[Q] long sms sending problems - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Okay so I've had this problem ever since I rooted my phone but have always just worked around it. If I send sms messages larger than 160 characters the person always tells me weird things show up some times with my text and some times in place of the text. I've been told @ signs show up and weird symbols. I've just used Handcent or Go Sms Pro to auto split messages. I'd like to know what causes this and/or how to fix it.. it happens regardless of kernals, roms, themes, etc. Any help would be wonderful.

My phone will sometimes change messages in to mms messages if they are long. I have never seen one where it has symbol issues. Try sending messages to yourself and see if it is a mms or split sms and if you have the smybol issue when a fascinate recieves it.
Posted from my Samsung Fantastinate using Voodoo magic

I just tried that. Never thought of it before lol I sent a message longer than 160 and when I got it it did split into two messages. Where the first page ends it has seven @ signs. Then the second message continues from where the first left off. At the end of that message there are eight @ signs at the end.

Replace the mms.apk (system/app) with another known good mms.apk. This is the one I use http://db.tt/MWXCHho and this is also the long mms conversion (960 characters)

Dalamar1320 said:
Replace the mms.apk (system/app) with another known good mms.apk. This is the one I use http://db.tt/MWXCHho and this is also the long mms conversion (960 characters)
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Thank you very much!

I replaced the mms.apk and I still have this problem. I just gave up and decided to split messages instead of converting to mms
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Did you delete to old mms.apk from system/Apps first?

Dalamar1320 said:
Did you delete to old mms.apk from system/Apps first?
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yes i deleted the old mms.apk. then i copied the new one over.

Odd... I should be no reason it doesn't work then


SMS Problem (Blank Messages from 1969)

Hi Guys, I have few messages in my inbox that are blank and shows its from 31-Dec-1969. It shows up in both Chomp and android message inbox. I cant delete them in either programs. I have no cache to clear in either and I tried clearing data. Anyone have this or know of a fix? Thanks!
SGK128 said:
Hi Guys, I have few messages in my inbox that are blank and shows its from 31-Dec-1969. It shows up in both Chomp and android message inbox. I cant delete them in either programs. I have no cache to clear in either and I tried clearing data. Anyone have this or know of a fix? Thanks!
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Back in 1969, they weren't sending too many SMS's around, so SMS functionality was pretty unrefined, and didn't have the delete option.
Ok, sorry. that wasn't very helpful.
k1sr said:
Back in 1969, they weren't sending too many SMS's around, so SMS functionality was pretty unrefined, and didn't have the delete option.
Ok, sorry. that wasn't very helpful.
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k1sr said:
Back in 1969, they weren't sending too many SMS's around, so SMS functionality was pretty unrefined, and didn't have the delete option.
Ok, sorry. that wasn't very helpful.
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Equally as helpful...
I tore all my 1969 messages up and burned them.
You tried wiping data using Titanium Backup?
Assuming you have a rooted X10?
yup, tried that.. I have like 7 messages now. All blank and from 31-Dec 1969 and from different people that Ive deleted messages.
Ok so the closest thing I got to your error was when I was using 2.2 with mms settings as Android.
When a png file was being sent I would recieve a blank text with a timestamp.
Saying that though I could do a long press on the thread and delete the thread.
They aint old emails that you deleted from your email server are they?
Saw somewhere that you delete you gmail contacts from your phone then resync from gmail via the gmail web page.
Might be barking up the completely wrong tree though. Sorry!
yeah, Ive read about those phantom emails as well.. non of those fixes work for the messages.
try a repair with SEUS or flash tool and they will be gone i think
I am trying to avoid flashing the firmware... that will be my last option.
I started having this problem just a couple days ago, not sure what started it but I ended up with four threads dated 1969 that I couldn't delete. I read through various forums which suggested a number of fixes but nothing worked.
I did mange to fix it myself though, or at least it's fixed for now. I did this about an hour ago and have rx/tx about 50 SMS since then with no return of the bug.
Download SMS Backup & Restore and back up your messages if you want to keep any of them, this fix will wipe EVERYTHING from the messaging app.
From the Messaging app thread list, press Menu and select Delete Threads. It will ask you to confirm that you want to delete all threads. Say "yes" obviously and bye bye stuck threads from 1969. Of course, bye bye to all the other threads too but that's why you made a backup. From SMS B&R, restore your messages and you should get everything back, minus the 1969 threads.
Your mileage may vary on this one so try it at your own risk. Don't complain to me when you delete that thread with the hottie from the bar the other night. You know, the one with all the pictures she sent you?
i think it maybe happened cuz u took the car from Back to the Future... and while u recieved an sms u were warping back to history. which made this impossible to have and been stuck...
now this how you fix it, go back to the time u warped with the car and stop urselve! else you will mess up much more, u are not allowed to change the past mate.... u mess up the future......
@Coffeedragon, thanks a lot for the tip. It worked. I had originally going to try something like that but I figure the back up would of backed up the blank as well.
oh no...
So I just tried this fix... (Back up messages/settings with Titanium; select all messages and delete) But now ALL my messages are turned into ghosts!!! Also, something many people haven't pointed out yet:
In the stock app, they are ghost messages. In chompSMS, they appear to be changed from SMS to ghost MMS upon deletion.
HTC Inspire 4G
MIUI.us 1.11.18
Got this resolved with some help at the miui.us chat.
1. backed up messages and settings (using MIUI backup, as it was suggested that Titanium is not always great.)
2. Renamed (could delete) mmssms.db
3. rebooted
4. restored messages and settings via miui backup
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using XDA App

Long SMS's send as MMS messages!????

I'm on T-Mobile UK and when ever I send a slightly long SMS, the phone auto converts it to an MMS message and sends it through the internet/uses data to send it?
Why is this? It never used to happen on my Desire.
Any help is appreciated!
daivik said:
I'm on T-Mobile UK and when ever I send a slightly long SMS, the phone auto converts it to an MMS message and sends it through the internet/uses data to send it?
Why is this? It never used to happen on my Desire.
Any help is appreciated!
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And it charges 17p for the privilege, its disgusting..
The only way around it is to use handsent and untick the convert to mms
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
JupiterdroidXDA said:
And it charges 17p for the privilege, its disgusting..
The only way around it is to use handsent and untick the convert to mms
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
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WTF... Why is it only this phone that does this!!!!
eugh...hate using a secondary messaging app. :/
It's just a pain coz it displays the message as if it were a picture (which looks ugly) and it's hard/takes longer for the person to receive the message!
THanks though for clearing that up!
Hate to dig up old topics, but looks like my SII can't send more than 1 sms (160 characters) before converting the whole text to mms. People were reporting they can send up to 3 sms before phone converts to mms. 3 should be ok for me, but 1 definitely sucks. Is there a way i can make it accept 3 sms ?
Try this
For me it stays as a text message and I send many text overseas and not just from the country I'm in at the time.
Try my settings.
Going Message> Settings> Text Message Limit
I changed the default to 2010 not that I send that amount and select now Set.
Their is a MMS fix around if that help .
search for
Nyssa1104 said:
For me it stays as a text message and I send many text overseas and not just from the country I'm in at the time.
Try my settings.
Going Message> Settings> Text Message Limit
I changed the default to 2010 not that I send that amount and select now Set.
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That setting is only for how many messages should the phone store before deleting old conversations, doesn't help with sending more characters in a single sms Thanks for the tip JJEgan but i don't wanna root my phone to achive that and only solution i found was handcent sms which looks like crap. Must be a way of sending at least 3 sms, as all the other SII, but played with sms settings and there's no such thing. Wonder if my provider has anything to do with that, but it's highly unlinkely, as i can send multiple sms with other phones in the same network.

SMS coming in as MMS?

Currently using Handcent as my messaging app (but have also verified this in the stock messaging app). Whenever I get longer type of texts from my friends (most using iphones) it shows as a MMS message.
Is there a setting I may have missed to stop this? It's getting really annoying.
Also, is there a way to disable that stupid slideshow when someone sends more than 1 picture in a text?
I text back and forth with my wife all the time... She has an iPhone 4S. I have never had any of her texts arrive as MMS unless they were that. I still use the stock app and running on the stock ROM unrooted. You said you verified this on the stock app, but was that ever before installing the Handcent app or only after?
As far as the stupid slideshow issue... I hate it too... Even if it's only 1 single solitary picture it will play the slideshow... Stupid... Not sure why, but I can't help with that.
Should be normal......... depending on how much you're typing. If you pass the length of 3 text messages, it automatically gets turned into mms to be able to send all of it in one go.
If you're typing less than 3 text messages worth and it still gets sent as an mms, you have a problem.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App

How to disable size limitation of mms?

Hi everyone!
I am using ICS stock (LP7) and it's built in mms.apk for sms and mms.
Now for some reason MMS are limited in size. At around 3kB (about 2000chars) I get a message that I have reached the limit and I then cannot write anymore chars.
I couldn't find any setting in the program itself that lets my bypass this.
I decompiled the mms.apk but couldn't find the solution as the mmssize in the xml does no fix this.
Anybody have any ideas?
officiallyme said:
Hi everyone!
I am using ICS stock (LP7) and it's built in mms.apk for sms and mms.
Now for some reason MMS are limited in size. At around 3kB (about 2000chars) I get a message that I have reached the limit and I then cannot write anymore chars.
I couldn't find any setting in the program itself that lets my bypass this.
I decompiled the mms.apk but couldn't find the solution as the mmssize in the xml does no fix this.
Anybody have any ideas?
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I think that's a carrier size limit, not a phone size limit, but I'm not positive...
u cant increase the size its carriers may b diffrent but they ave to follow public privacy laws,gov laws, cyber laws etc
Yep. Carrier dependent. No workaround.
thanks guys for your fast replies
but that limitation also affects sms :-(
and it works with handcent sms. it's just the stock app that doesn't allow it.
just sent myself an sms using handcent that exceeds the limit of the stock app and i got it just fine.
alternatively, does someone know whether you can disable the link of sms size to mms size in one of the xmls or somewhere?
well iam not a mms or sms freek but wat i think is even if u double the sms size and send it ,the opponet will recieve it in a normal way ,like 2,3 sms ..,tht may b single sms for u...even now everyone dosnt own a android,ppl r on bbm,etc ive seen some bbm msg which r recieved in un readable format....so logically it may b supported on bbm but not on android....hope u got it...eg like viber ,the oponet shld a;lso hav viber in order to cummunicatee
i seldom write really long sms, but almost all my friends have either android or iphone. so they can all receive long sms-es
i sent a long one to an old phone of mine and that came in portions. but it didn't matter if it was 14 sms (equals the mms limit) or in 25 sms.
so the limit, while understandable, is a bit superfluous. and i am not a big fan of handcent :-(
What about the MMS mod in themes or development .
which one? the one that disbles the sms->mms conversion? there is no answer in there and the thread has long been dead. tried it there before. no one listening or no one answering...

AOSP 160 character limit?

I recently flashed an AOSP rom, Rage 1.6 to be exact, and I noticed that when I text them ladies, messages over 160 characters/letters get split up into multiple text. So eventually the receiver gets up to 3 separate texts for 1 message. Do all aosp roms do this?
im_high_tech said:
I recently flashed an AOSP rom, Rage 1.6 to be exact, and I noticed that when I text them ladies, messages over 160 characters/letters get split up into multiple text. So eventually the receiver gets up to 3 separate texts for 1 message. Do all aosp roms do this?
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The maximum length of any SMS message is 160 characters. If you send one longer, the recipient always receives the messages split up.. its just a matter of whether or not their SMS client (or yours for that matter) displays them as a single message, or displays them broken up into the individual messages.
While some SMS clients do recognize multiple messages to be parts of a single longer message and display it as such, others don't.
For example, I don't use the stock SMS client for Android. I only use Google Voice, and it always displays longer messages as one coherent message, even though the recipient's client may display 3 separate incomplete messages.
Using the stock messaging app on Adrenaline 2.0, I texted someone a lengthy message (over 160 characters) and they received it as a whole message. Then when I flashed an AOSP rom, using also the stock messaging app, I texted the same person. It started breaking up the text into multiple messages. I just tried using Handcent SMS and now that person is receiving one long text instead of multiple.
So basically it's the apps fault hu? I just wish there was a setting where I could change it.
Some apps provide the ability to send longer messages (>160 char) as MMS instead of SMS. I couldn't guess what the default setting is, but I know handcent has that ability (I've used handcent since I had my original Moto Droid).
im_high_tech said:
Using the stock messaging app on Adrenaline 2.0, I texted someone a lengthy message (over 160 characters) and they received it as a whole message. Then when I flashed an AOSP rom, using also the stock messaging app, I texted the same person. It started breaking up the text into multiple messages. I just tried using Handcent SMS and now that person is receiving one long text instead of multiple.
So basically it's the apps fault hu? I just wish there was a setting where I could change it.
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theascended said:
Some apps provide the ability to send longer messages (>160 char) as MMS instead of SMS. I couldn't guess what the default setting is, but I know handcent has that ability (I've used handcent since I had my original Moto Droid).
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yep sense based roms will convert an sms to mms seamlessly so you dont see the splits. if you want to make it longer in aosp just send an mms.
More than 160 characters in a text? Dude...send an email at that point.

