ZIP install/uninstall - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

Hello I have some questions. I have been fooling around with putting different themes on my atrix. (steel blue& matted blue) I like the steel blue theme alot but the problem is that none of the app icons changed like shown in the picture. I had installed the matted blue theme first and then the steel blue theme. With both of those installed is it a possibility that they could be interfering with each other?? and is it safe to just delete from the sdcard once it has been installed, and installed over with steelblue. Do i need to uninstall to do it and can I uninstall themes/apps at all either. Thnx


[Q] Original x10 mini pro theme in black?

I just installed the black HTC theme on my pro and i like the fact that its turned black on lmost everything, but i dont like that glossy look and some other things.
Isnt there just the orginal theme files, in black?
No changes in bottuns and so on, just the colors?
EDIT: Like the screenshots pulpoff first made in his theme tread.
Thanks in advance
You have the grey theme with less glossy But still not exactly the original theme in black.
Yeah thx, but now im on 2.1..

GB THEME REQUEST! please help me

hello, after countless hours of searching, and even trying to figure out how to edit a current theme, i'd like to request a theme and hope that someone can help. Basically, i can't stand black in a theme. I'd like to get a theme that's like the Frost theme for froyo, (white and black), but white and blue instead. the only thing i'd like black on it is text. Background colors white, everything else bright blue. I would appreciate anyone willing to help, or anyone that would be kind enough to help me either edit a theme to these colors, or get me on the right track to making my own. Thanks in advance.
I couldn't tell if making/editing a theme was completely what you are tyring to do from the wording, but if not there is a pretty cool one on the market called Honeycomb Wall. Its live honeycomb and for $.80 donate you can change most of the settings on it, not to mention you can use ADW/LP/Go Launcher and various other tools to maximize your personalization. Otherwise just check out the post on How to MetaMorph/Theme:
Just look around there is plenty to help you. Good luck.
RE::SORRY. I didn't notice the GB at the beginning for some reason honeycomb just was lodged in my head, But either way you will find plenty on the Market and XDA Theme forums to help.
If you're talking about a theme chooser theme.. the Orion theme is a nice one that I think get's pretty close to what you're wanting

[Q] CM7 theme question

I am using CM7 for the first time, and I really love the ability to change the themes with just a few clicks. I have used a lot of different themes but none of them ever seem to theme Google Talk. I have even used the metamorph mods to change everything else. I have searched all around and still have not found an orange themed Google talk. At the risk of being flamed for asking for something does anyone know of an orange and black themed Google talk to match the orange octane theme.
Mine changes all the time switching to gingerblur theme and galaxy S theme.
Probably redownload the file. And really install it
Thanks for the help but tried that and it still didn't theme Google talk
Are you rebooting after installing the themes? Most themes need to be reboot to fully take effect. You can d/l "notification restart" free from the market so you don't have to reboot every time you apply a theme

Cm7 theme suggestions?

What's the most beautiful devastating cm7 theme you guy's would suggest to me? I just want a new cool look with some colors and some originality... not those boring themes.
I based my theme off of a theme called Mixer, but then I pulled what I consider the "best parts" out of multiple themes and combined them together, to make my own CM7 theme.... plus some of my own editing as well.
I also like the Elegance theme too. Just go check the CM7 Theme Chooser thread in the main Android theme forum, it has links to over 200 themes.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I suggest theme chooser themes on the market gives you like every theme out there in a list with links to the market or the web to download
im using epic blue n bold. looks amazing, also if they arent ment for qhd just use it to see what you think t wont kill you
Look into the LunarUi and MIUI theme for CM7. I like those two the most.
Thre are plenty of threads with CM7 themes in them. You'll just have to look through them all like the rest of us until you find what fits you. Theme Chooser Themes is a nice wee app as was already suggested. Make sure you also download any lockscreen sliders and extras that come in morph/zip themer files so youget the fullest experience from any themes you try. I would suggest finding something you like through Theme Chooser Themes, then go to the webpage on a PC so you can see everything properly.
I am currently using the Minimal Bread theme with the Honeycomb Lock for the lockscreen.

[Q] Looking for a theme [SOLVED]

I didn´t feel it was right to put my question on the "general questions about themes"-thread... I actually only want to get directions for a specific theme.
This is my config: Stock 2.3.3 Version 3.0.1.G.0.75 without any Bravia or xLoud... Rooted and xRecovery 3 installed.
I Would like a theme that does not have any SE Blue tinted background in the menus, dialpad, messaging and other places. I would like it to be black or perhaps dark grey (as I have seen some themes have). However... the only one I have found was made for 3.0.1.C.0.75 and as I understand also for Bravia or xLoud (I think it´s called) I tried it but I ran into a bootloop.
So... can anyone point me in the right direction to a theme that is close to what I´m after? And if possible as close to Stock as possible but with all the blueish backgrounds replaced with a more discret dark color (or perhaps black).
I really wish the X10 had the same possibilities as the Arc 2.3.4... with a themechanger. One theme there has all backgrounds black.
I have glanced at several other ROM´s but I don´t wanna loose the SE camera and so on... also the stability.
Best regards...
Mange, Sweden
Search for themes in the themes and apps forums! There is actually a black theme somewhere over there for stock 2.3.3... Also, you can flash the theme manager along with the other apps from 2.4.4.. There is a thread with the apps somewhere in the themes and apps forums aswell
Sent from beneath my cloak of magic
Made it myself...
I just replaced the background images by opening the framework-res.apk and SemcGeneralUxpRes.apk with 7zip and replaced them... pushed them on to the phone and "viola"
// Manneman

