[Q] Sms bubble - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I don't know if is i9100 only but....I use to send sms with go sms but everytime i receive a sms appear the notification bubble on standard sms app even if notification on standard app is unchecked....so ther's a way to don't show that bubble notification?

No one can help me ?

up up up up

Turning off notifications on the original app will do the trick.

Thx for the rep. but as i said in the first post, notifications on the standard message app are off! but the bubble notification still appear.
Morover I can't disable the standard message app with titanium backup, just coz "go sms" use the standard app to function


[Q] Problem with SMS unread info on lockscreen

I have problem with unread sms notification (not in "top status bar") bellow big clock on lock screen. I use GO SMS app, but it occur in Chomp SMS, SMS Popup and not in Handcent. When I receive SMS it normal show notification text, I open sms, notification in top status bar dissapear, sms it's read, but when I lock screen there is still info shows one unread sms. It only dissapear when I open stock SMS app. In stock app sms of course is read.
I have turn off notifications in stock SMS app.
How to fix that?
Android 2.2 rooted, but on 2.2.1 problem still happen.
Same here, this is the reason that i have returned to Handcent...A bit resource hog but it integrates in system much better than any other sms app out there.
Same problem here, its really annoying.
I wonder if removing the stock sms app would help, but i'm affraid it would still be the same, but then without any way to get rid of the unread message on the lock screen.
Ben756 said:
Same problem here, its really annoying.
I wonder if removing the stock sms app would help, but i'm affraid it would still be the same, but then without any way to get rid of the unread message on the lock screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you remove the stock sms program you will not be able to send MMS.
If You remove stock sms app, there will be no notifiactions on lock screen.
Zecanilis said:
If you remove the stock sms program you will not be able to send MMS.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I never send any MMS, so that would not be a problem.
But would removing the stock sms application cause other problems, like being unable to send/receive sms's, or perhaps something totally unexpected?
I have removed stock sms app about two months ago, and I don't have any problems - mms work correctly. But You must enable option in important tips in go sms - "Stock app removed".
Install both handcent and go sms... only keep the notifications of go sms.. thts it u dont get any sms notifications on your lockscreen.!!

[Q] Two notifications one text message

I have handcent installed and every time i get a text message i get two notifications one from handcent and another from messages. I dont know why I get one from messaged when I disable notification from my stock text message app can anyone help? here what it looks like
are you sure you unchecked the correct box for notifications on the default messaging app? I'm using handcent without a problem.
HoosierDaddy2442 said:
are you sure you unchecked the correct box for notifications on the default messaging app? I'm using handcent without a problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah, ditto here - had the double notifications, disabled the one in OEM message app, now only one.

[Q] SMS Notifications - Repeat until read?

I'm finding I'm missing loads of text messages & would love it if the phone would alert me repeatedly until I finally notice the sms and read it.
I have dug around the phones menus but with no luck. Not sure if I'm just missing it as I'm new to Android (loving It).
Is their a setting to enable this feature or will I just have to choose a longer/louder sms notification sound.
use handcent SMS, you can set how long the phone should vibrate, and I also recommend NoLED
Sent from my Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk
Thanks, I'll take a look at those.
also SMS Popup, which I prefer to Handcent...
Thanks, gonna have a play around with both and see which i prefer.
You can try SMS!Alert.
Allow you to create custom alerts based on SMS messages, enter a incoming phone number and/or keyword filter, when someone sends a SMS with the keyword filter text or if incoming phone number matches, phone will display sound alert.

[Q] Messaging Apps - QuickReply

Using the quick reply option on any of the popular sms apps (Go, Handcent, Pansi, even SMS Popup) results in the LED continuing to blink. The only way to get it to stop is either open the messaging app or pulldown the notification bar. I have disabled the notifications as well as LED for the stock messaging app. In the sms apps I have selected the "closing popup marks read" options as well. I've read around and I've seen that it seems to be a general problem with the way sense interacts with these apps.
Any ideas?
I have LED turned off for SMS... I use Handcent and a app called SMS Popup.
When I get SMS messages, most of the time, I just close them in the SMS Popup. If I hit Reply and reply, the LED never goes on.
Is there a benefit to having two sms apps that do the same thing?
This Space For Rent...Fax me

Lock screen and sms count

with stock SGS 3 messaging app when I receive sms, on my lockscreen there is an envelope on which I can "click" and unlock directly to messaging app. I find go sms pro better than stock messaging app but with this app I'm missing the envelope on lock screen after receiving sms. Does anybody know how to make envelope on lock screen work with go sms pro?
Typed on my Galaxy S 3 ♡
Seconded. The lockscreen notifications will only work with the stock messaging application. You may be able to cobble something together using WidgetLocker though - it allows similar functionality, but I don't know if they've managed to get it working with GMail yet.
You could disable GoSms' function to suppres the stock SMS notification, but a) you'd get TWO SMS notifications then, and b) clicking that envelope would get you to the stock SMS app, still.
Personally, I am using LockMenu and have one of the unlocking sliders configured to launch GoSms.
That in combination with GoSms' "New SMS popup" works very well for me.
That's a pity. Anyway, thx guys for workarounds!

