Wiimote work? - HTC EVO 3D

Curious if the wiimote works with the evo 3d?
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Won't know until root hits.
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I tested an i-go BT keyboard which uses HID profile and it worked like a charm. Wiimote will work for sure when we have root...

Just for the heck of it. I downloaded a wiimote app and tested it (it didn't mention any need of root so figured I'd give it a shot. It was able to find the wiimote but said could not find route path.
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Can 3vo support Bluetooth controllers?

I would like to use a controller for gaming emulators. Is this possible?
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Based on my attempts with my wii remotes I'm pretty sure there still isn't support for HID in sense
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I figured as much. I will just have to wait for custom roms.
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OnLive is releasing a wireless controller that is supposed to work on almost any device that is network enabled. The main reason is for their service but its supposed to work with other games too.
disdain735 said:
Based on my attempts with my wii remotes I'm pretty sure there still isn't support for HID in sense
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Keyboard HID only right now.

Wifi Direct

How do you use it. I turn it on and attempt to connect from my pc but it always asks for a password?? I don't see anywhere to set this password.
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I think it is a function with no app that yet supports it. Its newer than NFC, I think. Kinda waiting to be tapped into. No apps on the market for it.
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The video.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Well considering the media link hd is
f?? $g beyond useless I'm looking forward to this,.
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Gaming controller

Is it possible to use a gamestop controller or ps3 or any type of gaming controller on the evo without rooting, i ask because i would love to use a controller for some games such as gta3
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Try this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=droidbean.btcontroller
Me personally i use my Wiimote
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I use my ps3 controller no probs
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
U must have root to use the ps3 controller if I'm not mistaken
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DB13 said:
Try this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=droidbean.btcontroller
Me personally i use my Wiimote
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You use that app and your wiimote? I was under the impression the wiimote doesn't work with HTC devices. Am I wrong? I hope I'm wrong!
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ooonimrodooo said:
You use that app and your wiimote? I was under the impression the wiimote doesn't work with HTC devices. Am I wrong? I hope I'm wrong!
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With this phone it works now! It was a great revelation when I tested it and it worked!
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Not sure why, but i cant get this working. ugh
Correct me if im wrong but that app only connects to other android devices through bt not actual controllers
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
To add to the confirmation list: my Wiimote works flawlessly through Bluetooth with this phone.
HTC fixed their bluetooth stack this time around I can't vouch for PS3 controllers (although I should give it a try...) but if they connect to the app through bluetooth like the wiimote, it should also work.
I Co firmed above it works. Use it for any game now
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ooonimrodooo said:
Not sure why, but i cant get this working. ugh
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If you wanna use a Wiimote use this app it works flawlessly
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[Q] Any suggestions for pairing PS3 controller with DNA?

I just purchased the wired version of wired version of the GameKlip to use with my HTC Droid DNA. It's not rooted, but their site said the PS3 controller works through an otg cable, which is included with the gameklip. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get it to work. I've seen conflicting reports with some people saying it works for them, orther say it doesn't.
When i connect the controller to my phone via the cable, my phone gives me a notification that says, "Unable to charge device. Please use the supported charger." On the controller, all 4 "player indicator" lights blink as if it's charging. Supposedly a white cursor box should show up and I should be able to manipulate it with the left analog stick. This does not happen.
Has anyone gotten it to work or have any suggestions for getting it to work?
I have a HTC DNA and just got the GameKlip also. Im having the same problem. Anyone know a solution?
Nope hoping for a custom Rom that supports sixaxis I love my phone but not being able to connect my ps3 controler is such a downer.
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You can try to install DSB's Bluetooth mod from the original android development thread it might help
Na it don't work I've installed it no luck he said he didn't have a controller to test it :'( this is all my phones missing
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rivera_m421 said:
Nope hoping for a custom Rom that supports sixaxis I love my phone but not being able to connect my ps3 controler is such a downer.
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So you can't use sixaxis app with stock rooted rom?? Was just about to root for that reason only, but if it doesn't work, I'll wait.
Sent from my CM10'd Badass Transformer using Tapatalk 2
Good luck the Bluetooth stack on DNA lacks a lot of support.
I have slowly been trying to figure what I need to port in order for it to work but no clear answer yet
Cyanogenmod would work if and only if who ever makes it for are rom has to use blues and a proprierty stack instead of HTC.
Its all in the kernel ask one of the kernel maker's to add this in as it would allow proper sixaxis support and Bluetooth headset too.
If it was only a Bluetooth problem, you'd think it would still work with a hardwire connection like it does on nearly every other Android. Xbox controllers would work too.
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Cm 10.1 rom now supports pairing ps3 controller with six axis app!
Got it working last night!
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Can u explain your steps taken did u need a otg cable
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t1gartist said:
Can u explain your steps taken did u need a otg cable
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He said he paired it so I assume it was over bluetooth. CM uses its own bluetooth implementation(I think) so try it out. CM brought life into this phone, HTC made it a joke honestly.
I have the gameklip with the included otg cable
must be on flyhalfs cm 10.1 Rom
Steps I took
Bring up the sixaxis app
plug in the cables and hit pair
Once that's done unplug the cable
You only have to pair it once
Hit start then the ps button on the controller
Change ime to sixaxis
I have some touch emulation profiles I made for.some games like modern combat 4 and nova 3
Nova 3 would force close on the first level
Modern combat works fine
I switched back to nos m7 Rom tho until.camera.and battery life get fined tuned on cm 10.1
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So it is confirmed that Sixaxis application works with cm10.1?has anyone tried with PAC?
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Georgemandres said:
So it is confirmed that Sixaxis application works with cm10.1?has anyone tried with PAC?
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What is PAC?
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outkast2012 said:
What is PAC?
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Pa+aokp+cm hybrid.
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Nope haven't flashed that rom
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Georgemandres said:
So it is confirmed that Sixaxis application works with cm10.1?has anyone tried with PAC?
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PAC uses CM as the tree so whatever works in CM will work in PAC.
I have tested it on pac and it definitely works.
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Problem with sixaxis compatibility app

Hey all,
Im having some trouble getting this app to work properly and was hoping someone on these forums can help shed some light on this issue.
I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks
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To my knowledge, I don't think the Rezound is compatible with that. HTC uses a custom Bluetooth stack that doesn't play nice with some devices.
I could be wrong, if so, please correct me, and tell me how I can get this working too
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Have you tried Blueput Droid? It isn't as pretty as this one u are showing but it works on my HTC evo...
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Immort4lSinS said:
Have you tried Blueput Droid? It isn't as pretty as this one u are showing but it works on my HTC evo...
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I haven't is this another bluetooth device manager? If it help syncing my ps3 controller then Ill look into it.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
I might have read your post wrong... but I use it as a controller/keyboard. Its way easier connecting my phone via Bluetooth with blueput droid and using my keyboard for quicker messaging. Check it out, hope it works for you.
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I use bluez IME from the play store. Works great with the wiimote on CM10.

