Darktremor Apps2SD Beta 04
Date of Release: January 29, 2011
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Update on Beta 4
It seems I'm getting mixed results with these betas. I'm not sure why this is occurring, some people have been able to get this working right while others have had a hard time with it.
Currently, I'm rebuilding the entire program. This takes a while because I have to figure out how to pack all these options into the program but make it small enough to where it will run correctly.
I will say that some of the beta features are coming back of them is the search for a partition code. I suspect that code may be leading me into issues with certain platforms, so I'm going back to the method of mounting (mmcblk0p2 or mmcblk1p2).
Also, parts of the code will use Busybox Ash (the only code that won't will be starta2sd, which will still use Bash for the time being). The startup code will definitely use Busybox Ash.
Until then, here are the links to the the last two betas and the last official release:
Version Beta 04 -
Version Beta 03 -
Version -
And, if you want past versions, you can view the repository: ftp://dtuser:[email protected] (ignore the smiley face...that's XDA doing that.)
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Beta 04 took longer than I expected to release. I have done major changes to the code:
1. New commands: convert-ext4 - This will convert your EXT3 partition into EXT4. Just a friendly reminder on this command: Not every rom supports EXT4, so it is possible to go into a boot loop if you switch roms. Use with caution.
2. Reworked convert-ext3 (convert-ext4 gets similar code) a flag file is set before the reboot (no conversion is done before the reboot). At load time, the conversion is performed. This takes longer in the reboot process and you may think your phone has locked up...wait about five minutes before doing anything with the phone.
3. Repair is it uses existing commands to repair the setup (reinstall, remove, cachesd, cachepart, nocache, datasd, nodata). Definitely shrinks the code.
4. Added fix_permissions program to the package. This may help with Superuser issues when using the datasd feature. It is used in reinstall, remove, datasd and nodata.
5. a2sd install is back!!! Both a2sd install and a2sd reinstall do the exact same thing.
6. Dalvik heap code has been shrunk and now creates a file called dalvikheap. Actually, the code has been doing this all along (since about, I think), but I never put the code in to use the file.
7. Low Memory Killer code has also been shrunk and uses a file caled dtset_lowmem to set the low memory killer parameter.
8. Replaced Busybox PS function with Toolbox PS. The issue with Busybox PS is that it gives a false reading when I look for android.process.acore (which is the main program when the GUI starts up). If that is present, the program thinks you are trying to run Darktremor without any command line parameters. This was because Busybox would report the process was there when, in reality, it wasn't (validated this when my phone was boot looping.) Toolbox's PS reports the correct setting. This should fix the bootlooping issues some people are experiencing.
9. New commands: usedtbusybox and usedefaultbusybox - these commands may help in diagnosing issues that is may be related to the native Busybox on your rom. a2sd usedtbusybox will use the Busybox that is packaged with Darktremor. a2sd usedefaultbusybox will turn back on the scan behavior of the program introduced in Beta 03.
10. Support for Darktremor Apps2SD version 2.7 and earlier has been discontinued. To upgrade correctly from one of those versions, use version Beta 03b or earlier.
11. Finally fixed stalled boot issues (or at least my tests with several roms says so.)
See the change log for additional details.
You will notice that if the program runs repair and finds a problem, it will correct the issue and reboot. You will see a second reboot when the dalvik-cache clears (this is to fix timing issues with CyanogenMod...I can't control that startup as well as I can other roms). This only happens if repair is ran or you flash a new rom (as repair will realign all data). If you are upgrading from a previous version of Darktremor, you should not see the reboots.
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This is Darktremor Apps2SD, a multipurpose program that primarily allows a user to execute applications created for the Android OS on their Secure Digital card (with the proper setup...more on that later). But, Darktremor Apps2SD is all about stability. The goal is to be able for all users of the Android OS to be able to take advantage of a method to run their applications from a secure digital card.
But just because the Darktremor Apps2SD is all about stability, doesn't mean it isn't packed with features:
- Move applications (both free and paid) to the Secure Digital card.
- Move Dalvik Cache to run either from your Secure Digital card or from your cache partition and clears the cache on demand.
- Boot Loop Protection: prevents the phone from boot looping in the event the SD card could not be mounted.
- Dalvik JIT for faster performance on Roms which support it.
- User selectable sizes for the Dalvik heap sizes, allowing a user to freely optimize their system.
- Activate a swap partition on your SD card and sets how often the swap partition is utilized.
- Automatically fixes configuration issues.
- Users can check the free space on their SD card and check the installation to make sure all is setup correctly.
- Runs ZipAlign on demand...this makes your programs load faster.
- Built in help system for easy reference of commands.
- All features can also be reversed without repartitioning your Secure Digital card.
- New logging features assists in troubleshooting issues.
- Commands to set the Low Memory Killer feature at boot time. Great for those people who are the "set it and forget it" type.
- And more...
Darktremor Apps2SD is not the same as Froyo Apps2SD. Froyo Apps2SD creates a secure folder on the FAT32 section of your SD card (this is the section that you see when you mount your phone to your computer) and stores the programs there. This is nice as you don't have to do anything special with the phone, but it isn't backwards compatible with older versions of Android (Cupcake, Donut, Eclair) and, because of the way Froyo works, older programs not designed for Froyo will automatically stay on your internal storage (unless you install a program that forces the move to your SD card).
Darktremor Apps2SD takes a different approach. Based on the original CyanogenMod works, Darktremor Apps2SD uses symbolic linking to force Android into moving your applications to the SD card. Because Android will not allow anything to be ran from the FAT32 partition on your SD card (and, in Froyo, it will only allow you to run programs from a special folder), Darktremor utilizes filesystems called EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4. Each one of these filesystems is native to Linux (the operating system running Android), which allows you to run programs from them (same as, say, a computer running Ubuntu). This method is completely compatible with all versions of Android, including Froyo. In fact, you can run both the Darktremor Apps2SD and Froyo Apps2SD at the same time.
Check out the list of Roms that either have Darktremor Apps2SD installed or are compatible with Darktremor Apps2SD. Click on the link labeled ROM List at the top of this message.
Any word on if this will work with Data2sd?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Awesome job
As long as Data2SD doesn't actually try to mount the SD card, it should work together with that program. I'll have to take a look at Data2SD to make sure.
OriginalDRag said:
Any word on if this will work with Data2sd?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
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Will this work on Gingerbread?
UberMario said:
Will this work on Gingerbread?
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Yes it does. I have been using it with CM7 and other roms before that.
what is A2SD?
Got me...I don't know.
Just kidding.
A2SD (a.k.a. Apps2SD, Apps2EXT, SD-EXT) is a concept of moving your applications from your internal storage on your phone to your SD card to be executed. it is used to free space from your internal storage.
There are two main flavors of Apps2SD:
Froyo/Gingerbread Apps2SD - This process is built directly into the Froyo and Gingerbread source code. It is created by Google to allow you to store apps on your SD card (it was created in direct response to the other flavor of Apps2SD). Froyo Apps2SD stores your applications on your FAT32 partition of your SD card in a special secure area. Advantage to this is that you don't need a special program as it is included in all Froyo/Gingerbread builds and you can individually select which programs are stored on the SD card. Disadvantage is that it is only isolated to two versions of Android and, by some people's accounts, isn't built very well.
Classic Apps2SD (also known as Apps2EXT or SD-EXT) - This process uses Android's kernel (which is a Linux kernel) to allow applications to run on the SD card. It utilizes an EXT2/3/4 partition on your SD card to store applications in. It replaces the /data/app directory that is used to store programs in your internal storage and forces that directory to be redirected to your SD card using symbolic links. The advantage of this method is that you are using a native Linux it is compatible with all flavors of Android and (by some people's accounts) it is faster. The disadvantage is you need a separate program to manage the moving of the files, a kernel which can run scripts at boot time, and an EXT partition on your SD card (which is normally a single FAT32 partition).
One advantage that the Classic Apps2SD has over the Froyo Apps2SD is that you can move your Dalvik-cache and, more recently, your program data to the SD card, freeing up even more internal storage.
Hope that answers your question.
Virus1x said:
what is A2SD?
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This wiped my phone when i flashed ti and even wore killed my wifi
Tell me what you exactly did, step by step.
Virus1x said:
This wiped my phone when i flashed ti and even wore killed my wifi
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this works great with the new cr ota froyo... thanks a lot!!!!
bump---new version available.
NOOB ?. I flashed this and want to move some apps to my sd..How can I do this..don't see any options for it..Thanks.....
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
I'm running A2SD now...if I flash this from Clockwork will all my settings and apps remain intact just with this new version of A2SD in place or will all my settings and things be lost? Thanks!
EDIT: Decided to just take the dive and flash it without waiting for a reply. Did a nandroid backup to be safe then flashed...everything is running just as it was before I flashed. Thanks for update!!
It should do it automatically.
You can type a2sd reinstall to initiate it. If the EXT partition isn't mounted, it will not let you move the programs.
xBANGx said:
NOOB ?. I flashed this and want to move some apps to my sd..How can I do this..don't see any options for it..Thanks.....
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
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Sorry it's taking a while to respond. When I release a version, I end up with a lot of posts I have to keep up with. Not only that, I ended up with an issue I had to fix.
pettigrew95 said:
I'm running A2SD now...if I flash this from Clockwork will all my settings and apps remain intact just with this new version of A2SD in place or will all my settings and things be lost? Thanks!
EDIT: Decided to just take the dive and flash it without waiting for a reply. Did a nandroid backup to be safe then flashed...everything is running just as it was before I flashed. Thanks for update!!
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When i try to partition my sd card, i am unable to find that option in android recovery. anyone know how come i cant find it?
The script said that it can't mount ext partition. Says it is a busy resource. I don't have apps2ext running now and your script works on ROMs like 3rd Sense and CyanogenMod 6. I am running the newest nightly of CyanogenMod 7.
the real decadeofevil said:
this works great with the new cr ota froyo... thanks a lot!!!!
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How did u get it to work? when i flashed it, it causes my phone to constantly cycle at the mytouch logo screen on boot
If the script says it's a busy resource, what exactly are you doing? It may really be nothing to worry about, especially if the phone reboots after that message.
UberMario said:
The script said that it can't mount ext partition. Says it is a busy resource. I don't have apps2ext running now and your script works on ROMs like 3rd Sense and CyanogenMod 6. I am running the newest nightly of CyanogenMod 7.
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Morning guys - i'm a sort of noob (go easy.!) that needs help with my HTC desire. I took plunge and decided to try rooting & applying custom ROM, but now have problems with the screen freezing completely at any point, then on restart the phone boots into the home launcher but screen does not respond or will not wake.
So far:
Rooted with unrevoked
HBOOT flashed to Cm7r2
Latest version of clockworkmod recovery via app
Aurora 4.1 (all dalvik caches wiped at correct points).
V6 supercharger applied on setting 5 (balanced).
Tried with kernel built in ROM (0.7) & gingercakes 0.9cfs no2way havs.
SD card partitioned with GParted (fat32 primary, 2gb primary ext4).
I've had the ROM working fine, the only other thing i can place it to is swapping the SD card, which i've changed from 4gb class to, to a samsung 16gb class 6. Does anyone think that this error could be anyway caused by the fact the card readers i've used (tried 2 different readers) both have had trouble recognising the 16gb card?? (Gparted still recognised it however)
Is it possible to be a hardware issue? Please note recovery works perfectly - wiping caches, reinstalling zip files, backups etc.....only problem is now this freezing of home launcher and no response.
Any help be greatly appreciated, give me a nudge if i haven't given enough detail.
Regards, Nick.!
Additional:- Tried unsupercharging & rebooting - no difference.
Only other thing i can think that i've done prior to the fault is attempting to install busybox for V6 supercharger - which failed every time and affected my root access on the phone. I've found that the Aurora ROM has busybox installed already. However, is it possible me trying that install has somehow affected the rooting of the phone?
So many questions, sorry guys!
Bump.....would ADAO file manager (which isn't on google market I notice) affect anything on ext4 perhaps? That was one app that i downloaded from net.
Have you tried reverting your busybox to the default version? Also, are you overclocking and or overclocking? Going to high or to low with CPU speed can cause problems like that. It has also been said that partitioning an SD card can damage them, which may be an issue you have now. You could try formatting the SD card to its default state and run like that for a while. I ran a 16gb SD card in a Droid Eris for months and it never caused a problem like that. Of course, I didn't have a partition set up on it.
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
I've literally left the settings for speed in daemon controller alone, although i'm still learning and not sure if they are default overclocked or not?
Possibility with the SD card, i'll give it a try for sure, that'd mean i'd have to revert to an alternate ROM would it, as Aurora specifies an ext4 partition?
Thanks again though, it's a start at least
Do you set profiles in SET CPU?
Accidentally sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium
Excuse noobie brain here, where will i find those CPU settings?
If so, fully wipe and install again. And what rom are you using currently that causes freeze?
Accidentally sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium
Aurora V4.1 ROM i'm using. Don't think it's the ROM itself as i have had it stable for week or so, before swapping SD card from 4gb to 16gb.
I'm thinking this may be the root cause as i've just tried a complete fresh partition with Gparted & fresh install of literally just the ROM itself and on first boot it froze again. Rebooted and now seems to be stable with nothing reloaded back on it but we'll wait and see. If it freezes again i'll try my 4gb card. Didn't want to revert back to that as its only class 2.
[Q] Noob help - Rooted desire keeps freezing.! Update...!
UPDATED - Still getting same problems - have now tried a different SD card & alternative ROM (Cool3d v5).
Is it possible it could be heat related fault? The more i use the phone the more readily it happens - from the occasional freeze (okay after reboot) to complete freeze and no response on every reboot.
Does the CPU therefore have a cut out or could be freezing based on the settings that are initially loaded through daemon controller? What are safe settings for the min/max values?
Only other thing i've noticed is once fault starts to occur - clearing dalvik cache in recovery is quite unresponsive - menu holds before allowing me to clear.
Got to get to the bottom of this - don't want to revert back to original, or throw my phone in the river!!
Save clock is 1ghz. No over clock is the safest.
Do your phone wear case? If yes, it may be the caused of heat.
I'm sure the rom caused you the freeze. You can try to change a more stabler rom, eg aosp
Accidentally sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium
Bit more progress - as my phone literally would freeze on loading home launcher, i connected it to pc and mounted via recovery - and deleted everything i could see for V6 SUPERCHARGER - and hey presto, very slowly, but phone booted up and is now working again.
I see the devs of V6 say about removing hardtokill if any lags occur - i think it's this portion of the script affecting my bravo.
SO, i'm going to run it totally without V6, and may try to just run the memory portion, but the instructions to disable hardtokill are a little unclear to me, could you guys tell me in simple terms how to acheive??
Thanks again for all your responses, a great help
V6 now off and all fresh re-installed with cpu max turned down also, and set to ondemand gov, will see how we go
[Q] Noob help - Rooted desire keeps freezing.! PT3.!
Still no joy with this issue guys - pulling my hair out now - after a few hours use (usually overnight) phone just freezes, then freezes on reboot, before getting worse and now will not pass alpharev's boot screen.
Installing fresh gets me into home launcher, but becomes unresponsive and freezes again.
I've tried different ROM's, different SD's, basic clean install, all without any luck. I'm thinking now it is more a hardware issue with the phone?
nikh667 said:
basic clean install
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Did you wipe data/cache partitions/dalvik cache before flashing the rom? Did you wipe dalvik cache and cache partitions after flashing the rom?
Yep all wiped before and after.
nikh667 said:
Yep all wiped before and after.
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Have you tried flashing a new kernel?
Yep fault happens with any kernel I've tried (so far 0.9c no2way havs cfs, also 2way version, 0.8f cfs havs, 0.7c)
nikh667 said:
Yep fault happens with any kernel I've tried (so far 0.9c no2way havs cfs, also 2way version, 0.8f cfs havs, 0.7c)
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Has your device went through any physical damage (around the time the problem started)?
No physical damage apart from the battery cover being pulled off more than once(!) and a lot of obscenities being flung it's way, lol! But no, not dropped or damaged at all.
I've used the phone now all afternoon, longer than normally, with the same details on same hboot, but left some of the sense widgets off the home launcher, and it hasn't locked up once.
I am starting a new thread here since I did not got any mention of the problem that I am facing right now. Please help.
My device was on stock 2.2.2 ROM until I upgraded it to the 407 ROM sometime back. It was working smoothly till yesterday before I tried to root it. After installing the streakmod, I booted the device in recovery mode to apply the update of However, though I am able to see superuser icon in my menu still Busy box Installer tells me that the root user rights cann't be acquired.
This was just the tip of the problem.
Now when I restarted my device, the Dell logo is coming up. However after sometime, a message is getting flashed saying that
"File system check returned status 2048. ( I dont remember exactly what file was mentioned but it was pointing to system directory. ) Please send this unit to the software development for debugging. Formatting your device".
After that I again flashed the 407 recovery and the respective package in the device. However, the problem still persists and the same message appears after 2-3 reboots. Even the stock browser is throwing up an exception and Wifi option says Error beneath it.
Before I flashed the stock 2.2.2 ROM, I had the following config for the phone -
Android version - 2.2.2
Baseband version - GAUSB1A134700-US
Kernel version -
OEM Version -GAUSB1A134700
Build number - 15274
Please help. I am very much in love with this device and dont want to switch to some other phone.
Sounds like it coukd be your internal sd ard has gone bad, i was also getting the same message and my device formatting so i swapped it for a 2gb sdhc its been fine ever since
Sent from my Dell Streak using xda premium
Hi andy,
Thanks for the information. But I believe that the internal SD card is not user replacable. Is it?? How much effort it required on your end ?
Yes mate it is replaceable, theres two ways to get T it, 1 is to remove the lcd from the phone second is to cut away the plastic inside the phone battery bay to get at it, i chose to open mine as i didnt wanna start cuttin plastic, it is really easy to do you can replace it with upto a 4gb, anything higher and you have to edit files etc, i put in a 2gb sdhc been fine ever since, plus the phone will automatically format for you,
Sent from my Dell Streak using xda premium
[email protected] said:
Yes mate it is replaceable, theres two ways to get T it, 1 is to remove the lcd from the phone second is to cut away the plastic inside the phone battery bay to get at it, i chose to open mine as i didnt wanna start cuttin plastic, it is really easy to do you can replace it with upto a 4gb, anything higher and you have to edit files etc, i put in a 2gb sdhc been fine ever since, plus the phone will automatically format for you,
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Cutting the plastic is an easy job and only takes a few minutes. The upside to this method is that it the inner SD card is accessible and it only has to done once. If you have any warranty left you void that. You could even remove it and make a backuo image periodically.
I replaced mine with an 8GB, class 10 card and the phone formatted it for me. There is more info here and here.
The system files are needed if you want to use the space for other than what the system uses it for. More info on using the internal SD for other purposes here and here. In my case I ended up with over 6 GB of system space to install apps. I can keep all of my apps on the inner SD Card.
Aah thanks for that marvin, i didnt realise that, now i know that im gonna upgrade mine
Sent from my Dell Streak using xda premium
sid81s said:
I am starting a new thread here since I did not got any mention of the problem that I am facing right now. Please help.
My device was on stock 2.2.2 ROM until I upgraded it to the 407 ROM sometime back. It was working smoothly till yesterday before I tried to root it. After installing the streakmod, I booted the device in recovery mode to apply the update of However, though I am able to see superuser icon in my menu still Busy box Installer tells me that the root user rights cann't be acquired.
This was just the tip of the problem.
Now when I restarted my device, the Dell logo is coming up. However after sometime, a message is getting flashed saying that
"File system check returned status 2048. ( I dont remember exactly what file was mentioned but it was pointing to system directory. ) Please send this unit to the software development for debugging. Formatting your device".
After that I again flashed the 407 recovery and the respective package in the device. However, the problem still persists and the same message appears after 2-3 reboots. Even the stock browser is throwing up an exception and Wifi option says Error beneath it.
Before I flashed the stock 2.2.2 ROM, I had the following config for the phone -
Android version - 2.2.2
Baseband version - GAUSB1A134700-US
Kernel version -
OEM Version -GAUSB1A134700
Build number - 15274
Please help. I am very much in love with this device and dont want to switch to some other phone.
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I still would try reformatting you external sd card.....then with it a QDL Tool reinstall before swapping out internal sd
sent from my pimped out dell
sid81s said:
I am starting a new thread here since I did not got any mention of the problem that I am facing right now. Please help.
My device was on stock 2.2.2 ROM until I upgraded it to the 407 ROM sometime back. It was working smoothly till yesterday before I tried to root it. After installing the streakmod, I booted the device in recovery mode to apply the update of However, though I am able to see superuser icon in my menu still Busy box Installer tells me that the root user rights cann't be acquired.
This was just the tip of the problem.
Now when I restarted my device, the Dell logo is coming up. However after sometime, a message is getting flashed saying that
"File system check returned status 2048. ( I dont remember exactly what file was mentioned but it was pointing to system directory. ) Please send this unit to the software development for debugging. Formatting your device".
After that I again flashed the 407 recovery and the respective package in the device. However, the problem still persists and the same message appears after 2-3 reboots. Even the stock browser is throwing up an exception and Wifi option says Error beneath it.
Before I flashed the stock 2.2.2 ROM, I had the following config for the phone -
Android version - 2.2.2
Baseband version - GAUSB1A134700-US
Kernel version -
OEM Version -GAUSB1A134700
Build number - 15274
Please help. I am very much in love with this device and dont want to switch to some other phone.
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I had lots of problems with mine to i think it`s the 347 base band i read every post and downloaded DSC and it works great read all there post there is a guide to follow you will have 407 running in no time REMEMBER TO READ
One thought here for the OP: why not upgrade to 360 first before trying to upgrade to 407? That might solve your issues. I can't verify whether it would work or not, since I never used the official ROM to upgrade. I upgraded the baseband the hard way and use a custom ROM.
I don't remember how off hand, but isn't there a simple procedure to test your SD card first to see if that is in fact the problem?
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
slaydog said:
I don't remember how off hand, but isn't there a simple procedure to test your SD card first to see if that is in fact the problem?
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
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It's been posted many times. Info in this link.
My internal was gone bad too and crashed 4 times in 2 months. after functioning very well for the first 2 months. It appeared a read write block error on the internal SD repeating the error 4 times proved the defect.
I replaced mine without real trouble with a 8 Gb SD class 10.
just removed the old one and replaced with the new one.
mind you i tried several cards and not all were installed properly.
Now i have a huge 6 Gb for my apps and no need for App2SD or Link2SD anymore. can swap any external SD without problems for any apps that way. everything is now installed internal including maps of 6 countries for europe.
On youtube you'll find a lot of movies how to dis assemble and reassemble the Dell Streak 5.
Please correct me if I am wrong. All the applications get installed to the internal memory by default. I don't face issues when I keep them that way. When I acutally try to move the apps to SD, sometimes the move does not happens on first attempt. Sometimes it does. I think that's where the problem lies. Is it possible that due to a corrupt external card, the streak is getting checksum error and formatted on restart?
That.s a good guess if you can repeat it afew times it has some bad blocks when software is bad removing and installing wil not solve that. It only took me as many as 4 times to be certen about it.
No genius needed for that.
I had 230+ aps installed and som other data I always wanted to have so internal is my choice. General I used 2.5 Gb .
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
sid81s said:
Please correct me if I am wrong. All the applications get installed to the internal memory by default. . . . .
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The dev can set it up so that the app is installed to the SD card. Few apps do this, but not every app defaults to internal storage.
Zathros said:
That.s a good guess if you can repeat it afew times it has some bad blocks when software is bad removing and installing wil not solve that. It only took me as many as 4 times to be certen about it.
No genius needed for that.
I had 230+ aps installed and som other data I always wanted to have so internal is my choice. General I used 2.5 Gb .
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Will try to install a new external card and see how it goes.
marvin02 said:
The dev can set it up so that the app is installed to the SD card. Few apps do this, but not every app defaults to internal storage.
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Alright !!
In the mean time my internal SD contains 333 aps now including 7 country map data of europe stored. My external is free for any use. Very cool when mounted by PC and no broken apps.
This streak is so cool now and despite the fact that it is an older device it still can compete very well.
The only disadvantidge is the longer boot and long refreshing the app list in the app drawer after first boot and backup apps.
Just my 2ct
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
UPDATE: i have been using he card now for some time but experience some systeem freezes, nog fatal but for a few sec andere up. I am ging to install he Same brand 4Gb card class 10 and that should be more than sufficient for my needs. Internal up to 16 GB is not an option i guess. IT would be even worse i guess.
I have the CM10 [skang jellybro] fascinate rom installed, and coming from a cm9 rom, all my apps didn't fit because they switched the partition around [making the app partition only 468MB, and the system partition 1.5 GB].
So anyway I had to move a lot of apps to the sdcard. So I just downloaded a newer version of my rom, and wiped cache/dalvik, nandroid backup, then I installed the new zip.
Then I rebooted, and it had to 'optimize' apps [create dalvik cache?] and after that finished...I only had about 15-20 apps show up in my app drawer. [I have probably around 40] So I clicked on Zedge, on my homescreen, and it said "App isn't installed." I then started to worry..:S I googled apps on sdcard disappearing.. and so I opened titanium backup, and under Batch operations, it said "Restore missing apps (6)," and they were 6 apps that I'd uninstalled but didn't delete the backup. so then I wasn't sure what to do next, because I did not create a fresh titanium backup prior to updating my rom [because I did a nandroid instead..] so then I went to Manage Apps, and then.. for some reason, all my apps showed up again! all the ones on my sdcard.
I tapped Zedge again on my homescreen, and it loaded up! So my question is, what happened? Why did my apps disappear, and then just show up again? was it loading titanium backup? or did the rom just scan the sdcard for apps?
Sounds like it just messed up the media scan of the sdcard which I have heard happens from time to time... not sure if that's related to your issue, but now are all your apps installed or are you still missing some? Next time I would just reboot again and let it re-scan to see if it helps
Crawshayi said:
Sounds like it just messed up the media scan of the sdcard which I have heard happens from time to time... not sure if that's related to your issue, but now are all your apps installed or are you still missing some? Next time I would just reboot again and let it re-scan to see if it helps
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ah.. yes they are all there, but I was just wondering why did they disappear, and then why did they just show up all of a sudden?
I guess if it is the media scan thing, that would explain it.
Fast Boot option may be the culprit
mvmacd said:
ah.. yes the [apps] are all there, but I was just wondering why did they disappear, and then why did they just show up all of a sudden?
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Some (not all) of my apps moved to SD (all by Titanium Backup Pro) have begun to disappear and (sometimes) reappear without warning after I began to add and delete large Virtual Machines created in QEMU from my 16GB SanDisc class 10 microSD card on my HTC Droid Incredible running rooted stock Verizon Android Froyo 2.2.3. I know this thread is far from my phone's "home base", but from what I can tell this problem with disappearing apps located on an sdcard is NOT determined by hardware or even Android version.
I also happen to use LauncherPro by Federico Carnales instead of the built-in HTC Sense launcher. I noted elsewhere on XDA that a user had suggested that because at least some (maybe all) launchers start before the SD Card that this may be a problem, especially if changes are made to the sdcard that the launcher did not perform, or was not active during their performance by other apps such as Titanium Backup. That fits my situation, because I unmounted the SD, physically removed it to a PC, and added/deleted large VM files to save (lots) of time. No problems of this sort before I did this, so there must be some connection.
I noted that other users have tried reformatting SD, substituting different brands of SD, using newer/older SD etc. None of these reliably helped. So I skipped these options.
//// The (simple!) solution I tried that SEEMS to work (only time will tell!) is buried in the main Android Settings (accessed from the Menu button while in Home screen). Under "Applications" there is a setting "Fast Boot" that I checked long ago and forgot about (it seemed like a good thing to do at the time). The text warns "Turn off to use some Market apps" (that shows the age of my 2-yr old used phone and Android OS -- ohmygosh!-- because it refers to Market rather than Google Play Store!) Anyway, I unchecked the option and rebooted the phone.
Yes, it took a bit longer to boot (maybe a whole minute!), but after waiting about another minute ALL my home screen apps had normal icons and loaded properly. Titanium Backup Pro batch scenarios confirmed there were no apps in a forced uninstalled state (i.e. I had not done the deed, the system somehow had done it or at least rendered the apps "invisible" to Titanium, which decided they needed reinstallation).
The only odd behaviour was that auto brightness was turned off after I unchecked Fast Boot and rebooted. Going into Android Settings > Display and rechecking "auto brightness" took care of that. No other oddities or strange behaviours thus far (but it has only been about an hour).
I will report back here on this thread only (Samsung Fascinate > Fascinate Q&A > What just happend? apps on sdcard) if anything else requires reporting. Silence implies success!
(I am copying this original post (without edits) to other relevant threads, but will not post anything further elsewhere -- only here. This is a bit arbitrary (although this thread appears to be the most recent active one on this topic), but I hope this approach pleases the XDA sysops/admins) :angel:
EDIT 2012-12-26-a:
Nearly all of the 100+ apps on my HTC DINC (Droid Incredible) continue to behave normally after the "fast boot OFF" fix. (No disappearing act.) However, I did find one that appeared to be installed but really was not: ASTRO File Manager. I used Titanium Backup Pro to reinstall app+data from a backup. It only took a couple of minutes, and after that all went normally.
The only other noticeable issue right after the fix is that nearly all of my installed, functioning apps were listed as "missing" by Titanium Backup in its Batch scenario list (although they were NOT counted in the total number of apps listed with the scenario -- that number was 61, and it should have been nearly 170 based on the number of apps actually in the physical list). After about a day or so of regular usage, a re-check of the "missing apps" Batch scenario found all the functioning apps no longer listed; the 61 missing apps were valid -- they were all from earlier ROMs belonging to the original HTC setup and another phone (MOTO OG Droid). Since I have kept the MOTO as an emergency backup smartphone, I might conceivably want to revive some of these apps.
EDIT 12-26-b:
Some other potentially useful points I have gathered in my survey of this topic across XDA:
1. This problem happens most often when using the "Disk drive" option in the USB Debugger system app. It also happens after physically returning the sdcard to the phone after removing and inserting it into a PC.
2. Those who have wiped the app data cache also report serious problems.
3. Wiping the dalvic cache while in Recovery mode automatically triggers a rebuild of that cache, which may make apps behave oddly or disappear until the rebuild is complete, which reportedly "takes time"
Personally, I did only #1 myself, and the fast boot removal fix seems to work well for that one.
I cannot confirm the others, but they seem to make sense to me, and I doubt the fast boot removal fix would have any influence on them.
4. There are some signs that apps installed to internal phone storage can behave in the same way. This may mean that the fast boot OFF tweak may prove beneficial to any storage area, since they all come on-line after the OS loads from phone memory.
EXT4ALL (aka Convert2ext4) = final fix for dalvik cache related bugs (?)
Further investigation of the Dalvik cache reveals a significant connection between it and a number of odd and unpleasant behaviours, including Low Disk Space warnings and disappearing apps.
Fortunately, there are some excellent XDA forum threads about dealing with the Dalvik cache.
The best recent place to start seems to be here:
[Q] Incredible running CM7.2 "Low on space" message (launched 2012-12-14)
It is not because of the focus on the Droid Incredible or CyanoModGen in this thread, but the attention paid to the more universal fix "EXT4 4 ALL" aka "EXT4ALL" or "Convert2Ext4". (Thanks to Senior Member cmlusco for his post #9 on the thread that got me started in the right direction!)
Files can be found at these locations: site
DINC.does-it site
One version of this fix ( moves the Dalvik cache from the default, limited 150MB internal partition to the "unlimited" (or at least maximum) 750MB internal partition.
Any phone with a kernal installed that supports ext4 can utilise this fix.
[ I personally use gingertiny (2012-02-13), which has supported ext4 since late 2011]
My own experience has been to flash the "no data limit normal dalvik" zip file using ClockworkMod 5.x Recovery -- this was entirely painless. I just downloaded the file into my phone's downloads folder on the sdcard using a web browser, then ran CM Recovery (with a little assist from ROM Manager), selected "install a zip from sdcard" and navigated to the file. It was all done in 5 minutes. After manually rebooting a second time, everything seems to be working normally after about half a day of regular use.
For those who flash a new or updated ROM sometime in the future, you would need to flash this fix after doing so.
There is plenty of information contained on the main threads of this topic. Links aplenty can be found; just follow the ones provided in the thread I suggest here to get started.
Hopefully, this brings an end to my struggles with my phone's storage issues, and to others of you reading this post and following the links to the threads and downloads.
FYI -- My storage values changed as follows after running the fix:
Total Internal memory: 748MB --> 770MB (22MB increase)
ROM free space: <1MB --> 20MB (close to the value change of total internal memory)
Used internal memory: ~335MB --> 464MB (close to 128MB increase)
Remaining internal memory: ~420MB --> 306MB (close to 128MB decrease)
So, it seems that my ROM was being used to cache app data, which would explain why the value kept declining even though I NEVER added anything to it (using Titanium Backup Pro or anything like it). When free space on my ROM literally ran out, Android OS hit the proverbial panic button and warned me to free 512kb minimum to allow Gmail to download new mail. Now, it has 20MB free (and will hopefully stay that way, since I NEVER intend to transfer anything into the ROM!) -- The internal memory usage jump of 128MB probably indicates the Dalvik cache.
1. Turning off "fast boot" in Android settings helps some, but it does not get to the heart of the issue. It will NOT make a Low Disk Storage warning go away.
2. Once you have a Low Disk Storage warning, you MUST uninstall enough apps to make it go away (keep track of what you take away, because you can reinstall them very soon!)
3. With no LDS warnings showing, flash the "Convert2ext4 no data limit normal dalvik" zip file. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE REAL SOLUTION!
4. Reinstall your recently removed apps, and you should be good to go! :fingers-crossed:
PS>>> One last unresolved issue: I am still unclear exactly WHERE the dalvik-cache ends up, since my Astro file browser cannot locate anything containing the word "cache" that does not now report "EMPTY". There are a large number of "com." folders containing software I have installed found in the /mnt/asec/ folder. The total size of the contents of this folder (362 MB) is within 100MB of the amount of internal memory reported in use. Does that 100MB represent the current size of the Dalvik cache files, or at least include them? If so, where are they located? If anyone can help me figure this bit out, I would be grateful! :fingers-crossed:
Obviously, I'm new to this site, as I imagine most are when they have their first big issue.
Right off the bat, I want to admit that this is solely my fault, and I have been trying to fix it for the past day... To make matters worse, the phone was a gift from my wife for our anniversary, so, I feel pretty bad about it...
The situation:
I rooted my phone yesterday with RazrBlade. I had to do a factory reset to get it to stick, but that was fine. I then installed Boot Menu Manager. I set up the necessary partitions, system_3 system.img (300mb), cache.img (300mb), and data.img (2Gb). I realize I probably should have given system more room... but I didn't think that was app related. I then flashed Liquid-JB-v2.8-OFFICIAL-spyder and gapps-jb-20130301-signed from It didn't tell me the system partition was out of memory, so I assumed (like a fool) that everything was OK...
After a few reboots to the wrong system, namely the stock system, I decided to go into BMM and change the default to system_3, and then I did the dumbest thing possible: I thought to myself, "Wow, it would be a pain to see this bootloader each time my phone reboots. I'll turn the delay to 0!" So... I did...
The Problem:
My phone now boots straight past the recovery to system_3, which seems to have no space allocated for applications at all, including system ones. I attached a picture of the storage details. It goes through the setup process each time I reboot, and wipes any changes I make. I can't download apps, and I can't install them via APK because the phone thinks there is no space left. I don't have BMM installed in this system so I can't turn the delay up, to my knowledge. There is no file explorer on this system, so I can't go into the app files directly. I have tried connecting with "Android Commander" but it doesn't want to detect my device. I installed the ADT bundle for windows to get the usb driver, but still nothing... I also tried a factory reset again, but that does the same thing as rebooting for me now.
The Challange:
To my knowledge, I'm out of options, but I know most of you guys do this to see what you are capable of. I'm sure you've dealt with bigger issues. Can anyone help? Would Verizon techs be smart enough/have the right software to actually reset the phone?
RustyRazr said:
Obviously, I'm new to this site, as I imagine most are when they have their first big issue.
Right off the bat, I want to admit that this is solely my fault, and I have been trying to fix it for the past day... To make matters worse, the phone was a gift from my wife for our anniversary, so, I feel pretty bad about it...
The situation:
I rooted my phone yesterday with RazrBlade. I had to do a factory reset to get it to stick, but that was fine. I then installed Boot Menu Manager. I set up the necessary partitions, system_3 system.img (300mb), cache.img (300mb), and data.img (2Gb). I realize I probably should have given system more room... but I didn't think that was app related. I then flashed Liquid-JB-v2.8-OFFICIAL-spyder and gapps-jb-20130301-signed from It didn't tell me the system partition was out of memory, so I assumed (like a fool) that everything was OK...
After a few reboots to the wrong system, namely the stock system, I decided to go into BMM and change the default to system_3, and then I did the dumbest thing possible: I thought to myself, "Wow, it would be a pain to see this bootloader each time my phone reboots. I'll turn the delay to 0!" So... I did...
The Problem:
My phone now boots straight past the recovery to system_3, which seems to have no space allocated for applications at all, including system ones. I attached a picture of the storage details. It goes through the setup process each time I reboot, and wipes any changes I make. I can't download apps, and I can't install them via APK because the phone thinks there is no space left. I don't have BMM installed in this system so I can't turn the delay up, to my knowledge. There is no file explorer on this system, so I can't go into the app files directly. I have tried connecting with "Android Commander" but it doesn't want to detect my device. I installed the ADT bundle for windows to get the usb driver, but still nothing... I also tried a factory reset again, but that does the same thing as rebooting for me now.
The Challange:
To my knowledge, I'm out of options, but I know most of you guys do this to see what you are capable of. I'm sure you've dealt with bigger issues. Can anyone help? Would Verizon techs be smart enough/have the right software to actually reset the phone?
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I like to see you getting out of that one anyway,have you tried switching default storage? I mean try that I think that way the phone "thinks" your external sd is your internal memory and vice versa that might give you a chance to install BMM or a root explorer and debloat got nothing to loose give it a try man,go to settings/advance and switch default storage,good luck.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
AztekSoul said:
go to settings/advance and switch default storage,good luck.
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Unfortunately, I tried that. The problem was that it requires a reboot, which wiped any settings
HOWEVER, the fix was along that line, it just required me to go into android shell and tell it manually.
I followed these steps to make the phone install to the SD card (internal phone app partition really) by default (because I'm a newb, I can't post links, so just google "how-to-install-android-apps-to-the-sd-card-by-default-move-almost-any-app-to-the-sd-card").
After doing so, I still had a problem downloading BMM from the market, but I think that was due to the market being outdated and troublesome, so I had to find an apk version instead.
I installed it, and restored the boot delay to 30 secs.
I then immediately booted to system_1 to feel safe.
I may try loading the Liquid Smooth rom again once I've fixed the partitions, but I will NEVER turn BMM's boot delay to 0 s EVER again...