Google goggles and latitude cannot sign in - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just wondering if any of you experiencing this problem. I am on KE7 and am rooted. No other problems with sign in and checking of my google mail. However when trying to turn on search history in google goggles or signing on with latitude, the device never signs in and just shows that it is still trying. I tried both with wifi and data connection but still can't enable this.
I tried this on my atrix and also htc desire but it didn't exhibit this problem.
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reubenyap said:
Just wondering if any of you experiencing this problem. I am on KE7 and am rooted. No other problems with sign in and checking of my google mail. However when trying to turn on search history in google goggles or signing on with latitude, the device never signs in and just shows that it is still trying. I tried both with wifi and data connection but still can't enable this.
I tried this on my atrix and also htc desire but it didn't exhibit this problem.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Yes I have the same problem.
I am also using Greader PRO but not able to sign in.
free version I have no problems signing in.

Try a google sign in via YouTube .

Tried, but not working for me.
read that some people having problems uploading to youtube too.
I do not have that problem.

Youtube sign in works but haven't tested upload.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

So is this a global problem it only affecting some users. Can someone confirm this?
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reubenyap said:
So is this a global problem it only affecting some users. Can someone confirm this?
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Yes as per the posted thread .


Internet calling

Hey all, I've been trying to get internet calling set up. I'm running cm7 rc1 in Canada. I've tried getting google voice to download to my PC and phone to no avail, I've downloaded sipdroid app and created an account but it fails to register (not sure if is correct server to use?) Can anyone enlighten me or point me in the right direction to set this up on are p500's Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Try bobsled calling from the play store
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
Does bobsled allow you to make free phone calls over wifi/ data? I checked it on playstore and web but it doesn't say much about calling, it's more about texts (which people are complaining that it's not free) ?
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Viber? I use it for calling a lot
Plus it's absolutely free.
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Gigabitex2 said:
I've tried getting google voice to download to my PC and phone to no avail
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Well, I don't know what that means, but...
GrooVe IP + Google Voice
If you already have a GV number, then just install GrooVe IP. If GrooVe IP hasn't fixed the "keep WiFi on" issue yet, then you can solve that with Advanced Wifi Lock. I also use Llama to manage WiFi, because the battery will drain very fast if you keep WiFi on.
Thanks to all and especially MechMan! I got groove IP happening! Would love to stay n chat but I gotta go dig into all my new settings
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Gigabitex2 said:
Does bobsled allow you to make free phone calls over wifi/ data? I checked it on playstore and web but it doesn't say much about calling, it's more about texts (which people are complaining that it's not free) ?
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I use bobsled for calling from my mediapad all the time on wifi. Tried it on data just to see, no problems there either. As for texting...dunno, i don't use it
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andee777 said:
I use bobsled for calling from my mediapad all the time on wifi. Tried it on data just to see, no problems there either. As for texting...dunno, i don't use it
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I'll give it a try if I run into problems with groove, thanks
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium

[Q] Can't see facebook timeline

I have a Motorola Atrix and a Asus Transformer prime.
Both do not show the new facebook timeline, not on the app and also not on
Only the full website does.
So I cannot see the pics from friend and no info.
Any help?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Ralf_g60 said:
I have a Motorola Atrix and a Asus Transformer prime.
Both do not show the new facebook timeline, not on the app and also not on
Only the full website does.
So I cannot see the pics from friend and no info.
Any help?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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Maybe is your connection with the internet, or the Facebook app.
Have you tried another Facebook app?
tried on wifi and 3g, tried different browsers. Facebook app anf website work fine, except timeline.
I just can't see the info and photo buttons on profiles, it only showes the profile photo.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Ralf_g60 said:
tried on wifi and 3g, tried different browsers. Facebook app anf website work fine, except timeline.
I just can't see the info and photo buttons on profiles, it only showes the profile photo.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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I have the same issue....did you found a solution? Tried to reinstall the app, flush the luck. I'm using Cyanogen 7.2
gratton said:
I have the same issue....did you found a solution? Tried to reinstall the app, flush the luck. I'm using Cyanogen 7.2
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I am still having this problem. It must be something with CM7 because I logged in to facebook with my dads phone which is the same model running a stock HTC rom and had the timeline. Then I backed up that app and restored it to my phone with titanium backup and still did not have the timeline on my phone.

Blazer ROM 1.6 - Exchange Issue - Email messages getting truncated

I'm having a weird issue that I can't quite figure out the cause of. I have my Sprint S3 rooted and have flashed the Blazer ROM 1.6 on it. I haven't had any issues that I know of until now. I have my work email, which is run on a Microsoft Exchange Server, hooked up to my phone. I get notifications fine, emails, invites, etc. However, randomly, emails will not show up in their entirety. It will show 5 or 6 lines of the email and then nothing else. If I forward the email to another account, like my gmail account, the entire email is there.
Has anyone else seen this issue? I have tried searching and can't find anyone else with the issue. I thought at first it was my particular phone, but I returned it and got another S3 and the same thing happens.
Right now I have it back to stock, still rooted, and I'm not seeing the issue. That's what's making me think it might have to do with the Blazer ROM.
Hopefully someone else has come across this issue.
Should be in the Blazer thread not General......
You might try a full wipe and reflash. I have not heard reports of truncated messages.
paulg1981 said:
Should be in the Blazer thread not General......
You might try a full wipe and reflash. I have not heard reports of truncated messages.
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OK. Sorry about that. I'll repost it there. And I have tried wiping and reflashing. And it's happened to me on both phones that I have had in the past week, which seems weird. I'll get this post moved. Thanks.
I use an app in the market called mail Droid works great and free
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RidinHarleys said:
I use an app in the market called mail Droid works great and free
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Thanks. I'll give that a try.
Im using the stock app on blazer 1.4 i have an ms exchange account and i do not experience your symptoms. Make sure you check the settings for email size.
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jbadboy2007 said:
Im using the stock app on blazer 1.4 i have an ms exchange account and i do not experience your symptoms. Make sure you check the settings for email size.
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Man, it's so odd. I have the email size set to All. And it's not on every email. It's only every now and then. I'm going to try another email app and see if it still happens.
RidinHarleys said:
I use an app in the market called mail Droid works great and free
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Well, I downloaded Maildroid and am extremely happy with it so far. So long as I don't have problems with it, I think this is going to be my email client of choice. Thanks for the suggestion! :good:
texagg01 said:
Well, I downloaded Maildroid and am extremely happy with it so far. So long as I don't have problems with it, I think this is going to be my email client of choice. Thanks for the suggestion! :good:
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I'm glade you like it as I have been using it for quite sometime now. I like that you can back it up in TB and take it with you from rom to rom. Plus you don't have to lock down your phone, just lock the email application itself.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
RidinHarleys said:
I'm glade you like it as I have been using it for quite sometime now. I like that you can back it up in TB and take it with you from rom to rom. Plus you don't have to lock down your phone, just lock the email application itself.
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What exactly do you mean by not having to lock down your phone, just lock the email application itself? You mean securing it so no one can get into your email?
texagg01 said:
What exactly do you mean by not having to lock down your phone, just lock the email application itself? You mean securing it so no one can get into your email?
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Yes you can just lock the email application itself. And not have to have your phone screen lock
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[Solved] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?

Every time I open the YouTube app, I have to sign in again if I want to access personalised content. This didn't used to be the case, so why is it now? Is anyone else having this trouble?
I'm running the latest stock rom on a rooted S3
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Nobody else having a similar issue? I'm also finding the notification sound on the stock sms app keeps getting reset to default. May or may not be related to the YouTube issue.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Me too
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
R: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
I think its a new thing about youtube...even if im logged in with an account if i wanna post a like i have to login thru one of my 3 gmail accounts...wasnt like this a few weeks ago....
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Hmmm... hope this isn't a "feature"
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
I thought it was because I disabled my sign in verification.. It really annoying not having my subs on my widget.. Dayumm Google get your **** together
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
I have this problem too. I'm using AOKP build 5 and I thought it was my Rom causing the problem.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I'm also having this problem on my Sony Xperia S (Stock ICS).
It's a pain as each time I add something to a playlist I have to tap my only account I have on the phone.
David J
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Having the same problem. Also if I want to add a video to my playlist j have to select an account but I only have one account on this phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Does anyone find a solution to this issue?
It is very annoying...
This is an app issue, you can try contacting google about it and ask them to implement "Remember Me" feature in next update.
problem solved
Google updated YouTube app today and fixed this issue.
Finally. ..
Yes they did, so I'm marking this solved.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I was so happy when I saw the YouTube update notification icon.. Finally Google
I may be wrong be they also added what to watch.. Ahh wtf

[Q] [Help] Gmail stopped syncing after a couple of weeks

Hello guys. I'm currently using a stock rooted 4.2 Galaxy S4. I used to own a china made android phone before this and the same issue happened as well so I'm pretty sure it's not due to the ROM.
My emails from gmail suddenly stopped syncing after a couple of weeks after adding my Google account. This has happened 4 times already and after Googling the problem I couldn't find any solutions. Neither restarting my phone nor clearing the Gmail app data from Application Manager helped. In the account manager it says that everything but email was able to sync successfully (according to the update date). The only solution I have found so far is to completely remove my Google account from the phone and add it again.
I have 2 step verification on my Google account and at first I thought that was the issue; that my authentication token had expired, so I generated an application specific password and used it, however the problem still came back. Really hope someone can help me as it's really frustrating to have to remove and add my account every couple of weeks. Thank you.
Hope someone can help me out..
Is sync turned on?
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knightandroid said:
Is sync turned on?
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As far as I know yeah as seen in my attachment
thoraine said:
As far as I know yeah as seen in my attachment
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I don't see any attachment. Did you try a factory data reset?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Sorry yeah this is the attachment.
Have yet to try a factory reset...
Factory reset is what comes to mind for me. Just remember to back up your data first. Good luck
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