can do, besides throwing this phone against the wall. I actually NEED the GPS sometimes because I travel a lot, and I can't even rely on this phone.
Here is how I understand this:
Since we never got an official release for gingerbread we won't be getting one for ICS either. The problem is that all releases for our phone for GB+ are hacked together from the source released for the other phones in the Galaxy S family. Also, since the actual guts are slightly different between models, we don't have the actual Samsung drivers for these releases on our phone.
Another problem is that the GPS chip they used on this phone sucked and was sub par at best when released. Most vibrant owners had issues.
The only way to guarantee the best GPS performance on this phone is to stick with the stock Froyo firmware. Everything else is hit or miss since we got the step child phone off the Galaxy S family.
I was lucky enough to buy my vibrant several months after release, so my GPS was revised by then and better than the release models, but it still flakes out on custom ROMs sometimes.
For now, I am on Slim 3.5, and sub zero 80 kernel.
GlobeSpy detailed this in his post here:
I flashed the yags and experia GPS fixes, made sure to install angryGPS and faster fix.
Angry GPS settings changed to MSBASED, cold start, and Xtra=off.
In supl settings, I selected Google server.
In Fasterfix: selected custom and set to us.pool.ntp.org
After rebooting the phone, open GPS test and let it lock birds.
After that, I can exit out of GPS test and run navigation. GPS will lock later in day too.
The same settings worked on the stock slim kernel to, so sub zero isn't a requirement, but I have made it work on both kernels. In my expewrience the stock Slim kernel worked better for GPS.
Hopefully this helps, but each phone is so different, the results are not guaranteed.
It really is too bad that Samsung dropped the ball on the GPS in this phone. It's the only weak bit of the device.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium

[SOLVED] If my phone were your wife/mom's. (somewhat better, now GPS broken)

UPDATE: Thank you guys so much for the help! My phone is running well so far! The GPS works well enough for navigation, and I should hopefully be able to limp through until my full upgrade. I can't tell you guys how thankful I am that you all took the time to help me answer my questions and get my phone going again!
what would you do? I have a Vibrant, and have done quite a lot of troubleshooting with it. Tmo's tech support said it's a hardware issue and that they've done all they can.
I've tried just about all the Froyo ROMs on it, and things seem to work well for a while, then it gets odd. I regularly clear my call logs, messages, and browser cache. I use wifi whenever I'm at home, and whenever I'm in the minivan I have my phone plugged in.
I am currently running Axura - Moped/FishmanMod v1. This has seemed to work the longest.
Lately, though, I've been missing phone calls...as in, no notification, no log, nada. I rebooted last week and suddenly had a voicemail icon...I had 7 new voicemails. One from my son's teacher. I never knew she even called. I've since reinstalled Tmo Visual Voicemail and at least now I think I'm getting my voicemails. Missing phone calls can't happen though. We don't have a landline, and we have a child with health issues. I have to be available.
Other issues:
*My battery died about halfway through the day yesterday, even though it had charged fully overnight.
*This thing is slowing down. As in, taking a photo with my phone isn't really viable. By the time it finally snaps the picture, my kiddo has grown an inch.
*Lag! I'm using Swiftkey X and it often hangs on a key for several seconds before finally typing it. It's very slow to open apps, etc as well.
Does anyone have any more advice for me? I'd love to run an ICS or JB ROM, but having the ability to call 911 is not negotiable for me. Woodrube and some others have given me some great advice, which has helped, but I'm still having some issues.
I could pare down the apps and use it just as a phone, but what would be the point of having an Android...and data? I need the calendar, email, task list, etc. to keep track of everyone.
I'd love to try to figure out how to make this phone last longer. I could upgrade now, but our checkbook doesn't like the idea.
Personally I'd Odin back to stock JFD and either do a reflash or pick a new ROM (bionix comes to mind).
Could do a fresh install of the apps you want on your phone. Your battery could be going bad and may need to be replaced, and if your sim card is getting old, you may need to stop by T-Mobile and have them replace it.
Not sure if that could be the trouble with your notifications or voicemail, but they are all quick things to try that should be cheap and quite possibly very effective.
The_MamaBee said:
what would you do? I have a Vibrant, and have done quite a lot of troubleshooting with it. Tmo's tech support said it's a hardware issue and that they've done all they can.
I've tried just about all the Froyo ROMs on it, and things seem to work well for a while, then it gets odd. I regularly clear my call logs, messages, and browser cache. I use wifi whenever I'm at home, and whenever I'm in the minivan I have my phone plugged in.
I am currently running Axura - Moped/FishmanMod v1. This has seemed to work the longest.
Lately, though, I've been missing phone calls...as in, no notification, no log, nada. I rebooted last week and suddenly had a voicemail icon...I had 7 new voicemails. One from my son's teacher. I never knew she even called. I've since reinstalled Tmo Visual Voicemail and at least now I think I'm getting my voicemails. Missing phone calls can't happen though. We don't have a landline, and we have a child with health issues. I have to be available.
Other issues:
*My battery died about halfway through the day yesterday, even though it had charged fully overnight.
*This thing is slowing down. As in, taking a photo with my phone isn't really viable. By the time it finally snaps the picture, my kiddo has grown an inch.
*Lag! I'm using Swiftkey X and it often hangs on a key for several seconds before finally typing it. It's very slow to open apps, etc as well.
Does anyone have any more advice for me? I'd love to run an ICS or JB ROM, but having the ability to call 911 is not negotiable for me. Woodrube and some others have given me some great advice, which has helped, but I'm still having some issues.
I could pare down the apps and use it just as a phone, but what would be the point of having an Android...and data? I need the calendar, email, task list, etc. to keep track of everyone.
I'd love to try to figure out how to make this phone last longer. I could upgrade now, but our checkbook doesn't like the idea.
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Well, although it isn't too helpful to say...I honestly believe that if you simply must be available because you have a child with health issues, you definitely should not be tinkering with your device. True, my phone runs better, faster, stronger, and longer (ha daft punk) than it did running stock, but I have certainly had the occasional issue such as data issues, force closes, battery drains, SODs, etc, etc...it's simply a fundamental part of the life of modifying your phone. It's not to say that you won't have issues if you kept it stock, but you really shouldn't be messing with your phone if you don't have a land line and you NEED to be available for something so important.
Now, onward!
I will look into similar occurrences of your problems and report back..(sorry in class atm, then off to a meeting). Until then, Gl!
you could try and use a cyanogenmod based Rom. They are one of the best roms out there except you can't as of right now call 911 (some phones can and some cant ) also gps is semi-broken.
blizzardproof said:
you could try and use a cyanogenmod based Rom. They are one of the best roms out there except you can't as of right now call 911 (some phones can and some cant ) also gps is semi-broken.
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Thanks for the advice, but not an option. I have to have 911 capability, and we're pretty active geocachers, so my GPS gets used a ton. I've been so tempted by CM Roms, and my husband is rocking one on his One S, but going without 911 isn't an option.
After this last round of my phone's slowness, we did ODIN back to stock, then did the ((*^&^%$*&^) updating it to Froyo. (Yay!) We were hoping that taking it back to stock would help our issues, but it actually seemed slower. (And oh, the agony of using TouchWiz!) I very, very carefully added back ONLY the apps I used on a daily basis, watching carefully to see if there were any issues. It was crazy slow.
We then went to this last ROM and I added back apps even more slowly. I noticed that I had issues after I put the Zedge app back on, so it's gone. I also noticed that it acted funky after I put Google Goggles on, so it's gone as well.
I am not, by the way, storing any music on my device. I stream it through Google Music.
I do have another battery for it. I'll put Battery Calibration on and swap batteries to see if that helps. Good idea.
Also, my SIM is pretty old. I hadn't thought about seeing if I could get a new one! I know it solved some issue LONG ago with my BlackBerry. I'll see if I can do that at our TMo store today. Appreciate that suggestion.
I've been just about the give up on this phone altogether and just going with the One S like The Hubs, but forking over the money for it (not to mention that it would be $200 for me and $49.99 for a new contract!) is just not in the budget now. Might be getting close to something we just can't avoid though.
Try flashing back to stock 2.1 with repartition checked. Then flash one of Fishman/Moped 2.2 ROMS ( he has odin files if you prefer that method). I think you may still have some "ghosts" left behind from the last ROM or two you had on your phone. A fresh odin to stock with repartition checked should get rid of any "ghosts". Also when restoring apps make sure you restore app only, not app+data. Remember, after installing a ROM allow your phone to sit for a good 10 minutes then reboot before you use the phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
iTz KeeFy said:
Try flashing back to stock 2.1 with repartition checked. Then flash one of Fishman/Moped 2.2 ROMS ( he has odin files if you prefer that method). I think you may still have some "ghosts" left behind from the last ROM or two you had on your phone. A fresh odin to stock with repartition checked should get rid of any "ghosts". Also when resorting apps make sure you restore app only, not app+data. Remember, after installing a ROM allow your phone to sit for a good 10 minutes then reboot before you use the phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
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That could definitely be it. I used to just restore all my apps+data with My Backup Root. I'll see if I can convince The Hubs to help me work on the phone this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!
Okay, we did the repartition flash, then put it on FishmanMod Blue 2.2 Frankenstein Slim. Seems to be running a little better, but now my GPS won't lock at all. I've rebooted, tried Samsung GPS Restore (never locks) and GPS Test. Test sees 4-5 satellites but doesn't ever lock on. I've tried Nav as well and it is not able to lock on.
I've checked our forums and I see a lot of fixes, but no recent fixes and most of them are for 2.1. I've tried dialing the *#*# numbers, but they don't do anything.
I sure could use some suggestions. I'd like to be able to use my GPS. I know it's generally an issue with Vibrants, but mine has never failed to lock on before. Might be slow, might take it until the end of the block, but it always locks. Until now...
Thanks in advance!
Go to the Dev section and look for a thread called GPS Fixes by Solisfiend. It'll be buried way back and I'm mobile so I can't link it. It has directions and app to fix Froyo GPS.
I have 2 posts in there, 1 is clarification of some things and the other is a download app you can use. Should work well for you.
Thank you, Woodrube. I'll do just that.
ETA: Found the link.
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[Q] Reception discussion Western NY

Hey guys, I live in the suburbs of Buffalo. Notorious for Sprint having the worst service.. Everyone else is on 4G LTE, but we're stuck with BAD 3g, not even good 3g. I use the google voice app for texts/calls, I've been using it for years, and I plan on keeping my google voice # because I absolutely love the service. I have some reception questions however
- does it matter what radio I'm on? Are radio's compatible with other roms, fx: giverbread radio compatible with ICS? i'm on
- does PRL matter that much? I'm on 21090
- does it matter what ROM i'm on?
- please any tips/advice anything I can do to get better service
- also if anyone is from Buffalo/WNY and gets good reception, can you tell me your phone stats, prl, radio, rom, etc
I'm getting horrible service on my phone, reception sucks, 3g dl/upload sucks. In school I don't even dream of getting reception in class/library.. I'm just fing sick of this crap reception.
I also wanted to mention, my buddy has a sprint iphone 4s and his reception is WAY better than mine. He has one of the same classes as me, sits right next to me and he's able to go on the internet, etc on his phone just fine while I get 0 reception! Also we go to the same bar a couple times a week where I get absolutely no reception and he always does. I'm pretty sure it's something with my phone. Also I want to mention this is my 3rd evo 3d, all with the same issue, they have all always been rooted etc, so I can confirm my hardware is not faulty, the phone is practically new.
Thank you in advance for reading my thread / helping out
yergo88 said:
Hey guys, I live in the suburbs of Buffalo. Notorious for Sprint having the worst service.. Everyone else is on 4G LTE, but we're stuck with BAD 3g, not even good 3g. I use the google voice app for texts/calls, I've been using it for years, and I plan on keeping my google voice # because I absolutely love the service. I have some reception questions however
- does it matter what radio I'm on? Are radio's compatible with other roms, fx: giverbread radio compatible with ICS? i'm on
- does PRL matter that much? I'm on 21090
- does it matter what ROM i'm on?
- please any tips/advice anything I can do to get better service
- also if anyone is from Buffalo/WNY and gets good reception, can you tell me your phone stats, prl, radio, rom, etc
I'm getting horrible service on my phone, reception sucks, 3g dl/upload sucks. In school I don't even dream of getting reception in class/library.. I'm just fing sick of this crap reception.
I also wanted to mention, my buddy has a sprint iphone 4s and his reception is WAY better than mine. He has one of the same classes as me, sits right next to me and he's able to go on the internet, etc on his phone just fine while I get 0 reception! Also we go to the same bar a couple times a week where I get absolutely no reception and he always does. I'm pretty sure it's something with my phone. Also I want to mention this is my 3rd evo 3d, all with the same issue, they have all always been rooted etc, so I can confirm my hardware is not faulty, the phone is practically new.
Thank you in advance for reading my thread / helping out
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I will be glad to help answer your questions. Since you are on latest radio firmware. GB roms are not compatible with this radio firmware. If you really like GB, you could always flash the older ruu's which will get you back onto GB.
As for prl, its a bit tricky. Prl's give instructions to tell your phone which towers to run off of and all that good stuff. Sometimes doing a prl update and or a data profile update can cure you of slow 3g speeds. (I have slow 3g speeds myself in my own home) but when i walk away from my house, it gets a little better. There are a couple things you can do. Since you have root you could open your dialer (you have to be on a sense rom for this to work) type##3282#. Under edit, type your msl code (if you know it). If not. Real easy. Download msl reader from googleplay and open the app. It will give you your msl code. No sweat right? Anyway once you enter your msl code there will be a list of option. Click on advance and scoll down to the bottom where it says something like htts or http and click on it. Once inside type these numbers in the correct spot and in the following order:
I forgot what the headings were called. Sorry. But if you enter these numbers in the correct spots like i showed you it will give you increased data speeds. After you do that just back of out epst and hit reboot to make sure the changes take place.
Now as to which rom you are on. Sometimes that does matter. Some roms have 3g speeds already tweaked like I had shown you. Generally roms that were built from source or specifically built for that phone have better speeds than ones that were ported from another device. (Due to moderator preference I cannot tell you which ones are the best) So you will have to test them out yourself. You could also try the v6 turbocharge script. Heres the link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276.Please read the instructions carefully and get the latest script. I recommend being on a deodexed rom. Make sure you make a nandroid first before attempting this. The script will take you step by step. Also, wipe cache (not dalvik) before you run the script. I forgot to mention, to run this script I recommend smanager from google play. Just remember to enable the app as root and when you get ready to run the script, you have latest busy box and enable su on the script by highlight the skull and crossbone icon. When the script takes you to drive options, there is an option where you can enable 3g tweaks. Turn it on and see if that helps you. (just remember to do a superclean and restart when your done running the script) There was another another script by itself called 3g turbo if you want to give that a shot as well. Its located on the link I provided you. If none of these things work for you, you can always run the scripts again and turn them off plus reboot. If it causes your phone to freeze up or not boot, just restore your nandroid. I hope this helps you out.
awesome response! I will surely to try these options when I get home, I really appreciate it!
No problem.

[Q] CM10.2 ROM for Razr XT912. No data service

I just installed Cyanogen Mod (Spyder) latest nightly and want Jelly Bean 3 so bad and I got it alright with Safe Strap. Flashed the ROM and gapps at the same time in Safe Strap. Used these files:
CM10.2 File
Size: 167.50 MB
Date: 2013-11-11 16:04:26
Well, what good is a smartphone that only works as a phone and has no data service. Are there ANY CM 10 ROMS that work for a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx XT912 where both the phone AND data work? Yes, I got my Verizon service, can make are receive phone calls and SMS messages. If I turn off wireless, I can do nothing on the net at all because although the signal strength bars are there on top, I get no 4G, 3G, or anything to indicate data is active and I have an unlimited data account. If I safe strap back to Stock 4.1.2, everything works fine. But I want JB 3. Going back to 4.1.2 is what I already have and works great. Going to 4.2.2 hardly seems worth the effort. Will CM10 ever get to an Android 3 version where phone and data will work for Razr phones? (XT912) Any help would be appreciated.
Ohmster said:
I just installed Cyanogen Mod (Spyder) latest nightly and want Jelly Bean 3 so bad and I got it alright with Safe Strap. Flashed the ROM and gapps at the same time in Safe Strap. Used these files:
CM10.2 File
Size: 167.50 MB
Date: 2013-11-11 16:04:26
Well, what good is a smartphone that only works as a phone and has no data service. Are there ANY CM 10 ROMS that work for a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx XT912 where both the phone AND data work? Yes, I got my Verizon service, can make are receive phone calls and SMS messages. If I turn off wireless, I can do nothing on the net at all because although the signal strength bars are there on top, I get no 4G, 3G, or anything to indicate data is active and I have an unlimited data account. If I safe strap back to Stock 4.1.2, everything works fine. But I want JB 3. Going back to 4.1.2 is what I already have and works great. Going to 4.2.2 hardly seems worth the effort. Will CM10 ever get to an Android 3 version where phone and data will work for Razr phones? (XT912) Any help would be appreciated.
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I'm on gsm and don't know a lot and the us verizon lock service but,
-Cm10,2 must be flashed on romslot 1 in safestrap
-check in info the baseband version (to me happened to find it "unknown" in that case search a xt912 baseband and flash the zip)
Check if you have any APNs saved.
Go into settings>More...>Mobile Networks>Access Point Names.
If there isn't any entry in there, that means you need to create one to get data to work. Call up your provider or simply look up on the net for the APN.
Hope it works.
Ohmster said:
I just installed Cyanogen Mod (Spyder) latest nightly and want Jelly Bean 3 so bad and I got it alright with Safe Strap. Flashed the ROM and gapps at the same time in Safe Strap. Used these files:
CM10.2 File
Size: 167.50 MB
Date: 2013-11-11 16:04:26
Are there ANY CM 10 ROMS that work for a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx XT912 where both the phone AND data work?
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if yer just looking for a good cm10 rom, cm10.1.3 is very stable. 10.2 is still in beta i believe hence why data is an issue. give it a few weeks. but i highly suggest cm10.1.3
if yer just looking for a good cm10 rom, cm10.1.3 is very stable. 10.2 is still in beta i believe hence why data is an issue. give it a few weeks. but i highly suggest cm10.1.3
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cyanogenmod has stop develop all phone with old OMAP...include our razr
We'll never see an official CM11 or a new stable 10.2
Vallerino WR said:
cyanogenmod has stop develop all phone with old OMAP...include our razr
We'll never see an official CM11 or a new stable 10.2
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.....awe crap! I got MC10.2 on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113 and love it so much, everything works perfect! I broke the outer screen digitizer, ordered a new one from a Chinese guy on eBay for $21, replaced it, good as new. Then, two days ago, I had to go to the doctor and was so distressed, I dropped the tablet again and this time the outter glass digitizer is all but crystalized. It still works so I ordered another digitizer and will replace it, but I do love the MC ROMS so much better than Verizon Blur, which I am using now on the Razr with Android 4.1.2, rooted, and it works so nice. Everything works!
I tried CM 10.2 on the phone (Safe Strap) and lost data. No good. Went to 10.1, data and phone work great, AND, I got my Cyanogen ROM so I could customize the hell out of it. But after a few days of it, this don't work anymore, that don't work anymore, and a whole lot of this stuff has been happening. I need Wireless Tether for Root Users and it works perfect on the Verizon Blur, but no wireless tether will work at all on CM ten anything! Not even all my apps, many of the ones I like and use all the time will not work. The Tether is a deal breaker. I have spent most of my time booted to stock rom slot in Safe Strap because at least I know that everything will work in it.
I finally reached the conclusion two days ago that Cyanogen ROMS are the Sh*t and I want them bad, but for a Motorola Razr Maxx, it is not ready for prime time in any way and now from what you say, it never will be. I will have to upgrade my entire phone to something else. What is really good? The Samsung Galaxy? Will that work with phone and data in CM 10.2 or should I just give up on Cyanogen completely? What is a really good ROM for this phone or what new phone should I get, powerful, great graphics, big screen, nice. Sounds like the Galaxy to me.
I really need a lot of opinions and advice, please pitch in guys. Thanks all.
10.2 w/data working, XT912
Ohmster said:
I just installed Cyanogen Mod (Spyder) latest nightly and want Jelly Bean 3 so bad and I got it alright with Safe Strap. Flashed the ROM and gapps at the same time in Safe Strap. Used these files:
CM10.2 File
Size: 167.50 MB
Date: 2013-11-11 16:04:26
Well, what good is a smartphone that only works as a phone and has no data service. Are there ANY CM 10 ROMS that work for a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx XT912 where both the phone AND data work? Yes, I got my Verizon service, can make are receive phone calls and SMS messages. If I turn off wireless, I can do nothing on the net at all because although the signal strength bars are there on top, I get no 4G, 3G, or anything to indicate data is active and I have an unlimited data account. If I safe strap back to Stock 4.1.2, everything works fine. But I want JB 3. Going back to 4.1.2 is what I already have and works great. Going to 4.2.2 hardly seems worth the effort. Will CM10 ever get to an Android 3 version where phone and data will work for Razr phones? (XT912) Any help would be appreciated.
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I just installed 10.2-20131126-NIGHTLY-spyder on my xt912, data would not work. I went to SYSTEM SETTINGS>MORE...>MOBILE NETWORKS>NETWORK MODE and changed to "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" Works great, phone and data.
ndg99 said:
I just installed 10.2-20131126-NIGHTLY-spyder on my xt912, data would not work. I went to SYSTEM SETTINGS>MORE...>MOBILE NETWORKS>NETWORK MODE and changed to "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" Works great, phone and data.
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...really? No crap? Oh man, now I have to nuke the 10.1 I replaced it with, unless, ...I can move ROM slots around. This is really important information, I have to save this. Will let you know, thanks buddy!
Man it is Thanksgiving, it is 11:40 PM and I am bored. I just *have* to try ndg99's advice, reinstall CM10.2 and change the Network Mode and see if this really works. I don't remember seeing a "More" option in settings, going to check current CM10.1 ROM install to see if such a thing exists in this ROM's settings or not. I got this all setup and would really hate to nuke it, only to find the new ROM isn't better. No way to save ROM slot 1 to another slot, is there? That would be sweet so I could try the new one yet still save what I know is working and already setup. Hmmm, Wireless Tether for Root Users might not work anymore without CDMA, but the new version never worked anyway, only the older beta version works. Maybe the new one will work with this new network setting. This is a "Must Have" app for me.
...oh wow, there really is a "More" in 10.1 and your settings are already selected! Why in the hell would they change that in the Spyder ROM for 10.2? This is SO stupid because now I have to go through the whole setup, then change the network settings, and this might blow the entire Google Restore Apps script! Hmmm, maybe skip everything in setup, change networks, get my data back, and then what? Reset Factory? That might mess up the network again. Grrrr, there has to be a way to make this work so Google will put my stuff back! Is there a setup wizard in the CD app drawer? No. Oh crap, this is WAY to much stuff setup in 10.1 to have to do all over again. There must be a way to save this config... Wonder if I can "update" over this ROM right from Cyanogen. They do give you updates in the Settings.
OMG! Right there!
/Settings/About Phone/CyanogenMod updates/cm-10.2-20131126-NIGHTLY
It is right there, in the update section. No need to install the ROM, gapps, restore and setup everything again. This is way too good to be true! Valium, my kingdom for a Valium please!
Battery at 80%, okay on that. Google account, should reinstall my stuff, only works once though, so if you lost it the first time, you have to factory wipe to get that update script to run again. That bites, because I know data will not work until I try these new settings.
Originally Posted by ndg99 View Post
I just installed 10.2-20131126-NIGHTLY-spyder on my xt912, data would not work. I went to SYSTEM SETTINGS>MORE...>MOBILE NETWORKS>NETWORK MODE and changed to "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" Works great, phone and data.
Man, this is like getting an early Christmas Present! I need a Valium before I crap my pants! :laugh:
Am I forgetting anything? I got Titanium and will need that because not all apps came from Google. Hmmm, Google should reinstall Titanium, just finding my old backups and restoring apps only to the new system I will have to see about.
Okay, going for the update to 10.2 in Settings/About Phone. Will keep you all posted! :laugh:
Oh crap! The update was there! But because it is a major update to a newer release, 10.1-10.2, it put me into safe strap. I never did this before so I found "Instructions" on how to do it. There was a new directory on the SDCARD called cmupdates, and in there was the new update! But, I will need a new set of gapps to go with it, have it on my card, and picked that too, was ready to go, but these dammed instructions recommended clearing the caches and a factory reset. Okay, I cleared the zip cache, did the wipes, and went back to install my update. Guess what? It was gone! I bet the factory reset is what did it. Lucky I have the right ROM and gapps on the phone so it is from scratch, all over again, and this could have been so nice and sweet, too.
Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound, or live and learn. Next time I do something like this, I for sure will not be doing a factory reset just to update my phone. So stupid! Done already? I picked up the phone and by accident hit the back button so I could not see the flash results. Well, booting to system now. Oh, new boot animation! Taking a while so yeah, looks like we are getting a new phone alright. Man, if only I didn't do that reset! Man it was all setup right too. Bummer.
Alright, the Google App Install script is running. Had to go through setup through wireless, finished it, got my Cyanogen account and Google accounts, then switched over to "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" and turned off wifi just to see if I really had data. Google failed on a download during the process but sure enough, without wifi my apps are updating. I got data again in 10.2! Not crazy about the icon though. Says LTE and not 4G or anything like that but it works. If only I did not do that reset, well, it is working and I know better next time. I will start setting it up, might just watch a movie and let Google do it's thing. Then run Titanium to restore all my apps w/out data. Then go back and restore data for the ones that really need it.
Thank you very, very much, ndg99.
This is really what I want. A phone free of bloatware that is fully customizable, rooted of course, and with Cyanogen, I got it. Even got OTA updates again. And this one would have worked too, had I not done a factory reset. I have done a lot of OTA updates and never got dumped into Safe Strap before. Now I know why. Because you have to flash your new gapps, the old ones won't work.
Okay, movie and popcorn time. Thank you everyone, it is such a pleasure to be with you all. I feel honored to be in such prestigious company. I am no slouch, graduated electronics technology in 1982, worked steadily all this time and have been at computers for close to 20 years. Cell phones and tablets were a natural and of course, just having one was not enough, rooting was the first big goal and I sort of put off ROMMING for a long time. It kind of scared me. But the new ROMS and the posts, screenshots, and videos made me drool. I just *had*I to learn it. Learned with ClockworkMod ROM manager and that worked so good too. Use it on my tablet all the time and on my old Droid X. Freaked me out when it bricked the Razr. "Encryption Error" loop that you could not get out of for nothing! Fortunately I still had my terrific Jellybean script, good old "Matt's DROID RAZR Utility XT912 Jellybean", the dude is a lifesaver and a genius. I love the Linux option. There is a funny quote in Matt's script, I think is where I saw it. When you run the Linux shell script, it begins telling you what it is doing and gets to "loading drivers" and it was so funny, "Drivers? We don't need no stinkin' drivers!". True, Linux connects to these phones like old friends. As long as you have the right package and script, you really are on easy street. Not like Windows with drivers and ADB and all that.
Wow, Google is really going to town getting my stuff back. Yeah, the app drawer is filling up. Titanium is not here yet but on the way.
Dammit! The Google Restore Apps script stopped! This bites. Google shows "all apps" and "installed apps", but has no way of offering to install all apps that are not currently installed. I would have to manually go down a list of apps in the hundreds maybe and install each one. Yet, they do offer to "update all". How stupid is this? Titanium, if ever I needed you, it is now, buddy. Titanium is doing it's thing. Will keep you all posted.
'night all! :good:
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
garbour said:
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
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Could you do me a favor, if this really helped, there is a huge THANKS button under my name. Would it be too much trouble for you to actually click that button? It raises my status among members and gives seniority. You will be rewarded in kind when a post of yours helps someone.
is your 3G is on CDMA mode?
ndg99 said:
I just installed 10.2-20131126-NIGHTLY-spyder on my xt912, data would not work. I went to SYSTEM SETTINGS>MORE...>MOBILE NETWORKS>NETWORK MODE and changed to "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" Works great, phone and data.
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is your 3G is on CDMA mode?
or your data id on 4G LTE?
Way cool stuff 4 U. Do NOT forget to click THANKS!
thomasmolover said:
is your 3G is on CDMA mode?
or your data id on 4G LTE?
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I will help you however I can and I know a lot. But I want for you to do me a favor and press the great big: THANKS button under my name at the bottom of the post where it says:
Okay? Can you at least do that much for me? (Only if it helps you, not for pure rubbish or anything like that.)
Since CyanogenMod 10.2 did not give me data AT ALL when I installed it, I could not use it, took it out, and another fellow showed me how to make it work again, perfectly, with 4G speed when available. His settings worked perfectly for me and they are:
Go to: SYSTEM SETTINGS>MORE...>MOBILE NETWORKS>NETWORK MODE and changed to "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" Works great, phone and data.
This works perfectly for my phone. I get great phone and super fast data. The only thing that I miss is the 4G or 3G symbol at top bar. That is now replaced with I believe the LTE bar scale. This is hardly any sort of issue if it really words and it does. Maybe there is an app if one were really anal about this, who cares, it is the real deal. But do not take my word for it, test it yourself. Install a bandwidth speed test app from the play store. My favorite is FCC Speed Test:
Click the name to take you right to the install page. You have a Google account so it can install it right from your PC web page directly to your phone, tablet, or whatever. If you have more than one Android device, you can pick the download for the device you want it on. It says will be installed soon but if the thing is up, running, and online, you will have it installed in less than one minute.
Go look at my screenshot of my first test. This is a particularly cool one and it totally free The FCC is a government agency not biased by any individual company. It will give you raw data in real time. I have not played enough with this one but it has options to build a graph to see how it is doing over periods of time.
Dude, don't kid around. Look at the speeds for Chrissakes! Download 41.92 Mbps, my own Comcast service is rated at 25Mbps and used to be 6. Cable modems cannot regulate customer speed like DSL does. That is an individual digital subscriber line and AT&T has FULL control over it. If you get 6Mbps, that is ALL you will EVER get, it is hardwired into the protocol and how far from the office also limits your speed. This phone is totally kicking ass on my high speed Comcast and ANY DSL connection, now and all the time.
What is more impressive is that if you rooted your phone and who in here does not root there phone immediately?., then you can run a wireless hotspot so your laptop and up to 5 people can share your super fast internet on their devices too! Verizon would only "turn this feature on for an additional $20/Mo, whether you used it or not, period. I used to use apps like "Wireless tether for root users to get around this, share my high speed interrnet on my big WiFi Samsung Tab 2 10.1 because maps and navigation are glorious on such a big screen, especially Netflix or any high definition video that you want to watch. Comcast gives you quite a few movies and shows by network, TV or Movie, Genre, or anything you want. Now you get it all, free, on your tablet or several friends at the same time from your kick ass 4 G phone.
What is super cool about CyanogenMod ROM is not you get a free account for OTA updates and free wireless hotspot for you and your buddies is already built in! Pull down the quick settingsmenu where the clock is and tap to turn on WI-FI AP (Access Point), all configurable from the settings and it works GREAT. Nor more experimenting with different apps and combinations to make the phone work. Just do like I said, install the bandwidth test, and strap on some Depends Undergarments for Adults because you WILL soil your undies when you see the data streaming in and out of your phone with this app, not to mention the figures you get from the FCC Speed Test.
Forget the other settings, I tried several of them, this man who told me did his homework and this is the best thing you can get and it more than you had before. Just no 4G, 3G, or 2G icon, only bars. But the test will show you what is really going on.
I am quite sure you will be delighted with this, I will post a few shots of the built in wireless hot spot and how easy it is to turn on and off.
Using tether or WiFi hotspot does use a LOT of battery power. You could not keep this up for over an hour or much longer without a charger. Great for watching Law & Order in Hi/def at the doctor's waiting room, but if you plan to do this for over an hour, plug in the charger because it will eat your battery pretty quick. Remember, you are no longer just using the data for personal use on your phone, you are sharing it with one or more devices. That means that you are now running a WiFi brodcaster and broadcasting requires a LOT more power than simply receiving does. But this stuff is S?O cool you have to try it and will love it.
You must have a rooted phone to do stuff like this. Posts on this subject are everywhere so I need not go into it. Once I put CM 101 on the phone and in System Settings/About Phone/Cyanogen Updates. Pick what kind you want; stable, release candidate, or Experimental or NIGHTLIES, you will be shown what updates they are and install just by clicking to update phone. From 10.1 to 10.2 was a bit tricky, because I needed all new gapps to go with it or almost nothing will work. I got ClockworkMod Rom Manager and booted to recovery after that and installed the gapps zip file. This fixed a LOT of problems and most of my issues went away. It is always recommended you do that sort of an update by wiping everything off and starting fresh, but did not want to setup the entire phone again so the CM update with a second flash of gapps cleaned that right up.
thomasmolover said:
is your 3G is on CDMA mode?
or your data id on 4G LTE?
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There are no such options on CM ROM 10.2. The only thing there that works is:
Use that setting and it will work great! Don't take my word for it, do a Bandwidth Speed Test. The FCC app is free, gives great, fast results, and will even chart it for you over periods of time if you want to see when your low or peak periods are. Here, this is the one you want, download, install, and run it.
FCC Speed Test
Now go look at my attached thumbnail of the results screen. 41Mbps down and 16Mbps up is better than people with DSL get and matches and exceeds many cable modems. I don't need a "4G" icon to tell me this thing is kicking the speed barrier's butt! You get a super bonus in this package, built in WiFi hotspot is here in the pull down menu and it works perfectly. No need to hunt down and configure Wireless Tether for Root Users anymore, it is included, it works a treat, and if you have unlimited data, you will experience Nirvana! I use the phone to fire up my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 all the time for internet and navigation. Looking at a 10" nave screen beats the pants off a tiny 4" display any day of the week. I have been waiting so long for this. Use Safe Strap to flash this ROM and maintain it, big updates like 10.1 to 10.2 require going through recovery and Safe Strap will allow you to update the rom and gapps all at one time. Else choose TWRP and install that gapps package ASAP or practically nothing will work anymore.
This gives me 4G data speed where available but no longer shows up as 4G or 3G. I only get signal strength bars on top and I used the FCC broadband speed test. Yes, this is indeed running at 4G speed. Look at the attached test results. You see LTE at the top in the screencap with the bar strength graph? Now if that is NOT fast for a cell phone, then I don't know what it is.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO THOSE WANTING CyanogenMod 10.2 w/Android 4.3.1:
The only way to get this mod is to choose the NIGHTLY builds and the corresponding gapps package to go with it. These are "not completely finished yet, have "Some bugs" and are being developed and improved every night almost. Make a CyanogenMod Account online or during the phone setup and get your updates OTA from Settings/About Phone. Set for "New Version (Incl. Nightlies)". Update the nightlies often, because things that were broke yesterday may work today, they get better every day. For me, this is WAY too cool to pass up. I use Safe Strap with a rooted stock blur OS for absolute stability but find myself staying in CM10.2 because I love it so much and am improving it all the time.
Now, if it is not TOO much trouble, how about clicking the Thanks button if you found this post helpful? At the bottom of every post, looks like this (Colors exaggerated to show important button to click in RED .
I have been a member for a long time. I have much to offer, but to get the seniority I need, I must build my thanks meter a bit higher. You can help me with that. Thanks fellow!
1670 bethyea
It seems like all the 4.3 and above ROMS for CDMA are haveing 3g and data trouble.
I follow the setting step by step, But still cannot open 3G data
I'm sorry for my poor English, i meant i can't get any data service for 3G.
I follow the setting step by step, But still cannot open 3G data
i'm using ChinaTelecom 3G in china and set mcc 450 mnc 03, and edited build.prop file, but it still not work
I have not the nightly 1126 version and I use the 1213, is it only the 1126ver can open 3G data?
and My brower can not click the Multi-Quote button to reply the message, sorry
thomasmolover said:
I'm sorry for my poor English, i meant i can't get any data service for 3G.
I follow the setting step by step, But still cannot open 3G data
i'm using ChinaTelecom 3G in china and set mcc 450 mnc 03, and edited build.prop file, but it still not work
I have not the nightly 1126 version and I use the 1213, is it only the 1126ver can open 3G data?
and My brower can not click the Multi-Quote button to reply the message, sorry
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thomasmolover and others, I would like to help you but I am not an expert at all things phone, tablet, and Android. For me, I wanted root. Found that with root I could pretty much run all over the phone, nothing was off limits, and this would certainly have some kind of benefits that others with stock firmware from Verizon or other carriers do not have. So root was my first, big quest. I learned a lot by doing that. Installing drivers, using cables to connect to laptop or PC, using programs like Oden to push roms and data onto the device and install it. My favorite is Linux because drivers are never an issue, the phones and devices natively connect to Linux as if they were part of the system. Windows was a different story. The samsung Keis driver would not install properly at all, the Motorola drivers did install if I got the right ones, but they often installed things I did not want like MotoCast and other junk software that I do not need at all. Dropbox automatically uploads pictures and video, what do I need Motocast for? Syncing music to the device maybe, but if I wanted a music player, I would have bought a music player, this is a super cool smart phone, not an mp3 player. I think I got lucky the first few times with my Droid X by installing superuser or root apk files and installed them, but that did not last long.
Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, or ANY carriers DO NOT WANT YOU TO ROOT THE PHONE! So, they make the process very difficult or impossible if they can. Many computer and device owners are not exactly brilliant people. They do what the device offers, enjoy it for what it is, and pay extra money to turn on "cool services" that they want like Mobile hot spot. For Verizon, that is $20/Mo whether you use it or not. They fill it with bloatware or "junk" like VZ Navigator that will be a GPS unit for your car to get you to your destination, for about $4 each time you use it. Why in hell would I want to do that when Google Maps does the very same thing, is MUCH more updated and accurate, and are free? With a rooted phone, you can turn on the mobil hot spot, use it to your hearts content, and cannot be billed for it because the phone company has not idea that you are doing this or any way to track usage for billing.
I make friends here and on other forums. We talked. They loved to talk about the newest or coolest ROM they installed to change the phone and how much better it was. They sent screenshots. The phone was cool alright and all that junk/pay software from Motorola, Verizon, or anyone else was gone. Good riddance, not only less useless clutter but more free card space. It took me a while to build up the balls to ROM my phone or tablet. I think I did the tablet first because I need my phone for work and daily use. If I mess up the tablet and have to try again, not a big deal.
You will be able to tell who is experienced and very good at this by their member status and by the way they talk. Try to make good friends with one or two of them. Let them show you some of the ROMS they installed and courage them to talk about what is good about it. People love to talk so if given the opportunity and an audience, they will talk. I cannot believe that some of these ROMS will turn your beautiful Android phone into an iPhone. If I wanted and iPhone I would have bought one. So make friends, talk to them. Learn from them.
The tablet I have, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 I rooted of course, then tried CyanogenMod ROM on because their seemed to be a LOT of support for it and development work going on. Now that my devices are rooted, I installed and purchased Titanium Backup and ClockworkMod ROM Manager. Both essential, both free, but the small amount you pay for a lifetime license is well worth it. With ROM Manager, you can totally backup your entire device, play with it, change it, mess it up, and always restore your backup to "put it back right". WOW! Same thing worked on the Droid X, but not the Razr Maxx, you must use Safe Strap for that.
Now that I have the confidence to change the entire operating system and if I don't like it or mess it up, I can easily restore it, I can start experimenting with ROMS. The Tablet was first, it does not have a "radio" in it because it runs on WiFi, has no carrier or monthly bill. The phone was a little more scary because I read in these ROMS that some of them have problems with "the radio" (The part of the phone that connects you to your service) so I stayed away from those. I finally installed CM10.1 on the phone and it wall worked great. I now have Jelly Bean, it is smoother, nicer, slicker, and works better if you do not get a buggy or beading edge ROM. And holy crap, you can customize just about *anything* on these ROMS, not like stock "Stock is frequently called blur" firmware or ROMs.
Now I want CM10.2 on the phone and Tab to get Android 4.3.1. I now use Safe Strap instead of ClockworkMod ROM Manager on the Razr Maxx because CWM will semi-brick the phone and it will never boot again unless you reinstall the entire ROM from a computer. Safe Strap does away with all that by letting you flash the ROM and gapps zip files at boot time. I heard talk that the radio and phone service did not work on the CyanogenMod ROMS anymore because they do not work on CDMA base radio anymore and that is what the Droid Razr Maxx uses for the phone. I installed it and the gapps with Safe Strap, keeping my original rooted stock blur ROM available and during the setup process, had to turn on the wifi right away and get it connected or the setup could not continue. Uh oh, looks like I will not have a working phone if I do this and for sure, data only, no more phone. I wiped CM10.1 off the phone and went back to rooted stock. But I did ask about CM10.2 on this phone and not being able to use it as a phone anymore. Being nice here paid off. Someone told me that of course it works, but you must change the radio settings under the settings menu.
/System Settings/More/Mobile Networks/Network Mode/ and choose CDMA + LTE/EvDo.
I did this, got back my signal strength bars, but no more 3G or 4G indicators anymore.It now also says LTE over the bars and works just fine. I did not have to reboot or anything, just make the change and try it out. Works great! I love CM10.2 because now you can get a free CyanogenMod account and get updates OTA just like the old days. These ROM updates are rooted so you never have to worry about losing root, and are slick as hell. But to get this stuff, you must use the NIGHTLIES builds, not the stable ones. I would swtich back to stock blur for daily use and then reboot to CM10.2 for a while until I became comfortable enough with it to try using it all the time. I had some issues, apps would stop, it would get stuck once in a while, but for the most part, all was well. But there now were updates in the System menu, I applied them and the phone only gets better. I am happy.
This is how I got my introduction to rooting, ROMMing, and customizing my devices. I know nothing about China Telecom, what exact type of device you are using. (Mine is a Motorola Droid Razr Mazz model XT912) Chances are that you will not get much help in this discussion because it is very specific to China and China Telecom. I would recommend that you make a new post, explain your situation best as you can, give exact brand, make, and model number of your phone, and the service provider you use. A couple of screenshots of the About Phone section always helps. CM ROMS offer the option for screenshots in the power press menu. Take some shots and post them so others can see what you are working on and with. They may ask you to go to different screens and take more shots to share. I attached a couple of screenshots of About Phone from 10.1 I have laying around to show you how to attach screenshots.
My best advice to you my new friend is to start a new post specific to your particular issue. Include important information in the title such as "China Telecom Razr Mazz XT912 with CM102" or whatever your ROM, model, and issue is to attract the attention of those that can help you. It is not likely that someone with a Chinatelecom issue will wander into this post and have the answer you want, but stranger things have happened. Make your own post, include all of the details that matter, and find people that who have been there, done that, and can really help you.
If you find this answer really did help you, please click the big "THANKS" button under my name. Good luck, this CM10.2 is good stuff, even though I have already updated it twice already. :fingers-crossed:
Razr XT912 verizon with Mokee442 now can Link ChinaTelecom 3G
Ohmster said:
thomasmolover and others, I would like to help you but I am not an expert at all things phone, tablet, and Android. For me, I wanted root. Found that with root I could pretty much run all over the phone, nothing was off limits, and this would certainly have some kind of benefits that others with stock firmware from Verizon or other carriers do not have. So root was my first, big quest. I learned a lot by doing that. Installing drivers, using cables to connect to laptop or PC, using programs like Oden to push roms and data onto the device and install it. My favorite is Linux because drivers are never an issue, the phones and devices natively connect to Linux as if they were part of the system. Windows was a different story. The samsung Keis driver would not install properly at all, the Motorola drivers did install if I got the right ones, but they often installed things I did not want like MotoCast and other junk software that I do not need at all. Dropbox automatically uploads pictures and video, what do I need Motocast for? Syncing music to the device maybe, but if I wanted a music player, I would have bought a music player, this is a super cool smart phone, not an mp3 player. I think I got lucky the first few times with my Droid X by installing superuser or root apk files and installed them, but that did not last long.
Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, or ANY carriers DO NOT WANT YOU TO ROOT THE PHONE! So, they make the process very difficult or impossible if they can. Many computer and device owners are not exactly brilliant people. They do what the device offers, enjoy it for what it is, and pay extra money to turn on "cool services" that they want like Mobile hot spot. For Verizon, that is $20/Mo whether you use it or not. They fill it with bloatware or "junk" like VZ Navigator that will be a GPS unit for your car to get you to your destination, for about $4 each time you use it. Why in hell would I want to do that when Google Maps does the very same thing, is MUCH more updated and accurate, and are free? With a rooted phone, you can turn on the mobil hot spot, use it to your hearts content, and cannot be billed for it because the phone company has not idea that you are doing this or any way to track usage for billing.
I make friends here and on other forums. We talked. They loved to talk about the newest or coolest ROM they installed to change the phone and how much better it was. They sent screenshots. The phone was cool alright and all that junk/pay software from Motorola, Verizon, or anyone else was gone. Good riddance, not only less useless clutter but more free card space. It took me a while to build up the balls to ROM my phone or tablet. I think I did the tablet first because I need my phone for work and daily use. If I mess up the tablet and have to try again, not a big deal.
You will be able to tell who is experienced and very good at this by their member status and by the way they talk. Try to make good friends with one or two of them. Let them show you some of the ROMS they installed and courage them to talk about what is good about it. People love to talk so if given the opportunity and an audience, they will talk. I cannot believe that some of these ROMS will turn your beautiful Android phone into an iPhone. If I wanted and iPhone I would have bought one. So make friends, talk to them. Learn from them.
The tablet I have, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 I rooted of course, then tried CyanogenMod ROM on because their seemed to be a LOT of support for it and development work going on. Now that my devices are rooted, I installed and purchased Titanium Backup and ClockworkMod ROM Manager. Both essential, both free, but the small amount you pay for a lifetime license is well worth it. With ROM Manager, you can totally backup your entire device, play with it, change it, mess it up, and always restore your backup to "put it back right". WOW! Same thing worked on the Droid X, but not the Razr Maxx, you must use Safe Strap for that.
Now that I have the confidence to change the entire operating system and if I don't like it or mess it up, I can easily restore it, I can start experimenting with ROMS. The Tablet was first, it does not have a "radio" in it because it runs on WiFi, has no carrier or monthly bill. The phone was a little more scary because I read in these ROMS that some of them have problems with "the radio" (The part of the phone that connects you to your service) so I stayed away from those. I finally installed CM10.1 on the phone and it wall worked great. I now have Jelly Bean, it is smoother, nicer, slicker, and works better if you do not get a buggy or beading edge ROM. And holy crap, you can customize just about *anything* on these ROMS, not like stock "Stock is frequently called blur" firmware or ROMs.
Now I want CM10.2 on the phone and Tab to get Android 4.3.1. I now use Safe Strap instead of ClockworkMod ROM Manager on the Razr Maxx because CWM will semi-brick the phone and it will never boot again unless you reinstall the entire ROM from a computer. Safe Strap does away with all that by letting you flash the ROM and gapps zip files at boot time. I heard talk that the radio and phone service did not work on the CyanogenMod ROMS anymore because they do not work on CDMA base radio anymore and that is what the Droid Razr Maxx uses for the phone. I installed it and the gapps with Safe Strap, keeping my original rooted stock blur ROM available and during the setup process, had to turn on the wifi right away and get it connected or the setup could not continue. Uh oh, looks like I will not have a working phone if I do this and for sure, data only, no more phone. I wiped CM10.1 off the phone and went back to rooted stock. But I did ask about CM10.2 on this phone and not being able to use it as a phone anymore. Being nice here paid off. Someone told me that of course it works, but you must change the radio settings under the settings menu.
/System Settings/More/Mobile Networks/Network Mode/ and choose CDMA + LTE/EvDo.
I did this, got back my signal strength bars, but no more 3G or 4G indicators anymore.It now also says LTE over the bars and works just fine. I did not have to reboot or anything, just make the change and try it out. Works great! I love CM10.2 because now you can get a free CyanogenMod account and get updates OTA just like the old days. These ROM updates are rooted so you never have to worry about losing root, and are slick as hell. But to get this stuff, you must use the NIGHTLIES builds, not the stable ones. I would swtich back to stock blur for daily use and then reboot to CM10.2 for a while until I became comfortable enough with it to try using it all the time. I had some issues, apps would stop, it would get stuck once in a while, but for the most part, all was well. But there now were updates in the System menu, I applied them and the phone only gets better. I am happy.
This is how I got my introduction to rooting, ROMMing, and customizing my devices. I know nothing about China Telecom, what exact type of device you are using. (Mine is a Motorola Droid Razr Mazz model XT912) Chances are that you will not get much help in this discussion because it is very specific to China and China Telecom. I would recommend that you make a new post, explain your situation best as you can, give exact brand, make, and model number of your phone, and the service provider you use. A couple of screenshots of the About Phone section always helps. CM ROMS offer the option for screenshots in the power press menu. Take some shots and post them so others can see what you are working on and with. They may ask you to go to different screens and take more shots to share. I attached a couple of screenshots of About Phone from 10.1 I have laying around to show you how to attach screenshots.
My best advice to you my new friend is to start a new post specific to your particular issue. Include important information in the title such as "China Telecom Razr Mazz XT912 with CM102" or whatever your ROM, model, and issue is to attract the attention of those that can help you. It is not likely that someone with a Chinatelecom issue will wander into this post and have the answer you want, but stranger things have happened. Make your own post, include all of the details that matter, and find people that who have been there, done that, and can really help you.
If you find this answer really did help you, please click the big "THANKS" button under my name. Good luck, this CM10.2 is good stuff, even though I have already updated it twice already. :fingers-crossed:
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thank you for the long reply and help me with frendly. I flash the Mokee Rom of China team, Now I can use 3G, follow
1. flash rom into the Razr XT912
2. you must not wipe data and cache if the last rom is CM11 mod
3. dial *#*#4636#*#*, switch dns check to " allowed", change the network type into any include "CDMA" mode (NOT WCDMA!!)
4. edit /system/biuld.prop file: telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=1
5. reboot the mobile
6. now we can switch 3G data any time!!
thomasmolover said:
thank you for the long reply and help me with frendly. I flash the Mokee Rom of China team, Now I can use 3G, follow
1. flash rom into the Razr XT912
2. you must not wipe data and cache if the last rom is CM11 mod
3. dial *#*#4636#*#*, switch dns check to " allowed", change the network type into any include "CDMA" mode (NOT WCDMA!!)
4. edit /system/biuld.prop file: telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=1
5. reboot the mobile
6. now we can switch 3G data any time!!
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On #4, how do you edit that?
My problem is I get LTE just fine but if I lose LTE signal, it doesn't switch to 3G. I just lose data signal all together.

