I was wanting to know if someone could port this to our phones! I think it looks great. maybe add the "droid" sound too.
source: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/11262-my-midnight-droid-bootanimation.html
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISFjaO-jrU4&feature=feedrec_grec_index
+1 that looks badass. It would look good with the bluemyst theme tonecreationz made
Sent from my Chuck Norris powered BlueMystblurred Atrix
D1rk said:
+1 that looks badass. It would look good with the bluemyst theme tonecreationz made
Sent from my Chuck Norris powered BlueMystblurred Atrix
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exactly! im running honeyglow perfect theme, it would look great with it too
Maybe it's just me, but that boot animation is boring, repetative, and nothing special!
CaelanT said:
Maybe it's just me, but that boot animation is boring, repetative, and nothing special!
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idk why i just like it i like the Droid bootanimations. id rather have a cool Nvidia bootanimation since.. thats what our phones are lol, but i havent seen any xD. but this is still cool.
stratax said:
idk why i just like it i like the Droid bootanimations. id rather have a cool Nvidia bootanimation since.. thats what our phones are lol, but i havent seen any xD. but this is still cool.
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Don't get me wrong, I've seen some very cool Droid boot animations, and I'm not trying to take anything away from the creator. This one just strikes me as a boring version.
CaelanT said:
Don't get me wrong, I've seen some very cool Droid boot animations, and I'm not trying to take anything away from the creator. This one just strikes me as a boring version.
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im a big fan of minimalistic themes/bootanimations. To some they may seem boring but i like it i can see how you think its boring though lol
stratax said:
I was wanting to know if someone could port this to our phones! I think it looks great. maybe add the "droid" sound too.
source: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/11262-my-midnight-droid-bootanimation.html
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISFjaO-jrU4&feature=feedrec_grec_index
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Motorola Droid Blue Eye (Atrix).zip
Flash with CWM...enjoy!
Please remove the spaces before pushing it to your phone...
tonecreationz said:
Motorola Droid Blue Eye (Atrix).zip
Flash with CWM...enjoy!
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thanks! looks nice. it looks purple on the atrix haha
tonecreationz said:
Motorola Droid Blue Eye (Atrix).zip
Flash with CWM...enjoy!
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Hells yeah flashing now
Sent from my Chuck Norris powered BlueMystblurred Atrix
tonecreationz said:
Motorola Droid Blue Eye (Atrix).zip
Flash with CWM...enjoy!
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Damn that was fast. If you don't mind, what exactly did you have to do to port this? I'd like to try and do some work with boot animations myself.
I have rooted my Atrix tonight, what else do i need to do to it, to try and get this to work?
I'm looking into the search results for ADB sideloading? and setting up gingerblur?
CaelanT said:
Damn that was fast. If you don't mind, what exactly did you have to do to port this? I'd like to try and do some work with boot animations myself.
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All you have to do is change the dimensions stated in the txt file then repackage with no compression (store).
In this case you only have to change the desc.txt
480 427 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 10 part1
540 480 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 10 part1
So our screen is 540 wide, to find the proper height a little math.
540 (ours) / 480 (original) = 1.125
1.125 (ratio) * 427 (original) = 480 (new height)
Im wondering what people would like to see incorporated in a Custom DX2 ROM, I may throw some of these into CorteX2. Post your every desires in the comments below
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
Pull down settings like cm7.
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Reboot options
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
Bacon dispenser. Motorola already got the cooking part down.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
Electrodeath0 said:
Bacon dispenser. Motorola already got the cooking part down.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
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I second that!
Tardis based storage, you flip the screen up and have several large room of storage to hang out and drink beer in.
Fully debloated,deodexed,overclocked,with a nicely animated 3d theme would also be nice
brilock42 said:
Tardis based storage, you flip the screen up and have several large room of storage to hang out and drink beer in.
Fully debloated,deodexed,overclocked,with a nicely animated 3d theme would also be nice
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I'm guessing you haven't looked at CorteX2. It's got half of what you asked for and one thing is currently impossible atm (overclocking).
I would like LED customization for apps. Meaning you define what apps use what color. It was in Ultimate Droid but I'm not sure where he got it from.
EDIT: And I wasn't trying to be a jerk. Just saying you should go look at what he's done already.
Samsung pull downs are pretty sweet.
ability to change the led color, themes.
Zaf9670 said:
I'm guessing you haven't looked at CorteX2. It's got half of what you asked for and one thing is currently impossible atm (overclocking).
I would like LED customization for apps. Meaning you define what apps use what color. It was in Ultimate Droid but I'm not sure where he got it from.
EDIT: And I wasn't trying to be a jerk. Just saying you should go look at what he's done already.
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Yeah saw half of it is in there, and am impressed with whats there already (good work) was just saying a nice animated 3d theme woujld be nice as well. my friend just got a droid 3 and when sliding between screens theres a 3d effect that looks kinda cool, not looking for the same effect but some 3d animations would be nice. I know overclocking isnt possible yet but a most decent overclock programs also underclock which is possible=-) I really like your idea of differant leds for differant things ( it would be amazingly nice to look at the light and know green means txt, red means missed call, blue for email or whatnot. Im guessing no luck on the tardis mode though lol
Fast, clean, and stable. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
Are we talking GB rom?
Sent from my DROID X2
Liberty Rom sounds cool.
Eventhough I know this is related to a Rom thread, I will need to move this general forums since it is not development. Also, this discussion can be perfectly carry out in the rom thread.
would like to see CRT tv off Animations
some color (nothing bright or ugly.... simple) but incorporated through the whole rom dial pad, settings, etc.
some widget love! the white stock stuff is ugly would like to see some dark color maybe transparent .....somewhere along those lines ...........
everything else is pretty much a given ......
thanks for asking the users ! good to get an input in and hopefully see some good stuff in your work to come! thanks agian!!!!
RacerXFD said:
Samsung pull downs are pretty sweet.
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Yeah, that would be nice. Customizable widgets in the pulldown.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
fbm111 said:
Pull down settings like cm7.
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
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Also a look into why battery life sux after update.
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
A feature to change the screen from PenTile, to SAMOLED+.
Sent from my ADR6350 using XDA Premium App
colonel187 said:
Also a look into why battery life sux after update.
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
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interesting, Mine is MUCH BETTER after update.
SBF your phone, wipe EVERYTHING and try again.
what i would like to see in a droid x2 rom
personally I really like minimalx... just remove everything possibly without breaking functionality so we can install and use our own apps. just make it blazing fast with a simple black theme.
It seems Madnav has made a QHD CM7 Bootanimation before I made mine! Please go here!
[BOOTANIMATION] CM7 for Atrix 4G and other qHD displays
[BOOTANIMATION] CM7 for Atrix 4G and other qHD displays
madnav said:
[BOOTANIMATION] CM7 for Atrix 4G and other qHD displays
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Oh, God, so sorry. Should have looked. It also would have been nice for me so I wouldn't have to remake it!
Once again sorry for making another one when yours was already there!
BravoMotorola said:
Oh, God, so sorry. Should have looked. It also would have been nice for me so I wouldn't have to remake it!
Once again sorry for making another one when yours was already there!
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hey that is fine.
apologies are not necessary.
it is not my original work. we all have kind of same source.
just that the cwm zip was already available in place
One Color ICS Boot Animations
All credit goes to whomever developed the original ICS boot animation. If you know the person's name, please let me know so I can give proper credit. All I did was make these into a solid colors.
I also want to thank everyone in team d3rp for their continued support and encouragement always, dased14 for his help and tutorial and the XDA community.
Ok disclaimer time:
I'm not responsible for your phone blowing up, robbing liquor stores, beating people up, etc. etc., yadda, yadda.
But seriously though, flash responsibly. These should work with all Evo 3D roms.
* These are for qHD displays only *
All boot animations have been updated (1/30). I reduced the file sizes and the graphics are better.
(These are all flashable zips)
Black, White, and Grey ICS Boot Animation
Red ICS Boot Animation
Purple ICS Boot Animation
Pink ICS Boot Animation
Yellow ICS Boot Animation
Orange ICS Boot Animation
Warm Green ICS Boot Animation
Blue ICS Boot Animation
MIUI Versions (Install like a MIUI theme or put the file into the MIUI themes folder)
Black, White, and Grey ICS Boot Animation
Red ICS Boot Animation
Purple ICS Boot Animation
Pink ICS Boot Animation
Yellow ICS Boot Animation
Orange ICS Boot Animation
Warm Green ICS Boot Animation
Blue ICS Boot Animation
I'm just going to take this spot also.
Nice, now post in general android, qHD disclaimer, anim zip only
il Duce said:
Nice, now post in general android, qHD disclaimer, anim zip only
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I thought saying it was for Evo 3D and that it was in the Evo 3d forum was enough but ok boss.
*Don't hit me*
Evo 3D forum needs love.
Edit: Done.
vanessaem said:
I thought saying it was for Evo 3D and that it was in the Evo 3d forum was enough but ok boss.
*Don't hit me*
Evo 3D forum needs love.
Edit: Done.
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lolololol, no, I mean post it HERE!
il Duce said:
lolololol, no, I mean post it HERE!
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I knew what you meant...lol.
...These will quickly get buried in the mix.
I'll get more love in 3D land.
I'm not sure if I can post this in two places. If I could, I'd do that instead.
vanessaem said:
I knew what you meant...lol.
...These will quickly get buried in the mix.
I'll get more love in 3D land.
I'm not sure if I can post this in two places. If I could, I'd do that instead.
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You can post in both
Very nice, just grabbed a couple
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using xda premium
Nice vanessaem.
Thanks a lot!
Hey mine just robbed a mini mart are you responsible for that and stole a car ;p
from my iced out O.G EVO
dased14 said:
Hey mine just robbed a mini mart are you responsible for that and stole a car ;p
from my iced out O.G EVO
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I'm not responsible. Read the disclaimer.
You didn't say anything about carjacking
Oh and good job on the bootani's
from my iced out O.G EVO
dased14 said:
You didn't say anything about carjacking
from my iced out O.G EVO
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The etc., etc., yadda, yadda covers it all.
Thanks again sir.
Good **** V
dased14 said:
You didn't say anything about carjacking
Oh and good job on the bootani's
from my iced out O.G EVO
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Was it a nice car?
il Duce said:
Was it a nice car?
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audi s7
What the heck!? I'm gone for a few hours and see what happens..
But you know my fondness for your work, so as always great job.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
dased14 said:
audi s7
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Joyride time My brother runs an audi dealer, those are hot!
il Duce said:
Joyride time My brother runs an audi dealer, those are hot!
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really ???
road trip to duce's brothers dealership for a7 joyride
yes yes they are
Nolam's Custom Boot Animations
Feel free to request any boot animation you'd like!
Also feel free to repost these, just please credit me or relink this thread!
Boot Animations:
All boot animations are 1280x800 and 24fps (unless marked in notes). They should fit most 10.1" tablets.
Battlefield 3
Preview (1.0):
1.0 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hxs935cgedl67eq
Notes: Framerate/Speed issues with the beginning are common, fixes are being investigated
1.1 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1edz2pbwckid4h5
Notes: See changelog
*NEW* 1.2 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gumy4pij1majj54
Notes: See changelog - NEW twitch animation
Transformers Prime Autobot
1.0 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3zhtxbivt1ohegq
Transformers Prime Decepticon
1.0 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1t0c3p09n68d6af
*NEW* Kickass Android
1.0 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xxtrjoai3m612yz
NOTES: BETA version (bleh quality) - Updated quality coming soon (I'm sleepy)
Battlefield 3:
1.0 - Initial upload
1.1 - Sequence shortened from 19 seconds to 11 seconds, overall size decreased, speed during loop increased. Still problems with speed before loop in part0, being investigated.
1.2 - Updated twitch animation (thanks to Video Copilot's fantastic products!) - FPS increased to 30fps for performance
Transformers Prime Autobot/Decepticon:
1.0 - Initial upload
Kickass Android:
1.0 - Initial upload
How to install a bootanimation:
Thank you for thanking me!
WOAH! Nice The whole thing is badass, but the eyes flashing at the very end was the icing on the cake! Now I don't know which one to use. Ah...now I can go to sleep (getting up at 5am) I knew something was keeping me up...lol. Very nice work Nolam...much appreciated. I'm expecting these to be very popular. I still can't believe I made a request and hours later it's REAL..haha. Thanks
jaycustom said:
WOAH! Nice The whole thing is badass, but the eyes flashing at the very end was the icing on the cake! Now I don't know which one to use. Ah...now I can go to sleep (getting up at 5am) I knew something was keeping me up...lol. Very nice work Nolam...much appreciated. I'm expecting these to be very popular. I still can't believe I made a request and hours later it's REAL..haha. Thanks
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Haha it's something I enjoy to do, glad I can share it with everyone
Thx man Nice..
Hi great animation (BF3) love it..
Will it be possible to implement a soldier name as well in this animation ?
That bf3 animation is sick. Cool how you keep the loading in the bottom right.
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda premium
Excellent Work!
Thanks for the share.
Thanks guys!
PipoXtreme said:
Hi great animation (BF3) love it..
Will it be possible to implement a soldier name as well in this animation ?
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Sure! Like above the soldier as if he's someone in multiplayer?
What's your username/gamertag/whatever?
Great stuff. Looks awesome.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Wow, In the time it took me to make my own transformer-themed bootscreen, you came out with your own that looks way sexier.
Here's mine;
1280x800, 24fps, download: mediafire.com/?le711e16zx17mus
Backup download: p.bladey.info/primeboot/bootanimation.zip
Looks like it might be time for me to root, these look awesome and I've got to get one. Nice work
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
How To Install?
I know this is going to be a stupid question but I don't have a lot of experience with my Prime yet. I am rooted but not unlocked. Can I still install one of these and if so how?
stewsta said:
Wow, In the time it took me to make my own transformer-themed bootscreen, you came out with your own that looks way sexier.
Here's mine;
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That's pretty awesome, man
lt thistle said:
Looks like it might be time for me to root, these look awesome and I've got to get one. Nice work
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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fasthair said:
I know this is going to be a stupid question but I don't have a lot of experience with my Prime yet. I am rooted but not unlocked. Can I still install one of these and if so how?
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No problem, man! I'll put a little guide together really quick, just give me a second
stewsta said:
Wow, In the time it took me to make my own transformer-themed bootscreen, you came out with your own that looks way sexier.
Here's mine;
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That is badass. Do you care to share?
jaycustom said:
That is badass. Do you care to share?
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1280x800, 24fps, download: mediafire.com/?le711e16zx17mus
Backup download: p.bladey.info/primeboot/bootanimation.zip
Nolam20 said:
Thanks guys!
Sure! Like above the soldier as if he's someone in multiplayer?
What's your username/gamertag/whatever?
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PN is in your Inbox ;-)
We need a good tux boot...what do y'all think?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
Nolam20 said:
That's pretty awesome, man
No problem, man! I'll put a little guide together really quick, just give me a second
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Thanks a lot. Looks really nice!!! My GF just rolled her eyes and laughed when I showed her calling me a dork
PipoXtreme said:
PN is in your Inbox ;-)
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Alright, I'll get to work on it!
stoehner said:
We need a good tux boot...what do y'all think?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
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So true! I'll fire some up!
EDIT: As soon as I'm back from Skiing!
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA
stewsta said:
Wow, In the time it took me to make my own transformer-themed bootscreen, you came out with your own that looks way sexier.
Here's mine;
1280x800, 24fps, download: mediafire.com/?le711e16zx17mus
Backup download: p.bladey.info/primeboot/bootanimation.zip
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Good work. Looks good
Asus Prime & Tapatalk
hey guys i just made a Zelda ocarina of time high res intro bootanimation^^
respects go to this video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8DbnGlpq5M for the base of the boot animation and the sound. Nintendo for the amazing game and me for my time
the video is set to just play, my phone usually boots about half way through it but oh well first time making one ^^
push both files to data/local and all should be grand
edit. depending on which rom it could also be in system media (cm7 type roms) or in system/customize in some sense roms ^^
also for the wildfire i know the audio cuts. nothing anything i can do
and for users that cant get audio to work with cyanogenmod 7 roms try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1364636 although im not sure if this will work on cm7 derrived roms.
that being said i have went back to the drawing board and i feel i have improved these greatly, i removed the n64 intro to improve the sinc with the audio and they are far less choppy ^^ but should anyone want to make it faster or slower open the zip, edit the desc.txt file. the last number on the first row if frames per second.^^ so download time
wildfire V2 240-320 http://db.tt/VNEvLgo8
wildfire V1 http://db.tt/0wyKg0GI
g2 V2 480-800 http://db.tt/YjG4jRc8 (just for you lol)
sound audio http://db.tt/blDMgM9I (right click and select save as )
vid http://youtu.be/nunWXJbIMdw
have been tested on sensation and wildfire by me ^^
if anyone wants this resized for their device pm me and ill do my best
but should the audio be ogg or mp3 ???
will check how this will be
worked fine (however i no audio, due to i can't say if its need to be ogg)
and i saw the video to the tunnel !
hmmm i'd like to test this on my g2x... whats the size of the animation? anything like 750x424-ish?
da-pharoah said:
hmmm i'd like to test this on my g2x... whats the size of the animation? anything like 750x424-ish?
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should be working as OP had a HPDI phone
the link here has been resized just for the wildfire, go to here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=25887422#post25887422 for the sensation sized animation one, which was 960h 540w if you want i will resize for you if your willing to test
and the file should be mp3 for htc models, im not sure about other devices. not to sure what a ogg file is lol if your on cyanogenmod you may need to add the sound script.
LastStandingDroid said:
and i saw the video to the tunnel !
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sweet very happy people are taking an interest
heavy_metal_man said:
the link here has been resized just for the wildfire, go to here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=25887422#post25887422 for the sensation sized animation one, which was 960h 540w if you want i will resize for you if your willing to test
and the file should be mp3 for htc models, im not sure about other devices. not to sure what a ogg file is lol if your on cyanogenmod you may need to add the sound script.
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Sure im at work and cant resize it now.. if your willing to resize then ill test for sure!
da-pharoah said:
Sure im at work and cant resize it now.. if your willing to resize then ill test for sure!
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ok buddy just for you i have made this to 800 by 480 as this says that is your device screen size ^^ http://www.gsmarena.com/t_mobile_g2x-3888.php
http://db.tt/9qV4X6vR audio remains the same. hope it works
heavy_metal_man said:
ok buddy just for you i have made this to 800 by 480 as this says that is your device screen size ^^ http://www.gsmarena.com/t_mobile_g2x-3888.php
http://db.tt/9qV4X6vR audio remains the same. hope it works
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sweet! lol thanks ima download it now and report back. Thanks again!
Btw way question for you, how many fps do u have the animation set to?
Sent from my Hellfire Kindle using xda premium
5 ATM pal.
You could slow it down but it starts to get choppy.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
heavy_metal_man said:
5 ATM pal.
You could slow it down but it starts to get choppy.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
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lol no I was thinking of increasing the speed as it seemed a bit choppy for me... but looks cool.. thanks again!
I forgot to add that with it the way you gave to me it ends as Link rides Epona by the tree and as it shows the front of the castle it ends..
heavy_metal_man said:
sweet very happy people are taking an interest
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I know this worked perfectly on wildfire, I love it, it ends when they enter the tunnel
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2
LastStandingDroid said:
I know this worked perfectly on wildfire, I love it, it ends when they enter the tunnel
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2
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sweet ^^ feeling well chuffed now
da-pharoah said:
lol no I was thinking of increasing the speed as it seemed a bit choppy for me... but looks cool.. thanks again!
I forgot to add that with it the way you gave to me it ends as Link rides Epona by the tree and as it shows the front of the castle it ends..
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thats the same as it gets with my phone, i think newer phones ignore the boot animation somewhat and boot when they are good and ready too and its a bit choppy as the vid to pic convert was at a pic per every ten frames. i could try make you one with every frame, which would be alot less choppy but its 2000ish images :/ i dont think even our phones could take it.
everyone getting the audio ok as well?
heavy_metal_man said:
sweet ^^ feeling well chuffed now
thats the same as it gets with my phone, i think newer phones ignore the boot animation somewhat and boot when they are good and ready too and its a bit choppy as the vid to pic convert was at a pic per every ten frames. i could try make you one with every frame, which would be alot less choppy but its 2000ish images :/ i dont think even our phones could take it.
everyone getting the audio ok as well?
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lol dang 2k images... that would be a big bootani file.. but no audio here btw.. also unrelated here but just curious since you're in my beloved Land of Scots... are you a Rangers fan or Celtic?
da-pharoah said:
lol dang 2k images... that would be a big bootani file.. but no audio here btw.. also unrelated here but just curious since you're in my beloved Land of Scots... are you a Rangers fan or Celtic?
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no audio? hmmm. are you on a rom that needs sound to be enabled? afaik cyanogenmod ect needs to be configured for sound at boot. more info here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1364636 although please check with your rom before following that incase your rom as some specifin instructions.
and tbh pal im no into football, far to busy with my beloved android
heavy_metal_man said:
no audio? hmmm. are you on a rom that needs sound to be enabled? afaik cyanogenmod ect needs to be configured for sound at boot. more info here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1364636 although please check with your rom before following that incase your rom as some specifin instructions.
and tbh pal im no into football, far to busy with my beloved android
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ay ok but your a Scot so no worries! My mom was born in Glasgow... but cool i'll check that out for sure... the rom im on is pure cm7
da-pharoah said:
ay ok but your a Scot so no worries! My mom was born in Glasgow... but cool i'll check that out for sure... the rom im on is pure cm7
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groovy well i think that script applies to all cyanogenmod 7 roms so if all goes well that is what you need
updates ^^
check the op
heavy_metal_man said:
check the op
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lol thanks! Im maxed out on thanks today so you'll get some on the morrow. When I get home im going to increase the fps to test it and see whats up...